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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 24 Jun 1892, p. 3

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~ua vioeozu wàu~E5, LJkiSA.T, flIDAT, JUXE 24,18 St. PRIDAY, JUNE 24. 1892. a Few of the buihness Rouse lu Landsy. Mr. E. Wifllainon, Lndsa'ppu1ar photorapher, bua boon establilhed 14 ymrs. To the admirer of photograDhilo at i. in à Plesunre to cal aethkm Place and inspeot the fine dipplay of a&l kinde of workrangtog from the large life.siztsd portrait to the ordinazi cabinet. You wilIib. aure b b. plusedif yon have work done hos. J. lioE. Thé Singer M'gCoc. la forunselun bvlag né their reprosentative hors enptleman of th. well known. energy and abilisy of Mr. Home.la hie bande the interne% of the coin. iay has beu wol ook.d aftor, while hua.! dreds af thoas vend fanouo uewlng machina. have boeenplaoed inithe homos of th. people of tbis couaty. At h14 office la a large stock; abca&H kîndo of repaira. MAGWOOD &à(JÂLHOUN. knother cf aur mant auooeaful bueinea s-a. tNieihmeata la the hardware basine aof the aterprlslng Atm aboye named. Meurs. Eg. med & QCaihoun etabliahed about a jear ago. The etocoas whloh bhaiattended Ihel. efforts ha. beu mmnt.aifacoty. To the.îbIto siv.ry possible advantage le offred. The stock il lauge mati comploteaud firet calos i ery flépot. A. VAMPDBLL. Noit vo corne le 1r. A. Oaupbl'o pepu. lar groeery store. Thii. gentleman abei.m ideutlAied wth the gnocry traie cf Lladay for tomne 22 yeare, iljeate for bluseif, andisi oe oit1h. Maitl uuaemsfainl litalias. E. hm. a large y.arly trade. Hi. wtU hn %pright pnlnc±blea haie won for hi& huilaes the entire cnidence of the people. JORNUTON & $1880Y. ThuaU seanargeicfAtm, IebUi un! Mn oqtenaZobuaineas. Th. eceatly w% ont theé *4 known bcd a éhsiceb forerely *dei on b, Bnyomia&à(Ce.. masklng ""ÇoSof t I. Thé tur..1 goodo aet store i. very largo. In ir but mun uad tbqythua pro lie lit.mfeW 0trnaby crfui jtog. Tiey alme do a iholusale businéess, 0. W. BECALL. "Th@ierem a .tablimeal" àl WG)8 tut itizea er Linday, hdcatlngthtè..Àcf ï. G. W. Beul."vwich halda ahig h lihe confidence and approiatlmo f ouv~ e ."' hi. buumswovsfoenndmd 29 0111ugo ,y the fathercof the promeut propielor. The tore contai. a Opl.m*&Uaoak af watchem, clocks, jewolny, book@, sfnm.ry, etc. Ur. sua M». Beali or@eta promet on a trip te th. eld counry. QTR 0 Nename i. botter kmown tla oennetlca wth msrohut aisllenng businomo ,,f Lindsay MhMf thaI ci Cahlo a Co. lr. Catira bua. li a. vantages ai longsud ptacticaI expene a ai ang ben e ab M 26 lo emr. 0f hie aittUu Uaacutter Itil nuuUmcsnY for U te qeaaM i. wonk show fr ltsolf. lu tsgu&da o th stok oared hoehm.th. largesl ainbut in D. SNLAIR. A aoe.ssfulriésaragemufaolurl ma gepinal blakamihiag bus" ntim l an& oqzW ou by r iSîmis . a fri placeva may aq t#tbi bbua ss an osïlthirpiJotatuna a supenlon lins ofTmvl?.M.8al~ always almed st thgi, mad vili egi41 on" coa. o m irugh kho wl Ofo . neom Sonutat ebut èaedman- ma Uset aud mli vork ls guanaats Ul. ikinde et whoeled vohioles are manufatureit vaégoa., buggies, corage%, otc., tan whloh a rmdy mile ia fouci. B. POWLER & C0. A nfreace le Llidaya mollm pheoo graphie suioie mcmaly conduei byl Méera. Fowler & Co. viii occpi a proulmamlt placinl cunrevisv. ,Thifs "linoi# ulisi aud tauorably kueva ton turnmg ont a aupée. Ion lino et vork, amdini.notM it i eg up vili eveny improvmmeal lu lie art. Havjng th. adatagesoetlarite maiupracticalepri- eues Mr. Fovlen i. muter cf lieéai" GEO. A: METHERELL. W. came amexî otahlis cullly 4qippci, books, sttior mu i iamy £cde stonc of Mn. Gse. LA.. M isumi, vWiolueladolntng omuslmg traie. Mr. Moîherehl h.buea ébU@lsiasi anuber Of Yeu§s and la ant 0f oui subslmlia tombrant§. Wi long1«expde o a. caicaaknovhdei e lsbusinuma vioi le myduecitlatlis apable munien la vhlà h le stor e la cadls iedos. îýt0a lange violoasi. lads purcuifa* t IMfrtheiemanuttcluren, lrnporli a'It oaiis mleek. elsmtlqy trimmed hats isa floyer. &o. PumigntrltnesdéiiTt J. R. SHANNON. an eminent îegîee vi long asuc*ue Laotien busness d.enîîng et sPWcM oeestfal expoeni, Mr. Olier bas pro-i Mention ln Our revlev is tli a cailci an bably anivid aias nemi perfection inatlb. by Mr. J. R. Shannon, prepnietan cf the art sth. béaI phetegrapionsofethle day. DODOIZ lisor-tore at 19 Kent §traet. Hls vank shows sery désirable fealure, Xi. hanL n e.ently established and elegant finish, finac buiung, ec. The juuimg ftmhlis lvai tie business la studio le equlppued iti ml lie latemI meetInq vîit nca lb.epublic ha vill applimoce, fine sceacny,eil.. bull Up au extsmici patronage. Oas of A. W. HETTGEB. the excellent teatunes ci liis business in liaI the stook oariela l&Blithe boatllie Neat w. carne oth le eli tockei. markts affori, cmbraolmg all kinis store of Mr. A. W. HeI'iger, wvilci lu ferelgnanma domîmlle liquors. dolng a large ai stemdy traie aud con- A. DORAN. -dueinî a apable mnd oaterprlslag Bin. ispeln otil.graer buines manen. The store is deoîm te hil- Mn Dim bas aevoebis mîl usion es-s IO aney gonds, fancy goode matenials, M,. Dormbu devoelmbi atentioenn-'»auiîsilagae, Wall tlrely o e cliquar depatunens sudi he adisadnidee uaI toe huil sp lage bainsa.H. is otabpapers, etc., and is splendldvsoci buis a à arg bu&uoib.au.ààî esab îti a seleclian ef goodo iu those laue lloeei a reptationa fer bandlimg superlen vhtch affes ery advanlage la Ihe pub- go daaifair and upigil dealing. Aàlnc. In tact the store laeue cf 1h. bout large stmo aI l ths boat bradetof places tb buy auj tiing la liehUes cannid torelgnanamidomestlolilquor arainci. Mr. iin the coualy. Dora. has hut èUp a geaWhoiesalo UH9 ,0 tovus. e A shoin àéort lime ago lMt. Hughaboagil EYBES, GRAHAM &0h . o ut Ibis Wall k mc jowelny mud fanal 00. gois stoe. Ris expoenoce aid mev This enteipl an roci, irticugi 4blugeé of the businoma la building up a fine eatabllshed Mal short lime, lirougi liads. At his store in dispîmysi a fine inornitabl eneurgy and poeeverlm« enler, lino o1 vatohes, clooke, jevelny, spectacles, prise bussucemdmi Item a amali sud fa»c1 geais, musical instrumenté &o. auaprntius beglning, lu devleplag aJOEHMUDR ,volume oet t.ade thallea unrivali dbyJO PHM NDR mmay City storcs ai greahir prelumolons. The vell knova sund populan business Thisl te eaupply store for'the Patrons oi ai Mn. J. Maunder, lumben mai coal mon. Infabinsln, I loosevolt patiani ,by chant. vIl oce2PY a prolmineut Place iM lova con8aus snd ottsus The large aur rovlew. Tien. iii na botter place ni stock of grooses omrii by tIii.fim tie cOonlj for lie Puasae of lumber beimg 0"tunsiovin" at lcasl ou@aàmonli sud building matonial amdi o&sai i boree. le alwmys fresb. Courteous trealmeal mnd Mn. Maunien esîaàblisici about 2 Vears square i.mllag are praminent ammeg lie & ga, a fullne et lumben, lath, shingles, charmotenlsltcs vielibaie led Iote etc., ooal, Wood, lime, %le. sever pipe, marîciicussuecesof tuis Young fir. oie BLACKWE14L à 0. Ib ,bull f« t 0Pur mr At lhé front llieu th uee t oui e à 1 ,n t , d 'trh tava la lieélluge aI 4establishel t sa r&cà besacW5ke b budl;wuof ~~ aBlsjk*i0h0C. Tilb sa oall odiUtmi"I alerllaaim a pge 4 g t<moicàesI me 1 ~.urio.b vals. JE Wl!. MC~ UNIS. Anolier businsswhieh w. disu. l aéréila an e;g Urcntj.ipped bhl, make Isiorable mention et lalishe il Oa ni ens gstre ilc eonitaoled baiinud mioie slm aparlent blhUm a s Ill aie. Mr.Mci. et nu. Jevslt. On bone ls aa jan miétabli d aFusujen aa i chaise stockofet a i nis of bakens' sun-al moAil thé' 1 styles la hali jwd drtes. hula, Onfecllonme aet@. Tic esapaent'a a, ute., on bond. âmuat le orern a utola llpensedibon W. notice aà a sn e ie f uamer vosîs la lasîy parlais, oFsoli latuj quan- sui slrav goTis TleIsone af lie balt lily. ope" at atention lae«ien to servina plailes la buy niotlanin lU elno tu lie Ion" sor meall aItail hourse.eounlj. WARNER h 00. G. V. HARGRBOVE. Ia lie large genensi dry geais sud A vory popalan business 1lac oe Oy, elolhing etblficiiiil ai Moum. Waner I store ot M r. G. V. Hargnovo (torueeily otf ho Co., thé people ofllii.ocmmanlty have 1Harpai. Bra s inoeseosblfid. eu1 &Ui ths mivantageaoffered lu elly bounes.lia a voir mgo, Mr. Hangieehmi blt Belabllshei about 8 yesns go tie ira s tanlrade. Re beugbt onl the have boutla u mmn meseb"usinesRalégoejbusnesftmeahy onduced by çpvu lb. e miCounl.Mr. J. B. Mn.A. Dim.Oboles grocenles smai W er wr va ale sols proprietor il a fain dealia« la vial lie euto.ns oet tifs1 tunefl huilais. mm and bas bai store recilil. expuieaelu lie wviellobusinéess la 10. INGLE. Moutrual amiTonale, wvilsigives hlm umoratndmilaetev muvial ilabulmng. fia stor an. vîAuepraivcutrme ion jawni glial glut aimia i oua lu t 0 et ho. Mn. Imgle. lai SW . A . G O O D W IN . q l ~ l a mg m s a i J ~ l 0 pou a sta quaer ais.tuiy lir. tcofa iastelauf e piace Go4~flMra su eil aqi taîpably The g la a fine asu1nlat 1; ck Ino: tu Oui tain sasa iollwe, osudma iruo e Id atoheqli00o sag pame.aii th pe par t Îi>iI ,Ofaihe laIes W aio bi la ime oteis saie art, î% préentaIfor dong &a i misofi onk ln plung, bienuggei a n a magalficent 111k mateim, bming, al " orontle manu-. béantfer Reaboro laige. 1He recei'volfacture oai&11l kids ef building mall, ordsnsfrea Manitobasmai chier distant mas saosi ei, bhade,, mouldings ho. Pièces. fila store la stackci vilh plotunes, BRTO BR . 1plei ra mes, artgoods, watt papons, Oi an osITeTO iiR. vnaeo Fet.O oaplm h dmfoO 1PHILI? MORGAN.I one ofthle boit equlpp.d sud bast con- F la tis viWpou ldiug alors i. tomai d.id jevslyestablihmnitslu laCentral ; vmrjdsimle un of iia i ainstitluion. Ionlaila. W. reter la lie establishment i etabllsbsioaly about 2 yeau M. Monga Joftige". rs. tllnBics., vdely Md Sus bull up a tre v iliralesoredîl upea L sverably hava tinougicut Ibis muolin is ablitir Iorheolbu a businessai ici njai liethépries. Tis enleprislmg fam yonusa m lgit b. proite poi O55. Thé u a rel ubypiacîl je veinsud 9" ille ebut liaI can bié obtalasimd umisistm IFIdelmil oft1he business P My omte. TbsyZrefa bae stock direct trea tie P KAMLIO ARRIAQE MAux .Mau tacrnMdiimporter, mai handie a PÀTR.lins of gondesea.finseaslMumiu ardm. Ovraartef ai outuiy lulg MoOLUR3 h UNW1N. cf OU Perior MW*ie &U b ubas ltablisbed 1 a nfblrpuk»tOIifor Iis lstl*uisa i We ce assM ure tnrsthat a vWti a8 , 81 Canada&" At Préenct lie dsaand 'ta tifhail Wll eSUabllsim lliibe. - lsien gealeVuie oaau pplijm:e1. *m&d vu ti 5inl Uý ]%W1e 1LWatopnlren n. mlmnl é stpe41, ré,slSle1 avla um evul a 00& - omof aioilgulathe Nl« oit. landua's h5 ailmdives banehum cAil kindi ai vbssWdveoe s»ireama.u-Tins 10* fudlân ieyofimlpuile t imd sud a s»-" Dow acv cerle heing geise, 02 111iii indiOf table Wvil, 1g11Ot Ife S W km.. d1100biUli 09 S hu5ff uraitai &M -6. theOn b V."a e *hIohs, in fiel PNONlW m va M I M, 1 duiéaumb puissis m l e va-k mapWliI ti smet MI MM" teMmolyinse au bu* MW mir d le imTusibut =maiwg . dom &Ut slab ble s mW.roter ta sud t ofga arsbtir ai tii rUw ty tamiGrolîetdo u a the lacet t pallnr s ieinetwic alfll dlspla i stlhntaiblonabeteodi hel la ona lar bor et *mil ineutry Vieils, scira a mlui aaornmia ilaIBLO OIVR The Buit .laovu Da.ia. us-I oncme«»minDr. Fovlen'a Extraet fWlld Stxwbery for smrnecom- plaint and dirnioe. I haie a i in lamy familiy fto a eatfor children sud admte wti the greatusi agfsaio«Lm ma&F3.411 Bo".IM, tIn, *4 vi ou UI on ta Mi rn fir J., cff la Mt fil] fi' b' bo Fi a0 s. ai fi TI Ai sti 81 la: ai Tl 92 hi bi l bi si b ti b b Il 0 @gbly ndeslandSthe business. J. P. RYLEY. Asuocoshand auigrowlmg busines bîichin il py a promlasmat place fa ar îviev la the populan hardwa e tab. bient of Mr. J. P. Ryley. Ian eth )c th. nuoccga a*ndlng lb.e 0rt1o Ir. Byley. -Hé ie suceesor teMr. reztoa vohohcbougit ous ladt Auguat, id mince taklng houot 1i h. bu"*nmabau jai. a suecea. of il. Calhcre andau a .t, olan hardiware store. J. G. EDWÂRDS. Iu tbe hardware suabli-hm ont ci Mr@ G. Eiwards, cui citisc-e and th. POO- ce af tbis metlon bai -al the aivantages fférod ia large olty honses. Mn. Rvdwu au experlînosd, enîonprimg h ardware eérohant. HI. voil fequipped store in Jled vlh evorOvtita%0bhotounld tu a lot clama establishment and aetbins la imiai but Wb*t àla horougbly -roll âble, îunghl t cm xthe leadî'M 'wbolesil1ehaoùc5s e&IBWEATH h n 0g NU FAO. IURIflýG FURRIISBS, 0OCRENT ST. This bqs lmeàa areçoqemil ,Int aqalillton to the lova. TiieBr, vh 10o carry on business la Peterbono, etabllabsi bere lutI Noiember. They f. menufactunlng fuirs sud damlers lu mts and cal», ami gellemins' fumlhine :oda. Thoy manufacturc geais tao odu com ;hb.rav matenlainathe boat ama- ke, ase nocdil and ipair fur gea. rh. storc ione la undîr-tic charge ef Mr. Lrmotrong, and le filled viti a splendid o.k cf hats, caps ani gen. anlhns SPBATT & RILLEN. The enterprulg gicery am, Meagh, ipull aulsa, vinladition ta lii arge nolmil traie do misa a volesal maineu establ"inl 1874. Tis store a.e a lange numben cf appneciative patrons bei In noteid for choies eh groteriém. Me fin make a @pWolallyoet eas and :offees. Thsy buy tlie offée i lhé Rnd bave il rassIed on lie premmes &vn m mchne far lic mare. Tic >usinons ln la a fiounlohag condition. *NEILLS. A boot maasoe establishment vie 18 vante oethle peopl.e »me o theIi cal psible adiantag e Ii s tus nifi- »mtly equlppcd store. The tacIltios Iis busines. hau ton boying, il bing conduit- bd la conneotlon - vili lhe lairgesl resail sho. conneta lanCanada. Meursm. NaIi Brasn.la "vina sleoeaffcitse iery ed- vanlage. The stock fa lie beit Ihe inkes ard . FrIon smar ,v e 0110oe a aiselime of goodi licthefasiman abic colore. BOBEBT OEA MBERO. banc built Up te a flounfmbmig nition by enorgelie and oapablW MOI OIDMaulà th Lindsay Marbie Works. Or. Chant. bon@ thc enterpiing prlpu.letor, bu beau .itmbllshed soe cemoiyenaws. We maie *0 iclttom la sajlpg t b. IM i.. cf 1h Ie gost ani d*M ariýlé o vaèk *ohfiedla oving ta bMs Iborou-u-ui kmov .edge et the busineas, Amrnmg tie stock ho bas now on ad ve nau §moezym mdorne Scotch am Bvede gramlb nonumenté, m"oag ilhiel.4n "à »tda ame gmill, Asmm"a" mmd Uu marbies. T. A. MIDDLETON. à lang eshare oftheb.goersli launne« businesof Lintiqiy ledone b7ou P. lu mi ilont@ isfg raee mon, M T. A. Midileton. Mr. Mddlelmbu been emgageinathe inomaec business for thc lutI ton ycana, viti gratfylnq gucoe, prie to a ia i ms h ASvas gnerchant f ar tlovn. Wuile tepruewai ing a largo aunnben ai the leid4hemo and faisiga Pire Insurance Ce., ho maires a apecisltv et Lite and Aeoideul ineurance, and lle «encrai agent for thi veil knova Ontarlo Matual Lite Auur. suce Co. Bain.. lin Our motta. TisaI every Mau f ainly and theoae. Yon will 5ind ouir tckcomplte and priais riaht. Good stock f milhimery, the very latet. Drs, and mandle making doncini shop, and the verY latest stYleil. Grocry stock complote. «iv un #àa eau. En Z. YEREXU We have purcaa e bbove mille sua nefittod lieni vith nov ana mone improvei cmring an minîg machines frea Our Maripcus m Mdmaore nov au sposition te, tunu eut a botter cimeis ef vark lim sen rdone be eère. We bave iii a long expono ne lcbusinosa ,zîd Re s eh dfpartmenl viii ree.,ive our cant f lrA'tter'obr w. are sure ve cm «lVb Otr oucitomn" satiefaction. Our pnt.3')t 4for M Lxaacturmg viiib. feunmasloy sa sy mliIn the Domnmion. ROLL CARDINO A SPECIALTY. 'W. haie on bond a large and vel assoitedl steck ef 'Wooflen Gooda, Cottonados, Shirtings, etc., etc. Ch.mp in emaige tor wool onrcauh. We wanto ie ppl be wholt- eourtry vith Vinansd vili continue te make k gpoil spd ae. il it obeb p. More t ben 30 différent kimiail&Umade trou pure veci. As vo mintd ta rua the jean round vi vaut o. large quamlly ci oël ton whihve viii psyic igcet cauh prise, 2 cents extra vhea Insded. Cmli m»A seu nsbelons yau oeil. Wool - anted AT OAMBRAY. BY -m àu m d%- i-aà%-9 i elry, Musical rnstrimeiit, anid fanmy goode gener1iiy. Late of the Lindsav Woolou Milis. .&lso agent for the British American Dyeing Go., Mon- mw asve oiac outloui mlil Lind.ay and baie moud teo ambnay, vo vouli bî pioaeed te treal asoc my or ail cf oo li cuaomera wihti hemooL VàW. i guaua.any one viii, maii e a i nisetfgooda, L~ ~5~i Ui Yamr-SingIe and Double, Flanuels, Tweeds, IKnow son rostSleetingis and Blankets, also I]Çn wlsoiBro .Iainsquai -rv Gofl-nnuiçu c ernies, Orockerv. Hard- RelEstate, Inmurance and FinancW AlPgmnlbd $575 wjUbuy two, torey sai $4000 Wil purchae one of the fin. est nuaiencem s a uliWmi, vili lys mces of: l"a r$1700 wil buy li storey brick delgai baitions, eonveniently omil- $1200 will buy either cf two brick iveflinge, 8 and 9 roeas, la Seuti Ward. $650 will buy brick Cottage ia Souti WuaI, ie aiLtu ali tien pust OMM We have for"sale mille rent olibik, brick v»eMe l aidtrame dOIMe lg-ad vact Im lami anSU aof lie lova, eainomindo omten uthle vants oayi my lbg Pur- oiasn. C» mi u uHIM&e eINSUANCEi rsenemealseVeomi et *0@oe"ston3slEr. LienmetesmaiScent ioA a I lv0 Mairwoii.08 Gjbn-Ô ana.". JrU. lise usaetima . cius.als eeasditvil ebnu ea o sa t.l1 Lusya mu ually dlly dbuOlteJ. W. WALLÀM or WALLACE ÀAGO-..imed ot Woolen MMii,aMi W@ R uviii I MaL June lot.1892Z-31-4 HELLEBOREP PAIRIS nuiRwvEN INSECT POWDBR AT EZUZA DOTE*Jf'S. -iq.I p 1- I I i s P h i a I s I. s s il y*5M& T hu t . q»BAY Rabiu-* ne. , laue 08 75Lent l moral MW R ,. City Harniess Shop, Lindsay. i.5l1j~AI CAUU55 *0 is nmi Nm eo. zt.smbem% :k a oz .b4 t e punekaihmrelNm.JANU 100v" hir entur. Me qa ea~a, c eâmeSkov, ecWMy Stock of Haumeau (ollas, Whipu, Trunké and Vafli«e 1009016 thN econd Tundia deAmlbr. N.Jamelu", o lod,Koheaper Mdan piBes teMy wla Baud madle coliare a islul OmâuamLS@04,ne.arU ome onl m sge uuubat fUNeS5d 1 W*lI M li b an Js Bokmiom,¶ne ith thelb.largealt ho rAmmFe &b mba . ove e un ., Jea? ekejierlhaand - IM In VM. N e... mmbelng loem e, .~ naihem ttntutLmes ,mabee . 4 aur ciffl aioe anidonlt mimwUl meOTM an K.or M"» -ua» maseomniWei.L otamIy.lgpremtly dam.me. os nld PUasi ffMe me a aiD. ea** tuaM mihtuem aOrug Hall. Doanes' bleel. H. 0. CWa4 us,.elaw, John Ksflei,, Lg$W hstr ms sigaJAMES LITTLEF. L0.0.ifl ., m m b e. 10y, et 2degII. - IMP boM, *$OMM an thi.l- Cansa anmaor loammu, N. oB, tmes e W- de meste ral ni"I %Wd-* Ne. ., ".N EW GOODSI Mm im mei mou' lu a cmer. a.Ny1N aseoi ai Im& l Thuasdof,0"moith, ln ànt a, Wo". m«Kllthe, . mm Sus, 1;0;%wmu an b eondM"Non. Ud o.u 09" t.Do=@bok hf eJe PETTY9 -The Jeweler foýmA I~.lsmato ~___ls showing New Goods in Wedding Bin.go, 18 k, fuIly guaranteed withk lm* Tulelet min luwooda bloek. ou? OWflstamp. Gold Keepers. Gem and Diamond Rings. Watches. T. IL. &D NeWlacen, eetand camrwg The boat value in gold fflied eaues, with any Amnerican movement ;;;,ULurdy 6 maunday 4.15pfe mi.tie. ee our spocial watch i Silver Serew Bezzel, with United memn mway welom.- C. X, Calhoun, ec States Watch COe movement. W. have ail the numbers in the cele- Ika y. N. . A. lummA .80 IOP.. brated BOSS SPECTÂCLE$. No fancy priçes on our .8pex. Our il e eU M&WMBaud"s 78 Repair Trade ini Watches, Clocke and Jewelry is still the largest ini ela 8«p... A. Neàr een ad mbdg owu I hermuea»alacxriv mmrsme tWl ta e a0% . nf 'S J. PETTYO The Jeweler, BMame ué IWnoiIiier % ""La'VIIII&MNext door to the Daley IHoue. Kent etreet. frea m theo moa$ni dfam u.itSuna 4saI 0'dek.M. O61e4 doi tff me; W.- esLindaY. FebrY 171)i, 1891. WOODVIIJ.N, ONT. »M »IL __________________________ Breeer of purebred Berkshires of .q the finet straiu. Cnmbing Our tiack Âgoin, Younc pige alwaysfe a ie;lt peig=e.Ba al a~elpt for enIo rcefryun tc o._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ But net up to aur boot top@ yet. Itlasa pon way te ailvoîtise ene's business by te. T. e itn. fering te anotier. but you find that quit ini style hors; but vo obal rfrain. Park Lote 8an 4. veut ef Abetru mt, L1nmayq eoalrnln ine soee. WRI he rentaeme.bp fer a ternu of yemx, If ncomur, tBoa mablee nant. 'r tem a, etc., apply te o m D U U Chimi Centable. Port Ngope. .VM for bale or t. Routinl Lart@u. For ." or te rent, Lot Ne. 9, laont Lxtn ooualnag100au.. .1aeee faflplowrgdne For np ar iEul aa y te te propretor en the WN. 3. ALUIN à;=!oede?.o. ApiUloRt, iL-T 4. Propertyfor BMue. Thst w@U ,AUkV&Wlka lerrace Glanelg etret oampsd eiv;Zk ous. r ailzgaynt etia 60Pmry;ae m ita *0properlyon thecorer at Il l" d ni Iid ay oetr ola, em p eeu I au ma m Md, e *lee a "god i me baume Mdi "ale. Terme Uberal.AppIfvte the ,,wner anif day miter lwelve o'clkk.Cocrasof -Llnduy avid GI.nelg wan ez.ta.k LIN-DAY MAR BLE O KI R, CHAMBERS iISupftupgy give oaU ailo !emstay w T abe T"erom WssTop., mIiPeeti . a %=taiogwoka ail aborni - hiekmde. WOBmIU %WeajifMton Camrige 51.. JRIGGS LINDSAY Mrnufaotueuiof ana dernier ini Humu wH . Qods) mua 11). 9. OLIVM m"b. 17, ML-28-tL William Street. 34-tf LIver end-1bowels, UO#»-ft* irne* the Sec retionapPu rlfiea:ltýhhae l3lood end resmove* q0f lm- puritite frorn Il theworst scrofulous Sorse WALLACE & GO@

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