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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 24 Jun 1892, p. 7

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TALMAGE ex 1'I-ROUGM A DWOIA1tOUt luo am5 lui teO. Emilowm Md sveien-The '707 et u; Oi. IaOxLTNx, N. y., ue 18 léi-.* j». Taînuage la e veu Ihé A uo ha ouied frein Newvorkuth@nlb.ôth bât. c Livrerpool, for à preaehing leur inlu Eghmi gsoshaul, Ireismd sud Ssdea. U.t.a. vioitifl Svsdon, lDr Talmago U g.1 Etuib, thoe otg vitrines lb. recepiles Mi dimpoailon et the cargo et brtsdmu& c. boarditleChrisihan Emali relief m.sm W, whlch aalei 1mai vei fotoi8 Poexirm buarg. Proviensatebi. departurs o heicbaed te bia tsnorapber lb. tclovlng farevel sermon, toe rosin by the vast sud violy oatteîred audiences vbem it a insvseoklj privilogeOto adirseabhiongh tho medilumncf th newapapor prou. Neteck hlm tortfrom, i, Timothy, 4, 6:-"The lime cf my de. pature la at baud.,, i)opirtuno 1 Thatlelma word uW Iel îwlce i l mth. Bibie..But itisa ordeofls noed l im e oeurt îeom, sud mme the db.d- etion cf eue course et plesaimg for avioiher. It la uaaod ini ruvigatlon le demoibe the dis- tance I1twoona tvameidiariapaamleg througli tule etr.miilea cfà, unurao. l ima wordî 1îlvuî recemly bhedin iîueld tb my de1,îItturef rcm Amnerlc o le urop@ for s prrachiig tour ta lut until Spt'embor. la Il amblie "ud 10"asimgnifcaul enuethosn tilat împliud ln the tort I eau en ,"Tbm mine of wn depature u inaud.r' Tbrogh tile prîitiii rois. 1 adneaibis @qmirnent my rmde,'q ai1lb.henu l oer, sud vhon Lhey rend it I vili bc muli-ocearu, âd unies. uarntiiiiig luîw happens in my marine ex- tr ience. I ,wil b. ie ne oocuiimi ta preach. ,~u how nîimportaut thé vord departure when appliei bterohaug ofetcontinents aU vien cpîuiei ote .exchauge cf vida, an when itilvuote.-"lThe urne etfrnj de. in ai baud."1 PNaIw, dP.,,,.oImplie. s eariUng piace ,and a place ef désolaton. Wmn Paulloit lhim vonhi, vbat wvashé . aianlgpeint I It vu a tuemofetgriot phyirla ldisireqm Il vau the Tullianum, tb. lover 4ngien of th. Mamerins prison, Rome, Ibaly. Theu top dungeou vas bai enoug,b, làhani u means et ingirm o r etre.mbutl bbrorugh a cpeeing lu tbe top. Tbrengh tbat the pris. suer sm lcvored, ani through ihal amui &Il tbe food sud air sudlghl reeslid. Il vwu a terrible place, thsi ugprduagos,i but the Tuilismutawui the là, ër dnubO sud Ihat wvastmliimar ret.ched, ibe1es ight mund the ouiy air eoming ihroughlet. reaf. sud lbirm ruthIe flair 0 eo pu nn g ion. Thot vms Poulie lai& i C resîdence. 1Winvs a h5lover idunemnl Novembor, '89. It la maie e ofcaio atone. I ,meaued it, aud frem Wvailte vail lb wmmas f«ont.. The hlghid oftâtei roof va. novou futl fromein .floee,, sd tbe levent af the root Ove fot mvon lache& The opeuiug la Lb. roof thncugb vheli Pani wwm loi dovii vasthroet elvide. Tho tluncoon bha tsat cf rock lvi and a hait fiet blgb, ami a &bit ot rock four ted hlgh. It vas there Ihal Paul @peut hielutia daya on .antb, sud it ln thoe Ibsî 1lec hlm novr, lu the leartul durinec ahivering, bine vith lhe coud, valteg for that aid overocoal vhiob ho bai seni for mi to Troa,aud wvbh lhy bati net jet out dovu, notwithtandlsg bh ai vnittlufte lt. If - oile tkilfni ur gesou houli go lit Ihat dungoi cîwhoePaul lion cerated, ven miglîîýIjîindeut viralai. the promplotà Of Paula living ibnougb the rough lau prioiment. In b. firet place ho lu au old man, onuiy tIvye jas hort cf soveeIy. At that very time wbee ho mont noeoathe warmtluand the sunlight and the froah air, bo la %but out frIthe u. Whai ait tho» &armouiraobis asubis.? Whi, ibos. vent go itou vhen hovas fast, hia fuetlin the atocke., Every lime hm înrnod, thb floah on lm ankies mtrted. Wbst at thoio scaru on blm back? You kuev h$ wal wliiet Odve tlmem, esoh lime gSîtS" jhirtyxuino mrokué-one hundred am1 latucy.iivu lrnimee ou tlte back (couan thomi made hy lb. Jevm vith roda etf air voomi, un ll eue cf ibe one huudred amd inq,îy-live atrokes bris gilu the blend. look t I'aulm afinsuMd loci at hlm arma, Wliere il he lb onsebrulues? 1tijàb it viii whenthovas mruggllug bon~ amidil,tthe ,sbivorlng lîmber. o et lb. ab vreck. I sue a gaa ln aPul'$ ado. Whoe dil lit get thbst 1 ibis k heod it it i the.tuggltvih hlghvamnn, -fciho ia banniin péri o obber,aMd ho bad mener et blm oW. Et vas a moeohianWasUelan on apotie, and I îhlnk the bonIt e ommd o tac i ri aAmp H i ne8bagg6 Immhni riais g up, m»d sirQLlgf lD o 1dstifferid1Ilib, and à flhg bacirht White Iair frou s cco ric fohoeai, su ses hirn luAkleg up îbromagblire bel lu tht roof cf the dungeon into the fame.0 hlm exumîauerm, aud hear hlmmyn, 41 .&w Dow reîmuy to e oefored, sud the 1ri.etf M dopartire lai ab baud." Thon tb. litbig out et thn duogecu sud ibey tart, $1 hlm te the plae 2ex zoubtion. The Il! "'Hurr7 &long, oh usen, or jou will fuit 1181 t of a -.aes Hurry aien." "X. tir li; ," as a Ps, '"vo have tO Iravel? 'Thrée inue." Thne. mils la a good>va for an aid mai le btravel aier hbehbbo *hipp0(1and cripplei wfth maireairne zut tiitey sonn gt tw the place et executk Mmdju aivl-,and ho [a faired b il t %1ila(mar myrom. It doué eut taie mg' atueugth to tie hlm fast. Ho mnakos ne re :iatmcce. 0 Paul, wby flot nov tiike.t your lite? Yen h ave a greut uau o bome. Wlîlm thît withered ban u a smW lb. thuiiler-bolt of the ople upon lbS intumnouumsmodiera. No 1?&i u aanotsgein lato irtoe viîh him ove ceronatlea. B vas te glad o. . sihlm lookingiq lnth u tb ofao tbis, exocatiemer, aud, sI gnînu ffolidrasmbis mu mn, Pml ml &&YI, "I &Mn nov rsAdy te b. ofood Ime of my dpmiîtur làai baud. IL p u t y h i d o e r m y yge , I w u t l iiiobOm suriPaMI d"agep .b . thé m Sud Pal dodise vilI the liag. . a.i.(mélUe..fue L 1 mi llst Oh. mulerme-oh 0 n it t il k. 1 b ai4 wm ,deheou à U OU0W. lflmimi a" y takes ut am »b ham i m se * M ' m he band A m Z 7O " l W « v -4ii ' gto c cm vëMý a~Uu r ivil Who aml ;.i Edq4t. lathe autio c et ib9tat biesMmmdoeuntry, te if, I Ihob.no botter thau through boly vi- ho- city crying, "Tho Urne of ml daiparture in '0.-emtiiflj4p ;the mâuîTtred at band 1 fini à cftha s n igdown te nu 1 reinark, asilu, e nght tw bave ibm to ibis von al y 1heo.iLwt 91 @t is 8Z jo oetrau e tot, because, leavlng thiu world sure-mestodme ho wu and"l pow ed moy n the but moiey of theouni marbés o nadr a oof dorsd, vrso.Yona armeft rovd of people la vih rneto.f-pe.l, lanolg.c m e morneret, and yon ay, "Who ia pamalng whby rnc~màovy vaswukept whlrltng'day bliaire? What genoral, vhat pi::uo i. gong mdnili wthmotbevliehing mg- à thoref'" ouIeea ~thînu m cet; bis borns .standing nlatla ci heaven. I may, "Who la tue toijua cf ai odgSod, snd the groud èaround his poil- thît admiration? Who là the contre of &e sceted ab night by ias victime, vho lied1 that glittcring coompany V' It ia Joan., thé been bubed vith bar snd pitoh and 1h.* champion cf ailedu, th. favorite cf &Il uti on ie tei illumgh th. darkem. Thai aMu.Do 701 knov vbai la the mant que. Wum Paul'$ -king. icit tho Doit moment ho lion the seul wiii aak vhon it corno. îhrcugh go. into the roalm etf Himi whoue reigu in the gate of hoavou?1 I think thc firet quesi- love, and vhome oqurts arc paved wlth love, tion wiii ho, "Where la Jeaus, the 8aviour aud whoee ihrone linmut on pilUara of love, that pardened my sin ; tit carried my and vhooe meeptro la adurned vith Jeflsa i sorrowm; that fought my b&attles ; that won of love, sndwhom " p lacelilghted viih Imy victorinsV?" radiant One 1 hov I love, and whoue lifiilme la an eteriy of would 1ke te zoo The. 1 Thou of the man- love. Wheu Paul aslesvlng gom Ronu ger, but vithout ita humiliaion; Thou of tisi aide the pillar otfnaryrdom te gain ao the Crama, but wiîhonî is pangm; Thou of> much on the other aide, do yon wonder eti the grave, but witheut ita tiarknos. the cheerful valodictory of the toit, "The The Bible intimatos tha ivewe iii taik lime of my deverture le at band f?"11vith Jea ui heaven jumi a.sa brother taiku Naw wh caaciailtb.aidpt.ple have . ith a bratiier. Nov, vhaL iiye a the smre h o!y glou as that ago( man lid hirn iret 1 1 do net know. I cou think Charles I., *bon ho vaa ocmbisng hi& bmad, whaî I vouid agit Paul tirât if I1m«w hlm in touaâd a gray hait adho ont it 1to hbeavon. I îhink I wculd like to hear him quee u a s giatee ;but old agela reaily deacribe th.emîcrin that came upon tbe hip ne Joke aalLier1. e isalt I@iy 7marS jou vbeu thon. worm ive blini nd s eay-t have bean dresimi thaI vhich ought te five maoia on tho vogol, Paul being 1h, nly bave beon au exiiaratlcn. You sayu man un board cool eough 10 doacribe the mont four the siroggle ai the mxomnt the trm. Thore im a fascintian about s ahip mellsud body paut But millions have o-su-adlb.he s that I noyer &hall g et over, durai that momeont, and rnay nai vwe mas id I think I wonid liko bo heur hlm talk * ellu1They gel ihrough vithit h.and me &bout thai tiret. Bnt whou I meet my eau vO. Beelie. ihlm, aIl medical monLord Jum Chrli, ofet shail I tiraI de- *p ainm la ini that îlot. la prabably ne Il lit te hoar hlm apea ! Nov I think etrngglo a% 1h. lutmo nmen-uot gomruoh wat It i. I all-ltirât want tW heur the pain sth. priok of apin, theaeernilag aigu. tragcdy of hie luat heur.; and thon Luken et disirema bing shiogothor invl%àUrary oocunt of the crucifixion, and Msrk'a la. But jeu a, 'Il#la the unc.rlalnty etftheceunI of the crucifliin, and Jahn's accaunt futurs."'Nov, child cf Qed do nt 1 o~ f, the crucifixion viii be nothing, whiie the imfidel. Aller Qed heI. h . ij bis fotic h. living lhps cf Christ they &hall MIil eau hoid ne more atori.et of1h. good bh. bld cf'1h., glôom tbat foll,and tbe dovils ihingm ahos, boiter net tallit about ianoer- that arome, and ihe tact liaI upemi his e- ialuiem Ideranc e dpondei the remcuo of a race ; and ILt ogye 5, 11 ciannel boar t Ik 01et horg, va. darknmm in the .aky, snd there i~~u rombwu " fjoisi ba4rànmm in tbe oul, sud the pain bu- olyuhave more friands in Heavea carne more sharp, and the burdens became tI f Ihumbe Jui taie th. cousus. Take more heavy, until the rnob h.gâu tu mim "é W90~lag heet et papev sud hegin te avay tram the dying vision of Chriisuad Frecord the names of nhos vho have omi- thé ounmlng cf ihe mob caine te Hi. Oar graici te theoether shor.; 1h. companions mare taintly, and Hlm hande were faaîenod et jour mhool daMyjoui early buineas te 1h. horizontal place of the Crame, ani asuoistes, th. trieuda cf midlte, and thome Hi.taous ver. ftsiesite the perpondicuisi w bc more rooently vent avay. Can il bo piece of the Ores., sud Him head tell for. 4 ihat tbcy have been gene me long yen de yard lnuaswmyon as Hc uttored lt.e1lui 10 not cane amy more ab-out thomin id yen do moan, snd cried, "hla infinished t"Il' M nol vaut their »Motyei1 Oh, ne. Thoe heavon vill stop te lbâton unili the atery la in bave been daj. vhoa jon have tait that dons, and every barp viii h. put dovu, jeu couid net endure anothor moment sud every lip eosed, sud ail eyem frxed upon awsay froin t.hir bl4m"ed ompsuionahlp. the divine narrater until the atory la don.; They hbave gose.. Yen ay jeu vould net and then, ait th. Iap oet'1ho biton, the .1er- 10 01.t bring thern back te this vorld cf nul archetra wili rouae up ; inger on strng k trouble aven if j0« bad the paver. It of harp, and lips ta the moutb of Irumpet, wovuid net doe le huât yen. led volld ihore saalrail farth oratoriao t tl.Meou- *net gîvo jeu résurrection pow."r. Beore iah, "Worihy in the Lamb thab v asie, 19 t-morrcw moralng jeu vould h. rattling tb recoive blessing, sud riches and honor, S at the gate cf the emeny, crying Le the sd glory *and paver, vorld vîthont end 1" iP dopartod, "'Corne back tw the cradie whore Wu hat ho endu-od, oh. vhan tel it jeu lopt 1 Corne baok to the hall whero Ta ave aur oula tram de ath and lien 5ri o se nmo pay 1 Qome back to the table Wben there waa beveen Paul and that vh.ro Ion umiw to t" and there wouid ho niagnificent, Permonage onily the Ihinnoma w a get burglsry lanhoavon. No, no. (loi cf the saip edge ef Lb. avord cf the ex- , vfl~ not trumtIyounvibh reurrectian pover;- ecutioner, da you wonder thit ho wanted 14j but He comproumes tbe mater, and aya, t g o?1 O, my Lord Jomus, lot one. vv *I "Yen eau ol, brin g ihem wvbem ou are, cf tatil*ory rail over us 1 Hark 1 1 hear ýdI but yoecin go vhere they aro.' They the vodding-belia of heuven ringing nov. à are more lovly nov ibsu eaver. Wr. The marriageofaIthbmLambha. corne, sud e ihoy beatitul hme, 1h07 are more boi the bride bath made herseif ready. And ri fui Ihere. nov ton a litle m hile good-bymI h-ava .4 Boeîdt lai, it la more bealihy there nmrorbid feeling. aâbout tb.efuure. But lé for yen Ibm bhors, aged min; botier if auyting ahould bappen thît vo nover ià limat. lberc thon thmg. bot ummore and mmcl again in this world, let unameut lé coli vicIera sud laboie prnga;botter hein. vborc libre are no prtinga. Our fiend- 1* lug; botter .ye..ighi ; mare tonla in the hipm have been de ightfni on eîrth, but le air; mare parfumé le thm bloom ; more they ili h. more dohightfulinruheaVen. mvooutnumnla mcg. Do jeu net feol, aloi IÂnd nov I commendI yon te (ldad e Man, ometîmes, as theugh ~N ou tld liko Word cf Hlm graom, wvih ob luiebo tabuild -ogi oun arm and foot Itou?!IDo yenounup, snd give u. an inheritance smong ai1 notte11a though yen would like te îhnev the. ibsatmr macifled. d vay spectacles and canon sud crutohe.? L Wouid you not Uhe te fui the pring sud UiahIng ajo l anctysd rnlrit af opternal -Icyhoed?1 et hsiete ee itmln 19 Wbea tb. point at vbieh jou taritfron t e noonday ana la varmly lxmug 1 RhIvS& aciagsdth cn noms sud neck ame turkey red, M Hoc e oi t»Ijvnnec, n vatches clame 1h. bcbblng cork '0 mam, clap jour bandsaaithe autiaipsiieon, Advance upon th.elin% bihiava: an su ay,in po rfeugt rapture cf eoul, "Tho A jek, a avlmb, sud hghbove t irne 0 My depa!lurotemabbaud." roaisucmukerin lHcvlowm. y Ire mark aàï mil tlrose ough te foui Thal fiahing. * hi Ib-joy cf the texl vbo havea abol àfafr mald tripethe tens court, oourioity bockmqv vh.t la beon tht. ÀAdoenejoyai dm r mb1ing, e.utilyte ans, And who his ccl auj Eaublaokm.odyelow lisser buras ~ our4omut .l , Paul, I uppeme, bl A hole rlght tbroib b. ftmet'sm glovlug. lb. re~ mîimtatorjvimv t beven, ud 8. dive. thobalilamcm.thre net. jeIk ouutaliu, sndcIla lke sàîiee al@ lÇ la- «-- W---" -pdai pooaie; u HaoiY t. ha ie sud i nxlie.é tihl pmoceion9ailM The phrase, "Robblng Peter to paj of aie. Inellj vomI le okaovs ater t*Paul," la ppedte bave origiuuatedina M body late.nrreoted, vhal îhey vear Mdaiuldeni Whfc currei in Landeo n duda Il vbaî hey esl; sud I have an immeamurabi@e lb lltsOth euIurj. About the yoai M eunle.ly to kmcv vhat ft là, ami hew îîta154 Ib te Abbey cf I81. Poter ln Womiizn: tà sud vhuo itI l.Coelumbus rlmk ed u ier wuas evawto bthe dlgity et à cathe. P, t Lu ib~ onlleul shahi ve shuddeidl, iton joan lator vas again loini * ta toge euoousvejand etdlaooer? bbof eLon"ùOand ie proPet = to ll recel&,voageo sudmoe rlUlauapprepria"si b par the siona.. cf omi 1 e'u e.ntyJon rn l nasibi 1Me ecmsrepah. te the Cibedral of Ut R$ ad s pumago belveeathb. ooborgm, amit p5m- w a% oidetsi tal bde oueir M àW lyidOad to ida passage to eterasi Md humi th..i.e ter Wm hit bu er it smmrr? Muon lasvitorlaad IrêVel up 8i.ooeoine be a os M*4li belgbia et tbe matierbhoru viOl' pe.-Fvou______ ho stock, sud guides, and iookoîm, aud rqMLmat.mSEertig MI snd Sitiag hal-vsy up, ut uubimsud yuisiofs Sdova la a horilelomassace. Tb.j1JouI Il eva Oue Mi goenvs -vint, y syhaLbboOl.L 01.P t wu . éab s edma.lota of vork," sud f them@egEpois. And abolli vs krW gob w u »;but o86W vatcblng hber IR11amm * Oh fr sasesusetbem *"hboaWhoh àtaibd» th a .ol imIo@mied âonemoelb a. hmmd4 mle. bumd=mvlAt e i MlIePOOgh- - ovedmreloy ul pokaet Oe *mu l * cmsl'~~l*p mur a tblevi 6Te Pr~vutaapolw* *tM *Wsrlmm uStI aly duag Ipd>urUn lert S YUNEIL 1 downWb.ndeI vnie. 'à ~ APrmpt Bettement My moulb Md stlompei to teshe, lea nable te endure têt. prêts re lner-u Oqatna, the iftdi laé..my bhva lu tb. voter rumbo inl sd IecesiMy g:vaa bunul by a rlasnaihngle hm a rnonîb. Iwvasiaon 04m dteoOPMn bum on msud t faim. on lb. it.!Imorcvîtor nieed Twfmiu 2t14t, M my ivufhrmauon content, vuaa-. it orc w tee uted tO mm aimostion, sud to-day, thre horJivbe bnglal aJvi s, v .Cernai) has a ecroque for tbm roschi -te suracecftîhe valet about 50 i ulfmylth"kufIL Illa bi= tetf roim iho 6shrt U 4ud100 feUL .frolu vbe ' w W"lIe farnemaof thre metemoat, and lb. I baijumped l. Near byvwa a mboat ,opas thlb.Inaurance oompanj ay-i ou whimmh ateci s Man vithi a long poie with InMy aims. Farmerm vill promoe, roir au iran bock ounithe end. It teck a ek s 1ovninsoumbs ly enirutng tbeir lansuc secndi lau- Ibose Ibiegqan sd, in tact, buabln osm1Mn. ConmiL I bad just ime te gel uuO brenîli wben I JAMES MITCHHUL. sgalu ae lr pM*an 1 saainsnk wltb My mentir cp»D. MY Puti t h--LPV'4.lm. cbild. '£bepictnne of iy faLher aud iLUOTIO8EIOTCXAT motber tcod eut lu houd relief. I reichei ont my baud ta iem.. The roaring et the vaten acnndod like tbe uveeteat af muaic. Suddenly I mmv liglî i bndtogbt 1 vasinl Paradime. A large greeu field covered wilir rosesansd other fLavera, vboao fragrance I canld mmli, camo la vîew. I toit as if I vas bil) blorneunp b yBsale wiugedMes.- songer wIton 1 could ucet ueo, but whome pronence I conhi bouL *11 remembonedu oling more unîil I ioit DA.IT FOR ROCHSTER a rongh jerk. My reaouer bai uccoeced ln utatuins tbm boatheckl n iy oaîiig. IEagamflot New Steamer As My bodvyvas beiug puhled tram oni t thm valer lite pioture cirse d ; insîewrl etof Paradi8e, Lb. &ce ilu vch tIeo mvii N ORT n. ]KING dle with saIl ie fires, aud avarng vitb hideoum, igi-dresami creutureasudoi Eqhnulur MONDAT, APRIL U8TH, wili luve Co- ether thingas premeted Ibemselvea ini my bourg aiSsm. and Port Hope it 10.80 am. n miud. oniy te again quiekl disappear mni suivit ci GaT a. Train, tram North,, Emi aj*eml leave me in dsrigu.ma. Wkeu I came î BWiURiIIN-Lesvem Chmnitutt6sSi o6 >..,ex. I ep Tueudai'st 9.40 p.m., sud Saturday as 4.15 pm. vwu surpriseci tle ain I bai beenunucon mi-co-uronai Rochester wtth ian' traie. for a& Ualt ous. Every mauleiu my body paiuod mo, om New Yank Cm" ad âmcdai dlvM in bo. but my braie vws penlsotiy clear. Dia vu- SI Ertofndj oeîbomne« ouanday mcd vetuu- dayr Noip fur Rochiester, and Wen.day Maus- 1 in atr h firit tages are ast lu pleas- iffl ëd haSarday Evenlng tram lacheutor. mut. -8t. Louis Republie. TEEOUGH TICKET AND BâA0E ICEONS Tire Seves tile& oet hm World. bom Artscm uborna Mose KING ilaceecf lire lurgeât, mtutu The moyen Bible ofthleenrd are tb.unmc mntpoweftel steaumrs authe Jskm Ughted Koran cf ihm Mohaminedans, the Tri- bicr ootat lty mdmde- thraugbaout. Pitikem cf th. Baidiita, the Five Luge G. 11. NICHOLSON cf tbe Chines., lb. Thie. Vedascile GIDDLET . PMu. a"?ILd Hindou,, tb. Zendaveata oet he Penaxana, Gemr a mrue« so tb. Eddsao e boScidinaviana anditLb. --amit P. 0. 1ALOR. AMn. IBible cf lb. Obrislimna. The Edda. la the mont roceni sud cswrct roallv o le d" sAsM E HE E U Imon. thona semmi-asoni vork. Il vau givn t Je verli agme lime during toGhe E H ER L ' f 6nrtâh century cf oui oia. l h lc ostyu Tire Koran la thm amuI mont anciont, dm1- al.pcebglyu ing from boul Ibmhe enib century, AD. T 1 Itl a oseeo f subliim lhoughta tront vvg.i, - both 1h. e l suad new' testaments, vilh VOId Wapell Irequeut, lmosî litoral, 9uotationa trouns ov Patterne arrivlug dally from Engili, lb. Talmud. The Bnddbimi'm Tri-Pitikea Osuadiman d Amerla mauketo. vorm ccmpce. inlthebsixîh century bier. Christ. ls Ioachingsanarcpure ani aub- lime; itm aspiration lofty1 and extremi. ,coiing Papers, Corners, and The von "Ikiug," a. uaed in canneotian Do@rsti@ii. witb the saared vork oet he Chine»,, amp- Prions sud Style tamsuicusomera. iy muasa 'veb of cictb.' Prom Ibis it in preaumed thai theyvor. onoiginuIy vnitten P o t.a B i p ou fine reilia et lotb. p on ôesa io .u . Tho Vedaa are the moat aient vonka in No trouible t evowgaoem Remember 1 have the iuuage et tb. Hiudouc, but tbey do lb. mtut linos ci EXPfflSS WAGONqS ln net, according be the best commeutanies, Lindsay. aute-date the tlft l ontnry hetore tire opeuiug et tho Christian er&. The Zonda- Ceand sudacthe (Jbeap Exproma Wagons. iveat& of the Peris scentaine tho mayinqs Aima groaleal ln tevufor Spcrtlng et Zoreaitcr, wi vmI-ed mand wuîîkcd irthe Gonds, otc, 1lvetlh century B. C. -Chicaga HeacL Bae als Cr utSeLly i _Auid Lang Urne. B e als CoetSetc.Lal > It ingetir 1ev la evory beauom Siks ec We beau il eacb aud afl- A mof t tires vire aewerod net Do't fongot 1h. se. Wall Papsu ai Hoveven ve May cail." They t.hrcug tire lloe tirhe breasa, G. A. METHERELL' S W. ms esi .e t ofYm"" The klud, tb. brave, Sire truo. the sweei, Kent St., oppoello PomntO00ic, Llndsay Whro valhk itir us ne More., yl18 is 'TIs bard te o tre hurden up Wiren 1h... bave laid Il davu. >1Thîy bighteued al tire Joy cf lite, mhy ottened eveuy fhave. YOUR FACE But oh,'tisgod tthik oftbOm T reke% =i Whun we are troublcdmsoem PlapleuBlack Speoa. Dk>î Thauks Ibu to Qed lIat ucir bave been, o@éffqcain be reofovlft * Altirougir thoy b. ne more. mS yavpplying More hornelîke mosme ievami unkuovu Since Ihey have entermcl trm. Tan &l*reokle Lodlm To folow tie re n nunt me bard, Date, Sure and Emmleml. Wbatevcr they May tare. "lo 2r. suc t:w oi-il Tirey canusai e ho ere (led la mt, SeM by màl >tnulsa. Oun Mydâne or mre. ~ ' i U Wiarst oide., tby love abidea .s m~IF L . -Minxis e . 515v, la Cllnion Roglater. -A Outl Cottage. GANNINGOO TheKend cottae u ondan aI Avaa skelu a fid.i weummt o! Bok.0 avmwglommi7om III Iind ai s 'f mob as smnoin f lire ~L u rl tire- iy. The land coul m17v, mentsu pon Il p0,O0 0mere, vhiieleh boum., umfurnimhedm, ne praeutsauan utlay et md by a pni atepant, m in tlhLeîparler shooetire. vihi b. 100 imc.dedt ith pa, lb. vhoie boum cotaliug 6. The heu.. la 150 etlolng. sud conta-ina mmvai1-two reoma. On@ hired qs ixîy verkmes are emklye in ee ~getlurg the gorgeons allmmul rmif tcxia u mier occupant&. amrly mey day. »I vas chlllny, h. idaiW'1 d W à bela oako IbalL:lmpreiaei - id vesOh ida eaumiauilbhe vtibtadWmammatubejoni the break- vataraon hot Augoutdaby..And v. nea. h»ofet ny «w lan lu lsing -onlb.' beahu u te a bbisp ilu LààM oelr yUl wlml vu Jultisu Bali. like hoeo vaîtr ai uelapsslmo u ahm ai m inla »u"e il uute so a1 adme, nue Mri-A evminuta. MdO" e.sascaa , Uin » eR 70 bithe oOff MiêPpeéiOsof le uurn. lmv boasdeii l I y l0l"S- b" d:imgMObten18Te»ea .-u- sw 1stl ths 4M ueThé Tiai mai levar Imm @t e., - - Iuuirmemt4Nato ide &varvar Alloue, UIbmu u i uy Geeda e v"rdm. lj4esdi 1T ;99%TUn &MueV p as.. - M 163L~ .s~ 14. Tomlo -901MS. MaO1P. 8P. '? poty o .1040 a&m tu Pin. Ai nsobwm ...8lSTpr. 4J16 y." iLtM. AU 005ev. I& L.. 5.4 iu.r. U. Milau O " Eemtme..LMe P. LiUs . Eu&-emnypcla luwJ il miw diu mot ume go T]900. 0. MÂTOEWr9t, Fe owalrv mUtaLmia Lm SUAND TRUNK RIWY »M m.. vuoi kam e fviasoniImm vie.a fva la latBop%, hmi Q~U ud s. Ai mninvited fo GmDWfhpAY Mofiluiuoy, Dn.m md Umatie .akng. Ni. u~.a vMi. 11cm l»b. o .thut Me bu rmc.vm a gmmd valI. of. Summr XlIImryIreXua&rwà ad eiTre, ma Ndi u o IIYkpard to vaton bu »uM«- m am te akh m b.r ,olal UmuI&sVI9ii hmo gAvest. l.Pe4o im iatyles la m M RWXO-(»ftWUM à '.eDrY OoodmStore, Dohemy Elo., etdn LSa. llbotàam'a m uStore. fi so the following makes of PIANOS& ORGANS Bell Organ and Piano CJo. Steinway & Sons Piano (Co. Berlin Piano and Organ Co., Weber Piano Co., N.Y. D. W. Karn & CJo., Chickering Piano-(Jo. Gerbard, Heintuman & Co. LL ifmaon & Hamlin Estey Organ aud Piano Co. Smith American Organ Co. Âny other make supplied to order. The above mû.. of Organ. and Piano. ave acimittea by onoloica Jucdgem and aul intelligent sud dimtinteromted people #o b. lb. bout make. in the known wvend. And I amn sellinq lbem ait1..,t 25 per cent. lton ihau any other dealer in VIctoria Conoty. Offia-up et*& a nezdoor t.e11.11'. Boot aud Sho. tore.-68-ly. T -HE IN CON-NECTION WITH IRE EN CYCIOP&DIA :BIEZIZAŽlT> NTCA IREIVISED AND AMENDE]?. hos~ IT IG TOUR YAULT titItlb.boy doesulundersland-lb. mesng of lb. vord he hms eSnsoierel, or kuowu uoîhing cf itemmahb babon reading about Yen eem auncyed bossua.bo boa mteruptci you vbile pououue r iealg lb. paper. Domê not paut cf thre aunoyamie arisu trou tbm lsd that yen don'# kucv yourei ? Tho vbole trouble for botb yen sud th. boy vould b. obviatadif l ju on>y bad sa geai Ea.yolopeiiila th. homme. Ton oaut afford IL. Re ou env nunceentnsud jeu viiimoe Ihat yen osu, b. yen over me peor. THE ENCYCLOPERDIA BRUTTANICA Revifued and Amenledl, Io the mont somploe.and liveovuied libravy of enlertinlug mini utere.tling literalure everIae Imm" em lb.hepresa. on v':iandladometkb8 s tirsot andi mtoresé jeu on eO" page- if Tye n fo tnd of blatery, il oultai.,thlb. meut collecton of bietbrieu lu thé voild, embrsoing every nation et anoloul sud modemun imes. Are jeu inter- ogepla lusi toThe EnoyolopSdis BitalcaBovieod sud Amended vilU oilju, in lu, uuiew Imbe EnglUm, a&U about aay oeuce.yon May viair t. itdjr. Ar. yeu eulonaabout mehoal inventions? Âgmln thre Enclopiedls lra uy*dte jour baud; a momenl'a u nng oe t.page.brlngs lb. proper bading te Trour e"e, sud there belon yen lies a comploeoasd exbaustive accenu te cntire aubjoot. In sorot, vh.tbei jeu vont amnemenl fer su idlo heur, oiti neu lon for moro @eri- esmmenti, or qui*k Information about eny malter »as wvici re in adoubt, ven bave th. menous ibous books et gralilying jour demire. THE WORK IS ILLUSTRATB-D Des "uM Ib<uffld pale are ffi vî wtirfine ipinra, aMdi t contains o0" 8,600,0» verde. Ilatiormailn compiladinlu Iis "Cycopudia" reproenmts théocanotai voik et 1000 ci lb. ablemt vitora et the nuluet ouientury. AUl othior "Oyobopadas"> are hem Sve telwv emoaab.blud lb. date of tlblue oft iia grand vork, vblch vas comploted lu 1890. HOW YOU, MAY PAY FOR THE BOOKS - W. offer to deliver to yuz addreus a comploe set of THE EN(3Y- MJOENDIA BRI;rrABIC, reviaed and amended. together. with MU VICTOBIÂ WÂRDER, for one year, at the followung pnies:- Encycodà bS i nud u loth sud Paper, for one year 826.00, pay- able asf $oa 2.00 en delivery of the firet five volumes, and $2.00 pet month fer one year. EGydoOpueia bouad in PU Sheep and Paper, for on. year $81.20, Vmable m fdlowc M1*Oau dolhvery of the. firet five volumes, sud In = ouIl5b" laàHit Seul Morocco aud Paper, for one year 0" 0 . a6fiM $2m .60 en deIivery of thé first fi,. volumes. maOCPer moath fS 0» Meeri. WheroTUU &MoUnt- la Paid atf Once. Wheoe the faU ams=4 a- 'id at une of d.livery su allowane ln ~d-4be Goïketh m L bo 5 inotuSd aOf 30.00; the PaiLiLbrary il « __M àg$10asue at 3slIerocco for of

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