]lori» Sho.ing &a 3obbing ProimPtlY aO to. 01,. mtua ll DOUGÂLL SINCLAiR WÂGO~SLEIGHS, BUG- I m feru..d CtTTTERS, 50 ~ ~ ~ b bu s lvli ~ d(me Ituhe put..'ou ai shm The Market. Linday. r~. 8Per Ânnum Lu Âdvmeaie .50. a Copy. LINf5~ê~ ONI~~PRIÂT, UI~ 1.1892. Vol. XXXVI.-Whole No. 1841 Pul lng Open the Flood Gates . ol Trade. An Inundation that Sweeps away Compettion, Ebvery Atom .An authùrity on Advertîlsing sayst; "It's a great thîng ,to put the rîght sort of- talk into your ltigAvr tisement and its a greater thing to have the right, sort ot clothing to back it up with Have 'The Stock. The ]Riglit Kind of Goode The Beet Kiund of Prîces. The Abilîty to Se1Il What 18 the Rîg'ht Sort ot Clothing? Not Clothing out with a oarving lknife. sewed with a darning needie and pressed with a piece of red bot gsppmTergi kind of Clothil2g is such as is made from selected Goods, eut by the most skilled men, in modern style, and aeucne h scrutiny of a man who knows if it is not right he must pay the piper. Goughs buy ail their stock under agaateadslii under another. They are willing to guarantee every garment that leaves tiheir sbop, Gough's have the capital, the experielOe, lthe suap and pusl tio hustie. Their Lindsay store is orammed wt h rea.dy-maade coiang foirail. Corne and buy. LTNDSÂY9 ORILLIÂ, BJRANTFORD BELLEVILLEI PETE1RBOROs TORONTO C3Oc)YGC3EIRWOTErilEI IR.0s, THE WONDEBF'UL CHEAP MENS RlITOHIE'8 OLD STAND, KENT ST.,, LINDSAY. 00MB ON, 00MB ON -TO- E. WOODS'Stovo Eniporluin Where yon oeabuv goods igu i @beL ouk.A inds af HOUSE FUBSIBINGS IiEW OCGO STOVES, aIl furnished, from $10.00 to $40.00 A 1 WBI14GBS,- The O'DÂISY", CHURN, REFRIGERÂTORS, ail sizes. CÂRPET SWERPERS and OIL STOVES. Don't bur wrlngers frorntrmv.laug fabue is jos ea osave rnsy by osing bon. PORTLAND and !VHOBOLD C!IMBNTSe ilwaii lu stock. Estimaws given on u blad of Piumblmg, and work doue by the ouly PIu"bet lu tava. Servamt Girl Waalei. A groad rerai sovat. To aa S mlt 000» 9&4 idoyentffl e CAP0!. EAU., W. H. POGUE Li ttle Brilain. usta ileadinlu reimng thantata anMr mmy friends ftiortieli klmd patraicus bit ta M tas y iamevoancutlmulY ieedlvlmi fab" aupp ia i 161tiA MWvsu sma onbcga. We havae aared ftrm long 00iea 11 hcavy sek ui a"a viii sucs put Sie aunai out oS She riem.. OURI lM m htea np dock. We aur Bf telc BrO6toi bivalibi Don't suporimt vlti ourt IUIDIp oI lie bosS. DONIT FOlIET 555usnuI vue for ihliunsalpias, W. aimabnPaj ck of aiboots ami aloi., msd saRiIm cp Dcui ban&U ail a btuIIIS 55 faculàa atirmi tuie, visa ym n6 dicun thé iivilgesitua tusaà" 1etsPà j'utl m. huap. havL es aa o kiflu sud glas-g i . ot ta ami adu ceBS0= OU URBIîERb rua on a a* bisl The iiighest malkBt price.paid tor produos ... damiviouti astene & pin hm a ile. 4u= s u JORN BUBN. JORN A. BARBON, Q.O. Slolrfor Isthe nonUaL OflOU-iuDomniblukul Gccd newuao for aie ta svm loy figuz Uàdreu Box NLindy. Ont.--US.L n htiablm hm i ta va SUailPutmai g fitpcnible for any d.bti meouaosd y ber wtihoid My Ortmcl.fz 1. PM Viris. Jsla. iSL-US. 1'amohr SM&e omm ËI u wu, w 'lm nmEmp. soe« tecrediters SW. 7..»wm ofatA oms ow Ob" bspw <ionuL Émet W hoema". Notce.The Vloeang DlerolMst athe1h -'Ql. ItyTeQ.O.. sud Mr. l. H. Oliver Ile many hin ored ta b. of primary import. varda, sund aboie ail uder deep sympsthy - Ilegliate Inatatute. broalde paite givon ta the. girl who tsi.. suce, lu a courue at a Coflegiste Institut%. W@ wlth poouly oontituted natures, bave.va twf sy?*nSiighém «& mm hehmtsan ,drill sudnd ustiienlcaha"v een umphysiosily 4eveloped, bath luio ________________._________ =oIIEf tho. uhool. Thruong f people Dt fdonouam ~the tlu, il Xios h baut t tru&tuNmoalto% h d.sgulfieaor the litealy, correct conjugation TO Reut. aa er v"Y &long lent 1 wstraSvutaun~ltaamd aruy, aduai.8Wv..sdboing of no ons partcaular mdomlmation or of vola, but nover il us forgeSt thépatience, . iteata8o teambyhllw aryfei h advaloeg é susye.@@0% 1kM nthreugh m tu efa tact nd sd difficultshve houm edaisur Park Lotis 8Sud 4. umA09cf Mb OW01LtUdm vl 1usd- htd tic ge t rumdi sina ta the. W zntat isPrmls yoi àf Tochtefotsfcrmnesd lLulhaeb xDtd oomlululmg ime me.. m W remisi Illfo a i i8.380 CL.. ti hil piohd.ouldbeiusllv doubled and vs vauld Initéico v. ehave biabraughtudar O'v -Our 8ahoal lafortumats la ha *a wmo mIf n«esmry, la asutble tamu For thehall MË lha rd bloMnde aofIth. sakool ta camaldr tht. 'q.. thne aSof ai miina sud speaker.,oftiaaherOvice rua, laalgnoweit wrm t pl o JORN DOUGLA1, of IduU Soted as ohéasu af the mudtien a nsd simd heumsarnes sud their plis to jho«der, caur Sute for uansd besty blsmIofauerater. in addition va their thorough MW f omatahl., Pari Hape. and dld it m s a te i t fin ici biaisate ~Pinclil Haretous for lmertlau lu the amitins boss d.ssMd, u*srmgtbmed; sud j vdc.aa.gng knauledge lintr repeative AVOi 27, o1-04 f thlab b itoe ui~dieu. l bt osbaalcalsmdr ta b. linaietaca. ~bive a&,.us have ta »memo tmnt lemmeithle Idapsitaists. teildOethoir influence evSof ________________________ ..î.~ <,p.lowpng the prscaatton ai md.i. l. ie "t rg-dt1.Siuaaititetansd but, lu miter vomre uhen vo 1mai! Vam for flae at MHaitler. théaoes piogm'e. lu am Ofi&tmai t.in sumin IL McucRMiU raid Tm ybimulay moumt la tieuirada gh Msd t o I Md.1 lookbock msu aichool lJus, sank aS the bullbaNl it 5lu b cousian auuy uuulg of urtlioteaMd mmd isN. sd lapom of Bayard Tsyloe'î vith mg aam: etilta, cn oly ticie thiag W"lahsueluts. fr isa ou - ureterabe&Rs boacitrai soiestormos olam odipssrtMd wu tiol vmiet touol letblu 00 aioou0iUO. r or lm. .8 sa.E~. va~tug.Ouitfe hémuet pleaslng epluades etS fS.iuit varml mldviguré our belovsd principul, and drcllug rou»d ~iio lsnurmsbd s a rs , îtîuc.1 »4 miad ab ube pà@ griver iOd .5 mcement came et O t 51 115 ommit tth. itemur ai aur noble saicol.W.' lia, iad jlusnd iu band lu thob r:o ebou, wksts &@. alnImlay i ylma.ItreI" M tu. .uPu3ilawtu ]r'r J a%&à,mcee Rdn,0 ndI Uh arc IgmmMd su d slng houa id às sd s i TipW.~ nflos- Jmcti e- fuI thât vo ove beha ic, that tirough he aloe"«*- e., lamals8udEglohr- a 1 ta thesage, maJMuea.MaNelile for noeol OurldMmsof life have he i vvld sud made mconaly biendod. a11 ound toRether la on tie iasLOnt hai the ipurgm miny wMhUEbeusd& Mar Ray for tt oni u u!rmsdtatarIol ilt ae~~ .hhulr oumion "at-eiadvancimout sud be roqitred davu, san a gras f usmc ure tsa me an"Hary th, nd hlt u.iml@ f M avebeausi then Mlg"elT"c balance on lu D.o.Jar met Latin, zhgl b ticsM- A. W. for ce Si taZ àfýprsssuted hlm viti ad.dri hiloi. naber sud pre.Wien vusiuW"m0,u pilLS.g pu aber harvwU beo, v Poat au ewi e ealasd hfl@ UMs arnY ongratulatins Mr. Binais su look sitarthmo b&»a hav ledy inn fro"i I ilthe image cf laur klud.herted principal, F or ftrher prticula. aid ais. ai purohaseu pv Junior Lmvbd aing . olereciat smaoient th iing the. 1851 er w[,aIve s oni iinflauonce llug ling luelu the ainnda ai the stuaenti oi '92, as te the uniai. istin-EL' .Paur. euibitlioalarhlp. Kr. 8mai. repliadin thm, ahop. aucguonl t t@ww telie deal, ai atruc gentlems.-ouo ai JOHNEA~H~ jn1.rtlulhuLDawien. a atS sp»" ticS evlnced tualitisé ai mimd We aM hou thoy are imty sud nably . otos* nobemaol.,O Essas. WUTEL *DEESN Gek.Mu .P. kow. -M m ut*dyfound lus yoMR Mmu'. EvMry ud i t à* bl i îieMMalthau"i Ounhktg a luts leave ai Our sacol, vo nsaueiuo iLfadua. Junior Lea,«lngUugIi. W. Manude. pumin luthe hall isd viti .vérybcdy a"SOtu pwplhmbopsraiharpcuinvld over VUlsta carry iti ns, ailthe ______________________ Pttmey Engno-Nin L isumonMin ~ ur aid Llndasy boy. 'and ut dong brave amd noble viii, aville gbiSssdtucJaeaailtvlo ahv .rN WTT p F. hir. Sf~~ptelo is iu ~ ~ lseamytatiii. aullies ai tht marn.,leued hu& e, .my trevel ta ont hlghly. inlarLi[ k.,oTt t mie =îlwu AV.ip. LP 1i Wvoted Ourt ou? an.sd wvi alftis dutia o faituily 'M« LMil N . lw T atyln at e suw rgrm, *d wusL .W. a"y .y terevel ta aurfiellav mmmd fan tm <m i ocihmbas ardy van a repulsulon for tm lci aaruaocsho ipkt for -1m-à -1---Md, fd hofinsrutisu d pmplh, sud bid tisu salGod spSed lu th*l Pd M U7 8 " 8 Aid dm e si s u et &-tia "iq z & an W0tn t tiltthon vho areta ioilov, vill mot flit u o t t ruat lg ol ad t iio th rs i oma fa gwood4CULAOU Ptmuip Blun&woe-od E ELdsoukshaithe i a " iaaielua re. oly b. iithful tu ticeusme lrtady gainai, aipfUl er dme.ho osud aoSi. riand P*Menatin-. Poser. m"d h i aMlnU ~but w yul h* Shah im eeusloymltyi and sisfra ir.T u ol.et DgU *atuh.-Ml M. Ehble, Dv. Mr. Jahins umorlng a vote of tbamku iinuuty, tabis e en beyod its proeet tesahere, vobld&sIUngeugadi. euW.hape Min L Nattieve ild au"t tae uhole audience WfO:th isIt; prend peitiou. W. hope that aur shoal vm thst v vievu romain" &0 Impruuiausoa mt B INDE R TW INE 1 iS DMh.IiAIsNai oLÇ,k sUilt lditvudbsvruhluuee, aeaauJhdu n d * u mniofrUm nhoo du DE R muINiE valédico evie frtemii cnradm mmaly, varm*iieatM I&-_o.pildt BI D R TII A. bluplT. "J, UI L. -ftt% . 1g ariila.Tins, mmst, pursel in ug COsudiaimeic vi ilbeW«Mvof ithe Aud unvo go out m i. ve orld, aur IL w. i'jkb4J.a ritr 'L thauit. aitrong. beutiful lau sis ,ti7hetn atop othei i cheracteis are ta b. twed. May noue ains AND Dow. .9zl.uu% Mu Uk îi; i Ume th er, tuoalth ipromp i talsisrodt dierodit on ouriolves or aur early 1 1 Imw éhadid"t t MinCatro ad ffrlaite ova jaities fréedam, sud truth. ralunng.but oh !may vo ever atrive o make ].ReP&Jfrs for aUi inds of  ON-s o" ta i he * . Tm WÀAauabu pléseuà Thon diW hns via Wm@e Who lo* buk ssci dsy teolfor ioute good aaomplahed,, «M ai ENfiiis4paublhg lie nddtii l . taigltstic*0montis sud puaisthat ame nom in ad dmoidons. dosand Mowers, buIduL .Uasmn J. lm, muve i5 QumS Md the bci5iialdsmemii iaouothmi cn OsMIlts te eTuru, turu, my vhoel 1 What la hegun aI zeduO d (kagprias, 0 at .M dosai t*8 Osmenmomrnent for %% Mad the h daulmg tua CI§ose ld 1 lédelhard to At daybreuk, muet at dan b. don. at reduoi, bdipriicesiisst bm s o f plumat lutsonr.,sd meny T.rnrrov, thhotciforuma lie 10. OWSUhI"~.Inmstatut, iendod léarsauc0o.Whithu, on ltecampse, lu Am.mbly WIU umici the hurt, sud liv the frame, A11bAD laiinia vL u tI5rd, 50 dgy lia, or il u u s roru, coui lauoma. éhm.And amp viti honar, or vith ahame, ~~~~~~.~~~11 -mw w ova hebt-~ "~ta bisoarbel bY immY. ÂÀ lndy inter. Tii..messWa @dof Clay. miAnnammfat, la the V lh~Si. d M014 bu c bai M la v*ýO.iSueiita .o MW de hwuseSi uêtteit. b"aitet filoc- ir.dv«%IdU ~*lpmb *bw y urs bitfer ** M fliaj.,. Bam if s la% éito «0jwj th iplast fBavai, guntlmation sud moothlug ta II 4~q*ahoum, sdbefiti of BpaiofFiga, uhen lu u.ed alot ýýàwI*tï" 10a oe eugal- mveOUaiMO tIobauilutielssliv; sud If Sh. Isîber or mothar b. coitivo !-Wn% 1M als d *0 gc~ ue a ohé Sbilions, tii mut «rattfyiug roeulla toliow BommSic t o ite li&S ns, w i, ebut iamiiy remody d «W louaitm hep% mu iy thueonluaillirb disrcafls « * 6,S J uiylook 1W rufbaui ------------------biwa ol 1*j j I. t t l*.~ I . Vol. XXXVI.-Whole No. 1841 of cream -4*tL