S141LON'S ÇONSU MPTION CUREU 'iucsaof his Creat cou I ilu eeotel aarallel ini the hwm m2g~fl .An drugglstsareauthorized to sUiell tou & PO& idI, guuaantee, a test that no other ea M iv .omfUdIy stand. That it niay becoe knowfl t.I'roprlctors, at an ecermnouS expenO, £me glcnaSamnpi e Bottie Free into every homo thenited States end Canada. If You av s, Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, une 14 for it wil cure you. If- vour child has theCo cu, or Whooping t'ouqh us4e iu romç'àp7, sMd rfflé bse.If you dxead diat iniious dileis ConsumtiOflU tÂl Ak your DMugs for MHIOH CR, Price îinctS., îqo cin an 41.00. If your Lungs arc sore or T ichlme, tue Shiloh's Porous Pla,tr, Prtce 25 cta 862 VQmarlnon afl Sa Hsuol r<e fý NN & Co mi eDWAT,» OK Ote 'jureul courlng patetinluArerici. Eery patet a oui by us lu brougbt before Elle puglic bysaoice iven fre of chare lu ths aneaI lrffilSatlOflotan y soentîiapaper bulle vobd Slondidi tlurstsd. o nplgt ânsu sboul d e wtîout at. LIe,5U& cas'; $1.50 SI mionthi.AddreSa kuLIanuas. 61B oam. Nev York. clio114-17 8lIS by AIl roeers sud »rafute IRBIDAY. JULY 1. 1892. Ipcomd to TA. Wamr. àMATRIMONY. -A Mbtrincnia Osent vaU ceIehraled at the reildeno. of Mr. Wllfred Gaudrie, Brohin, on Wedneedtày. June 15th, when Mfiss Rose Marguerite Gaudrie his charnalng danghter, vas unitet la the nd@ of wedlork ta lMr. Smth Thompeon, a veolo knor72 young gentleman of Beaverton. The ceremeny was eolemmized by tbbcR. .&. & Ralev ilu the prosence of minv friende andi re- lativea of the bride sud groom. The bride vaq magnlficettly attired tu a becomlngces. turne of hillotrope surah. aud train, trtmmed wlth oheffon lace. The brldesmald, Miess Florence White, of Peterboro, worm au attrie. tise drusa of white cashmere surah, trlmmed with white ribbou and amber ornaments. The groom was attendod by his frlend, Mr. K. Davldqan. If Beavrton. The bridai party eajoyed a rlch repant immedltely aftor the coremony. The brides populrlty vas domon. strated by tho many cotly présente of vhioh she wus the roiptent. Mrt.and Mr@. Thomp. son wili reside lu Beavrton after their bridai tour. hOPiJ'D. Upessul toe W«9«aie. FAnnwiL.-The ites. J, Fr. erm on Sunda> lest presoheti bis tarestei sermon lu the methodiat durch hao. Il vwu markod by acaneeasanti uayhbe@&id ta haroebbau eue of the mont instructive e vs» an impres- ulve sermons ve bave laed th. pleasare eoflieu. iug for man>' dave., isEt% via wuob. 12t1 abap, 14,t verso. E. oxplained hw ev l Apoatte .ldptobably attentiad a race, i ., witnepeed ano n tiad comparu t lbolethe me cof lIf e tovarde tlé. "goal of obiablan per. totiôn ;'"for vbicb telise nlu.hBenn. 'Se explalued hou certain Olymplan peuths liad been lu 1h. habit et renig tIsasromaanti bau t1h07lied lait uIt. user>' uighi mmd impsdiment te 11.1v progréea.. B arISu. Jar] v dvelt on ishéfoc% 1.1 ve neuti o keep the prast me muchinluvtev an bue goal, vis., ahrreian obaracber, ubicl of course. vauld recosve the prise.- Thée Olympian VcuthababldIs grutma inu, vtQeseas sien théna: mo bave vs, vis., oui obittirén, aur taigh bore, the oburel, anti thé depinteti trnude vIe "louk tov u troahe bailismnta et Heavon" to néeoif vo viii vin the rnu or loes@it; '"for lbit i wtus a raccof life anti dcath" sud iu vhUolvo muatt lircu aside Il valgîte aud min IbiSiti onu rFmeu Ho partloularl>' henbutat e comgveatiamtsu fl*ht againet 11.1,ruspeetiva baettig ng mm vhltver tIc>' nigt be anti urgedt Im te pr ousfrvard ta 1h. higbasî attaiemeute of cbristian excellence, NoTs.-Thé river la olear et legs ant everibody andti ul ceusine aue oqos more au- Joying the beauliful eeig uthe, Plua elream vit i eifswbapl gbanke.. . iluciaehireos breller amibis it.e vl. togg lu the village Ibis veek. Tic .. bote- abos club la stlUting aeolleat wrk. Tu eAh$ BiUoa of n. Var~. DzÂR Sx,-In tolicvlng the course luke by Sir Richard Cartvritghl ut hie follovlug lu the Baum. ai Commeu aI Ottawa turing tle lest, Manthé pamt essie, anti mIs liatieung te Sir Richarti'a @sush« fou tlin nubo aplatfonms, ulutu prior te tltI bye. eleollons ho mta un o f lhe feliowlmg outrageous ex prussien - Mr. (Ch"".an lle, a'wid Genlme,-"If I ba" the pever andtvu a uetito choc» an t.e lbur 1v.w" prier a national poli>'for Canada, or lave vwr, or petilence or famine4," (MU i lter, &ts mank lIese lait tht.. voSdWs, oalinulme Si.r Rcnsrti mai:-"Mr. Charuas 1vowt" aoo'p>'f'at seimce mmdfane altugsêer Ithoigît WvI hlurd lin u«Ytkme v,;Xdd thst lu sons mytelouskuewa ocly Iobimet, thst golad ve%6 u euor au of tle moeu n "h ola<pom efl orel. ties) Mant b hhm fni lie" t*se u et placces vhlcI veM 0iai 9P wu *0 iema*l et Qed. Bul l igh e b ie Il cge and v-eràme bened ' i lis. This il aiu eveple ce 1 n. %Mt il heo 1W Bute Iesà M b .Vas U hekýMd m ab@ »v«delgil* but h h @ *54siuam uavuaMUi, ou -- EUMMl sover u wt ut, st rua ohé neyMr siellasbt viethe vue 7erla heralldlsteasig MantiWiiste Sbe bomreheu sun tonnetor la her berna. What a terribe ntitiutramnBtIiOkt it je, h"yo Sad à oc.eituteOyaOyd M %0 luot s&Wh a bigt« »reiuetatie. lb 10 eneuh to make a c d u c plé"ke vlth fes ra hey' IW ad suoh mmn bgOraM ail ssslting inlbthamlng ed olav e. But thé glorton. seonti thought oornus vhen vs ramember 1h51 soh mon an StrJohn Tbcmp- sou arcon Ibm lsi, antiramintis ose cf au n mol tient vhloh ocourrtounahi pbond d irlaR a bus>' ibum, uhen anolIaaIZoraaketi iàsai' boy if ho vwu &froli, antIdhe anaervwu, (as ours,) TMMy et ta$a îehelm." Qan 1 Afford a 1New Ures? Thouandtis f'ladies are continnally a»king themmeivesi tio question, sud insu>'of bbc. tu t lbdiffoult ta satlstactorili anaor IL The lady who bu but an ordfnar>' lucome to dopent upon for tb. maintenance of boue. andtily in>,l apt to debate long upon thia Important question before a tial rosais. la made. Even shoulti the vi>' seemlsar to warrant an auitem of expendi ure, regrets are sttrwarde expresse& , vln lb vasond that tho monsy vas more nectietinlu nother direaction. To the thousmnds cf ladiesi of Canada, wlth vholnctici quetion le ons of porplexity sud grave dembs; vo voulti reminti the. of the lacS, liat an agent como. te their resoue anud aslaeO. incisi asiFt Black LUlamoi Dyee for Wool, vhlch osau remove aIl tioubt, an"£y@v to the bisit ls vla, At the pues- sut limeBlack tireausarcetaehlonabls for the butI treisot ladis. Old anti young-tbe bloatisanti brunette, alvays lockh ayic'1m hcuh uuuiing a noatip matie BIa&ktre.. Lot us sîrciul>' ecomuenti ou 10 t aks uhal yaouDov;eau- -,My cl, aoied asti fatiti tcolored CashinorsSerge, Soleil 01db,4 or Nuna@ CltI tire sudntiboy a pick. nge or tva of Fiat Biai Dlusond Dys for Wool, tcllow clouai>'thebisdrections, a& d vitI ver> little trouble and lliu cf ime, sud for au expénase totto te tn 'cets, yen vil) have s lovoly, io. Black tiea, equal la ev, an thé satisfation cf knovxmg that 700 have, uaved à "smg &Mount of mono>', If yen have never triedtieisoperatiou belote, rts asured yonr vor su ad tb. résults, viii agrecabi>' u oseyn. Wbhile ngaged aI the plemaat von of hoe.dycing, reçiember thé tact lIat, 700 May &amedo nmine urk turthîe 'Dhsmond Dye Competibloc," lu ublol large cash prizasare offoueti. .You oeau ely Max@ up 00of thîe atioleaMled o, and endtin lu vlth ever>' chance ofet uoceus. lcoati notblng ta try, andthle atintagu uareau lu vonrt aver. Ail infornation sud s book of misa sent pool fre. to an>' atdreis b>' te Wells & Rioharduon Co., motraal-40 2, lb the Biffer e1 Tm. arier. Dnàa Sî,-I once mare ask pou for a mal sa ce lu peut paper for a fbv lises ho et.1 l cPeople Iu Ontario kuow I amn mtliin uth. land tielliving, aud &IBO dolug as welU as a man o! My abîllîles osa bc expeototi b do. Wall, Mr. Editor, we bave bati a vcîy colti spriaig wlth heavy trie tI nghtuanti very higit vinda, but thome tdors are gos. and evenything la in NU bloon; lbe prairies are ont in bloosors sud lock like a bavwer garden dowa In OnI., anti aia cierpaaue leoking fireI clamasa&l ovoî Ibis cuntry a. tansaI bave ceen, sud I bave travelleti over tb. moil Paut ot this section cf counIry'. I tell you Ibiissl a firet dsasceuntry' for a an to cotas l. 0f couvas bbere are draw. bacsta lanusveli sean>' other counîtry. For my 'part, Ibis le the ceuntr>' for a Tomu man to corne aud maite moue>', anti s toiland - theraele an>'aMent of gooti landi te bc Ret on eu>'termissnd vil be lot m et Ilfor th. mcxl ton peus te cone. Se boys, do not faît, bus con.e igît &long and get youv farina andtinluton eus Von viii bc iii iebmen. 1 iiabi my thal I bave beaue rih Book> Meutains and over meut o! Britiali Columbia Ibis aprinE anti everyibing look@ goondfor an; abun. dent buait; but I vather pister Mani- toba. Tbe Ihrésblag le not .&H docc lu Ibis part of th. cuntry' pel. In tact, thc fermeralhati t l ime le do lb, U0 1 sup. pou. lb@.>' 'do lb unlil fal anti thon ther.avîlibe an>' aMount et work for oer> orne who vante tl eraugooti vages. for neons eod go bungvy lu Ibis oounIr>' if he vanta hc oro. Iu th. spring before the vovk openeti op lhora voie a nainber cfi mnuoui of vvrk &Ul over tOit.countr>',anti 1 Ibini Bran- don bailthebmoscmofethorai, for you coulti gso a man lu Brandon aa n> lime lu lie apring If peu acIl? gave hlm hie hoard, bât nov pou canaà qel a mon for an>' moue>'; of connée, O.>usi.putlilu latha vater voris lu Brandon li nommer, anti gIvlug emplopm.nt ho a large mmber of mon. Wall , .Etitor, . 1 tmb I bave bold pou ail lie novs, I mligit uer I au lug ho labo a;trip te MonIana m.x02#sk"antipeiha a ouMuay beu bors me Isar ou. Itle I.intention ho no doun ho Ontario this comics vinlariIf 1 ams lve and veli, te have a goodti ime' wuthlbe bys for the lat ime, so I liani pyu veryranmcbfor bhs aimatspa... I ams pouro, Jeux mocuLLOUGH. ré no Biffer «ff4me rdir. TRI sesding being ovev Iboe haviug Ibveshlog ho do are&axions Sgel otitdong, but lb. grain lu lh. stuaeIshardi>' vovîl Ibuesben, mOrne of lbe stocks aue hall retîsu. 1Ikmev tour formersa Ibtreabet fromtaon@ day ho a day sud a 1.11 anti tl etoppeti as Oh.>' couldti mol11lItlb Wbest Il vas so batl; vhal lb.>' didt Iruh il.>' inteuti foeduandtiheb.ruittlho vil burai. I lhougbt lb leokedti teb&4ti e e leur Or live large stuackinoneueplsuiete or'nirehto Rot thoeaont of ltseulm. Tiers bave beeu masins u waltamgfor lb. tbueshlug anti nov hall o! Il tfl mot b. doue, and aammhrftle- men are golug baek's. Outaladfly tiiM Ws.ad éloquent sertmon Yeeià ew 19»s Who mavod l o Ibo MIS Orion la e BIl T U M4 â , e 0.Ulà Ili 14, con. 2. eçuflîmeti; Fwauk'Hudson, lot 15, cou. . onlM eti; xReur>' Wetlake, N.W oornev of mout biaf lot 11, oon. 3, m teant; Ge"io W. Eaul, moiSib al!loi 12, cou. 8', sulwme; George Boimua, corlb hall lot l,è caL .2, ho beantores evuer; Wm .msu, ame mol ho be fsu. Oued m roll; W.. Broa ti w'm.rtbh hW lot 10, cou. 2, ho b. e eti .ne mnO JamesFrayer mit bl!lot 1à, con.8 liovei b>' Mr. L.uabrougb, eseodt totl oe m- Matest reseiw* b.smd, r,~se~~.s~tb oith* ab. e t meenngMmd m&W of tlIe laittiq e "uit &Ww v, oi 5h d Lv.m b nmr e. x.by 1v la U,.y law iueeting lbta k'i slai,"b79 o erad amàpausd.-Ontle& B3y.law Md aMd passat eodul The Iollowiug eommn»uniOBiODUVo store theé *mnu".- À eommmnieitlofrouxm& u E k sale% e , r nuase o! loi 19 c0n. 5 SomOIr villa. à eommuuloaln frous W. H. G»MtS re statut. labar refondi. A pebition fie.m.aA.-Hopkine and otheis, pealing for à grant eit moner' ho b. expentietion Main street lu lhe Village of Ruamonnl. A p.tiou froua FistiDettmmandt pîhera, peeling liaI liat paît of Hunier etreet nov cloieti up May' b.opsetilfor publie ravel. U.jesse obhîklan vas hoardrspect- ina hi. road. Moveti by Mr. Burtehall, secondeti b> Mr. Morrison., Ihal by.lav Ne. 859, a b'. law te authoizes the.reeve anti tresuif bo conTe>' certain landes bc nov rendi anti pusonth uIe uouai Mannar. Carieit. Moveti b k,. John Wilson, soondeti by Mr. A. K<irison, t the b.o n. ofton dlar. be ;pganted ho bc expoeiton the §outh bountir>'opposite lot No. 6, aise bon dollars ho le .xpended on tbe aouth bouccdar>' oppeelle lot No. 20, provitict the township of Verulazn grant a like smm at sh place, andti IatJobnueitb. commission«uer oexpend tb. sime.-Caw- iied. Moveti b>'Mr. Houle, secondeti by Ur.' Buurtcbalt liathlb.clerk b. intotete h puroba.. 3 steel roand serapeis, one to b. seut te Xe. Burtohali, oui ho Jas. Rele aMd one ho Heuri' Ooulter.-Carvled. Moved b>' Ur. )Jsitobal, seontimi b> Ur. Morrtson, tiaI by-law No. 860, a by. lav bo authoise Ohe expontiltmofie o! slm momies on th. publie roada b. nov rend andi paiseti luthsuceisi almniDer.-Carrieti, Moveti b> Uî. John Wilson, soondedl b>' Mr. Howie, liaI bi-lav No. 861,j a by. lav ho &meoudby.l&v No. 855'De nov irand sud pamesnthe lbatsal manne. -Cict. Movet b>' Ur. Morrises, mecondeti b> Ur. Howie, thal the reevaintruet Ur. J,. O. Argo.ta g eltlib bok§and Moulai belonging ta IbheK.lnmouot.memetery lvouï lb. Ireasurer lhrcf.-Carreti. John Sohefl, jr., statuts labor, $2; Bobi. Wilson, statut. labor, $21; John ?@Il, ar., statute labor, $8; Mrs. R. Graham, statut. labor, $2; EBd. Hopkins. jr., ulalule labor, $2; Robert Jaokett, eatute labor, $4.- Carrieti. Movoti by Ur. Morieon, econde! b>' Mr. Wilson, tbal th. iovs ommient@Ot vith tb. owuers of lot. 6 ant in lson. A. -remp.otlog-1h. convoyanoe of tisle e1 landi requhneti for a rond seoo sailist, anti report a b.e ot meeting et comnoil. -Uarried. Moved b>' Vi, Bortobsil, acoonde - b>' Mr. Hovie, Ibai the, tollowlug accounts agtast tb. corporation bc pali:-A. Atobisou, one bait of fleur,, chait>' to J. Fialey, $2.40; James Diokacu, P.L. S., for surveylng, $14; E. D. Handi printiug and advertlslag, $12 60; A. Murray', essesnoe balance of salar..30 ; B. BurtohalI charit aMns. Badgerow, $4,02; Sams Sudtiaby, eierk, for postage, $2; Sain Suddaby, o ou ocf salai>',$85.-Carried. Moved b>' Ur: John WIson, seoandeti b>' Mr. Morrimon, thatthlb. su cf $16.50 bc granteti te puvobase plack fteien t. inu bridgte at Nichai!.' mill.-Csuried. Moved b>' Ur. Morrison, secondeti b> Mv. Wileon, tbat the counoil do novW adjourn toleet &l gain onEsatur4Asy the 911 dey of Jal>'.-Cavrieti. âSA SUDnABY, Clcwk. COUboîL PEOOEn»hGS.-O OUDOIl- Met Ibis 20%h deyet Jue, 1892. Members $11 pesent. Minutes et lest meeting read and approveti. Kv. J. Powell, F. Hardy sud R, G. Webster wveebearti reepooting road lm. provements. Moved b>' Mr. Lovnsbrocah, seconde b>' Mr. Webster, thal ibis oouncil nov te. solve Ibm iîing lot a cours of Revision. The memberi cf ounoil havlng smb. sotibedti thebIsoâth aS roquhvati by Statut. as msmberm of a Court of Baviaien pro- eseti hi eru ths several apD"18. ?à' for bridge, lot 19, ton. 10, $41; George mawlludale, v.Illg, $1855; Joseph Doweou, im vylot 5, o». 2, 05; IasBr, Ea, ork on lots 20 sud 21, oou. 0, $1250; T. Squire, for pick, beus No. 21, $125; S. GORver for work on lot 20, ton. '7, 625; R, G. Webuter, revaiwlng bridge, lobs 19 sud 20, son. 6, $5; George Ray, vork bt.eeu lots 20 snud 21, con. 4,1 $2; W. Willectt, work ou pravot vit, $0.50.-Osrmied. Mloveti by Mr. Shaver, s.oonf.d by Mr. Webster, Ibat tbis conuil grau$ eb cmm of W1, tu b. expediopposite tOh. 101h sonoswân aor _. peaon eb.boun- dary line betveen Opsuant bis muniol- uekywvngçtbl ounoil et Ope grant CL 1. .; W, Lýpwuubrough tho b. omkWuDeiho expeii thet .abo.- moveti by Mr. Shavai, oonded b, Kr. MdoUrimmon, thît by.law No. 418 b.Inc a by 1mw te samborian ts reeve sud *0wev ho bonvoVs met bexoeeding Ilouulouomd domfor payionith. ex- p» .et tiulg otaislande ln thé 10tb, Iltb, 12th "ant h oeeuonun- ta tbe proome set $ho sais of sertain de. benWes isaneti for mid wos ore î.ulved from lis Ontario Goveuinopib. eceivi ant rud f fet time.-Ooenbd. Br avwNo. 418, rée àtiaict ime. Moveti by Mr. Shaver, ueeonded by Mr. M 4mou, liaI by.law Se. 418, b. *9.4 Md a secod ime lu omttea of the vbd&e-Oaiiled By-law Eno. 418, isoa àsoeond time in oommilies. Mov'ed by Mr. Shaver, socodeti by Mr. KoOimmon, that by.law No. 418, b. noýrv ead a tird tiime and peed.- By-law No. 418, rend a Iid lime asud pamsd. Moved by Mr. KeOCrmn, secondeti 1by Mr. 1Shaver, tujaI Ibis couneil grant the Bons 0f $10, ho dlg a dtt opposite lot 16, son. 15. Kawloaa-C3aried. Koved by Mr. Webaer, »eoouded by Mr. MoOiapmon, that the reeve give bis order on the t*easurer in favor of K. W. MoKa>', for thbe mmol $5, one peur'. eub- sorlptisu for six copies of the iusioipel Worid.-Carried. Novwd by Mr. MoOsimmon, soeonded by Mr. Webster, liaI tb. som of $12 b. expendeti en thé Slh oonoesslon, opposite lots 18 sud 19; Wm..Lowusbrough be oommiWo*i hoexpenti the sâme.- Oarrlmd. r Moved i byMr. Lovnebrougb, secondoti b>' Mr. Shaver, IbsI lb. umeve ci". hie orders on the lreasuraî lu fmviet 1f h. followicg perons:-B. Mark, salsîy as assesor for 1892, $90; lerk'a oxpenses inourrod ln oonnectlon with Court of Re- vision $10; John Sales, ooffin for J. Joeiel, Indigent, $8; C. D. Barr, acouait for prlntlng $10.2ô.-.-Oarrled. Moued b>' Mr. Webster, ueoonded b>' Mr. Sffler, thai lie sum cof $15 b. ex. pendeti betweeu 1ots 19 sud 20, lu 86b coneeelon; Mr. Lowssbrough tho expenti the saoe.-Oarried. Moweti by Mr. KoOrlminon, meonded b>' Mr. Shaver, liaI liii ounoiliorant the 1 eao#t $ o Obrles Woolaett, indigent, lui eau of S. D. Wobste.-Oarled. Moveti b> Mr. Lovusbromgh, seeonded 1b>' Ne. Webse.t, iItht. eouucll adjeuru tit «lie Ibird mouday of Jo!>' et.- CaOrried. Joim P. Oumu eork. àqsm M od IL or.dse. Sorvay Pins Syiup. The butibtche liti. Beummi Cmpat at i DIrboe. I osa 'lp-Wlti dDr. losticis Extract of Wil 8rsvbr yfor summerconiplaint anud diarnhoeaIUkm usd in My famils - t for ëhd-aq4 adults, w!th bu ebta Dr. e. e wor m S8>'murovu vorms-of a&l k"ati uohfldreaor adilte. OhÈltren or> OGar.,-Whmave fmil>' et ee oblid8en anti hae ra1iencmDr. 1ve~ xt Iot. wu tti rav for t4 s e t e om ' lua lau fi' hcua sudsummur oomplalbts. I vrIiiu nt laââbsandt tio >Io9wa bUifl J. T. Paxinux, Gratob 0a-41-1 For UARRI1D I ~'gum- munie loadra- double J~J M OUfe #" in glc~e ne le bore down ba ,Sugses, Bs., a., w e~w a 9 wi. uvarions gradis. . tm Kut etree i~ea, *goe mede ale . BiIOPmPNof the e bcbest, ult DL MoALPNE, .t machins f île lateet IMproe. pr1in bu Aguum OO 9 0dBpOctin. Ol «wa laa wrknbufe CMnanér ou nias01 DR. E.n.. VILAN, i bUSE,&II es for asi@. et oi R ayai m rM ddib u si- u u .*. ehe s a ins %k W illia m s O lilt y. *a uDs 1«lma bm.ua - o* 1 P Wu j fro nt 8lId use Lane. Ril ug1,: =0 M»Wi raumOz m usm lite aàshareofipublicearng., P.AIUBBUMOWFS, M. D. 0. K, (1T&If h(MrI ia a" te nov lu ir" rateusecirfor lieérueln f DR. SIMnePSgOjeNappsd wt he ut ïwcf L BELLEVILLI, ONT, DR. IMPSN àgat. Good atabbig"d att»Ustie11o0416na. 50 cfTS'Sfrs fiehuiS103 &.m; LU qg MP.-M trdae o PM.vrt TllyOelTru MMule ciCoIL 0f PZyiln sdSrecM n Sta d ru k ' y OrS e nL nd ay D lmi t <DoeucrbMti n àB Epklna) Bériser IlIltretc. Offloe-WIDlam St., LinO- NOUflE à JACKSON ( u c. to Hud Bacao) Erl aets oU . 1> OORE. ALEX. JoKBON. MoSWEYN à ANDERSON, EarleoeUllclos tc, ammlitousBoci, Ket týreelm o :lndg~ lýo In aitcrret rate. A.P. DZVLIN, Enslas, Be. ôuty Orovu Atto clk of the le.. onlycfvicIcia.O. s hbock ever *ees str. Llniy. O'LEAZY à O'LEÂRY, àlritr ttor»yat4ww,Ucllcltct gla Oianmey, Ioucy t, ,anmam.ut=këntue LISEHUE OLEAETr. gUQoOLUAT. FRESTON & CURRY, (Suora 10 Curry BàI&DU). Earnstra, Soioltora, Noare. ec.offlce-Wood & Kei l ock, MM-i brok dnt sudBthan on Monisys.mon"y 10 J A. y. Por, ILA., LL. lUm-IV J. WM Uam uaar,L. MO1SEY TO LOAN. Mieney lent on Mor4ffle, Mud lMerîgagesnegotd tralht oa iCôpar cent. 1139-1v MOOncE BJACKSO MONET TO LOAN. Btr&I &gett bovy lewomst env. A large smâomot eft obotPindu or luvemment, pay- abl on u ern 10suit the berrover. le" 0. . H OIKINmBarriutet. Llnd. Pau«u« e vN em4t ny tMme md place tosu prper tle.an sudaoag*e baue. No tfeu. MEloue nmp. DR. W. KENNY, ~~ Vt er na Q S ur gen. G *ad u te e.=0terlnary Ceilege Tor- auto. Regbatred member 0f On- "0rieveerlnary medical Auo- Eoa utee Eu 0clation. Office sud rudme. «t», fMthodiat Cu Innsu Ws Wao'5 W on ineus. Llnduiv. Mani 2 dm4187 DB. BROAD, VECTUDIART SURGEON, gradus Onuaro Tet- .rDAollege..Toronto- rogI*IOrOd member of On. Ikbin tch Tera«., OpWoCb"jm: or telepplipromptly sttemded tb. Obargu modarate Lldiv I Jmum", bd l8S0-1fiL9 PETER MITCHELL, siLaw OMM, <up stai) T. A. MIDDLETON, Li elrem dmelet Inarmac BnL Aget for OPPIOE-Eolorf's Dock Kent street, Third Door l'am of the Put O«cM.pfar.îîaî UhIl$ mornu at ileveat rM*m Amt for Huai- ib*apýNouusmta. sud every ducmiortln of mutIle r. SEALL, LINDSAY, DODCA.YGEON STAGE. Llndswan d Dolcargecu stge vlm thae b. n tra Hue lnda"sm Jackson IeW olelBob- leaveLiai..7 iAt193 e'ek" omcma Uobcayeof at 9M .M ..,««ey<4. AecmcitlMORvii e maie f« tlb. traelgpublic (*enraiStore at Duneford. Z =nila nmw ID lie m Qlisro=nt WILLIM MBEMYNO ~iNW-MWIb- l3uY. Thà Weil kuovu houate bu nrecmtlYl1 eated by the boronghnems 0f Its work t improvfed, md la ln uvry vsy autd for te o.,,theat succeu f fta graduate,, la &n ouamodatlonLof ths bila.Table ,neuspmeai.& i v u l.heattendauce, whieh, vîthin a sbort.y~ busofi~.or sd = 'gmd Mulilg Md attentLve !bas erbraced atudent s 'nm fffteerndrq ==,.aatlsudanc. THOS MOOOWNBLL, 1 province.sud statu., lInlug two olithe W t muda Islanda. tude'xta can enter at iin tIen recelve individua! instruction, and Prromr KINMOU1NT HOUSEC, cardînir to abillty. For clrular... tc.,,ru Kimmount, Jouephi Bovie, propnlator. To&.JOHNSOe prumisasbave neosntlyleu fttcd up ilu goodestyleon for a tt-due holel, sud the publie oSn le assus'ed of th. estutacoommodatlon st very reasonable rates. Lande For Sale. Thé bar la aupplledvitha@41bhe bet brande of liquors Md i cgar. Larg stablsansd shedasd ana attentive Thc ar.derslgued have s fév chuice iWÂRIIg , hosties',orne valuabi. 1'fWN 'Z PPKPEII-r.t b THE SNOWDEN HOUSE, ners< Ja IOPKki TIla la a necv buse, and la one af the butt cqulppcd E E S lu Peberboro. Ib la ounvenieut to both G.TB.su C.P.R. stations, u e.vormasnear the arket, Bathe, ;?~';;dv.-67v ouvuiu.IS THE OHEAPEST. QUBEN'g HOTEL Eali.urcinla ithout à rival lu -thia diabrlet as a sudlubudgEWor ltehnlm ,ti otsa ttIl la avay land &Il the @res09 amiIn beutfalluie l oa~o. eegarly te fafoBen ud il île couvelene etmodela afiousto &H me i artesal Oa ~ oOeux. Ilutay Ta 1ev days anr rqueeed to communifate by pe*Saire. Vive hours rail tram Tercuto. The helt wpied h every accommoieMàon, sud a goeitille!'.le i. Free Busto anifron taticu D. ZWuLLITProurietor.-11175 là. HART, L. D. B., DENTIST. Office over Fairweather & Oo's. Store, opposite the pont cSbe, Kent ut Chage. moderate -182&1lY W. H. GROSSu U D. &., Dentist, Lindsay. Ail branches of doutlatry lueludlng the beatful and durable Crowu sud Bdd1e work, aud the Por- clain fillhng syst.m, èucceWsfuly pracciéel bv Es'r. Gros.. Au upper or under set of good teeth for 810. Pure Suansd vltaitzed atr for painlemu extraction, Free vhcn artilicial teeth are required. 0,cr 30 ycarm experlence. Booms oves' Kennsdy'a store, Op- posie Dominion Bank, Kent St -15». Je NEELANDS L.ib T. o. M.R.C.D.B., ONT., DENTIST, LIEDSÂT By the aid of lb.hev iwydro-carbon gai fumuace le enu make Indestructible porcelain Miiluguand ruatre broken sud iscayei teeth to thels' oflgi shape, cntour sud color bv Ibis proue.. Old oots cm have porcelaln crovusataiacbci oonscqusunll tiers la Cu-vltalt»d iadbdIeed vlth great incore.s for nmrsly U3 ymnr, extracting besil fer thournnda of permona villout a panticla of Ren.Nsus e slabest approvediPpUuefor amllburlugthe gim. Rs tdled nis'DI. Coheon of 1ev Yorkthe ticventor cf gas for nxtracting teeth, who bua almultursd l bave' lO.00 pe a n sd ual a fatal case. Mr. Neaand uss Bll' LoalAnaoubhcblc fan sxtracting tu. Ms'. Neolandala nov ualng a Dcv .1715 of 1 -- - vblh be load cxps'usalv manufaclrod vIle an hat viaite,0 Nev Yark, vhbch romovu the teuIl vibout Injur, 10 the gums or liv, tle guns ioumlmg up beUaifuly lu a fevday. sd uc aube- çnenb troubla. Arntii othti ee$ed U il e #opular bem d by thc moot sipps'etlflve 1m sud applanus for thels' ,etent4ou sud oufoMt.Num- bers of permsnere orlng l..bb made by Mr'. Nel- MMi ever 20 M ,aansd never roqui reaire.à PrIomm from $1 ta 1@U for on upper or undér art poria., hum a distanas viinploucas mnd Postal car lbae a cmlng. OMTCE--Kentstrset, Lumbay. noarlv oppai thIc Sm s ous LITTLE 9BafITAIN Sash and D00! Facbry HSving »Sdmm he la net of M&. joB IUU»R l theSuhmd Door Factory à&lAM Urmb.A ni vii ary on theluslne m la ou Put. md boec by strIctattetion to busiss 1 o nt a skae of public pauoeaMae REigrhest Price paid for (iood Shingie Boite. Partiltoiung 1,bugli wiido vol! 1teesmult me mdsemtMlucadeftbulu ihelm 09 Prce. Mêle »dbaI htDec. IUM-10-IL. VICTORIA LAUfI}RY RunU r.d uevMW uIoe Yerk& mp e g$.e Um oq0a un. Hait!.b Proi. caMaifor sud lnvured. rtuslvib «nga sefbv-.t The Qanadian Uffioe & Sohool PiulTfti, m ,Oe"?&Ro amusfrl a W. ehII o ànb»Wktft C c.,neoc.C0 f ; ~1i Do not b. mis-led by those ,.touse. cleaners who may tell you thg, Kalsomine, or Glue and Whiting, is just as good as the genuine. A. LA BAS TI NE for health, cleanliness or dlira bilty Agency for Victoria o.n.a W.,A. Goodwin's Roem Paper and Picture StorAî. O oite Veith Htl inda -JOHN MAKINSk8 Oppos~ i S Pth' oteTi jni- WILLIAM STREET, LI.NDSATY Banwu and Shingl. Millli mahiner? Plous' iii, SS.am Enuinea &]Md Stoma Pumnpe. HaVO à large amorment et Scucral rattar, k the above decoripionof works. Inome....................... e,î,1 1 S u- l s O s a l n S ta n d a rd ). . ..1 ~ 5 PoUle lufoce....... ........97.72,561 là gev buancas for 1887.... ý......... i,swO,44i0 EudoWmnentu Paid to Llviugý Policy Holders Canada for the ycars 1882-3-4-" tu cash. Eylbin.. ................... ....... 64 mue gcverumen Recport.e, pages, 5, 8 sa iTMI lecur an Endovint lu the Atue Gêneral Agent Lladsa. làlu&- 96-tf FOR trisect St Ïngt Sore Eyes EZruptions Sore .Feet C ha' ng/f Cata e Piles Fenae Com plaài ntsc Moq uito B Sun larrvm nati W6ýR£USETuLBlTT l~ Le lu cc -Churcl appeand a Masu acorea la Prafi Cavan, At the settled convers takable .&tor t Ichoolt on prot Méthod vas Ord 1865 by BicharÈ electecl beld ti '1875 1M of thé *0a fav Ddhl ame p inteud, .Northi By secets ho roi station the mi ta the veut 0c Hé Àers.1 geners ,exoept BEI ver-ti home to-day "rayél afteri Rcv. ortao Ohart, fion, 1.1 panrti<, in the sage( utq 2. havé ta b houel Cruel show] 3. Up 5BU reault au h& sud the ever1 vcpud 4. lion, civil lnuth, appel -have HME lagicl Suth ,of th -civil thea1 * vi -r-' 00F!~JA. -Wu -MON FOU»wz- ràcvuxl or