'lf S a'.. E S T U R I undsaaj d Boboa7<Ofl OnuIa sohWUO aTV.UGEOK P#vTf, iiisteBVVof 1.4410.) l ff fini JToono tu1. i to ablw5ti dutm ob0ps Ilagle UIeto.btw B i myant'dI0 . tMrPe Ot , osirturc ti kts i %& ad.bi P1mi40 cgnts. y , tai b#tMoo:hS it « vle CUb. plare 84 130 UON &Y on the £ii.g00018 eau be nlma" fvo0b0 t r1cxulp ftXCYIoRSf bffl100 %0 mpaua n uisY Irapo of lb. boat 6.r ttas spp1Wvb ~s addr,,ëad tae .crtU7 'LV.N- 00o Dnnuo. J. W. Dul4METNLA2i. ALSTATIONS IM ONT&IO ox Mm LIum 07 I Ticlkets WMllBe 5014 Ifa Exoa vng T 1OOilp... On JULY 18 and 199,18929 Gaad lt e tun ili AU*UU 90h. tO k fol;.w158 palt »6"uée mmi MIS81'T, DZCWRAIERI OXBW.timalffpr 00W BINC$28R DEGINA, MOOS LTA W YORKTON PR11ÇCE ALBERT CALGARY 30800 3500 EDMONTON 40o00 Tho Vinut vl AgriOU4ulytUtal nd ""OubWUxhibi tisa tt b hll tra J 95 h 80hinolalv, LaAuwilan sait 0f u" NO un"a asisEaiwyLu"d ff e l eld aM Edmanian on Julj lobà. Paneugs roush EManlanla lme la tu" 6.mie, fos furihetrIlula ppy ami, Agist et lb. TROS. 0. XÂTOUETr Aget 0. P. IL, ut enei., Lindar.O"PP ub ly noue. B 'i s *~ M I I o' '4 E~i o oN tek bol"Iwo'~ U fi, -hm . l1« - amiÎ% roLi hmt b. -- have 011eoe .g teObe a ~ms.uIm fmu. a m A.t Eltisi 11«t h. otalad auea la" migZ8easteat% vu. taeth. vlqp Tm ssiutldtlmg etDivisioaus ae Stad$, Job151h., lmitdey uSr,10 lly CANA& mA EEOat Bmrnr. - This vu thé.m oubjol pon vhlck th.elir. Oh"s. E. P = tad.ivèred an, adîres hore os7Lh.noteay mg, the28td insanmt. It vau n»d« th.e ptcof aLO. L No. 1112, sud Mr. Wm.. att.y, W. K., secuped the chair sud t la ev elchassa vrda lâtro- dmoed 1h.0pdm1, Whsou .ang to apaivu lroëted viTlthe muet athouimtls applaum. la, his addremsh. roforred ta Oaadi etent belg foty 2mes aularte as Great Britain sud xcumg ýie the United Staten hy 197000 squae miles, sud with au much fertile terrttory. Thé district of Aberta alone cou. tahme 100.000 iqm ta o f iboautîful lad. Thoré ta pleaty af roam n aCanada ter aur y.ag Mm m ithant Rotafi o"er tthé United States. Dr. Bttgge matd that Canada vus de.. erlbed lu mripture sa Dominici from au la seé, end hm t h.etlyer uto thé snds ai the ea"t. Camada hum maetîo anaha., préirlee "lbandisas ud uititul." grand lakea end magalficent divesa. imat forit. sud nnezhauuttbie miei.. is 5oheris ee Monq tut lohesé in th. vorld. Ont Min"et@oslu Shelr lamlot aidevlopment. <Jad la'm milntardlcountry aima, Mmd bot about 1000 000 000 jav.eted in agrioulture sud euirm mohtb *Att6l. im@ofcon. fédératia on habd om %9400mile of railvay; n@v wev e a as 14W0. The Cianmdien Cala, trmma teléaIb, ompied ront eu« tu océas, bladimg th. esttered prua of Mh1 Vaut oasi.dsatlan tmgthea, te th loemp rmilvay la tht vsrid. Gréiot thlugs are ou. fidntly looked for inthel. a y ot Adto sud Australien trade by the opemhmg af th. Cana ima Pacifio "»lvy, sud wvin thé projiea lino et stesmereou thé Pacthc ocaasttug thevlwth la sa meomplihed fmatthis routs viii dauibl.s béesntubgresteal tghway ai the Eat. At Coafédération vs hid bas 8 500 milées afelétitrl egraph; to.day v. have 50,000 alas. W. hais mima 15,000 Bmlles of téléphone vires, mmd 650 punlloatamm, mtws. pperasud magazinsaummis, eesvsny aue 8iy newspper. Onr sahoal systes la ".cMd tuaDmoueasths varld, vhleh t. wuail tht intellgencohithe people. Cuia aiaa maritime pe in t.oaly ezaesdedby thé Umi. tostau Mmd adniBritat. canadimms have tnob te b. prend o a t"tt.griot àlaea. whloh for rasanuensud pasuibiltUn e .10.04 @lsu GOt-attas. ooL NoTa-la the rasent map.draw- tue compétitionfor vhloh Mn. G.. mo avirdaiprises ia sel »p ofthe oaun ofa Victouls. Vlandobch lioun =use indl obtala tm ; riprise Mmd EenhmàOartemamoho amusl. The athercocmpstltora aMma evd taevtwnshpe% laies, rires, rtalya sud mamy athér futures osray.lT eux end Wu. Pecisn have rotunae home... lia Win. Allely hm. euumd tram Lladii vun.*ah.hait beropeqmdlmua ev veeka vlultlmg triade...IlasGilbert reltas tu h«e houeetmiPsendue for summer vocation. GOBOGOZE. OEANom&E-Tb5 Roi. Ohms. IL Ferry, pester of Dmvepot Eced methadia i chc, ami Grand Oqum a to hé OrageAsocia dos d.liveeM là eeted lecture as "Oraug*ms" on the svésofg ai rdai 1h. 24th lautatàThe audieme wvasnumerlcilly gd.Afler inWalat e 1h. ir aitmd prmyer ML 0e.H . GerbaI, lit. . 8L Hautes, "bM * m Ouly he u taoeupl teéohar. la Istreduma thé oreaertathé n.va<,¶ 1h dénisu dte .upi~nte f b sddmm. gbem by Ev. Pèet y ai sad the prerlaus evenlng md haDo miatélcla pmdiotI e the n udies sia uton éh.lre van u met usedemttclly apmdd ftc.mm ho ne oppoetete b. Omg WM *M a omi misi point MeIbis -r hais e l e thé T b" b is rlela , 0 ~ Ibm mnuhonrelb pepe Om e . tsabhma domr -Mehm%$ M $" ula te S.iuIIs.I *881 as 6 a « M& n y b lI M 0" d b oIpla ma. ami ahé lii~ ~ a Uf5 ud1sM miu Ë*e lb e msI e obýudl Un ie a os.1 m le"ae nhe 4l e ihaua etta - ?Ïélish "E k $j~ ~ j j~t, ,~j j, j~, j.'. 'S o VÂL Ihave reoo fok o! Groceries' WIn, Lt~oa~,etoc# to Opposite Oorner of Kent and William Streets. JOH NDOBSON, Linduayg Feh 25, 1892. Groceries &Provisions Âz a 11 m C«&MIpJ8ii L W. bave jtist ýrmoived a ohoice dScomprisng Sugars, Spices, Raisins, Currants, Candied Etc. W. keep the largeet stock of Groceries ini Lindsay and therefore cm* satii 1vante to perfection. IEBHOW IPÂAR DPOLLAR .wI GO AT a yau &i Table j4s v - . .............. . . . . . . . . for o n~e doUa 2=1 heok ................. .................... ... do do< Festhe Tlckag............................................. do do « e C e k sB hlélu fat . Ol ... ....... ................. . ..... do do il a . ...... 6e. ................................ do do W. Wrd mbalai Dreu Iânlng......................................... do do j" IAuoy Cotton Dreu DebmIns........ ...................... do do IS W White inoen Finighect Hasdkorchiefs ........................ do do M Gyii&dWhite Lean Emboidery..................................... do do j» irWiOeCtéon ibbedHRois..................................... do do 20 Pi Iaaev Cotton Books ................................ .....do do 12 yards Meavy ......i.. I .....................................do do is TâM rse ims eavy Boller Towing............................ do do 4 mi ottois Woklng ShirtS ....................................... do do 8 Pafr Ms'îls tiMUWeb, Brs ........................................ do do 4 XW M ou'.Yucy lamelette Shirt@........-.......... ............ do do 8 lien'. huas irme 4 ply Linn Turnd down Collais ............. do de 4yard AIJ-W ol H gq% «ta li s ades ................................. do do Ipair M ôn sitÂIi.W ooT"Bo k n ........................................... do do 4 Pair Ladies Cottou Drawers,(LAce Trimmed) ....................... do do 4 Ladie Whtt. Cot.ton Chemis, <Lace Trimmed)...................... do do il Ladies List. Thresd Underveata .....................................do1 do 4 Pair Heavy Corsets ...........4....................................... do do Siyards Table Oilcioth 5-4............................................. do do s0yrds Bih Lace ..................................................... do do * 4 Pair Ladies Bih Lisle Thread Ho"e, faut black:....................... do do 25 Fancy Bordoeed Handkerchiefît..................................... do do 1 Good White Qulit, (Great Value> ...........-...................... do do 2 Pair Mon'a Wool Pauts and a pair Braces ............................ do do 4 yards AII-Wool Opera Moannet, any shade ..................... .....do do 17 yards Hea'ry Shaker Flannal.......................................... dD do il Vards Soft Finish Cretonne............................................ do do 20 Table Napklns. Linen ................................................. do do Il YU& atarOarpet......................................................do do 5«& nmdaom» Oeylon Flannol ............................1...........do do 3T mTray Covera, Fringed........................................... do do 13 Table Doyles........................................................... do do 2 Ladies White Cotton& Night Gowna and one Ladies Vemit........... do do 2 Suite or 4 pieoe. Gents' Summer Uumderclothing.................... do do 1 Bumch New Brunswick Yarn......................................... do do 8 yards ÂII-WooI Nuns Veiling......................................... do do 10 Pair of Our Wonder socks......................................... do do 10 Pair Faut Black Ladies Cotton Ho» ................................ do do We are selling Men's and Boys' Ready-niade Clothing at 50C. on the dollar. Every Boy is presented, with a Base Bail and Bat free. THUNOS TO REMEMBER THAT this is the biggest bargain list on earth and not a trashy line on it. THAT every line we advertise we have in stock. THAT you sbould cali early, for sorne lnes are sure to be sou cout quickly. 1,THAT our store closes at 6 o'clock, Saturdays excepted. Read this list. Figure it out. See what you can save. And mût a rush for the Golden Lion. M. J. CARTER, - the Cbeap Mat! Sigu of Golden Lion. AWORD ,ABOUT OUR TEAS§ W. have always zmade Tes our leadiug article: at leadiug prices, aud we need flot say more now than, that our stock wau never better auarted than at preet, coxnprising ail our popular brands4 so well sud favorably known throughout the whole coumty A BONANZA IN OHIIÇACOCOOKRY AND GLASSWABB This departm.at la replete wlth a uared and dtemM si aortmeat of Fancy and Staple Goods. Ont Fancy China snd Glassware are aansd beautiful desigus, sud at sucb low puices as were never of. fiwed In Lindsay before. A.<JM PBL OmoN ..:%~¶fl UNE l4tht 21et and ~Y~ZIIÏ 1k; s:28th; JUL 27 8 and m ,IdoeiS - .- - --0 e&IC î .. -...... m Fini mO....- PE imGeALBTIt/ *U5.Gin 10 ....an-~ hskiU5S *,..,.ee~nn. C ~ i. ~ -~ 'e.. n ~ ~ e. .5nn..n 9 an.. ana.. - -- ~ V q s ~ ~ ~ fl ..en,,..f..aaalh~ - I ,T; 40400, EDM*radio@%, etrUê Pianos, Orgaus and SewingaU«chinese I mul the 1*81 m the IAImad 1h. cheapest accordiug W. W. LOGAN, General Algent, LindsaY ]Ryley's *'Hardware 22 KentStreets hilB, Papeir, Pait, Oil, G1asg PnUUYlOOtékBHges1, eand Garden Tools ofalkinds, 0»e door Buat of Benson HIouse. * ap~oftered by w ma The Jeweler w af pria. neES w and lOW in prioe. movemnents, very ObelP ftom 4,50taîo. ~uiIi.4 55*0extra volae. The JeWe1ert