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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 15 Jul 1892, p. 2

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SILOM'S SCONSU IPTION SCUREU Ibo saccesa of this Greut Cub Cmnh' vitou a ariIe i di hatry eda il. *11digus~ ae utho s* Cdt li u a pas. 0ve gueflf alteb et that na othcrei s c staned. That it înAY biceuovu th@ Lroprietors, st aan enormOus exPfflsO,0 uIsinRSSmle BotleFl'mejta eery homo bt.UiLdSat~ il nnda . R, If potihem a Cough, Sore Tbrost, or BrnCh(itis, n ti l, for itwtlicure yol. ifvtar cild has th'e Cici> erWoapng 1 ulî' à apromputy, aud reliet b Imr. Tif youu diagiait ins1dialis dwme Ccmuf.~5~u t.Aft yaur DiUWItX LPl ize 10 cli., le oe.&" $xe.If yu îg ,sort orB5Ck la.. UOshilohs Pori>u§ Patcr, price 25sOIC, Si..' -'FVVVM' OPuRmIONar.mou Ver iniormatinn WsudtmeHapfflce -ite la IUNN & 00. 81ISHOA WT c ORtK. ldtet bura r frsouring patents lnAmOrC&. tvhrypatete t asa out by unijsbroub bfore Lepu Jlicbyanotlegiln freof charg;e ntho l., r, i t c r a t i o n nc oe n tif l au mail MlIîulîd ho wfthnhti t. Weir.3 panr; $1.10 tIx ionths. Addresa U I& C. P yjliiv't.a.8ici Broneivor.Niev York. PURE POWDERE D 1O0 LUYE PIJREST. 9-rNES, essir a men A $a qui$ ,20 puis $SelSoda. goIS by Ail frorwvr end Jiuggim O.L *W. GxjJ1~'.x-MCD eo.0 9«IDAY, JULY 15, 1892 LX TON, ZflOBY ABhD LONGOPORD, (jTltNC11 PR.OUEBDîNoa - C(Jaunoîl Met St t.he tuwa -î H*. Lâo, L*xton, on Wed. iàeébiiy, tto %9th, pjitrmant t10 à oil trom the reevil 4"~ atil preuect. Minutes cf formier muetii ivewre read and cuufirmed UMvkd bv '.liatuttrworth, aeconded by Mr. IDsvv. di tL iterÎovaget our colîcitor to takê, a %îw1%gl sji E& if Lut 8 in the 9go, Cou. of Laxtc.n, Andt ta py the mortgagts a @senua îîndrêatil ollaivaaginat i, snd se-that we get a frtt.uortgage on the.&mre; snd alo to tgik.' Mr. Stephen' pereunsal property à» collaterai ésuu.ity anltjuuig to six huadred doliars, aiad tbiat ir per ceat, ho th. rate of interseî 1aabie yearly; and es, much oi prin. cipal as a reed bv our reeve in the mortgage, and saad inortgage mun no longtr than ton MVovcd bv Mr. Sater, seconded by Mr. Giset, thàL cur lerk and reeve and Ur. But. terworth audit the booksofaithe tressurer in tranafiraof st.sud mamseys ta the nev troas- nier to b. appoiuted, and that the ouretieu cf th. smre b. good sand relhable, and that amy en* ai the thie. applfoante. If their bondaiten are satiafaory, aur rese .e nepowered to gi,. thons th. offce of treaure.-Caîrried. Moyed by Mr. Davoy. secondea by Ur. Butterwarth, that the.bill preented for ulght roai! sorasers. uamoly, soventy.tvo dollars, b. poi sn<I the reeve Ulve bim order oit the troamurer lur &iae same.-Carrled. Movod by Mr. Bntrwoth, secondtd by Mr. Davey, that thio connoil apportiua even- ty.fivs dollars to b. expuend on the Monk rcad lu Digby, sud that Ur. Suter ho com. mission u t t expend th.e are.-Cairied. Moisd by Mr. 8nter, meooded by Xi. Gîser, thbat thîs coussoil do nov adjourn te meet ingài&L î. tiue owu hall, Head Laake. Laz. ton, on tbýý utisetSturday in à guolthe 2th. at the hour of 10 'olock la lb. foreoo.- .'Oarried. WILLIAM MAXWBLL, PORT PIEY.7 Tho Port Peîry courespondent cf th. *Wbtby Ohroniole of Joly 8tb, bas the foilowing "'Tii. neon Sondop loué, éhat Wm. Bravaner wats dead spr.ad through the towD vlîitbas mob opoed ands mueh sensation as If s ioaedlng man bail moe. -Aud why ? Ab, Ihorelu lien a tle. It la li from the u% rlter'a tante 10 use asintgle exproution reflootlng opon tbo career of one Who la paitt the ranges 01 rona and rulu; bnt Wm. Bravener'. lite bas loft a lemoon uhal u inlUkinduememai h. oued to guide ot hfall mortals. No# mmuj of ne ever knsv hlm by seuy nme but 41Old Bîab," yot ho vau many ypos e go wbat .ho bassabaubecome - Wim 'Bravouer. One@ ho.wuaaYoung ma of sood parts and good morale. Ho. irted Mud tnn'ly Ioved a vouan of good famlly, aud çw.es apeer among oui 1but mon. Se aud bis vits eaoh ha mosins, and bright- zoo nboue lu ibelr bomne. No doubttl)ey had is'pîi*tsi n @-grad, good ideal-lhey lookod furward wth faith and courage. Ohildreu vers bom undor auspices cf love and pro mise. IChs part oh the etory ends hors. Thé otnanty ha. a trap sel for the badeof o! shippy familes. ur: lad cf treedom socople a leais bribe te mliow those no disousd tn »Ili a demon lao sncbhboomes, for galn. Wm. Bravexer and bis joîfUl sud happy hmmly woe the Victime cf hie country à avarice. Noé a soi' iAces Ibis ooutlq, r amy othsu .oouL> ri, recelve trous Ibat traIe bul ne prepo-'-tu a degree ci bapplueu tluned lotoA -sigrsoein $Ooehome I11k. poor Baavsueîr's. Orne. edigoed b aleoho %objection b.osered Ji by limes and sbaî.d bis meaus. Boom 1* iemaadedsmLi laegave UP hie firme, b. gave phia bo001e, ho gave uP bis geod»Mre, b. gave ap his bloends, hoeeop hiets»If.repe b. gaève op bIif.'118 lve-Mad bilt hoegAVA Up *1 rlespueeof!hie Obldron. ne boemea àday$ahege, a ved.mwer a obtuse eeusable,a eeàei i àui loüed et uu dibbe. ne mlee hbuself aM Ob~jta 01eleesa1m sMd or etVU amornéMe du a" ISb on les éh.ism t0 hm Uoew. l , ao a»d gltled .eofhappyhme hepe ir lie iUmtl7Uileeud «W hop« nek Mo s plaelb bolm iii7Od». Ibeir firsI zeurslon ou.&"yi, BIh lait.. te Stergeon Point sud Bobea:ygeon. Tb@ day vas as On. aus ayone 00.1 uelie, Mud thone b.lg em titre. *0 four han. droit ou board, &Il bout on sujofflIbetu- selves, the trip Vas »amniuussly pleusul one. Evert conslenauoe vas heamn vltb oheerhulues5. Th e usud havas sud soovies go tervbeven oe mot Sp. p.nemli l$"ualog. 'The eeursklai voie largély made op of the utemberà of thé eoelsly wft their vives sud familles. The oleere sud memboe aof lh. popular "Brtbahbhood" vereseaslly distluguith- able by the blgbly décorative appeudageé vhloe e h on. lu bonor o! the oeir. The ofifleer under whos iblimanage. ment th.e *oCriton vas oouducted de. senve apecial pralie for the complele ar. rngfements made and foi the salliooty mamuan la vbisb lb. shole programme vas eannled oul. The Oakvood Baud wbieh asompanied tbe pleasuro Party oatrlbuled langoîr le the sntenbalumefll of the paesengsriI by the eoole musie vlth blh bbtey favordetiu. Thoe sem Onandella, thoughbhaviog on board go large a Bmtber, afforded room for &Il.. Poisosim.-A valuabîs Nawfundl5tld dog, blongligla Mr. J. F. Cunlunge lu oupposed le bava basa polsonad, A banduome noyard le oferoed for the op. prohev@I3n of tbe partv vho gsobantably mîgiasteied le the imuaI. vants o! go 1 valcable a spoeimeu of the osaine ribe. Rum's Born Wrinkles. Il is ssii Ibal damb pianos are onming into une for priotios. and 'Vît people u bs fouud Who don'l believe the lion and lamb wifi ever live togeîber lu peau. A soleutifia journal cdaims Ihat motblug will Improve a vommu 's complézlou 11ke eaoly ricin g. This may b. lins, but eveni womau kuava thal for immédiate nisuits a povir eg i let ol b. sr.ezed -ab. The man Who ohasos buhbleî wyul bank bis éhina soorner or listtr. Au EsIen doolor lias publiebéi a vark ou boy la privent osie. A book on miudiug on.'. ovu busIness, penhape. A Colorado editon uses t he akull of an Indien for a papen welghl. The Indien à. pnobably dead, thouïb th. papor domsu'. say ce. Ibisa sad Ibal stronxg tea wiii promoe mental vigor. In thal sue e , prngJ poel io adviel tb bt-min modcrâte. Take a bain lu il. H. Wbo laugbmainthimmoîf WviiiDol langb alous. A Keutuoky man houu~a a e l bisi bedîlcir. Hi probably veut te o bi vlt bis boots on. lb is elslmed that a sponge bau a cervous éystêtu. Ibisà gratiying te lean thst s éponge lias smyth!ngir hal vouli seeto ba ave bauahon estlir soquinsd. The man «ho break.sa a cev set of teetb may mol bave th. bloci oh martyrs lu hlm, butlhbu &s bout evenjlhini Cie. nesdedtoIne uni scsaelu 1141 business. People Wbo bonnes trouble nover bave te go fai to gol Il. 'Pleasumeb of the Deelp. An eulhnsiastlc boy, afler fiuiabing the liai obaplor of s book callid "Tho Pleoures of lhe Deep," pleüded vltfl his faîher te let bhlm shlp iboard a emal soconer. Theanid mou smiloed a grl @mile, teck the case under aonsidenaliou, sud lu a 1ew dsys lb. boy vas on the rollimit deep, se a greenhoru ou a visul luthe goal trade. The meit week ho appeaned at home, lame sud stiff, bis ibroal sors, orne coe nearly abut, aud a fenllag cf humbleneu roang aillbnhougb ilm. *'Wbat, book agail"l'oried the man s the boy euî.red the houme. l'Yom, father, and I vauttoe 5ail&H he Wood for vinten, brio& la ail the. oel, cleai oui lb. sellai, aud pain&thlb.ban, sud you meedu>t gîve me but Ive momie a day."y "Don't von 11k. mailing?"> 'Fatbsi, pou dont uud.retand auj- tbing ahout lu. The omplala smlled avay ou Sumday the ste s amy other iii, snd I believe be avare @von barder. He vouidut give me anuombrelle Whou lb nained, ho made mi ail op meut ail uight, sud tvo or lbnse limes oci me ai mid- mlght ani made me haul nope and drag old sails about. Theo ven't a single uabt vhen ail of us got off te bed aI aine ocoluct, ad Ibere vasaI' a single day thal he dldn't bully us about sud stop as eveny oime .go 1teiulinythin good. I like laud, Esther, and I wlob ovmei a larm.-Phimielphia Tîme. The best îhoughts vo have are those Ibat gel ie ooui bandeand les; aud cenauustedo *thiinusabat Orn im spiesasi th. W. are 6ainla ued et mersehof t.ekiai oh plet7 tbst iever:hrlnks from s aylug "pots. toeà0te peole Who uary. Haths h@b, HBu" Colis, Heerueosq, Asiçhua ami Blromohitin cured by Dr. Wood'a Norvey Fiae Syrup. The boul la lb. vaikL. ualomel ln ±:emorrhoids. For a noumber oh y ars Dr. J. B. James, o! Londov, has li.ated hem- zuonihoids by the simple procees cf applylug oalom'el te tbeom vlî tbe anger, ttid dlanie have dota mc vlth marked succes laevery case. psrtioularilvhen the' beurhoidèl massevas înflsmed. whieb le ah#raoterized by mcouns dis- onarge msudhemoirhaee, aoompanled vitb a palutal sensation oh v.îghb lu 1he region o! lbe rectum. Ail the@Me yp lotus, lb lua llegod, voes peedlly roile by the simple applcation oh lhe calomel, vhieh bai elili more important auburn quent adraubage cf restenrng the palist to pfrfeol esse, enabliug hlm ta punsue bis usuel cecupatione in happy lmmunty tram aIl distresmg or amucîlme asymp- tomo.-Bcientille âmerioau. Oxygen and k>ure Water tor In a licture on telb. dyautags eh ofoge. tariaaism ln malanlal alimates, by Dr. J. H. Kellogg, be sPeak$ af the uecosity of ran abondance of ezygenansd pure voter 10 ivenie gaod healta.U Tbere aie no puriflugagents for tbe bloud 11k. pare &W ~ami pure wvater. Oxygea la a «eaurai. bouge clesnen, lb Baturates the bleui, ami thua noaches overy parI cf tb.esytom. vbîle vîter le just as gond sud ccecury for clesnaing th ib ueo on tb. lusIde of tbe body su it is for keoping the outuide o! the body clean, The notion thal people have oh punllying tb. blond by putisag om.ling mbint laluabonni-as lbough imnouîe substanees oould. have any purlty- ing effeot. Would soilei elolli be mueh improvod bi bolng vaubsdinl a decola- tion o! bundook root s r sapanîlla? Les one vish bineipa uni pailid lace sîsîl out brickly for a run, amdinl a short lime ho con.olu vllh rosi lips, bright eyes ani au altogethonidifféent conalenanci. The oxygoa vhloh ho bas beem taklog lu bas served tle ut thebeffet@ malter ami hurn it up, aud ho le s mev man. Thon teke, plîuty of s*eroise ie the open air, live inlu voltilstei roome, eut simple, vholesamo f94~,c]suad drink flicou of pure vater, and yen viii moed no othes blood purifier. A Gmeat Fmozen Lake. Ou th. rosi ram, Irkuteb 10 Klakbta, th. froutien bsn o! le biou@laeeempire, lb. terrible mcunotous e! Mr. Pruce's jour- a, y vms broksu, foi bo bai te arome Laite Baîkal, the vondeifol laite bosen for mine montbe lu Ibm veari, bonssixty limes the aresofheb Lakte oh Geoe, or 19,441 square mlles, aud bausu average dt, pth oh moclots thon 5.404 test or mois than a mile. Ils origlon, Uayu Mn. Pria., ta uudlousdly volemmîs. The coulu isa terrible that vbeua ahurnisano stirs tbe waters, tb. vaves oh teu freeme as wvve, remalnlng iu hommouu sovo lte sur. face ut l henUrM.. Pise rosie th. cold bai cangbl thb. ltait ubp, and the le. was péeloty smootb. He bai tblrtp emiles tle drive ou sohifisi viten: "For iabout. s mile from thé boi e ie sbai i tim layer oh saov oven il, but vo 1gismai loft111 Iis sort oh isslln White sirpel, sud at l.uglh ieaced lb. lear ble@, vbeu 1I mv ia u s Ime temut 1vounal and bovltchlmg ulf hi I @er rhbbeli. Ovlag le the mary. ou trais.1 1Parernq- o! the valr, the le. presomel1 )ev4cm7Ïvbeethé aPPearnceo!09Polisbsd &oeystai, and allhougb unioubtedly oh fgireal Ibluku, wu 80so eIoissthaàt il Ivu 11 paeuiug over spae. l gave me 9aI Bulqalle sun umsauuy ffeeling te look aover Ibe sni@ehf te alodeigo i n mbthe blackt abysa boueslb; Ibis feeling, boy. Vever, giadually caauad teomoh ocsanina tienu#m84lait I fourni Il pomitlvely l- ffMuit te vllbhdrav my gaze troathe àafl depîhe, vltb ualhlmg bal I bisseel 8 O ohstal betveen me arnd elermlly. I 0 belleve Ibat mout travollere, onuoîg àthe laite on theoleu for &ho firel lIme, e«- Vp«rlum tha ame velu d dfa.el&tlg 0influsense.Aboual l vay srose I stop- ,pai 10 mire a gskoeaandtalt0k. mu 0 hotounopbe. Il vas no ayuîea gsbll0 MU« ut uIof the uledie, tfon 'mf ib vmg1.1*MW v iole on 1 souli d bsndby stand. Ti. i tbuâ. M ime of ýrtlu sunouadiags r.mludeme mot aibStêe o of My ezpoennss.tif tuleof lb.elKm à Mens Thl is egfu«l sldpeeévas ese sL oaly brekea, bnovWbymWrnos a few I ~ 1 *M. Pd*!e& iq. l ArtS e lb Tha vlea vil m a elepj6 Thst wMil h lbm emb.uiU n ae Vitaes aiIsl eeh allai. That viii mean à sudM anétel dollar; sixteenoeo, h : lhlrty.two quarts te the mil e Thal .111 makepeopie lry te liv. 11k. hlmx vho rai -*Wbmtsoesiy. vould Ihal mon shuuli do unte yeu, do yeen Thal wiii make ils posseebot love purll7 ami bât. evl. That vil maire lb..do sodi *0.OU men me ther have oppor"uty. Thal viii mike people go to obureh beomuse &bey love God, and *t besants lb.y may cousider il a goci vay le »Ili merohandise. That vil uve per.ple lb. ouoragie te do ight regardiesi cf oUDuueoesl. That vil make people as uprlght la conuot a thoumini tmiles sway f tom haome as they are la theîr aeighbo's panlors. JUN BUBN ____________ Inuer of bMarilagLionss.Jserfl.G. H. HOPKINS, JOHN A. BABRON, Q.O oucoe.sor to Martin di Hpkins) goUailtor for the Dominion Bank.) 5Tifolioret.O'e-WamSLnd OppNIES-Nsw DomIniBauk BulldIff, William ~ ~Momey ad on M0tmfCý or Promwr 1~ MOE O S li. Off, icell sret, Lîndoay. Noice. Y.1. MOORE. ALEX. JACKSON. My wlfe Seuls haviog loft my bed und board I fobiaMI enon Sivlug ber amy credit on MnY MoSWEYN à ANDERSON, meont. mz will mot py mMY imbu contraoted by 1Barristers, Boicitors, etc., Hamilton'a Block, Kent bue. gEORGE WRITEC. Street. Llndnay. Monoy to loto at current rates. Goodera.. Joue 28.IU-4i8.JOHN ECISyNYNDOMMID R. ÂDAaMom. £.ama For Bl.. A. P. DEVLIII, ,Barrister. &o.. Oouaty COrown Attormey, lerk of thei Severa choies Loto of Vrarmlng Graslug, and Tha- PeUaCo onty 0f Victoria. Office, Iseomnl block, ber léde la Sommrvlle for 00a1e. Arply aitamy time. over *esa store, Lindsay. SAM SUDAY BratIUOT.-& .'LiBÂBY & O'LEÂRY, ho ho .reAttorney".t-Law, Soicitors lam0hamaery, For M RRIED60 &oOffice, Eoheny Eiock, Ken treet I A FlW nlv. AETRUE O'LZARY. il& IKRy ILLUSTRATE» CATALOGUE FREE. The Paniian NouieApplisace "o,. 19 Queen St. Baut. Tarantu. Ont. Mention thM paner. -17. G, J. HOYLE, OANNINOTON. Always keepma sfi aarM"ens of Rooksnf ~VO7 dsorptlc.dil ia of sch0a. 00 yrand [cu woo ilcselléI. Erbroldery .11k, Tineol ad flower IMAvU, eta., owtil . itument*, Ms Alb=u, Bibles aud Pancy Goodiu r avery des. Pat OMMc analngtu * 14U6 W*,H. POGUE Little Britain. a 111 la im.la uuulgthsma t0ouim mam fIsaafr leutini toagmo e tle 2 h t v m ce l n o y o tv m fr . heiry eioci ohabe lboda viii inca Put the puaif ount 11160rose.OUR AIN le te kesp & gUt sigaý sImbsud s» user te mmble d.k We *W0 eeeBras. butsi e"ls Dsm'l àPswflvutitvort tannp aop; vus ton bW9,90saMWose W. uao kep a soed sock fboots sud sien, sudmi el Ils. da .thDm% lo rlmdyiaita éM OUR i a on as h b bsl The 4dghest mozkt Fie -£0 PRESTON & CURRY, (ucceamanata Curr m &ili) hannsters, Slilcitorn, Notarles @e.Offcee-Wood hKeIla'block, NUl- bnaak, ént.',and Bothau on Monisys. Monoy te lean at lovest rates. J A. V. Pau.src, B.A., LL.h. f ml 3611 . Wàmva 'JuRy, B.A. MONEY TO LOAN. Menoy lent an Mortgago, and Morinmollise Straight loanabstô per ceai.. 1782-IV MOORE h JAON. IIONEY TO LOAN. Stnalght L«» ata the voay lowent oi neat rates. à large amoami cf Tint IPnds ton Invesemeut, pay- able on terme te su t ho bornoyer. 1le" G. H. HOPEIN. harrintr, Llndmav. -r STE LOANEO AT PER 1E«NT. on Fret a Second Mortgages. OIdI Partes wvit bho et a»v urne amd place te ses propen- îles sud arranugo bans. No teen. Enclose nump. D)R. W. RENNY, Votrinry urgon.Graduate 0.nlaloVterlnsry Colloge, Tor- auto. lcgiat.red memben of On- tario Veterinazy MeibealAâbo- cialion. Officeamin resideoe Bo g st o to! Ot hnrob.amd West c Wallae's Mlle. Lindsay. March I2ndIM8 DB. BROAD, VETEMRINAT UGEON, gMauate Ontario Vol.. ernqCollege, Toronto- rsggtored member 01 On- lanaO VetoiaryAssocIatIon Onmcu-William street oti, la Eitch's Temrce, opdetegam orkm. icel ymail or telegrapi promptly aliended te. Charges moderato. Lindmqy, Jsuaiv Ird 1sS.-111L ]PETER MITCHELL, Aoda" Aooutm InaneiniAgent, 0,etc. OuCm]RudpMhl oldLay Office, <Up Blaira>. 1100.lY T. A. MIDDLETON, Idte, FM»inemd Accident Jmuurnce gent. Agent for tie Ontario mut"alLife Assurance Co. OFFIOU-Holtor'm hloà, Kent dmmcd, Tiré flr lut of the Posi OEa.o, uj.slairs-1764ly Office houm r tie9te 1S %.m.. an m1 t &4p.m AcouaMIt V ire aMd Li. lusumoano. eoote la ro- lle ecmnuleà at lovest rates.Agn rHai abus oaasmtea m ymi eve ol o1,0r e »d rantevor. Lnday. Ona,-]17l' .W[ARRIAGE rT. BEALL. IrAy Liduy sud Eobaaygou sage viibele *on- tral H1ouasLindsaayand Jacksna ls'Rotai, Bob- caigeon, liisYur ;;folcwm I.save Lladmayeai12il olock, nucca anw obasygeo et 9.80 arW., *y dy Aaca.odat lon ilhomadee for the travelligpublie me iniugage. 1lwill M m oMyam General Store at Dunsford %ban telispeopie for lmsi yeai' trais, i nope far o eatiuamaS cf ltemmre. WIi honau lirosi nmm vewltb Mmy p«uians agon. WILLIAM GERMYNI Aph i nt1B-o5M5. . A GOMPLETE NOVELs !b~ P.m àg~ U~Ott'., r. suppii ------e ------m-s-0 ulan.004uablg u ttnivleu ln.Ga flIÇLLI~VILL~, ONT, t SIiVEIiT~ENTH YEÂR, cure, JFallur l73!i8 m"mf#m dol. ngamai a l3~~nati bsw>t'and spit. seulla &» »0n RSA Mi a la d ud regte 'u fi-~ lov.4 by in daih asLBL c sbyo Xà"i u'=isoi b charlotte Street, - Poterbore. This int a nov houe e, and la one ai the bosb equlpped Ur H la Peterbora. Il in convenlont te botb .T. R. miid C.P.R. stations, ai veil ai near the market. Balis. vasiroomo, and aIl modern conveniencos. Termsa, II 81.00 pen dav.-1670-ly S M CIIEAPE L) Rfialarton la vithout u. rival iu ibis district au a Do neot be 1e3by týsc on-mrresort fornfamilles,and is beautlfttlly situated '-li ÀAcbarmlag place for the buntgmmi, the nportamaa <Ie81lers .t4 rav tell3Ayu, andIiiofa bean Ifiti ilagel mtbnmaltlveayestKplsomi-t,, o(-Glue alî>d Whit'ng tmlgrlp fi eadailte cia.gp ng of modern la just as gndas'ithe ge) uine 115.. Changeasr 1iig moderato. Tbo veny place te «"Speni a Happy Sol day."1 The praprister la axoitaccanmadato aIl hoecoin, amd parties cent- N Ing te nbsy a few icyn are reque.led ta cammuaicate A A BS T I by postar vire. Five houri railitraniTorante. The hotel la ruplied vltb evcry accommnodation, and a for health, cleB-nlineps ordua-i D. K'qLLECTT Provrl.ter.-1876 Âgency for Victoria Co. at H. HART. L. D. S., DENTIST. Oàce over Isairweather & Co'.. Store, opposite the pont cfice, Kent et Charges moderato -1S28-ly W, H. GROS89 L .B. . Dentînt, Lindsay. Al branches of dentistry lnciudlng tbe beautifil ami durable Crown and Bdfdie wvon. ad the Par. Osiain fillhog nystecua uccesstully practimed by Mr. Gres. An upper or under set of good te"1 for 810 Pure gai sud vltalized air for palulesa extraction. ree When artificlal teetb are required. Over 83 jeans experience. Boms aver Kenusdy'n store, op- peita Dominion Bank, Kent St. -1620. Je NEELANDR. X.R...D.S., ONT., DBNTIST, LINDSAY By the ald of lie ew hydro-carbon gas turuace b. con moa eindestructible porcelain fillingn and restare broken ami decayed teeth ta Ibeir original shape, contour and caler bv Ibis procesa. 01 roots cou have porcelain crowna attached conaequntly then, la no plate required. Gat.-vltalisOd air, admnnlteed wlth great succes for nearly U8 yeon, extractlng teeth for thouamds oa, pernons vithout a particle aopf n Ho use the labost approved appliances for anlterlng the gea. fHe tudied ander Dr. Caltait af 14ev York the inventer of gas for extracllng teetb, wba as Lnllatred il te aven 100,000 persana amd mol a fatal came. Mr. Neaun uses BhO'. Local Anaesbetlc for oxtracling teeth. Mr. Neelands in nov uaing a nov style of forcepvhlah he had expnessiv mamufactursi vbile oniaulami viAi te New Yonk, vhlcb romeves the testhh vîhout inajury te the guas on jaw, the gum oilng up beautifllyil a few isys and no ubso- quant trouble. ZArtcWaltéethI biseted.on .11 tb. popular homesami by tb. mail appravei styles ani appiafe or their retontion aui comiort. Num- besof persans are veanlng teeli made by Mr. Neel. suds oven 20 joyamiandnove rorquiredi repaire. PMles tnom 810 to W0 for an upper or unirurnt. Persona tram a distance wili pluome moud postal card. belons oenlng. OFFIC- ont atreet, Lindsay. uouly opposite the siminoan aum ]LITTLE BRITAItN Sash and Door Factory sa urcha&m thle Int~Ort f à m".JSP MAU*DEinthe S" Msd Door Factorv ln Limte Erhita, 1I Uli ary on thhebuinee manthe pam%, ani hope by strict attention te business te malti a ohaneofipublie patronage, ffighest Prioe paid for (iood Shingle Bolts. Par te iutng te buitewl ldo veil 10 sonult mu ami mes vhat Icun do for thm n latle vay cf pries bof ors purehaeig slOwhue (3ALED 11NA". Uttie ]taM% fl oc. I -018 VICTORIA IAUN.DRY Boet.UWoJohn aeartln = ag 10 mmm 1h.poquec Luma ihOim Parebelaaméfor aut uellvued Fwav w«Wamgaseiiv..Iw T he Canadian Uffioe & Sohool Furnituse Co., Limited. PIRBOTOrI, ONMTAIO ftmsn o 1W. Staiimimuilà&0., UsuaorscOashm001%0, Ci hurc, ami Loi BI.M*I av~a £~j <« g GNBIGUNS HOUBI, ~brech and muul 04? "f:arinsgradesi. rei Li~4y ___________________________________double shot gmii f lb best quit~8nîd DB.MoAPIE, gons, HOEL.65tefst ;rels, large bore. e t&18 DFL ldaMERIR, IRMIRS OTZL U te oboome tram. W. bave Just colt Ooeamiremmmo-w lu& atet orUh4 «Merr Of !ne.>my eeMd .o. h«» didu:l ornSet orlng machie Of the latent Improved piel O à m M d mid m e -W i li -V ~an d are prepared tb bore gun t 6 est do,. n t ,4 COUM»e SWOOU adm. oMnS hOU-10 Wu- t* IemtamiO Uubkrld estet. AIft.l.V ru ar m and guarantee good nbootlng. OId wO? s u ,y.lpatou an e ~V ITinPi . rifle od for abat gun a a pecilty. All Ott p.m.loshm ommunloation. eeue aawqkahk an r epon DB. E.~. WIsON, OBEBI bUBE, tenue. AmnllD f elrades for sale~~' j"@. et thé loyal Inflrmary, Edinbuaqgh.Cver tes D aoe e i and umwpi1iet lalg LRE& ib afli mCf lusiwbr oliadLlaa mrs.-167 OBO 5a sare of Public patronage .>froui Ste;- i u- s- 'n P. P4LMB BUBROWS, IL D. 0-.19., e-se vr m tg fiel ai-l Oniuata of MOIU il 0.g, tre*81888. Phyd-dfa, PATTIE'SHOTCL, 1 TIl1DIIL~ ~ ~~ B &« &"r*sdeue pp0"e "* " GobownL-Ubfweîî kuva hotel basbesuizmproveqUOfltL 1Ljj prepaf C sold by cure h a W.A eGoodWÎl's Roofm Paper aud Picturce 3to-A. Opposite Veitch's Hlotel, Lindsay .)ohN rmAKlIss WILLIAM STPRT, t.1Ne>S.4y Ba.and Shingla 15,11 MaehLer PIlour Vii!i.St.ain Enginee and Steara Puinpe. ave à lare assortment of Qeneral F,!tellit tue a c ~e2..tiworke. Llndsay.JuIli, tb182-i893. [ltIR INURICCOMP (ECatabiahed 1lue.) Assoie ............... s3z2v 62O71 I £nom e.. .... ...............01< àupls <ý Canadian Standard)....- 7,l,OO 90ý Do!lsh force........ ..... 7 i7,14 46 New business for à,-188.......l,ItmI ÇA Eudowments Paid to Living Policy Holdters Cana" f or the teare 1892-3-4-6-6in Cu, ythe .Etna.. .,_ the aiOb srsdian anud Britist. C.o com- bined ............................ 8«. Goverument Reports, page@s 6,6. 68 andi iL seaurm ant Eî>d;Dwxnn t u t1D tns- '% JOliN Ib. Mae»MURCHT, Qenera A.eli Lindsav, 15 1M. 2&-U Laof *I ppetta, fk¶flti ou.sme ki, m %Hoad.he ad BflWauM. FOR tnsect Stings Sore Eyes Eruptions Sore, Feet SorenesS Ô h-af7îJI Cataà et. J<( HAL' ire in tcundi aImall street te lhe iaffl lve et score destri tovar etic placel ut ae Pabin &choc Supr quei Unit path The smo! l.ng1 Wvho 13Mel ]PU pal des Piles qVê7p Femal-e Complainrt$s Mosquito Btes Sunburn ±Aff in f 1 armat l REFUSE SUBSTITUTES DE.SU RE.ÇfAFBUTTLE WriTH BU FFWRAPPER li ROYAL H*~, f Ths wdosproad Eubation AI hi 't Liim. iavelmya hOTuasba eeree Thlî e ie by lieparonsof til, workt Linoesdsa h l ell ery vaj osua ci On.lic asY th:w4greatkce hs o 11 gr etuate wo la omoyemadsloa fIb ptube. Tyablme n urae#»-Ti, s la t atnace ovIcb, wlîsba nmati, bel f iqOsu ami cigrE gea eumo rsg aTe a i bn the atedanetudetsrrnitn ab(r& hoostie?. lwaylunattoudanos. Tr"OU. hONEL.ip icsand states, Inclut> ing trt' of the Ir- prepiste.-181S-m Mlaits Iandi. tudone caen enter et art i:e roeSlve Individu&] Instruction, sni p tgree>. KIN OUN HO SEcortlint to ablitv For circulea rs.., Odrel Kiamount, Josepu BhavI., prapnicten. The above fhi s a v e r e c e t l y b e m 1 1 1 0 4 d u p l a o o d ns t y l e_ _ _ __ _ _ _ or a flht-claas btel, sud the public e m a nurdI--___ of lie best acommodatloata very resmaable rates. Lands For Sale The bar la suppiOd vlth ail the best brande of llqr: amd lgarn. Lange stableand sedandmauattentive nhe endv.-..frneri have a few choice F~ç ~ bailler. ('0e val'abte ' ow:.,;Ropzr ' f1r1- f O. 'ArmaNî a20mi resiioce, Ru«M easrst, »icodr u oS To*k nêoot Office boumi-S t. Il-»a&-m; LU t0 M t m 7, oites . e rauas iaversi01aiTmnty CcILi. Tonante; merOeiL cf Physialns sd Iigevont.; Ise phytialante Ruckvcod Asyluma, Elumi Orn" Trauk l'y Surgeai n iamaD16WWLot lm8 ý i Ga Mth Sarse re Rh t«' de ol àCaa.dan Favorite. Thé asoocaof giemfu it@ sid ummet dinks le th. lime vhm theb..utforme o! eolekre ucibua, iurbesa mui bocgjnom plaints preveili. As a meleguaniDr. lovhr' Extract of Wlld BtnawbeM y hould ho xept la thb oue. For 85yrèe rslbboeu themuse roliable m dî-83 >. Lov'u Worm Syrp rmovies-ormuof ail kinde la cilirsa or adultu. Ohilinen ary for i-1. Dm SBiaa,-I bai foi yusubernatroublai vltb dysspesiemd it beediole, amifoud but liblle relief nhil I trWedTour BuMuloi Bloci Bttbt. vbleb ma&. s PWOhot Oure.Il lce bbut medfcus 1 evor bli ta my lfe, mui I viii neyer b. vithout 1. RAmvi AVs MOhlaonOu-U-. Don'tbe oatuullyg o10 ebody mises pump for votes. ae a ve L eh ofl ova sud kemp lb hvlmg. et im*"r-Imemb»u Ml bre lisp ougil laeb, amitlbvili 'ebe t b1« t Ils wvbskey butasse My 1MU@1eboy vus lait e uy bd wu dkgswthoem .vu viydelisele sd wse l eb Addrm vit'rras C-1 ne. Mu

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