jH.800THERAM man Lue mS dl NOTICE. ar bameais.lametb 00bai eeheoU &4iseme las&$eno charge espi whmaà ~i*oprti at«eX ro sudat OAmade iR aTen alpuoviai igprirtee vsmmg h Buylial .7klmInviwt h ealamy En i ~op uupe 11Lots cm sll OA ou onmorigeua84 W meus 0gTTO LOàà AN o albimai Mot gIITOAGE8B OUGE A» uowD. SUL MursTEboagit s&dMcl»Xc« caa mWmETtsd Taisasproed cm PROPERTY FOR SALE, ret 10U5 for businessbled ol EsUW m :mtunmb = onrcs usrum e pop- ,u'nt ict on the corner et Llniuy sd udmmil OW, "u, viiib. lesselfor 91 yen wMutlh bbi yas Iot for pr1te duellla g .th, out 0&» wod. sud aoney udvumoed a boieg 14 La00eSI htomybrIckivhla tlhle $4~ ~ m~)NrhWrvt aU modm auo onesore cf lnmil Ipbuevih fini leum oi «mmentsi dirbbery. , OQLarge luto y bmlei iumlbgs WmverIey Avemue, viiigoi ombuli Msud a l oode oaeaCmMe.Oreamete Sad, su&$ ld good regetêbll'n Vmrd mrubbe>. gced grdes. 2 j,55 whte rlo mis. aléava 11500 al Morywhtoie hb rfU 1950 Ont and a iUVitary brick veseere 180'D 0» etslawitee irisi ottepe. 11,550 M aU g br rick btibl $300 Fmme dveing. crne4gh*bamuslot lu 1500 Fume dweling la But Wu&d J. H. BOOTH ERAN~ 677ICE-h. 0.P.Ey Ticket 0o%..U PKmte. t.st l yt '1ýandell, Spence & Go., LononEngland. Direct Importation of PAINT OILI Thin oil ise vend renowned, and is q>cified in ail large contracta. Be un and use no other if yen want good durable werk. ~G. Edwards. lasoe d dme?InM lu Mo% " e het Eensd àigu of l*6 "VI. PEIAT. IULY là, 180. LOCAL JOTTIqG& uuaBAN £9» DV» Vza"LU t[I BUT LvNixfSr13 mtaià.etI'W. J. Nonos. 49 Kanl t tet, Ludea.-584tL TÉS GaMr iis IMU mas" m ~théli butL B. sure and nt apaisetPahtu&à 001... 82 Kent itreet, Lls, SM dmcet d Oaîhro & Oo.-844tf. To BoYD'. ILAN.-TieUSabbslb@dm*l Camuubrai sud rm'a u huvhWo] j bave onaugi the Altos Ethel fa r hOBOY418 Iilsd, Pigmc=se mWeàmb.im 31h lut. Tié but vill *ee »W l b. s ii 14 8 olock hurp. Tickts 25UesMm, et the Aucotihon utilmust on, Kadsqaa.' iaosuxtetîsdp m. Théemmbuetlbqéý WSuis. uMd suT otier adia. tutaimèm %mi wrk mveoordtsUy tlaihis ute ul.. !sms.AUl Young Mme su stlulaL&- LEILTOX. Mksmh 2e18 82. Dr. , -.. 4 ImtîhàhCo., 5au Blien Iet renmh Iiila.-Ples itp uapu G.U, faeU ph«()-ou m et 07jM "ui ~~Tiram"aSiumx pm t 84di. a a"1e mes. "sut»e Mu". n hudeuand là dfsheltbé Moedb Mwéem, mur miomsWle bes w Wà it Il pru>. shit lié pasu.ii~I 48e VM Ohus Ou »Wuml mof biam& pdhl.~ W. IýOT Io~ JOlINSTON ISU Bj.gn of the 1M411Baw, BaEl" AND HEAVY Xsi'dwai's Spades, Shovels, Picks, 'Crow Ban. Nails, Buildingr Parer Glass, Paints, Oils, Luad, Plaster Panis. Locks, Kuobi, Hiagesi Buildera' Suppilieu at prices. and ail lowest COAL .MEROHANTS OATCHENAIVU for fils. et Hlgluotis'. __484il.4 A un x.oD ofthle cleomna"Qmasie eh. pLB. D. Thexlappowe the mariet i. A BSu 0F 000»Tuivi, uppar or nudSi fa 810 et GioW Duali noueLlnu. aqUs hi. Dew cari.-87-tf. MàaaUesm Limuu-3. Bithu (of lie a of BrillesBrou., tr ,Liudusy, 09 laitnt bi -1770@tt Jury vo XAair ousIco&Rosi "ommo mas" bluder ttuies gareteed eqlte bail ni cas. it Pas ay doun. Officet thle amihi. &. D. Tmr.-4 Wmu u RIL.-Perttaawablg vellaý ddl lu ilmeoemreek il do usiR byi ouri.poudlug uh ttI eai3@ut«4os,.b u m Impov.àigoutdlsizdmeb . KoremT lmaim lBoyn»mGxw- Tié -@Su&klgil'Bosp Co., Toroto, oUfa lie woflubugprueaie thj m u 11fuvim- tIOtce.bop med gir emm it1 s.dlulu tie Provinceof ci OuloWho Md thlis gas. vesiMt e lii19uapau s te olki huBmilhe lu ofc,48 sout mol, ata lii81h t aMi mmeud M iompaties; elu.dvmbu marne, uidrom%, « agsd sab.' of spam Wbaumae' usas. iutl b.plueluuant Mmli cm fret stuvmv lu ash mcmli-9247. lÂMIO uNiPonT-The *lut saaiu>r dm et um"lIaigNe. M0. Blemuboa ofTraucme, lu suouueedfa Tuiwe JIUR 4t Thelr*du iUlea"e Ltudet a7.8 s., su d eurlaRve lssk e t ets i 6.»,uMu iRn:=,omdsul 6t80 r'.i The ho Trouo orl MdAimà. wi ep Mont Md ammea v« i1 r a s el MU bsuihou srto. - The lai. the lie oi lupolulI Mdas llou -mi omate; KailpoS. 85 Cnte; Malla,80 suai:laok- ustar, 75 oula; Uziat1i,85 oeutat, Geai OMu cm ai ir gfetPeople ut» %die ai ,slgc otb P tihm ovàdtl thsvu* zuai "eaci, the Unmautftud f»a Siamn. Ltevi béo Bu Bsa Ba-wi. lmmnuu el mof lot 17, cou. O*a, mta lstrme id it yeoS" olum t ne immbik li URSIShUtoi. du bamttohq s Te nM' Mdlafthetfmo*0lisa hmd Un me Mt euéibtre~ a Tic liliiait of lieé muasa u 1o Ovllm.bi là*.-pi..amees ste u y e b* a uI ta ek ta 1- 1- F I t r t '~.1 Qdtc Kaoh . Pauual... ...P se a"ut Md Bdde... Grai Fumlulu... tGeme ci Ihilu"...SIboUl walIu........ il gcflue ....C.o0" Galop....***# laVmtlue"(»oe)>.....71 ffl m5ye orbe Qui.. Adaluuos .Iy10 cash. Ocois us17.0; ooacst &t 1 em OAIG OLOKIAvIn luxm Luit Ti 'mlsua co09oa t!»c U Eimpire ou Wlie f Item aifutor. a09l oMUTv et ouiu dm-m .W.*W " Mgrlisd B.'W. O(ki. of Lomic Who vul Km. CRawl LaeKP.,a"bI»iW mtmhu4hq aid Mjwo BuWu,;IE . la regad to tvImmbeuprie"talbi Raja le. kt. Il lu u*-*autooWlia Immsei have bom asie fa«omuu s mrs %roos.mdlim b.Ih liGn Butas0"T i Au AmîoAoe Jàor DlIRAM~ gemiusu ui; pillb ppe- 'W uslc uauliIim. ita ucad do vudRm mliui ossbath. 1 lsc. offlUy 11 u....m[j'à11 cf abul - i.. JOH N, DOBSON, WinesLiquors ad General Gro ceries9, lu flOu1ib s h iMu Mau55,p a~iU .1 bsé1.1 t. 1-,g slu .và-MuG , sime h*muoe e b U eavcn cille ws osehiq. Igs.MMUM mmaâI bne àat ieame tu 0 " t 8a, s héMM A"mus" "M4ei m loa theUlouat. *W hmsà sIL-n. Knux.- lm"thl .as 0 mo ImitmaIge goal.Du. su maileamak4 mg eou lie uffl tmotts»sd Sum » voORnmifmm-TIMa U. M K[oD«m&U of Mlido.. facm h Omema. -lu ohuioh et GbUsIN em8uds uà,et o'élook &m. TiUsemasyOa-rs0su othéa" ig l n di etot bd"iIailva. rmi Oflsf *0 W@ uutwtsp Ppo. 4lvlug EmoX o OANUUN-u»uus"Ri atS b,&Un0Rw le. Noub MU1idcthe lit. motod huob, Pm"ohemsu0c0. qut sud lmpruavs maih*UnOrsuga. mo. Taie Bina. ud Presttu By.et Und. sTdmi te Orsugemm of le=oo.The ohurh w £W rompulpit h dca, sud m"mî uuld moltgplu adttace. Desp lu. &- is lu in h evitSwummltes théU SPUC ILlau mFOR BATURDÂT, s4 Mo. Oalaacs'e, Klest uneLldsj4 A good bel for 29o. A goed csP for le. A good .1conahit for soc, vegulu600 ouiti. TIis by1he alib hem Mc q4 OoUae ouf u. icks, gleves, etcin luwesia.vértety. Do mot ai"e csliug Md uaparlâg oui mila befors r y b mjaic save ylis"prica of a geai lie m os varlisyou boy.-80.If. OFF TO THU OLD0UMMI.-- Mi"he Thoaudlke, Limday, hi. daughtmi Mis £&%W. sud Jeaspb Jamidu Itia Britais, 1.0m Tueady momlung for Metm.), tas. bsue Uney allaios Weldadvis Ibm Le. iAbW« or EanE«sd. Thir vlta h*ai.Ol osatut laexpolai h ob. &bout lu mcmlii. Tm. WVAiDEE ulul lâm '%mbonvoyag0. Rucuu.-À f.. days aie m Kr. Jau.. ofi Jemvoré asgolulu sinailepboat fa Kgleula h sub mla h a hcavy ta. aiM » cme m&ud Unh 1wavem broie ova 1h. @Idée of th* 115U oM .1 MiX«r. George Gruham,. o Opehov r mk ai Rke sud omée% es o t0h. rues ch ouple vonli doibtlleban Mtua a wry BA" ~COxomxr.-A picausi mat 0 1h. àt,1892. Corner of Kent and William Streets. JL.X1Tl o WaS. Outicura Rçs«ont ELOeuMacua, p.B % <@ e su COku hdbm bmque bm»abeU, mtmusl.l ggeyqbn.Prime, CuucMa sMA sUic.; f cuuorme JLPrpBSiY ofuouOkbMÂOca aéMM Mdbasic.. E Aey SDI lanPlu m tma BuvÀNT GIRL WÂmUI>, G.cd ua.. 10 tomua. INuuu au»s lresPohd- ANz>uuoîà&Nmtu t est uthir bea. Ilfa he»ruas.tishe.017 ailgeVik Duz.âv18 inGiàxuRoTT-*B lb. kiduqu mU mi of arda délay lu dangarcus. Amy db... auj fo., sud bue..se wiU .mb. flubie *tulmmtote f inffatm uilfoUo. .à geât.le ck. ktDoUW i MsaeYp". laalwauy. ucanMlble th lb. kidas ssud pobietç lb. hrom disais..Thy un a kldu e od EmovÂL-li. W. Ak. Goodulu bau n mond hi. Ru Papa sud PNetuve Pmm smto h Rotodul'. B ut mmx hé1hPoit Omoe, hér a udu. lime, wltk laoeus. fsclhiu, ordurefer uludow mid., miros, P" a stslud CgRuew re fuas.,Nom pspa, siabulu, euc, ste, ulilb. sttu"a te uow. Papa hauglug sd @a i nltlgse mmiii. Su amples et thémenérom Uockl. leua befon r.psfrba ymourpituisePdlmi va, ,auiobWi-41.tt 1910 OMe. MN . . . ZwsWu%-.0 M r.IL D&aof Ncdud, vu la huus Bt,> dv. Mm rs. m'allâtk linfor 26 o., et CUla. Ur M ibat Sole et Kiuma*ulunlu teonesaturi s at. te .o. h aige imu.ijbm ju mubu lit.msud]Ms. Rihard Bstetci Put ope, sm vlattimeutaude u h. Mv. . LDaughty, of IM Me" Résip Coboock, iparniBsurday lu him. SIlfyom ulsagtoim "go lo W J.i- b te 9 mlut,8884Ude.-2864f. AU woëldouble foid Enièrts. sut hule omil 23 c"i.pu lad, et Osti'i-54f Iloh uIMMlu 80 Minutes iv Wodan isuttuy Loi.. ld by E Gasgoi. ustu, for .MNi sd o111-g.tu at tiatet5 W. A. O.mdwlu'L-32 hm àm])-un- etI.i«dSL is«Mm oïd. d pool m.- a 4 mf ç TWO elcit veuàmoo% My oafiSile, hot umkl Lk muo.Alult.e Z. 1D G. Oliver, ocet fLndesayud GW*e ebmlset-9411 ymt s few u ePfl of gab.mwh sud est§ for fus. diautha saMn théfeue. miet Me lbs betty. Oiedfia W.. Or iilai"sua Bmy pin t X MNodal tmumN on * rti rem = ftMusLI& eme. lu. Zr. Callai msde * fubislp . OUm Tmi WAEDi. Eosomy te umâa".tu1.bailvu th euoemisé te h bser7pu beatu"aés et a 10 =thfsa" *",th* à um WItIulésiss li S uWut~ ut -1 t uib ibb i e uIti es w LImdss, u ly ,011892, NEIL MoPHADEN, 106 Kent Street. LINDSAY@ Oppooite the Post 0OffLoo WB ANNOUJNCE A new oonsignment of prints to hand. 40 pleceSfa.st colons ...e............ *et** *.*os 4S8696 000000 000 @**.~s.os 5 cents per ywdI st decotten delaunes, dark or light *.~.... ...... ........... 8 il il *jà - 7 schallies and p ts ...........000.....0 e..de....-...". * 69 "prints and sateens . ..... ..... ...* .......... oeeue ** @* 9 109 121l 1.5 Ready-m ace Boyl'e suit» mens' suite O)dd paîts 81.50 $2,00 5.00 6,00 1.00 1.50 Cottonades, Shirtingi. GARPET8 7.00 2 00 100 12i, go 81 $8.00O 8.00 2.50 1,18, 200 100 121t .14# $3. 9j 8.1 Olothing. L50 ".0 $4l".$00. W00 10.00 11.00 12.00 etc. .00 8.90 4.00 5.00 cent&. in Hemp, Union, Wool, Tapestry. and Brumssei lSc 20a 25o 40e 50a 65o 75c 85o $1.00 $1.10 I q $1.25 MiLrINERY-The seasen beiig about over wc will cicar the balance of our stock at haif prie. Corn mwly Mnd get fiaet choice. Ou stock is complote In every department, and as we de a strictly cash business, ve vil lot b. undernaid a by say houai in the. trade. 106Kv sti£ Opoi te P atOlflore #ay Linsa', Je8OM, 189.-1802-ly. Far-weatler &0Go Manufaoturiflg FURRIERS 0F2 ~. - - ___- Have %oped omiaàtul utok of. 't- j. - - I. ZIEaWAA'ô F& 1> kA9 NiA UA% 4 Gi4 Roi*$mu wo Bd-, * - ~ ~%...LLJ fld.. ___ mmd *t»dYaehtig Caps oAi~iaffl skoç i tok 't -T. t 't,' t.' Y * -~* N .. - - NcD~5LL'S DMCA'à oents. 106 Kent st.. opposite the Post , 1 Offioe, Lîndmye w lqrýl i!ýbdw