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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 15 Jul 1892, p. 6

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ID. laBELS OFI[I TORI mT &. 0. ulm ":Aziyen cem de cthtVgI "E e vluIstrmlesI coulil mt sme lilu-the ari.ry ise detrejei Nev vwS you tell hlm or shah 1Pl "Yen!" saya de Belica, 4for I mB1ht have receivod thae katgliahman's epaloaînsd ibis would ntt have happcned. Ifél as if bis deathi was upoa meo" HNe os adly te the boy vpouvwhcai fonieaildiathb las ai- readyplavod Lie boad udihibte, and bessoailu aud saya "Pmenei!" ibe tuase wway sud lobas ont on lie vaier, thougli Le cea hardlyme-fer th. mnomeut bia eye. are dite vtth acrov. Kicking the pistoa esay wL hbis foot, Bernelacesimaeif beside lie nov al- mont hliploam"ugerer, te. bis boul npom bis lap, moistena bis forebeailwiih tle spirits Matie bas brought, andl pours voter doua bis ibreat; for tii. boy camplainu cf tiirs. Thon bendiug dowa te, hlmhi vbispers titiS ho ist t l And the. dylug murmure book to lilm, I have guesql tit 1 vealilnot liva, ever Wince Tais bilet mruck me. That was lie n.aaen I tieil te stand n p for anoîhen abat -1 viab lta billuhlm,ibhai lo ieght Paus saj vith une, amidIIiight bave My Yen- rama. te my miter and my ktu-butithiai. usys coasa tauna-li.hehird gnrt-en. ",Wlaî comas?" vhuspira Bernes,hait uooocting uthe varda cf Marina. "Thé Vendetta!I 1have, loft my isten ore !Taed ilium h.oaglia, sud aficr a gsap on ive continues-"4I liedl soaonrah. forgot me Shan ilia thé, mimory et my deatb disiney- id lier life." Hia wverdi an vory taint aev. Thé Amîrican auddenly thinka if lie cm perbapa compreai and hold the artery. vith Lis baud sm e a tuilally stop thie -fearful tev et bleod, lie may beep lite ia hi. tilî bis aster comtes. Bat as bhi tooe d ova te do so, tu4reàla sBois@ cf1lierai«,sud et peoplo diammuntinÀt in buste, snd the souud of aviceilutueo datanoe, aurioualy ihe tLe oui munmuring iluMlisoir, now ibatitaije subiluei and sud. Whsthss'ilu ur lutmoment apon oarth nmou cnt power trom the or endavoe t enter, cames La um andl Sivas us facuity t., se.sud know thinga that lu the flash vonld mot b. Passible, oainot bu knevn, for none raturu ta tell us; bai, as Bernu es er, thee dying boy seema toaiesulireugli the. cilloe oli rock snd the vhite valis et the 11551. inn sud ith.eorange grave liaS stands i-. iveen hlm end th@ one ho lave., for lie mur- mura, "My iter-Sbe tathere-h um lior"-gnd he taiks ta himucîf, deaaibing bar dresses, sud bimsar inloversansd @mila, and then trnggliag t. bis fot gie ane 1mai and, groai ery of veiceme- "MARINAI" sud fals hsoakvard on the And tram behind t5h. inncomtes lie volo la hqppy returu, "Ataule! My brother 11I amn here' But as eh* apuks dm oemu aad takos ithe boy, l.avlq a ile ii. il cime ou bis face. Deilellco vib h uerai vole., attuta muitnuirpé,îe oume, aj-"My GiL, ge hbiaaI 'sudtseke. np ihe pistai tg bide h tfrout bar. lashoi.ontae, ah* cames on the hsloony &bov* turcs with a ltta lauth tODEuî la sud hQzema ho i.ollov ben, areing merniiy, "NRe i. bere t-je. beard bls voies!" vbhe ahiloka egenly about for hlm. 11r6 lie place vhe.Marine stands aho "ot et sheiibody se lie boschbélev, for a Pra3jilg lueof »roobansd Banes- laly knovlg vhat be Loia-cavere vîit bis hadk ie hle M fao tber diad bue. tlin. But as b. done Mcah. aies lb. Auptica'a bond sud neugmtang, vaveaber bsud gaily ta hlm, "Skialagbasud colle Se ha" "e's doua Suri, 1 suppose!", seL vmmag % Se .st, ainthai momatet Jor, tongtiful Oet ibifaigue cf lier long tghi sud morumg ride, eh* coas doua, te vie he . sgbthqopas Ofa etm.bayie- peraîtfor lber. As she descende, ahurin ameobrigbter sud feure, pîcture lise Ibis girl.The gay selonu of ber dros-fer ahi uev vuarsthe ath" costume et ber oiutry-.ubellt.h and de- vOlop th* litht gram. sd agile beaaiy cf ber form. Her face àt. fushit l ipiciatic, sud tbcugliauxiousaln ba hr jsa tuashocfhope sud love liai makis il. scitillae. yul Lapplaom Un i. uttyl»éu o f a that i. b.- fore ber, fousah. laug in t, sud maya, "Yeur note freiglioien u;g ut Il'y. boat Lis voic-sp ht muti b e il-vhonrjei.l -My broibér?", Neither cf ithe ma#tmpi te aar ber. Tii. cap"atMM locheook taitil.net, P lyng UmaonaloualY viL ithe brobia pistlai ielas Saken ila b a bad. The Amenican forces hliai te turc te ber. As lie loha, tafor tfer lirai time the silent for.n upon tlie shingli, sud gazlng ai it for a mment ah. b8filata poansd gaap, for ahi knova the umiform hon bro- oir vears "Who la h?-Wbet t. ibat? .Cen yaa net speak?" Uneble te bear thé suspense aho tae. aastop toWardstheafigure, andl soa, LeAt me s!" Thou cries, "HaOly Vîrgin! Yeu are afaid"-for Bernes' band nl puty ie put ont t. stop lier. Bat anliskerchsubies heU aedbrthe' face. à - 6-AýIl!I-D àmgi, but hi Sureas paî, as . aiesShi1la M"aiy o ,tht glittffl la l. 0 a~ lac; tl hi almply MSv41s "4Nef badV sk lv.hM Mad usas, "%.bas *13S0sthmg-You d »i ton alme i Zbuoben'ad«htel 111me vii bas hii. dDe lolue, pelatlugtS.the vaermsya "Au c@ier on itàbl 2p Lmcvàqlm uri Beme. fellovm bis band Msuaes te s bah ge-boa, bas takea up lic miaWL p~uoi i, sud ta ccv vi aL"n V ydo*& b" arbo. The irl'. ejes1 cet upou thb. m-*ur *Mat i.n asputtinteghi hU bdoev tii be. am, MdlizDn Ist if d eludre tsi grum piete ber b SkthevetY Pe!!r he~ Eh -ic pua. c ou. bebhe limia bMret.d S. 5h. emedumua Ite nubeciete mitl-I avms fS Ii?e sim a vondebSa At Skis 5h. ld Carsiesah« be osr-feahir, km.a" ever« ~7a% hér fai«t, isys la bis AM4 5h.W girnlg Laaet the . i aie. biar brothits eups.and masu-'l viiiè mil brihm bsc te mot"-.nd cries "4AoUb"Ibb a &OMMruam isi mnet bc discrbedi *»sM suai m m haer irclhe upen vhosc day ah. * 1.. A fev vooka aftirvardla ithe Enlls«Un bmt Sislak teck par utii. heberm» of Aleisdria, sud undor th. Egyptilu s lest somi éoecrsansd um. .181 paini of huei=bua 2:16bs flash »K te t" élue ,irybuil».ouSksle butp Ata BOOKIL AN EPISODE 0F TRI PARIS SALON. OHAPTR V. The Parla aoa cf lhe. jear saos.dimg liehue aie memorable by ihe occupution ofgt by theBrit.ishterces, wva afait average 0etihone brillant iplayu et art iLat saanally sitraot mc many vha proend te or do reatly admire thie modern Frenoch choaet c painting and sculpture. Noarlj iverybdy ihai vasilu-Paria ai thetil.., viited t; sut auPuarvasvery tul ot peple eue moning earlylanthe.May et liai jeer, eonsequntlj thoe xhibiion bad moret itLuuealaniheterogineousmauasof =ium0oltes vhe cou.e treui te u quer- erof": lelcite vorahip at ihe ahrlae et plossuse an ihi avcapital of the mod- iea vend. laeeofethile langer roous cf the Salon, Il mass et people are striving to mee ane of th.'pieiure ftheii. soac. .lrencî, Eng- alk Italiens, Ameriasua, Auatrians, Ger. usas, Diel7 every natiieuslty oethie wvend ar 1rui tagether lu the crowi, wvile tinI epubha panna et a confuaed vaity et teague., accents, dialecte aud lanugaes liai, masaci icgeiher, makie alanaoy ef ndn ami babil et oud. "'Magnifiquet" "Dlppoantingt", "hC i yl get a nuiit "lai balte niohi viol Laven" "Mlon Dieu! Quelle foilol" :«I profîr Gerame!" "This 'cmrii jan la vouarlse uPlema- dilivi" "hIt remind sme Of 'la Cigle!'"s "lJomusasiena! hi looks 11k, Sallj Spitte lu Ivinamiugt", This lui coues fuim.éa caiLle bing trou Kamas, vbo mas the remanli on ih. udge eftihe crovil, bat nov exciteêly farces ha vsy tevarils the picture; and as ho tisa il. tenu et a Goliath and strengili et a Smp. sou, Mn. Bannes, vha bas he.u most oethle put yosr in ihi United 8taies, Ibut lia rua éver te Enuepeta avehd the American smm uer,socueludes hli t. s dmac to do the C:.n an qézn o kim, &amiqustlj "Craobytlb t. in 8&4Ipoes" réeits Ski WesSerme. And ho t. rhgt; lbe belle cf se OIt. vil- lage u a nderedte Paris sed là nov as eelubratid feu ler beaubjy, thengii net, aie, ton ber virtuealuiIs a iSal et Ratio"s, as ehi ocase us as aly liet inler rural Amoilesehome. lMe lEthir amdinoteler moutu bares.dialud dau bappiîr ihan if liai lie litilei iauqcet cili ,liai ka.li aud'Prayeilwih liteie ob night, belon.e uip,' liv.i&as'11ALa Blle Blâobveed,"' It oebritj cf ahdemi-mouds,wvhcea .im ü esSe av idof sud shed- diLab, asud ei haey mae&0 m ch et 0b.atîra 01lea isi.famon. pic tut., fer vho sik oss tOSeho the Model. *iImulaSi by tht. dt.evanj, the Wes.- etc glaimakie. a doitaidattempi for a novrer viev, sud umuihas lt. ithe crovd riihl.aoaf uhe is etfhis Mansîreus ex. Inimiti.. iliat aroeUthod la boots vninkloi haSe r.mindoem valliym sai moutains et peltahoil patent léather. As b.oici.s.,osa Misérable. "Sacre!" cf seguih »onse rou e litli Frenchuan vbom kt crahe.; a gnose on ivo fnom an Italien Art cou; Rad s "Be careful, osent yjeu, nov t-Oh Lord! my boots't trou su Americaandadae, ien in lht. sgou oi.nt foot bis beboedl Englisu6 soem ud paint vause l dgaltens Tno mifoninues o et eos are giunelty aunsing te, s lobker oe, ani Mn. Bernes raiber -langhs ai tue e eieeu of làbi gaiadvance guar; but nov tle simili Insus lie face aud glare. lain dignant rage et the enuatui vbeobath lias se Mir Madiliapaili, ovein la h&t crash, au tuy onee; for lho liasjusi léard ile subila.d feminimi ahrhuha, and a paîhîtie amun thle aofitéâuglisu voici,i"Oli 1 lir. Vavaaaer!l Xekmie c om ntin 'a" W b t Tlis s r u r l e bure. Eeglluh atreh beside lie compWai. y" IDO1-O--eh t That'a ibe Ilird time »w v1t&ahaebe ble te valkt1 And -eh Mercy t1thibrutes tenu iy MeV dné isltiélu ithébeeoe of abjet de- Lookiag a little &bond hi meswhet t. te hlm, the.îphtute oetheii masme.Au léo- 1t. girl, vIa. levdlj que bis vl "So s a, throgehSuer iar uao =the rutIleis Aume" enuvaia; as và htisst. ber oemushe, "h1oed baoogve blutheasmelt on My fiel, --ou myi ris-a-cuverit"And vili b" ah. pouls a litthlaugu Iha" mahes larme th" ka noue la num e vemusti.el.mt bisutlulSingum ate, The gSMl"WBaa lte 155oui of là* prias: Ldovae t.làpathSkidaumeg rz tuassu Moe c racetl s Bldki, Mab adravnhà aaberéib-.&utkeu ni lumts pe.uIfls, le Si«tintl ouissà"dby »m ma hathé mld et by ilalLi u»d a$ 0c, MM gf ce p970 a mli b.o lmy Pt t. avig# ila ame ulseot am hibralu, bPsdeuar fiftmerelit. suc vhoas Mrtu. Berme.,loi" te t>e"vu th* iphierp, prdisbsmeucies a Cor"suesd pr u a pply lbem te the. anijet bo»r ,lirat impueselen paOef surpaie lie ina l hu.â if hlm ha. men«i u ue dotais, sd se uaiaim 01ahcffS l e. Th..*MW, thé bilevehç tqi a.*bmirbbc tu. mmlunacsevstn a b 'b^ esth lIeanWi S tab. MwbdbSi 5h nimlMem the is.om thé figusam, poplsgerok.Ulela'oè rut~ fil45for- hme MI»" MMLthe gir eta*0hiufiue d - s 1 -- ,,la vonder1,Irnth - i IS i aptt meme-ilie nM 1=tiJi hiheur 1 "laid," taya th elelady, "lu teSis.a. astr a jurdrewbs4 eMouglite a"* eu =etrt ib bel r "ONe-o," refleiivl) "cuy a gether ose vaut b. misseL t Buemlu¶waut t ahovwy ou lai curions plite ; sud te-day ia Miy lamichanai t", Mert Idet«t mué palatinga, sud the pubuicity they give a ýcert"amd. of wi- mon like 'La Bol]. Bh"eboad r' "'Oh, Enid t you ahouldu't talk of sncb 0,"iaya henatron. ~~hy not ? thoy exiai, dcae't they? I'm Det blind-I have cars. I can't ignore iliai picture, asu maihisn't lier.eatasi ihai val; but liongli I miey net admire the art ibat stoopa te diguify.euoh veomen sud anako heroines cf uheni, I oau't sayI do- piethe voman li te picture no muchs I 'dothat mnuthore who la t.alkinq about bier." 8h. inLdiatea, by lier glana.,,tii Catile King, wloionlaeagerly askegthe &ddrsisetf"La Belle Biackiwood," ai teli.l ing the man mearemi t him lThat he'Ul look ber up ; he'e an aid friend of lier fsmily's, hc o i-aud ho'lj sp.nd the pruce cf e thousand ateers ta ei ber a bigl tim-- ho'. lu Paria for pleasure, ho. t.; tht. i. hie veek off ; Mms Buggies ia lu London 1" Barnea knawm ilis quson cf the demi-monde, sud asnLeheabr'a the Eng. iah gil'a r.mark, h.oiféla ahamed cf himmefi. But lie feela mucli mare aihamed, a moment aI tcr, viien the. coulie magnate, vbe lia found hie French ratier uninteligibie ta those near him, turne round sud recoguizing hlm, crie. outî ln Engisl, "Huile, Bannes, et New York 1 Teoi me ile addroaa cf 'La Belle Blaakvood t' For a moment Bernas ba a aurging in his eara. as the blood rushes ta hi. face, sud lie uhinka ho catches frai the Engish ma- trou the varda, "Dopraved vretch! " nai maod. much more pulatabie ta hum by the gir!l'a, "Who vouid have bolieved it from lit face!"' But aumnmoning up dlesprate aasurace, h. replies nanchulantiy, "evoryone knovm that wiio lives lu Part. ; ik'm 42 Rue du Relider. You'd knov ià ton, if you cauld ed French, Ruýgles. hIsavh lu intis marC'ga Figera!1 '<htmuch obliged," ays Rugg1a "1You youug blooda, are alvays a eti sheail cf us aid boys!" Ho givem hi. a lier (for vhioli Bernes old havi kuid hlm), aud jota davu the addros If mental entais cocul desiroy, the Cetile King vaulil have a mirake cf paralisl.on the spot, for the weeld-be-inaceut B urnes uend@ hi. ta lie.lover régiona, undîr bis bre aLt a vlgor sudernuess het vanlil seul.esmach teugher subjeot, a.slie reflecis an the probable pl."ang affect this uitile passage May produce on the. Yoang lady's opinion sud nicipioea et hlm, when sh. lirai moitsanmd kuova hi, as he bas v flruly tuede up bit ulad ah. ahaîlldo. "Ezgail, %'mglad Ive givîn the beggar the' right eddrosa;$9lie ibinks te hinaelfma- vagoiy.«"If 'La Belle Blackvaod' gots lier olut.has on0oua.ILd MIlth. yll aveuge MI$$ e dois mot dmrite tana round sud leok ai lie ginl, but hua uu iLaiMat h. 1. ry- lui te »« ifbe buas avery viakod and e- praved fac. biuilth. bock et lis biushiug as*. This idia becomes a iesrtaiety us li beffl the British vetroumleyte ber, "laid, don!S loch at that modem autani sy leugar » y momt 0ater sheina ddneuaed as Mia. Laitrulio, by e a MilusWhe stops te apia o h é e ees 1 hm.v eh* Lad a preity »me, tinkab erme, for *hi bas bu pnug ivo and tv. Sigether; sud Sve sd v: la ahi.que prodiw e Bid'AmattSi. He menr ostebes ber saying te Ski gentleman aiMeihla abot ut eins &Dur auval nnNie.-,'Durt dwla' BMse hlm meitate. Il mut lm the clep sdu,& eagagid.te, ithbc npliesul itheghi aba *cass e 0hi. Ibistee mie. a girl am eS bave hait Englend ru-flur aterie. la aay cliii ea» hoveuiL uOT bave mode. Ibi m mik;sd veuld bmcvthai il.eIssI mue aagielie br typ vulil salipublily, Lest, veulil b. usa aI*lovid; liai "4Dean Edwin" might bisa Mimd, esuin, brether ; but lover - mevertBut -bhlesel fé Baume.; faor5h. Ir£bt h im l1ehi0ha. bieome tomporaniImsu-or he t. nov lu loe. oemmour.ytetilda orààhlm te linger lmugr s close te -Min. Amtruher, forb or brlirl teje.are beffamengta notice lia glles; s. ho MOT«s a litVeavay, makiag mur iliat iin tlhle peih ithe ladias ar baklug-butinlaadymsaof lb..; se liat, ,Ysre tlihoy ar» feovlcig bite; mot ha, Te d. liaeffictivil h ha.but. pirfonu a ffld awmeni cf admleuhi. hpping sud hep pmni about, fer lb. "« q. ms, ta haVe Ïde cimo te spend la Ski place, suda&i Pum ce plit e maser, as bird k'. OMM liovala oir Np"aiaeb i Md louka et ih vit'triomphant lultllo. ed jo. This eSaià ats diplicated laeS. fue cf the flaglshua' 006ead, vWho seimonemuly low a.det gi comfioet Pacli, deolloa, oki Matec, eMd eveaïith. bye, cemiosu Baliermen vie rwv the valUa5 lboat, mau&aa.lutd y or- ret la overr detail. lu faci, liai cf Au- tenia t in ,ted vth a Caro sud delcaiy, sud lie mpi on aaidealbiauiy eh ex- pression tbat makes hlm loek m~on te a maniyred sait,, ilisa a indying vIithu desiri cf aoibwg blod Upon hic mouC; pneviag %liai vliaeven patate4 ,he platane, 00914 ouly regard hlm ha abiclutely unsin- mlng la the affir ibis ceUM ie lmdeaili. In marked cemîrasita ibtis, JMr. Bernes' fac. ia b«r ne mess. àa aad lihenosa, sud canlil euly have bienu pinted, trou a pamaing me.- vrr hile the Ihnisi of the iv. Engliali milita, tai are mîir.y ds, muet have hie. pradncod by ant *ho had neyer smen th.., sud ai bost had lied but a description cf thoir persous sud appi osnc. The artiat, furthormor., liad evi aintly bien dia poaed ta do ihein litili justice, sithe oountenance of the principal lanithe afir, thouth light.ed. ap by triumph, in derk.ned snd avaded by malice, mur er ad caardice lunvivid, yet mont repulaive comubination. Ovor this sonne t. ibrovu ithe rising, * tropic sun, giving the brilliai lighteand ahadaws af a sautheru pioture, sud develop. ing tho pussions on the faces af the men tiil the thing borina ne verli atthe imagina- tion, bat a horrible sud cruel reality'. As an artistic pro duction the pictur. la blot great; for it la evidentiy th. work of an artiat who ianet tboroughly cuitured in him style, nor techuic; but a a concentration of hunian pulireal sud ewful la their li- tensity, t aes ita mark. It han been hung prettv near the the lino sud bas quit. often a littie crowd of marbid gazera about it. Its e ets are hcigbtenedby artificial mens, as it in deepiy framed in dead blacki, InatreleBe ebany; sud bas in red lettera ason its sombre trame, uts titi., "Murder- If the camniittee are idealista, it will re- .eive no prize, thinks Mr. Baues; but if a majarity of thoni are reda inl art, t iii certeinly gain un honorable mention, per- haps more. Auyvay, Marina .ilit have mado me better looking, ihinka the young mana, for h.ohau aimait immediatelydoe r. rninod tram wlioae brusb the picinre muet have coins. Everythin the young Coraican girl kuew acoarateiy of the affar had hen accuatey piutd.bii.portrait of Barnes, of whom a 6h.id btamernary, vas de- fective; while the faces of ithe tva Eng. limh officers caeh.lai nover sien, ver.eus- tireiy areatiens cf ber imagination. Think. img thia, ho looks st the cerner cf the pic- ture t es- tie artisi'. nami; but oniy finda -thé inscription "Fine. Rispice!" vhich Mr. Bernes, vhs. hknovledge cf Latin i. already umt c lsint. lis pocket-boek, sud a fvdysairdae euma"o te ile.enin At Bermes'"lestcdmuon sud atari et surrise ai lhé pigé"% M sId sa aisme 11111e digtsui la tb. ieehgreuad, but s«I seu .ueugh te motion rauj n.e t g loit k, as graimally ep----e; su ho bau heb" am the kipalating bu earoiUfy ic orum " hm.Neas .h tuus beni te mif *1h. Umsh g&rlbus moé jet enteriL Ski eas . thl usa *ho bhm Ske a= m ofetàa iIoture doaler, sMd mauje igeuiral at"tiuof ilieaeN«. laSe vW" lofe.skiheart fer lhe ahikels ith" à bedN e M ui4Made i.him andasy la.pes.lvly a l aHh, vitha ulhghl fer- 4'Henhb% Iude1returua rum.vit& amoe aagnouSs i9de »fe . in nosevivil eus." N.emoi em ete moite btheot"Meay of Ski us a side hlmas li eaub, "Me.maiein i laeriaein lathe pituri!» "iver7 mueki" 48I6iIddl" <(a élighStmqnly S lichend). "h in moi a grat verh; the srtisb i. yeuag, Ibellevet" "IYon kaov ber te " 'r"t?'eilmusalook@ esufuseil, bil aI ber a moment snddenl ««y, Ye.! l'y. a ber once; yeu n.. ISouphti f I cculd £et the thing cheap rd buy îï L.iemo otiiy horrible.Sous Peopli are morbid la ibeir ttasa ud i ilpuy more fer a firsI-elsas mander thon fer a mahtorpieue frnuil.th bruah cf Genou. or Detaille, -J am suart deaer?, ,,BoI a"l"replie. Bernes. 441 aep- Posé ifveul i u nm*mibrasel modem ssalutlubyhi. Sinies, yen'd £ive a geod diii er it"l "A farinait--d ho& but embody a caime I Ooinluetigaed-' Hfoe.thbe us ehoeha hinacf muddcul gy s, "Yen vish te punchs.. ibis, Menaient?" #$eh r s foc d bleed toc;SbluJe met au idoal, Wtà Portrait r uYenknowI ld Yeu what t Brt mmdi me no inteasted in the picture-that lette, frein Egypt. h rathîr reminded me of dm. afair, eep.Oiey that 1ueky pennyepimb on thec avas; es I Camne to âne tepcuv asiraltua. sd gt to atudylng the me- bld bomr of the thing, and thon heoame int.rust.d ln th. faces-espeiall ln hià.- but I want very dusperat. &bout hlm SM 1 homeanejealons." "IWhat il"puaMms.Vavassour. 'I far.d ha à rival P' tht. llut wit mulauIAd medramie intenaity. 1«"A aivAl ' alnaet acreama the noir utouaded British matron. "(;reat Huai- eus 1 Did von Sklnk that cauvas thing couldbehofalé te you f' "No! Bt Itfêtred amother loved hlmt a"s; a Spaniah, Itaima forelqn girl uéod te linger at a littie distans., gaamg lovmngly at this part of the piuture," sud aho peints te Bur"es upportmg tii. dylngbey. "A 3'reachman generally waswith br; and os. day-I presume ah. had noticed mv inbereit, in the pîcture-s-he camne to me an-d askod, me peint blank why I loaked et thst oui- vas no much. An I did net car. tatellber the E piastrIid 1 wus epris wlth the faocfthe sawlho pitied ! And tho ah. said te me ln a little sad amil., 'Yes, ho piiod-but b. careful, dou'i love hlm te. mnusi; ho lives Il Te whi.h I replied, 'Y«n had botter tak. mir.eof yeur own heari- yen look ai bim quito Lexidorly 701h- self-'" > -And siV, suggesta Mme. Vavaseour- ",She aaid, 'It in the dyxagma I look et -ho was my brother!'?T .en h. went, sway, and I fouud out, by queationig te uttendants, tbat @ho. had painted the Pi. ture of her brother's rmur der-a uic., xmor- ose, merbid taite, waan't it ?" ",Net a bit more morbid than giving yeo heart to a man on canvas," auggenta eM Vavassour. .61o you thinkno ? I find it very oe venlent. I osa have a rendozvus with hlm whenaver I pis.e; and he nover makie love te me in reture, nor lays t.hinga théé makis me bat. hlm, nor squeezes my baud tili my lingera suifer, nor does aomothlni that causes me ta get on my dignity and koop hlm, ut a distance ; but, as this ia our lut interview, I've brought you with me, Mm. Vavassour, that aur parting msoy n94 be taootendet il')aughs the girl. ",Enld ! you're net ins» enongb tao ver expect to meet ibis mlan 1 "«No such luck, 1'm faid," sayse e4ir in RlYf ul sadaema. "Àdi on did?" "And if ho looks like thai I sbould &doe him! The resi"-snmd ahi pointa te k pictur--l'bave triumph, bat. or'raen ' their faces-but pity, none t My de, q,' boe the girl aimait 1kughs ai ber cancei., "bua pitv. Ihaev hocould light as will as the bravent cf ah.,, and love-muoh bitter t" and @a gives dme Mr. Baumes en the. oSvas a look of muai bewîtchimg tes- dermes that &ho mahes ithé Barnes of fash aud blood almoat crazy wii& rapture. Mr. Barue. habuflot ovorbsard, the wh*W of this conversation, but ho bas caughé iMeui Se0maeiMhm sUghSy imbiee, aMd ho new bas wld droau of introdueiag himueif as the ierthly riprisintaive of the bulag ehi loes. Rcw.ver, a liii. roman. mg uM prvete hi kpermmea "BaViavvme sie ldeo truc mairmly spirit hus bmep. liermé. la uahlng a matoh for thé eil, evéa wit.ilà "1Whe cma ta? We mud..m XUMT in* loves-whai moaese10f ceuri well »cierne oaci ithe ; sud if vs did, 1 ehoeUldprobably liai. hlm r'-Th.» emrai "_ te the pictire, Mies AaSther mid s "Geid-hs yemdemg ; il I1voee b 1'èI bey y« ; snd i'd mueprt; but p.v- erty s. etton soparatas lovers in this larmes, Who dr"ka in vlth iendid e thk mipart of Skis spiceh, rushesoff la And thi pioture d"aor. ]H i viiiparchane lb snu steuad hia darlisp.h.lIb prouatiag it en ahi veddfag morag,t erralti,"0inspiratio. Re hau Sot te calhigber "hiseai j"Pl à hie mimd already, ha. ihia rapid vo«Wg usa-fer thaugh, durlig h.e «irawmr omvermai« oe h hejui l Smd Se. heo = p»b1I mot bad e imoment i xcé Ïbe. lote it h hm tinelumg, vith aul a mspiacsl erv:r, te ore grand central ides, aMd thatin 1 the £csWWho evusthe Barms« of oauvs shaH i o thBéclrais i elay, and mari,! hlmvtth vory shert dslmy, fer either oonmderation or tecussm. -In fatci be as, evon now, vIil dacma i c mOILI1 The fanouu heavy Bodied 011 for ail Machinery. Tho;ie who use it once Uae it always. McCOLL'S RENOWNED CYLINDER OIL bas no equal fer Engfin. Cylinders. Give it a trial and fee for your- sel. Beware of imitations of Lardine. Made only by MeCOLL BROS. & CO., Toronto. Ton sab by JOSEPIE HEAD, ]PeumWsi , sud J. P. RYLEY, Llndaay. Oha»FURNITURE GO.&TOI ANDERSON, NIJGENT, & Go@ KENT STREETs LINDSAY. Undertakers and Cabin-,et Makers, Ca-l and see our stook. No trouble to showi t. ANDERSONit NUQENT & COU City Harness Shop, Lindsay. JAMES LITTLE, - PROPRIBTOII; Ea'in 4ciSmisi uýj mç. *ihc 1maimv.bd"g Spurec rm m M&JAM LO'&uL hir mniua" a" Ski geai vO hM.buada. o »VrcSIre.jm red aul My clcufftanuraMdamia miv -m ay em yu Ldratrc.qc, eni vithieh I ma£ b. iniUsisi. My Stook of Harneas Coflars Whips, Trnnks and Valises argvi miasaig.Sm o a oqpbSala boumi. Emnd mais ooflma quisi ImuiseLiAeU 11*. b sua omwte éc mypssla leva. My uxPamebin obs k = el dm M mbqoa TIbe ntmai ev s Ma mM JAMES LITTLE. Binder m ý Tw ine. Raving oontraotd for a oarload of the leading brandis of PUR MAXILLA, SISAL AND eL XBINDIRB TWINE, BLUE 'RIBSON, RED COAP, CGROWN.1 UtE OMfPOSITrE re 5i55M5 VIWEFL5LMAW f s e UK i cer v w~~'~ P<c~ 11$ turi»g the osson. Orders soc" I ., ROJ. tveythngfor the Garden. OUR STO0P WLOWE NDVIEGJETABLESED * ;now complete& Reummber vo are direct importers fromn the largeot S.ed growers in Engià nsd France, and can give v"on advantagela in prie and quahity. dURE MANGOLDI GARROT ANTD T«URNIp have long bem n own to the publie, and this year they are better thau e««. Market gardeners viDiifnd our oeeds the best, and our prices aeright. E. GREGORY Corner Kent and William Streets., WATOHMAKERS9 ENCRA VERS. We "onu rom" dou oem sliM t e ooutaatly reépl.uhng ou steak lu aill is do. pMrinet.,sd iev wi i luaa sc»Meh wug in su thueb.latest pattonus sud atylue& Gui % us aud yen vi be surprhaed te land boy choapirv won. fit you ont. Looking wiinurn o obligation ta, purchus. Look aud velcomo. Out stock amsson forWÂTOHES, CLOOKS. 3EWELRY, FÂNCY GOODS, TOYS, SPEÇ. TAULE8, etc. AUl hinde cf Watcbss. Clocha andl Jouait7 Cleeued, Repairod, RepolIstd Ghidcd. etc. Our reputatia se good Watohmakeru la veil knowu, sud we refer 'Fou to &Il ou iomora. Priam s vas wmconasitnt wftli gocd vorkrnship sud accordinitta Lthe woyk don&. Yeou mb. îold th. coSt uhen you blave the job Wh.n yen need auythlug lu aur ln. try in Ion canuot do better. HlUGHAN &CO., Next doar ta the Ontario Banik, FARMERS, ATTENTION, Ilavmg oeoured lh. Am.oy ai Victoria Red for th., MASSEY snd HARRIS Compsnlea, I au prspsred te aupply ?armen vtth the beot parnu Inplemeuts at Primesand Teri whlcli Cant be Beaten A uli dbock cf Repaire alvsya au baud. I viii also koep au baud Or.cîns, Sewlng Machine., Washmg Machines. oe. Inourance effected in tii. but Zoili compsuies. I arnm&IBO agent forers aic eofmonument. and headtoues, bath marbie anl granite. 0.11 sud se me bifote purohaslng elaeire. JOS. V. STAPILES, Victoria Roadé VIcto& aRaid, Ne. 4th. 1891. -.26 And ve are stili pleaslng the public with our LARDINE MmhouS as hèmuceh hi vis-O thoui. you mum a e miue lunch ichr maid vi lVi kr Mhtr yeng grl.utqin**aS a hack ald <mvii avy Aahiodisegs, lmes gît. tht. snot.rvipelmg te the duier, 'Twenty à giserîu <mut h l i, eSt '"e.. cf et Ae1à"drve Mm .blamei" 2--1 ti wbr theaytii. M«lsl emsuslilu,eOMeM b esd m es==el Mdyteion taële .k o - J Im ai leemub* lb snm m MACHINE

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