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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 15 Jul 1892, p. 7

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1~lý*wâ 4,' hefore the thr'ne, and bufore the Lamnb, olohed ini white rabes, sud rp s is luhem hands; ant i -ed witb a Lou( 1vicsaylng, Walvat iol t'o oun God wbichî sitteti upon tha thr<nîc, and tinta lhe Lamb." 1 shall mpeak ta yeu ai the glerified in lIfiLVtit îirnuitiber, tîmeit' niteuedouts, thuir dIrt'ss their symbols, and t1 tlir sang. But ltiw <t auIl I begin lîy telliiu onfatlh uuiii),'îbof thoein lueaî'enî have seaun a (turions tiînata by an ingelulous mnsu he Oaiatm hiLc lw long the. world wue goig te lut, aînd iîtw mae people tbeî'e are in eaoh1 gouerationansd tien auma up tube viols ctter, ;îîîl my lhe thinka there vIl b. bventy -sî'vvm trillions af seuls i l o1my. I nave ;i) faith lu bis estituate. i imply tae.thi lainl annoancument cf the text-- itLa la i eiat multitude, wiici no inuco aumber.' Eveî'y few yearainutua country v. haks a cenïtig of the. population, and Il in veuy say t<> tell boy msuy people lieue musàt a city tii'a nation ; but vbo salsl givi lis omusaof te great nation of the. aav.d1 hl la quit.!esy o tll hhwmauy psapl Mèrere en indfoet denommnahioeaof Chiaitiaua-h<w maay Baptiste sud Ms- Miodisteansd Eplsopalimasud PrSsiy. torians;ocf ail the. deiomintions of Chuta- ias v. could maesu estimate. Supps lie>' weî'e gahhened lu 0uegreat audee roam ; iow avervhalmiug àie spectacle 1 But il woild give no Idea cf the gmest au- dience rocîn of heaven-tue nunt udes thba boy dowu and liat là' up their hasauna&. Wiiy, thî'y coe rtrm alltth. chapela, frets .à thie cattedrala, from ail sects, trou a agis ; they wba pnayed in splendid llt=-ai éâd tics. whe lu broken sentences htr the. viai af braken hearta-frani <3gs Cbum-oiansd Sailr's Btiel, tram under ** ablapelons rafts* sud f ram under higi. uprmug arci-"la gmest multitude, tiaI no tam eau number. One cf tube mont impressive thiugs I have i.okd upan n lau an my. Standing us 4 hîbhside yeu n. taortuy tuiicuaad or ft thiusaaid mneuan og. You eau had ly inaine tube impresion if you have n"t moually fat il. But, you ma> taS.*aiU thei..e n.1âtia the isullhuam even son- tube logions under Sennaaherib sud Gy-u and (jiesr, Xerxès sud Alexander sMd Napoetnî, sud ail aur modemnforces ami put ti ionee gmet army, sud thon ou sine swift teed you may rude &long lie li» sud review the. troop ; sud that aocoums- ated hast from I al ages suema 115e a hait- formned reglînents comprd with lie gm-ca array cf the. redeeui I etood eue day et Williamspontu. ami av en thbe oppoite aide of the. Potomac lie ter- ces coiîlig dcwti, ru 'meut aîler regimen%' sudbriadeaflrtrigade. Ilae.sed as Ibougli tiiene W&& no eud ta the promdsisi But now let me tak. the fleld.glaaue ofSI. John sud look cff amumg lie hast cf HEaven -lhouesanl upen thousasidatan thousandi tintea te» thousand, oe uin dred sud torly sud four thoussud, sud thousa cfieu- sandn, uxtl 1 putdovu tiie fleld-glaus sd Say, "I caunot estîmate t-a #fflt multi. Inde that ne mmn em number. You uay tax your Imagluallan, sud t«6- lui-. your îugemutîY, asudbreakdovu jou povera cf catien iattenspting l prouithie multitudes ai lie eeaim earthhsud the. uuapîured of avin, mi talk cf hundreds oet udrida ;ci hieuuis of thausanudaof theusand; 0f mlhiMisCf Mallions 0a;i mWlea ; mai1 yau>Wai&" ma jom hése talaIs, aMbnhual1im When Christ my Lord shai.l gat bar All His redeemed agatu, His kbugdom ta fiheit- Good nigit, 1111 len. A correspondient au indian Engineernug suggests a method of sbating tube amoke nuisance lu close mauufacturing localities by having a amuoke duai running tbrougi a town, coîîumcted inuas uiabie mnner vitb 1 boormy Saviour ealug; the diffrent funnaces. Iu carnying cn$ The icyful heur bai cornue'suob s plan, ih b suggesiedilat the. duot The augel guarda are ready right be conv.yed cutuaide of tube city te s To guide me ta aur home. coudeuaiug station, au exhauat machine Wben Christ aur Lard shahl galber being employed tc forc.e tbe drauglit. At Ail His rede.med agalu, tbecadeusing station tie soot-laden air, His klngdam ta tuberAI- vauld be made to pauthirougi vater con. j Goad niglit, 1111 then. venieally proximate, in tii. way depositiug tM sub' ot advances, sud toila ycu cf the the salid mattar, vile the air passes away ymLh tey carr. If my text had nepre. cernpmatively pure;;thie sont viich ro- lyproea branches, liaI wauld have meautu adsai s.Teciaaomc h sornav. If my tait hsld.represented th duot fer auch apurpest would bave ta good lu heavun as carryiug niglit-shade, vary, as lu tube caecfatar sud odieu liaI vould hasve meat ai. But il lsa mauina, acnarding ta thé vark te ho par. % branch thh«Mcarrsd tiat la viotor7. formed. vuen te l'e popsame home tram var in Whousunake Poison la Harmiles. oMen tim sud hloqeme rveuheiumpia Nature soemna lehave provided that ne "seeand hïpeople vouid cames eut vith ii san viich soUts xlwdiy shall bave suy abracesaif1h eins lues sud wave them affect rntannaily, sud vice versa. Thus lthe ailmlog le oit .What sislg'ficat t mant daadiy musSe venani eau be .vailowei "iaaU h roîu mde leo 1 il impuxY, the j uc fti tmc reecoed i avn On earth uthey wersPm-eumbly decemposug it sud rendgnlng i1 cSodeamued, a 1 vrept out of thetie hurmiesa. Mauy experimeuts have beeu aIrais. They hai utmeshaids .triks.made ta proveoI"s.On one occasion re- bb.m ou bohh obha. Infernal sie ood.d, by Humboldt euen eon mvalovedi la thhir lacis Thelu back achot = e le i ofaithe1xsn t at could b. ai- sorrow aied from, four talion vipers 'without sut. Th.fr row rehmi vtb unaeviat i tm-g suy bad censequecea. In thei mrn Thél bro reed wth nallvise sy the poison tram tiie euv.nared arrows botL HKov voal7 hey voue1I onm oSouth AmnernasIndians cmxa v esallowed Y3<~k0ft~ ~ ~ nylu eutwith sdter ded cul t irelan "O Qd"t i hr -e t .0 unun lips o nieo hie mu.- Y*h. d.ivomei vs ; as hhey 1lif hi a ad ' gI"Wn post. frar= trmanhusd theycmyBrUide adGrooma. Vtssinn e rTii loc hw8ock upyon ai Ihitrai tbrugivhchbe hvepassed, Ho alvayuoarria tva ev gripisud lys triale th v eh th bur-Ysambrellas. th - IO<tti Reî Hoalvay aféi ber Ie sm 1 OMT, In~deilon* theS. carnies natbiug but a box oai e tro o lis. tii, lapi before God vav- Sihvual ia 111 ou .i~at nima ~iy caas îi, t ~ mi a corsage bouquet. Om-la~liqi.<,is fane , and He'salwiaya aleau ahaven, sud veans, b.- thsy rnsnaber Ht. sarrava, sund they m idsinauaehm av ,vr fl3a.mst miiEUav ember Hie riei expression. th wu yîa jmd He alvays pull. out hia vslch, presun- andhist H. ia lne aH bly le me hov nsuco h le honeymocm in oà h~e exultant d vavlnýg e ens. Whou he reglalara atthho htel lthe 'lami h" n ornes iJ;:t*i i e i p "&ssa , ele awrttuen tuice aslarge as us *vu toi or vt.ldei théi vwd eofvau; but now aume nyrist k o ayli [t pluoka dmvu lhe humobis fnom the t--lé5h evgeu otia ahiS hvmMuy lums 0f Mt.sasth.y stand betere the. liroms. na .lbsi i ate-ui m orn ei. pé* Oumho vas a plulm Drama. _ _ _ _ _ _ h uoi .i thebaud m o-Is-»0 sorret Dads. <pao iSsitu1. iY vaY; but Il l lebU &M in gu b vlM g b ia boUla Pe- ws-4 o" l t bu 0Ive &b À91 igl - bhidgem.tas u e UV drt1sttat, aMs1 boyemi tUhe a -m 9 PW - 'aa Aametu %1 My aubianmà lhrsiauàl md~~~» ofak the srgh. Bn embevQ eALI.so OORNEJL ael aas e. »La~ inîtÇd to- W "-d O>.laf Miuoy, Drosa am Mandie making Ir" id- Port 0E~~e th-Slu lryI5AiSIpI' SEOO over the anoïw, amtation Of a we shr.11 utsr se 0f gbe ta Redue. Thomt Yàaso.teum , e ~bispa qpa4tii... Milk. a MR gwe s"ahaevesh4g? comprehofld Thoîr »8ppi5oS.Nt*1tU 64Wi --rli aios1LRES eSNO lMA LoNDOI;, England, July 10, 189Q-ûr. O UIéfl W, d those heardtheii.S AONC IBAY T&Imag inspendng a vey busy . @ ie W ue l~.nArcatik aual oleino slUUiL England. 'ut only iii tjàgt 1ion été. They -biwhte. Th1 ereblck* V -Itu ec ae u«. 'fPreamrve ohurches,. but in thé proviaus, eormous Th"ywer. red. They *were coper coter. li rae d lriere. crowds have gte dto hear the eo um .11 , uds, fri-aul sa. &T1.y ver. The largestjlape lbry in the world ~~sth.red o1 CL, lUfl" ito &U*àai dum n. h is thât at Jedarpd 1 OW04 heloniging ta American preacher. Tii. granit F Pas.d '_ge'i8aaéiqu6os. They teGand=Ldec 0 atS~t. a dit.ch TrnacW fl hi he Eu 0fI«"dci, .vèe .onfhmdidlu Lana Taver. They started in 1845with an appropriaîtion of $5, bdere Rcv. W. sufpahea t thrcs faught wfth bst. hIthe amphitheatr.the firt book itheOcolléecinbng ol' md aînot tasnfo~o, su tio Ig. Ti.Y 'Wve. Waldemmsa They were Albi. "Âhiuan Rezon." There are new 12,000; Distreitiadnet Churc hahithe Hscney o ns Thy Wm .Scotuii Ccveusntura. tomes in the. collection, vith several thon. Dtrit ceuldnto. t, hld hit i n on l wa Tke Sou & dwielsimaders. mud unbound paitiphietusand periodicale. Lrid t ge hia t, thagit va. lu tht. world men prefer different kid& The majority of the. books are Masonma ad y eveuiiiigotnton. the mage reo f aigovurmt. The United Statea vanta v orks, though tiere are hundredsa u n td here. Outs ee ndau, the tarnea I eblie. The.British iov.rnment nedsto >alfied subjecta, as the design in ta coiIect Liverpool, Manchester, Nattingixam, Creve l e outitutlonal monarohy. Antria, everything bearing upon Masonry. sndEanly, o chrchceud b fo~ WItU b'OItI5L Bt weu tey orn up There are books on the. E ptian mys- LaUge enough to accommodate the mu. fo esruth froui disirent *»tionaiitieà, th.y terie aIrlion worke of al nations. diences, and Dr. Taltnage . poa hi i h il prefer on. granit moarohy-King Jems The collection iis comploe in fraternal pari- halls in which the great poitia cnvn ruler over it. And if tiiat monacy eu odicala and the.. yroceediugs af Masonic tions are hceld, inid the capacity of tii... diabanded, and it vere subuit'ted teaai the bodies, and there ai - many valuable worke, was tcste<I to the utmcat. Smo. i. ar.1haotse cf eaven vho .hould rule, thon b~ duplicittes of wih <10 not exiat. There are* rivali, he bas pr.ached moen.u timoneaà ithe unanimouts suRffgea cf ail the. redeemed nsb7huadai on u week. 'l'h' sermon 4elected for i. Christ would become the president of the imctlIsi, antique pottery, bits cf bronze and tio ti~ vçk s foî th txt gv. 7 wolcnier. Magna Charta,, bis cf marlile, rare prints and engrai'ings. These 9-10u, "it er thi bcbeld, anl, le,a great rlght, lieuses cf burgeases, triumvirat.., historie souvenirs are haused and classifiod mîultitude~ which neonman could number, cangresses, _parliamnenta--nothin , in the in a biindsoime structure cf brick, stone and af Il nA fla ani kiîbkaidpuai.,preeence cf Christ', sceptre, swaying overail ireix, valuied at 32,000, erectel1 by the LIAd toy"s tood k <cthe'throne, asud te people vho have entered oi that GadLdec oa bofo i t ii> ta;el'.itl IMi. t glory. Oh!1 eau yau imagine it? Essentialily usaaciated with tIis library ~uuIpainnxn Nvitroein t51~~ n g ftuta heî'erendSecretay, Hg . heod S n I - ~h bntuetbcn ti.and kindredsansd people and tongunes." weee Masonry flourigies. He isncw 1 oîb. IL p s hetroeud unieth ysbet dacsan e ouc i.serving bi& 49th yean ni t1int position aud iî1siho a cînetaconactwii Myresu cftse lu heavn Tee abject of t e efowa library is caled"IIParvin's dreas of thoinwold a netnî T obvecltofhe l)½'" He is its cre-1tor anil by his intel- Liit hîî,;iuid o beutfulluait uatue body but adorn it. Tlp &d who draea. gn u udftga~~. irn or ruii<ni, wthout heiiig pi'<ited ad c pti.ri cuin it in as neached the pioud c(wtinctiau it flOW elevai ei. iNe go into the art -! ptiery, aud ibbon of sky aroulnd the brow, and ear- elioys. .la cuid xonnn ea ouir tîoiil iiets the seul of the jîiainter, aud rings af dew.drops huug frein trce branch aiid scholastic positions iii loiva, and ini we heai t lie hum cf the forestea nid tihe clash andWmat, cf. crimson cloud flung aver the widely knowni as an able writer anid editor. of bis contiits, and see the clî,ud-blosaom- i; shanîder, and the.. vialeted lippers cf the He lias been Grand Represciîtative cf the oig f thelic sy and the fcani-blossomiug of iga o a etIko htGddn Granîd Ladge cf Eugland and received a tii. oceait ; idi we corne out froni the ga lotdsiebatf.aprl Vlva magnificent jewel fromn the Pîi iîe of Wales. tory better tuen tlian wliîn wu wein. AW e ahalw. wear iheaven? "IIIsaw a itreat he wiliafiePr ior fCnadaecogn eintoedmi ýg0 iiito the concert cf nuusiu and are iifted multitude clothed in white robes." 1t ijlaîserie. -Tone toevel ecgnitinc snt tutuo encloîntment; for dav8 aften aur &culvhite 1 Iu tua venrd ve had sometimes te'aIIvie-ootaTkrm seciii8 to rock withi a very tumuit cf joy, ns have ou workig apparat. Brit sud lus- the sot, after a long stress cf weather, relistoagrmnavud .rdcau u fDon't De lu Haste aud rocks aud surges a greut white bu are t plae swetering suiid forgea, or mixing To break off au aid sud tried friendship. ones back ta its ordiuary catin. points, or plastering ceilinge, Sr binding To cantract a nev sud doubtful alliance. On the. sanie principle in it _profitable ta bocks. In thia vend ve nmuet bave the To give advice vitheut bain& asked fer it. tlîlîk <f îHeaien, aud lonk ifu ipon thatj workiug-day apparat sometimes, sud we To spend your salary i advauce of earn- 1<tiiidscit.pe of joy aud liglit xhich St. John Icmr.not how cearse it in. It kappropriate; ing it. deii;the rivert i fgladne", the trees of but when ail the. toit cf .srth isn ata d éîliieraticn in a grat preventive of 11e, thic throîîes of power, the coiiiningling hr .n or rdeysdne mare se. cf e i,1a~ ng love. I wish thia înorulug veaninesa, ve shal sand befoe.the. throne Tmiaevomoeta newmna that 1 'iii llbrlng Heaven from the list cf rabed lu white. On earth vesosmetimes had T aelv amr hneowmua Iutangi 1lus, sud makre it aeem te yenusasit te vear mauruing apparel-black scarf for s time. really lb -the grat fat lu ail history, the the arm, black oelfr the. face, blaîck glaves Te vieup a reputable business te dabble depot of ail agea, the. parier cf Goda Uni- for the handa, black band fer the. hat. in' poituives. Terme. Abraham maurutug for Sarah ; Isaac inouru- Te take part iu the differences lîetween This account iniîy text gives a picture cfo gfrRbca rigferLhIryeur ueighbors. heaven as it im oni oliday. Now if a man ohldreu; David mourling fer Aslm baiple yu hire e oloigy carne te New Y<k for thie tiret tiine on th Mary maurniug for Lazarmua. Eu'er% second a xuîls day tliat X- .,'ct1î arriveil frein Hungary, of every minute af every hour of eu'ery day To (quarrel with your vif. liecause ah. snd h. auw t Ic ariches lifted, sud the flowers a heart breaks. critizes your faulta. fluug in the anuussd he' bcaî'd the gun Tii. eath from zone te zone and frcm To accept the. scandalons atonies you hear bcoming, lie would have beeni very foolish pole ta pale is cleft vlth se1îuleliral ret; concerniug ether people. to suppose that that was theo rdinaî' t-ï suad the. earth osu easily afford ta bloom Tae up a safe but piodding business pearance cf the. city. White heaven la .1S ad blasaom viien it ia aa ich witlu meuld- fer a buibble speculation. waysg rand sud always beautiful, I tin eriug ljif. Gravas!1 graves ! graves! But Te cquarel with your husband because h. that iiiy text apeaka cf a gala day in heaven. when these bureavements bave <ll passed, daesn't tell you everything he kiiows. Lt i a ixî' c grat clebatiu-pnhs.and tiiere are no more graves to l1ig, and ne of n tluo i ile<o«rat rertion cf esus; mare coffinîs ta make, andi no ii'ne sarrow Or with your laver becaîîse heliXeiescom- ofte r ft <cor wnfall rrcf soieo Jen e;bcauffer, va shall pull off tlisisnouruing mcii scuse witb hilslovemaking. perbslca u e dcwfaltohe n dspti su ad bu rabed ivhite. I see a soul gain g Orwîith your sweetbeartImeau'ie h. treata peuillonniuseI of twuhat;in butfthe t-ght n p frontm U ai tsacene of min sud other gelUitlei'i wîth courtesy. milenui 1 î kluraaingtus passagebasit dom trouble lu ta glory. I Seum to hear ui.say: To go i dk' 'tbecause tiie sbopkeepera were a holiday lu Heaven ; aftr this 1b.W 1IJourney fortli rejoîclng hatie cnidcu.e1yorhat.-lc- held, îiid,. b, a great multitude, which ne Fra-m thls da-k viele fttars, nt nurr man coutl number, of ail ntions, sud Te heaveuly joy sud freedam,Th mk Nusne Iu,,lrul mdnsnl adtocus.sti From earthly care sud fear. Teiink -Numace lem W. offer to deifr to jOur addreu a complt. set of THE ENOY- ~ ~ I aSd - ~ OOEDIA BBITJ!AC, revised and amended, together. with I a>a>~~~uataPm 3Us6sviaban. M' aS fvrPf'RTA 1AüflR .for. one rnr.ut the followina D ce:- -.a ;,Qlgepu Ea.yolopdia bmnd ta loth amP&pear, for one year $26.0Owpay- able se hIlWs fl&W en dehiverydo!the firt five volumes, ancit2.0<) per nuotli far o0»ey«W. Ern9e4"pudlabutd ia PU ull .p and Paper, for one year $81.20, payable aisfoI& ons cmdouv" of the firet five volumes, and f.0peu a th foe1qk» Ye. t la.ulssdia oed l!ow 11McoM d Paper, for one year 8S,0,wwIIau IL.60 ent doitV" of the frot fiv. volumes, la Paid oit Once. ~êof d.liv. man llovanoe la t~e fto00 lb. ul Lbrary ~*0 Bim u wKoeocoofor THE GLORIFEIN MRAVËKIT G$ 90 Bv ?ALMA*R.. Ard .d.U~g~ ,.Kin Niéol wàalaaw laferi 1h.publie thst eaohou.reiveil a large and voinable a of e lt', UM -jiiy I»cv.aywt element, amXtln- rom. Koeial aid Toronto sied in ffblly prepart~d ta w<àtt on"herinomer- I ~ ~ ~ M Iluag .m.$ aIsua la. ouI pâtefi tte t ..gthhtds, avfng àatirai ". iliha.Latset city style».la' dresud <>,.~ tai,,oo ~n ,~, On SaMlua, t. he h ,atL -bmlua matls mmkba wvieres »"laatmention wM I gves te aIL. Persansfrein a distance waltad of16Joe wâ4 010rs .orlu eiRihISS eOi.SI bm abtM > n adjaeent aa.on iIbî Sis I^i My odia fer laou o Set «a d- OU -V u àCo&Dy0-bStr,éhyBlkntdo o Tlhe rabbis cf New York city are urgiug jtoi te rMy satifaction, and te-day, gVE0rOeWru,&CuD~~d Soa o.yBoeni te-t thie& people to iid l veddiuga sud fuuir- 9ZhMr. F3. ariilibas a eheque feir th.e.Wlbahm' rgSo ai n h sngge-m a îfcimyelafrn ànfuil. ît ins hady _________________________ ais i. tii. ayna*oguea. t u..ua y t a t maî rnigiy iy la Ra4bmr heels f"r r nmrhiîîg haveaun- ii.wth tise fiieas cf the. settiement, sud the. tcid'ue'ed by a Freilct amiy asurgeon., The x pramp$aeaofthei insurance cempany in y I seil the following makes of îifaittry have îîis4 thefi witfi g<od re- w1Sly elais. Farmern vil promet. Ilseir Thme i.tee.1aisi bhthe UnitedBSttes uavY buainelS 10 Mr. Corneil.PI b NS &R GN is recouimeîdedblà*thse Aust.rias c.i f JAES ITCHELL. MO& 0 R GN eiigîîeenu as the Lest kuevu inpraetÎct.il Opa, 951h pril, 1892. A will bas just beeiî hrok"'é n iuthlub- premne court ai New Hamîpshire, wioà. M ARY LO UISE Bê.U Organ and Piano (Co. an muprecodented eveut in the iiistony oi Steinway & Sono Piano (Jo. the. satet. Berlin Piano and Organ Co., A sabacriptien af $32.37 tramn es* lu- habitant af the Unitued States wouid wiPe ~ Weber Piano Co., NY. out evury nauioalîs, state Îand mtunicipal D. W. Karn & CJo., debt in tiie country. Indiana wiil alcue turu out 75,000 bicy- Chickering Piano <Jo. cles frorn ber manufactories this.year. The. Rahifj recouïtly putehawm the steamer Mfary T Gerliard, Heintzman & Co. LM" l naposition to engagee fur tfkmUy excur. ~ ' promise cf a bow-iegged generation in loom- IîOD, as ristîfable rates durng the preseut pleasure A . .Lt Mason & Hlarlin ing up gradudlly. seabson Ths brioht utile stemer bua been rebulit. i. EtyOrnadPioC. Ther in n a ard t Platk, FI., qiterspatntoà and Ifîted on In a style abreast wwththe seiii, ldPan o Ther la na yrd a Paltuka Fia, qiitetinsé., sud neOpns »Ill be apared ta sud te thlb. -.4 uriosity in thbe siape cf au arange tree tort sud piusure patrons. S ihA eia ra o only seven juches in heiglut, btut containiug JOS.B.PAR IN Any other make supplied to order. a perfect orange.Lidaun718tW8 Thene in s vine cssk iu Toledo wbich Lmdaln ,813- holda 60,000 gallans, sud tbeneby greatly o~rm TA~A The above makea af Organe sud Planas are adrittd by mapiesi Jueiz' s and al ontdoes the lamons Haidelberger fans, cule-LMOTM T M A RN- intellgent snd diatiut.rested people te b. the boat inake& in tb. knowu world. And brated lu Gair man praae sud pcetrv. I am sllinir hem aI huas 25 pur cent. leas thansiy other dealer iin Victori 'a Coxnty. The total sluuep stock ini Great Britaiu st the. end of lasl year excaeded by thre. muil- lion head the focks cf tva e neî-a âge, sud MD1P by more than feur millions the flocks cf 1881. Offia-Up attire meut door ta Neil'. Boot and Sho. Store. -68-1v. On. of the fineat oepala itiie worldils_________________________________________ said te b. woru ou thba turbani cf tbe Jap-À saesa minister lu Washingtoni. IL in as FORLY RtAAIT'Ef'mTiira large as a pigeon's egg suddatrrouuded by DAILbYV ,~I Di diamonda. IU One cf the. mont iuterestixîg resulta of aMUgltloft New Steamer l the. British occupationu of Egypt han been withiu ear-.hct af "tube murmxxr af the J'N JJ, J..L I I NCJ.L T. mcvig Ni.."W lesbve Cobourg at 8 &arnd Port Re et IN COPIFNE CTION 'W ITE A Philadeiphisu hau educated sca ne fly 9.45.m.. on arrivai ef G.T B. T rais rm ta reapond te a prctcnged "Ibuz-z-z," whieh âit end weet. brnup it froum its crauuy auy time af IWEUDNIG-Leaves harttteat 11.15 p.m , x- dey forils uppl of agerepqtTneday at .46 p.m, and Baturday at t. U p.m. day ter lia spply0cf3a0g0r O e t 1uoii i B ter with earlj trains for a&l ponte Auctiens lu Japan are cauduoted miroi on New York Central end &a idvercing fUes. àm like Ame'-ican pimary alecticus. Tii. at Brighten ou Menday sud Wedueedy Memningu for biddrs witethoi irnienandbideon locBhester, and Wedn.mdy Morninq sud Uatürday biddra rit thir ains sd bd, n 1p~Xvening tram Roche««e. Coibarne an Wedueday auctuioneer ta open. THROUGH TICRETSAND BAOGAGE CHECIS Amuherst coclege is uov smoug the Arn- tramTgen4 or ou board. enican cocleges which authorize thair stu- T V OTE RING lt' eue cf91h.eurgeai, avifiei.... e.r ' A' 2 "4.rT D dents ta appaar lu olassical gani. The. sd mcipewertn steamers on the lakss. Llghue 44 J.5 L'...M... senions af Amherst bave huai bugun ta vear B.Eecr ly u mde HeugBut the. cap sud black gcwm lu chspel. O00. ICHO.MliîMLSO , The completien of the Savanah, Amnen- O. FI GILIEBLEEVE, PearRHom. REVISED ANI) AM ENDED . cue & Montgomary Railvay, a Georgia e.u ~ Lr.oi. enturprise, adds suotuher ta, the intereaxiug let liai cf railrosd niokuamies. The. lino la. al- Treiat VaIley Navigeation Com- ready knownu asheb "Sain" road. pan~y. (izntsd) Iu aida» imes, viien evury part <of theisi. body had iLs pria., tiie buard was vaiued aet 89. TIllE TABLE. 1892.A tweuîy shillings-a large snim for the turne --1 -vile the less of a log w;Ls enly estirnatud COUUenOifg on Thnresay, lune 2ud, the at tvalve shillings. s mi Ncrway ia lîbers.i but exactly toluraut LtfE o' - o sII~k aIl, Iu thatcounutry .11 Christian 1 1ec1O, E St j, axcepi Jesuits, are tolerated aud ara free p1yling beiveen ta exercise tueir religicp vithin tii. imnits prescribed by tbe ialv and public lre. Lnsyand Boeay on The. total forceipteaaval service afloat 11 Oalng eooh way st-~tl lu 1890 vsru53,859,.96keers and men, of i z G.O PO f,-' vtmom 30,020 were beiveea»tire ages cf 15 POINT,,~~/i sud 24, 17,310 between 25 sud 3.5, 5,150 Wlruasolautifxthrnie:t / betuveen 35 sud 45, sud 870 abave 45 yesrs Leave t~beyge.uet &Se aànm and 8.10 p. ai age. Arrive lndsy 90 50. ,4r4//*5 eaLlnday4"11.301, 4" .45 4. Mn,. Bandersansd fdv. daugiters, of fHeu- rBoagsu14p..'60" J- /' derson county, Tennessee, have feet vilci h epIl g o Stuiysg e u 145pial &eae00»lov are marvels for dma. Mnm. andera veau. dndsay at 8.20 p a., (instead ef 5.46 pm.) upan au-f/ ',' No. 15 shous sud the ycuugest daxgter rivai dfTarante train.Il(// t!. 12s. The averaga-aizad foot of tiei wouder- I~ ful ix la 14. st"gties beweeu Lindsay sud Bcbcaygen. .'./;u . ilI 15oiuts, returu tickets Si1. 'w The Josephine caverue lu Oregon have iglgetickets betwoeu Llnduan d Sturgean Paint ïï H1 " ~ - - beau explared fer toeu miles without s 85 cents, returu tickets 50 cents.&</lf~~- limitof tiir passagos buiug neaohale Bit gle tickets betweeu Bebosygeon and Sturgeen ;l'. Josehin innea th Caifonialinsud Wlamily tickets ai neduced rateseau ho proeured the. subt.erraneaa pansages reach far n av the POU T 071C%0EOBOAYGEON. sud on the into bat sate. rranirements eu be made ou very favorable Te e t' abut rtee nsuee-bauthernis afer EXCUOUSI f tram 100 te 200 persansa moo's y bou thrten nd nehal 1on urm- tripe of the boat. Für trns apply by times. The mou's surface is fully aslarge eiraddre.ed te lecreta T.V.N. Ce. Boboargen. s Afnica sud Austrsla tagetiier, sud uearlyi. tz. DIAMENT, .LANE K as large as North sud South Amerlosvii- OA"MN. ont thbe islands. A nev form of saddle is beiug aerved ~f out to thbe garde du eapa experixnentafly TO R a Il.t bas ore f th. GrmalmperorThar. T1 OBFUTlmIti o eenhudrtn i ecn ilm odi bubln&retalin aycirclea tiTan Frekles, abr iade h slIpra i&TOPinpie., Black Speoki, ic>bydm' ndriadtemafigo h odh of a new addle ïM the motel arts of Whiezeh&& a., eaubremefli T10ud ALTts h sae mad.et aluminium. ~àlb plfgbus euoualerei, er knouts nothing of time man iho bau* ben r*ading about. Yen k ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ia b apnvamtedta i.ineetheplL'SaeOM ézaoyei bosun»hh u snteuupted vou vile ju ou e re ding the paper. of vater la blua. lysa distui*d vater bhas R & 1vii w e 10" Do.ual past aofthoe nnoyanee arise froem tb. fact tual yau do't knov youaur.l1 belle proyed te bel. aaot exactiy of the ~Staud HifeeL e hotroubl.for od Eynejd tby l ti.bosae. fyuonyle amas etint asmaa.luttsm ePrussien bina. lp aon25c. PER DOT"L Vn au' aor 11 Bsi a r an ueelummdhe buvi mes a e si e iThisala in beat by *0 faImt thatthé eSoldby &il ndb& Tn«ltar I edou uummn ndyne oetst.-eth o txro he vater ia inatubs the. bluer in lia_____________*___ ver go pour. >The. usw huutiug ledga st tiheOGermnt__1___ __ __THE ENCYCLopADiA BRITT NC

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