That it je not iet With cheap compo=ndsPCpi p rp*Mt b. bood-purifiers, but w"i à@* no real ieichw -l é..TO ialb iise of au y other than tb. oud dard AYER'8s sm.ami..tCl oelr BloodpurffieC4'Ir7 invite 1o88 of lime, moue n dha. if you are afflited ih Brba Catarrh, Rheumalim, Dseu Eczoma, Bunning 8rs, or any other blood disem.,b that it Pays toUe A! ER's saesaparua, ana ÂYER' anly. AYEI' 8bSrsaparillaa&L ,ways be depended upon. it dota not vary. It 18 £1wys the."Mr n l qtxaity, 9uantity, and efeot. Il la superlor in combination, proportio, appearanos, and in ail Ihat gom tb bliid up the uyt.m w..k.n.a lq disease ana paan. It sea"Ueaou ail impuritilin t he blood ma «.2 pels thain by the. natural ohannul&* AYER'S S a rs9a p a ri11 Prep~ared byDr. J.0;.Ayer&hoa.,LoweflMu,&. Soldoy aU DruWîlts. o i&i oIup Cures otheregwIII cure you PBIDAY, JULY 29. 1892. Bilas keters on Eduoatlon. Bolieve in eadioation, air? Well 1I jtdt guemaI ]'ve @enu tea nuoh o' how it works ta toke the oCher view. l'va seen how knowledire takea a spot that'a sort o' oold and bars, 'Nd coveo of It up with qulte a nickel plated air. I se. the différenoe everv day 'tweeneddioatd failke 'Nd them os thinks it'c nothin but à frand Pud sort o' hoox, Why, right to home I1oesit. Ther's my wife, thi studiet wel Nat only haw ta rend 'ad write, ta cipher, 'ad te apeil. But ah.'. an ortie' ikewimî in a Most uncom. mon wov, 'Nd I belleve ta ind her likos you'd travol mony a day. Far Instance, @a.eau knock a tune Item our melodeon &a easy as a hantean pull. the trigger of hie guD, l'va, seon that wamau play a long wilh out note np in 0, 'Nd thon the next on@ calae,'vay down-o fat 1 s'pose sZ- 'Nd net o bit of diflereno did il Onu am te moke Il se had twenty.aeveu notes or only meS te take; Ber fingr they wouid hop about 'ad IL th neaded keys She'd seem ta strike s e ey, tir, s oM Uad I oould neze. But bot of &Il her talent& le the voy ah. decarates, 8he'll make à loveIy whatnot wth tvo simple apple cratea; 'bd d&ai tii.pioturo tramas va have upon out parlor Wall Sb@'@ mode of oolored maplo Iessus .1* gathered in th (al; 'Nd a&H aur books. tram almanais ta Deelc Browno on Hope. Sh' gat la cases that sh's bult of box«s made for aosp. The argoauatl h.enes va i s mmotsha dova ta play MiIt stare mode u yon'd tUi, but >.t a sinp @ho found ao» day Oh'd coavred et it up with oloth &Uailtlut ith triage oMd atm.s 'Nd set ao uthiou ou tht top. 'Id a&U oue gInger in 6h. sort o' pints l i gvg style, w-hlt~ INdragons in a fight; '4when ahi o ts 'lemround the mnke a prtty 5iht, I itell ye, air, ih taes o gai *eahinoviaà tortul pilé TO tako o lot o' commea tiblge 'ad glu. lirn . el a style; They èe.m ta be .orthb lving, 'ad mi vite the dome&ailtht- l'va mssu bermai. o basket et a buWu btavu bat. It'a eddioation's dan@ itlci 'mdi kidesiià't 'imeither galaM uesmofoitaM lIeue hil n the acheels.1 'ro Keep Refrlgeratm ss5we*. Thia ilenetf le meut impoit lt dd e1 tht bonakeeper. No malte, 1me mauY servants Iho mal ktcp aIe heail Rive bhli latter bar persontàal u' - 9t eues a -wsek. Thi e lripoatuieul la perfeci ounditlan. if thel sg h Wkoen lu boy part, se "het Uevalu Semi lo thl e ed, %#attolà* ls sla 'ne ei once; or, if the retrlgeraok a mt Worh îlot, diacand it *laeU'. -wit passible, Avol hbavlug . thelsta l"w - eoOnuw ete4 thelb.plumîl li h5n abstts ud abd W-11u00 alI 4W. sit1t thé t- blm ma ~ ti P" ab vu* via tbuliou te Odin b mis, lb 9Pe tre0ble0 4o mot une 1seftemî, .Il ilibu lai bottes te Sm alomg ii =qt *0eois- lau,. iof othe, food mMd &aisele *tI matthow Do"edsa Tht nmsneof MaitbtiDonlduomnthe haidy pieuter pnobr aMd bastvoda mlssionaey, w vil vobe »iccled hy tht sonly homoalealeru lu Obippeva oounl inth oinetterespect, aud viii k may he. R. rion oubave doue More te Ma1 tht love ami àgratitude of the people wltb vhom bh oas soelated dulg tht trylng citrmtancos vwbîchareevýrloci. dont tob. at cmtirantei. mbo é viii, Mee t culy H.teaut, s ympasboeenaturesocali dsposition$ oharitahtle dsaud fathtnly tounsel won for irlmthtealun reipet of aeno porion vilh vhoux ho "oma lu contact. aod gained for himmoîf the just roputation cf bcing a modal citizen, au idcamiter ond a pernsaI christlan. Matthev Donald son vas hora la Northt- umberlani Co.. Engiand, snd omigrat- ed te Canada in 1861. Durlng hie slay lu thaï; country, bc livil the sgreater paut of hie tinte lu Doram and Victoria Co's. He bccamo tari, assoolateil wlth melba- dism and at once became a Chriuian vorier. At different times he boi charge of a field of lor lu thetlownihips af Mon. vers, (oau, otarie. Darlingcu. JOort wtigiit, Samervifle, Vue"ulan d Fenelen. Him trials ou, lbe lcnelon Follesuad (Joboconk icuits Wore similar te his oxpirienees l icnigw- lie lived in 8omeaietownship about twenty miles n t' b.evawnaofLind- say sud neor the village of Bobeaygecn. He came ta Michigan, May 20, 1876, and nottled ou a humestead about 12 miles south cf Souit Ste. Matie, seiseof île- moridian aI a place thon kuova as Sand Hill, but in.. inevu as Donald- son. The first emtmmer and winter vere, spont lu getting a home prepored, but whiiî thinkîng t ofthe necessariose 01lite for himeiff aud family le vos mindfol cf the Spirituol vanta cf the familles vhiîl lad alneady settled in 1h. plaie. The people ba minypresaing vauls bus tbe moii urgent et thoma.&IIvwu tclulos euei Mud Aa *piimaladvint. Mr. Doualdion toi âled upon tle sdtr hie aerie&.. Hi vos weloomed by eviry- lody wvberbc e ent, rogardisas of roigions porinasion. His mission vas ane of lave and il mev ne eted save "'Peoe on ianih and good vii tevard mon." Mfr. Steveus, a member cf tht roman catllo butch froely aoffered himz the ose of -ies baume for religions services a etsteveneborg. 1Mr. Young &ase aileed the ne of highanseOutil 1h.e ehool haonc vos hult. At oeie .ho hod aine appointuints mad di a&Il the travelling ou ool. RH.u ovas chi onselor sudl physician, tuer prnenttoleconsole and adulse. Many limos blal hi oered a hase to fiud il molsu i ep dîsuts sud eempiitoly dishearheued hy the diffiulUies wth vbleh Ihey vert sur- ronded. -Boidm leo@ver lefit oucb à home vitlont eulmug the troubled mdidsamud nplrlng fassI bepc luthe falntlng hearts cf the famili. Stuen par- ions no vinîlg Ms unjaymng proopurili lu Ibis counutr oveIheir &UmmIn au groat misante le thet lisiyc60=161 if their faitîtul adviser. About tigbt jears . &o vheu tbe country bla oitevîlmay Dome thtri umîmnistèrse ofdifférent de. nominations vert ilationil aI tht vari- nos ppotatmoei bbé hi laela, bo .wilbdim rou ie. imiicaBry voi mmd left Il Isfaim nt Donaldion tc amepli a M oncmaskeepr ol Ofdppuva Ooucty 00;,100o6un oluantt e.Marié. Agel haqd éitsud mhelh111aeptla e bluter amY fuel*t« m$sitoUSgmv tien. Dorlng lte a he oa -.Id hls priseât poplonhoeblas veil hilimif aM h~clul ce ma da Ithd guailan, I. oel ho qh. my looliii le reflt sew oehl ias Neyer bast tIc ooruMa'on tlIepO To hep mMii b »S evput meau vm on UcotI viOlàa ev bi ot 1 jwm .-pm bS *t oU bm@« mu of pomsa tu buit liha à Ouw m g titiï»eboe cf làtht ttt t m . bd u là MÏ h- ýétOai usual U aubon 1mb Ienaffl of - ma* tiehaM Bille. la 0M11e aoilof é» aIRS deI Ismm nIboz tOpikithtObiliha abbatb, do« lkp.e 1ev ne amlIenom eof0Com- tagu a dte a lms exent, la the Omatber.Ià i my vealti thatOb #»Was atOMi a s knownu lemoua te 1000e0a i>ronéd, d.havh. sMd tha brlght futures*a»eblasteby asibid limaI speu aItbce Mpim? Io Il m»Yvonr.t1 la hot lIaIpoillIthbmbetome toc- dirt a busnessfor cmof 2thtbtut mom ln anada. This tbbhmn bugene fat enough. Thet e e penty et saloons iu Ottawa ilhout tht p»tte@ceof two tIl". bars indei the voy nuoif Psri uPOui lime tO lime eforlà hvebit a mdlee restuiol tht ti, but àl een't b. dont. Tht thlng muat bt prohlblted. OuataWi's logllature oam gel atonE vithout a bor, end il le mot a conoplcuoue. allure.1 Que bea bus abollshed the sale of lquor within the legiallve patoisots.lune other part of thé Dominion would snob a pioctios be tolerattd. This is flot a part? question, for ther.e t homo on bath aides of thé, Bouse who wonld eop the bar wbsre il iM. This in à question of principle, sud it cannai be laughed doWu. These iho knov m»sort Ihètt b thine la a pomitive ovil at Ott&ous. Let uni lape %bat the conviction Iaoly obtaiaed wili have a henefiecllaffect. Ienoforth lot there b. no more parliamontary bari.1 Lady Henry Somersetela eampaigning in fayor ef Local Option et a grot rate in tbe proent Britihen etions. Onr Engliel ezohangoesgive wacy iatereeting items et ber work, similar te the foilow- zng:-"On Thur.dzy iu lest veek a eau. fe rence aud* «atpa public meeting, aidei the ansipIcu . of tbe twenty-one North London Bronches cf the Britlis Womer 's Temperonce Asaooaîtian,vwu fild at Amînnat Park Wisloyan Olhapel, !North Landau. Tht aiternoan confervnco, undor Lady Somerset's preidenoy4, dis- oussedib e qu..sions af purity, pouce, aud vome 's suffrage, sasrelatod ta lemper- once. à~ unanimeus vote vas oaried in f avor of the Direct Veto. Mt night, tho Bey. Hugb Pries Hnghes, vIe oecupied the chair. moved oa resaintion, whieh was onthuasasiiolly paued, declaring th. liquar trofflc o te b greatoît bindrance to ail goad, and ealting upan &Il candi dates for susa inl the nev parliamnt.le range hhemielves ou tho udt ef religion, morality, sud Irne procroes, by deeloring for entire Sonday lasing, and th. direct Pcun1ar Veto aveu aIl tiquer Iâennes. Lady Henry sotnerset gave onucloquent sud powerf ai addriss. 8h. laid great stress on tleéimmedste dutv cetotmper- suce peiticaausta press the importance cf temperance leglelohlen an candidates aud maie the Direet Veto o% test question alibie leclione. Il wuvosne novprinci- ple, sud tle lime lad came for lse 1applicotian. Tht powerroet. prohibition 1already eisted in theobn ide o the privi. leged fev, but il oughite l, e piooed aima lu thebahndiecoraiU th. People." lu Guinnes grtst hrewing nooru lu lioua capital lnveted and 8000 men employed. In th. linon industries et Ulster thon lua&buns theesmm.apital lnvottsd; Ilote 100,000 min employed. Tht Provincial Act probilitinc lhe oiling on supplitl cf tohmcoliuyan for o te elidrmn undet ilgîteen yoars of sgt, came inle force on the final day ci, July. Ths penalties are esver., and mucb goed Io expooted tram the loy. Hoavy penalties are alec proîided for aoy persona under the age amed, wlio are féond uslng lobacco.. The Temporal Power of the Pope. BElINm, Jaly 21.-In repiy te a tale. gramu from Cen Loo, in4haIt ef the cathoileo congrus at 901dB, ausurlog tle pope "IIthey wvolisuive by praver sud hy svery luemmena leobWtal rI lt bcýy sestlb. rtceuery cf *ln llianoibit prefogaUiie su ami lronaldependtnci, the pwpebl ainta.message ezpreusing his shaka. sud addig:-"&Wt camuel omIt te Pr"oue Ie mml hlh en O emdtvcu toe tat"blb epplite trceiom1 la thése tm i cthet, mIbogl elIgio *oaA U4ibl Isu Thalve av* par.1 tlww oo.ssrmilvItI tIIsubjisl we *ewud ec etath IIl e ihea the vaid s uteelti lm - â .e ptet* itgd"talés ià It >sèktatettbetsez1 et *lIe apteb, mae b ount lmce rr l lIe sdmmgtthe ..116amiobi ppead1 eewitl" me d*ft* Ie publIaI I. jualirdW othelmlia. utm et L"v Gota "eu" i~ ~ ~ a gtst !t Il. QisIsinal, l"d- l buiala Jo uagdomslu moder stles IM Mpodum*s Hatooum4 by thoe...... .' '~ cmiii 14 " '~ eek 0 n 10 OOMMERLIIÂL ASD LEGAL NOTICUL Ton ont@ e pt lUnekr iam Insertion, nenharol m«»»,s. ud iwt oet. tfor a4h ah Insrti sui. PUOFMES1C>Y4 kL (JARIL SIX mes$lan oestper Y~ . ............ six IUnes adS , air um o... ......fie- Eouh sub.squpl kW.-Mlon............ O0 U Itou sixt ots, duos, Oami lmmon ........-0ta lo ub squsot insertion ............ u OvetS1 1h55 Ia Inm5!speline.... - 10 lou Insertion ............ 06 The umbe et o berscoaned by thé spo oomeld mêsured by oasmle o 6fUmorulL(12 LOCAL L£ND SPUCIAL qnozIO Ton osuta per lUns for fret Inastilon, *y*ou for soch addiional nssaZ= Bluk nee"h al0.to8Psr de. go localitobe tone ihan $1to huuseerm shoan or iaris Advertileus apll"arrangomoni. Adverilssrnts wftutu wriion InsiraciOns wMl »s lusried until forblddem, oendohsrged scoordInglg. Ordst for dlaoutinug sdveutisments mitD dellvered a st heoftoo themornlng previous io pubUl. emotion. AU advertl.smeuts û fl oinu-rssdsui peinons or utran¶ors. must b. poi for lu advac, or a suffictent cispsit nd* oeurs the 0o600 oinsi lus. USam. Huffhes F.m tor baie or to Reiut m F'or sale or io reui, Loi No. 9, lat con. Loxbon, gonwaling 100sorcs.. l8a&cres iL l powug doue. For fu particlalos pply te ithe Proprisior on ith@ prom Ises, or by let erior L & I Htrnuoosde P-. ApoeLI 1àtý 1991-TO f. G,,4, METHEBELL'8 la the plusa e t s your Wall - Papers I New Patterus arrivluR dolly tram Hnglish, Cauadian and Âuierioon markets. Oeiling Papoa Corners, anud Prico and Style o s uh.cuatomers. From 5 ots, a Ral up. No trouble ho show dacl,. emember 1 have the, Ut eilin.. ot ÉXPRESS WAGONSi Lindsay. Cei &md ssit1i. Oheup Express Wagons. Aise groatoat iu lova for Sporting Go-6a, e, Base Balls, Croquet Sets, Lally Lacrosue Stieki, etc. Do'i forget thoe . Wall Paper ah G. A. METHEREL.L'S Kont St., opposite Pont Office, Llnda&Y*ý Llndsav. AptU 18, 189t. -îi K âc;Tu HMî\LTKS l= gamtý' beut WsW L sp aus eeW et Ms Ho. Ds etm ho"dv, aBON, OIXEON 4m 4 tub. Ail klnà of HOUJ8E FI TRIM8INEU, & i BINGB8,The. "DAISV'"CHU14N, I~IG~BÂTRSail, sizes-è CÂRPZT 8WIMPER8 ana OII-STOVE 8 bWat bçw vrtagus faons kveMfu a ktrs, hcu ncan maie molney Ly t âuIhng lbu& POBT6.Nand THOROLiD CEMILJŽ1TS., lalnsic,t. adasv.anm&Ma& udof Plnmbing, and wot k d4ne 17 lt" oýmly Plumberlu tovu. ou Wu , No a.mesn u ~Ii~ t~imm5 et cM*umon& am ioodw Ué,5..btth Ssc ceus~.~ n abor blcI M.&IL Tbùudo ei t Um al dhsiJ. __W, . 1 aSmb tâ, HOEUOiUuUNt~~sel m ioa eond Iton- "aU. eut ew lesW. ILH.ut DstsaAiwuu.N& 1 m"wues, uth.eca amiM fourth TumiByscdi saabmonai lu veoda' Mcmii. A . 9D 1obsa @M"'~.0 Y.IN.C. L-N s pon osa. Ismi ouiCambridge, -ete., kIrm M..815nioy, .lbp.m. lsoi. ng romus pose 4lIF' s...b 10Pm. Toung ame. lwm awelàame.-C.1; CaUho4 ue esa-ms. WA CT. U. méess.amsi Nae fsoy ci th . UM-s0. oeocam. o ve le.... unila Tu. oomomonet Lecamomyn iumausmeet tu la &on' RB@1, mrner af lent sud, Cambridge uoate, Lmd=,svsy aolernOt. uriay av- lug ai8 alo,1 A NDlsvChw s i nlui. Jet. Clgg, lIM tARL;lsa feur. DoTaum R Euaaoaa Taa., mesîs Iu Tràue u WMal, ormer lent oui Willam s= sas o n em omdsi o urth Suaioyseti2 o'lok .M..amsO, aNoer; W. Anow, SsovtarY. Box100. WOO»VILLaNWT. B@Z lot Breederof purebred Berk sbires of the fluest strains. aYoung Mig, lwsyu flor s02s1= 22r nediros. ca Valuuable Frta for B51* Or te The Exacutor. of the. jais Wm. Ray oSfer for sale thé. ButiRait of Lot 24, let ConcsoeoVerulamil the. Oowftv of Victoria, 100 aces mors or leus; 90 &« reard, balance wsU woodd--motli' hardwood; sali c1l ay Imm;fluces good; comioriable lot ho ose and born; iwo good wella. Therori la siuai ed one aud o a ft miles from i1. ila en0ailon Taill. T.aus-Usay tsuit. purchsrndlcaei. Pianos, Organe au,..d B-ewingMachines. 1 seil the best in the market, and the oheapest acoording to quality. W,W.LOIN, General Agerit, Lindsay tatsm.lor further riauaspl taGM.alts Ua ~ c aes hafr sot and Pliable HOPKINS, Veudore' Solloia. Llnuay,ortI(IA NTE the hait. m=aO it Boat and plIabe sudI TROUA" WILSON, GU NTE J &,na isbigwà.ýuPresuetêS Gu'owth. Fenelon alla,i JOEP Lnas» x 01o~Oimbing Our Back Âgtin, Propertyfor Sale. I________ s ~o~fttbrk boses reuhlu a ouiBut ual up ta aur boat tops yel. Il je à poor wîy ho a&lvertiae e i'business ly rn. ai 60 "$éoppysar; ac the prooerty onbteconer aI f erring ho another, tbut 'Vol 13t'd thot qUitoin style 'bore; hut we ; i 1 -frs«zm. Glenefg an -i îdsa iresc O ed f an 9su ns eorTra výv! u e11 n h - ' u acre of l.o. on which 1.o bo tam ou,. andBiissiaum"o Tat-rvuu îly dihOtb. ' WHL lr sfrtb l ve > ccibk er o f ApLvtia i O Of e stock complote und pricos nîi ub;. Quod ,toak of miilà1ery, the very 'lateat. Dresa ouie" - - -'c -,crnrciLnia -ud îand mauli. making doue in Bhop, and the very iateBt styles. atch 17 1892-9-tL MR& . 1. <. LLYmE LINDSAY1 MABBLE WORKS.ý R. CHAMBERS Nsrble Table Tope,'Waah Tops. Noutel Place, sic. fllnspsiw lSl vonluio &asouli so bisde. ancompwO epries.belote purehosina mIss- ofet marketmoniil uCambridge S. apais suiew'paoklngbouse. BODT. 4HME5 J.RIGGS LNSI Manufacturer of and dealier ini Hurnan Hair Goods, aiso Hair Brul§hes,. Çornbs, elry, mu'î4 r nstrumeiits, aud fancy gonds generalty. ilwo agent for the British Amerjosa Dyeing Co., Mon. treal. J E, . ZUEREIXO Little Britain, Nov 26th, 1802.-1804-ti HELLEBORJ4 PARI S uiaRIEN INSEGI POWDER AT 5IGaM SO7tr -e s, Fia alM a nd AtI the Linidsa.y Woollen Mills. $578 wi~ 1~y ~o ttome uld Wt bave puribasea the abois mliiiasd reifftte Ie vith nov sud more improvel ------- ... a 01 cail an md plmmng moohimn ufrornontKanIpos bMU@l, Md ara Dow in apositionl I bcintu et o tue--r.cimes-m-von-1ban-v&.-<zens-ets W-re . vus- MAa le $4êQ*1J~ahtiso oa ofthe fin. à 'Is, omvenlmni1 ait. $lmOê'mi iuétmer of two brick *w.Ehg~ B mi lions, u lut od ¶ ~->. experlemein l u ibu&ase Sm ach drpartimeivillii recive Dur ast. '2 vs an mure vs oMn g!?. aur eustomners safaogoua. Outrpriomu for manataclttiig vii be found s low as soy mi Wu.the Doinion. R OLL ÇARDINC A SPECIALTY. ..We lave om hma l sr> u d viiiaasorte eock ot Woollen Goôdsi, Cottouadoes, Shirtings, etc., etc. Obesp lu exohanige for viol or cesh. W. vont toau*pply tb. vIole eouatrv wiUl Tmansd wil sentines th maIke I ud mind841il champ. Moresta 30 différent ki.&U a ide iroa-ipure WalAu u ttl o u the,,% b. é ai round vs vant a longe quont ty cf w>oi for w eh. vo vill ps %les hîeet fflh prive, 2 cents extra wleu à . Willial se e Sfoe eu tll mIJO ~êt~ Ps 010d w OR ni D yand p7rlty ter', offie. mm Groeery stock complet e. Give, ut a cal! - William Street. 34-tf 1