'- *~ 4,il 8TURGEON POINT BOBOAYGEONI 0 .uyei.fr su$ i W. wilI mud smples in charge of the manager of= the Sturgeon Point hotel or the Goiuaia' hou»"up on request. o o o Touristis ad aummer vWs itors are reminded that. w. keep a variety of beau- tiful and appropriate pat- terns. There is no neater or more useful memento of your viit than one of these. The sight of it wilI recali the miseries and delights of your out- ing ; the mnosquitos you have fought and the lih you have caught. post card. BR f BROS., [ ewellers, Send ON Lindsay.1 PEIDAY, JULY 29, 1892. A union et heurts sud s union ot hande " union none cmu »Ver; à union of homes snd s union of Landa And thi.g Bamm Unron. tenv." ON A TOUR o>p JysPorioW. Determlned te, make himmeli perfect master of hi& dopartmout, Hon. John HaMgat, Miniater et Railvsys sud CanaIs, bu devoted the summer monthbate, lnspecting th. various vorks under hlm contrel. Âlroady have the canal yenks ah Sault Ste Mcrie:beeuvisited. Thia veek se- omnpanledlby lit. Colllngwood Sobreuber, eugineer, sud by Dr. Miontague, M.P., Hon. Mr. Haggart loft for s tour veek' tour etinspection of tue Interooloniaminsd sud Prince Edvard llnd Railvayu. Tii. gond people ef Victoria have ever askind vend sud thoagit eoflMr. Haggarl. He bas long been madle fanillano lier threagh ii EEWàDmz colum;a; ni, tbcretere, they will net b surprla.d te luoar ie lthoroagh coulu n madng tbe dotaillaof ils d.patmout. The. namneof IHon. John Saggsr vil long livo homored s&d rospeehsla Casmadisan hism 0 P -- mU CANAL i"aNTI UAl'IN.n As usmalon tueéeveof sa eimlal elect inlutue uid statu omuilia pathy à sure 0i the Irlmh toma. alices voe vitheus avety vl, bshmdug0f the BrihlaI Lies loL This lime bohi plu« e tsmpbg lep the «smoltoila sud bong V*ogm la the tfaceoetthit delbeel &%Multe. auding froc use 09 thé cml.»14 la Impudénceofithie Yeu" i». let.&ed uni irnmu. Thir vmeels are miove émzatlylhe same priviogmome aneus Il la ho be hopel lithelubmpu"u ami atatesmo Bir John . Abbeitu.ubl colleagus vii tube a &iM sOb",mui Mtl lot Yankee blusher eofa.y MkiW' ud witu thein delemmtcm te mmmb O»&o aa' igit. anid W&. If Il mut b git, vhy*i "m m "Minu. Theoe OTuahe tele l dlmqslmi.Capitalvs.labo,,»Mipo a vile; ail-n. vs.au le" IdOI -U fmoepi au AUamont e à uiamod u lte s w%4 'loge* PoeIay je Y OM, Md iethem MoIuglei"d lato yourM lu .ursd th t WWIU 1~J~md ,pmmd thaomn etta7 g. 10"IL E. ouef, 112 4 4 317wlà la ltti Sctchw.mm, dilre y«- 0 Eurso gsBd 5utum 7rSplat ah. busbern uIr. km ~Dyopt-peiL8h VOMItbecam.'badBtlBSt that ah. could flot ait Ev r Me. down te a met4 but ah.hWdto vot it m mo *0as hmad teuit. Two bottieS of Yor Auguat Plower have etired he«, afte muy doctoai fmled. 8h. ca now est auytblng, snd enjoy it; snu sfor IDYxppsa, she does not kuow that ah* wuerhd it' sou. J. 0. Pd T5ASOZf TEDB Yifo Tf Y O7 STATU. Pcv mmn public me in u sclabave no vedded themslvos to their auaccite S hau son. J. O. Pattormon the. SEcretmqof State. liodoit sud uéaaaummng bha. noverthleu malyquautity ofclubswheu occason demande its exeoise. Hum Poli- ticl uagaoity la great sud no botter tactician or organimro an be found. Thii bernl.ourvatlve Union for Ontarieacted vlsely in nomlingfliMr. Pattorson agpin saspresident. The. uul0eW tioua of Dr. Montague trom the. Cemmona sud Mrt. MarIer from the, Local oe cao good; vae thie '1old rellable" Robert Birmingham vho ia velcomed sud te- spectod vierever h. goos vas unanimous- L 1 r-d@OW seoetary, a splendidi lit. N. . Wslac, MP., as elected chairman of the oommons bneuh of the Ezeoutive or advisery committe.. £ho liberal.omervative Partv ha. able leaders, a good uound polioy, aud above &II e" a true, intelligent, energetio bonest lot of eleetors to encourage sud direct the. members. MAJOZ îzrso i Our readers viii remember the ecae of Major Perley, Ohief Engîneer of Govern- ment venus, vho vaa suspended lust year on the evidence in the Larkin Oonnolly & Co. inqulry. Net oee ord vas preven acinst >lm. Truc cf ter &U vas over a preut had bien made hi& vile; but net a vord vas adduoed te shov the. work vas not a&U properly Iooked citer se fat as Major Ponley vas concerned. It la rumored in yeterday's pape that lir. Cotte ha. sucoeeded te Major Perley's position; but ne statement in made of hov he has beau, treated. W. e élsurethe Dominion Government vill deal fairly and honorably by eut eld tife association friendi. in casehe za net honorably reeonud itvwilhbe asMain on theocon- servatire goverument the. vorsrialug frem tac investigations. But ve bave faitii lu the henor, gecd tadidlntegrity of cuiti. cabinet minitèe; sud have eVety confidence bbey viii des! libetafly vith such a ttied sud ttuated oSfearen as Major Ponley. PuASuW ON PJJL 17d Ys. À fcw edters ci nevapapete annoyed et mt bing favcred vitu passe, jealeus o eM o.luthers witb them, or honestly craky on tho subjoot are loud in panier- lng te tue lever eMoments in man'% mtur, lu condnug passeson rnldba t. membre ot Parliameul Well, It ila sfreocounryasudoach in velcome te hlm vieva. Buh, long betere ve ever travellc on a pas. 1h vusn«ve eue of euOur fad" ho condean lice vhc dM. W. lva7s ai- eut tare "ohoefuy, Mdd ilI ot coudoan lime vie hma Oases Aud meV, lu*li gh of matur ear a, and puUhps meudIer juigumbOneutropiions»eMiaumciagol WO have me iumllinlade.plslug a iypoelte Tnsýforedo ve feadossy atm liaI viiM ve Iuravol ve do me if at ml paisible ms a pu& rot «* la a vu npotu Orrli yteo hmss peu ho nimbus cf puilsm.i bu ou M la tieY heuilbe ~ lolby lav to dosm.AÂm.mber of pSUllnmh dsieu la ela poamtia o vl em»& ev ut o f thliedm holmsp.os MI w«14 ttakquin btal asbieob# md le lavuigems am vmomtinlu teh lie uelle.of mivy rte il ofimne mu Wuo.n iea nmmWet padu*s pan e bi4 d slepig- une, Mdoth* 0' -as sy mutiset h.wuthin U* Mu* Motlima the rdwqtie. »i* be dom un hIspmm ,q yef sequis kaohWe f ow l , hfsm th Thom&ruéof the limo" P»dwg dmmie MW s hou av ok in lbe P tte0 *Wiles v ~ hi to tbe abolitkic et »Pue" Usheik'V«tthe GreemVaT Govrmmct iiavlngbun lu pover daim- ed *0. udvile o f ouhlgtitsk in thaI respect w e gaoherll of t*c -eob coMmet; tijougila mattOlu et bouillgaltt c0Ve"ueof thc peeVinc e ses n Mmmsi gnt hem, PENd05I1915PO MriZO& Thâa suetel prubhda"m pr che in Wlathm vie b"out f his dotetmlnation.le fly lie Yankee fg ovcr thé Brltdsh, in Canaa ud vio lustweek puld duty on an Importol Yankee û«gho replace thc ornetom te sirada bythe reeve sud ether loyal mmnlunW1srbou, May alnd that lcyaty lu Canada a&Mount§ te scmothlng. Hlm congrogatien, toc, purpoee suoilng hlm the days of being priosb-rldden are put sud aro cloaing up the purse strifga. 1çothlng vill toucb the consceneeosucii fellovu qulceo than to refuse ho psy theu. W.e nce knev s felcv who plaod on the collection plate ovcry Sonday just vhat ho deemed the. sermon vorti as a lecture. Tiie preachor heard th.e uatcm * . in th le congrogtin sd amrciy"put himmeif rigbt into harnema. The effeot vas vory beneficlal te. a&U par- ties, sud the clergyman tody ila e et theoitatnsd ableat mon in his po fession. H.n drava a gond alary toc, an nover vas knovn te preaeii annoxatien. ---LOd4O0p. Thauk fortune, smyseue, ve do net live in a land of earthquakes sud volca- noea. There seema te "be s general rlppiug up sud slasbing things about amoug tho volosule rogions efthle eartii. 014 Vesuvlus ah Naples la spluttoring avay at agreal rate. E~tna in Sicily la rolliug eut rivete et lava vbich glfdiug slowly dovu the. alopea threatens te ce- atroy several villages. Âvay in the Phhllipine Islands tuere are terrible ceom- motions. 'I'ie other day a steamer had juat pasaeà a large Island et 12,000 inhabitanta vhen looxrine back clouds ef steam, amoke, ashesansd dust filled lie heavens. Tiiey subéided vhen l!net a vestige efthle grec b land vas visible excepting busiivood flosungon lie vaters. $everal foreigu vessela leading st inter- vals along the. shores vere destroyed, net a trace remainiug. For very many miles lu anl directions thi ec as& c evered vihh ubes sud brusiivood. Tiiese volcanlo emuptions are constantly going on; sud affect ouly local portions of leeartb's cruat. Tiiey oertainly in tue long mun resait in gond. There la ne toom in tlis country for idiots vie take advantage ai mach phenomena te prediot the end ef the venld, sud te lasb cevard- ly ainnesinto oburcii traces. 81111 suy bcimbag la almest oxcusable, even the retormed-tough religioua fakir te g et nome people te thunk nov-s-days. Hevwever, tue boat plian ln to lot people knov lie causes oet linga; they can drawv hein evu conclusions saste the effects. Dp.<sStoTu Verdir Nua.OCAPBEmLL and lias Ficher oethtul place bave eaeii latell purehaaed a fine offnanmm W. W. Legan, Lindsay. PEsNÀAU.-Mrs. A. W. Les of Lind-- s"y la spendlng ber iiolidays under tue parental roof. W. wlah iber a ploasnt ..w... .lis agi iOrsekdepantod ou % Tudy et Ohica. That uccssu d bhappines ay be lii hber luathe wlsbof bari an fias B= =»x .-l .WSt Devenla Ing a »'v residuise. I"-do t vomt buscm ei hiSs e.n. U&reoý.A i.mwplhh lg~l6te~cU -MW g H.w asos o e n htmoliagéco bui vl MWla tel huai ~0I elaËsu i %0& rith rb etho si.w. SYd spqfthe . p éonstipatiofl. 0,epve only hieUn merPro- duce, p~~ngto tow tai Ro- to re oui frpic L. aWo hn ave vuâh il the Most rueey knowu. bof 2> i fr osklnu75 Âny reli edzu ho may flot bhave it on hanle wfl poes rmptly for any oneh vse ril. itMaRnufrd Only by Ihq CALîFORNIA FIG' SYkUP CG., owN 78*Ximo, 0a"- pblic unda toe ti.tue of 3W.00 by =u'eoP.M. of iAndsay. Tna veatherha. been almnt unuemble durlng the. pust vek but ne cases etfsun- stroke reports&d PLANTWJOOD. qu" l tteu rdi. W. W. LocAl of lindsay lately .old five or six finesix octive organs te some of eut leading farmers hoem à»go S I. A arder. HÂyInG,-Tbo majority efthte farmers là Ibis locality have finlsbed liayinc. The. next vork, vhiohin l very necrly at hand la the. hctvesting of fali whect aud barley as the fields are aasumlng their golden hue. PuLiTr,-Doifg the. put fev Sabbatha the. cougregation of St. Andrev's church have been iiighly favored vith very chie speakers. On the. l7thi mt. Rev. Mrt. Arnett a graduat. of Kn')x College vas proeut. On Sabtth lust the. pulpit vas occupied by Rev. Mr. Moi<ay et Queens- ville, viio preached a very chie sermon te a large congregation. On Sabbath neit Siat ast., Rev. M& McDouald a graduai. of Queen's la expooud te ocoupv the pal it. .We hopési the. cengrgaion vllfbe able te maké a choie. at an early date. PEBSONI, -lite.Dumond ef Lougiord vlaited ber slter lit. 3.0. Smith, 1lut week...ima Burton et Teronto la sojeuruiug amoug frionda .r.... ..lt Oremley of Teronto callea on frienda here luat veek. Bunmrni,-lir. Wm. Burton bas lot the contract teCaptalu Bick et Canng- ton for the. building ef hlm nov hous. lit. Burton la eue eofttue mont euterprlalng farm»e sIn tua part et the ceiinty. Mr. sMd Mm sth lakbv sMd dauuhtu, et Toronto, have been viaitiffg Mr. J. Elcaby La Lindsay, es Wal au Gteurca frhMds. MoyNu.-At Islay, ou Tiiursay, l4th th ii. f I. tsse HMu"yMou cf a mu. A"i iios s bounol.g young oofftlVo. KuouxDÂvtsse-it Tululty ohureb, Oobonne, on Weduaoay. théi. ttij"., by the. 1ev. G. H. Webb, reto, Jsv Katohun, juio Jda C e ii octy Cout ef l4craum- I>e1szid andDurhsm, te Margaret jaus, eMusi douabter et tholate 1ev. Osam Davidos WTxm-àJJm.-At QadMusM the 1 2M 1ms&, by 1ev. EI. le P11., brother of the. brie, asistai le. IE. IL Bdvauds, laréd Wtkins, ofbug, North Dakota, te JeakILE venugeat isqhe t fRbert IranlCartutight. ? TN~, dmlton4sn PO% -tubmd tom Imm *bi0tla e i Iqtcf hos ~ ~ mita Y do 8JJ L Suqa ,SpicS,- asi Currants, Candied Peels, * *hei .s<à~okof Groo.eS lu inday ti herefore oan satisfyypur A WORD ABOUT OUIR TEASs W. bave awasmdoTeu oui leadlag article Bt leading prices, aud we need flot uay more now tha, that our stock w eyem b~tt ugorted than at present, comprising ail oui popular brande, 'o well and ~favrbly known throaghout the whole county A BONANZ IN CHNA, OIROCERY AND GLASS WÂBFIU This departmeflt is replete with a varied and extensive assortmnent of Fancy and Staple Goods. Our Fancy China and Glatsware are ail new and beautiful designos and at uuch low prices as were neyer of. r féred in Lindsay before. A.CMPBL iudaay, Decmbet l7th,181 GET GAI o Its ather warm weether to put this pertinent suggestion into practice, but it will pay you. 1~~tgoing out of business sale this week, we are rushing out our summer goods. Miliney~,for a song, Prints, Delaies, Blouses, Cotton VIests, Hosiery and Gloves Are vieing with eaoh otiier as to whioh will be the first to get a gait on Ail Our summer Clothing, Sb.irtai Neolkties andt Underwear must depart. Parasols and Sunahades selling at a pricey Lace Curtains, Ca.rpets, Blinde and Curtain Poles are ini the swim and muet move with thit graceful glide tha1t arrives there immediately if not sooner. EE. e W. McGaffey1 @MF Weg,~ Lindlsey's Leader of Low Cash PrioeB, Do!Y 000DB HOUSEW l'AU. iiow.-The &amul Mtashow, of the North Violorka E.D. Ag"lutuna icsty viii b. isi atlo@4 l baWMI m 91.1 tsud Mld of S e V" Dit owm dqutunS are cmtai faa bi bsd wth a Crut drmamsu iscisi tétii. fastas-Sym rold mit tw; a bum aidaiforth. futait lau 011 dtrot. »-e Tfom m » so tan » Oaiuf»Om oà Sl rui Nùki*0OW forIgniis vie boes* m w 09 Ryley'ps Hardware M2 Kent Stireet, Naîls, Paper, Paint, Ols, Glass, Putty, LSo Hbjet. Garden Tools - ~one door Bant of Benson ou se. hquiîu,ý] rThe Toileti XvY ÂWWni, matr lbW$a"ý,q Atinsn'aWhite PRose@ ST RSwf àà ec 1 1 at'l T., Eu IMWotsBaby'. Owu. "hLe Hfair, Toolli and Nai! rooth Powdera, always onf Bete WardOf.