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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 29 Jul 1892, p. 7

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-on - NE 18 PRBBNTID TO THI AUTOORAT. W -p Ibo o.uer'e srMm mUl4b' *.rlsle"Cbi51'e ireumla Ieve te Oui jes and 6ail I111-4U.601 e . b. Rosi WWblle Ho MaiBe loua&" services conduted by th. Boy. Dr. Tg.'- mls continue S grast an ever. At eV" 1 gtoppig Int durlng bit preachitg tour ïh. ,,,,rphanmealudooe. al. some <tian e inl.I thue se. noceosry, M1141il, durfiige ntotn dan. ïrosaclittélu sdirL"a ottlsh claies, asn e ready snnowioed. Re ha. bat rotUrned from Russie, whtber ho vont with Mr. Ilopsch te auprvise tb. distribution of thei cargo ef theTsCristian Herald relief steamer1 We. The receplion aooordsd Dr. Taimage lu the Czar'& capital oty" by nobles, offioilc and the populace show that the hold he bas upon lhe heartu of Christiane in world-wids. On Fiday the 22nd Imat, h.ovwu pnesnt.d 0e the Ciar sud imperlal court et Peter- bof. me wvas oorl.d lieu i. bote! by au equery of.thé Czar, whe vai mnt to St. Petereburgfer Ibal purpos. On bis ar- rivai aI Peterhof, 1),. Talmage vas received bthe court citamnitrlala, wbo oonducod hum te the suite of aartIment. which had becît set amide for the Brooklyn divine. liere 1r.T'lama ge reîedfer an bou, wben lie wvis pre'ented t10 the Emperor, who re- ceived hiit wltb lb.e greslesî cordiallty, sud who begugud hlmi ta lbank the Ameica Popletu fi their kindutie.st antd genemoety in ,en , uui.~hur te the Ritsitnu lamine uffer- ara. -lifýtwo bcd s long conversation ou pliticaii iu'l religicus subjecîs. D. Tai- mage %%e-, thon presentediin turu te the 1Euî1jIl1vt r4 id aIlltee neîîibers oi the im- r'151 fainiy. Since iis arrival lu Russie uumîrked fm. or frein bbe nolility. H~e ha heeîî tiii'guest of s nuinier (of banquets ~i eY Vtue city authorities of St. Peter&- 9luurg1 iwil Moscew sud te (overnnnenl offi- ciaIs, nutd lias been beartily eceived by aIl classem. He 1sf t for Scotlaud on Friday night. 'rite arrival cf Ibe Leo waunmade the occasion of genenal rcjoicing. The Leo'm carr m wsaforwardedle lite famine districts wi. lottt dla',. The sermon meiected for titis wetk is enlitled -Tie $cul'@ Criis," fren Imtah, 55; 6:-"Seek ye the Lerd whiteie inay b. feund." lsias stands head aud shouldors ebove the othler Old Testament authors lu vlvid decriptivenesi of Christ. If lhe propheoles lu regard to Christ tight b. callod bthe "O ratorio of the Messiab," te wining of Isuishi lt hù "Hallelujab Chiors" where ail, the bautoumt wavo and aIl the trumpets coins lit. lasit was not a man picked up eut of nsigîihuunce by inspiration. He wuskncwu and hotiorcd. Josepitus, snd Philo, sud Sirach extolled hlm in Ibeir writings. What Paul wss aîuong th. aposties, aiah was amoug thete prnphels. My text tinde Iitît standing on a moun- tain o ipipat ion, loî,kitg out imb the future, beioliiuig Christ asdvaucing aud auximist1. tailtien mighit kuow him ; ie voice rings iîîvut the ages :-"Seek y. the Lord whdo lie rnay bie foiil.'"O0hbe"Ycls nmre mie, "thst vwu for olden tintes." No mY hearer. If you have trîuvelled in ether lnds y u have talion a circuler bItter of credif roit corne baukiug lbouse in London, ani ini St. P'tersburg, or Veitice, or Roeme, or Aittvîer, or Bitasels, or Parie, you pre- sestelt tiut lotton and gel finencial h lp immeliliteiv. And I waut you le under- stand thai ihe texte lzîtead of biug appro- priate for oee*age, for onue land,.1s a cir- culai' letter -for Il agesansd for ml lands, and wheî'ever it in premented for help, the help cre -Se ye lte Lord white He Myavbe fotind. btereîtire Ihees vbo say: 'II would like ta becoutte a C(hristian. I bave been watt- ing a genil whie for tb. igbl kind of influ- ence te comoc," as ll yeu are watiug.. You arc wiuer in vorldly thinga than you are ini reigioue thlugs. Aud yet thora are sîteul wiuu amy lb.y are waiting te g et te, Heaveii - -waitlug, wailg, but net wlth la- telligetit waiting, or tbey wt,îld gel ou boar'I luelhue cf Cbristian iflthences that wotidllu hem mb 1o h. kingiloun of Geai. NWyoit kuow very veil thaI le seek a thing i t i searcb for il with esmuomt eu- deavor. If you vaut10tee a certain mam in Lumtiduut muidthora ià a mathor of muob money connecled vllb youn seeiug hlm, and yc nuttot netai raI fiud hum, yon do not gUiveulte serch. You looek in the di- rectory, »bit céannaI find te usine, you go la circlea whsne yen lbluk, peliîaps, h.lie ay mingle. aud, having found the part of lb. clywhere lie livs, but perbapa net iwqe- Ingthe sitreet, you go Ibreuglit treet 'aft street, sud from block te blbeck, sud you keep ou searobing for veeksansd for menthe. Yen my:-"It la a malter cf £10,O90 vhelher I m ehlm cr net."O 0tat mm vire as perosllen a eeking Christ!iHSd Sou onehali that eritence yeu would mz go havfoundHIRirnvbo isthe joy cd th. forgiven spirit. W. nay p&y our debta, we may attend cburcb, vo may re- Umm 01A6h.2poorwiei may ha publia bemsfao- w«here prayer uid. the --e e -(onos e1 oid am granite pavement. Oh hQ.v piaay Wonulerf ii bhings prayerhlas accomplMsed1 Have yoti ever tri d i ? Inutheo daya Wb'M 1h Scotch Covenaners wore. per.uued, rndthe encules were alter th.m, meeoci ,i iR me n oug lte Cevenaar Wrye(l "Oh Lord, we be as dcad mu> s bbhou sal hlp un. Oh Lojý bro 1 a ofti> lmk over beme poor tblngs. 0~Js1 Msoedaist euvlopedand MI euswe front hoîr pemutors- 'spionna liberally fulfllied :-"WNbibs tbcy ara ye ixpeaking, I vili hear. " the power ofprayer ? God "yýu: ush lovng sud SMtflhfnsd patient.1 .,1 believo Ihat 1 You are tald "1h54 eU. te myavuuur&. Do yen, beWevé ti X Mtoilhsl11sfl y é tea40 >. -1-10 1"eare14 mm m they dup stmlghtf oIn bth ... The. ré e- iy peo* to in b.hé mm@ 4ms ucl sanute iuub, l boy mural leok&tt li ts aids1ubyîiii Mne morelead to , Çbratthan sblg ton'$ ieroe.l sddreés S othe Kcrau ci liahametorcmhelb. hater of lb.heIdoos Il in lte lavard U1hM of od's Word yen mt gtor d&.. Whou ope sesu uaaout th*ei wmt robýÎ arao= somsob ber. to-day -thora are titie who roonimend good bocks. Thal aml rij", ý But i vauttle tell you Ihalt the BiWIs the hast bock un- d.r sob foumsu A dylng oldier ou.tolehie mate. "Cern- rade iv. me a drop F ,The ourade ahook up the canteen, sud mid :-" There lcu'tm a drap oi vater lu the osubsen." "Oh"'lsaid lhe dying uoier, "that i. not what lÏ vaut; leol iu my knamaok for my Bibe," sud bis commade lcund th. Bible ad raad him a iew emcua promises, sud th.e sîdiot' mld t- A 1h, that'. wbat I vaut. Thers ian't suy- thiug 1k. lb. Bible for a dying scîdier, la thora, îny comirade' O bless dbook vhile v. live. Bie»ms bock wheu v. die. I remark., agal, v muet seek God tbreugh i cumcorlaâneu. "Whet, " uY you, " can't a mmnb. seved without goinà to churcb?" I reply, ther are mou, ,,eP' pose, in giory,- who have neyer son s ohnrch; but the ohurob i. tb. ordaiued meass y whleb ve arc 10 b. brought la Ged ; *sud if tmth affecte us wheîî ve are &loue, il affecta us more mightiiy when we are hinte asembly-tbe feelintg of othoru lampbazitmg our owu feelings& The greal aw of uympatby cornes imb play sud s trulb that would teks beld oiy wilb tbe grasp cf a siuk mani, beats mightiiy agalut lb. seul witli a thcnsand hert throba. When yen camne inta the religicus circîs, coenuly witb one nation, sud cul y fan eue ptnpleoso-c ld the way to Christ. Whn L sec peple ariticel about sermens, aud citical abut tbe loues of veico, and oiical about smrmonia deiivery, bbey make me think of a man i prison. Re, js con- demued te doatb, but sunofficer cf the geverumeut bringa a pardon sud puIs il througb lh. iaket aiflte ýpriseu, and aya: :Here fi your pardon. Com. sud get it." i"Wbat 1)Do y on expect me le take Ibat pardon cffered witb isucb a voice as you have, wilb suait an avkvard mauner ae yeu have? I would rather die titan se compro- mise my rheterical notions 1" Ah, tb. man dees net say, that; be lakes il! Il is bis life. He dees net car. boy it la banded tW hl, And if, Ibis mcmaung, that pardon froiu the tbmcus cf Goa is offeired te aur seuls. shouid we net seize il, regardîcu cf ahl criticismu, feeling Mat Il i. a malter of heaveti or bell ? But I coîne nov te tb. last part cf my lexI. Il telse us> vben wo are te seek the Lord. "Witile H. may b. foundl."'Wbeu le that? Old agel Yen msy net sec oid ago. To-mcrrow? Yen uuay net sec te- merrew. To-night? Yen rnay uct mca te- uigbt. Nov! O, if I couid enly write an evem heart in thres capital lethers tbsI word N-O-W-Nov! Why defer Ibis malter, O0rny donr keer? Have yen suy ide& that in wili wsar eut? Thel Il vill evaporabel That it wiil relax ite grup? That yc>u may find religion as a -eacaoadeutally finds a lest poaket-bock? Ah, ne!l No mas en bscme a Chris- tian by accident or by tb. relsxing ai in. The embarrasemonts aro li the lime in- crcfng. Tite bots of darkncss ans re- c aniusd th. longer yen posîpoes Iis malter tue tesp« erb.patb vilîbecorno. i mak titose mon who are before me Ibis memning, whetiter, in the ton or fifleen yearsIt e y bav, pasaed in lb. posîpone- ment of Ihese malfera, they bave cerne auy erer (led cm beaven? Oh if men coud eniy catch jual oe glimse o Ch ist know they would love him.Youheut leape at tb. igbt cf e gîcricue sunrise or munsel. Can ycu b. vitheut eoution as the un cf Rîghteousuess rimes b.hind Omvary sud mets b.bind Jo b'apnlohrs?1 e lisa blessed Sav- Jour! "Te-deyi y. il! beHuie.Vole., hardez not ycur hoe9s" otrena waycf0 pa0 ing the uercy cfodtoc long, andth thora rem"" no more sacrmflce fer in, but e&fearful looklng for judgment sud fO.ry indignationyllci eal deour the adver- sary. My i' =d, my ueighbber, wbat usa i gay 10 iunsyot teattend te Ibis alter -te llted titpw. Time : ayi gflying -thu City lo ofinlaMry vola. liii.mom- lng,"e.ming te ytaou, "4Nov jethe "0 1! Novl 1. 1mi'Oput Il not Off!1 It l .Very oeataa liaI yen sud Imuet sen o sr bain. od lujudgobmeat. We cannet soape it. The Bible aya: "Evsry e hae s »>i hlm, sud th.y &mise vh 1=4rcd hlm sund ail the kindreda of 1h. eatb shah l! Ubemausof hlm." On 1hât day ail cur sdvsulM«es ill ecans np for eus gWoy or cori dhoÎmfure-4vel rY-u, lb. beavensa .lit ay 11.atm lmàr.- [kUlit I*Iwo tir nove b".t àtmtive ms *wad *tooI<j, the orude Mud primitive mmfèorae pdd.n i 11mbivit oes stolawoek te produes from ft a sf* ulmi#".for hms ou of s oli*aa voyages ou strange water Oremit vu J. thé Rob fRoy cancs, lu whiola bis not0h1 cr :e n the ehine, ltheBaitie sA" th. Jommdeaiwre made, a craft no narly perfect that after twoaty-hve yera of development ad improvemenit eill strandsa&loueas a distinct type of modmnocasse. Omiera! types bythe smme e.d-apecial iiidels by the bundre have been, produoe4t, illing in the whole sosie froon the tea. îid paddler tg aîe*iRuderci> radffrg over hie ad- the arnail cruising yacht,bu the Bob Boy vertisernent to hie wife-LÀdiee WinlIid of Capt. MacOregor, ini the. condition id 1 excellent sumumer accommodation et Way. whioh bclie t it, la tm roogized by ca,0e- haok. Noue over 25 ycart of cge taken. iota sasonocf &ki*,;ree or fourdistinctive Fro tà i~tt e craît and froin the voy. agea made in it bas growu ni» a plesaure leet of thousauds of oenooeý: mhiilu the sport of canoelng bas expandeà aud developed intop the everel distimct branches cf cris-i iug, plessure.paddiing and sailing, aud mec-...... 1'¶ach of thes.a branches bas its hoat cf sde- votees ; tbc raolug canon, both aailingan paddling, has becerne a subject cf special sttudy witb many ardent racing men; but it is ini its ioriginal fuActions, as a mens.of --~- travelling, that the cano appeals te the largest nuinber. GYiven a watercouirmo ovor four iuche. Fermer Hardcrop ýtwo days later)-uGosh, in (lepîih ad six feet lu widlti, the conlA Marthy, it's nounue talkin'; advertisin' pays!1 pietely equipped cruisig cauce offers __________ every conveuiecec for îî'avcl which the OLD TIMES IN HAWAII. canoeists cars reasonably demaud. Il in ____ a mieans of convoyance, ils ails or its liglît double-bladcd paddles csrrying hum BISMARKIS DAILY LIFE. &long the wettery highiway; it inas hotel, its- messolheat anti ils tiny stove furlahing him At Morne Wlth MI& Doge, Hies Gtients and meals, while rugu sud hiaukets uurolled aie Frnmlly. froils teCap i interior makesas suug But let me tel vou something about bis and coinifortle élbed ln the cockpit; sud it ludîlts here att 1riedrichsruluý. They are is homne, its ueat littie tent aud ils many sîngularly simple uow, crinsidering lte odd receptacles affording iîim a place to greatuie8saoi bis put. Re takes more care read aud write, and providing room, for cf hiniself, I arn tbld, as he grows older sud clothiug, books, rcd, gun and nuittherleas leeps later iu the morniu'g. His rislîîg conventences. Dcpending ou exterual hour la bet een l. 30 and 10 anoksd lie sources only for s iremb suppiy of fond once lias a cup cf slroug black cotlèe-, sorne rllis or twice a week, the voyage may be pro- sud eggs wheu holels up. He mred the 1ouged idefiitely, the charm sud variety mornîng papt.rs as ie eassand afterwart-à of She last week cf a summer's cruise being looka over secds of bis mail wý lis private ne leu than thal of a tbree (laye' euting.- secretary bas ready for hlm. R-is second Lippiucotl's Magazine. breakfast in taken about, 11.30 aud titis WHENLADIS CAVED.usually cousists cf a small steak or a chop, WHENLADIS CAVED.with a botlle of ligbt Rhine wine. After thua breakfast et about 12.30 be sarta oul Etiquette Once Demandest Th&% They! for a walk sud be speuds a baîf sn Should Excel In That Difficult Art. boum lu wandering or rather strolling Our anceators fully recognized the value about bisestate. )uring Ibis walk hie oflen cf gond csrving, any many were the ruies drops lu at the restaurant aud drinks a glass by wlhicb a carvor was expected te b. gov. of Isoer, sud somietimes, so I ivas tol at the erued. restaurant, takes a second glass in his baud Tbeaclent "Boke ou Kervyng," amena sund carrs it borne with hlm. In bis walks other thinga, admonisbes hlm tb toucb ven-sund, aI ah l imes lu fact, bie i accompaied son oniy witb bis kuife, sud te "sent nover by bis doge. Thcse are two lre)aui sh on fyche flesch, beelse nor fowle more than bouinds, no bail that the1 would reach te lihe twofygers and s thumbe." Fingera he heigbt cf -hue waist oirsu ordixtary man. waa naàturally obliged to use, since forks Tbey are very dark iron gray lu color and were a luxury cf a later date anti were net tiuey were with him at the feast yesterday. lu private use until James U.n' reign. Piere Sittiug tt bis feel under the table aud Gaveston, the favorite of Edward II., bad gigwith bim, one ou each side cf three silver forks for eallnug ears with, but hlm, wbeuever hie walked about the tbis was regardcd, no doýubt, as e greal grounds. Que cf Ibese dogs la usmed sud special luxumy. Rebecca sud the other anawers te Tyrus, Int corge I. 'o rei«n il was the boun- and Ibis wass Iarn told a premeut fromn the den duty of a miatresa cf s country present Einueror le Bismnarck. Bilth are bouse bo carv. for ber gueste. Etiquette beautiftil animal» sud tbey are rpniirkable demauded it cf ber sud uo keue might for their (levotion te Ibeir master. Tbey relieve bier cf ber ardueus task, not even are splendid watcb do gessudthie man wbo the master. To the latter wasa nly as- would dare to toucb Bisîuamdkiknlu eir pre- siged theeasy labor cf passing the bottie seuce would be drawn dw ua ntn sd le king on while eacb joit was placed sud mont probably killed. Thcy are with in turu before bis wife or daugbter, as hlm, as I h ave saidi, al the tiime. They the case might be, and by ber rapidlla y sl aeep lu bis moisn et nigbt, ait beside Ihlm lu manipulated. Gsrving becam e ue cfhie saludy PAslbe worksansd goes witbhlm branches cf s good feminino educatiou aud wbetber bie goos sbmoad eitber ou foot or lu there were profesalonal carvlug mastera who bie carniage. taugbt the yoeng ladies. Aller fiisbing bis wslk Prince Bismarck Lady Mary Wortiy Montagu tock lesacu. returna te bis study andt akes up bis work i the art Ibree times a week, sud on bier for tbe day. I amked his private secretsry father'. public days made s practice ofsas te bis bock cf memoirs, which he la said baviug ber own dinner au boum or two be- te be peprug, but coùld geln informa- forohaud. A guest who did net receive bis tien concerning lbem. There seems te h. Iportion frein bis bostesa owu fair banda ne doubt, bowever, but that ho ia putt'mg would have cousidcred hiimacîf muoh ag. Ibis malter lu baud as fastaselhe cen, sudn grieved. -Detroit Free Press. thougbho may net diclate the malter or !wmte it hlmael, it willbe in good shape for OOOLNES8 SAVED HlM. his biograpber and will coutatu a wouderful amount cf uuwritten hislory. Prince Bis- Th. Iron Dukoe'e Interview Wlth a Mur. marck's private letton sund papers show that dereus Massna. hli a mont entertaiug wriber, sud bis Sorne years ao the Duke cf Wellington collection cf lettera muet h. oeeof the was sitting at hic libramy table, when th. largest sud mot valuable cf any lu the door opened sud withont eny anucunoe- werld te-day. ment italked a figure of sngularly ill During a part of bis working heurs omeu. Prince Btiarok amokes. He likes a pip ,Who are youf' asked the duke lu hie and imekea a medium grade of tebacco. H short aud dry manner, leoklug np vlthout Oniahes bie work at about 4 o'clock sud thon th. alightasm change oi oountenanoo upon : I eut for a drive of seuéral heurs, wben the itrudor. sa returns et about 6.30 for dinner. Hic 661 au Apioily a umsent bere to kil! dinner i. ai 7 p.m., sud there are usually a lnb'vba i buare h«nit for the fOxt tIl. lrnaenrimed te. ldtlb.noise so eligit. iu so=mnd, inatisd et belne a ra"ltaI ater astialle, ud perbape it bas a ratlbs more mulailo ohieter than the notion 01 the shàing of peet n a a er bag vomld repreant. IW t lgta&sS~mnud la, 1h. ,rWnho lima usefrmt eueeoftiias rap- 'Ulesbufore, sud vho, vithont seeing the a"eehourafor l*0 Oral lime eucug mona. tai rocks o r flgissrauita delicte yel voodurful vseniAg, kuovA lumbaul. *vbo sud v4bsla brl.Q.lr Iab raaos E1utit~soiê1s lth.vaIor 14 'si if io h h .caoqarcfMs U10dSats ..*w.et psromyârnsa mmneo auxaïs moins sMd a kitoiMenm etsuattractive pla. M *Iut le qmL4 MtssnleV. state. Who M O pisuased by lteé cave o thitm ho tc. k bislyre sud "de d voudrons mdCy sailcia, nraptursé :m mast gviIiht e vl! #As te wm Mds tlq l~roci 60 l~IU.iSb ~ ~~iu. uimot upsu teo tKIVA~ALN UI!a S. CORNeIL pâti fflbuâtiby a bsa bul r uLi y ielu flionbason eab vsd Cr yJ " au d teday, smouuete llalim, infuL 1m hau ut.eessy te uMrthat 1 am hlebylss 1WM * pta.u of thé uraie 0flit »lth ai.rumen W ini prome:ts t owuiuwwlsby .antma tff r inumrne JAIM MITHELIL. MARY LOUISE a" icetlypurohusd the stemaermary Lovie, Min apotztion ho mptefor famly miur-, Muc..or reauccabl.ralumduung t e prmuet pisseur. acUOD. Tis bulght litte stemm bu e ben rebufit. repainted &Bd Oued vp In a style ebrees:wlth ahe tfnà u n an be spared te add ho the con. fort a"d Piéteurs 09 patbons& JOB. B. PARIEIN. Lindsay, June 7, 1891. -184l LÂXE ONTARIO STEAMAT COMPANT. DÂILT FOR. ROCHESTER. magujlceut iN.w Steamner NORTHI KING viii 1«"n obOurg et 8s&mu nid PortHE e 9.45 &.m., on arrivi cf G.T R. iins fnom Nonth, Buit and eut. BITUBNIN G-Le.vesOerotaaC1.hp x et Brghto on Mndeynid e.day Monninga for Rochiete, nid W.dneiday IMormtnl ud Uturd&Y E rsIlu m fo cehester. Geborne c. WednesdY suoed F7iduy 84.00 Am. THEOUGE TICKETS A» BAGUAGE CHECKS fnou Agents or on board. TEIS ORTE RKfla lone of the lsmgest, elftt and mont poworful steamers on the lake&. Lghted by Eieotrlolty id modern tiroughout. 1 0. .NICHOLSON:ý Gen Pmu. and .Agt,, . FGILI>ERSLEETEPORepu.m -40-ut . r!AY=OB. Agent. Trent Valley N!avigation Coln. 1892. TIllE TABLE, 1892. Commencing on Tbur.day..Jnme tnd, the steamer EST URION, pJYlflK betw.e Lindsay and Boboaygeon, caElng eoch w&y At STT7BGEON POINVT, WW rua se foDawn, until f urther nctlce: Lev ebceagen ab 6.80 am. and 8.10 p.=. Arrveinday 449.00 os .80 46 LeseLlndmeY 44 L80 ".. 6.46 Arrive Boeoygeon 1.45 p.m. & 800" Ecpiaon saturdays, whon the steamer Wil e rivl c Trnto train-6.M. on , USge tickets betweeu Llnd.ey and Dobocygeon, 76cuts, rauru tickets 81. lingie tickets beiveen Llndaay and Sturgeon Point M5 cents, rot=m tickets 50 cents. Ulugl eikets between Boboygeon and Iturgeon point 40 cents. return tickets 5 conte. WIamfly tickets et roducad rates cmu be proourd t hPO OBC, BOBOAYGIEON. and on the. Arrsngmmenta cun W made on véry favorable terme for IX0URSI088 of froan 100 to 200 pesas on reuin tdp.cf the. boatFAr teus apply by lette eddrsesd to Secrets"y T.V.N. Co. Boborgon. JW. DAET M. L"xE -Suitf. YOUR FACE. !a reckles, Sab, r i PIMple., Black Spucls, D&>î é ' ho. can be n MU Onle, Sure ail NResbI. PICE 25C. PEU BOlYL 13old by e&JI T>-nggteie. WMHAN PAOIFIG ýRAILWAYO Moiu. I.4s06a ta WfulU.. 1.iC.t ,abc".L i Ss. L.u Oo lune.cY mou I g..du 1mm* hm hWtuL po irTl de~doue. AüiL n vtod fto Gwa b lhd&Y of MWinery, Dr.. sud Mantle making. InnêêilwIs.lfe b publi t h. bu remsfrd a larg e ad valueble s"O f ""eMtaY .m uaws 4 TEeBI% a"il hwiy e¶u»d o wac on lhe«amer. usas uhi.. i.sai smUm ii iio avm le di Pet.. fom aimStacewslt0 EOOUBOvam auà &O.'aDry GosisteeDob.my Block, uit don, le A.E~lmo6ameDuMg bt. aire offered by se je PlTTY Dm,- m The Jeweler In SPECTACLES at about haif price. IiiBIROOCHES, new and low in price. Solid silver 3 oz. cases with Amerioan. movements, very oheap See our Ladies' Wetches1 from $4,50 to $10.00 These must be seen to be satisfied as to extra value. S. J. PE TTYS - The Jeweler, 86 Kent street. Next door to the Daley Blouse. Liridotv. June U2nd. 1891. THE IN COPINECTION WITH TH'E ENICYCLOPADIA :8B IzirrAJ&il*#* lN ý*10A REVISED AND AMENDED. hos~ IT 18 TOUR PAULT tait e boy doesn'i ndersband the muang et th. vor ho bus soa.ebrud, or kne.s nething oet6h. mmanhh a.s anr.ading about. Tou m.m smacyed b@@à«@mo b.bu as nquptedyou-vMe yen vere readlag the paper. Doum net part of its aan.ysalonii.frount. efatitaI stycu den'i kaow jouseift1 The wbi utrouble. fWrbot pýou sud lts eboy vould be obvialed if jeu enly b.d s ~~zaiàEnoyo1ipudla u*ob.house. ité mltaffgi I Bw-oEaI n uounoensni udou wHIl ses Ibat yon sun, b.houi evur éo, poor. THE! 7EUOYOIiCtPPDIA BRITTANICA E»eviaed and Amended, .v.ruà&rc'O. pesas.'To ;3vil! d oslblng to althnisud internat pou on *vsl page. - àvos sbeifa t aiyiaS, lontfs lb. Suest collection of hialorios à Oh*é ei amewm qainc aM eloent smd modem limes. Are Ten ier- sto ais h8"9ul ai- Bnittan eicaLlsd ad Amecidod vlflta.1ou, lu duaz ,.&l about ami saut. eu umalvii to te ldy. A» on usmôbpl Inventions? Agdu thes Eneymiepudia in resdy ta jour palaom@uOa ' Un pe p brs imeugthéb.proper beadlng 10 vour eyes, and l.bEfcuo ou Lp& Ute sud exhaustive secouai t i tseau. resubjeol. In short, sitet jeou aiAmumfliÏmt for su 181. tour, moid fnatrueliou fer more ssri oas ~ o &oete fklfsito bout auv usiler au te vitcit ju ane iadoubt âe in b. u la thèse books of grallffyipg pour deelis. THE WORK 15 ILLUSTRATED II. smm» boua"M puUan. d wutbfice pistras, sud 10 ecalainu ovur 8,b>0,00 vord..Tbole.imiioemp--&*-IA #-i 4, oop th"rer enetoreful work of 10W0 ci te,&bW sui n r i lb.*0 luleenlb atuwp. Ail otier <'Opoiepudlse" are trou lave 0e uw M ËypS bd4bd Osasdate ci lt.elasse f Obi grand verk, wviie >1OWouD PAY FOR iTHE 1800K8 W. frto eaverW~ur dd.ma ocàOmlts mt of MMI ENOY. l'iUffl Ma u MW boù Aà r.iulmi mended, logetfler wita lIt. fur cMê y.rp at thre following prie.:- Ol Co*l sud paper, for one year $26.00, pay- givuy of th. firet five volumea, and *2.00 hup, 8hVad Pafr, for one year $81.20, ~kdolivsry ui< k. frit.five 'volumes, and Sul oeoomd P~oefor one yoar eM dIvq. 4.fi v.volume, c i Once itwuoo.fie i f I f r I '4

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