@Oum sbo"it d Q~ L Wbamj. Iloroo Shoig a Sp.oia1y. 3'obbing promptly attuded M-1 gl Per Annum in Âdvmao. So. & Oopy. VOL. XXXVIL-Whole No. 1846 A Monster 80 cay Sale wîlil be coomen.ced at wr - %k m O * À# ON SATURDÂY9 l6th JULY, oontinuing for one month only., duriuig which time we offer you your ehoi( o u ag n select stock of General Dry Goods, Furnishings, Carpets and Clothing, at neyer before heard oices À, large portion of our Fail Importations are now on the way fromn the European markes and as we make it apoint to carry no goods from one Feason to another. we have deterrnie tocarotvrydla' worth of sumzn&er goods-REGARDLESS OF PRIOB TO MAKE ROOM for Our large fali stock. Ab TO) OUR PRICES-Our repatation for selling the most retiable clase of goods at the loe est pos8ible price is now fally established. At our SPECIAL SALE PRICIES eproegvn ul xr bargains as will pay customers to corne a distance of 100 miles to attend this sale, and even to borrow the money at ,20 PElR CENT. INTEREST wouId be a good investrnent, in orde esor ag uniyo the startling bargains we have to Qffer.- One Of the leading featureis in Our stock is our PRESS QOODS SI1LK AND PRUNT D P R M NT -ih heze we purpose pntting the kaife in prices to such an extent that no one can flua fault wt rc frqViy fee.W have an enormous stock in these. limes, if low prices'will avail ont they go. We must have zoom. 1UN OU R OLOVE AN D M 081 ERY DEPARTM ENT-Our prices are always bel.ow competitors-duririg this special sale our former low prices will b agl icutd MNOU R STAPL E DE PARTM E NT-We quote special sale prices for ail kinds of Cottons, Shirtings, Denims, Tickiags, Sheetings, etc, etc. The largest and fineastokfnwadrsh tpedy goode ever shown in Lindsay at tpecial proces during the iaext 30 days. READY-MADE 0L0T14 INa-we are right in the swirn on clothing. We knaow where, when, and how to buy clothing-ousequently for useful and reliable goods8, ouri esae lwyth lweJ We have just opened several cases of Men's,. Youthe' and Boys' suite, summer coatis and veste, and odl pants, bought at auction at about 50o on the dollar. In they go with the lotatpeilsepiesfrhent thirty days. We have ne space te quote prices-the way to find ont that we mean business is to corne and see jast what we are ofiering, and if we caunot Ioad you up with the largest parcel of dra od rcohigyuee o for a five dollar bill we won't ask yen to corne again. Big drives on remnants of Printë and Dresti Goode of which we have a staok-must be cleared out during first two weeks of the sale. Remember the Place, WARNER & 00, the Great Bankrupt Stock Men, 78- Kent StreetLnsy Monster 30 day sale, Commenoing Saturday, l6tih July, 1892. Tenders Wanted, Seael ltiedti wW lb. reo.ived up 1111 nm nMon. dai auet. 81h, for the oenIau~D and briokint et9 the ueen St molbwiuist oburo s, etthie stoeofR & P.&ue làn»ý t NothNo. 8, wh.r plats and O.HUGIHAN Aug. Srd. 1899-40-i Frm for Sale. N j Lot 18,Con. 6, Sonienvlle, &bout 96 &crm nea", et;y a lcerdand'froo froinistumpa. Bel beévy bain. Loc boume hart, and stable, coU fenool, goi scicol on lté premIseii and abua and potl oce ai 8.111c tation oli Mdland Raiway hall s mile fr ei e promimes Appiy te u RCOL or te 0. . HPIS Varm for Sale lia the Towusbzp o* Ope. The foloclng valuablo e u proprly being the sout-ossi quarter oelt 2i 7 lu the SM con. of Op&. igi arm contains 60so>ares, &ail aeaei amdi n a good liai. o! ciItîvatlen. Therearcinu tic premises a comioriabîs dcelling houa., a trame bar., stable Mi sieds Te f atm lawcoU moced cii céoer&rilfeoes The propry la utuated four mlles from Llnusa on ho leadlnv road 10 Boecygeom .Thsierna aod younnr tar.to goed clls sud pump th. enle ormurtai lot, iii là cscevîtet. ]For ft'Mie p ifflA~~ cJAS. MOEPJSOýN, Klug.a., mm ati, U Tarm for Sale la MmrtpOU The aubecribor effets or ;asie el cUknovu ten conialina 9 00 aortes. belng the noti balyes ci Lobs 18 sud lé ln thé. £rt oncesson of Maipesa;eai chiai lad, al cieered. Tie buldlnu iona"sidelà good trame bouse, tlittrame bann-euetom10 on atone foundation mi gooi stabliugsud s a e. hlllnt upplr et cator. A ovg rcard oet»v sors., juil .cu i n o .ng t velalte ohie anbai ool. Toma eay. For initierpar tiaaa 17 Ito the ocuer, on the prls.s, or v b7 etirt 11e Eniai»posl amee. amn.w.MuoILu. srlpoeoea, JuRylm 09-.kt faim .' Maeor Rmt l But ha of lot a8 n NU qurter of lot 1, la lii oea. Féneon, 1, serts, aout 1M0 obered, oc bnci icese ii bard Mi aoft caler, tvalag bau». o»e mii satoeatoundation and tabitaf ma roet collar, fruit buirng rchad. 'kilamlawi aispial for grain snd abypu ss.TUrM las ta perunsr, amdilIf ot .01iv y tSetcUri thiseme. For furtber pantIOOlatUaj>lY4 jet te. . « MOe& Notioe . magmet ài me matui' HA ROB ir l O SI0. u OPJUiZD0 P. HAIW.r P eOfise oes « Liedaay, ùîtia e wsty e 01 o4 No"tie l iereby gitan liaI lie aboye »A"i Insolvents ia». an the Li ayut ul 81,m an moaagnetO te me t.-01 i lie lipo inpt.in, upr &c i150.les? chap. lu. & rs metin leaetonla Ii eraby convmeiMdna ciul bet eu aoff a000i. RNebtn& sont %ptgm, on Tumedy the SMday etfAuguCMit2xa% Iwo o'oioci lu tiche . m 0frt8 ppt~'c The c"rtes aure rby raqursite Ryle lieu "b ise liime on or rewiedui tso ~ after milci Imie 1 sbmg prooeid to e snbutatlissais hsao slg eiol a 0 smmamas I1sh" b.,. netsa 1 nsii oi b. ruqapbefirlii snob 0t9alimuite oraMy put t hâ"t 0 te r u m-oea m 'ca oah-"alimet bave béen tylel. Daw tai a Ilaoen li"imiidayet Jsiy. 155. W8ILLIAM ILL., Je NEELANDS ].Ee.D.l, OUT., DENTIBT, LINDA! la thele tM on Irut-ela dmt&Wy. Esau 1. Ne msudi lie g8i, vieMsIgrn wlb Dr. oltcn of Necw ir«, h tuluaier m id flfaehug eet, ceuc!laUr. llste c. Io JuRy1it,4eà*a »àvn dm *ai te im cu»bn s r. bu N1 *1 l S @i meteruliyuer ovinmUlem s i m , m WM, pub or aiy 1v n.Neeuê ToRuto on cmma h n &Bey. Dr. Douglaesund Sir J ohn the appeui in petitioin referred to in the said houer te atate that the reference iu question Iconstitutional course. Thome who knowvhi TeDA Bogut or .-Monliht1 Thompson. pétition, snd ahauld fix a dey therefor, huns waa diaposed af by Mr. Davidoon being iu. beat know that. True. hie action in regardt A good Sevon rMon brick dweolil»ghoua» onRtagn e -pàýrgâ t.--m--,'. xcusinthe hoiaar to report am followa- formed th&% the poetpoeaement hall been the Jomuit Estate Act hma been grestly ma treet, wlth *very onuventence that la nacssar!. ie ian ur a. is. (P"'Ji (00istie /'sonTh"rc Paqe.) The patition ini question statua that on or granted. Iunderstaod. ,But we were only toe pleae à 1 tto evezlng. Tickets 25 conte. j-about the 26th March )uat, the petitionere (Signe( . A. (JATBErLLIRE, 'mre mouthe ago ta be the firet te draw àten JOHN Oa 4W,. eaft Waro.ô RIAT, Am«. iSth--Orangelodge 'PréatiOS l ge ansd others. forming a part cf the protestant IA. t for e whe plceByhe covderhtcfark Auut th 189.- 85Boys frein Port Ferry to LlndeT aYpr Oommithe" .but during the pasge of the mlnority cf the Province of Quebec dld "pro. Thus it appear.:-11.8foten thewples y he onducigt oe a be Par frleb. rain c h Rle t er a l!lb rtetn emeeet et a pétition in appeui under amotion 93 ef 1. Bey. Dr. Douglas, Mr. J. R. Deugail, those important papere were neyer beor 109 eau, nt mile orth of anille, hm and aLegialature spked for 'u mnd tiit'hoBritish North America Act to Your Mr. McLaren. Q. C., or aMy of the.l'Protestant pubiIhed.;ý7, 109aces oe Ueuotho!MailaibessuLailnday. uedet Excellency praying that Your Excellency Committes," et the Counoil of public Ilatrue. Bey. Dr. Doulas knowa that in Englad go are oleared and in go a u~laion. ExcellentTTRE>Ait, Aug. 11-OIc nln.wihwa nnoosyaepe u neud le piesed te dleallew the Act respect- tien fr Quebec did not sither directl rl-Sol uJIeadtasneCfoma toehouae.; bardd ad iwater onuvenent fair Peterbo, excursion par Crandella, te mrted into the Bill. Thit smeudment insg the mettiement of the Jeenit Estates, directiy object te the passage by the Québec catholim. etood feaitleo@lY forth for 1cstu outbuUldlngm. nome fruit lire.«; . I ust quaitti ef Stuargeen Point. wuathe part noW obeeed o y 1. y the. Législature cf the Province cf Législature of the Act, tbough Mr. Mercier is tional William Prince cf Orange, sain clyiu4 py o« the prenae o. JONMUON. Ot ommlttee." 1t *hal enQuebe in the year 1888, sud to annui Ma on record declaring hie deaire toe mtey the. unconstitutional Jamea 11, Cleuical mir l de-g a". IB. tner. iriteià b Re. Mr' -ee« teirnetuid t e n," peetnabeeyposndue waY. t France wusoverthrow" by roman eatha W.mn. eoetry Hwee, f he£,ho8tPt Ti.underaigued b he houer to observe 2 Fr Sery sxmntsAte h ct lb. 'who refused to recognize ultrsmontantemo sécrétary. Howethndertte t. rteaperaiThpever"ett the church. In aIrelath Ai ate r ae> atoe gia anî. Report for the wfek ending Saturday nlght, Oommittee" deuiwed to change baok to that at the Urne cf receipt cf the petitian Te- camne law net a word ranch loua a "tndrhempaiowrfte h .Inr mlgo urans pomuor ot atl u Ju OIv0,1892, froui Lindsay observtol:- bie, Mercier% ,original ides ho wouid b. ferred to as havinR been preéeeted an or about note" wueheard from any of thone gentlemen vithin s few weeks thousasda cf votes r ting o us,19,r 0a purmng vte ot Sindru vn. ny1eplae a ettai ~W*the 26th Marck luat puet. al the questions or their friende ar alliesuainst the ActL ont by roman catheliceaWanot prieotly iner underaged aable tO eerdtr of nuaMci'r- Higiiesi...........90.7 ........ Bunday And ho accordingly dld. rit and tii.on ite Hufemed te ve. IUd 3JutaacusilasloedbthIfree.&dhnvoko Sron laue, ab ihe .I>onnBank, Linde S'athibm mid Lvt....-51.9.......Saturday (c) The Québec Goieramentculdmnttiluthe u ae nl ii e.c Jmoe Dominion Goverment. hoever, tii... gentl.. Thompson know that not to vin the bleaig note la fraudulent sud wus nover completed. Warmeat day menet 79.0 . Turdsy ferra r.queeted grant internât on the. $U,000 Subsequently a number cf th. petitioners men aeem te bave bicorne enthuaod. They of the roman catholie church and clergy,art 'IL LDENAN Olet" " 807 . Stra ri i Un h entEttes A an norequeeted permission te approach YaUr demanded l"dîsaloance," whlch vwsimpas' svoid its and their thunders and aushat Lida!,Auua 8 199-4.1 ~The veek 04 740.51 effect; but Mr. Mercier promiseilhe vould Excellmini!lupermon te ask for the. diusilow. sable, suer i il dbasn alleved. vonld ho ta-day depart tram strict, legasu PEUCImTTIoNq, IN INolots place theéprotestn ts laIrepect on th.sance of the Act; vhich permission Your 4. Theom te ne instan rcoocrd viiore an national right., And as Bae. Dr. Douglas u Matrimonial GrattentfanlocfMre inlu1 daY 0. 54.. Menday arne footing am the.roman cathalice, sud Ezomey vaspleaaed te grant. The rew Actha. beauen aalave"vthout preteeit, or protestants geuerallyvould net uak or so Two Yeu . mgmon, oeu"e2 8 yaa.egh ain tell on 5 dey@. alav Internet frein 3th Auguat 1888. queatut onet in the. pétition cf March dld mot pétition or objection againet it b semeono; hur. ta do ne for protestante, or for roa ibm.,~~ "" 12 ot1 lca igtcmpein ihi Sofeon deys.Peme erircocuddeskol ~~for a hearing beforo Your Excllency lu sud ne one oblectod tc the. Jeenit sot catholleeitier, the country le pertectlymae hai, and musatbe, bueeyoea; te the br spd litrotai rein fan!...1.1 Protstant Committee" by expa,.aing the. de- Counel, sud did not set ont anything tiaI bitoe.il vwu allowed. We look fer justice towarde Cund' complex i t10ioa nobsack muimhe,165 ]b.. darkues& BAmr.. sirete render te lie protestantecf Quebec vculd-appear ta bring ti. complaut cf lie 5. Petitions rosolutions cf public meetings Kinieter cf Juatice fromi the noble old "«Soie correondar ii tubl ack.eviiistvc ein. - e vory justice sud tu give thei fui! sud petitioners vithin the terme of -an appuil sud demandm cure lien mnde on the Dominion of the. Cross" luMontreal. W. knav h. an oumo Fo i. formeradre s sa ie ae, ii eohesieacio. ithin the Ord Section cf the. Britiah Nerth Goeorment ueking impeslblhte& net read for himmeitas in daym of aid, n W. L. FortWWlm.Wet. oorrsspondenco anoiyOld John fieDrY.. on ovember Ohi, 1889 the "Protestant Amnrica Act, coneequently the pétiin wu 6. 8fr John Thomneon sud alca Sir John A. therefere hie friende may net haye dravuhi SJuRy ati. 1899-44. .ob' e -m 'tiominehsa- mmmelreplisd, expresing theur gmet treatied rarly as a raquet for dieslovancoMacdonald explainsi the. proper wyv a e attention tu tthe truc situation cf thésujea Jul Uh.lm-d Od o h lsJésmd ohn He nry- mallafdetion cii prmisr, Merciera repart sud Inammh, howaeor, n the. pétition nov beig s case astsdi; sd appointai a day -te lasr lu Quebm e.W.fnl sure Dr.,Douglasuli reporJodnOHom- rU5Sà5desire liat the eti-aMd recel,. the pétition ofthle protestante of have bean board lu 1888 durlng the pasagu t H3l o'.tug I reeko-but nous o e l*hog- oIeUy a tnghi ummoq M ottio ner .huard s lisp may b. able te Quoiiec. the Act sud ubsequently had ho kmno cfIl T er 'L st,1 921IT c, ê hougi, labettur han mot tiisirrequeete. show. Ifenohuard. tttthora ta ground for 7. Thon the "prtmet Ocrarittes"on anditilah equmlly certain liat hie objecton et r ooug Imaires DM15101u& aking mtion on hie part et Your Excollonoy, béhalf f uthé tutnte of Q ub c sld vouli net have beu me rgasping "fer m r X1iob y d o w , rUwnmqV of y 14MU~ N e sèv a e lsd vJohn hie M iebai Tim a r ilatiame belvuanthe. Qubecnalor ho 98rd Sotio f ethBie tish North orenfrsfv olr e nas t os p e!.freiMercier," m@4wero thon cfti Ho haly 'Iwaita hé bug hoi.baihava bera pubtraa Lot m enov raviselise eunderld Mhai tha houer tu e aorm.ad, 8. Tiec esate of Quebec deoindte BMHG Notice la lv... liaiI bave ~jOh John Hary4I %b» emao the ti.DomiicaGoveumnt ham sen atter the réocpt ofthle pétitien e1 Juhily àiBuns d4 ieo l 0 outéie ç nsu m men th e oti g j c o sl «ý It e , t b -jof l o mb o v m at i is , M t i g m M T a fun e i, ti n .iit ., rn . t, an ieT onoonf hearul besrlZos fur detudo se-stiereta mn «r cama b tbhaPrvy rltrm e by salmdeonpturn0lt i. ntnIbose nid Act,<olrasjs et1ans au a Dmila ovraat u is mmbr vPau»cf ii ut, lepsni e lm nd amOMt,05"A suilin' fasu a huartz band ou"" vimolepal Aua" I dh b1V mi 7 h à PyCmie Ilfo mllt5a e f ni.MNAAutl ia f thb"mydi au~paty %0 b.e mt"lebtevote lu 18 a religion 'ah aul el nn itouu qia efOSIS ibt 1 Md IwàmeleabOi . ti Mandht nv oi o r Onaday h pttonib. emUU htM fl mds Pý-teMyr eu %d vunm ti he t alestonsfer member f as01 ân0u9.5mMhYa5BayméWbf O5leiGk1 acudtaio&mcidy i. oiic C- iElilt Oatm.u ed PaSa-i Myr mmKyldeuy Met lila b,,aImuiialO0tl a' tveusine vihe le immailu, uom mInvolvedin"luM& m theaslishard by thie MMCoiniithea et Couil e, maknev le ie blu ter&!e tet né ~vé Grande !, ceunollors F%. Lck, Main e~ ia~e anet 17 upsa oe jJ= *'dasv," l MM àduty nmm té À day for liaI purpos "dumotnt,=avpo F0 BI5GofQ~ubalca.Ti. cum Bond IA» thé Twut-*> "Y o 117.188% bilo, oqaI ,sybutteheed tefthl ar orltet reesimaaeamy pel te P»aMTruet0 "y pinTheeemliwiug comunnca voosewrr m . and anis toréforbq»m à gad lntAudilebar hatn'* oui but hie Ils! .1or usaimetion m "courte ci lav, owiug te lthe absenceof o e m maos thcMf"utliaOr fou"ton areJon âiel upte. examine ibnmâtu Of thé d"_OM"liaI vol bng hie que"ti aon e a prolos Hanon Bros., relative tue cpr mua Ifen mMssions or aMy ter eroteOas cours; butnthé " au.mlia JudiuiamitOdmohm et et tie Prhy OcuncilFi ~~ ~ ~ ~~r.c.% hmCouac! of O BtbitluTh is hé m.oaly The underelgad bs lie houer nov t reOUt;btlafseaamieydlatsdcusc ostr. eerdt iac emilra correciel acornima avue 0@*mdIîfl "b,§'us"w " n! etum c f ec.attllSiquesio. opramai liaI sboudYout Excelmoe. &tne plaethat @ttesn uroepos lghl bdté ioemmlttsa. WlLuàx UI. A cop etaelie.JosiltaT" Act vwu t» neW.a day fer tliecollrProseethehaarlng hieton0Company vu~iuMMAWBL, And 01 loa inier! ' *gmg tuho eic m o wt dhf io 0 pAteli. rpouu eofa hii o heha olefaascaomh.mlngeroIe FouT.Igroi euOmpyea' out kci % lmid uOIIaltY. r"siasd, pti 11 ftvinwb5isf om-vhemgin hasâ11v.ythe -eof 80ior.à sidetheah*kof hiey prothesidoses tte roput DaIsu sM %thday et JuR. 1 -- - 8 0MséM dhobgoehi. yt an futaGvmm a-ftam& h M*m enoin d oits tbricmb » " tdgedwn dm ummr &dbt-e o "And i AAn ii 108 rai. Eesolfuhhly snmtd, tChu"aimathes a .1ht bueo.m m autésauece o S: l onHOMr. Aitu%=emumny 1,88M oe im*a ia (lii> d)JisO. .,ID. Tuisox. tnasy aa raý.amixa inlu rosa Mlihal maoo king ier H. sanht ort te blmeuh. a It, liaIt difuls le tMinma ofetjustice. Mlto;bleeluew onTou efa. Ecfsn.d ote ansd bridge cosuitse To lit the.stahutuscf = bte ho abi. Proviaa cfQmabaoua5rommudai fer j Acorlug liaGovun am ti e-«Mt"M a si .#FotthessTe.oftéBodo Non hwu elothes dou't tIl m, bthot e owmu sby tii.= Govulmmuat 1rome tim fn b ohnTh pmMd o e d espf thel Smoeh c lu dM tciFrou lis e-tae te otd et uca 011 loin Haa'. 8L Up %0 liaI dtme ro esteblibsa i iviasi*tlTumsiy tie îléhi dey et 0.101er )simh b. mipmislima; but di b ie sosu uleol purpose - is~~tu"ai aUBinIllie md; m» peflilmfor Ils b. uamad sasa day à easig thie e»M appue4 helalicas ef My amui enmalesfles Pronuthle Reudof et Hemilohing le Oonfirmed. ~dIelWamo S baibae ai; no damand lisd thi.ae tWy u iS t ormea hie toward5théo ste t in lavoiry m hre wravl lion tle .neanitary états et a certain dan Thé favorable inprsson produeisai à$ h ie seon ie uf $0cthiesv w1OU e.Iatitionere acrdingly, I er b.ecraplalut om liaI aceomut, No9onEstoraite osinoot amd bridge commltte lmappeanance1ethé graiei iquid tr* ibé 1. orz d Om Dd" n. - Wbausa On 0.1.1er 1,1889, J. K. Doigall on bole. e ntrusItle tavonine cf à ehurior a Report cf thi.captala et tic lire brigad, e f 74 a oh rmu go m b a m ol or ashai te le «eerala li hll o f thi eestte cf Québec noUlthél c -on accemnl of is oh"ini I s ickly or july, renda" udréernedte tire unidae tAL IIIUjaneha .olnsibyi. t he. lOommlth.aothe vould appéimi iTcomiul cosso nlihé day than». e w ofietoebas tmmia Pre. Rert of the ire varden nemami eonrd ieSirat SatE metlfa rir amilmntaoMdtur ucs lfiht 0050m ' g ngtu MW" ' nanMmd saw iaIct heur andinlu hat' testantt mi s bs a olhua oX«L. Dr. te fine sd vaher cammittee promi àl .aa a Ontario, 11O t unite opiusM moam'hé 4 la JollvOlm, l*e protestantb o 0 me pbmcilGov«rnor lu Comil vouli b. plissaiDouglas. thoffAgi I a xsky aimaittvo arae Report cf eauitary inspecter read, 1ll HARTNEY u àI ym opu.-& Mby J I su4 d chi eu ahtio rocêln Mi hu he lié sMnel.mt na ciurcima; but lis" la mol attention te a partionset Lindamystreet dan *a ltNsusDonmion G.Omrnpit te bc boari bafue On Oit,8. 188t . .Dongen wv notifiufv=n mod d mpttt M tajste omdtigr 1. ety cf I Ma eh h O M U G a u t ot M & h oi g w u d ta e P m n m M h lanly . A " asam thoro -- bridge comm ihles BINICART$28_00Géameilon liaeaoaohtamam? ote A"l.Prlvy Comme! Chulbe aitheptes mtua sh".1V thé cins t 0 eid lu Report et oblat Constele, for JulyoIT ZEiNA TIetn fLOXL Ne. U7 mam . talnte hm 1Ivmb"IU51Y Sllthe icmeang o e th O tii olim. mte tlellls ouli lm proepty no- aMd reterroth le police comînîttms T= 0 te s àWQoiant. OImmii Il id bauhein .port cf tovu »proporty ramed adpai il MO8EJA 1jIJUU~ Po"i meetinig of HachotTrue Hlm Lcdge @1aVI0 iL WT»NW N Tàh et 8a.et J.eab J" u(Otebart Ifia189,Mr. Daeiidei, m lu tn hé puat aMdis"la c houlmaths"may, ltIbis somneil invitae hein o PCEAGA RTf lP«*gFhI Of .I m i M tM aii te bsn ami rmmu".& u@ sàhie étition t iuimpW ei iaDominion Goveruinet mmfmlutuhMa lpartmou en no mfmhây thiasyte morof drdlmag:-OsTned. .Cu PRN EDM T1% 7.A ". andt En& D..qmisad o i n îld bea5 uskom toises tru a m lass-<'la ils iao ntv i8811. y Indosi, uhel ornu Moisi byM. Kylie, «eeuad b To lesi aul Poain lu tic P ofiuce et Omiale T i~ hOrmaumcnTrue DIune Midialo 5 O! _W ir- U f i oeI!diseeite ba e ssehamlefils mdai% i intm o ely, liaI lite counrtlMtuchexa imimah Augst 16~,n~nti w! tted ivna ems.la st8oweP O 0011110.p léîu whiDif0met hée PrtIi%-@t5IUhe ofpubillaic bMc.preotaM On" loby liaI Pd»*asof O b(w f e at s umd eteeamneti.sia "___ OUMhie tis1 laiMe gÈk m the aide of Yorkiea m.Aï & n m. s f I * , W t *ap og R hn " bttu Ih m va m.. Gw mal.ilvery etablete qu e o nel' AQ3 fte6 l n mls iMOdebt us onmIin" 1fleaey h a oa lfm a " oafWmdmt ak i mt S quiYokreot frei Ao mt= rlilinvitati"oniéiseu teinu 10-111111=th lxhi ilyOad"luap~ l ema -nt 1111bue, u em b c ie cadaehis k=sa.lg.1 X. IL My, cithithe. vlev et putting lcn Septembeu ofMtiinOctbertos Thuo à M l un ispu IS Oni m hve<sc mitheCit"àM I lm1Oct..d hdi* Mublie»"l OUI"i le or "o de te mte ,du. pn Beauuifli Maedehid. ce ik nm uiandi me eue.-C "O&e Paes teinfrm 6 epsaa * .ob Jais pu-m th*y.11 me __limmlai y AoilahtmLmaih. iml le Aby.av tahorira litshe M&cf S1, teurr"aa donte lbu ti~, .a *Oum a froc ulinM omr Mr *s, .m QL. HLDATIMIDuOU i.sa dhioll*éuh. hie Oe».éM t. ecueodaloi iobeDtureB w u treduo u îIO iv e atmola abo0a000. "Wmm u9Dmad«Mfa éIW4te et cf G* ffll & t halaecacessi ua a qma I oRM.»ughlal.,pose inuthe nualmnner, sho tceuyn l I I U ..WMmfl &%M ~Qumbec.ave y's ESTflno. panetloti l*aIaveuloh"tai durit.yterni lie séomumeil bing tumPornlis- tic= t Osila e" l.t aitg.6le.&M l ete= mtb-nAk w s v SageK>WWm f) ~ o hi0dfl" rate ham U Ph M "pad fR001 MAlCRE s wuitu TW? i t by ise thé ilaa" ie <Prq o. cuneil adjomnu algbsual ata et a* . 06:- M faubeIi-ý hW Pm m 1, 9, if 4 lu lm 91" OumlWho >heur la seeicu. i...iv ~ Ici U*~OdS ~ poew, ~ .d tbit iff a mess cAticon %âcrf e sans"um &mLa u aide I.~~~~irp) - m 1XTM11 Oum e.e naveI~t nI545boi Nesosia at lale em Xi r- tj,,, '"M OMM abash, maIes an easy mia n F fotam i-aL ' 1M, *R1bu M h a meo% "Qu à htla tu *0 _ts 1* su lis ~ a 01187tc~ 5S ab -' - ___ ___ as. - - . "Mn .0161i x ïM Oasm w - '.1;. 4 - 4 DOUGÂL.L NEU714M WAGONS, SLEIGH8, BUG- GINS, and CUJTTERS, = l m put! m I I E De. a"S lm ,iêb