CHERYiEnORL aPro ptnmsofeCm¶tr As àareîdyortolds, Soîstesàmna Cherry'Pwotsérai 'excela ail imiier preparations.I làl end reby leadi p able ta tbe teste, ou. fot an w digesti.on, aud nue to b. takueumny in 1aaidoses. -Froni repeMed tuctala my ow f<mlly, Aye h Pectoral han proved tselaveefiin reme6Y for clu ad vroada rdr fth. thra 1~q.-A .Baiet, piuafield,ý N. H. For the lst n yearc 1I piebern tablag AyOr'a ClherryPe-tr 0ruqUbhte~ ma s*ed t7 . ube a .5I m UD IIs i-j b.~ibe ..eseuiaM4en two CON. un »M JMa-u~ StveEmpoiuun se rMOL AilkWoIndia ouBeFUBIISHINGs 1 flam44 1 irom$ $O t 40.00 g 1kt 15 <~ ~ 1- * , siniSe mdsiaim Dgo!fbbW -m Di ov kwudljrevi UVV U 7My- N6 sry o! e,q*p-m- - -", --.WSp-_ i I aercmmended it to hudred. i Ld the 5. 'The " - h W J gj 1 -2u N -** .- , mnt. efctive way of taking ibis madicim n a :jen=Lblm tuiaiit À emall and frequent dome.-T. M. Matthew%.P. i 'i * 0 ! h PrtitU ommlius bq.pvuld lidà"s us M., Shermian, Ohio. -om, m"-W" "iaar My wiÇe uffered front a cold ; not S ele h@ugX h àî eoihuiauls 01!ÇQuObU vu s wslhtihe i U !W51 ber but Ayer's Cherry Pectoral whicn eBda .a. pyuo u. D* >,.smeudmentwhloh vms U»aelo* o éèîélfldu cure. -R. Amnero, Plympton. N. DOgU X ugl .Dados -*wIIqut.hd ib1otiéi@ m Ayer's Cherry Pectoral m 'rr Di moi *;to npS 10:%~ -red by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell Mam . 7. The - Jetaitl mw u et ih *ir .Uniob.ool"I*h ieuèh ni d 01flléd regamlmod the .M Prompt to act, sure t ocure L'ovimm ActeOmso eundeDominion * @uh h.LiTe o Imprtanteci * siuatinsad a et T.e N Govorument reVi@v. aM Ibo. **8g,>1ioU dopéod .mbodW:--IiiiploLaema MM. te gtierop ndai a ________________________prvids, ad there ne opposition (a) Thés; the Josult tatsis. ere coa- .poo athbgabru sdaf birb cunai or by posiion, or by ob. gow ulm !Ga,11sdb lima iof tez eremlthud OUMWOD.w Impérial Lot 2 Wm. IV Oba 41, jWas o! be h;fietf o ie jeevlou of auy kld, lé vua alowel by the si v, efee1 0Bc éohueo dsleruem u al ,lied th. « ~j/J~~'l ,o.Genn.ià.@UU@tl lu al yQuébec for oeutt1ioueeuisivoliy. grSItlpo! th. position, sud ihere wu u IL 5~ - 8. Thoneh. pli atîlsioe who hsd lissa (b) Thsi the Province mrely held the PlOP QEOh b ima ngs U 8.l Thorln t g iiai À o ase hro Ugh e a s iua o . Soma. god otribuioniB wore ai shoalan Qu. h e. Ls ps s g e d o z O)T siehEJ s itE s e ot intr. 0D " PrOm d. A croular w vsue te 1 tohe u theste, Logi rnhdfogixet(fcd)wThth. Jtut st, yvrujasseoiih urchos, scciotieu, &ud friende of prohi. __ - h Il d bse aoed."disallocko" aier (d) But ibsi Mercier Josd piedçod hlm te soma la th.e ommitie at orne s ked léàb au a le>ed. *î lmokpaillr-sl u ubeLellire t the 1Mr. F. S. Spenos te ltes hold Of th ., CURF-S o.0e tîicar oir t k ore tpdsbiàt $400, 000 %0 tb. boman catholia chueeh vork, sud Ilita slready going on. à_écne a*M ase aloved" liv th. sutefndldytto ml h ~ "'L.. fGoveruor unoral-laOcun cil ud notdce hé $60000 te ihe "proteastntoi- Btth uitee ocmliTh OibGoeraf pulao m do ticemittes" hould b. lu addition'ta lhe thon aeedfui work vill requit. iuuoh travol, Co theA rsof buduloed." n otby thsi bodymnms glyon for aupurior éducation. Thun correpondanc. aud other nUtlay. W. CfH 1L Àae e"Iieoe. the aueli grant ariuing from ihe Jnuit muatistind by the mon who have lakito Brg .c4 -- 1.Tonom helm n h og bista ot sbould coutaithelb.hon the iead lathielimportant metlaer, and CHOLERAai 0.mmons, whoro mou profouiug to b. soma, i...0,240 ta theroman cathaoe rengibsa hoir hande by a prompt iA,,IuOE Ilaycra demsuded "dissliowsnos" afier ehurh, ad #12,170 to the "protetantl liberallty ébt vill make them ahi. ta do Ton qOEA ionaidorbsiaord lBueat, liho o ommtttee," al% vel as theintureat ou sil thai la needful. There le no tioeo teal"i flI I? i oni r ha bodn y lod." But, batle alg.Th1evi wl n ropl - D L r' or moibing o! eocutitutlonal hliory or s«oh, the $400,000, te the roman caihhoologo Tons w ork Ie f cluvelue.prmt l V DYS lair. coreh, aud en the $60,000 Io ihe t"pro- douvin ietb. i noabomale. ofton V AMDALL 1tessat oeoite." Et$0-bigdroe vasmltso o MM W»»R coms.(e) Tlàt whlle the probuatesuiul46, genilemen af chili and oxperieace. fivo of TI L ISet ne nov revlsw Tait WAIMI»'S 000, ibe« muati lawstilh sud apportion tihsm lu Montreai, sud five iu Torouto~ithe: sus J&J. - JPM c ourealaIttlima sud ose.boy il coO- the lotirent theraon sb, t he vlb ofMr. W.H. )rr fbToronto, i rsue HIILDREN/N .,prelJtht-al efrnl amta hbiet Giror nctoo i fQe-c o nd. cf e ta rg u 'o ; Gz reTStedosmeWegfo lieoilr-1 n pric MTrécent revelatioa hoa greaéiy sll.îed 1he bec; vhlls 1he rowmu cembolie ohurch hloum t o me ihiug for thiueanddsv.mTl IF v hole faim o! thé isue and baa lreed Bir uould dispo.e.oatobir 0$00,000 to suit il ovmt.heî idesu li oie 1, John Thompson fram auj rellectîon wbvhh oma.hvou. The roman eathoito ohîreh ien and coneil sud union sud ohurob ina _______________________ to as psjdoeil mîgbi retalu lovarda aimc gai Laprairle <ommon. teiu huddosmihg o e i that eateaiUu for ics léal opinion. Let (f) That thb.',Protetat Oogondeu" tudong.amali lm. D of rhb i-udK '1V g unu hope that vben Bovi)r. Douglasbe- requesit te govarument o!f1Mr. Mercier tomoud tionuge. eyfiu fpoi îq omée possaod of &U th. f acta ihat h. to restera liv legieasilon the '&$rsi" ru-ituhodoueiio 2. iil direct the thunder notes o1h180l0- 'f.rred te; replace tbe JetauiBatesona or Fretfni ryiug oblîdren ahould b.e giron Dr. FRIDY, AGUS 5, 89 once imot agmîmat thupolitiies sof tbe 1he prooedathdteot 1me aM Inv.tmeut Low's Worm Syrup. It rogulatethe Bavaien Emin~i n b oyards *ib ao.cail' pro- tond for emperler Eduaos in laquèbee, and moiesvorme 46 4 Xey. Dr. Douglas and Bir J ohn lestant comihiltue" o! Queeg ]oProvince mdCI0te »tmblieh the Oupeulor Edo Thomnpson. who evideully sold tb.omselvss mbd Ibhr don fond ai ,eablisbed ia 1856. -tc eQ ih.T prot.itnt ello-cisen fora fivAau To hetlon résluton berevasmovd igt actions aprl;g from rlght prlucipleu. mstr In mny (àùada omesthe ameOetira internes M thué 00000o. P*mh Usna n amsadweut 0uml*imninuE. .-la cases of diarrhS-à, dyuentrY, crampe, colle, of1 Bor. Dr. Dougas. ls sbousbold vol, is. 1tesuitaun lits hope ibai ibe ami (I t hétt he fond for upedSIl Eduosiion cmmer ocuplaint, Chlem tamorl'uaetc.,te lb. Now sai d man, broken sud dso orul unt Montréal auebhadli tfl prove10e la ue 1bée hmd beau deatroyed by th. rlght remedy je Fowler'u Ermot of Wild '" bod , blu su vonréypin, lu bis fendi sd te tbe vorid ibsi ho ila 5 bh li Ae; tai 'LbSrsvber .--SDn fmailg oure-made ou ths abt boerdyine mdmy gbe ge pda i, t bru.rie Waver o!fRhé vho aubethe 9)It spubieoproviaion forI l§s COutta- pduolple ihat naursaremudiu. ne but. i luv îo ughtc di ude nu no ïï puqO» ir~~ ~ > w as dopeudet cou thb. fiuctuatlng Nover travesi vithot it.-46.2. In hie co qne aornuta iSnob u turl 'd*b5UO D8 muUelii ddécidons ot th. Letioatsuio; Piofue o imis Snla nudel.cortiniy bascOanida's ale Mhiator af (8) ibai th. "Proteatat Commte." Ooghlne leadu t. ooffn uiess atopped by Ponssuto f gais ea, usil esthlh vhad justice, hg vifl .uxmplift helb.powerif déploro the aboiion of th. Supuror Edu- Dr. Wood'* Norvay pins Syrnp The bus%. 0onsieniougess Clblites hie W io are Chridaniyover more "OhUrCb silon fond bothhSa regat'de the roman cure foi coughai, coideandsud mmtroubles. ooupled wth russon, aonud judgment îauîîy and ruraci bthe saperslona Osst cathoilo sud the protestant popubion; -464.' Mnd trulli mie valuable, but vhioh &lou ne té otygnlmn oM 4 btteBtbe éu edI ri msy ho productive of wesktioas, Bs,. Dr. upo ibt vrbhytsuesmii.No mu () 1baiem Eoris hIngBoudlu ria adsn botter sford la do riet sudiiijult8it "lB y ho Juatiy quesatouo vshe l. aa fo aeoto Rutl Dougilas le an intensthickor sdthoa thoéSmode &y tlis veaurmble sud oie- QuobeLegiliaiure eould legsllv make sp ae. liran fIim w o d d no so p rorain" d]or »Je orto rent, Lot No. 9, lot com.Laiton, du in em o d i s pfoêe o f th b oum nisr shov ud that aibers should o (6) hit the propoced sum aif$ 60,000 contanng 100 a%-s.là acresfa» î0ok< do». Niagarastrcttesgd d solder oaute galas i odlm."e.dsolined au eaiU aiuvaloui te ihe Fi 2e ptioutN apl te the propremor on the crng"vlivec tive s eecunola (1) Tm,,» tonmaintan htgusrautee o o! pesia l t fnd-al.WI.B. AflI !D hivcieaddnniton of ths referenes *0e and letiera fia. Bbe Ths amendmeni vus bai. Horneukf Sir John Thompeon bccmu>so thsC asttes-oe oege nte nxbe Frteaedin ov r okad Ar &lM-t man chances Io be a romsn oathlblo pope o!h ] Bore s forsiuer lh.petpbie Fr . . ueslot"v. D.Oo u ii iiB-5U JusC whah religon bas te do vWitola 01. IIcol imels wumn& B, e el li as. '1 vas not uzplaîned, but the chef emua sudno'ii l. ot reou orimUo tWkluvs, gaMd Goasdmn bobv. .A. METHERELU etobecio ae ondbyDr Dug»la u or -tha purpoU befor. miiowlng Il. Such for the motton, vbleh va4 &do ted9 le the place to gel youx Sir Joan Tbompsou' ton on euti ur i vev *0daj. Ihere voisi :-B. W. Honeker, S8r M. I Estuatels Act, sud bhfivtng from OnUM (2) Tm. WÂSEEMm16106à hsl lu other Démuon, Venerabts A.ichdsaeou Lmyeaj ling a metbodist hcmaomm »Man a Cosh.Loi s umot sspélali oh Go.L. Mautent, v.W. W alhlvPD peI ear fiee aay l u pnin i.Jsctuonabl. Tht te sui oui opinionl. Camrone A. W. Kuselani, 3. J. aem. t W e a e fr e tauy u p nio'a en r rv ng dm111 from B g i h obug o cecbouCh ar o b.(8) Tm. Waa»utheunmssrted Ma.I mlng, Véry Rer. Dean Norman, sud C e' ate1anad adAmerlosu Markets. Nova scolima in w ualotsncb ias ve wvoud i v sassls. alnbbrotestnt enlmm* in. TeOoab v oeSaU metaherao! the ~ . approve at; but, & su EEW»lmbai muse," sd rines on evngo ermij l'Prthe sat oMve O- oia ae Cre, again sud amain abavu lu other dia QecePivnUvoudorvu o in "roetat omitu. ousion, te kud t peacinglou1 aefor nul, ddrief thepesaSseof lbhé 'Tlinufallasdmach ti.aadljoties- D5oatOS eno nes theo osildo pres tain o i n Apt e rshgng gérions objsstlaa agmnsb l,. pondeue blveu thé "Protoslau oam- PrioeesuMd styls lg ait austom r. je aa jpoclo. of! vmks ntlmentahiij Sud tl .11 - - - -" - __II ille, s d _em iier our a lu @ Rllloh vftonmii appumi ébtaiould help à mortelm fî-éfLOne thu balter inquhrdi te r nol Firom àot.a oiEp bavards roman islholsiai»or am i hé *source vid 4"vebu ensllloulSb i l on the o! U ves ofpte p a N tmie4 0AGNSi old formeofai estorafé u SImur, easuedi- ar oil.pridus !C. o uNotobl oUO' o081DubeIhv toad*fpoomiM dbpon lai h . & pwwà omle»» a- lebNi Jseatiii ir. vhS ousilltu po-DeMinion me mnt diII ieoh l --o. 11111M ititlW of II. Meier thelb.osuMd sus l'e heap Expsua au. testantSosI Io aéthlb. slnc.vh Satina lo f b rdàlmg, aer mhsylied walloW0idfflo 0 ,tmm Oaà o n MSept. 951h, Aima tmin5t l ovufor sporlug eveîy publie man vbc doisÜM ol Ohacet Amt &uo t stv ilbd M qW arertwJývu» vdGo .se beflEve 3Itetly u the pBase er ý Croquet Sets, Lally la Il te.extollîng i mo5.h TmIl *, W - o" ci t>ro so w*r'n:- h obtu@ u ak coniWhgovandt b i ngue l o th* , 1. W§:- bbo"OUhé Ir Sticks, etc. As Ëabaf f umj* ne b! Quebee duqiare»' oo1 o alPpia ad cepffl for té lb. iju tgmU id .h. .îOMMvo"flunGOMBrllsIu, tbu* ftsIImUM isi 4"&W 1 *0 dattes ProteutantuloragP leishthe peomu g! O Ueusjjbdmnbt sermon asced onute la mine falsob"SL,- . dsA. MEupe t, lines ai sestimlsiouinaI"sa 5vedcms *TpaiLBhif me ne IWA 5T E E by T bedwa T;î. W alm s d h».W he*5 fsv monîhsamgo b iuIbo5 esbceilbi Ho« useloindos e ousa 0" - ' l ,, la *b- PIU IuhmI à *s àCmm ètu th Q elie #6m*f000ots Iia b b testant,' pulphittheéimnons MT#, Ilt 0i» lundvtdoallyof bisIs th tehu m tt,'lv CuInn0 uii mot fihimieli of bbohii<it#oÎmaam d.#o P, rS !ujýu , 0 b0ondiiua ,méddiatoreblivseau Q 5*> Pgamt juJuof uulW;lUTueloge l h-~' EuielosiFulwl in~oso muln* wong doigin afleedu anotbli i W Pitenb~o! th.ebieui adIo .,unok àintk for hlme a%% Joh an e'Ss«s, n lck o~ ~tdelustesd hm g su noa-bterfrens.1511 even M oh7ê, LI-e e~#~ Tue i-J&AIg" CHRN., RZP ailsizes. 0 'anaOIL STOVES. -Vb" wdq suL-Ylbbt hkirs Wb u jeu ce» sme mouey by cslling hbue. IM ~Ih.X sund ~OI)C«EMEN>TSP b Esimais £1.. oi~4W~4fpimblmgt sud vork doue by bbe MnIy T ibrl o IâL j-, A) moi- W. Pm. Fo* m la (Jaw wbt lt M. 0. A at&ôLLi.i* Wu allIp7MU O loe.- . ruiou, mmmuet the mme Mi av"0aouv m oam*isMael .'g1oek p.M.A. EoAziumrwbeeulu. IEacOeMUM ooui? ooouvtm »U.ufumumot in moo,]un, ouDer of Kent sud Omabrdgel sireet%, LIndeay, every aliemale aiway evun- Ing ai 8 o'olocI6 A. Me, OMuf aginut. je&. Olug, Fine ýibtm Blani 'ncer. Yraoouw &ànu aTasmzu, eutsu True Blue jail, orner lent mmd Wilim ouet, on thescond sind fburth Inndal at V1clook 1).Mm.,ho. lu. Moster: W. AauoM, seoetary. Box 100. ,woonVfliL, ONýT. R»X lu. reeder of purebred Berkshires of the finest etrains. ain Pia lways fot ale; wlth ,,edlgree. Boalus mu kept for lservice. fPriosfor young tock 10w. m. Excirio he aie w.,H se r wfor mie i t Haif cf Lot 24, loi Ooncebsoû, Veruila I sCounti of VIctoria, 100 mores more or lem; 90 me clusred, balance well wooded-mostly bardwood; Ilday banm; fece.good; onforiable icu house i barn; two poil welle. rh, roerty hlattuated o0»e adia l mile.from rzzna-Easv tosuit purebmuaurin lcossthe eperty l.n rot ioid tbe Execuiori ire prepar e ut ame. Foi furiher lartoulsriappi, io G0. H. OPIIES, Vendora' SolUc1itore.Llndiay, or te TIEOMAS WILSON THOMAZ GRAHAM, ZOSEPH KLAr Lladsay. E~o Property for Sale. rhai well.known property Liak'a ierraoeGleualg set, composed cf ve brick houes..realzlu a ruai 1800b per year; alsoo he proverty on the corner of uncelg sud i.ndsay streets, oompomed of balfan 3r. of lanit. on wbloh la a good frame bouse and able. Tdroes lberal. AppîT ta the owner ay dey Mer tweiva 6osùck, corner of lnhdmy and Glenelg ~ MER. Dé 0. OLIVER. MARBLE WORKS. R. CHAMB3ERS 1preç,ared te furnil *0he 09 .unmsud rronndl1e oomâtr wih ]MONMEETUà"d MU> bail fmisiUmm*sad Oraulis. Imtmats piaiapty given on ail kind. cof«oM "e erok. MarbielTable Topa. Waai Topa, Mantal Pieescie Tý 'pte si mùworkman &U sbouldme as. ude- lud "compri prieis hilarepuobaming e!.- WOREK-In ruai et ihe market on CambMeMi. ,pc.Ite maithoW pachlug hous. JURIGOS LINDSMI ~iannâfcturer.of and dealer ini H3umm ' air Goods, plain and fanioy hair pins, jew- e1ry, lnsi 1iustrumentg, and fanuy goods generally.' . Aiso agent,,,for the Britimli &ýma Dyeng Co.,Mon - tresL Lqo. eCirest bt ue. Real. ripftiamun, i la osb o [i70o riL Mtrev brik, *dâu i"; Jy iu, r pf f, bie dveSlWi~ aud ~if ,ta oihWr 5,.~lubs iwfu&Pu eL 4~I5ult td Emg.t "a o tasLIfs ul Mab a~ i pu>a s" PiaoBOrgans and SewingMachines. I f3eU the best in the market, and the coapest accordiag to quality. W. W.LOA. General Agent, Lindsay Requisites For The Toilett PERFUMES Mary Ânderson, Easter Lily, Lubin's Jockey, Atki nson's White Rope, Nile Lily, Marie Stuart, Swise Lildc, etc. TOULET WATERS Calgate's Violet, Rummnel!,% Vinegar, Hoyt's Cologne, Lymans Lav- enders and Colognes, Flori<ia Water, etc. SOAPS Peara', Whittaker& Grossmnith's, Millot't., Baby's Own. A very large assortment of Sponges, Ijoofahs, flair, Tooth and Nail Brushefs, roilet Pots, Powder Stuifs, Tooth Powders, always on hand at MeCloll's LAIRDINE MACHIINE OIL AND CYLINDEIR QILS. MoCOLL BROS. & CO., Toýwreotcnt. LINDSAY WOOLLEN MJLLS, NÎO tatthe ««aon fîor pr F&Ing ansd Witer goods is sbat athb-d vs wouid rmn nendin r pu ras that by dalin.- diret vithus you viii flt-oaly @,ave monoy, but got reliable goods. Our binisemss h ithin ibslf-iio comisision meu to be kept up, nor coin- mercial travellous' salaries and expenses to b. taken out of our cust>oi- eeà. Yareap -the.benefit. &Wd -AiI-wooi. ÂI WHI PB and GREY 8HITING, 8inale and Doube vmdth; CHECK qRIFITINQS-, FINE GRAY FLA&N'qqýL8, TWEEDS, FUL-L-OTH3, 11OR8K BIANKETS aud an ainoiL end- Jasavsrioyo(iYarna. Fine fingering Yara for Ladies' and Ohldren's wow mode of Dovu Woolf A good aseortment of COTTON &D and XNITTED GOOD8. E~ghst ~co paid for vool; Rol Carding as usnal. White and unau, ile 7th 892--"tf.William Street. JOB ai ail WORK .ptloi'sa uansd promptIr at,"The ,Warder" ,office. AEk fce Lardine. Toronto, For " by JOSEPH HBARD, Penolon'Falle, and J. P. BYLEY, Lindsay. jw1y Seth, un--S&U.