* - ___________________________F STURGEON POINT BBOAYGEON W. wiU mund amptes in charge ?f the Imanager Of the Sturgeonà Point hotel or the Goubais' oume up- on ruquuet o o 0 0 Tourista and ummer vis- itors are reminded that we keep a variuty of beau- tiful and appropriate pat- terns. There iu no neatur or more usuful mmento of your vimit thmn on. of theme. The sight' of it will recaîl the misenies and delightm of your out- ing ; the moiquitos yon have fought andthe fish you have caught. Send post.card.. BRITTO-N BROS. . lwellerà$ Lindsay. YEIDAY, ÂUGUBT 12,1009. A laof bMdma M"iiiet band A aicanoumoui svo;1 Ad îth m, Dm. msxUreskf v. IcjMIAN CATEOrLaO OUBOHE lOON AND F10 TWTIZI T, OMPARMD 1. When tué e Jeuult Etates At"vu paaed lu Quebec tue protestant@ did net Whon the Manitoba Boo!l Aot vas pasae Ieroman catholil eurcI bjeetai. 2. The Proteulant ofetQueocd d ot deuai te have tle Jeuit EstatesAi dlmafloved before it vaulieved. The roman catuolicu etfulloba du demani te bave tusBUoo! A i llolvd betore àwuIlvamovod. 3. Whou ths DomWson Goverumeut afloumi the Juit EmttosAit héPro- testants IhougI lIsp l#adnover ukei for imafovance gel on top oethte laina ami ,y*elaillovanc," though they lad bai six months provleus b. become trous"i. When the Dominion Goveisment alew- ed the Manitoba Scoo! Ait, tue roman elotolc bohchlough tley lad pro. viousiy demandai disallovaceiii mt vais. a fus.They wve nto etuecourts. 4. Whon tue Dominion Goverumn lnatrocted lhe proloutante ef Quéeso 1ev te proceed to baveo e fleoamd tOb.go beoe onhe j àdlolaioommttof ethtuePrLvy Oouncil vhon a&H expensos ould ha borne for thé protestants, as la dons la tosting oonatltutiomal pointe; wvIn the day asui heur vers fixaci le hmau mmreceLve tliu potIicuo, the proteatatsvlthdrev having been guaranteed nmsuexotra Intouout ly Mercier. But tue agitator. crsauei "Idisaliovanoe,' for mers poltioal efeéot. The roman catbelie durcI of Mant6os havlag leen refusaidisaflovamuofet* Mutloba Solool Âct by ths DomsinIon Governuont, oulered a case la the ourts vitbeut a moment,& dslsy. Th"t "»S vfth anotuor enterai by the anglican ohurcI of Manitols howris a mlmilar am, vas oared lo tus judiclal ooemuttet the Prlv7 Counoil, théemmcorn emiborne as la usus! la tesllng aMy uestiutiM9m! peint, b7 tue DomInIo Gove.tut. à. The protat. decilui ttest *0 Josult Hlm"u" in la * Prteusem te me àta a Poltlus07ey uta&R" tt *0 ttu oom * , m.1 i h, j'y, ,"j ~'~j pl" ~i~Id to~ q i~ mm t wus mat two rt hat 1Iwu 11brue yeursi end I amn stili friât- Cliii. am nmue Two DayS. wl*thotabottle,&"m if 1 fel constlpab th ug Mloede dom or .the beauty of tii.medllu a tYU eau stptu nO<ItwthUtamyb eautsonthe system. COnStp&tionWhilu I wus sick 1 fuîlt evuYthlng it se dto me amm could feel. I wma of sm Mmmost miamrble. I cun »Y$, in condud8ofl.that I'believe Auguat Flowur will cure auyonu of indigestion, if taken UifoofMsrywit dment A Emhtdue BSt.. Indiamuwolis. Imd." 4b The romm a catoo uroh have fought the matter to a fi"ishlua àbuslneulikO am ;an;d nov doubt iesa ilie by the resuit There lathis za tl te hasad :-The1 courve of *0 rouam athollo durc" montà the Manitoba Sabool At hlas boatl.1 nn-âglie and consIstnt. Thel have b uht a good fgît, sud have boa .boaten.1 Tésame cnome hUsain la amm os of protestent adieu la Queboo on the Jesut EBtOséest.Their biausooued tg b. to Rotsi&Ul7 oould frot oidoier;r.- foue 0 fer othé eDominion Govera- mont btout the0 Aith*0 ourts; ami raese taloun e uboryaginat the con- uogvativepn as pldub&. The publie so tuiy roilse thatthle aotlon.o01the oaservtiv e .armot vas exacilithe mmrnla ehoacIltaue; bell the roman catholis duh"IoetManitoba ami theprotestants ef Qubo. halug trostai allle. VfreT gp.i1i75 SoLa B O UL» Nor BI elmO175»IN ras ZIRE F5821 lu thi us sue vilua uia foui solun aarticle eubadylng oui ovabtat viewsogalasl mparateohools.The artiole la long; but la. view of the reet doollo re the Manitoba Schoc Aot wvi ha lotorestlng. W. have na" touébei npcm *0 legs!»as pouofte 0case u insarticle; bu thaï view, ofthte iuse brno op ne dlffiocul"l The «r" la15addirousaisLeCanadien ci Lstreol, ably odtei by1Mr. Tarte,4 1ez..M.P. Oui am la b. break eut oethél Snufortuflate ourue in vhlch caumil polua lave lon ua e osurlng every. tbing trou a Mer aor durcI view.polut. The élan b ave tliu sphère; bat à la neMt la the arums cf politicu. TED» LIIDHIY. 5050YG ON 1AND BUMEITON A1hZ WA r. TIhélam rogalar Meeting o et Ive o ma" dinectoruami ot the e 0aboyé oempsny vashéâM les ouém"stlathe Mochanlu Instituts hkr. mouoo Boyd, Euq., vas la the chair, mmd basides tlIe vers at the badlieurs. J. LU Read, J. Petne, -W. Needier, W. Mac domueli, J. D. Plavelle, John Kennedy, D. J. liant"%e J. A. Barres., Sam Hughes end EH. J. Wickham, .ol"lor toi the oeupauy. Thé vailous questions conourang tue rosi voeafuy disousse; the bonefte te ha derivod by havlng cesmtoutln ith the 0.PM; the comitry ho b. developed, sud ths nov treigît to beometed, svWOUau tue ueam requied te construit tue road mli came umier revicu. Another uee vl!be.beld at an early date te fm onrcouier prelli. Many people think the Uldteba Bho oÂt je tho e asm * NOM lWsst TerrltrosAci. Book bel laot ou. oolnlied b. thon e vewuld naturalY ha suppos& to haIgnorant, lut la shared by teuàoi m idevea mouluof etas ment andd cirgyren. Iverv ichool boy sh* oul mv tui * utae to aumdbâtac as ais Nova Buot MdniBd"tls Colmbla The provînbe eofMNudtobs paussi an Act abolhng eparate shols ami thé PissaIbln~ug. Au appeal vu made agalnst the Ait bya roman catholloaid amother by aangelc ]Wh B elapool veoed s thél.JodicIsCosmittes of thé Prii Couna il la Great Bottla 1aani the juigmut von lu faverof t*0 pro- vin.; Mmd agalnst boll ofth0e out" Therein nmev ml of tue romanmu$l chmhuroldemamin roedi!lesato" for lhIumimoltv, mdii uppommi poverula tue EuitsI Nr" - Amorti "it WhathersM&blu tffuoraWb vs do not nov; batlit ay be boBSetg«UWS tuaI lIa OluruI yUlMet mciiiah" #Méc h tlagtborulte#8sfeumedtM 0» ua Oui ovu visula h ueav dble èckans Wq *»Iý t tatum%.elbu mf etume Torouimo Mpr kb tue oeoro the, mn~ss teomiM Wcisof*01 43a;Zé. um :-"teUMO muàv drumaka 1ew Dominon hm oe u hua Our bouos, sd et Mouego do"a b'. TUr bag« * to 701 m tofday. togto =o OlU7 ui wwviUl sba mu hoM tIt dua a&d homoi md bing but a "stwdwng ami. A "isliug"aiuyvouli ha more Ih ilokens o e mes Usilubrau loms dova wth whIaksw go reeilng about The aligeor »ewhofiSNaD>mm wiIIIIIquOI ie Uenough; but th* mmaOr the e«cuefor aa u ho geta fu inamore depad ui atm. A ms -ecu ' hblt»Ualidrumk ehoe beu Mo ch salonkeoper forbidea to sell hlm lquor. Thon Punla both mverly for subuequent Ohcos MAilla, e0rYD-DLDON. ##MW w neflOperd.. PUzM.-Tbe Bey. 1Mr. McClun, of ErsttS&ordeupW ithe plulpit Of Bt. Aadn or' hoere là" babL r. M XoOlung dellversan abiuamieloquome discum e. Ho il! coupy &0 pliplt eui Ssbbath &gain, Âug. litI....b Beoy. --r. loDonal, e oul"R4 inv! ooup, the puipit SundaJ4Lmuit But. Boll Ieumonmaie very eouot.= Jr. hombmnh et TonaS. .11! usd1 Uni- Lool eu taor ld M NIMOammeumom asa unam oM ulula holday. 1ev . M d mu.Jubmmtof u Cmtomvoi Dr. Ceraval vi a vdose uhitor la leva M Tnuday. ne loch his Md hoarit a trip Up theéegamay aNmi h"tenSuaMrte rote. Tbho8 Mey. MiCa hhlom e"al Mi tit oopy bis api tbell roos »mm Dr. M am u.AlisUn menti forafev rocks et Soa f tait boorprocoedmbo cslifomie. Ur. J. 1. Sallet 1Toronto, upoalunda? ta leva .wit reltives mi owuvolomoi by aMM] femade MU.. D. Mlvray ofBolsovaent taa e sllaéi iktqoadv for hmc1Ut Iammuhs ou e mTmodva. M u àm aa.et et Mars, h vhdug Bel. UMd m i.Campbeli le hepffoms M. W. 0o*yle won cmMody les mpoiatshilked OVa lew»MmP lbond et mi. J.O'LM, rallud. Mis Woud%, .11 S ho n lm sLamrsof Taoals pai a a yu'&WvImil lepmest mi hide la Lladsy 1h iol." mesa ulas, daughwet emmeouaProuls Euq.. et Mmvm ula a pool .111 le coun th lmis Roaitla lova. Mr. W. 0. Dum of ci d, 11h vmIami lMa paimdsauky relatives amdi"odsa flm. Eo bau »mevtno edumai ae MaesMailm of X»Norkelvu anocoa iwta le UsMsa waai onma ile hor wttb UMisDcaos mWdelutoa St. una. lobosa .11 le, tamily. ef Nov- mmke la wtim b« arceousaAdelaldetS., Mr. sé M D.IwI4a wotbicouple. i. md Mme.Net! MeEsohofetPoeoby un - .1 wMis, Eébelam m m e - la Op&o949.ma nove mgb Vicora bimade. M. H.LChiaolu e rtdnîelmRportaiI Satunday.atlm is. Mîtohel! et titwuelamtitMIon Kuoz of Norvod auvhlng mgmosas.Blah OSh mosl ivoas. MiJ. P.,lllla Carl uulghi. The Mims.Cloadosnbave adii ed to in M& let Oarnlsaamafine MWv double caloft1he lata tul vu onpuob a.laOttava u4 The Lord Ehhop hm gvu hm ppreva!let os wanssut by wvItal1e. CausaLogan tel charg ofet le serisla et. Iba'o, Toronto.,sOumsnla roume Rev. M. T1'bssuofetOsesue sot Tua. day l in isamy.'The Ommemo olodsru un fort«maleta " !.storpeste a. dtsane "mc dePtl mi cnloblW IY iouf- vsgy ~ e Wmsst lu vti l c ouiis Eoud.ifemme, On - -Ur yla etmbelady prmai %heg lmndi»y aMusai le 1thé Day e0 0107s~. il. .' b oid i dit miffl n -a- ir. MS!et HDbllo CU" , k bomme M a hal smogJmmlvtD The aIle vaffl mivoUlad ou tmoieou .retorsehou e Zr. aM . ailleMeWsrnmw'Ym < «*momi a l.te Orey sud hM" Vimoy snubme t nWM*oAU -M.1OU geli.Hehii sost 'nes1 0ImaOsda j- u Ma. 01bm~ed oeoe w.EAo YTl cigola the coaipMatlr oitu Ilndeve Pro- uiil =.to h ut* ana 0- %table ta hiOtm-ch on- it. onfrom thernit b ysubotmoei, Ils toailnd vae made it the mcii populsr remýedy knogwn. Byp dof f, for Wélu 750 bofflesdruggisls. Any reu16l< dru?1awiho May not haeIt on pMroce it tory il. Maufictured only by thqç CAUFORNIA FIQ SYBUP Cle LOIJAVIL]KrL. inaW volms. Z A. IG!IZA. Aomi astLlabay. Ms. mai Mu. El.. Selior~ falr12~pom ci Daitola'vIi.tu-o e am idtede.ami XM ombler eat Manlle.M.Sais, vluboi ta tale botes .111 is a limier, the crops tlas ym our .11plomili ta tha towushl!i. su. d M".EH.Dubois un homefsafov due vI. -'Hualo ok@ls e Md ladolmg won s theC.P.U. Holate sad blm houme hero. Thé votanDubis ta bis dy vu a siIsdi tims, ami Rak mI toI. the Mi. aMIs. pout et EovuaMvlIleaus" mach rejL*lug amoug Ie fa.ilv a rmo isde et Zr. m L.L. B Kovfl ss1. ernI by a ulml. Thé pama Eevmmfvile ouple une alvOT mréet a boarty M am imoe ols ne. EU" yMiller,,lu" !!sOomIkm m..csoe io 1hmo.la r Pmlmgoomm if V"iéaumburoitom ùla61aMmofh f0418av bd55ID a aqurter1i" la =LM obdtl1eouifims P"t Eadueue odsaaa.Nev Yak Ut. J. NMuim.of Oâmes.heIbok boos moe» safor a vicit.130 rmette icham» a mosprosperm mo s. hh >uuai hesm, e of Ourou"svoln kzmev h et lhusa Mi le doiln iI v«IL Victoria district bor s alyysde yD Dr. MoKimm alIe of IMmt Pisoule etthenMdhu" m 09à ai embUe et l ad m»v4dte Xlbrook The erm doolar willbu th»u.aole g rtia bis . rotlo vitI tbé novr. Ms m87,4maiSi Au a bain bdriami dfor I*s protui et balisais. AjWr'mEh&rVigor bus me qual a merIt Md fflm Tt Il rsitos dn kéo e o clp mo8t.esamam Iully Sivas ,ltuty sud eoor %e ;o£a,* e mi f7 avoir. Tk. mont *opcisr e oflI mle".. MiS, MaQuis.oft Trenton, la VIR!5 beu uen.la.lav sud isughten, Nm. NUs. Hooper on COliora. met Mr. Eeop. or lan mo t éle vell Imeva ecouvative ubo lad tue hoam ei defeatm"g Gin B. aid oatvrlghliluLemnox emesremr sI. « H.Blolm e .P.P., or ML.A. au 0um 0ch"se$0 doigma o selI IAgmlmlo mnl. pas"ai brgh U""sa onu Mmiav te, Q1ami n sTsssday t rou a vwtui l 8114 aI.M m. attos vUii led »mo so o»uiltumtmbtte r n UtIsIm of Silvor Lob. Ur. Hall et Peterboro accmpeali hlm. Dr. Ilammitu vhs suooeia .Dr. Miss et Jamolvlllasm, fuuliy onta icmls -u-c. Iatur i 11Dr. Ala. hevimilsi Lmu 1We vee pisuni te " miel .14code la eu, mi dnwu iee he ouli dvasmaIe a co-m m thîe rfic e.TbeugI l ada. lBmt te suao e ». B,~tDr. ItNMlt hbm got "L tyas *0 lmtcdnMtiom g[r b. bimpredocor hj MM l%0saodThe tvo vorthymoico voue g:OusmvlDr. UMÂpIm e lebore. AN EASY WASH SIRPLENMD PLEAN iuà5 - MU * r ai wn a rum ircept of Wp r, pmo i mmy<,frj G oid., colisitig in part of extra value in the AT, LESS THAN PRE SENT. MILL PRICESI The balanc of our stock of Sumaier Gooda, Paraols, etc., we are offering at great reductions, cost flot being talon into consideration. They muet bu cleared out to make rooni for our immense Fail Stock or. JET& As usual at the close of a season we have a large accumulation of remnants, which have been measured and tickete4 at a prie ta effect a speedy clearance. Remnants of Prints, Dreas Goods, Cre. tonnes, Tweeds, Tickings, Towellings, Shakers-in fact, remnants of ail kinds-at about one.half their value. WgARNE'R & The Great Bankrupt Stock Men, 76 and 78, Rent St., Lindsay. G3roceries &Povislins 1 ;R 0c 1- m M P E~L L. We have mreeived. a ohoice stock OOmprising Sugars, Spicest Bic., We keep thé. largest stock Raisins, Currants, Candied Pees1 wants to perfection., AWORD ABOUT OUR- TEASO that out stock wu noyer btter assrted than at preset, comprising ail our popular brands, se woll and favorably known throughout the. whole county A BONANZA IN CHINA, (JROOKRY AND GLASS WABE. Thlsdpartent lf replete with a vaiod and extensive assortment of Fancy and Staple Goods. Ont Faucy Ch nmd Giassware are ail new and beautiful desigs, and at such low pices as were neyer of. fered in Lindsay before. A. OAMPBELL Lludsay, Dec.ml~er l7ih, 1891. GET A AIT ON- 1* is rather wum weaiher to put this pertinent suggestion into practice, but it willpuy YOll fl Our golug out of business sale this week, we are rusbing ont our summer goods. Mulliury, for a song, Prints, DealatueMBlouses, (Cotton Yests, Esiery ud Gloves eing With aOmh Otblir as to whioh Will b. th~e first to get a gait On AUôur numme.Clothing, S9hfrtsNeokties andI Undierwear must demt.P&18018 "and Buaa e IWStllu a apria., Lace Curt ainis, (~arp0Wa Alnd 4Oatala 2PI913 a»e iu thie wim and must move ith, 1~ht gaceul hdethé.t'aelve there immediately if not sooner. Wl M~ÉGaffey I iii il t 1 m i m 1. 1 1 1 1 ýNew Gàr F1 ie8 w 7ç7Irt ý]ïdx1Oeedsg"d Denims,' S~.oiI ~We in low and medium-prioed flresa Goodiii NqeW 1ok a8hmpBUadGfl1 riettaS Ourcontraca fer ail the abovelnes wore plaoed direct with the manufaturers months ago, before the late advanoe, ana w. are thus euabled to sell our customers ail classes of Staple Dry Goods qmpwwz9-ý- da 1 Mr, . prices, s OO)yt . dý a à .mftý