DOUGÂlL lVJÂ.R somerai ElitUl Md Carnage Eubelme Fb. iluke% LIndamp ifors. Shoeng a SpeeWtv.7 L obbng promptly sitaddto.. aim a. a& . 4 4k Ulaxucr. Si PG ~ ii ~ 6~ B O~>7.LINDSAY5 ONT., F»X>AY, AUGUST 19. 1892. VolXXI.Wol o114 fln BUTTER We want1 GOOD DM]I and durin the hot we ad ilok to pack in, prices eitheri HOGG Augu8t 18th, 1892.-1598, To Rent or BoU. A gocod moyen roomn brick aweling oa nBgu strmct, wtth cvryt convenience thatOi la neco«uwnyt JOHN CJ& North Ward. August tth, 189L.-45.5 AiU partie@ are beroby cautionsd againet negtia- tlng or purcbuël à aPromiasry note dated ladd Auut, 1892, for :110, purpOrting ta b.mde by the unenged&Oy be e lrder of Angl o&r IL CILNDENANM Lindaay, Augusi 8, 19L-d. Fari for Ual., 100 acre§, one mile uorth of Manille, three sud a bâii mls. Ifrom ahnington on ieadng romd; about oaares clsared and In oAulcultivation. Excellent e.u ebouse; hard sud solt water convenlent fair outbuiings; morne fruit tres.; saili fassi qualliy of cilem.. Apply on tbe @mimeOte Frarm for Sage. Nj Lot 18, Con. 5, 8omsrville, &bout 95 mnacrsr Ipaou cleared aud froc f rom ftumpsOeha. 91 omma. ,oe bouse, barn and stables; weii lenoed, good i chool u the promliesand rburcb and post office ai Eetie's Station où Midland Railway hal a mile froua tbe promies.Appli ta Wu, NlQ HOLLe Durul River .0. or ta G. H. HOPKINS Esrrter, Lindaay. Frarm for Sale in tbe Towulp et Ope. Tb@ following valuable farm property the 80e2outa q ote f lot 27 In the 8th con. of OPe& Thia farmota in=60 aures, ail cleared and ina sgo"d stat. of cultivation. There ar onu the premisse à oiaiortable dwelltng bouse, a tramue bain, stable and ahsda. The farm la wel gsacod wtb coe rail bae&o Fb. propertyIo a utuated four mlles from Lindsay on b. Ifelg road to Bobosygeon. Thenrin a ag yougoregard, two good welle and pumge t It a jood brick acboolbouéo on tb. corner o ot, with hbrmbes ounvenent. For further perticulm=al' eJAI. NORRISON, iug..i., état ward, Lny. 811-t Faim for Baie la Mfariposa. The subocriber offefor sa7le tbatilI kawn faim containizag 200 acre, bing the north halvas of Lots 15 ad l In the trest concession of kaipesa; good wbeat land, el lsrsd. The buildings conuisioaià good frime bouse,libes.trame hars-aons d000 cem sons, fouadation, with good tabling ma n er. Maiing ouppi>' of water. A young obard af tw. acres, just commnciugta bear. Conviaient te oburob andohool. Trtes. .For fauMsur ticulars pply to the owuer. on the promises, or 14 ler to Litle Britain pcst onie. Omo. W. ITOJU. Nariposa, July tth, 1891-41-U1 i«M for Sale or Rount in Trension. M" tbaoitlio 18 and 9,. quarteraof lot Ils la sud eou. PensIon. do orue, about 110 clmed, brick hous with bard and mli wMie, 1W. iafls, eewih mime foundalicanSd r.t a" root oeslur, fhuit bearinuorohard. hm Wo aipd o ganmd a ~s.fora» fa ~ ~ 2 puC.namÎf a Lea., WCl r thsnne. Pr rUs., perulars jite L . KONU¶ or te 2. . C OUW . K"BRIAGEB T- BEALL, LINDSAYs Prom aui staionsinluOntario, ltrMU ratas te 0150W% DEIOR &INEL xOosoilîN BINSOARTUI XESBIrr $28i.00 MOOSJAW30.00 EDMONTON, $40 To l auilpobItelauhsProvimuo osnelo Auqgt 1 eir a tlOolohorl01is Anuist 23 Rtura ul tbn auk Septemaber e6"b« M, M& P=aric eig ic hm wpointe ibli M mm le M .aTormte l in #me sen@uet*vwu *- IL» Pa,, tralm ab"0daes Fer» P* = fMrla mut 09... a tic b pari ua1il c i.a.. lut et,. Liais. ', miDaws'a@% ER'ox à tmIf I Were Fur.. The New ShtmQar system ll iGsudaur »eftets tephonon ,dUmmIIL nWUsree d 0 aOpeurgu. hm ]aM DemM 1* ton. If TI Wvinsrf* T7 11e kel ltm ava ugurMted onday! tàla bla race to-day with Stopheon W &T E D ASarsaparilia sevie t léP"Ite M eélt he Sd càM saafe n, d h uretw umdcL1thÂa tofr a i hu raed ars Y-ou r best remedy for -u i tmIf 1 had oltnuiag ourlaof buralh'd brava; se 0liTm.U mm versopleed ioliy fficha E-yielseatrh£portifor thse veeh gfIf 2%%A d ro ieyand U<Iw vussmills, Sd invIisguesta Tue rutgwvasmi i.,vldi.m n ae.Sahno E-ryi peas, atarh n~ Umunuay agRitAmdglnlh liiba mmdpreîy g ils i- out àsau p t'o the heed ut Sherbourne etetdipuslois omrnfiri mand gained haitleng a quantity of R-heurmatis m, and Auei 18. 1891, IrezLlbioevat7- I verswusar. Love vould ntDat e whm sa large toutibail beau vutched amd tables la the irit va huadred vardé, buit temu 8-c rofu la .....arra,, would e a, and f B houmbéentlaM OI o ris mea ai the mile, afior vhioh Gouau SadyIf 1 Iar iae o h odtingl toek thsebl ailndheld ut tnroughouit te E~Y BUTTERSaIt-Rheum Sr Ee r y meau f I*4 ubyDatltoetOiim a. i.Sore Ees nîmu *and the haall of teQuem wu drnnis. IAit theturno. wislch wu made in 9.40,h TisBU TE R o edat" *là 6104 ,7 ... St yIf 1 otwuraier, hidHN '~~a~Orlim wvasfour benigtihaahead, au advatg A-b-scesses, Tu mors M A i6 ô.7 P s § ike î .ercf idn ght hl BNvEAXgl=wicis he inoreWdon thse home artos PEECIKITI@Ng, UrouuÀ, mbatl treo ridad tested golil, relareil nmre anmainolduata ofthtie olil, vlmalng bj ivemy lengtbu in 2o.3. Po ~ater iIlfunlui TbsR-unning Sores eGmmesumnsld.yO.e3...Wed. LOYe waltts OnButY, though swaeet Love novatiquated, streetiou oyote»4 mnd célled athé eay paceet vhlch Gaudaur rove ts 8-c rvy Hu or, Ich nowfè ondey. mf OUatame, for augis mighivWeil aie. in& ne proposaitabumper teiithe %W'pus ho oould have lowered the recor o emd psy highest market ScryH m r, th Iovifeu im...18.13...... 08mBu Botby hlm aiton ada in cash or trade. A-nemia, Indigestion Thot ttU....08ery f ber la ay, ineb rep lji . rEv19e13 adof Use natLDuyuth P-m ls lthsIf Ivertar my.mwou1dhmm no lr,; Company, gave hie hearte a Me Ofu the2~Pulc cooa P mpis BothsLite would uniold aveel plolunu io my viev, diâmficulis hlis hadWto lb.suroumined Ln» uleShoe MUUýA-nd Carbuncles Town n 1110L Ift1wonaretubeffoel "gao UMdbe gai into their pruesai -BUMMER PROMOTIONS. 't Ae 1th.If wee far, hff. H hoed t mae te nw dpartre r, hir toSeior Tkird. g om RahsPresent. thse Mayor ingthe hai, emPerispo the bby, itiu a s&mn ofet y, tion o taco h abeau.Mies.IMarka Cias.-John Wilson, Clianc IR J D t 1rn ureBlodKylie, Devaîy.Rceve Ormadell, Counofliars To olaep my necis vouid throw swayis tey, Capi. Grace, eoretary of the compmnv, Mmllory. Janie Wilson, Leuli,* Douglas, Fe Lacis, Rabean, iiom, Toucihura, Filaly And hide ita ilimpies in my shicirg habit hoped. tisa the City, thse compuni, snd thse Wiltvanth. mmnudnsDrpy ad Oomoell. Bewider'd by the maze of giorv therel1 public vould bie 'ooked upon as pottners iu a SEMIOBIR11 TO IV. The folio " colesctions vene nemd: But nov-O!1 uhsdow of a Vounggu à'a fae; great onaern, Tise change badl beefkr inaugu- ieWm' is.-oaPriWiI L- iver Comptai nt 'rorn â l Ai anon, 06111119thése ttm- Unolor'd livs tisai Peints cold fingenu trame; itd etau mueormons expense, nd if the Mriseuu losyWintrs, er r, dh A-Il cu red byf,* he douit tiste excesive miarket You wfflnot bimme tise ohiid vhoe e e isada citizen.s ad city officiais vnula ot suppvrin. raae l to o ithanirs riai ineeru, Roterred ta thse committee u ova on Iot on the bligisted budt, but on theae Hsé ts oag~ ondbe on int - o gentCharlie Hendernon, Edith Campel A Y R Sproperty. S . tis arpoue tse buture MyStvns daSlvseiirteH A V RPromt thsearbitrators ne tise buildings o tau N dvnagsw u got No rch sd tarhopular, but thna ishort tmdvwAge uld rofAthur us, Ada Sylesthear, Artie Hlle * Iota 27 and 28,, QueSu'e Square, heretofone 0O! jult a ittie fair, vîth s lso otuis brecnzduahot tie.A umbr f nthuee rgobry, AEthel arr, MaeltHad S re a "pa r illi ..d by wrn a*MoDonneil. 1Refenresi o.About my face ta glorlfy îî muoicioterseeh',,y Mid, nath a uîy le le rgrAfi k Edith ScclletHoar a aganboarded thecre sud enjoyed the ride sonante XAlte dithNce. Hnsoar Jc oommlttae ou towm prepeity. If nao e'a uhunn'd my présencor emy bise, dovn îow oBnneMApne aneVasoe Pepared b>' Dr. J. C. Ay. & C.., LeI, tMa.. From péter Nîcs,îî. and ineteen aUsers in My heorn vould aluiosi break boeatis IlsMdlta esi kneStn ala Sody I Dugit. ra.9; i htlO nreuce ta mnei.lotriolo îgist . aeed iita bila. sas:-In shrtMark, James Thoruhili, EthelBan la pulghed Qui-es othorsi, wiIU cure you Sn and vaier OOMMIttea 'TIIs »Id each il îgrm sisail attala. hic goal, and conclse seechs, Mr. Grace endeavor- Mary Dovuaey, Edward Jackson. EV BY RIDAY MORNINO Prom Peter Tuiiy and thhrteen alier asi. And perfect light sait flood ms blitded eoul, md to irnpres he harens with the idea Minaharmsm'a Claes.-Harry Framptn At ie OficeNoti*. ng for ivto malnas, one on Lindeay stneet When day'. flash mengeo ittamunsette bars, visicis ho had fonmed from bis short con- Herble Beaiu, Mjorie Stevens, A lice Hardl At heOmis otcemad Con nDivision mietit Buerreil to atreet And aighis h ore. Anid tissnbeyand tise nection viti tise Company and porusal ef Neitie Rurling, Walter McWatters,Pey andbrigecomitte.. tentieir contractéanaad observation of their Cutlisa, P Stanton. Edna XcKsy, Ed Perins OMrlge lt., j Souh fuhesme,@, xeia y vil rersargv ret un Report ot street and bridge committee nemi, I1sah bo tain 1 vorkinga, that tise intereat of thea com- Willte Robinson, Edith Wattere, Ada.Mc - lais ~ vrltte ie a rdcL n-mmklug a.vorai tecommndaions, wviiai au pany were thoae of tisa City and tise Laughih. HaMr Walsh. Shirley Foley, W1Il IANHUGEUEDION N» EOPIETE. onU Op, Agua WIL. 4e-sMin Dv y vsisand b iecual- Twilight Reffectioni. public as wel s of Itaeif. Mennisad been Qroes Tom Prampion, Victoria Thurion "MeGU RIO N IOE O. ot psA"Tb S8 r.e a is o o u oaiyranci l Use ni.entrueted vîististe franchise tinwisom Tille GGodvi, Louis. Buiiick. Robbis eu mâc t te octin fWissrt u theseutg-1.omming deepenu softly, it could not be sald tisera vau net placed, sou, Ida Elliott. Wray McGmchen, J3ai ______ A_____________________ or Sale or ho lent. yaud.On motion of Mn. Craudeliocended And tise westmern i. oflilgiuitise greatest business integity, andi hope Thompsau, Ethel Perkiots, Lionuel PearsonE Zf'W'id 0 Mr. Malien, tiseappliton etfMU roU ntraa it fldet.Wilkinson, Sue Bunting. L»d IFor Bodale. Fb scriber ofes for sale or rent ibat como-Devey vas refandàto tise iftnemud vi0111erN. vo t ripras t o iis for ultimata rasults beneflitl to tise City dieus brick homse on Adelaide uireet, nov eceupiei Nai iedaeiao iit and thse company, and by tise extension of ft¶WalOhoiel Lots Of Flar mminQatansd bluaslf. For psrticulauî apply te, tbe ovner. mlteA~ n d tise verdai bans reflocted ts tis ~Tise ork of eulargang the enat yard meho ber Lmnds iu Soutervllls for sale. Arlyet auj ilme. Ruas WOEK.MA2. Meveil by Mr. . auoa, ecnded uy M. Wllh a ammotny ocmpee- &: ystem nov sanctioneci "y th Ctydialchurcis habagua,. SAMN. DABTEurnllvr..4î,.Augat Tth,1897.-8.t. loocu titt acedr oeselg ottv legabuDréderg etio-orrw's unofne bisinlooseearmisvouci . gratl Tie Bn«htu gsoatiss reppemeciaftr a iaced on Linadey ir-îopost tsem e sotcgom. orw' nahIncreaseci. It was a matter, not of bount Th rhtngo bsrapreaf Matrimonial,. buU~ 1~Li at W. OMned. O flvr sts7me.b omay u ftctstn îyabsence etfluiteosu eine. It appeara like sbi Tva yuug en, ns aed 1 y vebî ~ .[~doria a JY lIIS Moved by Mn. Caanolly, seonaded by Ur. Gazag au tise placid river, upon tise continent isacireceiveci sucisoh ie TinKui ooeagd2 mwih 5 o l n il yle, tisai visen tiioouncil dournus Balgtats h nn euerto o scsafanhssd Mr. Wua. McBuny la sufferin rami Ibm, beiht ô5tfut 10 tache, lght comp ezlou, llght Bihirdinthe hmmmriot paralysie. Mis condition frachis,'an bair and musimobebloceoyaes; the cuber a&Wi24 - tad. adjourned ta Manday, 22ud i., fan'Soute mystertotia aveet oeid tremon he begged te state tiat it wae only by tise flatcofprls.Hi ont yeara blubt I test 10 Inlche, veigbt 1065lbo., dek gpuerai parpoebm4 and usai thse chairmieu Of Bie hog ybqmanai ntc fot oi tts iya C ritisel correondaiik ear, ld!.. vi wmest téMtiol omitu erqusii o tt "athoghmvisv'src; nte ffrteohofte iyanmaein-o alslatlkn fNuldn comprespondebit n, laien vtaclàovie t a.rland, Ontario. Beavna omtcs .rqutd alseSch a vagne resitîssalongtag, Company that tise said earnings would b.c eso s.l akigo uligat meuv. For the former, addreàssB.S; the latter,1th Muto 11DYtO eOM80Mté Sel co ywaysniceeanth atoftepbeeorpbieal;aiesaint ec W. L, Fort William, West., Oorrsspoudence iticty The udr ne aigloeul théae mill nr a be aunc o. Caerie M s iemoSisals acormv e try 1], lcase1n ievat«r iepulcsond pulhallie tto a .o h cofdnil.nwpoards¶oatd bvI a nt ftepil Cnai Ay b.rak. pened elings 1cenormeionlngsatleflad. .[t voulci b. iii. ta speak rUdfit July 25ih, 1892.-404 e"l. W estchaugod ai ail time. v1tbdes- frCouucthti adi dvntge t, Mms. Onford relasrned home ta Toront o àaicb. Obopplug do»e for cash or tolai as desireul. Tuesday feaunjyb vilwt: Frarm ho ln.Iarkot prie poldtfor vheat. Fbour and fesnd kepi .18thel1O sone ot lreIand at Teuderly tise itrains ef music, thse prtiesfethtie tripartite agneement, To an, heNotbLu qarerailo nmbr entmnily on band md for samla in rr or U alHamnilton. Wakeued by a sieter's handad t vas tise visetf ise Company tisaitnluln.Jh cl TcRette orh£u qare o ltnuthrquantltie. Wih ibir soit sud avellinu admlo s hould any friction arise upon tise con- Mn. Geo. Mattiesevarmived homo yestera Nin* ln the third concession aiof enelon. contslalag asofaipublic patronage iollcited. BHAMILTON, Ang. 15.-l'be Auoiest Onder Tell mie cf a Paier Land." struction ef ts acontract, tise same aisould ci ii t h l onty i 10ro« Thces. .buildings coualat of a good log bouse,.. .D. HOPNIN. a ibnin el iua et-a. This usaworld'a jovi are but a sne .laoec aie tseériest.teesi lecibusianes valsplesaure. ofheas frime bain vlîh stablnq undernemib. of Hibrnifndelusione ou omur vmy TheI an so ne oiat yhbn eftpteach Mr M.d re.ofe, bail newof ig e. For terme appl>' ta ME.JOHRN HAURAW, Aug. 151h. 1892-48.ii. Of,,, son onu w;tisnsas oboio andunprofitabi con-. Liaidmay, or the avuer, seaer bougiht na * aaO mmb d hy .but Mgve us meaaaoy, ,tention. las conclusion, ha begged to adlynA fdrctns hevasthecaue o MU2. ALUAN BLATOORP, To MMlmeit Lumber Dealiers Mnd Useir tnlends tram Taronta, Md vitr allr ee Saddeu us front dey to day. tisank tise cisairman on beisalf et tise com- tiseade rint.oa ontee Auguet l7tb, 189-ff8..Lam>. OhrpoettrmBflSno dosnBut fan tise Immortal ieroés pany for thea entiuate andi kinc Man- Tise houmeet Mn. Frank Cartin of Os v 5mb e o a vaimable fam la the Towflebp P h otie tebatoiifi e.I hchtetotI enreo.d Voter8' Lis t«, 1892. As is ant a iug*m uu astmed and IWoiaandts u a snlsvsasts tat1s enrclei tkb ise cny, buThert el> trisa dsge V ot rs' is , 1 92Marhat thnougis t tt.Comment vu W@ sisould ot grov 1sudlscaunageiland hopeci tiat Use Company vould do bye liinet f Tiselcticth sed TIers viiibe citereit for mie by Use undoiugned at Made baceocf tise maisof Use Union As ta imter in tise athl; continue i ie effort ta satlefy, not oIly doue vau net great. àtf«ai$ O u MME OslgninCmpbel'ahotel lit the village o lirklield. on Tues- Jacks, and at Use large nombmn cf Star. and But visen vo behald tiose butions, tisa public, but enrici tise coffars oi Use Some efthtie creditors of T. B. Dean aee- obtltil 1ira i,1e'ciaak p.m. aUs by pubie&auction, thaî valuable stnlpes aMd othen flouscuriled&One ai Use Ounlise asamleoetgrim despair, daoigt atr h nuac o ii?~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~We pneusfonvard and grov stnonger, ,..evoigocptrthIsraemno n faem aonaitlng o ots 47 and4U Southa Portare rondmonameid maalarmdiUste Ymûe flui, tisaa-mill at Kinmount, receutly aîruckb mosoea nrso' ivo, mt bae nan.z in4 e tlaéb.Tovnship cf BIdon, comprnig M 5acres more md a e tdealy. h bhs alvasa bea Even la Use midat ai cane. delivereil tthelb. rio n aonlu ec ISoong &Iad hn or e.Teeisalddta ion arld el4 t ai rintise cstom j;ln publie pracout tisiUe 1hQaneAno od. lgtgaddtoyd 4 o te Otaio otreLiStA, 1lm, lbe copies kitobea attached 10118 li. à goai frame stable 20125 ubtiotmai£lg OuIsaà@mocandn dav&uce on Like a 1lit their uoble nuraesaLndnAug. 16.-Tise noverGcvermnt, a Mn. sud Mn. MeNabb of Ottawaafe requfreul b>'»Ialug eons ta be goa uwnated or de. t. A g v4 e-gomi d er fone-aboui 25 are lnuide my Otérelorc naoit b. Shed a gluon Ihrofgis enriily gbeemi. Ln.a pleuat visit amoug Fanolun and Linsa veelfieLiimAdeprunt te sai Act, of aIl luer- 00 o ares of gocul mip le buh-lU acres od&A tecf f onan ps per, rla&Pwg b hbcluti reYlaod ... oecdai vlb cmieriug pine-ma a nover iaiuag ime. annt tUcre t Aondsd once mort he cro rbut me;lv5meolclalymaoaci isaevnag a a fuaàrtone om ja's oatsk. Mn. Ma-c rauIl aie ibo miipalmty te o eeuiiled ta vote larunaing Ibrouglb the property. The faim l 5" troisis, Oomatable 0(IsMiPS11uwhai i ue aels raesm;ti MGladstobne, eueofrdtuvas bal saooludlaPlute 155 mimiolalIetelicilana for Membens02 ai ài amile ocithe village of Kirkild. pinoio,appraacied Use boseratofteIe hM hve fo'ut Use0baitle bravly; MnLor d ofte, Losrd Sa mdVr Mime Helen Hughes, daugster of Inspio thé Leglaattve Aubi>. and ai municipal electono. TEEI:-Ten pun ceai dama ou dV o f me- mand aked hlm teo îover idébes a BriS hyb o tis heties -arovu; Lordrncf Use Tneasnny.g L Sd bm id lia teirstamt e ;m m fioJ'iiuolaNdv.or Ouai» anfla v.n caried vit. L,1W%0 yhould vna0taise ceuqon IBbrFrluScay amimda icimAuant, l, err.u for -uclon K AIL i u ettkubvmdliepeiso e tiesm eouBaron Herschsel. Lord Chancelir, eaiels elinTetnm uhs an elbmib itho n frinspe cti Augusi, 180i, woFer furlber periloandathen y Si 8r wffliami VernHartn, (Jiamlelor fmileWiehraltwugs il ectarsmarecalui upon ta examineUt.eanid Tondons Sslittor. moved on. A bystsuder Mid ta Use mnia;Tisogis v aoit grav veak mdndery, oetdUse Exahcquer.Dr opne sMd Mf âv cda osor aul otber eromrMLMon IL E&DILL, Assignes., "ie Isya TurUnion Jacktl' Ma ropi> iiui s au fsmaly eret as oe~Tise tire. tovu beys viso veut oui tecul Usunein, lio-tale Immediate poodmte bave maui BMVitL hogth a fsyphyHebrAntHmeBnu arrEZ. MONTGO"=dEsavonücu, Augusi 101h, 18W-dU-S.wu: l To hell vils t." MTi ncident Anded eanis et neble natures, Th ise H1enny H. leiero Prsst. aoeta a dance in Use countrylise ale Date .t lo MO ~ NGOMERY 1 .sas*îaa cueil onalderable acltemient. but tiserwvas And tà@. velti et miffy. dent ci tis» Local Govemmi Botri. igist netired ea>la Us te evenlng, tiseyog mOko NM e trouobl& 1 ,~ Yet s gali greva mare reepleindeat The RigisiHan. H. Csmpbell B.nnermam, man i vtiste bg bouquet and làhie ad Dae 4ieogt lhday et Augo§% 18a re - V alser 7myetisat Use Wbg As tb is. £a we ax mare il , a., i Stttheor Wan laitl4IUIIU Mmers matoinmfle up mltisai Us isavlng Use faon.SatetorWe braoisvoui cnnytis BHO RsMISg. d BoSea noble @cul 'Mid trials. Banl SpoumorFinal Lord ofthUe Âdiralty. Tisou vho contemplais îong ta Muatb Notice teoredtorion16 O vsiuicm ettise c vas purMy d * e ais Mta g9uatvneminmao. Thse ElgiiHanJohn Monley. Chiai Soe- n tise sanvui excursion trainss of Use C.P. O>' JOli N non THUA, .Dne.utthé gust f t hee paiswus, - elyj a S. V.aGy. mw, Pmom ., tafoirerire"& w. ill note tisait tey have suxt>'day. luta t !-M t JHN adaHuiR Dmu& ugut 1 lm t te pit hé - __ mutean ThERiht Hou. A, . LMusillla, Pnesudet ty, asis ersiafore an éthser oxcuruions.So Puius t B.o A .4 xtununi ~~spent Use day V111;y=0of heBasasf »"advt in moiber coun.' uom dcum &tg héus$ oem USu 1ianl - r1e. W. J. Sauders, Dunaford, netuil eti» 0 ?"" September 6 brêt, l111M bEnI mmiths e afl InetofToronto. Tie IHon. KMiaaoft Eumalua hma. RIW ud 5m«L h~ ome yesteny tram attonigUs e etimga lul.MlrIril~lata du" ama_ B8BI? b re. 115.15W.apirvd t is Thé eaettietohva ~Hua. SmlamiWa&er, Lud tise gmaad loige 1.0.0.., maWindaor. Cn 55 oLIate"se lato . B 'à à-rd- té;ensmidatsM iiii gra"udlens to Bro..Sandera on beiune- jam Q74MOAINE ~>IE s.u. irlavn aea ,My- MOD«MrmeitAttcrmy-GOM m m n.appMW edgrand ehapila.nt Uram*y, t., m im1meal obtmensamida*i- Ç ua,$28Oj, O b oaitet>a*t a oolk et ro sslaland. Auamaalg incident ocaurrec ai a finra b lm e sMU DTtyfaJ) e ysmamudthéc atmaMd shipo& ?Mrhe isety ldu Pi0Aooi. lkwh, Sltyreetl, heidetae Ca lae n"F etMuthDYOOOen Mle là. 0 60 isMU M muempt wu "maiet.tas. thoIs. O1 Sis«4e.,begeH Kuve M Oibmke,115 HMe m ivni P.O. Xgjo111~TisAs Wlemily roeain tUsemunderaeinbli Ladtek m du " li i i al e l li&ib h m " d I>w m m&"ro à1 - s z, ca m e Om îem es 4 u 8 at lr e on S teoe tr e iT -m r . a e â hdmaly o ke nlu tU e n m ro mi oi s mel.sIe ddeeas àom 8vWlll dlub e usdulsh-hbureB"s74 cud idblbtwtm 18108 à"*«mulmOO8EJAW g0v V U _ et Km j & »Wm.-'S " e iia bailhe m tarientse proasmev ut bu M" e nst I fa ar lignai or CÈWJI T $d())am thUe fgiL To purent Ramy il. Tiso461Ca o e lis H., .B atuLsdA19iiet iemmt rveU.iere - 5u t"y.P (.LM IÏ0 . 0 &yij51 isas -bs-u:.. tse-8 llea4- ael1 L1ý T& .£111%_1 .#esa--t-S-atimi. * the de-Il vils Ta& ayvayA LOT 0P GERMàJAno TO Iparu u &ù3etES y TEFELA SS4uui-BzeUIM hu aer jisgAclume .o00& AB l UIivM adW. Itrusiin u4bm 09Fa*l~~em ¶ <vu tis rvl ~~5e gchoWbii, Tlid 'bave bs laa.Nedau altise neideut BEOEEE U dallslot o qdq4Azoid5 au lmisai - __ tanuser it.ÀGt ur BE 01-M-A-ED OUT15 aism "eUrl ontgpuo ao s bout o h ooW dtueor N et"_ Il eblliUs uadu 1i% U wisao be mabltodo anihave fledtieely TPI. frgri» &on a n ltailMb uoaei t iee.lsami up, ceata, thoi goetthe mdeilimme r alatÜ mone for ail Whoa aseKemp'l m O H E A P Ow l i s u t a b . S I U E & T , u g a 9 T i s - x o u s h u . oTf o a s U s e e v e d a i s f e t i e T i s u c a n d L u n g s , t h e g r a t g u a a n fer b 0 uil"ngltssu au h i a 1»1@"rtelatses rea t IL, t cGihubi Pak uaa iam 7"ie. t TaUs e û»capi ftal i hsprovince oflied romody. Wouid you believe U t l or as balo- lmai rroi% lvqU1.3bSc tie ly tise praprieten el this osdhr FM1e à bt s.- OU MdetuMliy- vobrd ho .boum I. usA 1&The-"vu stise zetmatal efstTihe olty am Dow aeo b y" md lien offld nomi m- M e e yta gAve yau à aipe baille l vies ~ ~ ~ v almms aasn.'s .7al E d5bnv~u r e' uiu i*oýio"mr* un suaas u" - au d' eabon t e guquisuani hirImm" lm g $'I Ur, u. A Cureinr IftMal ";10-eb. bua moIë a& ]kW" D. Blasoua*s tielteReyNui taUW Wéoms~Ue h sl eym u~ Fa drsaL~ oas, "M lui. wonM dKep' ba a I tiseIln. Nom lài". t W à, cm f« ~r ~ penite asu Yen ta* ~~~__arn di~ i Augmla W" M.s lirn%. mi *0cmelamI Ioanla ýsa hItI* - O&5ta Zig. os ta lme hI, liagi"oin lmwugmMs- t.90U la5Wu Pus f- Il l'aun-- --s__ 1 w adub t, MMàadm , DOUOÂLL SINCLAIR lasim awedte furn a Mreuonse prisse WÂGONSi &LUIQHS# BUG- GIES, and CUTTEB8, ugcdsmy . as ou bah.PeeLai To lavâh CAMADIAN ýAclFic MiLýýliAyà --40. tf. 1