~HU V1CT~&& jUJI4E~I1m ~iBUIY~U~5&*, A~e~ 1,, lUI 6 ____________________ ________________________ IW~ ___ U~1. Z W 5 ~ I"GerMmaiL STURGEON POINT BOBOAYGEONý .i~eufr . ~poq9 We wilI tend samples i. charge of the manager of the Sturgeon Point botel or the Gaulais' bouse ip.' on request. Tourists and summer vis- itors are reminded that we kecp a variety of beau- tiful and appropriate pat- terns. There is no neater or more useful memento of your visit than an. of these. The sight of it will recali the miseries and delights of your out- ing; the mosquitos you bave fought and the 11mb you have caught. Send past card. BRIlTTO N BROS. J ewellers, Lindsay. PRIDAT, AUGUST 10, LUS. A union cf hoart MIuà ome t honda À union ous eau men;r. A union of homa. sud a %"io f Luai And thA fgag, Bausu UNION. founu." WILL *LOYiL ROANI rOrTEOLJ ,.From time to lime lu varions Osaila a.ntuea oe eu eaaccounts cf Irih roman eathollo socleti.m lirovlug luniland eneer at Qucen Victoria, the Briih Em- pire and tiie old Britlis Flag. It in veil kuovu liasince lielime cf Henry II viien ho sud bis Norman French cUbiera parcelled Ireland among thou- selves tiat tie 'Irlishpeople have Wiad batred deep sud dire agaluat lie Engli.h goverumeut. At th. lime ofthie "Protestant Rotor. unation" vhcu Il vestern Europe became protestant except Ineland, the. old tend wu thie cause of disseusion. Irelaud ne. malued roman oatiolle net for heu lovei tovarda Rome, but for ber hatrof etEng- land. And f rom liaI liesfonvard vo fSui Irelan'a churoii uni. te b. net loeaci roman catiiellclam s@0mchan hatred cf British ocootlon. Hovever, thousanis cf Irih roman osthollca are as loyal u mou eau be 10 Great Brilsin Thei soldions, alalesmon sailionssud vrlters have fer o. mmcii lu. terest iu the old British Empire 10 alew lie cra:y treaks et a fov firebranda 10 dlturb the harmony ou te cause serions quarre!. lun(Janada thers are a lot of Yankoofle Irish r,man catholics vhc poelt in lu. sultlug everythlng Brilli su ad anadian. Let us hope'thatthlieraue loyal old Iuls roman catiolies may take tue mgta lnl band sud give lieue yowWg "nlm.con- Î oops"l a leson. For rut amud a sévere esson ii eueneoft hon.days be admila- tored liem. The exhibition lut Mcnday la Rami!. ton insa disgrace t*0 alvlllati" ZDITOPJ4L 10or». A teature of receut laber troubles lu the. United Slalo la tue reaimoo f lhe atikors *0 destroy pnopestw. At the Ooeur d'Alene atnie. ululng bailifmg Mud sbatte vsro blovu up viii dynamils la th u nlInsitroublesWmegen A 3ukbo cars hane berna doEb bum. *A d m uetoaq < A parmer at i lb v inaa pcewhere w. mie cdom. Tuas.bl.ct o Vilent Says ~ Itmebles. I hv uaed 0«0» for sixlEYears suceifiilyfortCoug4,q Cold, Hoarmnu, pains lanti.e Chust and Iungu, lau4 -Upl of Blood. 1 have tried mafly eut klnds of cough Syrups in my tre, but let niesay to ayone want- iag mach amedldne-GTmaflSyflp Io the. but. Tat bua been my ex- perleace. If you use it once, you wf o back o t weeo o neefl. itslveatotalrelief andis * qulck cur. My advlce to every- ylaced. linail the familie he la wd wehave no Jh trouble wlth the Frrankile li<uugsa m. It la the. medicine for thus- Jones. country. Oê G. GREEN, Sole Man'frWoodbu.NqJ. try cam regard without srlety. The doctrine thst justifies the. destruction of the. goods of a Company whliih differs wlth its employea would sais front puniahment the. houae burner and cattie malmer who s"t for private r.v.ng.-Moatreal At the. clobration in honor Of thé name audmemory of Josephi Howe ln Truro the. otiior dey Principal Grant r-. lated one or two iuteroatlng -political snecdote.. The firt related tc, the stand takon by Mr. <nov Sir Adams) Ârchlbald when leader of the. Noya Scotia oppoul- tion: "Dr. lupper, as a leader of the. Govormout, had brought iu a billto, ostablait a *yteni of common sciioci eduostion la Nova Sotwa.It vws undor- stood -that many of isisupporters vers oppcod ote tii.plciple of taxation in the. bl, aud that they liedd ndicated to the. leade of the. opposition that -th" would join hlm lu votiug againat it. Ârcibuld r.slsted thé temptation and odailysupported l te mauu.s Âuotiior Incident relaWto e fir harbes Tuppor. On ouaoosabon "my of isi o14 political Mondes thr.ateod hiam vlth ti.r dourtion Mud hae dofoat if ho gave has support to thé r.ustbllshmeut or Daho"aloollq as a rvncial univer. 2ly Thé. dootor mook fla stand viti ibis mimai tralghtforwad boldam ansd de- clarodthhat ho wu. propared for doest, but mot for gigbok iupon anymuol amau!.Pt à pb Grant hers Incident- $117 stated tiat lu oomlnq eut of the province building ho met 1Mr. Hove, mot thon a member of the. Houam, vioad, 'Tuppor lu s hovu to-day that iio'aa' Msu. 1 teliFouviiat, Grabat,nmre day Z. he' bo in a tlgitplace, aud thon I vi!remombor tiu.asd give hlm a good day's vork for t"' Blurgeon Point 4 oies. Resident popoution of thé Point W7, ono.quarten bsing adulte. Tii. uquito crop tha auums@r liasbean Ugit, a tact pu.sing te ail intenoalod. About oce iundred and ilty exouralon- Jits trou Uxbridg spent a picuant lime allihe Point on #.dàeoiay. Theora no ofrthéliePoint liaI noe ohangea v 1h Itho suos. It la sud alvaya remains the apring. Amateur sportsmen are once more pro- punlnq le shotlie beau vili bas issu ssou picklng terries ounîla bordeland et the. lakoevillage. The Walervltch la buay toving ah"glu to Liudsay for th. Parkina LàumberingCoc. oapt, Joe Paukina la a vonker, sud vute. ne lime. Tii. goulal Dr. Alan and hi. esteaugi fauily ar eta home lu Frank Goodvln's cottage, hich they have leaaed for lie balanc. cf the. aeuou. The lady blayollsa are an evOnlng atuaoeu s ley shirt noi.ele.ily &long thc siiore uod, etarthlng quiet stuoller. oocoaaonalywvtit h hemalarm belle.. 1frs..Everetteansd faml of London, sud Mrn su i. James Miark of Mon- tisai, are puttiug iun Amonli at lie Point. Thcy aroe doighied viti itheuSrY sud lie people. Mu. William Wocl la juat completing a pretty ollaége la a central location. The family moved la u Meay. Mr. Wlteu i. painlion -ls he trior lu g004 loyal solom Mr n. EWeos amill have laken Tera Cotta cttage for a coupletfve.ks. Rb,. Albert MâlleIt la home, sud atten eujey- Ing usue helidaya vil! finish hi. clenical étudies ah collége. The Ondella took su sxeunson Party fis. Ouninglontinougi *0o rovleya Ialud on T h" a. ieyaiply lookod aet eopî =1sat tle Point, but vould not land u lie cuovd vas net good lcokIng seugi te attisot lie. a"horsetahitno. a iui.y ma nul. 6jTi a u lu place 10 stay, in'* l,' quiéà e l sakda rYoyung lady 10 said mo intslll tnlbaoi.lo,vho vas buaroln up a -blook cf onysta- 1sd valutus otheu Monln. "Ti eno jok. ti a rm , horbluahiagly pflitheparty addr.med, The hotel ladolug a good mminésmla muasa Ur. Win. SlMPoonla ab ëeo.lleu hotel ma%, sud in formtasiniavlug as m anag r 0ie getlsua rl y &F - làa Wi au *clnt stsf Lagueuls esl svsiy albtlon.AiU. Allen buias eliaree lie asusuet hall sud grouds. The follsvlngvau posed oa stwes lut cf Plosstpoint , s n- M p~ ~ ocu *elW;6; *us8 lita ateuso." !I ý'é - Mme at *0 .formai om1nugcf isebom hallta Baa, àlaitTeday, lis ora of th IV.damomo qui..appiqpl osso the - olefNlv duhhS- 1 mai. TheIi Uîhi oqutvlohg a » the 4. Th cimefilsiot- tu, kuowa lu Ouilla sd oliovoro ot- d the. Rueo as Dr. Slvon. Tmm bit cf Indien iaory rogudlug a getl baIlle fonght t aIOrilla Ivo osulur- &o go, 10ho ".fredvnce i adbiDr. slavon la *0 spak orbd n slu of the Pac vletkcfru ork vuit- ton by an ua nmedo. y%'ltlate Î*"ob.-Paket. Relief of D.rry. Old Derrys vila von irBu ad strocg, Weil foeosinu veilquarter. Each frowning bastion gel. along With olvern sud =rtr Btt Dorv hlida urr uar Than aIl liaI art ocoud land ion, RE« Pem"t boys the gate. wio bond, And scun out '&No Saiueue." pu Soxe. The. annlverary iflie Rouiet of Derr on 3tiJUI1689,:).S., ina day that a romembereci with joy and gladuse.in Orange sud kludred sooloee, nanklng sud not conalderod noeud to JuIy 1Mt or Novemben 5th, the annlvsnua o f the Battle cf the. Boyu. sud the Guupowder Plot. On Friday lut the Ivo hundred sud third suversary vas c.lebrated ane; the local lodgos of True Bles sud 'PT" Boya being joined by brethuren from Port Hope, Peterboro', Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falka, Port Perry, sud the. Orange Young Brittona from Omornee. An Orange lodge trou Emily, Blaokatock, sud Rteaboro, as veil as th, Ivo local lodges iu lova jolued in the. procession. Tii. vi0rs vote met by the local lodges of True Blues snd 'i"reutice Boys su their arrival by train sud boat, sud *aoorted 10 lie soveral place.sviiere arraugoments iiad been mado for thier accommodation. Âfter dinner the pro. ceasion wu formed on the. market square, Bro. James' Mocaucland cf the True Blues sud Bro. W. McWattens cf the Preutioe Boya, marshalla for lie day. Tii. foloviug vas lie crier of the pro- ceailon :- Jarliage in vhlch vers aeated Brc. N. 0. Wallace, G.MIL sudS. cf theoOrang Asociation cf Britishi North Âmerioa, J. H. Dolamere, GM. Grand Orange Lodge cf Ontario eaut, Rsev. 0. E. Ferry., D.G.O. Grana Orange Lodge, and Ma or Sam Hughs, ILP., Couaty Muter of Victoria. Port Hope tisena'Bad Port Hoi» True Blues. Peterborough Junevile Tlruo Blues Peterborough True Blues. Fife sud Dram Baud Bobeaygsoa True Blues. Fénelon FY"laBisasBaud. i!euelon Fa"laTruc Blues. Fitesud Dru. Baud. Emlly Orange Lodg. Ou.... Young Bnitona. Haokett True Blue Fife and Drum Baud. Hackett True Blues, Lindaay. Preutice Boys, Lindaay. LO. Boys, JuvenUiles Lin"ay Reaboro Orange Loige, No. 8:0. Liniaay Orange Lodqe No. 557. Âft&af anel~ odge No. 934. Attp pardingtheprincipal streeta lie proolsion halted et the skatlug rik, viime J. H. Devltt cf Blackstock, grand master cf the Provincial Grand Blaok CJiapter cf Ontarlo Eut, vas uomlnated sa ohaiman, vho brielly introduoed the. speakers.. Âddreas. sulable to tue dayvsisglven by Rova. Mettre. MoCamu, HillBro. Delameo, Hughes, sud N. 0. W&aSc; the voteran Orange deputy grand chaplala Bic. Rev. O. E. Ferry oloed tiessýek- ina by co@of -tiiou e trotie and loal adreaaesfor wvich hieihmearned undy- lnq fane In Orange ciuclea. The. ime iaviug nov orne for the. vialtors te dde- parqhey vers ecortedte tthe train sud toaby thielocal lodgeaoone sud aIl b.- luq atuated by the. sentiment la thallfine old Song bCharlotte Elizabeth. No wIly longue shal move us, Non tyrat arm aflgiit, We'il ook teou» above as Who ne'or forsook the ilgit; Who vil! may crouoh, aud tendon Tii. birtirigit oi the fise. But, brother,-"6No Surreuder No compromiae for me 1 We vaut no barrien atone, boys, No gates te guard the.bll Yst the Maideja ou hon throne, boys Shall be a madea stih!. Unaulmona regret vau .vlnoed tuatthle Port Perry true b lues, sud the lodge trout Blaokslock 414 net got lu la lime 10 lako part in tue puocession. NoRuài» XiuM-The Ne*lad Ktg. Co., (lithi), have um.utle"m th* reua msm bars e litLn. ?.D. H.pki.sof NIdamd U. Hopluo aving thé benoîteta long u*péenoe lu thé mlllla« buainse, WU the1 f.elitl.s of s vel sud mutly squlppd .11- sua i a li-yUl ne ioule sucomaila a.tb. lshlng a bsutanes tut vilsoos nly be peil- abls te 11.501 but .atistoloy te tie publié géamally. Thé highe.l prloe ffl be poli aI the milfor all kludof gisi.. 11.unetie buat qniLh 7vil!b.kept always em hani sud mli at levat livin, prions lu boti large sud omm&U quutitmarmusi omlsaglong dis- tauées. vi lwaym lii lmty o1f four. bsn 'Rd ahortshaon i taS a numiy exohugo;but poaifer Osai Ici!,4 an da.rei Tac folle,. iag ompietrj »mm rec 0X. Hopkfrs ce.. inllacy vith Ur. Rober%, .pkins uda the. bar*luom it@ trust nand ra.ec mt as ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - no ere. a I.fsu dcvii aMosghi. ft4bwumm4 «« If the &s étrangers,aMd ciipplm a hsierénla MM ~Ih m19 as. bo.um-hohpu vblis â.hims ek anolhald wU l k ve bd-leu" - Vo. ue autlubmeilmi li ha umbe reude I&. v41 tu-mu amid vU iiihmes aaee .diam MIe~q~ Eoth the method sud runite when Swim=of Fi sataken; il la pleaut aïL'erebrlgto the tu d acta, iver nd w-114Clesees1he sys- temi effectaiy, dses odhead. aches and an ou u urshabituai constipation. Syrup of pFils 8the only temed o! Its klnd ever po duied, plesalug btle.tasle andlao- ceptablé to tie stomacb, rmt in fmton sud lUmly benciln ite e, Rpereoý fromthems p uarremdyknown. '? of FiÈsla for sale in 75o Ayreiale du ît whay net t pfly for'suy one es ~ory it. Manfaclured only by thq CALIFORNIA FIS SYRDP CR, "YSa.n c&IoISO, cia. Lot7ISVILLZ, ET.NI*W YOlE,.. . z A. MM11qOTIAM. Aect atLindisy. Dissolutioni of Fartueruhp. Take notice that the parms.bp hoetoforsemuztt- mgbetwe.n William MNo ueand TrmehIL E .mwcrmigon bualmue s - rockey erchante undir Ibo style sud irm of EcClure sud Umwtaio thé Tbov of Lindsay. lu the Couty of Victoria, L "bi dai beudissolved by mutuel consent, Tb@. buines. vil l future b. caruled on by Wil- ias IL. NoOlure. AMl débta due thb.nid am md al lblitus due bh y b Mid O&s vil!be ult.by the caïd Wilim WILLINaM . NOm B FSANOisIL M.UNWIN. Wtum, D. IL ANDDUUW. Dated tbis 18tb dey cf Auguit 1OM-4S8. Euse and Oorfort W IT E poor om ps om ld f.blo uoi » 7s or waabl" ng MI uland bard upom women of advamelg yearm b attmmpt laundry voit BUl vli b.nworM- Uame ,labor.avlmg Sunlight Soap, Anybod.y am do a Wuah viti eau. parative oaa.byfollowngthemimplodlreellcns Wth 149UNILIGIET lOP te'ono bard rabblng, soms muoMes, bol stesuor *@4 bacha. A tralvIEaaM ubo" you WeI f1.Sulgh vo m.. 11 1892 18921 UFIPl1O hSONOOHOL GO TO Au4.METHERELL'S Book sud Stationery Store. 1 have on bha slargo sad .ellseorbs Mte*kOf 5.i.iBocke..Publie c dlIRu de%, Rigi Sobool RbaiINa 1 maou. m MdPomis 8*001ol D&w-Loabu mdiH.mp, LetUm, Ee. ro U& 8ete 76& mth a=op e. rom c.Sec. mach. sud 0 a ohor mhodi upplia.. G. A., EH REL' Emal St, eelimPoëto u., Umdsa unim. AmeUg.It. lmI Ir~ ~ £« r.mMr t5 isP B.10. MSd OoM, PIr*4*919vx Orotir., of "mimVS b e *m" b ol gp mgail «M nar±y n au W. are iu receipt of large shipinents of *early Va', Goods, conuisting in part of extra -value in the following linos: New Grey and White Cottolbl New Canton Flanueli, New Shaker Flannelsç New Gre and Red Flannels,à New Slings and Tikig New Cotton Twed adDenimes speoiaI Drives in low and medium-prioed I)ress New Blaok Cashmeres and Henriettas. Our contracta for ail the above lines were placed direct with the manufacturera months ago, before the ,.U«ate advance, andlwe are thus enabled ta sel aur custoineru ail classes of Staple Dry Goods AT LESSTHN RENT MILL PIRIOESU The balance of aur stock of Summer Goods, Parasols, etc., we are offering at great, reductions, cost flot being takenhinto considerationu4 IThey must be cleared out to make room for our immense Fail Stock <SEBAT nSALE or RNEAE? As3usual at the close of a season w. have a large accumulation of remnants, which have been measured and ticketed at a price ta effect a speedy clearance. Remnants of Prints, Drese Goods, Cre- tonnes, Tweeds, Tickings, Towellings, Shakers-in fact, remuants of ail kind-at about one-haif their value. WIRNE & ooY, The Great Bankrupt Stock Mens 76 and 78,-Rent St., Lindsay. Grooeries &Prov isions We have just received a ohoice stock ooMPmpsig Sugars, Spices, Etc. 'W. keep the largest stocki Raisins, Currants, Candied Peels1 of Grooeries in Llndsyanasu therefore eau satisfy your vauts to perfection. A WORD ABOUT OUR TEAS. W. have always made Tea our leading article at leading prices, and we need flot say more now thac that onr stock wu. neyer better assorted than at present, compriuîng ail our popular brands, sa well and favorably known throughout the wbole county I7..'.BONÂNZ IN CHINA, OIROOKRY ÂND GLASSWABE. This deparment lu replet. witb a varied and extensive assortmeflt of Fancy -,.and Staple Gooda. Ont Fancy China and Glasuware are all new and beautiful designs, and at sucb low prices as worm neyer of. fered in Lindsay before. LiuaA uocmbe0lti 191 Going Out W ve w*aiting for yon. of Business Sale. Be quick about it or you wifl profit. lm. au opportanity of gain and You eau reeap a harveet of bargains lu awny of our departments. *Tiey>reanruuning over with uewest styles, beeit quatities snd inviting prioes. YOU'LL FIt4D USIVERY LOW, FOR THAT la WHERE ME KEEP OUR PRICEI. ou goode muet move qn.iokly into your possession. Yon will orne to the conolusion, after au iO5e3tio!1 Of Ocr F'ill Goods that w. are certainIy EE. e W. Mcaffey. LIAa'sLM~ fLwcalPios DRY OOOIa "Out& o a Il o O yaa 1ndA $ I1j s1j $191 $gr. f3 $bc A Fi Ti b-It Co'& of C 1, ýý -t ý ý ý,q "e, ý ý * 1 -1 - -# ý baUy 1 jmmMý . -.N-, i ,, 1 'è , ', 1 IL IL.0