.4., C - «~$.t~AW Li~1~~'v ~ ~~'- D04QLL IJualMltb Md eulq Mmou * morse ehoeing a Sp.ciatyS M 0bbiflg promptly a#eads44p 4 .4 t 130U6'ÂLL III W.LÂIT~ hpsparedio ~ ~ ~ I WAGONS, ~LNGH8. Bué- GINS, mmd OUTTEES, i ~peedmW~b. lu dem. 1. lb. peut. eau Usdrny. si Per Anf'L=m inAV lr»= OA aJDÂZOU Ys ,AUGUST 26. 1892. VOL XXLWhl1o.14 00 tbc people 5»y$ 80 Wbeie we tt nJ Who 0104usc ood volue. 22 Ibo. onM tré e iétl. o' wbile. garforILs 2 v e1 Colon 5 gnteObgatlon. Out mafto SOesatPeupoumdbv Ibepo& Gendo4 Ift Inu #l. 85 pet bundred. We kmow morunicf po. bVe bern hPmg abois these prise dutlng h. e ltvo mont&@. ouw Sa -U a" es. .I ~u inen uhowlng yOU à bellerame hlumau demutmmmt bm. 1 w v afl .dém» WO Ue& W. baie eClaR5god a fint.olam. amesudmaule rmlm d uiMM.Gl F our work; We gubrutu mtlfaeliom0O". liIAigMI wuIoas1niveo Yesmuoh M &DY peu«u eVeaIf t be lb.0"Imm7 017o, greétU7 Icereaed nommer lad. sMdboplng loe 8favoee'W*umfa ______________"b YomEX Littis Bttais, Abe y 19 lIL 6axe Lamd For Sale To Pont or Sali. e odavn room brick dvelisg ouse ounBgon dee, lthviry couvnticetatla mecefny ~~ fl ionOHN OWNceh W«&d Irarin for Sle. 109 acre', one Mle uOnTh If ManWa, %brie mas ait mies tram Cabunglon, on l«idng road; about go arte.cleard andinu good oultyatlon. Uzillmt alosDe houe; bard and mat vater convenlintMifir otbulldlngê,; morne fruit trom; mcli iel quaty of ciy lcm, Apply en thé prmines ta etf MES. 'a». JOHamSN. Trarinte Rpent. To Rent, thse North East quarter of lot number iasni theUicthira concession of Finilon, ocntalnt go mctes. The. buildings cenist of a good log bouse, trame bara wfth soabllng u adersiab. Fror tersas apply ta MPL JORN HAE8HAW, Lindsay, or the ovuer, MES. ALUIN BLATOHTOHID, Augut 111h, 1899. - 48 . Trarin orBSale. NiLot 18 Con. 5, 90mev ville, about Des na. ly al cereàanmd trie trou atumps. 1011 hbuy basa Lcg hones, bars and stbles; vel feced, godMo8hool on the premlaetanmd cburch and post office tlettoe' Station o MldlmmdREgal a bi! a mile trou the promisces.Apply t, ers ai- fA-A or t.1. H.OPIN8 Lindaay. Trarin for Sale =n tbe Township et Ops. The folovtngvauable tanm propiriy bmlng the scutb.eatquarer of lot 27 lu the Mtb on. of Op&. Thi. taar contains 60 acre, a&l clmrid and in a gioof stat of cultlvatton. Tfore ar4 in thc présmiés à oomortabli dvilllng bouse, a trame bua, able and shed The fari là wyul tinced vlth cidarrail fences. Pih proprly t. situa tocdfour miles tram Llmday on hilalrromd tb Boboyon. Thonm laeagoo youngorc ard, tva good villa mmd pumpi vth a ood brick achoolhouse on the corser of ai ot,v1th hurches coavenlet. For furthir particuapp=11 CJAS. MORRISON, bing-et., uayrd Tarin for Sale lu NYaripoBa. The aubecri ber ofer for.1. saletW ei l uovu banm coxtatalug 200 acres, hing the uorth halves of Lote la8 and Idinlbhefirbt coxcesalon cft Nanposa; good vheat land, a&l cleured. The buildings consnl 0f a good trame bouse, thîme trame barmi-oni 40 x 60 on @ton@ foundati on, wvus <ood tabllng and a novr. talunrg iupply of vater. A young oercbard of. tva ac, Jus! oaiaiienotg ta bear. onvenent 10 amxù achnoo. Termaeasyr. For furher _pam. ticulars sepply ta th,, ovuer, on th. promnes, or Uf by letter tu Little Butain post oflice. GE0. W. 910115. Mrpia, .luly fth, 189.-42-tt trarin for isale or Rent ln Frenelen. Hat hall of lot 18 sud N,U. quartir of lot 17, lu Brd con. Fenlon, 1M0 acre., about 120 clau",gcd brick bouse vith bard and soit i ,tv arge baras, ane vith sIoes ouadation sud itabln7 and roo collai, fruit biarlng orchard. Tisbhm faim e adaptid for prain and da mlr posas. Tenumsoir te purchuerpasud if notà.ld b1 lotSet ., villinut tbe same. For furiber prtîculars appily t0 or to.0 . O M July 8, 189.-f94. Norland Mîlls Noiland, Ontario. Thé undmnlgnedba'vng lééaifthe &boy@ silib mev preparetOW ttead 10 the vat. of th itl gonineal. Whet mzbangédetaiaIltimées wtbês r tL . GeWps dont for cash or tolled as desrol Emikt pepaM, for wbia. Ilour M mmd eidlpt autan « y c asmd dfor nie lu largeor wMRa A sharé cf pulie patromsgesoliclid. N .D. HOffle5. Aug. 81M I-MA-L T.BEAL.L. LINDSAYs jprom auluions inOnwio, Isisirates to flYnw $28oO0l REGINA YURKTON30 0 JILxo"z ÂLBETt $35.00 eDMONTORq, 40 loe &eUilpointe lu th. Proviace of 05t.iien Ângnat 16 Rtusutil Octoben lo, ,&Ugufst 23 'sta nUfObw m 186PtGember 6 m mum rom Parif t. ts bm IesOUMerPointseuoàl tesiv orom cat a me te saclvO um tM.U n . bom d&se. Ftu thu muo a- aen P&Mm OaadmPa MWr m ticketmmd TROSu . O, MTouin EVEET MDAT bURINS At the ce". Gmmbudge16, Soth of thke ImiS IA MUOEZ& IDiTOSA» PROPRIRMOL FEm.À D rx iall. a Two youq mesosnts&Pd U yemwsvl u 5 l.huet àlufiel%0 lucha, llght omplexloa.liaIt ba md mustache, blue yrn; thé o*er &Pd Mt yeaa.heglt & toit 10 inbu, velgbt 166Ib&.,dock oopxodark baur, bilam ch, e oerreepod vlth young ladies v a ew10man canl. lor the former, addrees BIL thelat, W. L, Fort Wilam, West. ocrieomo s atlct confidentiel. jul 95l, lm.--"4 Dissolution of Pm.terabiP. TaIs notice ihètt hé ,=mmbP hiecozs sala- t n bvenWilliaim Obl M.m hsc ni, carrying on buelsis srookury Merchants undur the styleoaMd Sm of moolure Mmd tTnlnai the Tovu of Lindsay. lu the Oouuiy of Vicoroia, Las ibis day bien dlssolved by mutual consent, The business wilIluafuture h a ried on by Wil- liam IL. EcOlure. Al debti due thé sud Bt m d aIan bIintesdae the bmnid rut vil i uietid by the id Wiliam WILLUIA M .neLUR Wiinee, D. IL ANDEESON. Dated tii 18th day of August, ISI-dIL Notice to Creditors. 0/ JOHR cARBrHUA Daaed. Pursuant tb &8. . O.1887 Oap. 110, Sic.8&. Thé cniditors and othes bavlmg dlatu imsaglat statete o1 JOHN EcAETHUR, late of the Vlliaq of Fénelon yaill, m taé, ounty of Victoria., Esquiri deced, Who dled on or about thé lth Julf 89, anre reby roqulred to tnd in t10. H. lHop.n.,Barrister OUc, Lindsay, P.'0., a utimont 0f ibeir name énJad-' drusis thé full piricular of ihoir dlaim sumd tIhe nature of the sscurlty etf au) hild b y thisat on or bolore tbe YIiaI DAT OUOCTOBNE, AD. 189. And take notice that mter .ho nid date, ibe Ex- icutors of thse saiddécoued wll diatribute the asnob of thé iad John MeAthur w easedamongt the] parties entiled thoeto, havlg regard to the claims af ublch thir thon have notice and that they vil not belBabletor thé asetaor any hmyibio dlstlbuted to any person whoseel"aimtbey had not notice et ibm lime of the dstrbutlon theno, or a part tbiiioL. JOSEPE &EATBU ILLIA M MoATHOU'R, > xicutori. . P. 2). MAGOHE.> .IB. HmU, SoLcitor for thé Eecuioms Dated thit.111h dey 0f Auguat, A D. 18M9-dSS Exeoutors' Sale JOHEN MeÂBTHUB, »"BLD TENDERS »ari Tonterefor MeArtbur bst ril .e edivefby tb , demignifop 10 1Ulm'OOTOEHR.B 19,for t: U=0ýh o ûYSbePrO, loi10Md 17, SuilsMelbourne Strict. Idotie111:d21, gorià Melboure net. Looti i1mmdl, But sh lg tet. LOI@ le and 14 Suth lunel hot Loti nenil nP" oi Lot il, loulli limst lot 17, meuil Mm sIhet. Wes tiN %fust trostago lot il Imoti el emi At aeae o feUr lut.dtsg purobaeruM a tui propoit1e armaI seuMe si iei fshIlgloti' mi eb.ipefl o010 tnd"uI tEEU Iibrd cah ami b4mmamieasmelébP tue 0f pumehue. a a 1.kmuai b. ieie gl imwm a imichsqko% O? ce* depee ad m ey titIm hinec utheir Pur.ss, mdL go limIer aicesnnly aceetL. Maelt4i1tii olPAét dor BonhIme o La Grippe "lait SptImg v.ubs» doga viii la gripe.At Itam.Ida.t if, audc$0 o iff ultvaMY my brsathmon" » mif c inau mo cage. I procured a bottin of Ayes Ous Willam., Cook, Cty, S. DOl. Lung Trouble IlFor more th"n tvsnty.fve years, I w». a mfererfr iong trouble, ateidih mouhig 5e..aitisi stecis hemrhgti O rozyifqueatly list- ing rthrc rf.our-our. _Ivaiindwcad ta foi Ag?sCbM Pectorat and after tablng ur tjýý thoroughly cuned. I1ram coufldntlycon mmnd"himdiàme"Frau HRofman, Clay Centre, Km&ns AVOERS Cherry Pectoral Parcny r J .Ayr à,Co., Lowell, Miss Soîdb-a gugit . $%;uisboitle S. Prompt to &ot, sure te cure Munie Lossons. KMS LOEENCIE MAODONBLL late pupil of ibm Toronto Colege of Music la pre;vaorooi eeve ppl at ber ruideui, M lmndiay Strict Clase bgi iter 114 sepiember.Teusorplcain LindmiiAug. 2641h,4 S.4.-f ror Baie or t. Rent. Th@ aubsceoderes ifor lior rnulibai comme- doui brick bovueon Adilalde Mine, nov oc0up61d by hlmself. or perticulats apply 10 ith@ovner. HUHWOEKMAE. Tenders. Tenders vli b@ recelvoi by thc undentgnil Up ta Au 80 tram prieswlainr 10 irect a stand mmd platorut on tîle PIr Groundi at Victoria R" ,dlur- tma arday. ebm uceul applicu anto tfurnlsb own A. co GEAHA. Victoria Eoad, Augit M9d, 182.-40-i .Wood tCoal Order your Wood from ana Cosl wbo lias b)n hand the very beet qnality. Orders left at J. P. Ryley's Hardware Store will be promptly attended to. J086 KILLABY« Llmy, 25tb Aunut,4 1862.-49.if A.ugust 23 "eun nauneo1bsv 18i SBeptembezr 6 ¶U 7 UUBITT DILOBAINE X000m f 28%00 REGIN~ 300 CALGARY PREIICE .ALBERTÇ $3&0OO EDMONION, "0. BERTHS FREE ,e=t vhio vil1» u« a lom d h rec pl. P. 0. TAnkLOrd" eiAtom% u.bey. DR.- wu ou BRYSON, Thé"eminent Surgn md Specialist of Chicago, fui *s "LlIBimMdnnouejjuum he mm teivae iatie aS iagBb EeDed iiM& p b. OFMM U- Te fra.b am4i Ies o.orpsd tu x mlhouaS, reamg sasm .sji~ duiao b.progsef75B mm fl0 utata Teu 1 1-. *ee~ Mr ne"UImM match 1. iU -. tf Valuable Nïr lob u ~i1 e~ ~eshus Bsiily, Wm. Patiok Pollard, Jacob X eombêta, xGerge ledJohn lait, À u"s shant, A" Fris, E.K lbmoWlmmn Jushin, Jautue Albet Shaw, lId" Ei re, mary staoy, Albert goImicli u Thouas. PhWIp 8 N10BI Weldos, Florence, BPss rerc DaGog - 1 1 E»xoa~i :- rest lete M The Wak i .owuiebg Mr. Wlim" MA&ha»*e. ev~1 e R iailvi ar 88 bc the até" ut lb. rdeorof 1Canada as a suiabbe ,agpetallve for Winnipeg i place of me. Rugh Macionai, lthe son of thse .lamb 14O biettal. Whoue bu,.. -o eDpoqmtri demAZs is reléemt from Publie 11h, muets "Wu géneral ap- provs1. Wba Mr Usokeaue ba as beau a ataunoli oonserra&ve, yet have bis abilhtieshbeenmae mamifeetmlu very walk sn lite. S1111 a youm n, M&.Maokeum uiva barnin Bidon Towumbp in Victoria O uty, Ontauio, tas 0 enaut o one of tisei loya ldHg navo served theiicoutryufaiithfulydwllu nthe Earl malg hmark aapu= oui teacherinu is native oounty, ho entered on s railway lite vheu 1h.elate George Laidlav va sat hi& zénith. Deomlung as- sociuted wlth Mr. James Rosi, iecogniaod, as the mail mucoo.sful railway ongincer ef the day, Mr. Mackenzie sud ho have ever since remsined in compauy. To their energy aod ability muoh of tbe succeas of thie candian Paciflo Railvay construction in due. Where Cther con- tractons hesitated sud quailed betote diffi- oulies, th. indomitable spirit of Bootland'a two progressive sons ovetoame doubieand tests snd lmpelled theut onward te suc- cos, Familiar with every foot of the North- woat tram Lako Superior te Vancouver, sud f ront the 49th parallel te the North Saskatchewan; de.ply interestod in Win- nideq, uhere the street railvay, msny buildings and othor peprties are ove by Menu.Ros and Mioezie; the hoad sud front of th. Hudson Bay Railvay Compsuy who could be more inteiested lu h. affaira ef the s«test prairie district than elther Mr. Rosa or Mr. Mackenzie?1 Further, bath gentlemen are reoognized by the ete populace oft1he Northweat su Mntoba as enlirely deserving of confidence. They wouid, 1 arn sure, b. quit. acceptable to conerviitivea lu ail other parts of Canada. There is enly ene point lu regard te Mr. Mackenzie wbich mlght b. urged spinal hlm, i. o., hie preference for pub- lic soeols. Il vas oven rumored, durinR the receut M.anitoba eleotions, Ihat if Mr. Mackenzie could have 1oft bis immédiate ctuties in conneotion, vith the Toronto street railway construction, he would have returned to Manitoba te vote au an Inde- pendent Oonaervatlve for the Greenway candidates. flowever, it is but natural that he would bave gtet affecton, for s p bio uchool systeut, bis eariy days hav- ng been .uccessfully ipent lu tesohlng. But oonaervatlveu lu provincial maltera lu Manitoba do net &aéhré te nominal partyly es, ma-y oet hem reoognizlng that lbe G.'eenay Goverament han med- élled Ils course lu sboo4. uestions after 1h. conservative pclcy 09 1'. Meredith In Ontario. The beatty support of a&l vho knew Mr. Mackenzie vould certalnly b.iven that gentleman In hie candidature for a seat lu the Honse sud te a portfolio lu the Cab- inet. RERD RIvEr. Prom 1h. Torento World, Âug. 2Srd. LINDIN TAiLLIT. SJsuisl g.olTu F~. lr Nmozmx.-WIth deep regret we note the death et Ândrew W. HotuWho passd avsy lu Lindsay ou the twelf 1h et tht. mouth.. For uearly tweuty yeara he had been wlth us, euee of1h. foremoot lu every geod cause, Hie feilow members recalilm aI rst président eofEMm Grove tempérsnce lodge, and alvava a constant sud consistent prouletot of ls best Inter- este. For yearsh. t6ok a leadlug part la th. Priend' Buuday BoSoboo nsd for Mme ime vas ha supetlnlendenl. Cern- binInq tre busineus abillty wlth uufafllng "ac and c.uites, he vu as ménager of the flrm of Hotu aud Beau, knovu sund in" è bgeugh lb.vhile diuiclt. Â ten- der aMd -afewomate ammmi broéher, b!. lm lua montdeepy tit la * mli no vanl iieyflsset s « a it léedesPest m- Nos dai, the cilsetof.i, But b.>t vlth urmise of etemalday.. eccohs u tebuyjuacte abutsho. si ài lsy cb i d*q' 4pebs.u. B"si vo hme bx &=taSaotu A Ikehsat li M Carnet!, Narmanà Fluruy, Thsomas Jas Glaspel, Hugb A gâmaiosi Lin!. Hart, Enice Mark, Thom&a@ Muarm, B@ul Seuior Leasing. Cathra, Lizzi D Oblaver, Kantord Hsuaboe, Agnon G Pea af 4rimWim us Butler, John A - Glchrlsi, Dougal INaed in LMtn. Henderson, Wm J Totles, Olive Piaaed in Grakl. Moore, Samuel C OXEMEE. Johuson, RatIl Miller, Thomnas Junsior zL.ng Bennett, Margaret V MoConcil. Tisea HY Jemian, Arthur FEYELON ]FAIMA Akser, C Moore,MX Nohntyro, J Poyer, A Naybee, Byron Smitheram, M Thompson, L VUnuoeeful candidates are agoin reutlnded tisaI h te uneie. th appl>' te the Isapector et Eut Vietoria for ti marks. Bturgeon Point No0tes. Rov. Neston HM1 condntid lie religions service lu the Ruatie chapil an snnday lust UMisBuse and Rosie Parley and Xia Katie Topbsm, et Rochester. are spending a short oeason ait théPelitsusuel. Tley are eisarmlg repreneultivecof the Flover Civ. Os ThuMsay orlt lest io a big Piierbara' crovi isad a psrtlcularly big time. Ticy came sud depertod by lise Cuandeila, and ejoyed a ratlroad ride beivoon ibe tva tosus. Tise excursion ves under the auspices cf thiBous et Englani. Nia. Primeau gave a taflypull party Frlday evenlng. A large aum ber a ofrenda bai a very oeb time, as ulght naiurmlly be sup- Tise Hi,. Hamilton Msgasay, of Bebosygmo as benu viiing St. fieni Bey. Albert malletiReH. oea 10colloge Ibis falI te com-. plote hie tiscological course. Tishey, litMrMall ua apreacier ought to e h o brd.hliter, judglng lromu bis nmm. Mr,. David Pollend maulpulates the eloctri- iyla h e tolegrapis office at tb. holel, ami la attentive sud abliging. Mr. Nad Gocin and fauily. and lit, sud n. Alfred Ekcoisin, aof Hamilton, are putting iu,% couple cf vieke enjoylng tise lcallby te thé tulleot etant. Alit. basbis «cn loaded for banr. On Frida>' .viuing lest tise Bey. Ni. Camp- bell, et Lindsay, conducted a ipecia service lu tise chape].. Ris discourue vas an "rt- philcl, 80ociand spiritua," sud vu a shoarly eU&. Mclâod Macre, a tvolvi-year old uspisew et Dr. Ryinso a u bonest bey. He ÎoUaf s pure coutalulug soute mouiy the aller dey and proutipblpacd ilinu te bande 01 Ms. rltagermld of lie bote!, vhou lie ovaur vu MM o oai. nie boy "tah1e maisudm a" eS bonesile orihy Ot nota. NI, Charles Dando andMisal Lottus Daudo, of GaIt, ne guetet ICiery.tréei cotbge Cisainllà leii lieu§luadomeio cosmyr am id d os e hécake sis uthecuirant ta~ ~ vbl Uieushm. mmnLette play§ beemll.ly olis the srp. Ni. aa lir. W. J.. BIsés, ef Chicao, an mutue«latise b ote!. Tbiy yul rebur l~ v oucgmmts Ithe ssivio Shm ob goltimi ai thse Point for, a short da"4 'e.te thé m». W" tahu é .Politb«M ea ammu Rasi ien, IL. C0FumetW. Moore Md IL E û1h, o!falo, ia nvetlu s'a1 eeà-nZMpleut ieaa.tveéova an th* le »s thne Nm M» Pliantant r ime. la maite W a sampli of tiesemntiel st"Md sougis ,vetfront Use old Coutry W, uut. William. ar ml oqatui ly aU- Who itWu - urncig mvieceofthbe xIoaue ot a plilis Y : jýiquet!ou atevhwbU Ia thé ase 'ibmn- an Use Bougog vale luucv i Y aelitey iisumed. On SeIutday tisa Cran"ef Y ami mev steamer Columbimaeiv to bisais Md ommodo r raide»resoleai own tmii moelles itl tetheisstick lun hi. bat. Th 'Yewv W uiladte lay-to jut belou lise tous sme of tise mâchluary bavtag bassine ove Thse favorable lusua ipdued aunil IraIappraas qttis mgeeal lquld lu. mci 8aec.I:01E ; tise p=man ePes -- ti. E TIELOR AiNE BINSCÂRTHI 1Eaîrr DroogmniIi huIs, ThomusB Mmckay, William Y Nuagent oaphiue PzkesIdu a D Stewart, Borts. ,svltzer, Ida V put the Bcrews te the Osadan iTm tuam ahfor l1 8 4 21muls ount*0 Tora d :ong. uelassmi clrc NM sormk a10% iuqaestlitA,18a9. fIou 04Egland agt". il fipla ntisa".ta ailiuy meemavi Ths e uIcalSoolety f Améica hlà.lb thus fat takas aglmadt h. Caain Toriesbl sm lm mg inOttawa In December. mt. HuamointapurSu of ethte polloy Es". *mm..Jans,1et illîs, and Boyard wm odby Oosniswe m monet om o fluimoi% t, s aburday li tu, « b They bave Dot syuled, i. bring tieM rN. BesWSek et Breolville vas Ibis D m leummmt to te misses, and thse wyo a guest wlbh Mr. Loeollin uto vu. 0utr8fl5 dlsuimlmation agabâ s aiAeiles XeN. ILJ. Lytle, ot Cambray, vith ie i thippm the imalter et toila on thé elland deugister, lsai ta few davs noently in Toronts. Casailu epumtisetymsddolautly i IS5d Fo0ud,ý a ehid'*pue.. ith a few conie Est Pridugsiguba bu< DOmm sd m rneiskets l. OwSaitcouhaveby ethauuteàimai topf teldmlà ~'calmg st TEE WAai>uERoffce com m an ,I A L it h m dem i a 4eat h b lo w u th h ïe W o h m belp o pt ypieg u Cemaia Facile sud Grand Trunkâl ise vis, bavue ics proZZ utpl a U tisaic i t power eof ompetlug bWU coai ,lsTEWADInosl vill mot ouly brlug the Tory lme ai ot. Ml. Lise Juige.Of SauLafleOpendu tows te Uleirlime., but «lys a iremendous ber holidays vits 1cr anat. bMss.Robert impetus te tise movomeni for the poluicc&Tayns. mnd ethur ténia la tova. Nos liai Ni. Gladstoei b artmtuaite pienat viet i ,iishits@onsou iasHumry powerinlU Eglauf, tl ie hmi acorme teMoyau et aiIlay hm sriturued home. mmli tise rprusmtatlv.s of Canadien raivay Ceil on Mu. Lukey, barber, opposite the sud ail otisor Canadin lutireste umdrstsnd Daly nous%, for a eyliais hair ut sud au eSy that, if 1h07 covoi the priuilqgesof Amernais shave. You wiii bc sutore hb.a atlafied. citizous, 11.7 m uat imel bisous ithin the M » m p rs n , ot e of m b . union. and Dot oulsidi of i ia m.Pros mte flia oi Tise mtelofthle meeting of ihe Dominion Lukey, Li ndsay. willo Mise Neilie Onr, vure Cabinet in Montreal on Baiurday shovs tisai th. gule aIofNM. and Mre. Luksy thse put Premier Abbott sud bis colleagues have vomI. unabated confidence lu tiaitpaver of icullilg Omut. Bsll of Cartwright, mmd.bhis regular Our Fedoral Gavcrumsnt. They have, it Satnrdey trip te Lindsay lut veek. Every mies, deAded taocontinue tise discriuinatiug visibtrbrougisite tovu isa % benefit ta the tolie ou vesce clearing for American porte. plans. and ihe gronmd. of the deciaton they avov vritb .Mr. and Mus. John Polkinherne et studous cyniciam to be tisaI Canadien Hanse o! Commerse, Ottawa are visîting grain shippers have benu ensblcd la mals Coboug, Port Perry sd Besier ton profitable contracta by ilue o! the eiating Moinda disabilities cf thoir Imericsm campetitors. W. are vil avare that Canadien grainm r onKiî o H Ânnsaf ihipperi are maklng mouoy, but vo iesknow vus mms.Keliey. le on s visil ta o nda lu that the mcuîyluJ made through a flagrant Rochescr, N Y. They womi» via Norths King violation of aur irsaty rights. W. are curlou frinmPart Hope. Io aie vbether thi Canadian Taries viii havi Dr. Allan with Mms.Ailan and !amily thé brasca assurance ta mais. the profite are enjoving holiday. ai Sturgeon Point. acorlg toutheir ovu infraction cf an This weeli the Doctor vont up ta Toronte intoralonal lagreement thse protxt for thé for a fcv day. 'Ocompromin" for vbscis, itisa nouncad, they purpose tb apply ta the Goversuent O1ý Mr. sud Mrs. Smnith ef Taronto are tise Unied States. Tie! notion cf a gueste with Mrs. Stepheuson In bovn. compromise la pecullar. it amaunts te lis.a:They are îreneving aid acqusintances in Tisat lbey viii perast in vrongidoing tisrough. the lake scenot!. atithe lirent jear, meopnvhîlo deluding Tisauke ta our dear aId frl.nd Sonator presidin% Harrison vlth thec promiae eofanothet Dobson for Bun«ligh papel'. dnly reeived and farcical conféince ta be hela lu Wahington uoted lu Txz WAsDiR. Mia. Dobiion vats nezz Jannary, like lIat vbicis lait vinter ex.lrnpraveid by the tuip acrosa. poncd our Simie Dopartutent te derlulon. W . i ml y o o on o at rej y n do not bille e 11.1the Preeldent oaubel iss Bilhte Metsotnellaitte neIng onuel a second time, if, indeef, he augist t avutwt 1.Mns ulln iIly be heud peonsfy reiponsible for the Fenelon, retur'ned home this week, se ridiculoni ductillty vitis vhich aurGouvert. conipauied by the latter. ment allovif itsclf ta bcmde an electioneer- Hn.m.ILBovolvitis Gen. Hcrbert have img catspav for the Canadian Commiesanrs. Roue vest ta examine tb. fortificationîs ad W. blilove tisat li.Harrison vii pronounce clate of the lilitim lu Britisho Columbia. a conférence on the aubjeot pripceed entireiY1 They will return at an esxly date. superfinous. Ho kmev. tisai as regards tiseTise teohes are returuimg ta Lindsay from discrnation againit AmoricausOD 1 thet he lidays. -Mu. W. J. Haileti snd WilimndCaaml iere in uoihing ta discusi.smnco lamny veuruid home ou Wedneoday tram thse violation o! our trialy nigistea t patent and Muakoka; lNt. Harrinaton snduda isfsmily arc usoontrovcrtle. Bosides, the ulmoat ta emia borne. Bohool te- open. -on MondsY. iscped for fram a couference wauld bo a promise I29tis Al~ugt. on 1he part cf the Canadien Camixssonors M mI.S r t it e o o u thst tise unfuir troatuent ofa! menloaas ihould Ms.S iI it e o 1cu ceaie. But just sncb a promis vas made ai bau gome on a holîday excursion te Wasilngton luat vlnter. yet no sooner did tbe Rocheuter N.Y. triendu. They veut over Commisaloner. «ci back 10 Ottava than tise by the Noth King, snd wveo ned ai v romi ulI a.lan ently broken. port Hope by her aiter Misa E. J. Fait The &moricmn people vaut ne sompromisesoft Cobourg. Md ne couferene.vutiste Tory wlrepulierm, Capt. W. J. Stauke vilS hie wifeo f Chicago. Whso jusI nov, te tbe grave detnimeut of!car one of tise bcut detective offleers cf th. Conti. Liberai frieufs lu Canada. happen te be in scut $sut a 1evays lu teve this vool on poveet miOttava- Wisat v. vaut 55 Our apiclafbusiness. 'HRevasguost itiei tieaty rigis, and If vs do Dot cel tho, it relative@ lira Fox, Mu. Sam. Fox, and lirs. i lb ii b bcause the President fallea 10 nu Torry in tovu. tise p over of retliaUio n aud co orolon visic h. c l J n s of teot uf é i il s the iav bus put luta Iis bande. Apprehon- Co.oest1h ShDfrnRie, sioni, ludued. bave bien oxpresesi IbsilMr. Braulfo od u îi~tougb Lindsay lait Harrison may sisrink tramt d.aliug tise oa nonday en rente te inspect the COv decisivo itroke aet the Cmadiau eacifie mmd Lande offices in 1h. norili country. .The Grand Tramk raillvys, ftebis. nstisaIthe Colonel Je a splendid tellov asvol! s a privileges bitiserlo eoucced by us to lion gaod soldier. foreg oorporatiauslure to tise Vrofit of Af 1er months et .nffrng, engineer soute of ibmelulimbitanie et Naine, Miimuo-ta. Robt. Jelsusien once mora began vork nimagiortDoula. lu treiscu t ain ~lut Mondsy. There are no visible tracec nid deiiyid 1ze sGrandotsun thsedSatsadifson hie face et serions injuries; but his body Pacifierailvavu efthié American competoru sud legs beau marks cf the terrible disaster It Je poesible that some Americén cithsmi W. cengralulate "B1ob" ou ha re.tonation m«y bn besi enuagisto vieS ta fealier ble* te heàtanlosd te labot. individuel Dntss ai thé expense of tise dlguly Ycry oheap xcuretons are belng un tram Lmmd velfreof tliitcounty.W@ iha"eToronto, Pebirboro and ciher points on tise aiva!. bai om mon dreis ofthuaI kldney: C.pR.to Ottawa, Kineston, Montre&]. *boyvers kncn as Tories la ibm Révolution, Queboo, adsU al ther oeiru Centres en Satur. md ihey maie liseâmre et FedwaeuIt 5&Sim»oisday end Nonday mcxl,, gond for lbirty days. in> the ve of 1812. Tisuk GomIt useS s"k-is-Frrat»s sd geuiral Information apply 10 I ing tmga" e ae ts Msd thé lut UsinE T. C. Naiseati, .P.R. agent Lindsay. t the vaille te stamd up Mai be ooantLe. Tise Coinuilanteck dissu a excursion l LotMr. Hrrisn do ie d Ty nisi.mo- pariy rmuby ithe Anglican choir te Buokborn i" bu mvtm fici ehot I@ imrday. Thei day sas very vêt yet qui* àqutia vsaler tise BExtev olfokoAnlimchu"olexcoIions ibisaussoul B 1n Arnkm pemple viiilmaithéelegtuati m oilgisi euesfaliid vewre adjoninsi; e ftm M.uauetmihie dlev"alte Muforo.Ot«r . a*dêy soeolwu caught lu tie hurricane; J Tie bvetrmbiNe Yrlu v»and the oir wu ducked. 'h ateJnh su9 y ts aslua OiLbrlflm. G.TJ.EMoei.Supi. J. Stortr, Md mms la Gig%,'igoi-»_Wmu, VIir[rvei borne on Tueiay attor apend- r' - tag tisé holiday# 1 Pontland, Erchard PALUTIELEssais, bites, imn, sud aTisussd ý .- 1, , , ýw . 1 W I Msd l inoui s Mrt....N Frank j i MLi=ouVioriaRen, Sept. 21-22. se 1 Blaples et Lonq Point, acmeldby Eut Durhm anad Cavais. miîbrooli. hlm ululera vhed alsaiue uîiù8 te 6. ___ TINS WB SHOILI>ElE ENOW.- Why1 J ILdin'tgo orb Ture ii"alaon &rray 1Notes. of the Sti 1..... Wbere T. snd bis col- De O. Sharp..ot Toronto, in umouncd tO t- d hoedoutpent ls*abii.- I eipcA.O«wmielis Sime Starday. Sumday mi ta esine.1. W one su vse A. on Kad isdag a social in coumictlon Pâ oduuagatn . wIn he *uMdvWbS x Survisl fisival il!be hi su tise boa iwofeuud ..IfOl . ug barrauil cumamolugast 8p.m. Cakesoe bon pwùiod =i1fr *àl"mgii busouved, stbriet vevgetablu Islsardutli' ,Gem ua et falklud% ht aie., viiibe ofeiSd for mâle. eV4 ii ..I Lt~ ai thst d WM !W letarruisments 10 cents. iilmI 7.; .Wise..041. àJ. proc.eiaualof t»slocal oe'Ps IMM &rder ay eu m1all., lu Owtg t uystsuusuaices Cï. Ne- *m"nc. lew apta. Qsta l mm en# 01