I!HEVIc7OEI VARENL1NDLI, lIDT, SPTEEE l'Is1e q I g E g I I I f I E V b1~e sahe 0 *ONSU rM PTION 4 o vb.baie to do tb thé 511»1 au t*Imus'»of thp Wrd. l lke bu tumeslesé omad t S doiter 5bip, Aie é4BUImlum,A ebevmu de& If* ovu be th o oume" à5or e, lmd t.esud inbup.obeettE, sped ma Il sellleolbe e ri n t *1 " m i s au « M y utier prevlevalJ *0 moe i . iad u lhssad cylon, &»bave raius t ais mm$ *ti.e oea CU-R E* diffient mesmings attràbutd te tbo.. b iih, 554 ?h gccemieof thia. Great C là CMr10 IWbcm *1U58, su lephes"Mt1% Po;: ver t vi scèrn t éi(M)bt î~5talle 1 mal me. obrSIiilI 7through lb. tuuak, vblob mai sfs uVSas ba<88 ot 0glg aD"ei n be im ltOna p,>b@ taonesaau s vrmtg. A sportsman building or dbsted, vere oonoerseds - dU<te&test that Do othon cm Otto. CengmPd lubutnsag elae hm obdp ceu ou tutOlts ave bc. fIBIed. Eut âtaï That à Wlii, iJcoBO k<"' precbedi& large Insfie, vie. b focumd serin be r a oSU IOI vlm Oplbe hj t'oplietSsn t Ian enmou expomeu, M u.Iolebagita ht b addw idbt. e utEi me spstIuecmpevbuonm hi<aSamle otle ie i nto eVdI7 hom muuntbon, 40o ibaho be eoul ne tas goespe.cb&bym bll e Bottle ~péeboucu tat teeos a celleSort Throstt or Bronchitis, Uce tim 1ho00 .elod Su.]@d juppintM»t poWb& AnuSIeemmivual tlb a lviii , cuyou. if your child lias the CrMliL uge anmpal.b.d orppeilitf»utan clse let UidSauuor " r OrWbàopiflg Cthlaurmpi.sd~ puh.rpslScdfrb bsi dng .ier 1 lb.k,"nlte Swu dsaed &orut maieIf en deadth~i înidi0ti5dimeame olephut lin orming th. bord1h dgeul.Yok"vobaselndaot ~me. Ifo, dea bit. in% rDtiç~for vas lurblne Dcir . OoMMuNgt.lm v&4 tb. lime tAie tuBlabe"vu a sm.ed. The ÈILO'SCUEne ît. ts.,four 1 aae ul.flivm s: Tb@etuaker ç"NcvYork" ou lilgbtly lus dîief- 01.00. Jilyour Luig& arc' )el0; e- l mes. l g, andMd*ovsd sieviz ar.udntil met(80tns) la bterim oeé& fiue m Sbioh s PorousPîflter. 'PriCe 2j Itl Oerne blov tiseoonousled sporMtsa bc it eh. sud t. beer rot.eed,;tbough 4.1.1b@n vhm.vtb ls wvodurRosoent, Iim:10 matIse vii obabli1thn fIhdmetu OOMd- modataii ioomniaod the Pi«Cenotfits vst lro r 0 bd"lae l sOd u WmuseAMrIM @111ernl. Thon it toppcd fecdlug, rals.d Tc *lakeursm le s igO ie « tAie Up 0oits rnunostoueiy, emd, lu a Te"ih anstefgo ic 1e upîssdb, eiflg osAdml . 0. Hopkins, BRS., oommsnd. uttcpred tîb but p e sOuudiu ton@ igthse station, vbleb luoludme *aoWest Itteob i rpoted p oso l oneh"Pre ut"Idice sud the satiireouteru oosit of osembied tbc twistuiiug of a bird. The North Ameutes. m ound ,ould haidii' have beanotloe0ds is fthe *e5uliencamt.2,950itosoi»d -~~~~~ AVeATIL bad Dot thé sp«os ba,% benm et aIbaud.craîe fl.lsa la,990tu u TRAPMÀ' bu ilvalrncdis.i> pRd.itOO bythe9,000 horsower. Osptain, J. P. Pipom, 10 s, cto bord, wbiob rnoyed quiokli >ut sîleuly 'WBProok'ert J-A. B.Moutem.y Ru 00fadbo*0 wPte tO ba, loé ytieto55cdB. Gaaicît; staff surgeon, PL. J. Todd; iaAflA DvAT, NW %0¶i Picsute le ofien xoli boepà 0A.BDuar N utb i.!~aCo urtig patentsineif'eo0l nectestl qck s împc pmso.O .R ubr 9,1j'l br noiceivelifre0 Of chngelit ho urablc tethe audiso. Whoun stioed tticau l sd oombemitd, the animal pauni gea lat .C .U ~~init~W issu indscexpression Olten in a remans W. T. Lut~~~ etrultOl fau oentlfo piper lu thie able rev.ib.iatmg rosi, scd someim; é4m t f-1iev SU*5J rolu s 0SninashviflquesaS. Athorouglbllcnaéed scf id rud . lq o n itilie nt eut; siZ mx igitMc roe5NN~ G. lpbant utîcue à doep vaunicg mund lu B'hLBEunis.361 tdal¶eWYrk h. Ibrost, sud oftcu a bollow, imveubeîsa 'Fou UodsMd Hom, timg, rombiing soumd. Whou eusultlous, or desiroue of giviug a cuigia vaing, and Native Land.' S ibethp of tbe %ruck ie îspped upon tbé ETTw-ground, vAille Item tb. trunck $bers bmeucu s volume, of air. whidl ab limes nnde Boys, Look Out. 1k. a eh@*$ ot tin beimg rollcd. Young Notice these shuava upon the surf ace c PURE or baby siophaul exeprèsthoir vsute b>' events: (bm.~X<. oloigular oumds utcied b>'bb th iost: Wthbin a ew veeku,, aoivil service ex POWO An~~ïîo&hul Sound made b>' vild elepuainas'e auaif l tO mmg oma u.aew produoeysd >'riklng tho aides foitibly o ld ro)m stores of M suliuie cou vith the trouk. Thoat clpbmute urne thisse petitorit s prominofli pollion. Sud othor souandusuaméthode of commumi' Au enlranocs xatnatt@n reosuly et tios,Oru&as lauguaP. ,tht?. cau b. no ourcd for s lady in oui unîversit>' a doubt.-Soico*0d.. Evanuhon thb. soblSnibp OMIT iven t ~ST yTON ES? rtshWtVsel ~<u h e l.beSt uqulpped blgh sobool graduai fh TfOZ.baIm N umnuti. o n Bitshaklatelea 4u b u i Oook ont>',of vieici O ago Js fi iWBt.St .Die.LMiIng andhufl entre.. rnn&a.qàà1 IuIOl>" à»i~Iivàl i H.M.S. "BL&KE" ANDO "MAG!. A scotch issb ie ai1of 1,600, moutl sdiSp il o udi ..lê.CUINt." lads, vho euught admission *0 Londe Qumumo, Sept. 2.-At tvo ogotk yeo- Universty this autumu, sud on ai umw Imday tternoon H.M .S. "Blske,' carry- m n&$bOn Ae@ eo oti at bho ed of Il * iêUflN~ IVthe l g aIm ig of Vic-Admirai Hopisn ateni.olumu. 'glu +Ü lir luandthe . tMaffielonue," arlved lu porS, aud 'loily thousantigirls are mov studyi osmc *0 anohor au the stream opposit te in lu com. FBIDAY. SEPTEMBER 9, 1892. Oloadel. .Shortl>' aflmivarde lb. Oovcinor. To-da, éduction> sud proporl>' a Général'& aide de-e.amp, vent on board etthc b.Io groal poweeot the vorld, as BOLO VR. iasubp te velcome te AdmiraI, and 'o the>' st'nd rolated in lbe order I ha, Àl"60 g I,& wffr.*init ba u id Hi Eooiluyonth usmed. The>' outrR.nS the physital for TaE hêrveeula ufinlal>ed for tht. seseon. iladel. andi at thice o'lo@k the Admirai b>' se moeh se the ttis aof lbe tmicgral The. làmeru aruq tbreemhing, The wbcst landeti, aoompénabd b? hies stff, and vs ouranks the pouuding of ta Peicheros lu mo 8e 900(l as Wus Ozpootsd l'elig receivcd on the Queen's wharf vtOb aIl oof ou the bighvs>'. dobmsguid witRl ruit. th. bonnrs du. 10 bis ranis by a dessoh- Mesauvblthe Dcaloohol and échac Vîmrreu.-Mrs- Mofldyem sud ber ment nf B Batterv sud tise Batler>' baud, are shuting the physique and detcili tvo boys from Toronto, are yieltlmg her wile snoibei detsoisment, ttoud atîng tise braie of mon outil, 84 'I unol.' Nr. RoboDelgîh MEg urtuT 'e rda auettouonBeni &min Word Richardson dedlans, b Ituri~y fum Sault t. Msrbc, is vistinegenus. rovds lined the Tenrace, thse for the pure blond and belle brava tnionds hors and i L .weve1u Mvvaveu on theo river front, and th. stracts Englisb mutheiboodthelb point of Quant sud ber daughtee, MR 710o1te, b>' ubioheb bcditeigulshed sud veloome omadîable deguadation vouid nt bc c fvom Toronto, tre bore vlslting bou stator, vi@loseuoudcd te the vie-rogal quar. Much se ve moura theIsc o f pover Mis. Robert Bray'. tro. This le Admirai Hopis' tet vidéSmou, wvecamnot la ta es tcIat lé Pl ON Thuroda>' laut tise Réélu of Hîdon to Quéecl. His nsbgoibîp, thé"Bak,' le snob a prelium o loebraie sud mies sud Mars vsmat Talbot river lcttlmg bbceue of th. fcet andi momî formidable bands,as$@Poed" vomt on Issuir eombres# for tb.e éection of a nov bridge orulsîrs bu Her Majstic suevice, sandla 10 ful parlemsir nlusil lb. vert on the boundai>' lime of the ooutties. au objeot of bssuty aud général admir. affahrs,1 aud isipe téhc he.thaS 1 M. James Steel@ ls the oonrstot. ation sas eb@rides at suohor ln tb. barber. Svemtioth euftury @hall open the broi flJQH LUFMÂI?'OBA Ob@ 1lat présentou ber finstolson bibt, shimlng pslh whore ma* sud Thée"'Blake" te a Ivin uorew caruli -of men 'obait woo perfetiton aide by sid bUtaI Otte WiiW.thé firet5@lu. 9.M 0toand >4 0,<300bonse-Fances E. Willard, lu Anusa. The foarméets sau.buy 'si thel haiveut, poer th. oape are poil sud no front yet mmd Thc lollowiengaiie ber prncaipal ohoen &ris. " oy luS ysar at %bIe lIme thnboueitibeeu Vie Admirai Hopkins, LO.B.; Fleg Lé. Ibiésje aoames vun for Ibis rush emeagis of troîltbc poig tbé vbesi, thé IL G.BSandomm; star>', W. A. Roue; moueous génération te stop h fermeéare &ililooisng plessuntand ilb.r saptain, W. D. Hamilton; oommder, emougi ta lookistsei obougis tcheaiu aul exposé 10 bavc quit. a- lot of No 1 .0. 3 B" 1;-Lis. J. 0. A.' Wilison. les and ti lover visat tise suemiseu bard vhest tis bèu au Altbùdgb faim- A. L: Duf, F. B. Smilth, W. E. Campbell, oomplbed alomg iUes thâ ai mai ene are supposai! 10 bc bard mo oit préuent R. Thompuon, B.-BaTlou ee urcn e opinai!b>' us. Du Erds, ho1 tiserever@ ovur 90.000 p ain lstuis fourB. a. GrIffits.; paymtr . ot;vlbe agi> u'0b . lorai biuder twbmc et tbé 0.P.B. station Port. oba.Plalu, lise Rov. K. 8. Wood, M.A. ssuyc- Totai obefinemdatu. bons agi La Prairi on Tueuda>'. by Portage aile le oms ofthmie ftest vensais lu bhébeet lies mo, tissu. boing 11%pdlfwu Plaine' armets. oyal s1ev, Mmd sMexcellent ezample of Dations, o-mmuc-4*dP& te l, se fàk Uà.mb. -On tbe kIAi lest., et lIse a modeéra n e bip. Lutuprimi misokebs asit rase. For moapi, t4 . las résidence ot tise brides& lather, b>' bthe épmisnlutisé Northb Ailaflefset ci &monothbb ohilies l Iuili Bov, M. 0. Bumboll B.A. Mnli mb.er- .ollu Ironeistil'Belléropison," ubloi s mmgtisa Ganis- Mmd, "semaesphl Jus Vaîlichi teTisomas H. Jaïk, f oumerl 'vau làtlua1889, sud servcd for mz m ng lstheBIoplamq lesé iss of Wood ville, Ont. Tbi bride = e lvc esmsas lbe fashtp oethlb.Britluish orlAnotei for b lkmacieulh sudimuqê mmoneTory ooshi>' snd uceful présente. Ahlibutie @_quadion. of rsuiu tm 1lite hlug1M'va - 911 Thés "Biaise" vas' eiqtnally dulged Tisclu drtis vas i. w.Emt BOTJA7MNZZJ s el utolas-pobtecoiruc, but s hbto tkL. SO dic4 Mr. Levi A. Toi@, vIIe sulsticg OicI mmy V Im reu h av. beenmadie legendar>' lore te j theM dId B garvis sud Constable Downey inltonltc u s t m euta lime turIg lise porlot i Man elbe dé=ifli in tozica tubie. Pidel u>in.etived a .bugcber construction ilu-thc méthotude aeli. andtoW ugqU o~1ttbOWf'b oi ebotz la the tauc Iom ascoun lthe ie>' of bar protection, thbtab*sie oa>'fruit." Milteu am=eic Ilisougisi banudsof s Young mmm uadet thse tuf ueumc nov b.mou. properly lsisei aoug the iuuPsndlse Lot." XKeveuir bs mmy et liquor. ris coovuan fred om hb..amoredtiuls. DebWuvas iuuod lé t. certanaiIluvii>'esSl>' ilmps bled as door othervite lb. répué woold trom bbc Govreimmeut doispad, sit Ch"at iuetlmgdrinks ver. umade hem i ti have Doeu more seious. Oblef Jsrvls bain, Huglauti, lu November, 1889, sud t. thse »p osf eeWlltroiu and even g5h " so olvait omc grainsetfhot lu blé nov an ber iet commieton. Hor prinol. Anoest Chinosbooks tell us thaï au.. Anotber ofon ttoiollmns vho la ad. pal dimensionsanar: Lenglisbilveeon peu. foucu of tise Brut tymasip pomulgi dioted to Shioi dreadfni babit of teuiper. dpenlulare, 875fts; ixtreme bread*b, th fetnIlblp boui mmcdmenh" an se@ se b waovbtild tisbais ai Cobourg. 65fil«; moto draught af vater, 25 éest ord ac"alme ncume of hlm, sM ltozi Somc hnS bad tisen. vosc dut>' 9 luche@; 'buplsoement, 9.000 ton-s. bctm din k, faibildtini 1féec e O Ib vas 1c enfersa@tise SoutAtt la bu of steel tbrougboul, sud bas îvlu emergenimi.On.etofthé promept beau more Iaîbflliluthe dis- sereus. Buddhism fie "Obe> tise l16" sd 1 eharga of bieir oMfolsl dulies thèt IHeu aramoultconusttci o i9luth steadîl> lu tise palt f.poll>' tise îempiatiome niov iliste vay of théseobuco lainrifca is hwcigilg 221in~k motl iquori Ihat tutoxios te ou Yeung tieon if Ibis towu vould net bave tons, mounîed lu tbe boy sud steicn ici-tuub îthéuemon." Why thsee un euitet sud mueh et lh. ore, sud dit- peotlvely lu mimord ouemente sud prompt* of bumen tescoer havec md grao brought upon familles vould neveu shisîti-otz mounteti on tise @par diek, *0 koep great natilons bsmpmusle have oourret.-StateamSu. sud four on the main dotS; 16 3 pouadmi druuisencms mu augbt then ou fo -~ raptd fie guns; sonNerdoflât me.- upon îbem b>'profemd obultalu nei PZTP.OR'.obisîe guns, anti four 14 Iuth Whitehead leas m>ster>'. Thse Passages of the Kg torpédo tubes. Iéb aveg" isept Mohrmedaii mai FOUR YOUING LADIES ,lth thse ludepend. Hot protection, tn addition 1tehatoompartlv#fume ro he lIeai ose. of male asiante and esoilIébat &boutel i gns sriati>'referremi t0, son. oure, yen sîuloriv obseeaveil uring Méuate : hoesarIs>' aug.lmof tbm présentulots o f a turvoti protootive dosrthlie owon cari>'.eutlurtes. AllméulaluOur ovu I ngc ohtre> .cla ico>'cqupae 5 drveof vhich 1p 18 Influas above tIlaul of ve have b.d asstiltag leiton of lthe b @go chtre) ld lver, lqupar t drvevalerline amîi sbips, aud lb. idis Ci lest ilft oftotalabsieeot a race; se thie nrismco ipono.. Tis ehrs. bolov thée vatertlne. Thi. dock Js of Maoies of New Ziaban vce, aI boing frmsb, tisew veu> ile pasau steel, mix Incises thitk ou the siopln« ies cetime oftbiseu dueeorm b>'Huopt tise linos rcquired *0 o euathe fret six &mmd tIbis.incises Ihîtson thliéeoue. The uusuup meàflirphy'51h stinoli moles. Biiduenort u t sbebd lu sisosements et the main demis geunsbave lougcvlt>' ise' er. asialc>'Ign tis lleu hesix tache. of @tlul on tise oulboard anti t any intozlcmiAnd drul om it t . t ebbn e é iose dtmthaI we luches on bise luboaruti des, givlug a TIse Seadt)>' BAiowSh',Itiedumc foatluq bride and refused to go morelotal ltblekneao'uf efghl tncise&. Thséu-iet. b>' ly UrePee bu niai'> vue t*an -. bout ftyfi, focS e b«iSo te moied .ouming lover l t. achIes.tici, th*exeterination, 5Md4 l5 A pueom ubnut sud ireat vita tise esuit ,and tise ammucn bolet oseSmuches. isuovu faieslli dgo~Me tiïsaiebornse, ourissgeand féetomucr ii. er motive povéwè e 'e dNderm lis, iRem of luhpom gobanu b u fuis otrupaute veto dumped loto lise veuitai triple expansion engle« lu four sM vttmefftise emsofetladim ait oui bât. 'The suesmsT viis me 5Id E Io atertilisi omputm.nts.& Th pgnuJland. bavc beauuid etthlaIdIen Village, veu.tdisigncd te develop aun le ~eli Mbl&iiohe a ttention t of ikmcuinu S qOv« 0#i s psa;ftnum E4tUBa rmsu *a dsmp dtiseeletrou tise,.daMA 4eptissber unigi 1* vu loun t ticl b* m- jm utsa visuu f 09 p butit ths.Jeb U505,but beu!g~ dInehc - ~ boiersareu dz lu nume1debssl Use, bail t4e *W* *m, osu. uisd usgd ia.siumW.l v ic ~ ~ T 1>.Thse 1 iore al olàsp6 loeWbave ~' b ~ $II v~Ile~ pme.a~ ~ c14 the wahld M bémbùMm q_ r o .11 âûslr ~ 5 lI- Iw osN as QUIS t QUIS pon sale -doubleun aminmige Ireoh aMd =20116 loadana. - -t ~ ...~sano s - 1011131e loauier - double Dit.gom ta t m K $ >of various grades. Breech 1oadâ »M. Ac. kp O eargm am:-deMae E. uNION, Vr doblesot gua. oS théebuat qluaitk in lugidu Ll~y. guu, 6 fut burrul., la1ebore. More than il vIff ls ROUI. K teehooge from. W e bave luit aompiut.1 ________clu____la______________f__ png u5 neof the lateit lmproved pratlh On«, Md todd e j..asmetMMLiOUn7 0Corhé owam& ou = obore gens 4 Sut clown te ho. h,àm. 0 Ur le i& e 8l'P amui guèrntec, geod ahooting. Oit von GOb w e utJim p. oc bur î 5 ' h un e ~ ava s it m P. VISU bo rlma i tredfor ao e i aspectaity. Ail topai p.. !0 0OU~UlimlO ezeeme- lua vorkmanllkemanen on nemioab - - ~ ---WORUW ! E SE.tous. A mnmuaMoton cf Il grde for mie. I BMSB II54JÂ139 M-W. ar kb cueu f 0aue mleh -1* DR. EpiInLiuMy, I80iungh. Ove- LX£ROBNSNliBns le e ab . l ,m e he-w n.u..I bb i-. lmlaie d i n k"t e mh Se e l Roua.La e. Btrinlnham a. gela e ý ialol -a et u t Ii I .011*0 admbu" Miet pubu e P.P1W4erofl.mpr Bai, ~~ . .) L we~~.b4ata,îavare, and <cage astre au"hla Offcean r<'1 ~p~-----------~U II~ ULkb toit i de NViLLI, ONTbe xB anSO ga The builas uppliaiwith the but branuis of orwgl 4Nu -iw.18NGood stablineiand teU bueaGd Yo r ak atrot. Officehour-9 o 10 eoa..; LU ROY l ReT Lo h 1U 1WpIuIu fth.ncî &W a&."JvU?.dty ofdmTzIdrhputaOonLof Tos oUtO Nigr e, i. .1 FieR- ami sulITr on to; tht. e W kOvU k houa. hm beau reoemtiy ogue4 by the horoughneae of its work an do"te uowoo myum Kigstn.', a latavery 17 v , antel for the go. th@e t uai ucus of Ite gradusten. ia manfitew< late Phyi - tZ;UOr OO ayu , IIuO . j a of h 110, o. Ta le u maupam ed.Th o elu the attendan e, whih, vîtin à mhort Driod G r a n d T m c u g e o n U L n d u y D ib utct .f R q ue< > m d = g o o d s b u ri 4 m a e t t e n v e b a s e m b r a u d t u d e n t . f r o m f f f t e e n d ! D e r u i 176bo«U»itis y aluattendaue. Tao@-. UcOOENUmLL, rovtnoeeand t:.tes, Inclndlng ivo 0f the Weet pnopret.r-1814m Ldia tmud. St odente can enter at amy 10e FOTOBtY. Av~L~i ,iItu0.receive niidaInstruction, sud progrema m4, - __________________ IMMUIITHOUE, ordin< tU >bitv. For circu1ars. etc., addreem ré mae MG f T2U 'G. 1E. HOPKIN S, Kimmunut, josph Bowl, pro M a ot.inTgo.aboveaeeiieO TO ONO, Au. 19, 1892. pri s a ve roently bee t u lu oo ya <Su cooeUOTto artln f4 Hop in ) to i a u -ca uahoel, and the publie a u b.eamsured The question f ht oy besS 10 promote nytw Boichon, etc. OfflCi-WWwuaii1t., 54n4 of the buit accommodation ai vrtu oa i -e. ,naFr ae r ie m altoial pr gru d C anada te on e. o L W M U « an eh@-LO ILau "àdlr ft nderatgued have a e ls 000 0e PAR ffl oi mbasten i n u bea e d , êw@&bA C SNSd. . M & »b @ TOW N M PROPREPTIEL for sa!$ O Itl oi utint plitpte devlopiamt <. toas2 t J kon) BaEnltirU, M- THZ NOWDEN BOUSE, . R. HOPINS, tu jh. iOièoi u r *OUI @iSd uand the. 1.D. MOORE. ALEX.JCSN IteSIret ee'n.BZree msufod ttietOfi ff.edlo Sail' I347 Tkh in l a ew houa.. and la one of theO bout equipped manifld atrffiO118 OfOrOdfor 'à*'in Peterboro. itIlo nvmiiet te both (LT.R. and TBS met. Vaulous propouls have beeu front O EY~ &ANDERSON, C.P K.R -. sosmwu m am rthée maket. Bath.., liA M. to rne subm llled ith a VOW mO lh O Barnlatera, Soiu t cre . e ia, iiou leDlcok, lent wa huoozms, Z a a almod éra convenlencee. T nn , 1[ T H E C H E A P E ST more ,apid e]zpauhOU o0f Our Oommeroisl Stree, Lndsay. Koney tie t ounrnlt rate&. 01.00 porday.-S70-lT Sud industril tutefuts- It eemo otu XEUWME NDowAUl &aMusME. littlo -ingulart bsi whte tht. pwoblomQuENX'8HOTEL- 3 ~ Io 0pi'oinnuà p"iins ID b. . * EVIN annon l thntti îa rive ai lîisricit sa. al DO not be mis-led by those houae. mmdiol Ouadiol t.y boul *ufeî Ennlm, i.. County rowu Attorney', Clark oithe euuureogrrlRiadlbUtflYiUe cenrwh nayelyotjt .0 mn of the principal $Orfl<f 18 1 Pea ou Oomtyc ItorI0. , Kemmame biock, urma . hnIDU h unimanKalsomine, Or (Glue adWiig walth sud prospeityt o <>be W Uîêâ. à a beautiful ile village poe n a raliway. s uB as good as the genuine JO N A AR O ,QI teiigralho011108, and mil tRie one nlenca of modem isIer ho O u r fo r mat§ w h ic h sp art f o ntth s l cio.i r th ý i1o B ut)If. C ha ge s ui-ig y m oderate. The very pl~ace sudpbepd*"0 ,IO f he ita. Soiolorf:r he ) înon~' ViÂim-8peu aHtp Hsy" lThe propnietoy iw ber auPPlY Sre indbuipe ilble tu ihé ouO lOE8NWDoIInBakBluiua neinimto accoir. .iodate a611 Bau ~T hautouiyetmoi imoe- MoLindsay(~f. iog eo atay a gow aunre uiested to coZ..M A S T ttnued prolipity 0 u e oe pr Vlnyt ado otgro rmmYbpotorwro ih ouri raIlS rom Toronto. Theée Ine~ drblt tot grloultural iuieraeuOtNo, t., etrts. -abt hotel la supplied vitRi every accommodato,anuda for health, cloins or drblt I t o ucht 10 be gen erslly kuow o th e la -R . . M o L A U G HL IN , D .X L ZTT o odmi o - 1875 dlb. pt otin on ftedutivo. Ban2lir. etc. * Baker. Block Lindaap, Ont. _-_______________________ ka tnd e greîfilIr te imIpait hep ei . 1a mn now îenmng money lun m .alarge or mmm" te A2 e"s of tb. mou. A certain propotion of uit borrowens, on buet terme ad ai verT lovetW t tg n Woded couti late neoehsaiy 10 emmure arateof iturems -18481v ________________ e. tad, vaSer supply ad prevent lb. land 1 PRESTON & CURRY, H. HART, L. D. S., Boom Pper ad Piture Store t trom b ecom inf p s'ohed sMd seeil e i. lt u co s te C arry à& m it hi), Barriste rs oii o DEN TIST. o p s t e t h s H t l i n u to to* tb . W suâh cf nm oi t ore du i nt he b smnt V itarIoi etc. Oficee-W o d à Ke W la k, Mil- office over Farvea ter a& 0C. M u tre, OPPceltO th@ p o i e ' i c ' o t l i d le~~~~~1 me esn giiDO odifforen@e brook, Ut., man, Bthan on Mionday,. M"07y o pont tains, Kent et. Charges modeelte -1828,17 1682-l e *0 %i @ P ua t n a u r l lsw b us alw y s te . lo in a l e o t rate . j A .P x r x . . L B ON MK N Suled ln National in. The poO048 là J. WV. Pilu&w, B.A., JO N MI S lvy graduel, sztendtng ovei a lone __________________ on period, but nOue thé les. sure. OlirnaioMo lx ha g mi~ et ;i h rend er thé bO o f oD *-crtou u a h gOlu a o o @ r d c i e s d t e O r O PW i L L I A U S T R * 111 7 , L I N4 D S A Y eum b ond nt. The co u ir f as 00n o long r M 0N E Y TO LO A N . IIO U E W ng abe to Support the population vhih for, onileton Mortgage, ad iortgages ngotlatcd1 i m eu l y d e r t v e d h a ï r s u b e i s to n o e f r o m t h e t a ig i J o a u e;a it p a r c e n t . 0n A o,0" ,uSi s a l - A b i a i n bre oit, sud famine drives mIMmv '0 m.ek i5-yMOORE fà JAKON. W . M . O R à£"S*mm à ng ne adbO« 18we j>, & T LAN , a.Dimtlst, Lindsay. and St*amM PumpS. ciSot illo foiesti? explalue th. funtton M N Y T O N Ail branches cf d6ntistny, lnciudinar the beatfiM IO. p.fr c v oh oes u ra s traigit Losuaet t»e VUl eS t0r«msd durable crowu sd Brlde wrk, »d tRie Por- roo pgrfnr ed bV thé OUORt àà ffl et Bib Pont rait e. 0&1&infiIang sytem, .uccee.uWly practlmed by M .& & c mrm u ofg n aiPt r l pha amui 61o056i g é aH.rbe sud rétanei al ontr eo u&t B anien. Lpaav.sureg a "i vialiu d lair for piieua extraction, b it at e vr, be T avY M glrnyoirmexperience. ooms over LennedY'm store, OP - __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MO ot obacal vlutojh@W&Se oorgei orpogite Dominion Eank Kent St - 1620. Or soi.orehotna. tu temoi tu, lre qwh.Alrg OIA rstjna o nvuemi &p aupi n edUZ Ma:air fenria.ral E). o rtie eW te ate rue ap O y ffMUST SE LOANE AT je E E L A N D S 1 1 ~ i. I foUov.that eclêse laaiaucof he1 ER CNT. fl FR51 sud ' UÎ1 NS~ C[ O P >ff. ooucty ha.ieu qaîlo great îjuiy on ondMrgeu Odj in agriculture beddeu diminehUg ds COtheS.A 1-I fIl ,,PM 6711 mi snio c utuuro suppli of ood. It Vated. iii or en<s. <unaiinse.ndr<et dy t. truc $bat tisde e@treivo promo.W valý tndrd111,00M in frce ..........97-872,113 6 W&Y obflllem-tbo icmainnt gwoodsect aOIlyiwbeufr187....... jd ý a O r f oni r o n f e , a @ fly p oM .R.O.D.S., ONT., D ENTIST, LID bAY ovb l he fr187 . . . . . . 9 tb. seivd, aMd icarme aken *0 redocai auet Pu t ivn Plc lad, uom a dep e bcmiutaken reokele se sof Paru«tie. ti e mt &UTtimi pa ce1* te 000 pfoper tI. 0 c place for drat-ciar dumtistr. BeaUtill iRo5Pm d on Lvn o c rm h ut b o lm tn . I artld 1 tifsM d Maan etoa s. No fu. EncCIie uMaMp> gold ad porceleiu cruvrns w-eied. 8iers 4ý6 a u Vu h ptb rpuig.Ia se . .No* ande iedtu he u. svlimd air unde - Canadafor the ýear&î 21-44 uo. le." noe the fut tbsI the Provinctal go velu. D. Gion oS U ýe Y . the oliglmator f gue Sonr BptRie Ln .. . . . . . ..... . 4t6 cxtractli iehMn vli r. aulanda tlat op S k h knmadBiihG.§nm ment bau e s part a for«" rom " veOf ïIU 0îU too (axié0 W JuR u :l= - e gva t ugate 177 58Spaenta. D imtiCndluau E@lR 0m c .oS5Ido abl e t la - . i b vr th tuiu-M . n ua<v. bum--- Il5 shpwhee soe of Oui piinipas ive» "JOHN BU RN, giUl N »0 UilySeoi Mpust mm lo- bas govramahnt epore, Pages "6,88. ad7. mmd tieme -avethei gorme bi, vii Imer o Maflag Liensu Jmilvile.ma"diof perorws btout Pa"m r lnJurp, Rile hav- i*E~>s~~ a e ut.d U Soore ilvu.Win _ouaof_________________ le.ng te"h xtraolle& BSooau 1Endowment ln the Ainetw La be d.eruotto et th voodi PETERMITCHEL Anitah euteued trom $10 te$OU fùr a doi préat oir l à'Ido Omr i-FTBXTHLupper or pndir ut.MamyPpein re W@ierli teeth bas ob olin lIOtbe oséuellon o th W»dk 1 at y Mr Noe»dà forcrre 20yenGeneiral Agralugen teur- muo oorctn t bebdo n lu s hacountami FmazolaAgent, e00oe. repmur. ?Ferme.rm a distance vPI peamnod a ~~~ Sa- & »tten eh e o 4vate effort sMd ezam plebs lè i a ffc,< pmiii.crd m e cun u riapp Wtl houluo t OFF ICE -BOUt due uan ajonc b. efc toc i ldm, unpopcieti ipci Hne hall EVery former aid limd.ovnier ougbt *0 T. . MIDDLETON, bues reOlts. bat 1hlh i§bis tereut au Wil as LIe Mr lutAadetIm uane t.1111on6VtÇ BZ O IW i ox thébW boduty, tu de vbst ho eau bi preseivinue butanteuiaI LIS. An uunmeA&,i w TIEN OE Mut bb e mants of bush as voit by replslt- EB" ci the Puoilfc, u lbmn..176&4p We t M 10maltai L. m-pp tio s of oil sd "OfiehU rmbn90 .i Md tfom I1 te4&p. . K ll , r IET a p>uprou ~IVIC'TflRIA UAIUNDI Hveg OUR Fm poutfor l181, bus joat bien isued, W"htob *, ba" à"Wes M. oeltteo Of'*@ rôvine m4 el as mub Laa i M rSU u lI5i. M" r Dml tmonlaS4Iou th. mbjeelot -M fkp" boa; o. ffl tu ail sendiqe tb ai clu fuOMed m eto J x u ar m a c d e M R d n m ome R- E W . Pum »&- 251à a "- lepe pipmtuad1.C llege, Ido m oud t.. W et, Tornt. a mEeg.10 cMathe peoplec -uo daPi h a s, ha Tot. on " ud O A D a hi s t " veadreu. vhonc UOl VITEEnIZ U EUO . r u alout - i u a h u fh n lu- A u eatoa jPnelacaliSàfor me. arI"0e; ýwt:t.tU&âTr omnmep GETU 7< - Mylit b ur sfur sdl fr'ou p.vert&_ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - mor Wo.upyMeae .Z ma dis. nose sSd tdons Mue thel thse wmut %te vo ovu ih Milburm's Beuf, Trou aid Winc; cothéi ,It 1th bet-50-6. Gmd lot ne Preciu Bru 1-per evri #pauons vo have nlied ou. Dr. Fovlen'. Bxtroctnt WiId gSuawbcnr fSn aiueumer coui pù"lta.  fev dosesal. va.gîorlief Mit anolmle 1.to cum ,Wc tbhkI very valuable medicine; se preolous «e .MaR, F. G. WINqER, Fpout EHiU, The Ganadian Offce & Sohool ftrnitue Co., Limited. PE3STOr, 04TAI310 ç ~ Eighesat Price paid for U-ood Shingie Boite. parie.mtmllgtbuilivilldo veRt tecommUliflM md -e vbt I cmdo Son tb em lu thie wV 8P Spl OU belone purohmug elobMhn% CALER HIAIE. Utie nItlu. laiDec. 18M9-10-18- 1892 1892 1 IIII 0F ICSoL GO TO A4. METHERELL'8 Book snd Stationery Store. I bave os baut a flgsveMilW4sumutet cseto ~~oo6l e d Ia, l l oibw, Mmc HM% iLLdnnTD cTMU " MdLca ppimo o M tinThé rm w paon-Z.i Go . H'QYLE, 61-$ wfi e ,~ Sorenessà Chf Cu!Ùts w Female ÇConnplaifltý Mosquito pl-es REFUS E.SUBUMJUTES ïâuftie c Rr vmtim this pavm.-21-17. Addrm TU vela vm "w w able job mmy te ý iw -ML". Ir --_i