'f .: .4 y:.. v IF YOU WANT TO CET TOUE BEST WATOH, YOU WANT TO CET THE FaMIDLA&NDYP OR THE "VICTORIA," They are our speoisi watoheB and are the best. BROSO Jewellers, Lindssy.1 1k ~tou vi A union cf heurta ns u nies=lm bande A union nons oseveMr; àA nioa of bernes sud a union of lm&d Andclthé fiag.BaumE XUNION, braver." LINDSIrS POLICE UÀUI2'BdTEo Diapatohez lait week announol tha Mr. D. J. Molntyre, vel ud ver>'nu- favorabi>' knovu lu Victoria CeunI', Lad boon appolnted tn b. Police Magistrats lu this tovn. Thab the. nov. reatel urprime la te stati the case mildlY. lbt. l>' nabura tc, suppose couservatlvea voul neot ooa- moud th. appolinont; but th. refra Part>' ai loutahoul have icen eonadersl. Hovever, Dr. MeRs>' who la respensile, Lau openi>' deflel public opinion smong net oui>' couaervatlvea but reformera. The appointaient caumes intense Ilsstiaction amonq ail lmaem-excopt perbapu ILs clique kovn sas the Patent Combluatlon. That the lectoru viii hold Dr. MoKta> etrictlyrespouilblefor tva mch outrans appointinenta as tbe rogltrarsx d th. police magistrats la certain.Re ounnot «ecape respcnelbiib>. In appolutlug mon tbce"thon use certain qualies to e b. onderal Aum thon asre (1) aMi>', <2) ropetailly, (3) Judgment, <4) sud accptablllt> on lte purt et the generai public. Ibisa freel>' almîbIc that the offices shoul unIon oxlmtlng oms- litions go te, reformers, IL. refra Party b.lng lu paver ln Ontario. But oërtainly the vishea of the. refrm, Part>' lu Victoria aud Lindsay' ehoul b. cansultol. That tii.>'have not been la ovilenco frein th. tact that not oeePer cent eft bitt r> favors the promut appolulmonte. on té centary te> look upon thea am direct inaulta Tho>' ne that th. peopl's visita amount te uothiug; ville te clique en. trois IL. Shouzi hprove hue that Hugh OLou7> la bta e o aaL>Crovu Altene>, li"sln. beel vould te.cap be adffltf» ie climax. But outragecue Mdl lagota sud deflant as have been thc o&«iteto appolntments, va do net belisyst"m Ontario ovennuont vokil dmr ~o Rugit OLuq. ~owuIdbis i sut Goveruor, that tMbonus v;;Wn thcreugh it>jus«tifiI UMU 1.0agc> bislLv il FTbww- wuMi kmou t tbechisdu A "ui~,Bd8fl~ Oïnso on. but a dyopeptl c nu. 1tdm began tak-. int Au-tut wer. At that time Uilng iatedImrsbe me so tbt I "bad 10 trow itu. Iin au "few momnents that horrid dWstea. "would corne on and I would have dito eut and sufer FMorthat "Iagalu. Itooka du fte of you t aed- Horriine, sud féb* uch Stomaoh *better, snd ëter ::tWkng a little more Feeling. "August lowermy niadlssp- pearej an = t ime I have never had the ffrat igu Of it. II cm an cl ythlng wlthout the 4 least fear of distress. I wish al o that are affiicted with that terrible "disease or the troubles caused by lit would try Auguit Flower, as I 'am satisfled thers 18 no Medicine equal to il."id b'his parq>, John F Ounninge, Gorge 10oliugh asudman>' othoms D. 3.Ml ntyre, the du p ied and rd- of edetthe rofora part>', ham boonmode Poice Magitrate of Li"duaovr mon ioJohn A. Barron, G. M.aoi ia Doal Anderson, aon botter lawyesm, John y. Omuuluga, oL. DaOonsud other cMptnt mon. ffew do.. Dr. K&y rooncil mah oonduot on ise partieHocannoe avoid 'the.rpongaility. If itla true asla re- porbod, that no eue except a fries huroh grit preabyterlan or -a roman catholilo ua b. appolnted to thon offices thon thé sooner the elocters know it the botter. Ohurchos must net b. roognlsed lu thone appointmneuts. ÂAUrespectable electorO admit that. 01,17 tho.. who have no honeat aim 6vor soek to nue churoh influeno tor an appointuiout. Moeantimo the electors avait remit.. A DOMfINrONV BOABD 07 HLdLTH. In vie* of the siso and growth, of Cana- dé, and tho vait trado new being carrled ou wlth &il nations, lb la certaini>' noes- ary tc, have a Dominion Board of Health. Thé very «ecollent rouits te b. derlvod tromesuch su srgaautlou aretoc ebvious te, ueed enumoration hors. The fuof choiera, nov opidemia lu xan>'Emro eancntres, sud st promet throatenlng New York, là. further reason for the foundlnp or su officiai Dominion Board o ouka. JVOHN L BUZi AN. The profeasion brute, Sullivan, vau basten on Wednesday lu Nov Orleans b>' a persocu namel Corbett. The primo flght lutel tventi-oue roundi. The ouly re- grot la that SuDivan vwmu ni kullol ea @go. For a "civilise" nation ths United Sttes bas mors brutes titan IlIL.herout cof titis univers. combluel. But as their ovu best mon and jourmal admd4it Iinsonl> the sellier>' that provoutu th. mois tram TC day. oof mcuach brmusmsSulllvsu shoilneerhave davuol. lb vwu car privileqo te attend the grand eoniorvatlve demontration at Petroléea Tucolan sd a grandeue@lb vas. Thteo vers upaysdietfit teen theusand persona premet sud everythlng passed cff vithout a bltch. Speclal trains ou th. Grand Truuk sud Michigan central rââaysaj drev theusainda, viile privateocouve>'. mmuceortaini>' drev man>' moe. Evor> placewvasdecorated. 1%p "Union Jack" lu tous cf thousaudi vaseveryvhers es Tonbr bssbanda enlivoel teprocedingi, vitils fr onhur.the vlaltors vers driven titrougittho petroleuin vorki. To sttompt a description et thon veouil requine celuma, thereforo that dut> vii b. pont. r nd for another issue. The country frmiles on evor>' baud romemnbles s for- eut ot démttrous tL. derricks over osola petrolien WUvei ong th. cause Hsvlug viovol ILsegrot industries et lb. vlace sud the beaiul vaseideocea, t. viitera repirol ta a beautltul grave usem te tovu. Thon btsecabinet minis tors Sir John Thompso:, Hon. G5o.J. Fesler, Hon. JhnEg air Lfr . Oae umdA lion. John GaI=lu vernbo- luced, tte .great asseablage. Âmong the membora of porliameutprsoent vers Umma Clark Walsaos, Dr. iPcome, Jas. Muwt Ad lnumAloi.Molay' and Bus. Hughehia isal u popular moaber for Eut lambbien, Mi. menciet Mr. Fairbanks, a retorin o«-M P., nov a supporter et IL.h oonomvtlvspolio>' vusmie" raet a teok a gominent part Ithe prosealluga. kamarm.Fit.. gmul, Sit, 5amaIlm à" ethmof lb. iaputai sud Preuuler co apa vereuen sud Iaulpo-m&Il 'fo te antertalment of lb. visiba à uap- bailhocu mvu fov Sl l bbcMinistawmm dmua,.-et met promet. TIchèm eft I mm exhautive;Mdl vhlle nm monl»luget SItbaigavemules setso taekn~t$ o fil mamné z4méï; ~5~* ~. ~$ t t ' 1,4'~ s et. l~c ta .f wum of boy,ë mruds8.0m:4 dép s iscf . deulehanickel. Thét tse cre o«"tulI illatable qusutitimtbts'.ia mresa Lot overy klma1tr' b.examinaI durlng th. Buxt fow vsox, Mmd *.0ble asurol rich doposits rat unkuo*w vib. foual. Deveop Nuit Victoria mins; giveý ompicymeut te, bwoty thoueal mmu tho sud Southt Victoria fariners vill reathefr éause ofthe bmmofit. fereno ne mece t tak luthe Nore Victoria nickel ýdepoot. The but oxpertu lu Canada have pronocel theinmprlot te, Suilbuy. Txx Wtànuia outlined a raillay through Blver Lake laut yoar snd vue laughed at. W. theu Lad confidence. the district vau rich iu minérals, sud are not dspoitd Minden sud Lutterworth and Stanhope will alse show up lu the north,whl Somervillo, Diaby and Dalton lu the north-wet will n a fsv yearsb. turning out rlch roturna from their mines. We have falth in tht. district and are determined it ohali have overy possible chance cf d.velopmeui. WOODFILLE. D. C. S0rr, D.D.S.. LDJLI viiimake a profmicuai visit te Edvards- hatliWoadvllle MÉANSE 0.8 E-ELDON. Buuwo .-K,. Wm. Ruilonslvcdllln houas l nurl>'compltel sud vilbeaouecf saut lu theo outy. ma. Jm . ffSlthis te rem alerge tfame bora the eemlfg spring wlth tuc stmlling unlernoatit. Havms.-The former.in tht. section ane about doue har-vestng and the stem thresher la huaG at vork mpm, sumd the y1.11 cf groin eau b.stimatel nov. Wheat le oBI ui tra lug out from two bogheis t ton bumhuls Per1 acr; pous hait a crop; .fz.rowel bal,1 average crop; tvc.roued barley hait a MDop; ota a fair oeop. Rocta viii su be aimaIet Pimii.-Th e ?. MiK. MoC ouh f MoDoal's Corners.,ingston. coumd the pulph cof Bt. Andrevs hamolest Babothsud prasobed vith muoh acceplauce. Re vii &Ws ocoupy the piil it neit Babbsth SePt. 11, et il S.M.. oui? P.Z04 '010Lce lut there bo o gool tura eut. Muu¶Rua-A meeting ef tLe congqtion cf St. Anduieeehurah vas hll LC, c f tht. veàk for thée cos f odtilg a minuter. mvn the dey bolg vat Bée. r. Mcec, f Soayé, faeilto rne. Hovevar, amèe v large eteadmoo sund Mi. àc- Aglo ofWooymilewu ontfor mud kludly eslli pro tom mmlerter o es usion. A hoit>' sd iuanmou oilvu ouaded t thé Lov. Ut, McD"ou t Boclin , vth a stipend cf 800dollar. vith meansd globe. *MW alte fr asria,. WrrH amp regretvat w4ie wdeuILoetKmi William Baundermof thé tovambl cf Glan- yood, oocal>' cf BrandonMaItiea. Rer father, MI. Robrt Irvin of Pension, recelvo a telormi on the fourth e9 Augual that site bol didthéemovacK boers, SMe vu tokan ve etiia nomn on Wolnaday the tvauty Jaenh i>. Tvo dccton won brought hme Seul , e -her, but theo>' c ot oneb vhat vu lb. malter. Dr. tlemtag ef Brandon vu dumebrought, but a&U thime v emnble te de un> gooel te kévp ber longer harothonth.e Iblulof Anmai. Eh. vwupreporadlforhier leporture from tht. vale of tam mvi lg Uva feor vyyouss aocu.lstmî hrIsIlalite. 8h. amd ber hubsal forunmil>' Ivent> yerm teck an activa por t u tase causetf lmparee. remembe. Bho bavée. e lng kW u u i mal tour oilidre4n, no thIiaavSr>'youug 1» mouinbée kmeuNéer&»«aied mothée nov groini l taaol the lmi of thelr oldamI 61"Bbain.ta culm la>"' "Nefft leut but gene M. [We extenun cartilt sympthy ttha beiavm delcuda l sthihemrettrIaL Mi. Saudrso viMibe rommaealmasmiofetthe U Mo M & et 0t w uA ort t llc m m ofith b sé &brt 1edohe, L.Esia teru, RMd mbrIhàou 45th Dattaliou famous amy jeanmg o la ab.olisg. Oe inlt OIS15 vbMs Beueaou vu dalta Ityi. ong go. Rer iielhim ocousina nlaihbuu%, Roeg.,KnM a&Wpburus eted, vr b ie. mnaen i, se wBh bau moubt naver replcethevitesuMd ml i tW osi Dude =LJ oUM vO meait. ernai, ote&, satort, Set th M. Okala mce i>' te Mmra». G.Omiv, crnr tLas.>ma e Sepmt. LMiCam. Aows t 0. Mr Cems*~l fu imIs' Mwrr-D NNoN.M ILsrilue ach~ai~ leersudcurm habituai 1 palIu.B IP f Yip.le the oe imedy ite kind evaer unn ducdpLeasgo th.elt ut@aa - optablet 6 .m h. tomach, > ro nl j1icg OU d trùiY bene it$il eflb s etf :%MW yfro the mmd he<hjra anebeuumsoi to yexSUlentquelitieeoOmmeudi to ail b ave iride il th. moot polula remnedy known. MM pOf ]FY iifor sae iu 75o y j leadingdruggiste. Âny= e ~ldru witho may not LtitMauCured only by 1h. CALIFORNIA FIS SYRUP CM9 p" BA *OSo, cu. 'L EIG tIAm.IAg4ni astUndsay K,. R. J. XoHugh of Crame., love, brother cf G.o, MalHuh. le bock ou a vimit te Llud. gay friann sme..Theévewt s're wth friand Moflugh lu pocket mwas eulu body'. Kun 1goule Han cf iowmanville, haviug ejcyed aUeont visit wth ber friand MiW ]Rob> H%&LuinLindsay »rturued homolaut' eo itorialà. sehsd «rsât chanu. for Mia Hall. IL J. Muon cf Boekung wustht. wook in attendane et the inethodiat district meeting et Foelon FeUs. Thenàce ho vlulted Mohi" lu Lindsay,. Oakwccd, Fringerboard sud other imt.beaieso. ejoylng a mail ou the lakea. 97Mr. Obier of Oakwood wusdell«hted yuLh hi. viaitor. The Victoria contingent at the DIA, match.. Imt yack had not their undelamies thcuhtmre poilod ehoctu amade. Robt. lylveetor tood firet tu the Rideau, vblo MIser.. Wiffiamscu, Keuny, Pilkie, Oliver, ,ootliera, Sinclair. Robi»nuaud ES"a esch howod Up lu one or more matoheHo w- eyer, soit 71er perhapo botter look vif. etriko thé boy.. MB A "Dia Km »Or UMMWOU XIo n a par with bylng letcf rubiab> maap for littie mouie>.' Poorso Ia te aIL bunghole -4through whicii dmi esd lber are wastel, snd b>' whlch tbe clathhe sd bandameonrud. $O & su by lIa lising pro- pailes, Ils wonlerful Perfect purit>' il » ie&Ibp sud bringa CuaStip t OMWklhn te aul Who use It. rima -rvmw 10 WS lu m sira * M m mumm Little BJt. The Peoiu1e's Q~. store Bomn ,wear aitu»dlm 60,er evan , due t le tblu"I tmoa aIsm- mmuft&aeeaM mellssIeU' a& i AINS1S J stcsof sewGgood relileveodsa lowesîprices areIbi seas ote puroe cuîbavthe dputfin thaelngvr. d ren's Reer Jdsackloet. us, ind Se h e.Spn eilprcesfoeamltngtes Con Bai. thnee. hlrns efrjckt.js i.Setem pca pie o Sals oto ai The Great Bankrupt Stock Meng 76 and 78, Rent St,. Lindslay, GroOeries & Provisions ]LC 1-1 c0~ MM'BEILM. We have just received a choice stock oompriang Sugars, Spices, Etc. We keep the largest stock Raisins, Currants,. Candied Pees, wants to, perfection. A WORD ABOUT OUR TEASI W.e bave lways made Tea our leadinàartcle at leading puices, and we need flot say more now than that out stock wua never botter amsrte ta at present, comprising ail ou popular brands, so w cil and favouably known throughout the whole county A BOIiÂNZA IN CHINA, COOOEY AND GLASSWABEU Thia~~~ ~~ dutonirp lewth a varied and extensive assorlmenl o! Fancy Fscthiuta na sud Gluwar e afl nov and beauliful desigus, and aI such low fored in Lindsay before. prices as ver. nover of. A. OMPBL - - != y, Docembor IN4 1891. Going Out of Business Sale. W<rew.ting for yous Be quiok about l or 7011 wM 1 1000au opportunity of gain ad Yo u rsap a havest of bargains m any of our departments. UThey>r ru4g over with newest at*s,4 best qualities and inviting prioes. YOU'LL FiND US VERY LOWI, FOR THAT US WHERE WE KEREP OIJR PRIOESa Our goods!nsM>owe qniokly ito uyour pmeone ~~~Omo wilOlto 1110 t*"us ou, ia iise14L r o Our FaflGoode that we areoeanh H. £ls lic pin l v Ad W.MoGaffey. 1 1848-17 1 1 WÂ!~&NR&00)8 BÂRGAN 1.1000yari im<% "erd Cashmeres in seven mha.sIdid$.woerac MotoCep at 25 to80. BABIGAiN L 5o3~Sdul ld Cost~ume Suftinag b.dugofèrea.120 cn4 pe Yard. Oheepgt 80ocnts BÂRGAIN 3B 650Jyràds Ne* Patterns in"good heavy >cretonne Our price now 8cns ha t1jcns BÂRGAIN, 4. Three special makes ini Damask Table Linon now offered st 18, 23sudn 25 centa. Regular value 2.,3 u 4 els abig. drivfesee them. BÂRGAIN 5. Ï250 yards extira good Bolier Towefling olearinig at 9 oenta; worth anywhere 12J oents BÂRGAIN E), 25 dozen Mens) Heayy Wool Sooks at 15 ce-lte Per pair; a big drive BÂRGAIN 7,. 50 dozen Mens' Fine Seamless Wo)ol SnokEr at 180 Pei Pair Or 8 Pair for 50 vnnts, You eau buy them anywbere at 25o per pair bat Do 1,809 BÂRGAIN 8 0peces Table 011 Olotha inbest qual. -~ ~ iMes at 25 Cents for Yard sud quarter wide and 35 cents for yard and haif wide; bgot grades were neyer oflered at these piices bebore BÂ] .RGAIN 9. The biggest and best value in Grey Irlannels, Shakers sud Canton ever offered in Lindsay r