G unmam. i do UeeU~ dV~&&IM, My lma? y«forgetI ama yeux ng q10emi vent toi boa.d rilb m y ame but twvenaty. By theaTA s nv O GUTI miasvety êuasiaIi,. àvof pua. Fmu must ave My costt1 BaronVon u lov, bis remai, an rpehd iaJiarnugLb sn h bd i efhse tlof by au, ogthr ii laitieenso hme teeFracsé; but, uev- " ab ioéte a-tie Imm II anar uakd mm oetént aiteu*onfr l an Ig asd -bye, took ap-la r sI¶U j !- Pre - vo wtfhob. ianned viere jS*Mar look tmi Md Osmointattenion, o poenIShUmv om pteAl.'YUde t ~ veà- d aayugNuai5couiae, t ' g abe et M dai -tý .1,.& ro dor~y er t0 ip55OUS5 la ew d a " e ab t e Yv viou ngf iv l su erfmiyleo l.Grn loerruMy In.,its. g-,Marina attera ibis boldly.rila od44 my The lady n e aiylm te brrM9 thr hj i lis il lla mudu la reeolved; for & mou-lm«er Netelear ynexi eruin Iaa fac ~e become S v~ erions, and b.ontli M.a aar iiar;bt,,hlia ie a jhodlinse. m»as zoe arnbdt odn:bye the vbwiits ututers tehi " mapt-e u ~il u' euk ns te ber, -"Yeu n aegoîng amriit » M* - u a me f.laow'-bat qfti fr av. ho o s a ké sub, W bailuasÊ5& ut ~e rîoux Meiie y ile i L e ié aotythe roua ti i bave hm" bmien in eoman-yen love ef a noble, bonneatlnptgevydt demt une Bu atue "Y tut etegleu t bsh' ocanot ho unklndte ber Mune. n tur.7raO M - iupoutedbut rible catruLtme ea sbe."ntof boyon- « t. fiish Lb. affair? 091r1W8ashe "Noble sana god!1» sud aaîisled h.k iis, ison, ae.Ail Icugllahubo «0 h~ Thon, mademioisell, my tknank laaueay îmr .A "Tuo, Y acarlt e a dJ eame ateau-ons. 1 have but te e t is ves.r-y inar~lis ake .A mmS Antrutther, presing inovite ita àp m i - etcaaM l h im for e the' labouYomi ittie pa wl ith bose ve ds, "t il' r'g entl i bem n hafor Lb lan t yesr én taly h ast Brton. Givo iL te hlm lmnediately Y09L ol."youhv be-ut9gabma eu, a ito.Uaiaêal ir arrive lu Lenden. ne vii Calil uone. I Ti ximte . t.ete i e you vould a bount of pro>, vith murder l ap.d lgoaou iconr u viUl telegraph yer addrees.Ton bau bau 1k. atol-shaot, burets ju aM" 'Drhorad h ntee an u6thn ofMr.An- IvnbculhvO s vtyabi.I l ,natheit lland y, te the M- 7, he yadthie m n osaye.ds. I aàk I Oeud v ot its uaa;sbute1d." kgwrz ho, uaalio arbly a Cera1*012atu93 ,1 thevhobe inter- servit My ardferundil lm hat Mm e ili, y en oulie 1" viev iii. ornatmay -fora. bis eyes te van- And goi~ station, jut prier te lb. de- W *ad, cries Marina, deperatoly. d« b, NtiUdl"v »q; rotura te the oid faure eftktoir train, a gentleman, vitb a In bis intureourse viii that 75ugýIIflj prove the lie; and thon rua hlm bsudUlaid&ted lilttl trunk covered wit.b ferigamaner etoza Lay Carrissud M. anLeploya a greatý tdeif ylouheb.body for hia insut!"' remanie naateous way.hfb nsd mu ta verily ben daughter, .ndde.iy @tarte sud lbobs .eemaeny, vblck sho demande sMd he tn Daela ith a vicked look, vhieh noises gaint .~ it. lntnete :0H.bas app&metly juiL annlved, djui vory viliaigly sb ~' vr ~ i ue tL.buhvgr."Yeu,-ole a gOod inavelen, Monsieur beiug covered vith the dat Mmd sase ouet i fi voafed ao6, Yn nbia _baçia the body I-en" _"na4 "tamhn b eoughLb aa. leng joeaaney. Atier a momeis c ensidera- saal preprieties et ite th* Colat observes;&ho langhe, 1"Wbho encraibyeur littie 140t a a, nd's og&ab" ion, b. a Tpreso thon, Md, taklug ot but, te gain MIarina, big eau are bffl- mney fraine as if yen voe a màos9aate et a poter ieiMarsiuls camnelieur plauln b labat ps i ebyremria Y.uvilparon sil. iat bail eauu hlm! 1Yeu provo e h hua iIonse n are Iobbht ai, upon th. Lyons met, I an Ceuni Danella, Màauiisll* i "Meule Paoli vil!roosivo Me.- have aunsanaan msa eritI bo have beeu trai." ]Paoii'a gvardi».su. Ye ,an.Lady Chartril; sieur," maye the.Srvanltelifl' ' , m"d bis Augel et Men!l ,vbo provedtoa ina "Ah 1"re plies Lb. CeunI vith a lutle Saisv You ona. in Nioe, but baoadsetthe . iii liaib oya hlmte Marinas& parler aerseAn Ucindrm b byte bd on aat î~camd anai ti i deer Dadee tlt 1awuesmal, nst escap eovenuRvan piseurs et au introduction. I recegfli5 ' Abthle uhdihlard tatI sant alaaesyo "z HoMgins another furtive eubyourebamin hie gnl-aud isble,pauea adkerelief over bis Lrob- Go t. iu vwith your iruih, sud bell kil! oaieli.neait theviine sud cries, "But L met?' bio te eiips trou thIR su l M.is-yeon AS he vuld a dog ! Home lafis i&obÇbaMoà. Yn is 7mrrvmv'ward 1 nCett'rtha laIYeug ld1 lre oft«m@»sevais oxitonient, thon G ahmo"adMriasis meto ei ait l i vould on general oriucipies "6Whai can.I do tor you, Count;r*mas sudd a fl9ab c f longiug muiiPtios igaket and banda iLt t Danella. bave prterned a Frenchman, but 1 tortu- Lad Chartria, alightl7 srisedi. maies bis delicate teaturcs L.diant. Heo -4t;the firotpett et ber speech Musso b.d natel.' o* sud 'rom èt yenu; sud wîth "mriametas i uneW ltter. yen maltert'te hblasaiv* ala11ui aa Srout ynahhod vltb 5naae, eathLb.luthobe t.mnds Marina, npPaelIttty, la ?yo or no hnsband voe the chaperon et hon oharmiug fraed, mu»e,. «At lut, Mass., Yeu eld lteo l M n uantomsimesI; sud,sas ho glanest tbthe ai aiU." Madeiloiselle Enid. Yoa are depatilul eptas lb.door that icepe hlm trou Lb. amernpon the card, he aimentt uttensa aor> "6No Freuobmaa venu do more te make frtm Monaco; doeosthe yeannqlady sud ber bappmoeaho thinia bo bas von. .etfbideoua triamph, but by a desperate et- ber happy, ftoiuse ais culd lave ber beL- bohrgo vitb You 1" 5an e as nro" kis»Mne te f ort, flghtu dovu tie joy lu bis heart, and ter,"b nturna Antrutber, *aud be gaus off k"No!i They are both ailb.GrandNoteL ard, Marina han bleun lbluklug,,"Wbatin vith su unhaly ligbtInluhis dan eyes mut'into a -long lover'. rapture, at vhicb Lb. mat you v;iii excuse me, Ceuni; I vili"mise ha lbd disappintueut viiilbiu a do Il$ m, Edwin arM Àtutber1 o hibs ount" slwigg'Mout a lders and laughis, tiotrin"eh@ insus Daaella'a mazare ta. ve te aup- emm nasa tramreaZ.xintmc «'anasd finaliy cries, "Yeu are su ardent boy 1" Mso aretualiy places the vidov and liat ho. lllot hedeb fis tenc e saya Marina, vho la nov uhaue 0 oreIa. o' nutî fanily lu their coupartmeul, glancingaébo à C plu.ked tro ban anthe moment cf rne- f et oncruel verd$ t e vho.e oniy crime hoaaty as Marina'. by piaying indifference. tele- thal neo eue else inlu their partY, fer alization, vilhint a fera.strngglc, Mmd pfOskbusethal ot b.ving ber La. veIL "Yen 1 vish te marry yen van vwithiu a veek." ho e a ansu ho p rofèeate ho eur@ 0as11ua- ohance, Ifi Ilcern u is vay, a cruel lO' bave mn bim-you iuav bey noble beojigg "Yen are impetnoual mon flis1 But h partan t pointe. Juiat te train la goa« veuge.itlib e lust ibat maies ber fur yé1 * ve me ton lovi g hlm." go ihju niout ypas a e e su;ddenlv asie, turaing pale, "Marina, ber giaardian. le May tel Edvinaf etrt Iii cM onider," mutter. Danella. "Tes agor e viga, randiautmpan s. h ca t s eso &he vus to .meet me la Nia. luti nigbt; aie VOv-may.prov erot uniairy ilatLb. EgYP- saa h ave mysasmer-to-day. Ok 1 y ur veddsngf renders pontayon et vwu mot Lier.!1 She in veli 1?»tman ospîtal va a et fa hypocrite, lt a GodI1 Yon ahal repent those cruel ve my t oev eyandhcf inarna'sproe t tt "YVery uebl, and jolly happy,," issaint. S&ho kuove the Opinion Ihat Garard -Marina 1" Ne givea a ganp cf love Or L e temy ou mmd hs o lu Pars conLient a1 Maad, ad vouid tel mare, but lie train ban ot ail deceit-this makos ber tremble, hat, or prbiLps a mixture et bath, Mmd Nov là te yonr finances V' tarriesbho n md ber novsawaay. But bors eron puailove ritesuup.in ber and atusr om Lb. apartutent. Hems Edvwi n taninhe Lb. Conut by the Danelua tabsa off bis bat again, a pentu«r gi ber courage te desiroy aay hop*. the '1t Frepent Lieuo nov,1 cries Marinsaf5ter set tiementa ho propoase, for Anstruthen as mmile of triampk in is face,ad maltera, Ceun may bave, Mmd te bafl &Dy ?lan behl m; fer, theugh pamionatet ah. iangener-the Master of BeeChwoad la very veli off ; "Xe la mot runuinx avay--aoi. Novw m"y devis La eparate ber tfront tanoemaneUS. and, hein erv much in love, is lnclined to Marina villane longer refugoemynreard." ahe adores, Bui b. la est ofet eng. Were bo viuith- every ILrai ta hi. future vife. Lady Chartris. on reacbing Pris, t aus Wben Mase opem tie dour ho sus ain luthe Souni et ber vola., il vonid bandly lun epby tb. Ceuni tele hlm that Marina, &ho migbt an voli do nome aboppng, Mud voman dlivlueýly beautitul; fer Lic grant c.uvoy memang te bis ogre, ton Musse Dan- veaudnot be consadered icb for an English bitera tiare, delaviugMssAaiofe' hpins tIhe laut tva days hamleft " al la holding conuml vith Satan. Ther. girl; but, for a Cenican,tis quit. an heireas; package, but pestage staups art mach telection «m ber tacs, vbich ie pale bat in a horrible N yonhs aebu vmd adgvsbma conio i adpo more îoliable thon fricudnh.ip wbcu applied beamiug vithourage am" neseintion. titatie r «blis iemobile tlai' ,whc hw ta ne tecuf ta Lb. doiivery of carreeoud eace. elbc comas tevard him, holding Outî tfa ur, hil fot is uhhilit saprty, hicanageetht bu cnderao c n, Arnived et tb. Grand 1,Motel, M. Daneila band Ibai trembles a 11111. asnho kb¶s... i teau ieawvhie tfrouharba outbhmaîni a»d mnageenn ibn canîdralyl examines the rogister sud verifles Lad ye eaimi, "Ma belle, vhat vltcbery in inbragebisthora O« a are scbeu nqa in -otionlu valuessud lu lucarhe. Chantria' report, then gSm te -bis -eem-a__ Lbthejoy et the roulette table La make mauchi alurdi ag o s ier. camas a crue, a moren telcon ier O Z, he my,"en viha I nakes an elsborateiy dalniy leliet of lth ane 11131? Nemor. th* drooping Niebe et ber u Nadon ve mrne ev rim ae, more t cmeen ende riavi b mPrt enatnu vbitest linon, reddest noaktie and bribhtest NIes; yen are Lie VenusoetMonte Cana, le a ivetcd, and te Smaie Barth dosiate nmaie epropereulement et acconua; patent leatier boots, haming te, bîmmebiAs &II thinga came te tlieuh" L iavat, go b u d«,& avon wesep."tâaintayou mayappoiau an eer»oeer1 au the vildeai maemer a pa itle Fremeh ml triumph came te us. Wc have yeu tg our a «uu ndm it he ohansea viib a quaint rer'n: esemy1 Ami vin ail liat in ovet, yen inmae on vif. r whates rnsite "A Gibraltar!1 A Gibraltar l" WiU l osp yonr promis.?1' aud veuld taes BjpM xxarime te Englani, tone ks Mathr ia h ber i km ams. vxm ltILIL»640.i yurs, ilaer ta« i t uter fuasvo Afýter &verse or iveetfibis bis face bomes 'Bat ah. airuggles trom hlm and *ren, VEjeI5UNAof *.à. ..1Iltes lu e a ffcuie. miradvet ver7 yeions, hoever, and ho communes, "Nover I' lu a velicstat makeabien A tev boeure afier, Tomeusobring arm-vursev es.No, teday is Monday; it w himamîtlu agicay, philosophicai pans. insa anote, vbicb eiss olw dwoC adpoe btm adcol mannuo bat bis viail t. Gibratar ,Yeu hardly underaad me I tîba," ho .neada ayolea 18U. de front ud ote; liai eausrhugbot litsr ndu e.O rîia h ra afatert a momen, irevlng very paie. oMr »Az W.zn: My2a,18. mrvyuto yhm;aecnibago tbro xtr aboa bi aic fruier. han #tise fge av e me a srei e, eme a"Yenhave anbed nml onsentte yeur betere &ie boecensa great Engiisb lady. ptOréenxtaon or a Ud rn hr igeaeysSvem rmé,penbaps not marniage viii Monsiur, le lieutenant, Thé ateamer lemves2»io»eronBaatI&on Wed th:reir s luboard tlic Vulture tejoix lu vends, but still, I tun v. uderatocaiEdina Gerand Anstuher et the Englie daoy; hy"Lbhenexi mornimg iv*au th abpsinEgypt, vhich ouily acotâtan- saObother, thal vin 1hbaï fivOt YeUnmavae service. 1, anyenr guardias, bore.y the.Tien a shoet day'a drive tirougi id for ileir amus bholu; amitted train the veugeamae, ye« abeuld mlv. us -love, admmd tformaly lu wrii nas h beliove i thle mesi b.aatlý9l baud upan emtb - lim trvndl tamLb Aua r ei fl npnîte m k mciyer_2Massehappy, vis Pthug et by lie Laotfrance. lteuogh Joev bsMmd pen the bons Eagiani. The voesCharles Mations Fi- ha b n io.ope -m i bp ->,ya Ln i ImyibtIlim Rmad,1ieg11g sdal lié,GoreVlelonAryr lb.wi Do' r f-Pleins blieve me, wmIM htItik e h otno hahgag n lv lips GergeFeiovaArimn ud Euin "Dot rman meJ" aY&a Marina, g el.yur futur.eissiandinla avery fdue, se elvol e and pa"mtns-lu short, Lbrough Oerard An.inutber. lman M pae asho viyein.s etlmn Tno Aàbltle investigation amred Lb. CeunI ' y lotieosleys in an excitai yen;. yen hlm MY .mbt~lien, sud u4o t o gue 1 on ]ca lu ay, ài bebeious aI Maina' *eiaaimuet have booenMe cf lies. Lires artIneublangtbut lith set0 flove sar mt hlm thatt 1h i yseifthie bumer te telland tîon-îîo-y uit look atter yn mon vho teugbt Lb. duel ; an iL veu bavea blini;1îcmnus yen art bappy." se w.u hein. ia e rane ls W bpi O n idnscerica dding-u b beenlmot iposibl fes rgulr *RO« 41 tebë, mamur th gil, il ectomar>'ileprliminariea tor y.ur we 'Svq groat" Rer Muniegives anetheo oftIhe vemael te have obaiad sabe.loave 'Ovr e e" ad nawy, tL.vla are A u e yen Wiu u lot MO-"ding. Wiîuî regr. esw&z quia#enhi aà «kdGA 9, 0 at Ajaccooou tb. very mennlng oethéib e ia "Win mot Il Ceui naDan"bl1!1hcms "Your alectionate guad3an ing Amstruther bleltatin ,continues quici milisg. plats my baud'onthloi nteLof jour vovt1 "Mussea DANI" A. yoaeau teita on Tueudayby atean- Thor@ ana alvays a Ila umber et Rmg- E M lis mm.f-araiGlbalar ai nfrm - y ynid you vil! Le ablete look on Lb. "Te Mademoiselle MariaPaoli, oette Marseilles ,a"; 1 md I eau cael lm& ragand tofwre tGibrIalrad nfomv,: vurbrohet aMbe Snt anbamed. "Grand teteL" euun ae gin. a more beaitifl #v e rthayJ& tin n ear t he abs abova, -t«cmcy,'Atb »n i ai kieh soswihlomiefae e me tien, be a o&putw mneoBad*orJebt0ut"ue. rbâsmen dii bt you cr vrens. Edvin ; ferMariana foel ithe aips dan iyeur bride lir.ugh the veeè ti.Danella vwu mou n trapport'ýwviLbte i a Ceralcan 1"' o t e opoe apns nre tJégaos mgtermatcmeo lb. vard.roem menues of hailtheb.Britlish Th* ntiaim cf bis manoeraid the sble banteihansomplothe ppu ane-et oneg an, amoug ite rofania iepesel squàdron. R.eieteinei Lbom es ahore, e"eofethi&Sapeech -fer eue imitent maies ber nvi m mgnsulL. en a iiOeaile iead tVvni.T aad ha~ inite bamta ianr o honi te Mria etoh, mi h. aiesoiev made up bis mini te become reconciled Marina Il lna aliaut verh1ami, La M ha athée i itop s. nt eaco n ert boCardl the*rain& ofaolg vi t a ena o,a te lthe met bit, saeelg liai ber affections vedded irouthaubromlevillage, in a mm Marlou hilpa bae i ne otaLb. Eai Chrl a Wn Lb. uradeen t myboheures;lies ane emiineiy md irrevecable another's.per vorby et lb.hest dangiten eftht, station, aaip d ogenstFelEasIndba i demth m fot ten, vie y bothrle. Raid, vbe i> pteaet, remarks, glane- Paoli-that M ber nuptial "day am i hoon iild l cinluEgyPi On Lb.@Sa&-Jlmbecco te methon, vio cau reproaci ?" lhg aà e net, "emaeirSertouae mt-I o ntridngilea .1 u raen Cta a lbr. Mr. Austraîber be mready knv van As eh@ maye Ibis Marins st ian s sif SaLibia buavry 44J lu an t aiW Id aL tiforse i ro dta. 'me" », su dut> au Lb. mame voaal vhioh bai jlutl piatst the saltar et vengeance. But xctte eèe";h 5l. npe-meAutt r er, vnmahham ye lte arrive a traonNiae. Mr. Bannes. atter tali- tie soxt marnent abudderîîîg, &ho écho, heeea;Dmel.l as.my ntutegvn hm auci ingin ovevit t. lnt ame gutimana "av h et onqord m hae tn itlieitsel,' repltheCoraican. of Lie ba. ,"Itin very ioughtfule iagin er, and prolabi med getemauns ilaeInet iaI Lie vov e fhie o- Well!1 bis note ie.sn't loob ie ,It. yen, Ceuni. Iean mai. the nomesai aiserandproaby metiir heYoug .0yo Zow âta, te ow f te ý»-Tho *guàrdilu te 111-lupsan the rangements an te Marins pro erty vil lieutenant an persan la Nice, hmd auademly dot."daeslu me io gits &go ; tMi saiten. Edin, ¶*' omor *for yen t'," lbe, Mmd it l i me .al en vwsil exhihited enoughitueret ilu Marina a vav br@thoer.sauaea vrs ho hollmb" 44Y-.u -ikMu*.ai-be T osnbMbune le ilai9 &&Yen take yonr ags vitb ou I pne- "Ynubve bw-n-ve ol e1e .aîpy ae yio ae human IJ z UW te t Insa Mib;e ryaa anme, uy dean El a'P rarkoîd thea&U My iemy a l.i t.ooly. fer bis hlm vhetberI sudeiIiunvbe IviiI ci~ Canai via ?" depair movu fber, anL tIb tis m" nmoetn "iossmealitais. Me -moulionsmuti hmvh "Aut a, eimiAntubr ibimetsin Ibe venld could bave beu more us- dsAto 'bt did yen telegrapla iin b..~ oqgemlenseet Ihe eld sool; I ineddtolti o oEgad.«teBaidrai, et bar vishes. fore ?" aya Ana truiher auddenly. 1 appy lita. amo.Il voueli ua lutenedtaltit oeEngindemLeBea- "Ai!ouarebeginalng te ram* e brae 6f ,1t "W-utatake meté - ll M.Eaua'ddas lark ; h'. much 'heatroublo,. yeu nowe. lt' Wot a a"J' or 4 h =siý Raahaa'îoimyip oeI-se in at o na u e rsa.for a land 0ce0Ura.? h tolîlmo t4 uitwqiè n àenwm"bert vin rees ta be pai off, and may ho an te ty-dock baube, i haw m-volti.yo?-Mua. Wbsa -» 1dispased bitâsa Iis 'y. gui elaVd 00sY so~ig Batvi gimes hotae I atur tathe h cantny seda w ouan yen cnled to Heavea fer yen- oa t iuni u ots.bo-'Edwiù la ber e. iéae ige.leriis my sien ouay! ieephe lono n iee- pna., via gave luury lu Parlsandmiraz luavo for Londoia to-marrow mrax.Mow etn- Ceeurta";t tinepi, I have dccided La tako iL viLla moe" balfLb.henrd ever Ibai yeu n igbtublll'usa& DovonW ae4vio7euP tenodle IqltUihaiegesdI "4Let' go ou board nov,,sud Ill îeîp. ourvow-DaseaI..-le>uayoUàt' OdleS Ill. 1, 1 duNai l, m jg4 OS omsag m' % easSigetl.Ori you Jack.Cgtfor a .ragr-tb. mm ean vi ertla eozisDou'l hotee iiOh lds oid ain s eDamea "MuaIt obligei, Dan"ll, bultîIaiigh lu nyoir baud-Carne,invl!tei yen vi Lady Chartisiséhm a lotter'elbyw.Ye. lbatbefoeheaueoabore."Il asyou art t<> y,asayoi WRDleme. but it isa'l ne for himte kévellt"eMge it AitYeu unie me iapy. Thon yen Ah à&s ýriSiivos a amy, sIlI?5 Why, jMr. EeiSf' iqi n &'--àla a te dÊ o Etintuh are ber. for Lie day! i o îi yug."ohî111m iIt 1 narce , nlii! d=lolaerliisèei-I mme 5uiwl te i.n'tihom troumcenov. DM 1cr y.ur Tonbokns stralgit inte vth Dm er.teh11m-"i MdI habhal e pai«I1'Burtonao -,i yen off ls in e mmnlng oyo sliIhrovl Iybe«Cib.i IIh barily 1Ii5to dU5 5~ 7ý D yne ux ue botiweh k h but h ougil te bld b et milte Wlfe.ovedtm B -i i . ni g humus. tie Rifle., Md Id tetl.Msalroibe ' k Iiï~ fines ; tfio'r ld friads, mi Cbas .ý .~i.w y leavlmli servies. ,Tblamodo ~~ae priaeMy lestv1*6 - b"kd a~~éh ho titb a; &de" .,vaIe eet ]WU& *0U~L foilovioc dspatah:ND R O N JGT, Go "MoeiÀCO, May 23rd, 1883 "ITo Misa Ruai Ansruther A D, R O , U E T -. On board steamer ta arrive tram Nias the laZtyoZr brather's anariago by every L Uk 1folS KE T S REIEe LN DSAYP roiy7our r1ibtp m ri b ilanrlvOet0V .riae ' R D very earliesi pemande Cabinet . aiea- *0 lt= y noo ary, as aretlasi rotrouble thshowRd one va tshIe gtrai nd elhlm ht o j iem doe eo mc.dmoe ua.us rout hie *i hgim- ballestymuél nn es t Z:04 MdhUre ro m osemerouts di 3bo 6 amANDERSON, NUQENT & 0 hala-no*hm i e lia rs le ~ ~ ~ 1 w~~a admr ind, t.ei-fu tth O1U~B~o~f auy Paper i r - District. - htibh .1 ï n tato mm who corne direct to rny office ANS di re nd Saturdays during the Vila.lay Stext»re y iow prices. moq1~~Wb, aheId ~t Of Y, -Mmt Me i cae4 wêfr' >~O, . t E*1M iMmei e *0 Of ZX ý J Je WTHERUP, wirh a "un mg ;d $BS eoel Kn%î;m omwh. bteas bUet rSUs le Comte ael mrs b Con ?" ela th.e cknoy. "-h l u h o h. uvan nuimpresuario or ai"adn a acror soomethiig artlatic. le. n queerlaoking cov-that aid cbaP- th*# en ta hairomanî igand costume fie tonorasoporn in hop'rs 1"ga "60h1 Tomama. Maemolilo ac ervant," suggemte tbe clerk. "gyno! of coUrs! There he isýwii DIon'ti talce Our Word for it that pouliar slepysmue-the one bringing down gsirg t bat oid lother 'ralie. WeHpb a sk J h Sh O e O ceme miif Lb. Couit didn't *i Mmabu kJo n A m re f modai. leson lut xaigu, and tnnght him lU mut 'orribie song 1 ever 'oardL l'y. bau Emily what tdying Ilitmlian, you kniow, aBd ilibed notblng in iL but d.ath aud murder and @ IaUOT A " thst the partition wun go thin, that, blew B G N O H M Meo I thought l ad the nigitasaril 1" will o troubled no more, Monsieur Rheuma.tism cure wil do, Joues," says the cerk, "ICoulit Danelia aui bis part.y leave thia rnornu.g for Corsea There goeb M.àdeuoise11a Anstruthor, tbe Enagbah eauty."Y "fAh!1 give me th. dark-eyed one 1" te- turne the cockney, "the orne stePPing jute the Carrnage. Oh Ludl1 vhat an ankie!1 And--avh ! did yos see Lhe lok ele gaye the. only Jonei?-My piccadIY bair catches ibebe foreign gala." That evening the train froua Paria bria te Mono a voung rmn vbse costume maîd apperance. aoya hâaty and continuons taveLla i Mr. Bannes, of New York. In ibe hurry and busti. of lavyea' on -___________________________________ sultations and ocean cabIcgrams, thatMbIs settiements on Mia& Ântuther neefflitate, Enids fira tel. gram bad given him a sbock; for it tLd birn tbat Edvin Ânstruther and Marina, Paoli vere in Lb. arne botel eai Monte@<Jarin. The dispatch about Marina'. B being à, bride made him fearful, and he Chatris; receivedEnid's pncket, and learu- d that vhas he dreaded had takels place. __________ Unauaipectiflg it, Marina vas about ta marry Lb .n an vhad killed ber brother ; ibe -afist vbase life ah. ball ut'tered the We wa.nt a quantity of >vov j tbe vendetta. On such a subjeci ho dare Bot telegraph, sud the .even-tveuLy kexpresa that baves Paris on Tueadav nighl thouhLyn, arellsand Nice, and in- GOOD DA.IRY BUTTIER) La, Monaco, WVednesday evening. He hurries to the Grand Hotel and maye Mi an unually excitd voice, 'Take my card m?,an the bot weather wHI furnish Tubs te Misa Anstruther 1" The terrible enraud &d~un ho cornson cruellesaeveu the joy of meet- and Crooks to pack in, and pay highest market i berne,elisL.clrwopl106s either im cash or trade. 1; kuova hlm very veil, "Mien Anstrther aleft Monte Carlo this maraung togetiier with r ber brother." M "éFor EuRland? I iiad lieu OB tb. ýtd'oCoais" "Bannes,.Wvhm as.iOGBROu(S. àwhair"oolavn d 4For Mr. Anatrutherm nariage to Ma- demoiselle Paoli. Count Danella and that Augut 18t.h. 1892.-1598. SYoung lady Ieft at the mane time. The ce. 10 ressony takes place on Friday, I believe, ab Lb. o uIM lady a family estate,- on the is- lani.- yon acema su rprised&" ____________________________________ tà ddnot. notify me."à -- hi~nk the did", "I heard Danella'C *à ask Mademalas e Anatnther for your Lau-C ty H r ss Sp, L ds y -donaaddreaa iu order ta invite you to tb. gr veddiu. They ver. standing vithin bear- * ng of t je dok, air, cemMonday 8 n."J M S Li TTLE, - R PR ET B "oWbat ime did Yeu aay?" a- "M onda y evening about aine o'clock." o eb I M n -b: h ea " o B aryes kuo a he was in L ndon that b ulnos, * 0111% . ui L o W f m as tram E L. AdLO éion eaiu Is = 1 ng ttib ltv l cbock; but hi. facultima am l. on bvi b mÈi om4 who no reltîes.Ià'IW5 1 .£ egadmsanly coming book te him, and ho s n .tvi evt bi ~agsgMO aalo~w thwlbIibetuld ofrettras, "-Muai, have loftitioe before il a- rived. whioh route did lb. Party tolke My &S0k of HgameMuCollRU, WhipuTrunksi and Vali# Of "Their trunka ver. Iabeied Nice.'and lclre ai Mse, eogtta E lI nOU adud as Il B sti !" lIU U~~ haiaul Mr work elist yiflOOiwctEflmnjO spl he u lt Om$ d'-mtmvJ M i a o* M d y..vil l a t a a b tr uil co -$And the steamer leaves i.rtiei.AlI5 nrlyeumr m lct e. yepas ei cf ho "To-day, air, Wednesdayl Fl. >.." a~ouating . iBtdm iDMo t vor are. ai oe sd otmI . b ~ Thon Ive miaed it! Al ight!' my POiYRSfi<pmtydn.Dultre u l.Ov me oil Bnrna. "Ordera little dinuer for me an JAMES LITTLE. soon aos Posibl. r ù be back ina f.v m in-u-b .D e l.i r- %ta u Na o ueed te tse uY valisetaa d .De Ut.U-I. i .4A S I