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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 9 Sep 1892, p. 7

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rtI VIOTORU W»E INDAT IIos ETIBR 1892 CErLESTIA L SYMFATHY. ad IO u monsi. The rn J And tberu~t, ebandciM ~yffR 014R8 flA MAS LION10 I84 ' to w 1Uberthe swordmum arod.ued; fand John $.4ëodr,<f>jj FIGMT. pathiés M aul with us. Nn, Ueùd m d l>-i Bma:dNiai tii ubur 1110 fthoga* yMal tea ot4hp tua,, the 1i*ouvenby yVibeo.1 AUlthe Chflstiècl Aas pus be fla se I O Alwobe m 8adM vhu. fgh*5h t &Itial u ad arc lookingito the arena. Our strnggle log laAssis Ulm ls th 'C0me*-Im 1e h il t 'pur? 8@t, I1 *M teUothin to theirmi1 Do w., la Ohriat'm the# t a en atho.by là* . r mneuasufr from the oold 1 Th.y wlked 1 of bie Wlld Animalits tuaAp. hiig4>tMy wer 1» Thq ave*0Jhe ea n. ue ren, 'from the heat? They xweltered in the T,,, mu Hamea Ueul& l, d tu thi4u tf ~~ tropicm. Do we get fatigued i They LONDN, ept 4.&oodwld oâku Ibe 1*'roM fow fr~, ad ~ *~laint.ed, wlth noue to Cro for thome but bho ardor of many who oth.wlme doublim tl onger 5?tlUÇhh» 0 11i4ght ot m cannibale. Are w.permecut cd? Tbey worm 1.ul have goa. te Hde pcUw . -dtOurMi b no Ploem n ethernatlzod. And as they look frome in th bmr the Rev. D Hydamae park to.Nô laue wua for wva * no cf bout, *hejr geilery and sec un falter ini the pro- thelsi terewaa almgejp*oe i " ishllof bis "h blood ci,- bood»mno. of t he lions. I seem to bekr Imaa tooste e abig rowd prenat hiez~ uo bloht * Watts addressing us lu himeclii hyznn, only Uu of ihein istaflhfg ttotivoiy, buit niaUy ui a littnithe chcngod: Aflde lio tho kept movlug iz*order tooae m witla om p.W omught thocomnbatat'. mw*id, altl hne:Ad là@ rawnmms of the. weather. Dr. Taeilg sd wth the. othor paw ocught him shldd. Hn yube coedeto the skies mnouneed that ho would hoid servicte on Ti a okhmki.fonhlm girdi. and While others fought to win thé prise ik Wednesdaï in the Crystai ?&lace. Ho thon mow the bout The.king, sitting in the Or sailed through loody wcs ylgtarsland ta meo Be faut and Dublin, gmitrvi,'Thot wum aot fai ; the lion 'Toplady aboute in bie oid hymu: f o ad about the l5th willil ci ramQuen-munt 1>.miai by a mword." Othor lions Your bar , ye trembling ~.ni bow t Nw YrkontheetamWMturned eut and the poor victint e ff Down mr their wilinwme;" h oo .ko i.memr Ctyof ucy"hme1ùm ietag u.jland ta the pralse of love divine, St paris. BdeeySrnaae The goat outnorni oemt hear Dr. Toi. anoua. But the klnglathi came in our WieCalsWtly the Methodist, il ie Pobalyth grstst brother, and ho wilfm.o that we have fair breaks forth lu his favorite worda, a litti. 1g de pýsrech ontuin.. rrobablyith wuatstPlay. He wil forbid the rumbhing out of varied .iUh thtai the Town Hall, Birminghuant, whon more lions then w. cen meet ; ho will nlt A charge to keep yaou have, Encil je elveed hre ddejqt! te ain sui efer us ta b. tempted above that w. are A God te glonîfy; jb.t deiees reecdrestiigh(,o mreee-able. Thank Godl Tho kiug l luthegal. A never.d>rlnq <cul to gave, bu~~~~~~~~~~ auine0grgthî 000prou Hi&.n~o l heart in And fIt I t for the sky!.Li &t Sheffield, Derby, Lietr,'xtr n "anaUo lo Bitolaspeo l udiees eteraid with un. ili od wil elverus ,ou rtesain and I seeethe g¶110 o Brito ase penrnnelauiincs asm-"Biessed are ail they who put their trust ln ur Many of those in the other bled, t he trict cordial welcomne heig every. ai"glieries w have heard of ; but these we where acorded him. Tii. sermon soieted ilkeenIi me h uei new. Oh 1 how familiar their facee1! h forpulictin tiswoe i en.iled ' lr. There th.y are: the angel that They sut et our tables, and we m-alked te lotial Syiimpathlzerm," the text. being taken sugthe mwod t et ii g t f de, heth ouse of 'God lu company. Havi trou, 1I- Cor. 15:- 32: "1 have fought with mrng a zeie awupo lethrone1 they forgotten us ? Those fathers qmd be&ts ut Epheaus;" and lielbrews 12: 1 : o m arnd Eekem wich Io nith motheres terted us on the road of life. Are Fari- "Sei g NI, e 41o10 &M ompaed about with 0. aîwayHere r hethey carelesssa te hat ecoms ofus? yet 00 ïVeM L o rloud of witaoms." the aplnoeînm Thfet oe wetcîîath And those cblidron, do they look on with i 1 liii~teAlsbyte onCel trierch; thisiou. prptectod a dîild. Tlaaî tolid itîdifference ui ta whether we, win or The I parrrs ',r through tXhe Mnt Ceis Tunnel, m oe bai beau puflig a sul out of te at lose this hattie for eterîity? Nay; 1 son vto,,Y,it iel a few houre et down ut «Verona, rtian 1 Ail the»o are mnongeofrm ,ý that child runuing ite hand over your brow Wm le iiiiiiîr in e few minutes begin exaînrn- Tiiose drovo the Spaiish Armada on the and saying, "Fether do not fret;" "Mother, igg mit- )f the grendeat ruine in the worid rocks. Thie turuod Sennacherib'saiving* do net worry." They remember the day For I -theThewhoe bildng ast ine ahea ofonehuuredanâ they left us. Tbev remoniber tho agony --he>iiiphitheatre. Tof thee lestinf hntwell. aTheo, oh nears lugilr sweelp . 01nd yo n luaecirele. You eigbty.five thanmanid oorpoem. Thome, yen.- f he latoy Tl Toghyar Gfl stand ini the arome wbero the combat wua der, chented the Christmaicarol over Beth-Iko u fcs e . oncf(o trglit or the race ruti, aind oni ai lenutil th1hn aoeteabped.meniber aur orrown. They speak aur aidles tite seets rime, tier above tier, util Theme, et creation, stood lu the baicony of naine. They watch this flht for heeven. you couît forty elevations or gaileries, as I heaven, and sierenaded the new.born word Nay , I eee them ris. up an leau over, aid chali -seev ut to oeil thom, lu whieh set theý wrapped in iswiddlUn&.olothos cf ii4ht. wave 1ef-bre us their recognition and on- mnators, tih. kungs, aud the twentY-fivO And thore, baller and mightier thanncaf, in couragemnent. That gallery is net full. M thousanri excitod spectators. At the idesi Michael, the archanuel. To comnmand SUn hav are keeping placet for un. Altor w.e ef the rens, and under the gvlleries, are oarthly hast gives dignity ; but ti ein have alu the lion, thoy expect the King the cagex in which the lions and tigers leader et the twenty ohariots otf(lad, and to aol uns ying, C0orne up higher " Be- are kopt withouti tood, untîl, trenzied< of the ton thousand time. ton tbousend an- tween the bhot truggies iu the &ronl& I with I:iger and thirsti, they are let out gels. I think (lad give connnand ta tho wipe the sweat tram my brow, and stand sent vur vctie, ho ithhlmmwod echegel an ti erhenol e te mre-on tiptee, reaching out my right band te,~ upon moioinorvicimtheirs'l hi lu raptureus ad th abandel shte srs-g, J and atrt»V, 1s condomnod ta meet them. I phim, aud tho seraphim. ta, the chorubim, 1 hrpuoa adoai think that Paul himmei once stood ln umcl nutil ail the iower orders' of heaven bear whîî i rvcecaeinigdwîtmr eacnîd that it wum net oîly figurative- oom dsdotoîouhoigb.I the ý%allery, crying, "Be tihou faithful until 'e. ly,~th commanediy, ihadh.gbc 'foghtiontheeet. ho de et %nd yen shall have a crown hI"etse I , hemst ob gh i owblu nyorlon hoc My hearers! shall we die un the crena The gala-day hem oome. From cli th~~~~~ fesr ? Ail tii. spetators in the angelia çrm ejl u red utogiey ordThe pula urne . roin ItotVeroa air r u fed. "osaThrough Christ we may came off more thon wol h epetr- u it eoa gleyaeorfind. "esal«v oquerers. A slieomin nth cpi- Men, wroien and oildren, oretors aid hie an g oi charge over thoe, te kee the c odedilu theh - P tol, rose up lu b.d the ls moment and senators, grest mmon a mail, thouandsi lu ail thy ways. They miail beur thon up lred, "'Hors! Here !" Hie attendants put. spon thousaude coa, until the flret gai- lu thoir handa, lent thon damît thy foot hmbeck on hie piiiow, and esked hlm why i i.ry i8 full, and thé. second, the third, the againet a atone. Thonsalat tread tipon ho ehouted "Hero t" "Oh! I beard the. fertb, the fit ti-ail the, way up to, thé.the. lieu and addr ; thé young lion and theii. alo haeadIwuol nwr tweutieth, ail the. wey up to the thirtiotii,1 dragon shaît thon traimpîs under foot" ril- oi cmeae ndm@!"w1oniy awher- -' ail the wCy up t. the. fortieth. Every Tioujzh the atome b. crowded lg am nm " ode htbg place is fililed. Immenity of audience temptetîaîm, w. oh&%l with the aujgelicalitter thie batti t oflut. ln over, our naein sweepiug the éreat circle. Silence ! The iii , strike thime derwnla the name et aur will bc caliod in tho muster-rel cf the par- tlee fer the content hem corne. A Ramai God, and leep ou their falien carcasses o 04ouoed and ~orified, and. with tbe jay of i efficiai londe forth the victlm into the ereus. bendinq throng of brlght engoilofaoes, or ee fHere t" - sels Let himi get hlm mword, witb firm grip, into and swift i wnge, and Ilihtuingfoot!hel__________ ies rigit land. Tiie twety-five thou. y ou, to-day, tram the. 4ut asud truggle ai Wondeî-Workers. nanti ait bruathlamly watching. 1 higer the. thf arffl t door et the aide cf thé arena creak open. I look &ga, s»d I au the gallery ai thi Mail Je now mnt though a pnonmetio : out plumges thi eitl-terved lien, i prophet@ and apostis.Who are thomo tub. f rom Paria ta Ber lin lu thirty-live tongue ut hirst for biood, and, with a rosi. mlghty oee up yonder ? Hosea, aid minutes. tha bîtg ci te eierl. e tei foth.Jéenlh, and Daiel, aid Isaiah, aid A Japanesi oldier hem invented u gushies iuÏtist the. mword oft the combatant. Paul, and Peter, ad John. and James. which tenables the pomeesmar te s9nd cid Du yoîî kîîrw hoe trong c stroke a mmai Tieresite Noah, valig for ehl the world of bllndin duat" into thie oyeof ai a foiab e viii &trike whea lhi& lepouds upon thé te cameoita the erk ; and Masos, wating distance a1 twelve tent. fret thi t ( )f ie blae.? he ild boust, t111 the lest Red S.mii" divide ; and Jio- A pousylvenle luveitar bas devlaedaà luine andrl >e.dng, muine baok toward thi"ma, vaitiuag for the Jeva ta, returi ; sud pair of eyaglaaae with a mirrar mauntid, aide of t lir.cre; thon, railying hie veati John, of the. Apoe s, watiîg fer th. no ce t a fti objecte un the rear cf the. mtîengh, u omisun iti foceray.aid mverig oetlt 1mu ithst Tîme tâabe werer,lînt offrng uo obstacle te direct more terrible roar than ever, oniy ta b.» no longer. (Morions spirits t y@ v-re forward vision througi the. Ions. drivemi hack with e fatal wound, vhlle thei. hovied at, y. e Oilid ; ye wOrm *Pt A mfety surf bout, vlth docks, ai du tombatarit cames la wlth troe after stroke lapon I T%43Y havi bien iu this fight theii- bottom, eteru aid koel, &Il made ont etf n. astil the monmter in d.ad et hie font, an égolvc ; aid they are&Ilait us. Dai*uiPiteceoetmetîl,and ooontructod as toehave *0e tven t 1v. thoumsd people ocap their maya c&li about lions. Paul fougbt wvl ti 10oie seame, aud that runuing dovu the honda n il uttar a about that nies the. beoutset Ephie. indu alanig the. bottoe, in the invention aofea oty tremble. l i.eoetapili.te h epoNew York gouius. Sametimes leth ase «coaeeta ne a got no exclted liaI tb.y vould miot fro A îew eud ingenious instrument han juil race; omotmflès to a- giadiatars fliht Û@terotInth@lb.mm lnthe cre: <"At been luv.nted for ,roughJy iudioetligt, th ch ute~, scii b. pot'a copm iut & gainu1t" "Forvard 1» ,One more streke M netity et duatat i the tohere. . tin fer the telles, tum tluit thumbe dopla s "Iofr'.ont r1" "Ii beck t"ll iled the konimoap. Il mculSW8of w aib ai ppoi tatlbevamulsodb. vardsHuSt il, laoin" a m llr, praphotie Md m sd a tub. provigdod with glaam ends. an P'de' soxut 0 lie oombe wbc ithwId 1Woatoio, they cannot k.e1p thîir Ti ut i 0h Idl rv uati h.amtm. - umuteiN crins ont - "Thy God #u:aeie t1î, wv i Je l moistensi and expanded. To oo e *1 ~m embitietloa ti.. rmein tii. oul f tiielions!t" Dv Tiuet a oo u-lokn hoç pdxeceset iutredthousaud peope 1«uia t-"H.Ovil fob SuffOr t!»?font te the tu. iniatn ti.M dgnecf nriv13 jetaisreferachm h.aui" "W re .be nwvod trIlà ad olaot:- Fui no u 1theair,. g.amd eoutvit mepie a row aivit1ISm vlti thitBe.mot dlsrneyed t" Psu, M. du Haudrey, f.llig the me.hiod aif *M ab.outii i rat àfren o f u tii. a nei-l "Vieory throngb aur Lord Professer Gamilir'. tgieof the SimÙma g.£leomd *0 ie rme;ibuteew ie us christ r' Th"at trong of propii.tm languae, hbu o.rried -iesphanographlI Iaigaiscuaesd lia, I tae. 5w zue% F*d pmtostl<om kagbp si The mk,ïthe hecoaop.EH e lae.it lu ane hinhouse ~vontu iie a li. iiimtuu uthe esm ïkvuluring vit ibulg sMd vIi-were the "fenly" are at home, aud wiim rite id«ef "lie niceivp ime 6out- 0 m Uq1ed into for haUl I* feot l, *M t very Christian mam bus I 1ook an bo.ImOrhe el!Madeli te . M lien tu figbt. Yeumlama e bd tonper. The UBtzm7 l W h ot & Rugi The o susonr0.the - no re a t a f he ii rme&have beau opoued, aMd mr &MAt H v un hotaaga i t 11 ~iie& teMA fia RiuhmO - (.1r - __r ' - -Thn. -'i trîjttii ucolebra- 1" i- _ý--- l if 0 - tIi$ rî tjtom aîd'dit>ou.ght, tproper dîatmi, thOy vent meuI)orait Free Prees. cu)1,l t. I Ihosndd 'j n ero siainthei. mnght, a&U tii.worid over,___________ an]eleycr i uad wild ,eaats morelgiit asuoanday 1 And nov tie7 i Electoeriug lu Georgia. wanrt mi t rritlo a truggle as t;iitwhiol ih lsyndo n Pumrtr' gehiry. Fer' eIyngot th ii.ofie T" at thîs iiirrtllLiI gos on in iaiiy c &OUI. The. tume the direuof peseocution have go»'n $$, oembat wast4or the lite et thbody, thât inont. The s010011areà» huthed and the. mah 'r What did it cot you 1" for tht ifootItii. mu. That va. vthwild abt& Now tiiey vetaii us ith an *U-i "That'a e bard question. Yen mie,1 I balasts from lithéanle; this is vîthti lie « m 7 atiqr.- They knov &I t r broeo my log runang for it, aid thel cool rasring lionetsiillthe barde a ,,lteci lethhs.; aesiderable ; tien my brotber-ii-lev vas Men think, vheu tii.7 ooiteid agaât Bsu ai, c&i lb.héprvation. YS oaiiODt kilied maing a hfr mcedhéid WI!. evillhabit, that they1 h tiveTq c :soas.ge Te N uryhi ; hon aereO 611e My mdldte No'1lîhy stand ln tie center cf an im Iffnwtcaa e.The fods calnotdrovwn. killed tire. mulo ridinarmuidthecuntryg ineouse ii-ee f uympatby. Pau]l hu.dbeon rTe lions cannaI deoeur 1 Courage 1 Daw1M «#red the ferm, sud gel e divOoe fm r.oiting th~e namei of Abel, Enouhi, Noah, inluthoeren&." thei M y;fU go,5 yn mie, il iudir foels Ab)rehein, Sarah, Ise, Joseph, Oldom;aL Wbat, arlth@y iliok 1gThis nlht r-Âîmla Constitution. U1arek, aud thon mya: _ yae lng seolm thiie &biiit Wilt i> ree e olan vs s»d uaer baoek the salutionta s___________ abldmtril âI et àreuo; c. vitnume. '-l d cr7, "Haill 1Bsou d au»t0aaili T e ihopm speeeb, y ti itahroa, av.itudv oi ,7M Iau, e1te * merrtaiÀ n-ubiohop ln thie Houseofai lordal, ciri. l teii n ao , a.iîtndrbhI',alta0IlB r" 1 Mul5. Wb1 pe am OotdinM*0 Mr. Grvihie rose temie a d1i~y éaid ahithe mu>':uptWitO [ treY la 'lhe. Mixii l ameîal m h p.durlng lier otheluet G=.'~ iitmelngo;i d t.eer voou jatimsvY merin onIdne eis tnd-ad hedivido hime i f harël 0rem9dviti hndtn ' ~aeamead ôdhmlite tve&Md parte numer "Blu copasYiea'h. e laL lotoeailory Ihat w thget e olon at emea. hi itotwlv p (lxi le fre ei~vltou o6 he Ià,of stibo a restmutiudea,o, noie m» Who gtVbeltjr, ooai etW-s-'MM amblîietni, ou ic d may "04 h*iuab"ltolo e. t vu ro 0LIvait WEDm.L HO(.mz On Aut et 1902--hmeighty4 bd¶fromJohn Greeulai Whfic., w i M gdhty.flfhh yeum.] ouche*OU" hvh w alm Mdd 6mw WPI welom thy ew !ear,* v e w of&baepoc m u su d 1, 0 mav grvic oetMbyr v!hvemia Oui youth and age between, v. vith thé *bdUid ast v>. mçg and tovad. if thought umut bmckwewd sus ao thome wbo, one b-v oe à$ ret slenc o the aark ,e ced fanshed vltb faroeletiafod, moen, not tout ; aux graxief ut mimore sWM Their vacant places 511, 1wltb qbm fuUl-volood greetlug of mev blonde, SA tender whtsper blonds. ked closi na pathetlc brotherhood gfIn d U oed le dgIgof granuer aid of ahanie, For p ty mare thon blame,- glft la thine the weary worlt(cite More cheerful for thy salie, thing the eaxa its Mimerere pains, wth the aid Nlenic strainti, hting the sulien face cf <Usconteuxi With amlos for blessings mont, mgh cf setfih waling bas been lied, Thank G(ld t for notea mare glu4. ia i ndeid ne holiday ; therein Are vint, and voe, and gin, bt and Ita nameteu bars, and ove- ail Our pitylng tears muet Mil. b audd ai Mod! the .service of aur dean. In dlfferent moodi and vaym, prove ta tbaai who fllow In our train Net vatueoma nor vain. off, and faint au echoes ai a dreait, The Bonga oi bcyhood eem, rm anur Auturnn boulrhu, unilown %itti Spring, The ovening tharuhiasing. hour drawe near, howeler delayed aud lts, Whîn at the Eteruul Gate casve tho words and varhs ve oeil aur awn, And tift vald bauds alaîlo love ta Iffi. Our nakednuofai@cul Brings to thatiCate ne toill ,u ve omre ta Hlmn, wba ailthings givé., And ive becauso Ho ive.. -Atlantic Monthly for Soptombor. THE BANE 0F POLITIOS. ow It Ceumed a Ooolîesm fletvien Mr. gowson lotisami Et. Gardner Toole. THE IIECIPItOCITY QUEtSTtION. t CErvE~3IL' 8. O O N E I Grand IsyoMilinery, Dreu and Mantle making'. Kes MI hell vimiesiolairofti.'bietemebareeodaavead aIceseko A Prompt Bettiemnent toi idLJl r u Lumg.,i auu Turoutu.,m an aü ay prupased bvaisau aunamil On Sahnrday, th. 101h luet. mey bhemla mantle msiin& viieo pecli a Motion wil b. given ho aIL. Persans froine distance vatii EOvuburt Iby ab hmtng LinleJtm_ burfnit ban onaiadjacen a i. On the uo nBtra K§41,My daim for lo" an cantentaevas ad- fuseilto rny satfction, ad to-day, the ROONS-Over Waerer oCe' Dry Goodu Store, Doieny Block, noui door te e4h r .Coni m àýhequ. for the A. Hlgabothem' Drux Store antI of uMyciame in fui. Il alirl _________________________________ neoessey *0osy liat I ame ighly plame with the feirues. of the sottlement, and lie M peno theaii nsurance omp aiy la py- nycl=ln. Frmeers iii promoe t lir ovni lulorensaby ontrutlug their iheures.. business ta lMr. Corneil. i àEa BITCHELLJ. Ope, 951h Apnil, 1892. MARY LOUISE Rfavin greutl' purobmaed the teamir Mary Louna In a postion ha eg=gefur famil> @mur- lois as riaouabte rates d t ng1bepraotpemure simon. Tia briglit Uttle iime auberbuilto repaiuted anied 4 up lu a style abreust vill the turnes, aid ne peine vill be spared toa dd 10 the con- tort and plemure of patrons. JOB. 13. PAIRIN. TAn &yie, .uie 7, 1SM89-84 0 E NTARZO STEAMOAT COMPANT. oon %Livoi w. n L4 o. n I SeW*ngMachines. DAIL FORROCHSTERI oeil the best in the market, and the cheapest aoocording Magnifleet New Steamer W. W. LOGAN, NORTII KING General Agent, Lindsay vai liane Cobourg ai 8 &m sd Part Ho a 9.tô&.m. onarrva f G T tr L W s froas i-rlh B"i and vust. EIUENIJG-LieviB Ch& r luleet1.15 .I m.. ex- Oomcrs i Boobetervlh ialy befraiu ral on on Nev oi-k Cmtratal d &l verI ig nes. ours Bebet'=, ad WOiuda>' yMortt nuqad Salai-dayPitn Uvnngf-c obuter.Galbai-e on Wednisdy mdl t 4.00 e.n. TERQUGE TICKETSAND AGOAGE CHECKS fi-cin te or ce board. TagRoi PTE KIP u il. , ftar guS, avft and nemi paverful stemers ou the iaksm.Lghiii bm letcrlolty md modem hhraugbout. Ci. H. NICHOLSON01 Ose mi. ad lg.AgI, O ,GILDEP8LEEVE., la o Gent Ml anag er sia. -1-aY._________ -. qe ch nt , Grocers, Treat Vaiey NaI a o m-rn 1892. NI TABLE. 1892. Meohanios, and Everybody in need of any Printing, mmeîcimg onThuracle>,June2aui, h. should osil on E ST UR 10Ne plytaig eee Lindsay a.nd Bobosygeon, SIEUOilitohvYa PLT, THE VC O I N R B irrvi obeygmn 9.8 .. 5 .0 E opln eSaturdali, vbmn the steamervil mare 41a e orntrain.5g Large Posters, Ilagle tikobeivenLindianad Eabceygca. 76Om, nturn Uet4 L' RIurnPonangers, Dodgers, etc. ticet o b"am tulnPon p mWg4»e0»ourMewwmioBotaot.adSturgeon Bil Heads, StatementS, boaummte ami e .-'f:rb.Letter Heads, Note Headsetc. tans for ZOCUESIONI cf fi-on100 t100 pi-ens cergulrt 0' *f ltsboaut er tim P 'y lete addniidtaorna> TVN e. boit 'B1ank Reoeipte, Notes, Cheques, Orders, etc. i. v.b ULAeNT, . LANE 3. W MAICZ, AINi. Catalogues, Prize Lists% Labels,ý Pamphlets, or JOUR FACE anyting in the -prtrfting'liIiet !lsn FrMeohe, Suiba "kpls BaciSpeoka, Bi Gl ad,: atal tan be rleoilB Sole, Sure ana Hf etaL. EWd by armers and &xuotioneerfl, get YOTR _ __ c AT t!aPTT .T a.R DANADIAN PAGIFIO RAILWAY. 1 j.DL-IàJJ1 Osaand sdQU" .Dieiec. "lie "m.At IHE WARIDER. Lea Mprem MExrima. Vev't" LeveMtaL a&.m. 50 p. 1 have urour Bilshome PmOt"ws &U r. 1100 p... j lm*GKrlMtoul&.4 lOa. .8Mm ai Sgetiln_ .... 8 .8.00 a..11.45e... saneU tios.. & P.M .00 piný 9. Tornt - 9.08 &..9.18 p.M &SI pJ P Ma.. 7.00 P.M. 4 1'= 1m.. a . de r Arr Carleton 1j...-.4.87 p.M.. 4.25 a.M. 15.41 -a. < Otva.-...- 6.. .8p.8.1 .m..d Noyu~..ontpOO laoui>' 17 cmiléesd»ue tât fo TMOIS. O. b&ÂTOHETT, I etty Je"e"riStore LdIaia>MAent. _______________Tgz W*ai> u a the Iargest cirouli GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 1 dprhan epe fm lm. et a- .. ouaa &'-u» &"t ot o A oml aamontresi. iRenlember tbi viaPm*MPbort Hope f ImmOO - Xdraf,- u«Svetsee - " ~ r~t potitt1p~B 'À dopof p&nr' Ink mu i Il ~ 1h :111 i t 'k ive your order and with you the bîsers lation àsmong the moneved iy pmper between Toronto is when considering where Eut rio as it Winl do yon the kes- millona thinlrk.ly ,,sAM HUGHES, 3iUtçr end >Prpri -8 j (' I l' ,ý - iý- ý. ý,, a JLJL»à»L»ANi

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