alorse 8hueiilg a -Sp.oi Jobbing prouiptly aitmd SPer' Annum I-j iii ai'~~ G~1~ a OQy~. LINDBÂYS OX!& PEIDÂT. BEPTEBBR16. I RQ2. bfp.lofz&jh fit mou.Pabl gIou, WAGONSSLEIGHS9, BU-- oins, and (JUTTEES, I f.Oi~o hd.e la-G là T? ~...1 VVVTTT TITI... .1 -. hi.... --g - -~--~~- -. --a -'~'~~B v ~,i.. ~ V.L. *VV LLUJ.~ .J.;~ ~.> ~ J.OLJ~ .1 The HEl Marke t Your Only Resource. A. Sale nd.TrueHarbor -of Refug gant theSol of Hard Times.) are thae life saving crew that, regardless of the wreoks and' waifs tbat strew the bring the oraft sate 1to port. sea of business, stand flrm to their oars and If prices be low for Grain what matteré it while Gough Bros. are fi ere to give'you a bigger àolrswrhta eVer. AS sure aB prioes go down, down go Gough's prices, and every man's wtieat will buy jusu'as rmuoh asivra Guh OUR PALL 0 OXQT F'6-"4RE; We are in- the wholesale markets hustling for you. We shah gîve you some pl ums in clothing htwl nc ouft Hard Times in 3 rounds. i)on't buy olothî g ng il you have heard ('oM Gough's, earth's groateat hustiers. ASSOCIATE STOREIS-Peterboro, Orillia, Beflevile, Brantford, Toront~o. KENT STREETo LINDSAY@ W. P. 00 roc3au FOR FPlu Watcbe. Clooka, ma silverwar Engagement lUinge, Wedd: etc, 9etc. Fine repamng a specilty. warranted. Satisfaotic tuad Opposite A.1 0 ï b Grocery, Kent-st. Lini kyt.~W P. ,1ULm.U sp.i orgaszs The very bout qualit) est price and one 1 AIRY E Je Je WETHI1 Mamufaclurera' Direct Agent. No onnmiasion to ay er. Isut atm Sht4tit.,f~~~4g~MLUGL àMOU noams tag f"9l 7 BIa* lé PuubJimbed k, à ior»V m r t am m At th. Omo@_ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ Cambvlage 89,, South of te ao es lumber _or àI S ,bm*1 plmemd baréwc. UAE »MO EUUIDTE».nOPBIm Poiom. on lmP?~tof LaaG Fr S aoe.-out tovim ohlo Lts i mim.g sMdsgmmm KÂBBIÂG~ L4OX>TI T. SEALILSI LbII>S IM lg - ilt .&vnournv.uuaa.m, n... JIau.1 ft2% SArdu" « mle Weim Imaki. maof lhé colummi et Tam Wâum h Iosl lie attention of lien ciliamaof landesy 3owe1r ho via ldly phmb«dW ont vili L ~ a masolof pcttlymmosuiuandtjuaibmaathe Pm tof %o ho ivieupmdlfuijlc Jing Unpo mueo-ti. Sonys bseami. Il *may ai. pri»ee.Io o hImmara i Ilwusanul. cimml lmal vici liatisaduicet lisI All wok com lie dubail smi bbag .mlasu Ail wor laoidoat" heIdu la lie lv. homeal 1 à" .on gubra- boîvon ielvtmhet o loas cfetltheiuut Vis a imole sa0 lo 1b eaI bo.Etl% Camb's thé evet bmlsin a fmmli asot as!c dsay. ,fudivli. ipté,rec.e lploU aguai vii. Od 0 7. Md a Ion Tino ".1mb hovéea, 1i vi ame. _______ ilad, suie aobi4ption ho ba" mpo 0liAI BOth eMagoli et Limiaili w~~~e idhé rmeuplb. qusllydMvll1ci bsme~ lier c lub and Sibmmd. TiI.vimesm* ~7~t~11o~.ed by v& ludp of oui M a Mtièe, vis n o recsplm e me,émiliugi lieéonomt ltais etthiegals vu about 80 Nowvavihave moer ie 4momey MIamy le ;l.Ouun ai. ;SIRED.but e rtd*aly ilt Io traveling CSI*Fj. oa g mùetova ixpi e, lam narla As lovonsace leaitinstae ol, vé bave 61- a trWd0i cI ioicubly end ho demi lump, ha etii Mmd hthelo racalVO&i, a ERU Pl Janetuin, andvism my, té h » whichiirelanlià i. a ma evi vou- ieet, Llday ver bopm olgisnsdgéeo « ý =tao@ tey mut a ldegr oil ssci prscliimeas lie above, hovovon"w Iap= ml (Tii aboie lto*cmosmana ml ypromu. et seW ~mnt cila i f aceunl, bern ilg Il ~. ~dI EIN. be Sganulilla pablimie. W. voMex *odpl iIoet simiduli b. ami misader ;=mh ibo.. clubs me u pof moil Insyi ocmt, lwu n t ub islm MdAcbsajw I boFoh@ vi boc im de = th m.nuiu u. idc~nma uI~mgaghi Ut W7 , m i a h~~ ~ if ikâlas The Doo1owe. Hhavy Brigade. 'Tiy oai cse.y aleve ln is hi h bldlio liI vsa uiThuream@ne ime Eg' h.oui ie ccion sv ix hualred p. F 'D, mlcplaaoiuroh."-. o f ]cY. . M0h Qohibe, 1067. O«ntliisdweo ibeali, Whill. lie lvia dormh blaaly mmd h.lm Bmoréd lie six hmand Orielvui the pnimbwr e,g Flei m vu miltcst am§m Couli hoistbathelicdrem Of the au imad.& Teror oe imng t tou@, Torrm erthMetlitdbmile Tun afront ioflIeu, O t i le m ni a ï r -m 0fnItam m aitii Wmik.mlmd.lipreacin hLu AI thé dutmmiii, houle Mmoamie mlmIl; An dfmesih l l- Talanvauils loudat vaI ToUved l mmtlimaleol Pm. Minig-hei. l outihd- Neie for li sHon. amnlieé m nhuuidmid SMlL iti redloublaI usai, Qho iespéke oavmnd. kWd, la s m lapps stibinc ftvibadmd hI.), Tbisa'd uf Si emdIoi woe- FaiaIly the amueroe 0Poe f i ml el sormarni af sonisuaei Toi mach for hm"anu; Wiia aienvii dMle VaIt, tain .vy pif ici- ehioui 1»il k Omhd I Oharcha tb lm swum mm i' Suotw l.m"cst paVe TIf wivlilevv*mm 4 <4 Au Old Qineme. QillmuuGoue evert saiVisn his "f a ins came lys - viii. q. goho.wvas iy rciealaiimai proparil The Napame.BUavo« ay-AU liaI vas for 1h. véoumeChage. Out .ets arge mortel af. the lot@ Robert Harding wuaid- t ofmllY af ehildrOft hé losysa biLt Iv lv. rut tn the busutiual ohureigarli .tAdeiphue. Mmi.G. H. Downey, of Neo rkv, adIoni lava on IMondar lut Sept. th. Ovtag toHmrdimgWho hem aui lidoued la bin la advauolmg yojomd ll.hosltîbho &d mm bis deeLiama 7u aid letaste, esn ya lime ime. i.tlred from sctiva mmiitry af tie lotiigdanghlar 0cm do. ThoMb o f a s e eh"anmd ha<d taker up hii réasdidomainta"anmd UM iegdlqmtioaaeic.meamode lova., Thaugh th hic 801h yTmiho wva p 5o mmmy wuB*Me mi dmirr i :ing is th. Uime of hica deti remariably mtive boli remidomsin taNepame., my of vicm ver moutlly amid pjslly, rielmlmag :Ulies Umsino0f iii .. taquilnes tethlut &-- . Dio.l svi»g Nopsai. tor tie pie.«. ofM.OA. oIeS buulm é mmoril eervios wma heutin St. Xsg'& sMoadatmmeo inu. Th * utre Thi laies comlit thé le miielllonvi Î6oute. svu et lMr. Emdiaga ow rte. 1 mel on Keadayn venthIti10h 4 p. ~usthe eclbutllaa ditle holy commnio ,for *ie ta.sotlaa of tegular -.bueta& .AU thcile doli 1 -6 u aInmd th. relativis membas ère requstil t attend, s"c my of the deooimn alose riulvei.Thefic oloa thuad l tutWiti lii oëL cléoyMWiice pl*bimrem: . lm. 0"usa 11,11b. itsllfy t ytego aj 0km.,tht Barka and D. Y. Boget cd Bellevil. ]Rural Hoi. Duaudu kàFMAvIie B m ci 50w Doa 1"i, IE. AlcidmonT. Qodid,ami lllg UP MStaou athirbloion 1he ocean D. Woodoi ok, bcpt vw"siou mtiteie of lent RandmiCmmbidige treolafer emly occu. Of the caseUit ila i.eoiamber dhumim tie éistion, Tisi. ta s cia.4 j lie« salrvie., AfIer the bomditica i the ta nSdvmuois ali gaci inull my b. ptocoa v-formel mmld novai la thedm on a.edl 1r l inte cmlug monli.. d * h drc, téSri. canla ors .n Thc yon mm eim mon ha dale. 7a ite choir msailo lmig h.aueno moSA .17 o'ock vl! b. coaUotliby Mr. am"Ut o asmolema chat. 4Thon vrdaxlerane, Who vill duv a abart murus on w. amn *0 lut uttereli ilà$ . a : "Slvsli l bT iomt by voua." Yaamg aleof à*ecic. ou..h@ fo 0ime of iii vm c odiibavi$& utw avuli rocuion wvma otby the Racler 1 mt.PAlmRosehmiSci o R ki afor Rire. IL Ir. Yornar sa lie oh. clmrg, Who 1lb.é"laU von cmtle Goveramat vork. -..à m esm»Il mi l!n a slarge mmmiii ofdIMr. huer of HumflIa station lea binlg Mr. éada' li parbuehio ho, adispite thei»w uimght muid mmlibuildinggmenlly lié buv oavi an md th.éucnltaly of the abol sly vbid. hmu ai vhioh us fumead migil be ixpocted, Houri.Dilâmre,Gineor, Pym and othm. lied ammblod ta psyiles lt tribals t repeel of ilampenai t trougi lova Ihja waak mn 10 limaiformar Roctar, vie iii marvili lien sto 0Toronto imi. là &à&. - fiâtufer teu aany (28) yens NE. Grills oflisalé; ,fer Mime0 ceau- Thi erai" mervicet t la c ml tbestital ml a d ehice home lirongh illae. la.ovmr. in»uuveonaaro .etltheiulici Vée s U y ta i10b. noua in bock, vu M mila lie lovoly s»w 1J.zL Tisais ter John T ?«iim of liorlam mimons! circh dedicatidla lite Bod" foi valuabl. Notilioltorkmim"s! pemeu&. alis, Albén thelIsrtyr. Tii m«S vu Mr. Perkima imovu maay jcad looMUamm.Z eiadotidby th.ecR«or, lhe lemmon bimg apI.Doauefly of EIlagtm on a fsow rond by tie*2Rn. A. larvie, cf Napame.. Thc doas lis viii la Lindsy on oîWWia butuas â«. lural Domn Bake, n" icpraje er HoEtnain tries a vy trip h. Msk;a te I iel ulUlai, viifer ia lbmptmi oppetabay for camumon lie kwu tai &~ 1fS umay <~~vii s~ Imistiosl' Imm .Thot acosueiciforlie pl ia emwbudbg PICIVIIII mrusahàianla cuai fMI!osaru g i a W4 là1hMegrava, thé Rc*et muuittomg n gmlk1latiecottaye bécl7 te Ebé,4.Bd, ilylthecfm ave ~ beoa vlill r. Ir e ula uvnt. Put Cmla Id Mi. te halkmi bis ~ j hIlt la LiIl .uimt 1h.oauhg v*ML Nu - amahele ytit bu. e m b5i U mho blniofftke",il10 uI i IfO, f4 l vc quu lS set --- ý * la theI. ao âli * ~760 b - i 40tbu~é lïbàWP&D wje-tu upcn is bi6 ors. bt, ile thoee quirtoîly ri-unioesare gatherlmgs for modtal tageroourme sud spirituel bel t hey should mao emon for imt.ab lmg.Another thr.. moathe viRti i r oporlaitu -bad gons. Bmd lie lin. boom improveli as t migit bave boonm? Bai lier beu sm mpirituel mivancementf 'Voali 1h. mcxl Ibeemomntiesmhow gposter Tii Rov. Mr. Mier oi Oaivaad, gaveoavbrT Instructive ddr.u on c"Menta lures, He mli id aI culturein.ta cla fov muuds of scooPImplm ts liuavu tatler, but kmov. lmgi i is ma far umfuln. Tà. cirislatioode" culture in arien ta oppose OhrIs'ma nmmios.Tri,, culture la thst gainel by à clomo atudy oi lie great madel-Chrigt A mnie oi short Pavcasvie ton radcet important mubjeots pertsalmg 10 oC.. on. Tho fSM ou '*The importance ai Junior E%. douvers, ]" by Mim P. Graham, vu a bosuLfazpape ful af ivoot Ibouaits. Thé moenn "Hav la maie M ammrallon Mosl. bige moue prolable," by Mr. ISultan, Talentia, wu ort«dho tmh10le point. Borne ai lb. tkht of thle papen voee-We muet pro. ifor tie ns.tlmg by praver mmd mludy. PraYor. ILot ue live caniecrated liveand ir. lienoyte conmcraion meeting. Tie tirdlipsper. ubjet-"Hov may vo doYela? mmi mutalna achriatise piilta our octeleel' Iby Mie Lillie Webster, Glandine, aboyai decp liaught. Omo.ofitle paitswver.:-We i.vielop s obristian spiri b! nagn1ur talnt; bY aludyimg Gcd'm word; by prayer. Nhon vi cam la pray vo cesse to ho spirituel. This spiit 8 tetdedoaly by a claie wslk with Ct.ta at Tefta pape wu rmd by Mr. F. Nt*mtera, meverg ita afew pointeli varie lie qutn 'O*RHwoucwn voaet reaci aur &noa"aI mombenar'"Re mi thmt lie moat effectudai ms .of reéchImg lbem la lirough the constat livea ai the active members. Tic 1ev. Ni. Bojuton of Oakvood, demlt viiith Im stabeot-«$The lige" tla hi@ MI nl smt atmd eloquent manner. Besid %btt miay abject, 10 jointng lie s.cietv ho- eau.0lih" anrestraili they may mat keep their plerd c. Bciperacaâs shauid never think of Roimg tbuoagithi e Mriage ceremany, far by aoo.ema Mm taie span Ihemeaelvec vava juit es Îiû n selikely 10 o ebrakem. rhe pleiga la ocmIrour duty put tanumrnitakible buguqa. Tic 1ev claslmg minutes vero micSl tacihsarim meeting, led by tic preaie. ebai meeWlei mveril passages hmGdàwdintng out th. duty and vmici lic lic.. bt.Ate to ai benu rad bymnimbes li th.meeting, evenal short, mmut payeraunra fferei askuig for 2--- and tahe comimg tire. z=aha.After l*a tnimaadeh"anigsd bmary gealaga(wIthout wvici ev""y O. mollaNl la n~l) tic mombora iaperusi, oh. wcbop%, fo Ev. ounlibisornler iitti. vo eu lifa M nd elp riemlved; ali "ac dslimam the cémxI tir.. mcmli sel *cvOb È* danommtla (Jirimil 7g-* aak* -uibpbu oMW imoa or e Tit t, La1 - ~ 0- zi