AyersHaIrVigor moles th. huir Bofisud gloms. «1 have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for nearly five ears, and my hair lu miclt, gloss ydin an excellent state of ~s Irvation. I arnforty years old. undvo ridden the plains for twenty-five ysru." -Wm. enryOtaa" Mustang Bil," Ayer's HaurVigor Prayants hair from faDng out. " A number of years ago, by .ecoi- rnendation of a friend, I began to use Ayer's Hair Vigor to stop the hait frein falling out and prevent itS turning gray. The first effects were most satisfaory. Occasional applications since have kept rY hair thick and of a natural colo.- H.E. Basharn, McKinney, Texas. Ayer's HairVigor Bestores hair after fevers. 4Over a year ago I had a severe foyer, and when 1 recovered rny hair began te fali out, and what iittie rernalned turned gray. 1 tried varons rernedies, but without success, tili at last I began te use Ayer's Hair Vigor, and now my hair is growing rapidiy and is rostored ta its original color."-Mrs. A. Collins, Dighton, Mass. Ayer's HairVugor Prevents bair from turning gray. ,My hair was rapidly turning gray and falling out; one bottle of Avers Hair Vigor has rcrncdied the trouble, and my hair 15 now its original color and full- ness.'-l3. O.krupa, Cleveland, O. * Prepared by Dr. 3. C. Aver &Co., Lowall, Maso. Sold by Drug4gisis and Perfurners. PBIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1892. Abstract of Ontarie Game aW Flahery Laws. -- --- AU RGQ CLOSE SEASON FOR G0 EANIMALS. Elk, Moese, Reludeer or Caribou, b.- tween the l5th day of Novemben sud the .lot day et November of tbm follewing e at; but noel.k, meoae, reludet or cari- bosal b. huutcd, "toen or killed until the li dav et Novemuber, 1895. Deer.-Botween the 151h day et Novembmn sud tbe lot day et Novomber ot tbe foilowlug yssr. Any dog fond rucanug dean belvosu the 151h day af November sud the lot dey et Nov embeir tolowlng, May b. kIlled on alghl by nul prion, and the poison killiug uuoh idou shafl ual be liable le any penalty or damage therefor. No one pmnîon shall, durnq M y ou year on seaen kîi or tlbo mors, tinaMI $han Ivo deer, .1k, moose,. teludeut or Huntlng or kihlutn deei by vbat Io kuowv as "orn.Iiug," or whlle tis>' ae %"yarding," in anlawfni' Ne favu sial b. aetaMy tlm huuid, killed, takeil, on ponasssed; possession cf s aw avualer baving bemu biiled shall bo 1eurmptive avideuce et violation cf the Peunalty for 'Violation of Abov.-Vlu5 Item $20 le $50, logether villatomf e prosmutien, sud in detauli ot immédiate paymcent fauh fine sud ocoo lmprisen- meuttfor à period ual exceeding brée. menthi. CLOSZOBlASON FOl FUIR-U133m N £ImAL Beaver, Mlnk. Muskrat, Sable, Vuuuis 011c r nFisher ahiali net be hunted, taboou bilied, on hsd iu possession botwosn the loi day of April aud 1h. lot dey et Nor- embut, net shall My trapu, suaèrea, gins or othor contrlvances b. sel. fat thon during mata peri, sud any sucb. trape, *on'o%, gus, or othet ooutnivsucel goeset may he destreyed bi suy pron vithcut snoch pens thereby inourrn2 sny lisbillty Iheretes ]3ut ne beaver, aller, oan lBhut haUlu buuled, taben or killed, on baïd lu pos tession belote thm luI day etf November ]Penalty-Fine Item 45 to #Sb vl] oseforlot ah offensa. (iLOE BIABON 1FosGANt BMEDS Groue, Pheasauts, Prairie Pcv! 0 Partridge, Woodcok, Sulpe, Bail!, Ployai or any other valer towl or otbsr gan bird or animal, (ineludlni black sud gis. aquirreli, hare md îabb)ltm> botees tI 151h day et Deosmbsi sun tho 151h de et Beptember oethl. e oewng jean. Quail or Wild Tutrkoys, btweeu Il 151h day ot Dseember sud tbe luth de of Ocleber ot the foliewing year; bullà wild tutkeye sa bs)!b ualed, taesuc kllled aI. su>' lime belote lbe 151h Ocleboi 1897. Bwans or Goose betvreen the-lit de et May aud the 15th dal cfBOepetmber. Duoks oetU ai iu sbelvusthlb.141 &&y ot Deeeubet sud tb. £rid ay 0aptemnbor of the toloinr y.srbit a penuen ahalcatchà, Mil, oe labo mors lii M00dueks duriug suy one imamS No poreon hl kil ci shoot lis bird or wild tovl belveen amui » sas rise. No poiso bsI4 byUlf biscl ervant or -agent, exposew dhepU or &ëreetir or ludirusè0qM 5V limes er devise, sorlr l e a M consdération Of the UiS0 elher proporty, g[Te te s éw ssy sulpe, quai!, vlwu V or patrilge, neo at w.lB No uggs cf asi cf tlb. W*.b» la osl shah b.?lbsMy# cutctMh 1tb. laid'1103m WO Plear ~or) fon1D AiEl on Mnthe t t oe am msd éub. NI, Steuh '~U tems eflo*Ae *& siutesal usic o b . bons lms AIN£ elulmbMW lb. violal asa' 1W l «* or. talcl b&OS~ iezbfoaÛsi.t i t Oe=lm msd lot Uavdcf ohn u deu es, »pty Wardeu mny 'Mm »4 »Wn«POps« la oase etefusa I.at. prlai April MdI151h%uje. eis $ ox uu or, reuspsootubWh Itbst SZlbebd t5lu dia&"1or Say 1.dor lakn, url valb cls sasen puhr plosve khfllug or atS 0 a r aebbgte 0,10 PeUPOat 1line or$10 sudivo m or peltuies ont c sao u ae "0 e Inesurnt gsî e i41oMd mon i H&Htbe Bse impossd foriffltOna Of roop"aom c glur nne imte the u- b. eGama sud Pasheeflaou te s Ute ad Prionas ancuefor tlis purpouê cf lu. ON!AZIO GANt i» visEOOEISSON. uitag, kiling " mlg m.P15111 Hea. J. M. Gibuon, Provincial Bout.- Là.$0 ud mprlsOsut o x-t oryl5Z *1, pswha.tu Buldingse oot oe.dlg tbfe moubs.Bon. A. B. Bordj, Commlum@OUt o NO hm@e, chemai subetmm oScf diqN Creva Lands, Parliammut Buildîngi, p=snu maler, ded or d cilo 0b, Toronto. oanhr del.lrÎOU@ g.l~e me!oemsoUS b. tibrevu ltlcor Isob lu MY&uy attu-. Dr. G. A. Moaiîum, Chairuisu ef queutsd by Biah; sud every oesWho Commission, Dunvifle; H. P. Dwighte t6rovi or allovu te rMl luto MY SBtOSui Toronto; J. -H. Wilhauott, Beaumarli, fiequ.utedbyIsb,savUS or=Mïubi Muakoka; W. B. W"ll, Chatt"i; W. G. sha tueur a penalty B n fol edlng 610.PuiehAtheus; -(Dominion Pisheriés Acte Cap. 959 sac.-anuu 15. subses. 2). plublng by toteh llgbt or other artâBhLa A D. Stewart, Chiot WardêDe Court Baht poluinor aboe the valet lua . o ua1080s, aton;- J. H. Wiilmott, Beau- bibited. aris, Muakka; John A. Quil, Douvifle; No purmon shll!flah for, kIU, buye,»U IL. K. Smith, B81le0191e; F. C. Qualins, or have ta poses um , BihMai imets LOaliigtou. par furîher partilulars viion lh tb.lai or kiflint f cXf h lah l ,11,te A. D. Stewart, Chiet Wardent prehlilsd.court 1Houa8,1Hamilten. oproiton ay catch, kill, or moesit Biah vhllo pasitug breugh aMy Bah-wasy or ih pis on use 6ay inventioni te .U catch, kil), or tlsiB h e IiniMmeLUI heade sud wat@rerfls appurteniant therete. io o dHm No mors tha n e dozen bas may be 'erodsdoe eaught or lotion by sny touttaI or summer sud Native Lâand.' visiter UPOn aMy One dey. Tho word "4tourlai"e s o ogmmgi Visiteluludos ait persona vbo May b. iemporarily Good N0esfrom nglafd. visitlng, boauding or lodglug ta s»Y l00a- lily atIsi distance et over Bye miles from prom every part ofet 1. oud omes tIir usuel place cf nesideuce. hesrlng Daoas0eth@bmProgrouS Of the tain- Any anglet v1bo shah labo or catch peroracimue. But uOthiug oould louai bais etflosthan ion luches lu l.ugth, the boette et Oauadiasumors thon thé muaI forthwith ratura them tle the valet prospsec f susctive batI l gast the vitheul unnecesiall lnjUry. No potion shali catch, la&o or kill a lîquon trafic. baakod bv législatli, in «rester numbert Ibs 50 speekled or brook thé mother eonn-tbe dear l land Irout ou any one day, or more speckled Ibal gave thein irbltl. Thereare an n or brook troul Ibsu ta the aggtuogates alions hearta wbich yosaute do smre velgh more than f*eon pounda on &DY tbing te preeerve tbe greatesl and lb$ one day. mcml boeefilent Empire Ibm venld ha -No perashéaih kil), retalut r tiry sur seen. Drink and luzury eoulribted -u awyin peebled or brook Irout of leu te the fait et Borne, sud they ame smalan than fi,luchnes talue9ngth, but shall te eneompase the dostructionl ni Eugibud- forlhvllh retenu th. saine vheu eaug9ht Mr. Gladstone la determlned te give lhe o le b atet, vîthout nuocusatt njurY. 'epl oleptlien. The lquort ierestà - Penalty-Fine trou 010 te 080, sud aiuly vIer11k ed ton-bis defest but h. van, aforthet penalty et $1 fot cash fieh oaught, sud for the frut lime the dcae L taken or tound tu Posossion sfar th@ex-1 prohibition bave tbm chace e1 an offoi' piration oet B,. dais froni the beglin iltve vepon belng plaoed luatheir bands eft he close seauc. They bave se long beeu donisi it, thâJ ___ é .. .*ll "mai* ih a whfl. loi For eVéry volt killed 1h. smm cf $0 1l pald u a bonaly. The bond OethIb volt wtb 1hé eau Ou niay b. produood bstore auj dlistrict ludge, or tlpodtacOr or Prée Graut agent, on &DY DIVISIOn Court sîsti. Thé eau et the volt mut thon bu cul off thé hOad, sud tb. pruon applylng ton ths bouuty munt niake oatb et afirMtion 1hâ1 tho volt vwu destroyed in 1hé Province et Ontario. Il ta uct lawtul for. my petuon te kIl orntake amy animal proîuotedl by Ibis aI by lb. use et poison -et poluonOils euh. stm noes, norto1 expos poison, pcloed bail, or amy othet polsonoum cabotasses int any pîses on lo.ahity vbene doge itor cttle Ia hale »Mcu tlte Mmure. loesnshal! have lu bisieiuWon »nY ett he. sidanImaus, or b=1d, ne mallur whorm pa'ecired, On auy part or portion et auy cf tb. sald animaIs or birda durlng tbm période ta wbleh they are pro- teot.md, povlded IhM thqbe may be sxposed for sale for Bie dayi sud ne longer aflor sncb péroice Ne parosial etIsy lime entit tale amy growing on standing agrain nol bis bowu wltb sortg impléetel&bout bis rstsu eromit bis don or cdogi toemn- snob growvig orstdinfg grain vilhout perission o etb.ocupant No poison shah nt any tMme bunl or lshoot upon sur enlosd tend cf anotbs "afler being notlfed net le shoot or houti 8theruon. Amy ovusi Or occupant may -glus snob notice by mataintal 1*0 Msigt 4 boards, eaItoutsoesfoot su4uare, omîlin. " log sucb noice pon etl1" i erytàéri ë enes etofthe promiss ucuihîte b. pro. iNo poison ne -05sG~ sud domicilu r. théb Provine o6UlIntrk or Qeboo b ' stllled to bucte'tWiiab@, 11.onud e » dsstroy anr gefs animal or br rferniï '«te lu Ibis AmI wltb@ut bavlulfrMtobtai r, à liescie, lbaIm»* o puIL ber tb@114 # 25. ThèeuRuseis @au b.obtstamd fi« à te -Provincial Scewy0TOMY 'éb membs'thé .Ontio UI@P 1Commission (»0s nmeaS sd sddoe wn bele.), thé obisfGauleai PubWardmu r, or troin aujo-et bmWads M ]Foreign angletors eteqilt te tek@ono Toronto; thbmemsubets cf the Onts à* Gagné sud PubchommissIon <(oséfnom WYan sud6mbuelâ*b.gW, ia@ ft (Iteman go ish w a, rorc ïn ay of *@'val or dsa tZ, Z usai any B51" eeIi W, Ibor om Issf o n j Eiy sncbehporaon à en-re3iSà b 6y miy pou« wossllP 1 Viaes, m.sOlen suaas qut d,oh au show séliou5ovmL el. he eport of dmu, vl tutî , qua rio portndie, pma -f GW a woe %y la muo M& m f az Ù4 191:1 fiut ba ISanoui Dq atssou les.otabou il fou is. usqm séi :o beenu aconsidetêble deprecliiton inluBrltlh brewing stceulu atWtalatOet a de orsassof trade. Thisallus good aigu for th. temperalie people. Englad is golng te faI m insn. luE tb. lîquen mvilinluAmierlos sud Eoa- lamd, Lady 'Bomeriet sairys: "«Ameug Amelanmou there la mush more sIez1x. i salon. Amenithe vomon thoris w on- dertufly leu. The Amerlomu vemen, [excp t thase vho have aboudoed hein- iveso us Ve0148Ifté,., .11mnt go ia salions. 11u Eugland nelblng lu Ibenîhi of IL. There the salonsteu cnvdsd st ail heure vîi v omeu. Tbey drink lu- Butsly mors than ibe vomen lu Ibis cenry. I suposlb.h vie among VOMen la Englaud ta lu a inesutO heredi. tory. Amoricsanmona re noglvsn t0 txtesion th»ImuEglishmen, and I tblak oee esson for thi éa tInluEug- land vs entéoe th. lava botter thayes do avmr boe. Your Bundal.closing Iowa are prastlcally esd leoters. whlle in LonGenansd ibroughoflî Eugliad prompt punlibtuent la owarded these vwho fat! la 1obedionce. 1: tik ponmaitting party 1politice le lutéerfere vltb jour police de. .partînsthitaenîtivra rng. Over there 1 th officen relta their plam, if vorlby, ine malter wvhal purty msy b. lupoere. Ten asunel hope for ,fflslenoi wbllsevMt r change ta adinistation May afietthb r standing et evety offloo."1 r LiquoR,&! Sn.-Tber fui tsîdeolop. i ing an semulaUus eonSUtnptlou of tatoui . osson Atiaulie steamers. The N.) r son gives fboma"lbherecord oe-tq e tevsrdlb départintuof thm Cunari Bil tfor a year tlb. loilg figurés a d thé quanlill4sof et îoand iquors used là 8,030 4quartnsd 17,813 pints et Cham r pagns; 18,941 quarts and 7,810 pinto d olarel; 9,200. quarts et ether vine; 489,84 d pinteof etansd porter; 174,921 quartoa e minurol waRter. ad 84,400 quarts M spirtcu lqucri àI. ls m4 me Ç 1 i r o s i g L. e s 1, B, t il. r' vhloh Ib*the mparancu quusion vs Iseoe inuh Ibm ueniBr,"taelutons May ho gatbened trôm tb. lollevinu table publsbsd by the AMelsus News. Il sèe cul voles bpol or lota gaiani candi- dtbtes plediedle Ihe direct populat veto. lu the 4W0 oulel a vhlâh ans or sonietinlol ivo candidastes vers se pledg- Londali, 4 168.8m,7 158,6«7 144 otollh 6M,188 562,795 218 Ooutty 91,101 855,m7 180 Doruaib 148,764 68,728 go0@utby .171.5m4 80,88 ITotal. for thué4M -- Oeue5e...'.2»8008,8"4 %724#601 imews lietaI lu aglal ud im -r u osst~ egI~sa wde b' Ib pure Cod LiVer Oil combinsd with wkth elry, munsical instruments, aud iii.)I"'- R OI S wid Cherry snd hypophosphiSu rendors il,' fancy goode generamlly. e a o imt i nd b orua Emulaic theb but on the markt & g g n o h rt s Ask for Lardine. B w r fi iato d -50 -5. A ls o ag ein or, the-Bo r o n t o u AmerDate. Dyein (o. MnM OCOLL I3ROS e & GO., oro to h otu, tatblcs., nforuia% o n. t 1 esFor sal by jos oPH FIP& D Fe elon palM, ad j. P. RYLE , L-r flay. fui to know, the bipuet sud best= jo. ac &nt bu msi. kuowledg . rlable sud Up t dAtO M e li ,lem Z&M.------- foud in a uW pfbUci@U "ius id u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ igures." juet lsued by Mesr T. Kubum kJfl) lof 3o CJoa Tarante. ou r aderseau ebta i Iby O J(nB o I D V W O L N M L sdreuOiu< the abo vee Sm Msu 1d loslnWa i T I 1 f4 V I rCceTMd Ibrescouldas~L2*S.RosiFiancumlAgent-..iJLE yv ... MLj'$ Ams %Mtdd * Wh ou uaeL TitSled cbui s alveor h ai'M. $5750 o04buy tw1#6 ebtOMey wHld ov th t the eason for procuring Fanl and W inter goole i.s bo ai. i'ore~v.rnh~ la Jo à" nie". tisk at band we would reruind inten'iiing ptrcbasers tlist by dealigdrc uorbe ramdlautri. colle, slae.,cor0e uuddeuly lu lb. nilet a u.s4? sudomt 4$4000 Win purchau e ocf the fin- business ie vithin ief-no commission mon to b. kept up, nor c9nu- ussa eui h t u.d s«slud inm. r s eleme aNrbWsI il v ercia] travellea' salaries and expenses to be taken ont of our custoul- ovle ý à]W extso c0 i Id Slrswb muy ll s 9» rmm of Merg. You reap the benefit. rsmady. loup it at b*&d for efeigl" $1700 Wini buy , i storey brick It novar fa t aourm or l m - 4dvêllig msu d osol, eomvnimta7 oit- W . are m aýufaturing beautifiil W HfITE BLANKETS, Union »»&in ah NbWed. Mand l-wool. Âlso WHIE and GREY SHETiNG, Singe ad $130 ii uyciterof to brick Double width; CHECK SHIRTINGFN RY L.NES àwoDungo, 8 &&9 OI, tu 81Lth Wu&i TWEEjDSý, ULL-OLOTHI, HOBME BLANKETS and an almot end- tho tomoh, $850 iii ýbuy brick Cottage Inl» livariety of Yarns. Fine fLngering Tara for Ladies' and Ch ldretn's lut**r s the@S O@I<A , oouSes ie.nlswlhfmPe ermd fDonwo.Ago sotieto OTN& n havele sle aêle osI eMi rl*,rls BSOUtbndVwes u ooka 1isIIIsnntSakr>nOîwa aeoDwnwo.Ago soLeto OTND n 1@1111». »à ud frame ivaUagsud vacat 1 ht n S1i.4 nd remoeves agi 1 >Highest price paid for wool; Rol Carding as nusa.Wit n pritisafrom o Piramle10 tru e #D ffthe Ves u at Inln lpur.Gray BoUs for ae .1MY -UI _s__ , 1ISURAICE. William Street. f I y I. CMbtIDo naAluni, AMI'ill5, 4LIMO, Pht iphatCI, or sMY I12WM Again.~ û. htiapplioelnte werm net aonsid eod fit sud proper perinus t#0hold, là lîeense-several of Lbem (in boLoufll 0f Convictions for reeiing mioleu propeliy. Thus iràCu two vo yre mentioneil thé numer ofl liý,0s for the S&l- oflutnoli- oticg I'quoiR jr3rrnd sa nd Wales vau dliniuhed by 625. Quarantme Regulationue. .2th Sept., 1892, retklitg li) quanautins bs been pasmed by Hio lAuxamàwtnev §bo Governon Qeurslie ~u~ Wher.ss the Piregîdent or th. united ~taash'vsg iq~r a irocloeliàtflnfor aqusr*ntine dalmaition if .ll veses con- tainiant immigrants truns eheleru. îfeeted oonntrima tor a petiod et tv.uty del a, à in advl.able lu order te prevsnt snob Immi- grisesu rom, ualng the Canadlsu roules le met ntthe Inland ponta ef the United States tor the purpomeofet voldlng lb. quaranline aI tbe. maritimelparleo, ta ex. tend th. prov!.aion5eoft1he second par&- «tapi oft he quarantiIlc regulatiotai estab. Ilibsi by 1he Order n lu Cei et tus 12th day oft Mai, 1888, cbspler 6 oft he Consolidated Ordena in Councîl et Canada, tclallug le veaselas uupeeted et bavini sîokaes on board, wbleh lunl ibthelow. Ingvword:- "4May b. kept undet a quaranîlue cf observationl for a period et nol mare Ibar Ibres daym." no as tl end: 1"May be kept unden a qurntno o e bservatio on oa porlod ofI lwsuty dayo or m auadirecolsiby 1h. Miniater ae =g l ur e,ê," snd Inrtber t th he bm verdi "«au>'maritime port lu Canada" b. stituted tor the varda "Groemele" l: 1he sald parsgraph. Hi. Ezcelluony, lu vittue efthe peveri vested in hlmi by chapler 68 cf tbe Re vlamd Statutês, intltuled "Au Aset respect lng Quarantlus." sud by sud wîtb tbe ad vice cf the Qusen's Prlyy Coneil la Caada, la pleassi ta order that Ibm secon panaahof tsection 9 et the sai quara: lUne regulalloul shall resd as foilows, an that snob paragrph as amendod do stm, tor a quarantins tegulatlon, namsly: éVesehs anving ait suy maritime Pol fota Canada froni auy lufeetsd port c "plce me ue aupoued tle b.inleom "sud I&,,.o board ot whlch 1n0 pestilenl "1diesse shah bave deo&sred lîself durit "t::he passage m&Y b. bept unden quarai ."sina af observatlin fer a porl tai vento 1":day@ on more, as dirocled by tlb. iulu 1"pI Agricullure, durtng vbicb time Il :":pasoueigêts aud crsw Iheneef shal t 'uaubjseeed taeas strict purification uudi "the direction oethe Medici upertutel " 4den3t.", b id rt or a, [i [or bu. COME dio 00CONo ýOUPStove Emporlui m. - t à-§M ,Wh m m eus oygud i t he roo*. Al hinde of HOUBUF B iS I E o om!e.s ~~m~y~ moulle «M ar vdev ubqDon'l boy vtlugonsfaontravelling fakirs, when yen eau sva moue> 'Dy cm" 'be »"M wnmJ mmmYo t& PORTLAND and THOROLD CEMENTS, blook. 1.-. a-os' euOtuuiy, lo"sMa"'valwM lutastock. Ectirnates givon o>' è.11 içnds of Plurnbing, and work doue by Bs L O.ri, Ne. OMMlO N evmig aionly PÂmberin towu. BbBle.,.bleek Hawi uu ýoeehy. amon la Urlle.'. blokEt Mr OM " M o r .uin .12. mm " ni7 A 7 E/r , » g g theWolIu.d . r < ,eUaV VtW L mon* nSiI5ffl of eft ;au BkIflldi, M-InLveAre the leaders of low prices in msâ er aoretm. .r.' boh iN 801 SorO 5ooomAi-4GrmUp1 osmp . a40, mote seconand Ibfurlh Thmumay etfcoe nmmil IbnE Cumin., No. 04, bih an aMW"Si Mo ds o flhmote u.bioLeek Uu We have luit received smre beautiful new designs which we shall b. UMM nVOaannmauée bd Mdi MtiThm l inpleasecJto show you. a" ven vaoif 8en. W .Gus 20M &Aeâzuu Ne. 1u muai.on * a da Next week we expect a lot of fine VIOLINS and ACCORDEONS A. Ir. 1) voaju4 Mbiab..irnported expressly for. us.Remneinber the place T. L . A. -NeUn on sma.,K ninOCabridge e. "ur<ly,m .; lunmsy, 4.1U p.Ms. iUGEAN & CO, iriwrouom&&U dtyo&au.10 p.in. Younlg me. alway. veloomo. - O. K. Gaihoa, Osa-useo. 45 Kent Street-, next door ta the Ontario Ba ,Llnihay W. 0 T. U,.:accèu am Nenday a9 evary month lu the y. xN ., .A. raone etSa80 p.m. Tmu Esoraw.Nlb et Locmotive itremer. muetinI thseL8na' RaU svy Alternats Saimaasta1.80 ..uslwbE>B' ?atomt 5gaiGOIed tbk ence W, 7O.nn olock pin. A, Neârtbur, seslary. Tam BS*Ormmol>or OLooeOvu ESOI ut m anûractued by rOLLoW GAU3LE F.M*G COi, HMmfsvSV%. Y lu Sano' MnA, mrner af Ksnt &M Cambrde etrmbt, Lndsysvqalt«me aisurdaymi tag uai8 0101=1 3 John Nom Iiez 1. nlm A.LNiDar, tiret Aaml alaiEalt". iNrUEfoOm D or lAIISoAD Baszsin In l Trus mlues% ai, ormn %rwLa ai liam eeton Is imounansd fourth oiua7etai1 o loP.M. am, o.Jum. Mua; v. Auns. qomortav. Box 100. WILIM CKENO BARBsi NO DANGER. THE ONLY ABSOLUTELY BAFE FENGE WOODVItL&WE, O ».BX »L Wire made. Fer iff.ile. Injury te stock impossible. Made of NoT. 13 SPRiNG STEEt Breeder of u ibrd Berkshirei of Wlr.~in, isd Wili f.ot saR or bymak. NeaàrIv double tii. uLnnRth ot ans' *ter. B. qftresee sts6, Ruas about 16 test te the ponnd. Uszn BY LUADUuG BBItEDERS. EM51I the inet isramL qurseno Mssad qulcaiy put up. For sale only by A.ugust D Âugust 2, Septemb 1418BITT MHORAINE MOOSORIiN aliqS CARTH REGINA 9008OEJAW VnRlrTOJ' 6à Bae tu outow aber0h er6 'es mai Naei $28800 8 0600, PRI.NOE iLBZRT $35@00 ECDEONTON, 40. BERTHS FREE, Tisa trains f romroronto wtil have a limtai àiiot fü.1 n ormation apqlor wrftm la Ir.0. TAywLO, "&siagenlindeaT LINiDSAY MARBLE WORKS, R. CHAMBERS Great sud tImêly' wlaom l s'0 y keeping Dr. Fevlor's Extreet ef Wlld Strsvow- tu9rUhl ieeslhaeofemln betty ou baud. Il bau no equal for choiera, Wl slTabîs Top~ . 2ep, X. Pben choIera nsorbuu, *diarhaa, dysaîry, colaic ri & iw«oa' WO,.U a eodu icidei. a&u sud ail entmmer comploitIs'or loume-. ne. et tthth marlis o Camridg K. RebmcaW iffi non, oet rownsuly, lad., oppO atNiiisws' soilm hou.. saVs: 911 bai been ln a diatressi condition o T CE UIS for tht.. ySrs tram Nervanunein, Weakuees of the Stoimch, Dyspepsie, sud Indigestion .R G S LI D A ustl my ealth vas gone. I bai been doctor- , I GLND A ing conlsati>' th ne relief. I beught anc baIlle et Southb&mio»icN«denle, hlh Mannfaoturer of anad dealer in dii me moesgasi than any *o0 wcrti af iclornîa I evor iid lu mY lIte. I would ai. vise evey w0 eon te nos this umnble HUMM ]Ela& Goode vina vo. Warrmed byS. Perrin, druUlst. aiso flair Brushoes, Combs, LINDSAY- j~l [ j. t Requisites For The Toiet. PERFUMES Mary Anderson, Easter Lily, Lubin's Jockey, Âtkinson's White Réose Nile Lily, Marie Stuart, SwiEs Lilac, etc. Colgate's Violet, Rummels Vinegar, Hoyt's Cologne, Lyma.n's la,' enders and Colognes, Floridia Water, etc. SOAPS Pears', Whlttaker & Groasmith's, Millot's, Baby's Own. A very large assortmeiit of Sponges T>ofahs, Blair, Tooth aaid Nail Bruthes, Iroiet Pots, Powder Stuifs, T.uoth PowdAr-, alwo vf; on hand at Mcoll's ilVLARDINE MACHINE QIL Il AND plis tt, it ml odh#il*s Mleva 40EWOR.I B. of ati ti n s tly anid promaptlY, à, dou"oi*W4R" ~G M M. N 1 -- - 01 or, M si bc SI à,. k à M la bd bd NICW 0004- ISTOVBS, ail furnished, Irc m $10-00 to $40.00 A l WBIISGERS5 The 4«DAJdY" OHURNs a. M, 1% . on de W mË* eettk Tm »M 1 &OW& Imm lm tl»uemdtmmdu 1 wu dom àbý JMM 1 CARPET SWBEPERS and OIL STOVES. a 1 . lý 1 M 51 Bd p bi