Mindful of how taste§ differ we bave prepared for the Fai and Winter trade with gooda in such variety that they wfil appeal irre- sistibly to the most varrod tunt«. Some of the prettieat t gsi Jewelry, japanese and Chin"e curios, novelties in SllverwareO, Gold Watches, etc., are at hand, and more are arriviflg daily. ; in Ifquntty variety and beauty of gOQ4s, rc bottom prices, and quality undeniably firt-clasu, war- rant our expectation of a brisk business season, w. shall certainly have the latter. We draw your attention to the following: The Newest Styles in Engage- ment and other gem Rings, and a full1line of our own make of Wed- ding Rings. As pretty an assort- ment as you could wish to aem An elegant display of Ladies' Lace Pins, Brooches, Stick Pins, Watch Chains and Charms, Neck- lets and Bracelets, beautiful and new patterns. Just now we offer extra value in Ladies' Gold aRd Gold-fihled Watches. The fineat goodi in the market at comparatively low prices. Don't forget us when you want Clocks. Remember that we carry the Iargest stock and the greateat variety in the county and our prices are away down. BRITTOIN B3ROSe J ewellers, LUndsay. PEIDAT, SEPTEMlBER 16, 189. A Ucnof etheauta Mddas unio ehndi A union nous cain"Ver-, A unInn cf hom s ad a union of lamai And the fig,.BSIUrUMIÇa. faaUM." OB1RIl igRRPRBL2NNTI ON ?0 FiRMSBO. Ono vouli almamtiImagine Ciii Cie re- foim party vouli by ti time have leaun- ed hat mimepresentotlan anidliberte taiehood are but veak factors ta politica Yet they ueem oC ing tCa hoir cd mlles vith greai fidsliiy. The rot orm party have *mliitod a "1fakir" ani ent hlm out Ca lecture C tie Prosof Induatry. Fartumately tho memboru of hai organisation mre mrovi soli hnking farmors ami are mai likcly ta b. deceivod by any llb-Cangued lea- tuer. At s Patrons af Industry ploatew. v Ington in Stormoni couniy a couple cf veeks &go Cie leciuror assertid hat tho Hon. John Haggirt wben mi Lindsay last Yebruary, sai hat "vwitiont Cie manu- facturera Canada vould b. notblngbut a conntry cf misrab. femrmr." ThaC fakir la a dishonorablo man. So nover boari Cie statemonC maie; mnd ho- fore aiiremalng a large o-politWca mei onco ta uai language ho shouli have yert- li hic baud assertion eltior b1-'i ereos Ce Hon. Mu. Haggari or tCe oans uic was preeni. Wienevei tiec sttment has boo* mais it ha. boom Latly demie by hose familar vii Cie fcts;an md y. h fellov locturinq Ca tarmor. a Chouamni tums. more Iitllgomi han hob% mta, asi decolve. Hon. Mr. Hmggart vien at Indmay "'Tho chiot quettilcabeivees tic two political parties la the. rado quetasAs nov dofiesi by Mr. Blake. unriotu rproctiy m-anscommercial unionvui Cie Umitoi StaiesMdmd vetuiy a- stion tc ht ooutiy. By lis mieptiaM ve vouli band over ta a touga Pou our iugit oft taxtion, drive our manufa. Cureré ara Cie lime mmidepfc lberers, mechanto. and ss t.. ploymntast hoir Om"amad oa.T». WVOULD KILAX TME LMOi às Ol NOamu YoS O& 7ARmBl4 à» ID U ce' Dut tihe itarmv 9 "dapY os. I Membftp z M sI - ton ]de amg~fa~e.Z y "UugI e dste mne as odebt a bad to ýtiow 1t . Thms lasa "few noumats tbat-L'rMd diema "-""Id mm =Md 1would bave Forthet t u sad suifer F'ortat &gala; Itooke Horrd "lttle =y rmed-. Homd :,,due adrtmuch Mmach bettes', and -àfter F@Mlg. 'takiaga littlemoee Feein. August Plowermy j Sud -U ti "I cm eat aaytlalng without the. "leaat fear of dsresa. I wish al "that are afficted with that terrible «dmsase or the troubles caused by Lt. would try August Flower, as i amn satisfied tisere ia no me diclue "equal to lt." O tu«if1 New markets had already boom round for the. produce ljurlousy affected by the. hostile Umltod Status tori The Brltish market hédaradbensa- lIIh.d ta barloy md gaVIvd from a puroly business standp~oint t would mot pay us te have unm*tritd reolproolty. o on mamy other coccaions Hon. Mr. Haggt àham aboyathe. groat aintAgo accruinR t.efrmors under the National1 P&Oli .He hmadmonatrted that frm- ors near mamuatacturlng towns and attis in the. United States, or in amy country receive muah hlgher priame thau do thocs, remats from maih centres of lnductry; and that the atm of tie National Policy la, white roteotimg farmeru, and mamufactur-1 or oliefrom unfalr oompettlonWth the surplus producta o1folg nmations, to prsresuch propor balance botvoon farmoèrs, meohanias, artisans, lsbcrers, minera, lumbormen, morcimmis and man- ut atueraas iiiousreto ail thm grestuat benoîits vlth the feveut disabilitios. Baih porons u tiat Novington lectur. or ehould b. refauoca hearing front svery iseligent body of farmors SIR JOBNy TirOM'PSiOZFoi PRig EZB 0F O4NiDA. D'ATaon X'cAiTKrY OB LEDE r I OO CLARK WALLACE, DF. MONTAGUE Oa W, 1. mmEuIDITE vos nEECAMiT AT OTM&WA. Inasmuoh as t zooms certain ht deur OUi voteras convieS ir John Âbbottq viiet an mm rly dar b. cbllged through bast huth te retire from the cabinet and vhlinatraly be suoceeed b7 Sir John Thomumonla the. Premierip, ouse may vell b. exoused for revlewing tie nld. In Sir John Thompeon th ooantry vii land a man of Most superlor ability, cf fair clear judgment, of doliborats yot ac- tive caution, and Of thoroughly Impartial judgmo"EntlHe.only veakua la his Modosiy vhlch causes hlm frequently to b. mlsuurtood . Hovever, a fev years knocking about os Premier would mako hlm aM tie poople of Oumadbotter &0- quaited; aMi once aqualduW it Sir Johm Thompeon in te hold him tankindiy affectionote regard. At lomt such in Our exporence; and ve do mot think vo are Agm n md agite a, the years 188, 188 and onvard te the presat ta aur demanda for .eParltof cf hurch mmd stattla Ontaro andin aO nada, la go far as beilailosla comcrned, have vo boti pffaonaly and ta Txu WÀR»uh dolared that lt vould ,sot maiter to us v heuher or mot «oery oms cf tie cabinet cf Ontario o or c anada vore a roman caChoeRa, vo vouli mot Ob- jeat so long as iheyvere s80e00Wi ot b.- causeth"y chanoed Cc b. roman ctiolios, ume positib is dam*ulïlcot4gam publie quoedas m C ,1 01 q mof lom jtv% or ae.sjm. amiAMM.af sanoChag.'VV., oi ta tic ametw, aMd c» et * voq abbuti Tac amy o*bjectWion vr~ i No"am enwStoe e ai cU*mihoa02Mi matur et Ce OUMaapp et Of U d Novfoumdla, s vallàProsdeat et the ImpSorti Oan0e o r thc Ce vio vaakLd.>itbs«sWi Cat lioL.M ési Boveil m6d Mr. W"« ceet osasla Cie cabinet voulu b. too mué cof Cie Orang Influence. Whlbo Mr. Bovel la a Cicr- o=ugi 0r emnho fia stm v ow orepue- Tbat la maturai trm ou ibusiness engae- ment§ aMdieisdvanolngpeara.But t, seMaabeud u rgc objectio t Co orangomo n thCe cbietvismeoral romancastiolice are here..The am abillCy as plmcd Clark Wallmis Cie con- fidence of tie orangemen of tii vori should. place hlm in Ci. cabinet, mot b.- cause ho la s an goman; but boause hoe la a loyal capable conservativo. Furtior farlyfifty po c.et Cite con- servative party lin Canada la made up ci membera of the orang ocrder. If he We, "raniaof aufficlont superlor ability trcm oaci province ta Canada Ca fill &UtCie cabinet posiloa ve certll siould demani hai tiheviiobo cabinet b. solected fram among ticm; just as vo vould demami Cbhat If Cie ablest Mdi bos# mm trom eaoh ocalty chanaed te b. roman cathollos or mombers of amy ahuréi the vholo cabinet should be Wseleot among tiom. But Jtut as soon Uaano of thomof uyoued or organisation made Cie national velfare aubservient teis owm aime or ohurai hat mommti ho shouli be mado "walk Cie plank.Il Omsn e udsuppose t vou be impossible Cc gei toc muai orange influence ta a conservative cabineti v hon t la knawn hat Cit oane rimai- plea are ldeptical vit, ~oe ,bin t Bria'. amindCanada'% constitutions By all means lot Mr. Wallace enter Cheie cabinet. Dr. Montague iltoase el and most favorably kmovn as a capable, elequent, energetia member; oes via veudbring ablllty and sound jndgmon i tta aunali, ami auperlor debating tolent inC theic Hanse. Like Clark Wallaao ho hua greai beatu asvelt ua agreai heai. Tiey vauld be able and capable minlaters. Mr. Meredith Co commanda h con- ficence of the people of Ontario. Ho ha. hai an overvhelmlng Cmskbca encounior imait slngle-handed in Ontario politias. He couli nover vin, unsnppcrtod, saa provincial politician. In Dominion affair Ciere wouli be hat breati of scope mmd exionisi field cf a"ton vw"aiouli b. ta harmany viCi bis tatellect and nature. Tien viovould leaIntaOntario?1 Yeu&a z Tin WAEDUB s uggosted Mr. DÂAlton oomrty. Hi. gcomC abillty ami knowl- odgo aptly fit hlm for leader In Ontario. His course ta tie Dominien parliament huau. m uaias would guumtee bis suc- coint Ontario. la Ontario politios Cie issues au rovincial, and on the»oha. Mr. IféCahy m ie h stand. Wblle ho dais omosem ta Posose hai ohara- teulattacof allayingfMoion and moulding opponont o de-usviova, seoessential ta Dominion politias, yoi hat la nota noces- sar roqulalto tanprovincial questions. As Leader ta Ontario D'Altan Mocathy vould be a suceSuan md hte suceSuhe mlghi give hlm the experlence, inorma- tien ami breath neceeary Cc be ta atter yoar a Dominion leader. Tho Toronto Telgram roently say:- "Major Samuel* Hughes, M.P., declares ta is papsi thai If the. ilerarohy under- ak o aseure remodial leidtie n mthe Manitoba sahool question Lt viim oi adopi Cie tactias of Cie leaders im Cie Equal %htsmovment, Plrobbly h erarcby viii mot. The ierarciy viii mot bave ta aontend viii luankios 11ke Cie Major, via voar Orange cockais. ta order ha thCey may more offeot»Uay serve romtion. Oh no, Cie iorar,)hy vim oi b. arippled as the Eua Bgits movemen invms rlppled. it t anid have ma4. it the. most Po uiar r.medy kaon 'g ,f lefor sainlu75o bogZb 2 ldp dzugglsts. Anyre Léale ' who may not hve it onhan iwI]1 rocure t .Cornptly for any orne *w ia0 tyi.manufaur.d only by the. CAUFORNIA fIS YRUP CIL, ma WVZLU, ET NWCAME . A. IIG WTIxv x&m aizL my. dlvuallty cf euaé&M d very citizen. There vo stand t-dy. The quomdam deunagoges vho aought te become heroos by dlstortlng a mnove- ment honutly begun mi omnducied by TEE WAR»az and others holding simila vievs have ous Wt grief mmd our viewa te-day ma riomphant. Txa Wàz»ux hia dose more ihamylother journal ta Canada te build Up th. Orange order, smd toeoducate moi only members of C"a noble body, but attisons cf aIl creodsanmd nation- alitios, in h. principles cf reaponsiblo gvernsetAnd v he I thug', vie otu tie Telegra. viii b. wearing a priséies ovian mmd ou on ahlm tino colora, a jesuit vithout dimagulo, tho ta- finance cf TmE Wàa» mvii .bebelng tei aioat fruiting h.achemes Tiank hoaven, Cie nation ia mci filles. se 1ev as te receivoeéducation from tie journallatla nmruder vho edits the Tels- gamý W. are veR avarethat a' fev "E'qual igita" demagogues mmd Jouits ar annoyed vthusnefor standing te tacte and for tivartinq uheir solfiai achemes, but their influence 11k. that cf théeaeitor of tie Tel.gram la mil. TEE W"" a.stughm orun. mon and protestante tna tothe Tels rm pt aM.2oltiaiandemagogues an o teTiawà»uhé# oemied C&e oee, broadae e «. àles.developed "h Imdvudultiy or Cods cf Our roman mmny Ca onsidor publie questionafrom Cthe vlew-poini cf reason, truth Md justice intamiai of from h. stani.polnt cf doua- goagl sud eh"rc uo TmWÂ'.&»» nu hmbkthe propri. star cf Che Tolsgram for the artilepeu- ned b h c-,lula" vio edits hie eapr. It merely addrmother mail inthei oSa of hic di g a.d harass@the can- tempt i:'hc? te creature la heu 1y respootable ddmiaes Ho muet excuse us, hovever, trou aloulng aMy Jetuit ta dis- guise sué as ho a" ether vould-bo "Eq9ualPeights leaIderaare, *0 do Our tillrng.When vo eeM aista ncet that lino the. ediior of the Telogrm vil sot b. onsutai ié c uraita go minutas by Wooslfe' Uantmy LotilsuEmey battis warated by &. Ponis.-iO-y No lmpbasisbut a auo maoumm cf toum md âvasas etaiPuméias Oa., 52 Km% $hW*e, LimdsV.-44.t 1> Ghurouos aaba@oimeready forusemltassii vater, for vaUlesumd o tulp ta Mat ns, mt W. A. Goedwln'.-&. Itin iéaassasnousmm iriuk hat te mre mo amy li druol. Captait Bail viruiaiesteamer lwvns boais a ie euf ~ Ch. sacmiday e h centrai tai Md remamai t 1 08& lo..Iby Carwright eWo4l e wl~.d«lb», tma avas- tags o f i l eo oud" 40 the fai. 1 oy. ViràWaeIaoL L I9, et Touais 1VIii praem Snmg aMd vMing ta Cambuige sèrast Mathe"siaU Saimmaa m. Vio WaU % aoawulksewm po mliuC viMi a e th mci" pu.' . uustii tugoetZr. Wu. Oee h. ua daua lait *0spoo 1 af ** 0a. i- - , ,steolo -.le êf#gb il cp~i te ItheSe ci ipr o, IWoO y, c~olore ci àa., wAêw4.wdw Oser ot 17 conte. ( emv 8ai6to 80. BÂEGÂII~M O 5 yards double'fold Oostiume Suiting oà ffs m 90 «»ceilspr yu&d.Qhep at 30 cents ai 660 yards. New PaMjtern8 112 good beavy Creonn Or pi*.i»W 8 cents (Che api 2cents. BÂRAIN 4. Trhree ciaâm&kes in Damask Table Linn ow of.r.d at 18, 23 and 25 cent&. Uegular value 25, 35 aud 40 conte; BÂBGIN a5@ 250 yards extra good Bolier Towelling . M.olarng aàt 9 cent; worth anywhere y12j cents BÂRGAImN 6. 25'dozen Mens' Heavy Wool Sooks at 15 cents per pair; a big driveElW 0 BÂIRGAIN 7@ 50 dozen Mens' Fine Seamless oo Bocks s# 18o per pur or 8 pair for 50 cents, You eau buy them auywhere at, 25e per pair bot"n eos BÂRGAIN S. 50 lpi*ees Table 011 Olothe in best quai. Mtes at 25 cents for yard aud quarter wide and 35 cents for yard and haif wide; best grades were nover ofeéred at these pucoes betore, BÂRGAIN 9. The biggest and best value in Grey I - Flaunes, Shakers and Canton ever offered in Lindsay gtaêot'New Goods arriving every day-Our prices are being cnt to the core. We have the reputation of »eiing good reliable goods at lowest prices, and Chis season we purpose cutting them down finer than ever- Children's Reefer j ackets. jnust in. See thema. Special prices for« Seamiess Cotton Bags. WÇ471 NTzLVMMt ce 0eq" The Great Bankrupt Stock Men, 76 and 78, Kent St,.]Lindsay,. Grocerioes & Provisions We have just reoeived a ohoice stock compisin Sugars, Spices, Raisins, Currants, Candied Peels, Etc. W. keep the largest stock of Groceries ini Lindsay and therefore cmn satisfy yoar wants *0 perfection. A WORD ABOUT OUR TEASR We bave mliyu made Tem our leading article at leading prices, and we need sot say more now Cha. that ont stock wua nover botter assorted than at present, comp*ingail our popular brands, 80 well and favorably known throughout the whole county A BONÂNZA IN OHINA,, OOOKRY AND GLASSWÂBE, This departet Io replete with a varied and extensive assortment of Fancy and Stapie Goods. Ont Fancy China and Gluswvare are al UOw and beautiful designs, and at such low prices as were nover of. Efered in Lindsay beforo.t As. OMFBE-LL ! ouyDecember l7tà4 1891. IGoing Out of Business Sale. W. ,Waltig for you, Be]quok aboutià oryo will buse sa opportunty of gain and foaoanrea aharisot ofbargai in sny of.our depar*ments. lmq mwuning ovar with newesê style, bout cjuuituand iuviting pioies.: YU'LL'Pime WSIVERY 1Lowe F*R TIAT la WIIRE WEi ~im: s lit W 6mr Urmm y au il, toi h garai' look1 Other she hl <ont rau Owd énit s51 ont.1 stret 1.9ri Vaci 84i md o' $3, jasa, $ 1 $1 ci-lu 0 lp:B I-J IL. lz