IImBAINESBfflIlSSI *TAO VUmm "41fabthe i. iltheu »md 1 deblayru "I ývigi sanbor in Itteon mium lot r e ithé captiin, and hb.ages iiiragpd half.naked crmv ai vomi viii a viii; r.- placlng anc or ive vbo are not vîthia rach b y a couple af loierers on tha quay. lames aide hlm wvhballhi&hsmigt, ami boing îometing et a yachtsman puile he crev aboad, se ihît tli tile vaseala emn endor vay aid hadîng fer C*rsa i ii ve ltstailul iidrav mpamded te lie ligit suoem brams.i ."And me," cries Beamac, "I yen put mi lu Ajacco by Thurday etetfloon, tirea timu tho moaey 1 promi dyen, caplalu and a doubl6on &ace fer every min n boy etf7pur crmv.e Inspîred by ibme ffet et ibis mai, lia callmd ibm crazy Amreroan, tsib miter"oi viii a vii, id as ibm un rteisasluti mornlngà antiblue speck lu on thehion liai the captala tolaehlm la Cerelca. But, as thé day comas up, ihe broese, tbai bas nover bea ver y erong, gees dovu; aid seau theo ivht.vsrai ol. ulon thé azy sysl f an unrippled ses, wville b um- lM i editerraneai sun shines on them-wite aaflschat fiap agailmt lie letn yards, mmd the blue speok la ihe horion amees t h.. corne larger. Ail that ngt, Bane. bu kep i ilmnd on but onc îhing: mnd t ta iite kmop lie crev uîî te their vork seai te gt every partice.ni speed Ihatwinvshéti. lucca, eut of lber. Nov that furtier exerilon forthtim re la unlus, lie begins ta lear viat mu y ho lie roîul t fal ibis laut mierabie day bu brougit te hlm. Tbey are tmkinix Enld'a brother te the lanud cf the Vendetta, te murdor hlm - vhal faim yl comm te tue eter? He knovî ihe spirit and courage of bie love . ushe ln ne girl tri lot the brouhet et lier vhildlilond ho ulmiaiem ersida aid mt Go lier titinost te aehlrn-perciancm dyling with hlm or lot hlm ; viat if tbey 1111 ber loc? At ibis mickrnlng thouit, bis fatsa grovs deatbl)y pale ;;lho trembles as bo Imtera le bimoif, 'WhatIlifI havelama Ibhslt o bot briglit face? Could I livo vithoui han nov ?'"îand with a groin Barnes sinks upon lie dock, anui gnzinig viii bloodshol aye ai ibitt far <I lspeck of blue upon the sia. ing qs'."; cries, 1111 Omu G1 I OP.A LITTLI BuIsZE TO CARRY MEi vo C CA r MI E1" BOOK V. THE CORSICAN WEDDING. CHAPTER XXI. T» BHoxa 07 TEM vuNDM"é. "I'ere! 1h.. land of th. Corsictin Broihemi sud there, (piuiting te seu favamî) thje ilaid cf Mente Crsti'. 1-am n thelicretai etofm. mauuce !" cries Mfiasa>Uetritther atî ibis am- sised on te the, quay ai Bîistia V Danclla. 1 Ilavc ycuu a Vendtta et your Uwn very dey, Monsieur le Comte ?Il lYm!with breakfast l' " eturnas ual gentlemnu, givilug a vivacieus laugh. 'l'ie viyl' ,ge liai bea a pieutant one. The Mediterr'%namu ail night hm' heen placid as an inlatid lake ; thm ladies have suffermd se pangs uf gsc-sickness and tie bridai pariy are inthue highett spirits, tbough Danella in ahpearance i. the happiest of them mil. },îid mays 10 lim,"You arm e 0merry, oie vouid thinkyou vers te bo ibm bridegrocin, Count.", At this Musse gives a jovial chuoklm, and replies gailauiily, "Ah 1 Yu I Mademoisolle if you wore ho lb. the bride. Mon Dieu 1 i I wer. the absent Monsieur Burne." Hére be gies a jluyfl groan ; but. heing rernmi. md Çby tii. that h.Mai a uitile commision toeoxecuto, cries, "lAnstruther, take heuh thé ladiles in your iands for a minute 1" tbon as thie parly bave already brmaklastmd on board tic steamer, sud ari oniyv aiting vhile tle horos are bing put te 'their car- nage, Muisso itrolîs te tic liltie telegréph offico catching thém ork jusl coming eut, vith a massa agi ie hbmnd III clled,' isoya Danella, "te ses if yen bave leceived a dispaîch for Mademoiselle Enid Anstruther or bier brotker? Tioy aire cf my party vie rrlved fùom Nice îiim mening.", "Y.n, Monsieur -le Comte ," replies lie lrk, for Muîîe's large possessions on tic islan! cause hlm la bé gencrally knovi. "II was jusi going te try and deliver 1. Il Js for tha yntung lady.", "<4 lad tco bave savait yen your trouble, mon atiii!" rotures Danella viii a smilm. As lim reccivos the message, he careleuiy aiku, "Wiloro did tiiscoicsItem?", "M2ýonte Car-lo." Vie Coutmitchecksa a tari et aurprise and %trolls hîîck muttering te binîsef "Mon- sieur Barmîca lias caugt a mai11 of the sceut. Monto Caria! If ho bail teiIpcîl at.Nice an rouîte f on 1>ris lu0 woul have over- takten us. Bohold ibm beauhima ai an avaly. #ical ini." He guiýse il Lie relegrani, givos il latngiand goeeon «Now, blueosu Dot luterfere ti11 lhey are Married. Aiid thieà? Xihî, tout est fii." Evory' prupmaratiem hubaiben lheroughly "Wby 1hitlochs 11h. a prlau," criai diYc,"t mys lie Count, "for filtien eans ibm proprtltemef t i, eue Bel Mcssemm, made It bis torîmeis and loft it ceitier by day mer by nigit ;fer Orme della Recca md savenu neiat bis lité a vendetta. OuliefLra day tihe elalcnli yean, M«»"ere vmd out frein 1, sud viliu the bout vas .bioughi baok adesd nu.True Coraoan noyer torbel udr vowfv o vn Ooi" Es lochsstai Maina vie sasopposit e te hlm, but ber eyu cann e mt bis, and seh e ber band lule Anstruihem's ai If le daim bis yMppatiy aid pretectile de.at do yen u Usuai fngiltul Mctnu for, misse.r' ua tiat gentlema. Don'it yenm Imuyn r tlingthié girls 10 "«Oh, 1ItunI thmy'no lvoly," replIe Emld. "Thé pfieme hmiutb si 111 lie movboys m elltu Toise.A vulémau«naerne se rO 1ul. yen taigut Ilshoeualuilsplelume "imefqpIf Fms.hmé unmeIm usmeba ola tu Osce ime té .k 1 s od, piote, M CigaleMdsM- I bm 811 t.U * poandi tti eal s cyiobs tovre "lThon yenumdn't translate,» orice Mise ier, glvjlàgba b. berucif or eab* hms rendM Sulaiesinluthe aid f..ily library ai Bushv"d The Coun'a rrnarhvould appuar te ho truc, as Marina doantetcetradc itI, b" bnu behad as if si er.ssamW.E eyoï bave a lok ci angu Miintim. Anairuthor vould bave pcslbly *notiod iisbut ibat gentlemiani snov smaisd vith ibm dr#vor, mnfolg ibm 100507, and bav- in 10ao.edia Cordu la a wonderful rid g0, le planning a trip vhth bis rid lace fm* estites itmeommg wlnwiea, vbme bhgimaginai ha cmudo a Utile meuffion etalking and pantridgo shootingt, and perbapisperý a vild béaror two la tibmfrmels of Cmàlvi Noiing mura t an"ygreai note mOeUrs Marina appaire te hav e rgOÀ;edber spirntaeas thmydrive tbrougb the grea larob foret iVimuavo n d lunbCaheu venlpg dusommdiug th» boeh-c0oerm &lepudei dlOro, culer the gréâachaneanut woods. Musse criai, f"Docognano ai lait i 8cm thora il Mry bouse upon the bih. Xtinl oompamtlvely modemn; 1 mlti hmysel," aid ha pointe te a atone mansion thatinl but oee temey lu beigbt, ai Wr the manuer of ail Corslcan country dweliinus, but olbmmiae folleve ibe modem French style et architecturm. "You a&U dine viii me," ho continuas, "aid atterwardaI4 tale yen ladies te Maume borhoe,wvilci, 1.likis mitrs, laail corsican. Il le a liLîle foriber dovu the muutain, Mmd bua lovely view ethie Gravena terrnýt." ln a fmw minutai liey drive up te Daumi. las country seat, lie vindovi of vhicb blasa vjlt hgiin welcorm. XEvry preparation bus bean made te receive tkea. Over tbe dinner Musse tolleom is plans for the morrov. Anétuther, lu truc native t le into c ibmthebride mvay vltb tbe olâ.uhinedcavalcade te the churci, aid atterwards brin g ber bac ohe b (out's bouse, vhlcb he la te use as bis «vu. l"Aid 1 ibink to-morrev," conludus Muiao, "ibaât, Mademnoillh.enid, vo viilb. able te show jou something yen bave nover witneited befor-a true Coricai vedding, et whiah v. ho pc te eeca iras Corloaun bride "; vltb isluthe Cotitgaliy filae tbe glauten and drinks te Marina. The young girl say& nothing lu ropl te ti ilufact inos Marna& bas arrlvd et Boceguano ehe bua ppeared te bm de. premeed and gloomy, and te bave lest &Il ber brigb i vvaoouuofeththarly part of Ibm day. Endhovever, vie buas prits fer Ivo anavers for ber, "'The bride viii be a;à Ceruloan, but vii until yen ts the bridai- mid'. costume, M. Daneha ; if I am nont &Il Corsicai iu-mrrev, theres noibing lu a draiumrhor. Ob, boy!1 vish Mr. Bannai vote boe 1" "'Yea 1" crise Antruthor, lu groat sprits. "Thon vo could bave ivo vmddingu ab once, eh, Enid ?" Miss Anstratber mahai no direct r1i te tbis,but aiks ibeCeuni, "Don't yen itiua it curions ho neyer anavered yur ilm- gam lnviting hlm te the weddiig I" "«A utile,' -mays Musse slovly, "ithough Mn. Barmuumay hbeon bis vay teoracm nov." " But -if se, ho mi«" ed b"uemer ab Nqie. andd yul b. teelaie l ",Undoubedy-tee lais I' "Noensne, Rnid. hanse la tee busy fixlug ii busimes for bis ovu veddinq te tbing ot oie mes 1" ?oriu Anîtrut or. "Musse, corne ever te England a menlh trem nocv;,b. my put thare uasim your's boe; and l'Il sbev ye ntoe caer eld coust ymark"ge toim elitth eburcb et Beecbvooed vii a very pnetty bride," bmre be looha t atd.nld' aid ibe loveliait lady et tbm maaor lu aHi Britain io protide ai ibm vedding breakfast." Ho amphausu the 1mai portion ef th eec vith mci a tender, loya4l lving guaeta bis bridm of the rnorrov, liai M arma teor- guis ber melancboiy lu blus an ad bappi- mess, and DanUmia, vie bas hic glass i ils lipe, grinda bie gobîmi hunetki bie vhite tooth, The dinnsr in mt prelougmd, au thé ladino are tired and have .1111 a short drive te Marina'. home. Before îboy léave, lie Ceuni tahai bis ward <cidt<, îaying t. imr huriediv, "My atewtîci hha o eyour houm a&" vn e anxiety. No one vill i mke jeu uibmrny hy taiting you for forgetting tb&i yeur brothor'î matdcrer lîvu." The g'r ansveru ihis hy a sigi, but preasea bis a %n' a ulieug iii a laughlug ptrain. Il0te .yumda inaue.otvad ve ,amly b thogei at Z à in - blch 1 ie fnMen wih hikomagined tlmmy veid grput Iber eunamistroeuS be e- utarrou a long aauo md upon snob a The arau U drmeedla çecnoosi, "WIan mutlq« ueeemny» rumsis JO"a Ausiruthor, vmmins hnId a wne hurnbains 1cm tue of oo es*e lie parler et .uO=, i~gsuj lb. loy etuddaed toua v i hamU. *b0 devsprosoW db7 mdfls nU à arhiain- t#Net lff vousa - ou*; *ou0 ytS et 1.4 you Amno' &tory; 10. Blgbt yen *91 m ques Me, er one; Y usetuid j shudlllbow Yeu Ur room -IT muemru .ylfyourbrco abrd tu. murrnw Muet lock worthy of hlm." Asthe jourh bbooea a long one, Mien Amtrthe &&tah* là fatguaed Marina lu poriomn aOoRiw hW ber es ber dm, wlth »'Md utilel:e u1aote of hoaptallty pe. c«ll" te bInd thethn klaeing ber, vhia* pOl, "M i S1St«;;Pra tI ay mk Tae Is pI'iÉ . *lth a tender embraun; sud, leavlnug Eid, 11auina comes to ber ovn rSor. She bas cntrolled herself before ber tuust, but nov ibm beffisa to rage and ber $Ye. fil wth tears of @bhane anid auget. "The miterable cane 1" ibm crie,"1to dore insuit me, their mirees, ou n y .orn thruhold." 8h. rings a bond bell, which in asswered by Tomasao, who haa juat arrived v;th the ladies' irunke from Dan- ellf'L "ýIsola, your vile and my foter-mother, wy wuai e. ot hers to velcome mc, and take me lu ber arma,-aa sho always did b.- $or@ ?" demanda the girl very haughtlly, but vih à îob in ber voiut. I"I no longer cmr for affction fron thoee who are un- grateful ; but, for îny bread and my hire, I demaud srvice ; mmmd yeur vite to me to aot u my rnald." Tbe oid mm loch% uadly and reproacbful. 17 at ber uaiehoreplies, l'That te impossible! Tiola board you wero iovwed eue cf.the race vho kllled him. Sho nursed Antonio at ber bret ; and no vent to tbe mouniains that shbm right flot îay verdi to you ibat vould inahey ou unhappýy. Sino Danella bui et a Frencb girl over te tahe ber place--shahl 1 send ber te yen ?" During hie speech Marins bai become vory pal; @e; rin. Send .me no eue 1 And looh no more on rny face-until yen remember thaitbough yen are my foster- faiber, I arn your miatreas." But after ho hai goen d ah. e alose, &ho moani te hersoif, "IMy foîter-mother vili not bleus me on my vmddlng day-fled f rom my home becons» I have fergotten my vow. Antonie apeako te me through thons. The home :hors ve played together as cbiidren, cries, 'You forget bie wrongs!1 You, a Paoli Yen are not aven a Corsican 'i" Thon, ii grl, vbo ie nov again arnong aisociatithat teach ber revenge is noble, tbrows bermelf dovu by ber bedaide and sobs ai if ber beart worm breaking, upon tit nigbt before tbe day ibat should ho te ber thappimat upen eartb. OHAPTER XXIL. TO-NIaNT I AA OOESIOAN. The sun in vell up in thé beavens vhez nxi merning, Mina Ausiruther, after au exquisite littie yavn or tva, find she bu bain avakcned by Marina'. kisses. ",Bride'a kia«ie" ebo murmureanmd thon ejaculates, "Ah 1ifHcv perfect I How di. voine 1" For Marina la already tu ber bridal cee- turne aid looks a picture et blushing joy. Save the myrtie floyers that shade ber beavlug breait, everything about her drqua la vhite, but. Corsican; the<grceful mon- dile ornamenting ber dark hair, and thc faidetta draping her beautiful figure. "Quick 1 Enid ! " cris the bride. "No mores leep to.day. Rosita will put your native costume upo ou en d make you a Coraican 11km me. Hurry 1 my bridesmaid, If e love me. I go nov< te receive Da- nmea; durigimoremony ho actaeai my tber." Aitd"'abm rune excitedly te the pertico. A few minutes afier buéta cornu ta Karlua, laugbî aid aays, "The Englieh young lady viahu te ie1y0. 8km darta te ber, and fading Emid ust yoi dreemd, asha, "'Wbatsa the mattor ?" "«Matter 1" crin ibme Euglish girl; "Ide spda rthe mtter I lva uaed tventy bhl pluaand look à# my mandiât." 1'«0f courue. No on» but a native coau ar- range e hat,," iaugbs Marina ; ae@salis EuidI, aid ber dextrona bandas oon put the Onlsbing touehes te ibat young ladys boilot. ",Nov r' th. cries, lcadisg ber te a mirror, " behold a Corsicau 1". "0 i--ah 1" suaî Euid. III vondor if my dreasmaker didn t thinh il vws for a fauey bal-i's-it's se avfuliy short " "'Noet aiaU," amuversMarina-" m» Shorter thon mine-ad ilu hyen are a it n b. ig, murmure Eald, Iaking a meditativo blushlng glance ai ber. »oZf "To tell yen the traih if'svende" t9l fechig ;who yo'reinCotait.a de M«i I woro a hoUai girL" "'Thon corne te breakfast-<or the. ballot will begin wthoni yen," latighs Marina, earryig Exid offwho thinks tu ieraeif how Burton v ould admire bar in the droit, and piahu ber mimd ih vould ho juat. tho cou- tumne for au Englilh faay baIl. ]WIfsau heur attervard., Enid rune lt. Marinas room orylng, I"Here'î Frm Diavolo imaIe Marina lapoa beavlug ber native commune. e bas bééc a boyicod tieud of ber brother, andpu ra youtbul amirer c the1 gr; and stan be thle laut cf ibe Feil onso etis .1 le onor, te maie bis speemiil.,regh, mail eéloqueuce. Ticre .arlmli ies u b dbnuredgracu aboaé Ui Young f."evLii omme.ida ieni and uj~bEnid dosn not unndrt i Word§, aile idpvlvobs beozes latum e sic é oé ifs mic ea mauts hav boM ~ and in, wy èb W4 l' e --we~ e "Oh t ia u l 1 hs=I Aol Cr. ma R'E29-.i%' "Tesbu,1*.i ma c bertse ber vi È0Iýàl l -p yu. daImae- iseleEul, ho i q l auîudnvit, - . EmatO he m gettinited luoie cmu. Mus eV-6erM'dè rlalu le orer asie ales i a» a tp gve acel ae vMdmgrip "Brardo, yo remem o iml id & u*oelmd t iu5a a Rvl âto,-ue y"eeed a I nope t e rmda ParIthe a Coralcri epst libm Coutr semgrmuicbarnd luibs mte r&torI aod sieais mmd 1summyecii uîuoad a u badyuelivedbennaryas feon theaide mf.hl o thgeromance.wua alO "1uMrina, vien yen arPOe e, one et Pai ontaloved aviidef ty lusl, mCverts bodyfyur dSigeroter, vbem ve ii, ma bis pl aceieinfor hlm they teil ake a iu ',B, b iMvot tte hi eibalav alaiYng q, ten dy he rdnt, ge withia nmagere. ela et sasn.' o lth at ho, vo hua yurlas d o ous minur, thte eat ilsPaellta." aoi the mae f fthi onîos h l. mni terarie. Thu yh ah.frcu hner sf corle rceagaîn, ail tous, thavthae bodye o or abr. e ober homawe for Coîhscan g irs kfobr baum. loch teldhy ona be, or maier, av coplimen hin- wîongsucb ocaioniitis to a brie. 'tinka, liey doribmies net h aiond buat baea e, thathope doe y tI -ii I engwith ilaggera gis fLaaimonessai.,a a ho he veni kortscomurne, ad diserin te Mrinda,"Aterther vl eI imptien fohyu, affcci ti uo tehidibr,@miadl thrie. ame ffcehegforces e foredbe. yougineer oBiernaredo loisrumaçaproul Ciabgiflitse h a dortiookisbd im snelf, or mairendflofthe copfliancm moe ongisuh oas ions bimafories n- btuthor ai nt fargiven hlm te addIes a aftoet ah. tee pm b. b sdote ihe aogthe vding prs ionte oon ted lu a aiuventr for ticnmstye and pising foryou" gace th oer idibnirs tbm m thmeariofim ae being b or ne ,b. sef andfroe im miu, aodtbmsovnfgltares tevElers fruit aivomim pefr M ieu ven, ierbaetgo off onim utheadd, aiea labmllth# sulapsees aa mtarthe cfbrie nbibee ibfyr i madtegay vith fogsaudribo nsteoii blm ofdelit lunbigeut teingre le. liaith braidee oCeuni grat rhgoe g n room vaten, c an tof bm bfrie lite fruaidsuanocweatic rîdroitho borin, bis goori na hsssher ht oforeecon teurse land cmlii bner bavie stne=y lia tegrl fo rigmtseverythnglu er apd ples a i bm liugy i lainov endeedt pardine t ors.éi ha te Eianaa l meunu fe:Veluemorkolicetrait lthe pbi"trequza tie couts tessou ehe evliery nvita ne uaiog aounrry vord teEnide t Mrina ai the bri gpeechesare adc lheooi Contherde.adig .n ibei qulmoflaiet vayet the bidesin mi: Islaidbinos tempaiensae tue mc- behfatdAescotru r oetnt clayule o Main&v ii ig o th*boue. dso ier nehaarde, ý asrlng orin tcou enm ad cer eraIde n estepouet he asB« aie foer cfDogaetitDwe noïEg ar ail moe.m rcmu n eeoî as iey hro saniybmlride , h obllesl IR9Il.nvauni ba n lypmad od liai tem a ires hnaivie cstmesa&dout biser opnomiant.hn. weding fatimtery Mrina te E coo Marn te ibmvio f d satbre prme; t. loe hlem aide be r uaibmnt&noieappifnte tbrie man. :bfanld bhiecobo muarieage ii lie objeci et beropassion. un rrtaiwe& bu lu bis atm. for au = 'Oi l tme asbisvifane Mdtaveroi éoere lierburim &u igt dup etm Mhegonyfr oflsBey, pisîters noe Brnmf 1" OtbkQemae heutuine;adbreakhe 68c." oe n iOthf aflu ho alosisnac h*ia mile t ep Uyai trupduen Il, mm cia, Apu la mtccc 1" foits Br lie scs h fer. bue tis e p li vcnetaouprem e th*lie,$tonder ibm ibmtedm et enihôbv 4iéin Pol Poo te ife o d Duo all. Ttase, leuioà I Io"h i andudee jIe uoorafcernetu ae an te nrfe Tio.1e uavosibis vii i md et hb" himé b cmesiapeal, hcing cholmé by aobi4aur.aung dova -*hie ~ ~uhl~oumÀ bengýb ý baud, Tmiaa.eo9 hoamm edeialnsu, te eu sI~ m wo; theugi thone h a ~~j~~Wj~fl insCon sud boumet wml. . i i t=, a tmUet MMAt Urelghicé OR the* tn. berhuiis' "o- Ay asbeste h tiea '1'h.vi.l, vm'i t 1»replied Edwln. "Bus l'y. gis ho-ei a min e-aid lia's «Mgi for eMy .antly bappimese," Mmd ho alié à avusypr 6d"néa ver, odgae ai Marina, vi e, et a liii. distance ca hlm, on the grué lpontilco that rouits tbm eesisholding censantaticu viti Daiella "HRovever, sohcayou like romanil effecle, Enld,wvM'llhave a&H ibmyokela ai Bma- womd drassed up s Auncicai cowboya mud Imkooemen t* efflev Mt,. Baris aud Mnte churci mcx% meuh, in(Isdar elé mpobrem aMy yen b. ai happy and terminai.sasLI "PFaaoy Diggi, lie axion*aastonisimuni et covboyace mig p thbmale,-")I.tnghs'Mlss Àasinther. "YÔIÎ ldeaM is ortiy osa- Rune Marinaturnsfe a îlte Count viii a pl«»ud imile on ber face, cyn Musai. io remember mvcrytiig," mo cin g l,,, e brhusbaud eayu, "Gerard, a laverIl "Thc irione y ou have sked me, a- "Au the lord of my lite. la il granimé, Lace di enstenza mia?" giving hlm a preity Italian love naine and a litie laugi aetich smre momnent, "Of cours. " "IVery veil. Thiltmomning I1vau ibink- ing me muoi about you I torgolte ogive ibis to my old servants ab my home." Sho beld îp a litte purs flled viti gohd. "Mon- sieur Dounella, vie te aivays thaughtul, 'lu ge t lyen, my Gerard, ride dcvii ibis 9eve"ni. n ainlumy Dame proacni it to tien. As iheir »mmster it la ai ci liai viii endear y o thein." "Ail rlgbiT, £Omorv, dathing," e"y$ Edeis. "To-niorrov I Have yen tergelien the eursion viti yeur bride te lie forait of ViziavonaII criai tic Count, comingjto "1tviiillia more appreptiats ie.nlgka, Genard, aid' I vait thîem ta lave yen. Dem't ho atraidwvban y ourotuma 1 i viiiot have flsd from ;OU -miadoralo !" maye tic bride with a basbfui but longiug leok in ber darh cyco. "«H;îu te your herse I've ordered brought round tor you. My steward vîli ccornpany yen ;behova owthe vay, and aise boy muci should b. given to each efMain' bousahold," oeutinuee ibm Couni rapidly aid earnesily. Thon hm druva Edwin a litilo aside ; aid geai on vitb a peculiar ring iii ihe voice, 61I bave plmced the lfti vlng of my bouse ai ibm disposal of yen aid oeur bride-vian yn retumi, rnay yen b. ppy. Dtotéut Dameliaa.viishvwu, May You hahppy. 4.Gobls yen, Muss, fer ahi you bave done for me 111 criai Edwin seizmg ii baud and piving il a beatty grasp; but after dravig bis finiera from Danella'. be fiudi lhiu coud and chamrny tram thue moisture et intense nervous agitation tual cevers lie Couîi's baud. "Dom'itiank mol--I beg you, do sol lbmuk me 1 " mutmrs Muséo; and ho mur- Mura t.binmlf as ho vatzhes Edwin ride dovu tbe olive tem avenue-jyou are a nie. boy. Whaiua ouremd ity. B ut 1c boy mus' break M«ss a hart-if iiey de Mum ao aatiger." Tien i. crie. alené, ""Marina! Hov diaj y e eaito-i lay vien; 100iu o letsteo f your native lanid, vbem uurrudm, sas lu otkmer days, by Cor- "ie6eTht I tee vas a Corsim," aunatrsIb bride preudly, a flash ef light coming int. hem gleaming obs tiat maku thema glow mmd glitter in tbm moonlight. Every ceremomy, every hutte Custoin, the native celer bhobas given te ibis bridai of tho girl, surrouaded by tic frienda amu ela7m ta iW broutiMamid the roma~ Itemms acid umuy et ber 0wa hlad-all bave bom planîod by Danella' meemi md te produce onm effect. Wiui Enlé likeua te a Roman cibrnivah, wbat halé cals t lmairiminspires bisbride viti the t oi hetraclove ef 10EII!75ncUU11tUI vengeace fer lie w ai keihldred. As Muiso locha ai ber hac tic moligil, he huova ual hie ebjeot te aulained; to-migit Marina An- siraiher la again a Corsa. 2ic i Um MIl rip. o valint hae c bouse and myî teTommssehvie aaits im, "'You bad botter place yeurmuatmr'$!bsq- gage in the aparnet miide for him, ' 1ndoing ibis ibe old mai canulai lu the valise markmd «"G.A.," liai tic Ceuni bus hokcd upen viii se mucb love. As Tomasse arranges lie other articles belon to Ausnutier in the roins, Dasenr ttemntin. to place ibis valise spen a bureau, by apparent accide'it, Iots It drap tapbn the flor. h tis i.od aud veah, hos fusinuga give vay and its contents fly eut m su tter about lie reom. "'Nov 1 or I viii bave your.besdamer murlb.he.Md milua-Smncing vihaper. "stsla"y.tle Cen imdmda u V" e .bote translae lt. Cormoca Md-to Anl uaihmmamhm t.hlae tflesaie Qu"mdo vleue or mivlis ilueau lai mmai aehlm is pq, »é.v nu d dêing& As ii. I 04 g»os t Ie gbkremae *e oule. eekngai ibe shAdevwa etlis sà mimals,"mde by tbic agmoom, ~4~lasiwp" hIt rvet* Ibm tMI LLBELL OI~IM~ &Panos WèùËMom rwooeirect toMy Office on, W.dnesayis and Baturdays dttring tjae holidays at extremnely low prices. M ll s b. e "1041gweut 1»emevublYom ekoceof au ns trmentmd ini&& m theii.Utd sta"e Je Je WETHERUP, Ove, NOM sho. Store, Kent stree, Don't take our word for it but ask John Ashmore of Emily whali HIGINBOTHAM'S Rheumatism Cure will do. BUTTER WÂNTED We want a quantity of GOOD DAIRY BUTTEIR, and during the hot weather will furnish Tubs and Crooks to pack in, and pay highest market prices eéther ini cash or trade. HOGG BROS., Auguet l8th, 1892-1598, City Harness Shop, Lind.say. JAMES LITTLEI m PROPRIETOB; Eaving «oim Ihi boisas., tha eMMv' bmlmg 10 Purbs fom IM .JAIMSLO'*l" ir atwr. 1 mmd thegood vihi c ibu.vbwo nov rot e., ,amj prared teo4lve &Ulmy eJi cutomieu, lad -mm -My Stiock of Harneess, CollaMu Whips, Trnnks and Valioei lei la"O, Wvebi 14 guanseui.amdi eaffl t amyp l l oWn. XHaudmae oDaià. a Wt Eim.m &B vta nmy vork la mnîmhed by .zperieoed vtm »»DOaot epoyoi. This ln mcmU.ye AU d. 1 &Ieau h nfcimy stock anm ou Iiihioonlcedthatill helargout te ohm@u hW4but mkmbp Wp"tiS aUy chespr lim my place la tevu. My sipammuben lover thiulito 1 S@ smy Zmd he uiu dblt. Qme.nlaco lu vour arden st o000 amd don't mis. IN tquurtemlly. Eeparlug yrcmpW ydon@. DozImhfoqth be. 01v.me a «. JÂAMBS LITTLE. FARMERS, ATTENTION, Hfatng ueured *m"ylit victoria Ld for *the MISY aud HARMIScompanlua. am preparedto suuW1yFauara vith the but' Igam lujiemeuts at Mm10.and Termi whli etant be Besten À t n* tkof Impeire always on baud.I viiaduokmep on baud Organe, SevingMachinai Waehhig Esbdne ne% uumS uffee lu tbaébbut Engliai compul.1 Iamn agen"t for th.ie "cf memumeuead hmadtoase both marbie and granite. M anad suemme befoopurcbaatng olavhurs. JO§. V. STAPLIS, Victoria fload. Moct" oriad, Nov. 4tb, 1891. -1.26 OhapFURNITTJRK GOSTO ANDERSON, NITGENT, &400# KENTSTRET.LINDSAY@ Undeirtakers and Cab"Met Makerse 0.11 m u Ouu Wook.NO trouble to Show il. ANDIRRSONo NUQENT & 00* Y 4~1I1 ~ Ofanv Papr'ft dDyt 4ss" ,Md il the 1 lieu shah joy joy shah If mor Yoi cr0! liai dira in 3 the w1r roa< it f whi ope it. g&tý ut't ir thm lie' It but iia Re an( bau Mi ste let bi ----------