- I I. 1'» 11.1 I4~~ p i.w.~ I ~sIi i 0.0 i I¾s * ~0. a qa j j~to0.~ I * ~ 0. *~ ~ Pi FJ~u' * o~o4 Ii~i e 4 .4 or l. s,ça1OL. eV oe tt e larYeO tat 0thu'U«oyb. 0hé hk ,rccmd sferuMg ob epabasil cf wih i =,A pommenP t 8?..!uta4 « W Lus~~ Sa, 1e. ', %0L PetrboroCoftrdobered Crset kâ 0 ri 8. 1OL-104 pul BreldBerksirO eu.or fer ~. ...-. ~4wnild ishu thle cpprifllW c * ..,. ..vâ7 otaeteln rl olih!TY0 libéra t t ln atueput and would maDDer nor ervice téIue 22 =E 0te Natlttt o 17U9e ,ùxog. roWa a b. 1, lb,biOd hY O. E Eu?,Cbtemoid, Ont, 81rq Peter h*0Grit (48) 8. Dla ~9)bv TrfIO Irilta Iou1% si VIIMItOt r(378), Ladv %ou 6 IndUS %i (878T). Lady IMic0ad (do)LJdo P aia f M), Lad Y 1RouelIn lad (O Y S u III O cf ,rv. lSII Wood,« Ooak . am& 0 Order yolir Wood and Goal dit from art,. ItUslby il wlio has on hand the VerY im beeL quality. Orders left at ' J. P. Ryley's Hardware Store tc wiil be promrptly attended to. 1. JOB. KILLABYm ci Sn Lindiai, 2M b Âuit, i869.-49*tf Jubil, Glass, Putty, <1 mixed Paint, Hinges, h Ljocke, Scales, Saws, t and ail kinda cof Sheif GoodB b Threshers' Supplies, U hlting, Babbitt Metal, Lace' ýLeather, etc. »M 8. 112 Kent iet, Llnday. e w.ratumgag ume.JOHN MoABTHUR, C O GRAIN AND PRODUPIER MAN ITOA" %n d4N INFAWUBLE RKMEDY-f ista îemmdl?,louli Nbeuinafor Iupeiiodimaul cahetprepaaofefrli auie»a lb.tmue gba et piespelâfetgisa et u kn~a . ~.qlusI uto phima.- aeonet ouaaaa red51 < i J.on PlIS O't OOEun'nII~ Cion vh 1u bi 'wo lw,. __ . s .a..m.à . Oum",, EBODODlI ~i-, sudalla c. r i~@WTImTO TALK FALL 0"n mieau'u le a W So~ vith M. wd âg& J. goOdus. Od.W mmd Mn. A. Store' uuumon t N -r.e... .v.u.M.p.hiu te pudog tboir holidél. ami orPt Rops Mmd AtL -» ,ti. sud lige. T. Wallon4 rattnrad home on- redINaw, *hW visiiefrimeadtu Twonm og oq o- imma i duem âd Prt spé. fitMili aBahm oUes ,WdvUf ?ar s pav sft t ti éa munA.g1OUlturmI Grounds, Lindsay) lao uràres t Rms Smy n libéON TUSDAT, WEDNE8DÂY ÂND THUBBDÂY, À.e ILo«- a mloOlbtelta ré- ho morkt-twwmû ea ek.-51.-l" à,T ew o Goov TUTE, ppe 'umdevfor net wo-'SEPTtMBIER 27, 28, 29, 1892 * li0 at Gros' Dntoi roomo, Ltudmlsju.'nte. p vor, lm 0 m von the corna of la~lad ce ud-2.I i. W"dLadail a WsSe, i boe " anR TwO ol 1b.oehout@%ev onstfitablé, = "~ . fIU S 0 nult lata neo e. AZ aam . D la wleouck niLtfbd»sy sud = W preoidmt-WxIL owpeauEoUGE, Eq. jetai Y.Preoaent-RoBT. RNSH. ÎOilvue r. cof Lindsysud G).ae&la àm-.>.. D* ~ ~ me. 0 lm .NLY, Boaq. Secrsry ana Treaurr-JA& EIT roQ. hi"la- 1441.U" 1 Adcob h al club la 0 Io .ply~ ba2ima. ub: Peark Mf Fir 0 T at ~DÂILY PIROGRAMME f ho viser. sisag a iW. v eti oranuDty.W BA zym zawa Ur. Juee liàherof t iags, Iioh., auofo f r.eurs.if.omasr, sa~i KS A.TED YSPE EI.Vh Ir. Petert ih ber, eau wlecmed hemc. latitum.e. ai*ly te EDVOà.Zgtbîe'loct in the morning the grciuada aud buildings open for reWlg xhbila. rotk, ttrrau abu". o' Ofixmjea",HO om eata e PrtXoe. 1 j.m. The exhibition fgrounda vil)hb.op e lbthepublie. b@ aChif t Cot »ou.tab27 e, Iw 2p. m. Judgiojm in the ili .ofmooea .maton ne a àsAndmerson ha"11 lU1.-504f2.80 p.m. Grom ace for borate vhlch ha"a neyerwon money on auy track.-Aprisoet1850 îoir law office to the rouma overthae 0. P.R. rVM for b.ts or to Rout 15 vi» b. gie. Entrmo.fée 10 per cent. lott b rocolie 825.00, 2ad $15-00, 8rd $10.00. îI.groph of11ce, snd J. A. Willlamaou'à LBZt@. Pedigree given in~ thie ccis es fortosilown. This apeedlsg 1tab.ofluluhed'thatafeua. minus .hc le..1. ~ ~ NO., ~ .p.& 80 P. .Champinlcrs.Match. ,m §nla a redamvhooe. lu orortsl 00sre Ç. 9, IMuftimflova don. EVENING t 7 o'10clock p.,. gria illumination et sgrluturàl bulldiugeand psrk.withlthe mime.t Bolth as 1h. p ae hoe u inVerfculabu 100 "m la sSu ute 1h. repieons1. Bal lectrie lhaht. )même Ho expietthe bplae f héau@comd at ba* orby fl teAherinietr n 8.00 p.m. The buildings opn b the publie. h travelling public ltoubet a monlh. 10ce~e . 80 p. . Bat lud.ooaeoict. Miss M. McC&ausof eLindsay, rmoetly a AMit s, lUi -104,103 pm.GtuONDDied.D ESA IEPIU MI 8 vlcome viiter cf Kr& .. .Atchiscu I Faim for ECN D TIED EDA IETE BR Sh larilott A@,, Terecto. hsvlag enj@yed many 8.80 &.m. Grenaesud baMlings opn te lh. public. leuaul tripe on Lobe Ontarilo le diferut romfor in aON t M10 - 0f Lot 10. 0 900 .m..The réepion cozitl & long vilh a guard cf bhor vill mail aI tho railwsy art4as o now veturned home. .O9 uM&mro lmiared obars. la a goed uiate cf relgui hmeuinratlcu. OntM a ne U U 8 ssiletasa station te mait t.heiHooable thoeLMent Goveruer. and présent an addtooa hem the Mayor Mt. and Mié 1..Thoradyke aino h me va bai fl of Lot 10. Cou 9,1 t%0 actI udard. and corporation, sud the ou ofetTradeocf Lindsauy. a TLady aftet ait of, îvc menthe 10 lu a rd lIste e01ultvtluB ous., barnsamd 10.80 à. m. Judging cf bonié, catVe and ail live stock commencéi. uogta.i. preeroCndh.sja the dOruidu L UHNOESNLIs.Wp..The ihool ohildron match ln proce.aton t0thé &gdicuturalPark. teoehved ]RUGIR N O imaN 1.15 p.m. Hie Houer asu ite viii basve th. Besun Houm. for th. Agrialtural Park. On rbleh ho ode vert wev u lAbo vatet vy.Ot7,U -4-&al lb.héebldren vill aloi 1h. National A ntbem. Âddruarin lb. Wuand i onty 0 he id îtrve le tédésert. Cenaci 1 l foied by su addros hem 1h.e Présidoent dlb.eAgriculture!Si ethy. FicI Hncr'a Mir, M. H. XoLaugthlin vhc .lndled la tb.eFaM for Baie, reply ta both corporations. The children vill thon éuingsd give su exhibition et flag dMILi aw office cof arron sud RllAugbiin, sud mo2iIl00 Op. m. The animal@ unlted for exhibitiom vi» poua lnprcession bofore Hia e or. XmleLotlu lCm. et bitviMoLu&bout, v5 éalhd nSr 2.380 p. m.Spefiing lu th. ring, open cly tlebores.vhh aio noyer mode suy beot iane 0 the bar on Touday, Ho bau eahured Ato Lq ou»e, béad o«; e IS you thmn 40 oU aui. A primo off$120 O viii ons. Enhiaucoi0 pet cent. lI 6.00 srtuerthip veuh his brother, . .J., under lbe cm the premus ansd Ohuruh Md m comcet siEe1Dlle $d40.00, Srd $20.00. smo et cLaugblu Eros.Se. ther ci l Sae oMlud IEaAlv a miu1USSle.on h.é 8 p.m. Spaaaidlg ef rced sud carrnagehorse. s&ee o cluu a ir lb. aSpétices cf a mim.APPl17 ,. tCeLII E NING at 1 p..Grand illumination et groundeansd buldligbytelectrilllght. The excursion ~ .o.L b.mtlvi!.o. 1.30 pm. Grand parado vith baud sud torchai te grenade Thé 510, Yaiesnadldthnapcl esofonLT. ote 0.IL HOW 8 8.00p m. Mal building opentte pubhcU go.51, Vieti, dd ot om of os om8.15 um. Gnmduat dlsplay cf finre vonouthé groe&nda ve glveou uale tho cityIby PrM. aýy s idetad sI Oad oadd * BInT and dHamilton, viii lut tilt 10 ocolock p.m. bdaetheeln for storu>., thst ho e m im ëd uooel . cnsc.Thé dy proved that IBM for SIWO M lb.T. I p 9U 1.00 pm. Ei.bao ud. ho Cap%. vwu right lu bis ter«utOfathet l. 0*OPI.1.0pm xhLtc l. reather. l.lolVlnal"@ u opfybn le ~ T '»DAY, TEu èDAT SEPTEEBER9tl. Engliai Spavin Liammot romovea ail bard. oul=stquarer clot 27 in t On f P& 8.0 s.m. Tb.. grouads sud buildings opon 10 1h. pu bie. AUI! lilad e oay depat. ,oit or csllouwedlumiposud blemiehai ttom rfm oais. i6ba5ot4l ol.5rd din a - dment cf the oxhibitiou opn to the public for inspction. ienoablod pavn, urb, pluts, ring bons, ,o.forsbb. dwoUlsg bouse, aframie br, bbe ad 9.00 c.a. Oounualiof judaciiig uJhormis aud alillive stock veo y aifi.,apaiso are and evoileu bub 5The tam l ais lliomai Wttb eai rilSMOO 1.00 p.m. Speeding lu thé ring open te aIl hersai. Aprimo et 17500 viiib. givo..Entrancei brolconha oc. .46*0 by un t o e Th e eitu atued four M118 &cm ELidan tuten pai culcf prils. lot te ree,.90. 00, lad *55.00, Srd $80.00. The following herse >oîle. #sran.d Iemati voudertul h. rcad oci 'Z Md uba arm expected :-Bladostoae,"ie Bel4al.joverMinnie Moq&%d PLO. P. >lemla cure ever kneve. Every bott e ar > rck suholbouse on thé corai @4 ftl.54 130 p a. Lady driver fer spéciai priso., anted by 8. Perin.-1800.lY churches ccnvodmtu. Ter luuber P" 2. 8~!î 0 p. cm. Doab!e team compétition for a pl10v «ionu by 8ylvM'*~Bros. oue eithébe ade@%sconditions in lite le oite j".NOIRmiSON. ingOL, a@m ven,"U have aothing gooci&0 lii. for.11M ADMISSION te tbe groundi aich day 25 cents; evoulng 15 cents; grand étand 10 cet.. The Uneo sold ln the blond le the cause eof 7arM for MSaluID M IM'1P055. sv of thcf lire vola vill b. 25 centseaduIlaln. amay ail disee, Il visita éeray puote i e l.subscriber cera.li ve kevfoa"faim ErEI MENTS vill! ho wbtatuable on the gruda et125 couta a amai. habl toaatedl.saeoi ontaianngM 0ares, belnt eth ai=es etLots SPEQIAL TRAMK ARRANGE MZNT8.-One sud oue third tare on anlroude on tbé 271h body sud telu letlm-o ieseo a sandllantbe rut eommeldon t utala; 900d aud lh, goed toreturueon the 3Oth. igle tarathe 28thgood toretura on the29tb. organ; the duty ofthea kidui eyst t extract vIsa land, ail oimred. le building. ucudlteta isbau hem nthe blcod; a ccld viii itop Ibis - odfra..beoue, three »me bain-ce x01M icticu, a panla the book feillous, and unlesi e. mme.. foudaton vili gCod albbm sua oa iTMJAM ES KEITH, reli! leobtined pemanet i&abiitaf t es jus i utlomeauio&àng )à.Conanlait 1 eptemier 5, 192.-52.2. kidnuya te perlorm their fonctions follOvacbrc and sohooL Torms usir. For f onihatli __________pu,-_______________________ wblcb may tsuitl ier eompialuit, dyepop. tieularan yte lb.ouor, enlihe Preme. Or il ta, blood d= usdiopy. diabolos et Brigt'.e Gi IUS» . . m liasse. Dodd's litney Palle "tsithelb. PI84JXIY44b4z M-18_______________ kiUnela -to saturaelri, and curoeailcoum. plitetand résultemrielng tram sm,-62 2. Taam d OUOw MU*. gothepe y,go VeftW@5Ogelbhlmeufor Our monej, but vaetk to the o» ___________________who gives ut good valu&. 221hb.. edpath's Grasulaied Suger for #1.00.. 25 lbo. ra wMad t yà oteacn.il Emaivais,1lag" dwhite *usagor i1.00. 28 lb..v"q lght yehov mugir for *1.00. Canadia. SFltood laeoemtsW aibeul*7 Wb »oséla 011l15oula agallon. COu ale8 euiso tpound.bytlb.poAna. Good Bolier à"@% oubUim doha, cm tuis ileur *1.85 pet hundt.d. W@. 1w mev of.1youhave boom paying 20 per osai. and bw*,mm'Ltheru m tiè OubO& W sbore ibees prie.. during lb. lest ivo monthi. Our Fsan Stock îu MIrvMag snd vo jnumbai djgo"d cemamisefa a;iew v hliniend ihowlng pou s b@tW irange luailh deparimntu thon o have ever doue befote. plça OPw»W. have emageaMafirsi-elema dre..amnduaaude mulet nd milliner. Give usFour VS tu artoclrs M&A& or; mvoutahit« tulon. Orne lhlag vvenwu am»Y v auedetevmlmed b «nie F80ad o fat iirmiuan.î on PO. y« às ueb às y piton @vnf9 lb. t e ut 41am." Tbamhlng Foorour r"wod,.* AU M-WI&Viaier. I reua j ours V«7lruly9 Sm" aim for IWO At EazSls. m &itu. &W ,.M'1OWEs Z. VEREXe amALqa&waTHRE,3H RS, umulo b in"mdlgd.hula sda" v on wusepot Md Ou ifp éai«am ar*â«S A«By% %vil It presentu' an opportun'ty for economical buying that nobody can afford to miBe. pesienced care as to quality. Good ta.ste as to tbty1e. It ie the RIGUT PLACE TO GOODS AT THE RIGHT PRICES. DRESS GOODS In this department you cannot help being etrucit with the merit of our DRESS GOODS. We know from the sales already mac e that the STYLES, FÂBRIOS and Priew are right. MANTLES Ulsters and Mantie caths in the latest styles and designs, and very CHEÂP. We maintaia the sttractiveneta of thi. department by'carrying au en. ormous stock of ail the best productions of Domestic Cotton aud Wool- len Goodu snd by selling them at a very small margin of profit. NOVELTIES- In Dreus Linings, Ribbons, Frillinge, Handkerchiefn, Veiliinge, Hosi ery, Ooreta and Ladies' white underwear we take the LEAD. MENOS FURidISHINUS W. are leader& in Tieu, Collai,, Shirts, Gleves, Braces and UmbrellaB. CLOTHING In Boys' Youths and Mens' Suits, Overcoats, Pints, and Veste, we carry the LÂBGEST, the BEST QUALITY and the LOWE ST PIRICES, in Lindsay. In conclusion, on account of being crowded for room in former sea sous we have enlarged our pr.-mises by takin in %.n uppôýr fWt 1300 feet in size, which we have converted into a show room for Ladies' Mautieg and Boys' Olothing. M. J. CARTER, Sign of the Golden Lion Kent St., Lindsay, Ont. 80 DAYSe For the Next 30 Daye, seJ liPETTY, m The Jeweler Wiil give a reduction on ail Watches, dlooks, Jeweiiery Silverware. and We are ohowing Speoiai Value in Diamond and Gem rings of alkinde, Remember this je a bons fide 30 dais redaction prior to receiving our Fail Stock, une. Finest S. J. PETTYl wngraving. a The Jeweler, 86 Kent street, Next door to the DaIey Homse. un"FCHU LERm, A8 Now that the cities and villages of Europe are haying such a terrible timne *!th this disease it je certalnlv the du1ty of every housekeeper in this country to thoroughly diffiuféot their preiies, andi for that purpose we carry a very large stock of l kinds of disinfectants such as PHENYLE in Powder, CHLORI.DE 0F LIME, GOT? PERÂS, CARBOLIC ACID), etc., etc. A. HIGINBOTHAM, Druggist, Lindsay. Rylsys8 1' Hrdware Mgals.m Paw. Pajit, Oils, Giasi P~1Loka, surldwmmlmGarden Tools 4mr lut of Ben S OhU& Wsre, Wants you te b. fair with yourslf and ieee hie Niew Fait and Winter- Stock. e cc P. z o H z c) 1