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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 30 Sep 1892, p. 3

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Fori Soroftidaý After o.uffornq for abSout twetyfie~I frod rifulous mores on the Ir ad v, iou me~ea corse wthout benefit, ton a ~ une Jiyrs Sanapaek.ln, d a %vneflcure was tihe remuit. Five bottim. .,îfficrd to re,tore nme tahealth'-BniIfaoia Lo.pe- .4 ~7 L. Cm b.rjit, San Ioda, Catarrh ,Mdngtcr was afflict.d for nalyars w1-tlhcatarrJî.The physician. beinr unabeto hceip ber, my pator rewpunendd Av.ru. S; a 1rlI .Ifollowed hlma.dvice. 'ilrei arma arhi of regular treatment with Ayer'm Sarsaparilla and Aer'u Pille comtlctely Rheumatlsm "F' or mevoral years, 1 wam troubWe with iiiflmmatory rheumati.m, being so bad at t iiiivi4 as to b c ntirely helplens. For thie lait '" >yenns, whenever 1 felt the eufectu of the. disensc, I1eganta taée.Ayera SaispariIIa, ;,nd havmt Iid a uspel for a long tune."- E. T. Ilanabrough, Elle Run, Va. For ali blood diseaLOS., the boat rem.dy la AVER'S Sarsaparilla l'r rT. J..C. Ayer & Co., Lom-ell, Mais. sl by aff Drugglata, rnce $i ; six boutles, $5. i cures otheru, willI Ouro you idUlIDAY, SEPTEMBER 80,.1892. The Edgar Oharges. The mrniber for West Ontario, Mr. Edgar, has played the crayon. Brought- fac o tuac v.It ýp r t.i7 u Pl.,)Vuo su il if the chargs ho profrred in Parliameul againit Si Adoli) j Caron, am affecte the latterlu couduct as a minister or member, Mr. Edgar decltnem te proceed, ehttl(ldng htinglf hsind the Ohalloir aubtertuite that hie indictmieisi hua beo eaoiâted. The original charguet the member for West Ontario mere not sooepted, for the suffiieut roeau thst they wer. bamod on alloged offeocs wihch if truc do flot tall mithin the coguizauce of Parliament; and th. only departure made iu Hou. lMr. BoweiI'a resolutiots from the motion lntroduoed by Mrt. Edgar iras n the direction of larly specifying, and brissming irithia lhe juriedic. lion of thii Houe, 1the orude aud inmnuatinq allegations of the latter. Whou oonfrouted mth an opportuity to etaoleh 1h.emmnetis part of hie accusation, the member lor West Ontario b8at a hasty rotreet in the face of th. Houmo, sud irhen aummonsd by the Rloyal commlusionerste mako good hi. imputations ho irigRles ont of thé% obligation ou the con- teznptible pies that ho nover meant ta charge Sit Adophe Caron with reoelving mne fli ram a railway compaasy for cornipt purpome This il irhst Mar. E 1 gar irits :- "lu the face cf My express omission te charge Sir Adolphe Caron iritb the recelpt of moueya fromn any oompany or corporate body; after mv expilit etatemeut in Parliament that I did flot mako and aould not prove auj uuoh charges, snd although 1 had ditintiy irarned the Goverumont of the futility and deceptian of auv snob aitegation. 7r1tire fiud thein maklng Ibat very charge the prominent feture of thi. enqulry, and 1 amn oalled upou ta uppor t.il" - This cooafeaion mskes itratige reading boude the violent attacles upon Sit Adophe Caron of whioh tue Liberal proue bac been gullty for somo menthe pamt. lu th. viem af theu organu, Sir Adolphe te alroady poovited of the high crime and rujademeaisor ai euîeing into a compact iith ralliry compacts# ta pledge th. paymeont of Governmest ubudii in return for liberal contribution& to lectos lunds, sud yot, irben btaught tti th. point et proof, the author cf the scouestion hau te, adimit thit ho nover lntonded te moke mnob a charge, and that h ha uno evideno. ta support lt. But, iti myb, aaksd, irbat ià th obaracter of the oharge mhlch Mrt. Edgar dolareate' haive boou expangod, and wibch in bis opinion il vital ta 1the enqury1 Slauply tht. : That Si Adophe (Caron hu reoired aplti eoq-. tributiono for pollues! purpoasedoring lb.» Put ton yeare. and that the mouey Ihua obtained hau bean expeuded lu elotion.. The charge msy be true or faims, but il ertainly fi Dol une mith wihoh tue Coeimonm irai called upon to de&L. Parlianient néariy tireaty jean go diyestod ltaelf te h.duly of nquinig mbt cortapt pracîioeu at eletiono, d.Iogasibel the jurlediction et u)h mater. te tbésouete, and te01the courts 111.7 proporly beleug. If MX. Rdgmr had hlmoeinwiry, ho iht probably b. ahle o sablch itah tao%- I ir Adolphe Oeroa mai consum of th11e existence ef à campsign fand lun1the eictions af 1887; et 5Mi rate ho long ago gave te 1the publia, ibroq the00l soiathe lGlobe tao.smil.u of latte& le éad ftrom Si Adolphe aon mw"ohim t thia cODuQlualon, but th. charge am made lu the 11o ud athéIbpreet suarl" inl lthoe sa@s& se wide Spart se th pole. Taborrow &an aid uaying, il th. silegatlon b.d bWdtbheu MLpx th. eVidence lu support moud bave UC5pm eoalagaan, SO lith, have lin'lu ornon. Hoirever, lMr. Edgar le Dot te be 70MItlte1 te "I» POundercaver oethbceli*etlà indioîm ai hmbeeau maulaed. ]ne va t'aeCOMinaaouereaPpointed by théie vmiP Dl6eut, ma obedicuos toth 1eare omIii *aEmli% mn lproceed b euquire mb lthe r.myeliyctent feturusOf lérobarge aat t lAd Vrea, and alîheui Uc usaber l ti U Qalrio bui déolial mu itt l* i udw W ila neOresus deuil liIticutp *t1l b Iboru idmpetitaL. Unt bu rtels" c e e geuttcaaet In t lmg lbsbb t.tdile s..,. WpiT5I% Wh thé kw y n tas lUsu sk ihtm'- bba t Il tabe th J ssst s isvl iete lI tuaiff >omhauIL .-<se miin eelhl iste i of tati»ehgo Niegs uamailiaci Eeç~u-Pd eIt tls, a d opM Ofl;g.mcdi do dhaaa afm d t 0.it air ~ w theeri el?4' mé hé ebiIL-N mise d t'faa1=k bsdm b i C Wei n lliln ", *e-lmie hmi0su.teA"'il Uulo dugo Sioi pu.D.-A ss l uuliu&. lu»1»rlneh a i ma 1 ns obeisibIl E.-amu, qun g d mu san ic mdiB.-(&altfi aan odol*hliaai â)ah Do 1mbo oàt orthne doual igsi s tra eauitganeg sgietsuin BoDh.- tsst Oh meacibe INai Ms-NI mbiod .1do; s glieienb hI erdbesg edi4t1ti ai, la tuhe aisohdo-Eegitn ihu t eait.Iemah&. Dombn us R M termsi li m ,at b, is Cmieem tfumaidlm g ise slelgeu D.si mait u Oeria.pei, a *à tlu, ne a iblSuîLb habnolib latr.elhic u = 'aeOr.Shgt, ug 1-Oelmgisis u thu fo ina ot ILSagon, %,u gisadin aIcsagii.i reisi M du d s hu I Nai d sieidm mi u an o@6.h etho daon Jne Mbeutrisoehdole'it ig ms ta gludb auo utmid hr isebs lad. lis a I 1oea a gie a onid i E. -Malss io, liid iedbe1oh&*cM.triami'sn;branmhohm 'n mii atd aitladsmbei guin ,bll hoea hi sio tbe sin.tisi iS «do i fea dobuu!airdta@, thdItefiag (CEoitaWnh& aillelm AO) air a msitaaal àorl aga uai o c D.-BtbcMr@ssus femacd haseàleulm mIs-oe' AUiii crnaon.ehali aiîri mh doba ligh se, airea@tu foina lima D.-Tapalestr, aaauduiésr ant' eauba s h aîberoar; eh*ce rehadhlr néaola, qe g«b, tn tulWh. icadarudaguol. gahd mise an Th&se iobtale mi und'lbaloifntgiMer doms oui!s muar uie duin h agus lalmonlg b rut disnbit afiel «s o Molhdco aEaOi a haR gn ha E.-Mlats, s giiid, sfnrcha t us, a u rsunbo&' i atîrinu; l bbia l a taa n omell su 80 V'1 C T. U.n rra dotaltUa in, Radait.g d'hbg CA- AZC]) Dis -T1 m ch, icaý1à d s ebanai, oi OLUE0 gosdo sua test sighuti, iimuronomiam Mnla dobe- Uaudb ebsaï cd, ts«olmuirdoi. h n imroté BQ er md omer' belbron, 'a g a de luoseestr nioroalun. D.-Taamilntlchc sin s cilanina. soi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ saa dud 1oar daI. .Tbao Ieabid se aeu E-Mats u"ma «hoietaii ia or dou ul'mrbuthi ofineca Gdbalhd gîue-'u uadtpoe 1 ls -mseg abne thulirtemi a beirtsb rs e.îuigirael R xugi MAa no tlEaI ais atà àhsam gciaid neh" tuer Ilelr-rsndcmlseu E.-Se ith 1 sîhîg mnu e la o lladub ,Woy.ia eg C i hbT.U.a er D.-Ud:s iotîidie@, ch robi eboaeaesuldpisoi u oe mahd11b-hlbohand ni ba arriveah normalbmdry develepment Trhe i a'nuacf h e gdhMon ensuteadnedie Naigtie Lan.', oagiabom a l ho bne oanei.ei.nresafcin u ieiso b D. -Tis mi tsua ae n aga lll aryadihlgt lehai c ob acid. -Tsmg idolta Msr h a oe hs drflaura odto' in Mat ga dlh'igi deith&o 8. neTo bacoa, b u ujfa tm, domted rimi s ime s'eeoleam zi te. nfmemAfe m.ig ilstuIsea be meta D.-hoiama tbhaoin bine, rnaodi eurI ie ouy under le inloes et notisea ath &ulot hi? . l niterasouehemcoadb.ilus utuor, ad M.-Bha mishe inI claa; bis mal algemince dsredanervcocluissu clioulmi sca old mh Iextsoerdi-vaosle npmn1hnei o i BSeyknd batasgm agathmeî airmi cama n1e fos tc ebeeulate htet aarcatl telecacia Gmbreidhai aso oi ai gdor ant anayc naor adinteeut mh ru.Da b at mi h d ri bncriest foulrmhl faggeddete, hae net dousboo-aîg ao au deigidol ni o ppi ha I. ddteue ofheéai B'fbca, iDreope asi ba'nd.upcr arcie mwgere rtia inglde dapy mer cire. f n,&o o adMr ona tdefve ey iisaoma. Ibeayr iad D,-Tnn hsm fig duilbo n ghsebilln enc miaeions aandlp reds ooth soiar thih G aa itlsondiottsud lu at iait serase ohe eor mre p.ia " ced lui desl aiXhr hs a oiet tbos iretic averal s tsr..A Jban bi mmùâd ién in . regulan eaundtinu«Yforpmo tona M.-Deami hap inuamiluginu 5 ncesrly tveny c nce,@ if teeoutuy D.-'na S ise a db'ohdo ua a au i ark, eéven is t0. u et ef.hninI lim tit-Sa R o extdiustlesreaieeloa e ork bis heenpa.eTdevo mela l happy Br a #u oi d n te banu h' ave b. ofambo er t îul he ch iof fani Btou Klteé ba ese uti c lmarrtdeuepour. n E.-Mha mille fbecauseo;b ot min4s sfce.siprv ea nsudpowlieuties rendt Diomuii, 8abdo lilg mairsn conuaarsdyfoleth o daned 6o e lb &roexbhet to1dbh d a u bien a nsc dormant aaie nrioo oitrs Nibh mi s pisa, fir midoosohand fsîm t aedetexeeiet1crhavens donabr-Oiamts huiu ho ctholmis etaporl eps esuascete h haibites l1en prbslrlaps.Bre aomban mlo. de usai. I bo.d s basmiglb by'sudo n'versaeuorars ul d u-st1andhe gtic tes aung Ihvm liaI mli D.-Th miieUn RuatNehsaritiueuc nelbts ecuod iprpord mas ma n &ohlitauistutGld a b( rt ifsd a rt adin xplstuabeerytcste iI deoedt Ph adoit aodonn ehtad a aioOtrliii s lm e average W sîndd. A he eanMi.an Imeg 1 ach atl m raoiu a n earlcd usiyngeaoe te aI ail. Hi ark Doiiom moiilP lie yeU ai leIn.diDîrnt. mitire hlma D.-'Smaaaiise hldi, ehas'alimi.ahtot r u@onlif Hl Doertde etmed rai-al moetrodnuars, uam li dion tie wfailbs admîlediaIe chnea. I shappyi Bonci' ou so en uoisGe btga mihave bd nhertfotcases a trulitl s &u an utiimeli? cisihaemiisvteb.ul eacudi n tthlan laie 1h. fou- .-Mo .i tas b'sm «iobdt en asuess mi yehs abilthn oy eret, Doa ic a ucisîca&do foise hgaudh bàeme mtore praoen ud ltomh oretpbic leth aint hirin da ngilla CwI. l btn ietobe oi tiau- I a n . b!I!ýtocome rpieotne aroince. t @ bsl@ .r-1--- .2- ---- *our A - 4-1qo e by oteA i eue- «M I2baing NemI U~f a t i ecollidirom s boulaIe bruq, 'a ouiràe hisome i1e gilsodb r t n ek ths e telraUv si L Naci faI le h duls maiduos bliadios macb h ti4utslbit MjimIahidb GoidbIlgatm am lsdm i mulce. M.i lftIlm a Dbiu uc opinon dait. Sm , e rimchdu 'la aa ., ýla gaisbodlac bot "IA"e ~~ ~mitnododi -j» it ad bbiuSd isgsfi b,_Mâtel 1au~ De- dam&" bhm lecMed tihe bit of .me ugar. eti(ssuaitu etof ulgE h Rsfathet Isugh i thle oueofarotls, sMd ses- muniî itporttoe hmis am eubiilbhe isebtts aid lt of hie eIders. Dnrng lie four -y«"eori be4Dont cocplele lie twenuy four tescêl outhcebsiat, xihougi eateonded r4gmisry, eMd appitied hm- 0*t a liigc&ty ir mth ievrqe popi cof ies grade. ne. send PWulscly niable tu ternilks olhr bredca, thougih. ma st a icbeeglmnlsg a p6oaclou., promis w euL m4 j mte! seflles meg Utlhe boter Mi mia esdotor se m abe. .tb Epeuleme beu dm«vc*ch li lhé,bd« l â4ndlis isom &,0»s bel wu a mecsmw P<te u U me "b, a" lesb and the habit over ê' sht. pupil agoin ratarned to normal irqe, and hsd a oicoeofi e r aou eululent. Other onoervatio r-ka;j hr se my observibtiorse have 0Bérndtd, Dot as ingle boy has pasued the soetnarion requlr.d for admitoton to the igh 9sool altter e bhail acquired the ha jrý, and tot -one bas graduaatd îrt)w tilt. hmb eebcol Who be. gan !Lbn habit -%fter egiuý1iVë hie oourme ti the hitih Fehool. But th.e m.'re& rpéë r- ,' us cie Papils Ucd. ;té- i UacýO t thse weed are eouttant aubjeet ef diaoiplirese. a nt trutbtul, praotice doepîlon, and cannaI b. depended apan.Aà sauge in obaraoter in a foroeerly goed y la a very etrong indication that cornme abit i. getting heMd Upon him irbose t r 12nuy muet be broken betore ho ill agai bO elothed in hi@ rxght mlrad. The w rot characteristieoaf the habit lea àlRocf taons! ..lf-respect, sud of porion. i regardlfor the custome and wiBbeB of lagis% sud gentlemen, eupeially irben amonfi itrafliers. If thsoe Obsetvatiol2S menanythinu, bhey declare that soesehinq ought to b. dons ta save ehlld M1e from the pitf ails thal commercial ifliretib are diaging, aud the$ greed is etoaoraalng; that more shouid be done Iban te, inatrust by oral or taxt lesous lauobool; that beachera parentesud philauthropinte are not jet euffici.tly aronoed regarding the magni- tude ai th. cvii of tobco using by aidren; that in th.e ruoade against aloohol ire ehould recagnize that other evila, thouRh more quletlv, are just se aurely uspping the urength aud demtroy- ingz the vigor of the youth of tbis gener. ation.-H. H. Seerley. Bewmmnville Nemi :-Âllthe1 Englsnd demouitratlon lait mee boys soean 10 have dlegraced Il their temi. Ou liaI occasion bise sa dfoot b.» clubs mure in lier., They coend d uo breni the mally gang et druahenbi domn teughe, far mbiob lths and came v.ry nier ipoiling the noonsa apett. Tbey ailba ho o lesding t lbeeivui iii ilhel sud bowling tisméelvu hostie, arounutifonce cornere ndlarmer' antil duit. mbe tiey &galu re sud gatbered nýp areuu& lie ire the commiles mua engagod bell' diniiui tout, ta maris theïr i Thein nezt nove mau te picki the old mai mio arnning Inieti thelr besîta i puet tie bu sud lu a teir morumeta tted la îhemeelvé em uaug end imeez daeurmcful[ Dmnuet.This ira lotervau, util th, concert itail tent wici mau roirdean sd hW liera Isnng fromein.isréooZ mi gang ont the roeuofaLlie tout. nmorne esmair lie lent §tort te th. alarm in bine, If the teut h, la ne daubt but thal livsire l, au It moold muetcertaint finrei trahle lamps. It mli liaI tiare miii ta.no danger club. «aliai uj yinvitation mga part eft heo untjy. u tieénmu smre. They bave the r6pubalioz sud tbey are bonnd teimutaiu Il Fible sefrti, irbenthîy un th. a"dsof fati <rommhloh OG troe et aceamplisiâment. some people expressà a mlii God mihthiitaeulu, but neyei ireteals ciui t binaW t EduaamIoUMl W« T u HI m.rk etf eduesthiis- lb iruLknIedgef tetitvrtuel Bleod Bitiema s ure for %11 41 tomai. liver. baowés aid b completel? uocestul.TIc neu »dnaid ulthon@&*&e et hî Ifraje «liiigreat nllutcto.- PPo Cd l1~i Cli embls eula oter &ud ',ypopheuphits vouey liaI tn d et e C eu oablae, bu llood on mistber il oré 11llgmvike e TON. solins Bons cf à, the Oshawa icmuilvee sud I tho Oshawa mvlted te play ght mi htheux mme sud loir- Pdace la noted, » enlire atter. tîlu sud atet y coud carr. .lhey lay out .' hay astoks, eturued te lite 4miere onoet iag tie for lis ugly caromu. a quarto!iti t -te tire, sud etle et mter; n fgprblamÔîig ring iu a Mest i kept, aIM toi tu lie large d ire Chade. a soma oethle 1. otUstely 0 mil adgave àd fmlenther solti bave been 17 have SngItI b. "fto t»eY ot lic Oshama du te viTlhis Il la alirsys the m for roirdylsax E.WOtL$t0 eEpoflull ~ ~ J~~JO~jWrs 1u 7jq~IgkîAthle.rom.. AU hindu of BOUSE FURNIsmesG ~ ,~ ,~ G3IWOG O TVeZS. &Ilfarnished, Ir(m $10.00 to 040.OO rmoububmcm eIee. 4I'W8INBR%ýThe "D4J8y" <HURN, cof mcmli ovS Debom'a 1st11or; OMMb. OMM@ - ne. 9I5uwI D mofln o bellon the bt ibmsg ai e mmii oec rWaiIV U.eP. Kr. Richard IrwI4 umebmy leaiAU s Uliman*ou imamIDnatte o io lVol. esmlq l émSlla Ome, Hi bI6lom'a bL 0 . . . M Oha, m oestory Relsa ?M"qucr O.O.P.le u veX.a vaa ma mon& laiE rlm iosk ZrJohn Uaud, Oàma~ua 02 aNE O, Pc Efi. 0.- *M«e"sonu ii&umilrW.lnuay o Om cmli Sw WodW tahop Mr.W. ibrah. ose amn or ooràm.-4rm.ampiw Mq, 130,40, meut. second a&" fouth Thurada.y iet hM&Onfth, lu Asoolion Ha4l, er UacWeulstiore-.I muihoil, Belary7. James lKiOs, Oblu Rom a mna, No. K .muNuga el on second lMou- da" of ea mn ntiiDohmca'.bloOk. hirlE UNU »VouxuuMeeta ld d ii Tbiudai tu cou M mr Wocde Mors. W. OI UoY&AAMcauNo. Un6 au oan the sucond ma toiuh Tuuulof«oh bmcmthin1 iooda' blook. T. M. 0. A.. -Meilng onr.et d am Bts, airdy udy,4.15 P. R lut rooMa 9Lda7-&m. to10 0P.m. Young mmuilwqu onme C. K. Calhoue, Oeak-EMa W. 0 V. V. miets fitMondaji of evei-v aonub la lie y. N. 0. -'. roome at 3.80 P.m. B! MMO Eagu ai .1 LOnolve ?lrewtui aotla the.01, m' allevory alternai. Saiurday at .80 o'olock pm. A. XcArihiar, BeoiarTY. Tua 1bomuumuoo»or Laoou I]ermmm mmi la Soma' Hall, orner af Kent and Cambridge mietLlday, e' Voryaltern ai.Saurday aveu- let il0'01o*John Ecigaon, Chief Engiaoor A.Mfar, Irai Audat ai a'umr. aImmooauOrRAMaOU n sauu, uila Truo eInejaI, corner Kent sud Wlfha attetz, ou the second and fourth MBund et ai 01clock Vam. Guo. JOMMuN»a lmter, W. Aumciv. I.oielav. EBu 100. TE VICTORIA WARDICR,- by Samn. kughes. Oace, W057 J r1dang omn Job Prlilng doue, lu modem stylesai etmdaras c-iE- Pnm RATas or ADVM"TISIN. tli columi, by th. ear...0100 8 . haf-year... - 65 do quartr.45 ' 0 menu. i.....26 tg mok...15 Ban colmu, by the yer ........ 65 .8 ffl-ygav .dé .4 quater.2 moneh........d Otide am 80 8.75 si le 10 OOMNEEIRLAN UG "MICs Ten cents per lUn e fr Sa uronnope Six mes ancacamer, pur ymr........ u TRàa1qIEW DVEIEKN MIx nase.sud entier, irai Inmrion .......100 Bah ubSoquent lnmtki...........2< Prom six ta te dune, fretI lueilon .........O0* C Bah ubufm luv nerlOn ............u (hWr tonlun t rati neticm, paret......é loch u tun samtc...... O Thse number c lnto b. rechoned by lie space1 ocouped.msurel by a suae faolid noupuril. (12 [none aenue lneh>. LOCAL AN»DSMM" l NTIOU. o ro.cnanti par lino for itut lumUrin r e o éacii additional lnmet'n BlakiteI"5c.t1par due. Nu local 10 h lema ibais $i to bSis nu who ane Det regular adveriaiirunloas by aealal arrangement. Advertiuments iOsuct urilma Iiroaticeuasmi De #,mered MMmii drhclMusd obargai a.ccvily. Ordera for dlomcatlnutmg «aremealnot- be dellvered ai ths e ie émorning prerloni ta pUNi AUl advadonmeb trom non-reslduni pu'aoua or àul»gommuai h o il for las ativauo or a uMfceni dmmde te ascre te ibsce s ginai Ios. Sam. Hughes, WOOD)VILLN. ONT. D»Zici Breeder of purebred Berkshires of the fineet stamns. TomeNgIe smauferaMie; Wm lugre& Boss ahTkNt tfor M 0. Nitesifor yeung t ock loi. LINDBAY MARBIE WORKSI Rt. OHAMBERS la pmrqaared tfrai iep ojl f Llna"ud iureunlsgcentt mIi NONUKEU I B udHAD- W!ONU bat lia Md. ul Oanli. REBIG EREA TO0ES %al sizes, CÂRPET SWEEÎPERS sud OIL STOVES. Dom't buj wr@ri k om *ravollng fakirs, when 700 ea Bave mojuiy oy h«&Lf bo PORTLAND ýand THOIROLD CEMENTS, always tu es;oek Estimates glvbn on tie kinda of Plumbing, »Bd work d one by the ait PLumber in Soya. Are the leaders of !0W prices i -WATOH1168ÂN*ý) JlI VT'LRY We bave just received some beautiful new designs which we shall be pleased to show you. Next week we expect a lot of fine VIOLINS and ACCORDEONS imported expressly for us. Rernembor the place H1UGHKAN 8c& 45 Kent Streol', Drt dmnni te b Ont ana Ba-, k, Lindsay 3APPLICATIONS ,TOROUGKLY REMOVE TDANNDRU Baa4 iDn ls eooo a- Stps filiflgof haKt fewapito aa Iserg&in m pe the Scalp egn .xOevdnd rui amumuladon but atoppe Makes hair sot and Pr«Mit IJIn o U.har mdeltotadplisead Prmotes Growth. Requisites For The Toiet. PERFUMES Mary Anderson, Ea,,ter Lbily, Lubin's Jockey, Atkinton's White Rose, INile -ily, Marie Stuart, Swi-s i Lmc, etc. TOILIET WATE9S Colgate's Violet, Rummel'se in lrvixt'., (ki1'gnâ, Lyman's 6V- PeRrs', Whittaker & (3rossmith's, Millot'at, Baby's Own. A very large assortment of Sponges, Jaoofahs, Hair, Too,,h an'7 'ail Brushes, roilet Pots, Povrder Stifs,. Tooth Powderq, aliwv on hand at Owogory'.inrgSio HOW VEIRY PRO'VOKING To buy something which appears tc> ha. a genaine be.rgain, and find it to'be not at n1l what you expected. Rave you ever been serv, d that way with woolen aoods? Rave yen bouglit yarn which did Duot pay for knitting, blanket which turned yelow andhlard irlen waheds? if go, youresolved>to b.more creful in future. Stili with every precaution &i d large exuerience, it may be youcarinot away ti h- "f<smhm" od.Tebe buvers tre c,vd ID dea.ing with uP, howev- r, you nîînn uo char;c,-sa as we do not handie shod.ly or use any irifertor -.,,ock in our mil w. Hovest ,,,oods and low prices are the. benefits our customers obtain. Our stock ot yaru is complete-38 different kinds. Heavy yarn for men 's wear as good as home made; fine yarn ail shacies. Cail and inspeet our stock of Biankets, Sheetings, Fine Flannels andl Tweeds before purchasing. Bave your money by dealing direct with the manufacturers. Estilmua.promptly gleuounan kludsoicumetoty chatom weaving done Ofitshortest s ont bout. are 'j».1'andui e a ffle pui-heut-YP3. -7E3 7- V0n18-lU rreaiof t4sariet on Cambridge i.. Lhusaay, Sept. 21., 1892.-M-ILf agnea tetr~ ppndte mNsti 'Wu' paoking houam. " rrmcson. 1 CJAIBEI . RIGGS LîN OSA, sa uie to a.ED !AR E Manufacturer of and dealer i Um fteNails, Glass, Putty, Humn Hair Goods, mél e nw Mixe.d.aint, Hinges, ioHirBuds, onb, Lookoi, Sosies, Sawsq Plain anuý fancy hair piuti, jew . aci- vuthwi* oSly, musical instruments, and m, Itrende d and al kinds of Sheif Goode faiioy goodas generally. Tb"esers 1 Supplies, MuAlo aoiit 'for the British by memo " ' tngAmerican Dyeing' Co., Mon t,aoa' Ben, Babbit Metal, Lace treal. - I LeathS, etc. a.e ient tt ust. ~awo d4Gahon218-1892 JL8921 OIé miâlt seet,Ltauy. ID.DMI I II UL761LOIRUI tVUU uIIL GOTm 8;8 Aie METHERELL'8, v'I: "Bok ad Sto"ery Store., 1 P"ç ,Ltoe Book,% Sruiaâltlam tnotice, 15 cents per y'ard. (W. mule widl>h, 30 cents William Street. To Rout. Park Lot. S snd 4, meutof Albe-t. stret UnA y outalnng nias, i.WIII ho tonted chmep te a tua oe eanIf necsmary.t10a aihbie tenat. FS lera oic.,a pplY te JOHN DOUGLAB, Apri 27 lm-.B.tfChef Conotable. Port Bop. Real Estate, Insurance and Financial Agern". $5750 will buy two utorey soli brick Ave tenoment temo.3 reali.aiug f»8 rent pet aunum, situated Lu centre -ci tain. A goot i nvestment. .$4000 will purchase one of the. fin. est reeldences lu North Ward, with t*ai acre.oetland. $1700 mil buy l II;o 'ri-.. brick dwelling andi additions, ocuve niently mil. uâted lu North Ward. $1200 wiil buy either of two brick delUnnga 8 aud 9 toms, lu South Wu&. $850 wiil buy brick Cottage tn Bouth Word, oie Minute. malIt ihm Pont We have for sale andt la eut seliti brick, brick veuetisund trame direllinge snd vacant lots lu .&U Parts et lie loin, at prieee sud om ternms te suit th. vantaetfauj lntoudingpr-s .ehaier. CaUI aid ses aur liste. INSURANCEO pu»ame% la, andis&smd ntco ideu t loml tu theeBAVS 13LM*~ Monhee U. "i O i T SON BWOIe I , o I;. i i.> i.~ ~ 1: :1, r t T 1

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