.r Gentral"Y er Mindful Of how talstes differ vo bave prepared for the Fais6d Wintef trade with 'LOds in oneb ,ariety that theyv wil appeal irr- istibly to the mqst varied ltes. Some of the prettiet thinp lin Jewelryp japanese and Chanele curios, novelties in Silverwmpe Gold Watches, etc, are at handp and more are arriving daily. If quantitYp variety and bueautY of goods, rock bottoM pricos, and quality undeniably first-cias',war- rant our expectatiOn of a brisk business seasofl, we shall certiilY bave the latter. We draw your attention :tO the followilg: The Newest Styles in En"- ment and other gemi Rings, anaa fu lne of our own make of Wed- ding Rings. As rett~ an assrt- ment as you coul WiX to see& An elegaut display of Ladies' Lace Pins, Brooches, Stick Pins, Watch Chains and Charme, Neck. lets and Bracelets, beautiful and new patternls. Just now we offer extra value in Ladies' Gold and Gold-filled Watches. The finest goods ini the mnarket at comParativOlY low prices. Don't forget us when you want Clocks. Remember that wecarry the largeet stock and the greatest variety in the county and our prices are away down. BRITON BROSO Jewellers, LinduaY ;ge utotta <nd sauuof uihbiMa au" ef ha AunionsUmou mauets; à union of borna and aa uion ofIa" "uit eh.uBaDazuuUmifoureeru . a TED W02MLDVi5 TLS'ZrinsD. The granitjury aI Ihs GodeahAmuis yot.rday relurusino o 1 l temùai f oriminal hI.! insîtuit by Mr. ML U Osmeron agalasbMi. W. y. Msalosud The Worit. Thal la t. sey, Ihey oa mendui The World for île eofoit la liw aIl light poeslble upon the caum vIl led o thelsdsath of ItséunfoituanalSbg Mlen Loma-effoits vhlch moult ai have Isen t.quired lad the aou 0 f ON lav performeit 11,fr duty suit ordur.i iborougl lavesllgtion au the lb iole h ooiiioton wvl the l deep ditsaIa o ber taklag o0%. That The Woîld wumUlg i"hi proaioe mà ao i a umsadlnq a ou ndmionr to. oeriel, &s ait th, I amcuaI ho publsiaevswua fatruatua of o &lb.heorumtslaoss vitboal "éfo laver or aotloa," vau evkIudenot ath thm. cf publeStlos, mai Mr. OmoS lll.sdiusd action la oauslag Mr. Esseu" sirst vu gsucully oocaernus,.It undermtloc t laIs.mationfor mioqA ai msluotouaristI viiiab osas b. lu tuted by Mr. Moesaga uilr m Torld. Mr. maclsw ceouit em *0 cm Hous aler the retuin of no blD, mm panlad two or tiii.. M osé i hlm *bat ho vas RgOlugt. ., sait ho 1 "Ton hould apologie., "sMa - who wuaditsdng lith lb. covwd. "Â'polouims te whmr' kd -e.M man, ter umd. the mm Whb7MidP à ~ Mr.M.. . UDmh. menot to0aM*0u III vii l oapologW. to Mr. QaMUm to umaor azme Qis up.,lion suayo mekcWh vue taadu p aiusM4 SuW5kt là têmiaule S b" ma %W Vers occosim L -. M. s' I. i i r. M F olk For Liver Oornptaint Foré J âundk- For L.ou of Appetit Ayeds Pulis For RhO.whatiotm Ayer 0 Pille F F -or Oold, mor Foyers mi AversPileU Lvery Do» f~ibtv* I IsveotGors la Dtrohei b ll daY. [Wattll ones3 .W. amaS bscksd yoD hm. Dot lot lut 'u îxnf1.ýW" The liberal.caSllY*uO f Noth O0- tro-. miaunol, liaslot, hays plas6 th.mslvea s o oinladvocao of Dr. Gilleselo0f OaCln& for iatOr. The foiloving reolutlan vu uDailulUsy cariit aIthe. iscet meeting 0fthe.osaso- datiloni:- "Mr. McGUihvry, saithlat hs Ihougîl the turne hait arriveci mheu thé conssrva- tive of ths rlding hould plmoson record tibir appreolablon of the able services rendermit by Dr. Gillumpie la th. parl, duing tle put tvsuy-fiv@ yeasm. Ha thorefois mzoveit, som éica by Mr. Tim otby Doyle :-TIal vs, th. dslsgateo, se. sembliIn a ovealic t. cho.. a can&i date to ontstlheNorth ~RIdng cf On. tsilo toi lbé LegisIatIve Ammbly of the Pravinos ot Ontario, dos tooexprisu oui = jcaio of thé greal srvioe Donald pie IL.,Prosudoal of the Libers!. Oosssrvatlv5 ÂUOcatloa cf Norh on. =arohmasrendered tolathes onservallve pith IisrildIng end elsevhsie; hi fisvlfg beaue Preealof aur Âs.otlii for tl. put lv.uty-fivé yand sud haviug cauteol ei .vlnai a grse para ciic. a" hf lb.grpa ill a toatudby ad tdeoola th. ' oderaivaiM di Pov n ola pp Ii Iu.vehsre, .usaIeo lal.gversissui la au*alul lb. u0" D@.siit ie, OM.D., to-d@@alomhlP w as eotitiuv as iso uetle, .il tlai Muator luib tis dlstitwu tl. lais Hon T. N. 01hb10 T» WAuamzbut reprosts the. mml meut or Viotoria coualyrain "drl hearwly th. resiioloaof Mr. MoGIlisi No mam botteri dervs honorable »"co alie" frorn lb. liboeal.ooiu.rvl put lIas dom oui gocilfriand Dr. GlIepi of OanlgbQul. T" iLoqrtffyng Zpnue0 0 Oulmimesoit 87 Msiblist. ToisaIsWb )r .ompsulit eh. PaaProsbyudarlm.zumi hm t adimwv.t a * ~luep«rWs Of Mliaula.M"Maipet .day l- Thebdsly aoaMpêcWat lber lv. eagîta suitthé Co. M. i.UmaG m oto mi1 w - lb. foot sd c-rhu. us; ibr à et théPdyaoth.liit"M bolth.&IM& il sida about 8 oo1eok Ibis sfteraac. Wb. t1 >1puy wu Sblsetwo.tlbof the1«Yvam otthé bildg.sMs.Gmimo, la ntapplanuI>fi be 1h. umrmo vqa st. lmRad fbsl vo à *tat mu Üs mb. b.Mte e teh. bilimstuc bil hbed.hPr6m lb. 611 ah of but uuhly i cul etug ifl wgq hlahà . e" m *salbs bidis absut 30 feolsi sif M u » vu bioab « * lb lya om ers a. mathe1 brdge. vhlb huabout a foot v utO -dibgÜthée - itMà e kr O:Rl ~a".m0Ois h ir, lmnbt o~u~ a."Mo miesh*d MehW les -"» s heuiatwl .o.Go oles; " Toua u. bi bos f. lm 0. au . Arme a .p.mdw e mos oi u sus8suit ab l1sMMe Min . ed VIab~ Mt vu .m.l. emobn se l I dom -t »M"14a nom m I aieo' n l~Si1.. FF d rue iii t. tb*.eu"iUSL aimm hmshdhase gsain -%vOOu9a foe~ ~ ~~~A. - ffe.pobus li lame. Lepaom là-'mmi e ià * wuot mIhdid MOiv10 M08 lm on Mr. . L ylie mi M"* -w .rl'm eut for lbuaim tibo fwS vaut t t.u theii Noi thm it. Pamm lmhau anuoomo » ia di 1hetwua M64 là. moeslMd géuéal ahemel.m wiu irohn tùdb4mibrd st hlfou oy lati à,l su ait obly huov a a ait a- woh bmeu utmme b oma MMa Zr= .E.Da4-aT. Du, lhi êms«Of i soiat.. 1w. bompy .11ns afh 1M. Duads aem uièWomt luthé umlaa i àammetlu 1.1 tu téoqhumu onth oa mthi l0mFm1. r. sW u lin l aeidler 6frd 8 o lMP l@i us mwSs m wk. mlmoa Uaehoom ph f w. lokigmM it " 0- (204C'a- hioveMg ind lofi. A téMl sesofat lu alat lameauime.su udt A malt l bing um 021pit ea fola 1- ousui foars. m u valu. of t orbatu appoimwlam y . . es.mesuaur0 r. aen" bsu.h 0fe mt lumutlmu Wmoldtaa o co" y uTlu.Vi 1- loos ah . fogoiy, ,sut sylteelvei à inaw mote.0fifoftElb oaha a-Th AuDUSI, tas l lb.cusua lu h .I A Du. pwrtoll of .âUmy@but ofthé g. uis stabek wu m in w o h pommiton i s outv$196Mtl ~~~~. ~ ~ o *0 umulhiYI5i momt hm wo thovuuu sud stnouaitu& doilaéf. -ou mul.ka ma Boohesuthépume amdo.. 9- thu oi Onam d h t m tfab. MS, Ci vys. uhé lhugof *8 a dat b a0W sa mé Sj TIc co havvlu aoalfms M aur lOMai IféUane plIe bcmahb iiod " mi ver VL- feucsud tho dyg uosped. tutiolytu b lumo aie o.Setemra osu iv p" MdsTm foime rlT &Wbutm m h ho uui ft Seth*wai u la um a -- mu osa sdgybe. copl. Luo e.lI. lWs l psmibg f u oft uTB lu 0f. à& m.bopiumo bot IS= 3 W Liatbg ofir laI lo u" odev Nom JA7 àà-L . ouyteat la mh ss.m uppametngo I C. Une. 9lu.ma ià hdia ey 110 aML% e ovsM ihaI; h. M Th lubausowtila t th* bi0f.u Ib "hei imit .sui Imlst i.Cm [m s lb.lie 0f 1. seuites h WIy mave sVoet 8 . hau mathsm W.aaxsua muemt. l4~fc fa0.- lo*m Mch aigaulMWuit 0 Tiu iaAwsd ogi lolI . au rivie ie.vi u v a hod ta o mm h forul"ln lnc Pt'y 'Drouly by the CAUIOIIA IGTRDP Cao, bc aNotes M.W. K ILvod ontW,- ;t6 aalma ~LllUm 1rIu~- 1I I ifs wri~ PrmSs the lovest yet named for sitrieu?> 2-t Oey MU gon tumOUsJl J wpts. i~ ,TMa'uà" la vey arUcle. ijonest qua DETGOODB, t OTHIbTGO MÂNTLES, MANTIiB Olioths, B'uro and Purinshings of ail kinde. We bal*themgoodseff ber. smotooumifr lao ton te a more ha eessed with ti sdi. remt. Whi le e ae i m ua good bsru is o&,r ini very department wbich we have nmt space 10 meation ve- wish to c«R your atteàtion to our Bou*lt under -most favorale oircumsbtauceg, and are being mold et thi re e mai advance of profit that ve ask on reguWa staple lines. The. stock coniste of Ladies' Fine Imported MântiesM ana JPes, Jhldreu'si Beefer Jackets, Childrenle Ul. ste, Ladies' Par trimuiod auties, etc., at prices raugiug from $2.50 to $25.00 euch. 'W. show corde and corda of Maetie ClotIis, eueiraolmg aIl the very latest novelties in aUi the New and Paslonable ébades and MBisk, with a comploe range of suitable ornauente and trimmioga 10 match. 13 Il -Iïiaud 11h yy &m SaIvMton! Amy tm B bua »PpoaOIt@ t. l&O esapOf 1h& Llu.y oipi, suitslissd7%Av8.A.attWis mouin loa. o i or yoaàImmOspl 0. hbba vwklug bIlai tlb.oma lu SM obsatmeWs depI. Toicnto, sudtéome o ut.1.14val oala yulh au Mp olatm khuma ly ta Ihoso vh lave obos mio ba.rom. Nbois sa o. = 1 Md mt mest spêahae sd mta t muol c"i. BdawMaig4tbo4 ofTworaaMUiiib. prest ad onud a s pooal nouag luth. baost..ulht. sPla) t 8 p. m. Thon vIa lave bard hWm before viiib. su eta do e smal. Evmrboe7 vom&US auidur. 7 &.m. lave t oastii uter si Mouds;il S.mà. bolbum meetin Mkbjeot, 11T%0 Oitiià "At 8 sud 7.30 pn. lavbeoitet. ttomi s U, li of mmeikgS. dd IMblLMs -v% u TI& fai la impovipe yo.rly, sitdii alM rival suiluthb.ooistry. Tb* hoos,.a4 - fau fmavrk, md amsi fam pouol me o-. ig ah lautghin.da I Inumm-laLkiesv, os W«edw out et11a am ,Ib i. --, .11w sgar ir Fe le At st d. th 0- 01 C« âd PL le la LU lusi la ni le ai do xàmiyçg-im.wum.ooia Wsiuiay 131h f ls.suS.peal's obuiokby loW.m nu"ier .T.E., làitm. si hmAMI%, deAw ofEt L . Arl* itoiterb Illbieak. os Wmaaia. 5m$8 S Ib1v. W. E. Ya.ug of M Ktn&,N. lias L.D.L, 0f Laa-. Ont.,». isa loattsRmpt..ofai Mlbmnth SIMLEA1D OUMA ~plu !xlf Tel. suit Suiv ~ Peog h ulva~o molml?~ tbf. eork i spusbstios i. 1.05.0. i kpahIp~tIh ~iaosflit w'jwaKm u~-~ lai I Thre peoimi Bargains ini Sealei±es goea mor style, gels mor quantity, gels more quality, and does yod more poodiin service, worth and wear, usa auy Money you spenal. The Gkreat BankruPt Stock Men, 76 and 78, Rent St., Lindsay. G3roceriîes &Provisions IAR1tIl0 I s ]p 13 LLOD W. have just reoeived a choice stock comprising Sugars, Spices, Eto. W. koep the largeet sdock P eels, oRaGisisinLinrrantherefre n aif y vante to perfection. A WORD ABOUT OUR, ThASR W. p hae lwys made Tes our leading article at Ieading Prices.. andl we nesal mot say more aow thac! that our stock wua neyer botter amrteal than at present, comprising ail our popular brandu, so well and favorably known throughout the. whole coumty A BONANZ IN CHINA, CROCKERY AND GLAS SWAB This deps0»0llt l replote witb a ,aried and extensive assortmeflt of Faacy. and Staple Goods. Ont Fs cy CbiaP u Glasware are al mev sud beautiful designs, and at such loy prices as ver, nover of. 1ed in Lindsay beforo. A OAPBL !±Èm, eois iili fL.Id Un Empi &h?. Lrshe5.Croup ~ Treabba. thon ami Oth Moie"Thepuiabeor lais tbai. r MW dc#* gi SeOvoua SsrloBotue M toOMVU 7M t tei d Ibis vut mi"h pkmmithe. 055 o Ul*la mdwhi gmu. It hve uIoa S I;1hla "e.. J AN -a- Ryle)y 's 'Hardware Nails. PaDor, Paint, 0118, Glass, Putty, Looks,.EHinges,, and Garden Tools Of ai kndst On. dooe But of BeinR oue. O*LDSEN ED49I m For tho NefI 3w Days S . J. I~ffl, WIU~ivé ~ reduotion on ail ~1oh, si rseweilerY aonnd ýl]»e Mgin Diamond and Gem ri90 fsie a bons lid. 30 days reduotiffil re'dingur PsU Stock. e0der.Ailkide of repalrulg in o0 PistengrmVing. - The Jewelert da te mDmey Hone. - -Tue Wardot. lelq ,ami Im=enoelstook ol!Mautle*nd MantlO ClOthst a The ieweier 9,. w 'eh w, whi .4 m a bol ne&mugbm hhpd 8 ysu.4 Alzuda mlth cf maarkis.o% it82 os m 1 ý. 1 1 m 1 a a ý 1 1 « au 1 auty everi.