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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 30 Sep 1892, p. 6

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u»-i fear th'oNan cUm a uiUo@k U Anstruther'a ister as lbe ow e ibuba brougbt ina wife to thi." Hogaéset aMarina. Ohé lies bufore hlm, very quiet and pale. Linos of iitems auffering are about her mouth thât nevEu agiin hy A nervous qulver gives a "mltélg e,,ue.as lie dose so, a horrified exprs £ion cornes juta bis face ; for, on the sakiri cf ber white bridai drems la a briglit yod spt; and, iookig agmn more loaoy, )w M ndoth5lr. irm ber skirt, bis eyesa to the floor; and ho mtters-"Blo@l She bai marks upon ber neck, but la not wounded. Wboao blood la lu? lu ocmes tram under 1 :ose curtains 1" Starting Up, ho ia about ta examine and discover. wben Enid'a return stops bim. While ah. la in the rocmn, bu dares net investigate, feariug what ho may iîîd will ho uoo great a blow ta Edwin Antrutber's miner. Sa thlnking vary bard what in bbut to do, h6 tries with a&l the imited resources ai bis command ta bring sentioncy ta Marina. li a few minutes, perceiving the signa uLpon her face wliiub precede returning in. mnatian, ho rises from thé Corsican s side and says quitly ta Enid, "Doar one, will yau do measa favor?1 [do not wisb this young lady to ses you immediat.ely on re- Coverîug conainanesa. Will you go te you rooin and trust mo ta do'ail that je necetsary in this matter !" lie takes ber hand in Iie very tenderly. -You fear ?" "Ye8, 1 fear-the offet upoit her--of seexngYOU. No, no. You dread the shock ta me. Yau fear for m-y brother. DIo Li auppase I sufer lesa nuL knowing tha,,,,kîîowing? Wlhy (o you alwaya stand between me and those cutain ? There's siometbing horrible in this mont. Something you discovered wfiile 1 was gonc-soinetbig yau darn * not-- IBut 1il stops lere with a u- U remsod shriek, for Marina, risiiri partie Ivy oim the Couch, interrupte ber by mutter- inlg in a dazed way, "Bride and widow 1'1 and thien wrings ber bianda despainingly. Enid would run ta lier, but. Barties places hie arii abttbler, bolds ber trcmbling te lmi; cund tie two watch Marina, wha ralse her evis, aroiin< the raom, and after a me- nieiii a i uîu on rfeet, t:îough totter- in" v e v(klegs. lnaî,inoit i t asemess the Ainerican, and horri ties lin for abs msays, in a voies of unirotrai val mu iess, thougli tretnbling a lthfi'iifA . -s You, hure TYoU cmlte tu iv us, but yau did iiot came in i tiuie. %Vhat bave yau dans with is it lis bad v ?T ecbocs Barnes, witb a very Liévtfae, holding Enid oels, for.ho feans lite will faint. buîttbis seesbeti le made of botter stîtîl; slie tears her4,!îf fri, bis arme and v(,:ýfi-oits Taiiiia, vciying, "Wlîose bodT" ? MNIý Ileaven! Not miv brotbei-*? Not EM. "Y es, your brotber'a sud my iusband'al" answer Marina, and then qoes into au awful parnx 'ysi of aiigÀts, sCreamîLlng ini despain -"ýMy hua-.baid, that I lcved, inurdered bofore my syese 1 1 ear bis footstaps »ow t riitgto mv Lrâ Ai!-C0iiý t> i i.,tmh ! -and iuttrs, "Listeni l'otuses bis fuotsteps! They bound aIw.îys in iny ears-cornig- -forever nouing !--Coming I Coming !- (2miing !" and with that takes a stride to Bariies and screama, "I)on't you bear theni taa T "By Ileaveîîs ! Y", footfalle upan the hall fliont!" aya Bernes. -l kitow bis stop 1" Ih in Edwin 1" oried Enil. "Yces, the footstepu of the deadi," muiters "No ! of the living 1" mraîns Enid, and rushes ta the door that leade from the hall iiito the arme cof Edwin Antruther, wbo cornes bstily in wtilîtile flush cf eager happineas upon bis face to meet hie bride. For a moment the yaung man ie more a&- touîided tban tlîey are. le izivs, "You bers, Enic't!"' with a sur- prised look, aud then gaspa, "Marina 1 Wbhat'a thei.%ater t' for is bride has made a step or two toward bien, ber oye. big with uneartbly haornor, and looking ai bis face bas screatnud, "Hie spirit corne ta reproaeh me with bis deatb 1" As ah. abrinke trembling fram him, ho att enipa tota te sber in his arme, eayin2g, 1 -)ear one-don't you kuow me-yeur bus. bandui?" But abs gets back tram bim, 'motioning bimi away, anîd astanishea them ail by cry- iiig, "You are flot my husband? Yeu are is spirit!1 My busband's body lies bshind .1.- ... tiuîa -.. fl!" - f.sA.ds itb upiliftoed -ils!1lier eyes sec; but ber minddio not believe theni I Yon kÉcv 1cm by cdu-. cation a physicie.", -1 do il "Lot me ho youn decton sud bers for le- uighi." l 11Will ycu ?,mayeaÂnstrutbor. Thon ho givea Berne' band a wanm grip,rSud mut tors, "(4ve mv vifo's mind. ck ta ber, and te me--anýd-I am grateful tonove,"1 and thene are eaure in the oyea of tbis great sîrng fellow.. "lWii yon do as I Bay implictlyf' -(X course 1" anaver. Edwin, wbo bas Icarnt discipline in the uavy. 1"Very well, M'Il ry 1" replies Banne.. "Go te youn vite and aliempt tota te.bon in yeur arma gain, but don't foroo ber agalana ber vil[. I vaut te meu ber fact sud bean what she bas te mey ta you."P Wbilo ho bas been s ?eubaies cn.- tioed that Marina bbs Ibrovu ;Èf Sud, vWho bus besu nyiutepersuade ber lhMd Edwln e.aie u a s gene patiy oves ta the .. enm as if auxious te drav them "sdo; mmd, then, appanextly not derin& to1"okab wbeî is bebind, bas relneeto-d, eiderBu. Ansîruther, as drced, apmcoebs bride, callieg ber mottly by ise t mud would soothe Md embuM, ber. à. befere, ahi ira*a av1b, !bus ibb; lime givea bhlm alovng10 k A m "1Wben I amn as dI a aie « a -wô 10o Ve ap - *"lb mmsciursa'%I "Uê No! Noi nevI1 Y«em auslqi.-yms 'bo4 le bddpd,,*so. ber0 v~ b me 11 1. smttqtlI e ber- What bave I b lScfor u th bs orth but reveu1oWho la lb.vils.Who bas icslroyodhait roumi. ?- Deym uknov r7 "Nover inthlMY!, »"Okyrme, saaply. . 4Jirst gel a awit s osm bock to br;fer every iniute be in in bot proseut t atein againsit ber ever leavlgt. 0f coq»e, tuassuimona a7 & ¶DuI et a iediuamaIu1ye ht yh *Île,$s dluso ant elqdw.ih, neyer vil bu. Aeting on that Ibeory, 1 am neady te tek. a doapreo chance. Ifil fails, I fur th* vormu. Have I your con- sent Ce try it r" 1"Wht ii " isadre lvia tremblng; ton Ibis change f rom the greateat happinese te the greelesi sonncv of hi& lits, busfer the moment shattered bis ueavea. 1"Befare yen came y ont wife vasueo, thcuh bneken-borlcd ; she tbhougb yalr bcd ben murdered.. Smo e hau smern yen, abs thinke you are a spirit-she aay. yeux body la boblnd tboa-urtaiu." -WelL.» 1"Weil, show ber tlébody thIat la b.hind those curtalus.", ."lYeu beievo Ibere in a body beblni thom ?" <'Yen hope ihero lae?" ochosa Anstruthor, surprlaed sud horrified. b"4Ye, for your, %ifc's sanity anid youi happinomse' neturus Barues. "Fer if, wbon i open that drapery, ubore La me conpno be- bind, Marine wili hoe amai vomau. in tact, in aile nOWv; such an hallucination without reeson in mania. At present I be- lieve abe bas sa vvid su impression that you are a dsad ma, that sien your pros- eoe bai no# as yeî oerceme il. Pnay God thon. im a body 'that aho me>' see it ia nt vours. " "'Tien you tbink thon s l someous kilied thons ?" sas Edwin, loeking eb tho dark draperies. 'II do, " in Banne' confident reply. 1 WVho ?"t "That 1 donti kaow, but I've an idea that. Providence bai vorked oui thinge about rigbt ibis lime," anavero the Ameri- cen. $Have I your consent?1 Mimd, the chance ia desperate." "tYee,"ý saye Anstruther firmnly. "For Godg sake anîd in God'a name, go on." 'Thi be ready; when I tell yen, do yau draw these curtains;" and witb ibose words to Edwin, Mr. Barnes tuina to Marina, wbo ie standing witb Enid's arma about ber, gaz- ingat lier husband lu a iazod way. t wo girls are noar the conter of the roomn, the men boivoon tbbc. sud the drapsd daor. Anstnuther approasbes thim lawly, while Mn. Bannes, consîdening hie words caretully, ecys ta the bride, "M nrs. Anstruther, yen ibink youn huaband'a body is bohiud tbass cuntains ?" III kuaw iii" abc cries; III beard bis caming foatteps-I 5&w Lwice through that canopy the kuife amrike deep juta the beat I love. 1 beard bis awtul groans. I san' the draperies twist about bis falliîîg lormn. -Would I nat tbink tbat n'as my.busbaud if I did naL kuon' ho was deacl." Witb thie abs points ta Edwin, n'bo le appnaacb- ing the curtains, and wbispers ta hi., Y eou are threading lu your owu blood Bannes lobs, msens here ie a red pool &naund the young Engliabman's test, and boing pretty certain et hlm point, says quickly, "Sa far you are right-you heard a tsp, but it vas nlt youn busband's. You cen' e farm behiud the curteins, but iL n'as net tbe one you loved; the groana that came ta you vers net Ednin'a-tbe body iying thor n anet Qenard Anetrnthen'm but -1 ', Ho gives the signal, sud Edwin drawing tbe cuntaina apen, Marina, wbo even wbile ho apeake bas been gasping-and panting, "lCen it bo-Ia ibis soT'aepriiîga forward and acreame witb joy, "Mýy 'huaband les euiel Tbank Heaveul That le the body ef the man whîo came te oses me kili bim J" For thons bobind theS mtaina, glaring ai thom vith feue haIftrgin aud haîf agrony sud tva great von<in uhbisheantI, li Count MuseDamelia. "'Danella !" gaipod Raid, ick vithi, borner. "iMy frieud," muttens Edvin sadly, sud stoeps te li bis boit. But Bernes, loaîuig the curtains and sbutting oui a sight that makea Lhem shud- der, stops him, nomanking, -".No us, the coaudrls beon deedten minutes. What I guosed; Providence vas about right. Yaur euomy gel wbet ho luteudod fan you." "«My enemy 1Impeisiblo I Dc't de. bis memeny I Ho gave Marine to me 11" 1"Ask lber, sud âne o bomuch yeu bave ta Ihank hlm ton that," maya Barnes dril7. But Edwin gaing ta, Marina .to takre bon in bla arma, oxclaimu, "Ses, te in veeping ton hi. now. " «11%n hlm? For thal vilain? Nel,$ This spech estem e ad disuiyBd vin moto tbcm sithor Banmue orITEuh te' have, ila aMosure, epedw 1t'.le hm( For -a »moment t stegns ami usas hi.. Ho turne th b e men su d mst- totena aabrohen voioe, «"Yen have Oume my ýdarblag of eué delualion 1 cure ber of âbi mono orsl madaea Mi Mvime à=e 11,kddma imo ballnalntiom y 4mek » replis. Drnes'«Yengo tebss hoebrotboui7 "Qsstl.m berns" *WmIs uni m yeloiS ber uwmob*' - W aoknrlege,. I!4%bid »,. farewell for. K~nles ~ in 1luavolcooci ipcuSrhau& -lm is4 , " ove yo e btaer then my soilW nteArn W ntccbyour wicvw as if you wove.dead. 1ke b. wholiesonlu thons curtain-lu %merm, let ame go=rn yeu " For Edwn'ubasn etb oid et ber band, Cri.- lug, "Yen bld nmefeitvl ne more. Thank Heaven, rimnet the manV "Net the manm' Marina cries back. 4"Noti thnman ? Qed kuova ibat villian avmeproots enough for me to e t.Ie Cife rmy baud ta mie>' you f' "4To-kil me, yaun buaband ?" gaspa An- atruther lu a tons f ofratair,,releasinîg hen. And tro. ibis time ou Barnes notices 'wiîh diamay ibat he makes ne tunther efforts te approaceh bis bride. Unbeeding Edwin'& action, Marina ejacu- letes, "Look 1" and in au instant tbis creaturs n'bo basbeau scaros chie ta stand, fliles likoea metear te Ibe table and seizes the things Danella bas aboyaite her--excit.e- moent for a fov bniot moments giviug bei preternatural sirngnth. Sh. darts with themn ta Edwin and uttors byatericaiiy, "IMy bnotben's bulletfiatbeood egainst tho coin tibat savedlyonrlife! Your name upon the pistaI that killed hi..L Deny that - Sec, the description of the duel, givon when yon feared yen vwon about ta die, te exon- onato your second, vriteu in your baud- wriinîg. Wlîy, it's certainty. Telil th trati .t Iin mercy don't decelve me!" "6Tiiose pistole are mine," - answers An- truther moodiiy, as if sone ather tbought were dominating ibis malter of the duel in bis mid. "iThey vers taken tram my stateraon thtua moruiug et Ajaccio, b>' the afflucer who killed your hrotber. Thià coin waa is ; iis tatement miade juet previole ta bis death, it rny iîand, because lie n'as toc weakta Write himasit, in ibat of George Feilows Arthur, wba vas wounded ai the Sealark wbeu ve o mbarded Alexandrin. He died lu my armea afen' oers fterwards; andi thuese litil e thiusgs, tb. fittened bullot, ihue sdlvei crovu, and all ibat la or wuainl tit-. L, ' cutheru, mwhich hears isieinitiai& ; i,,!ArthIur, were wbat hie asked imu mu tAi,.1ist, to duliver witlibis dying th:whîvîi meîourned te ..A ud on titis evidexice yoi boliev- "Others believed tdso !" ecreatît a !rins. "Don't reprosch me. That mant ehîgraplted ta your sister La stop aur merriage Voit who san' the duel, tell me it n'as flot îivy buebend killcd my brother t" She turne implorimîgi>'ta Bannes, sud ho ansers, "Tbsnk God, no. 1 wam ln error aiea. Anstrutiher, I thouglutat uS pe lid, and would have prevent-ed your ituar-nage, but Danella iiercepted my diepam.cl.- Marina, ber face agiow witb mpture, daubies ta the loor tlîe evdoîîcea of tii nigbi's mnastrans lL, sud cries, "Wiib these ho tbougbt La make me kilI yoîi, l,d- vin I-Ai lest, agaîn I'm heppy t' utamis etaggering ta ber hueband's arma, wheti be horrifies tbem ail b>' asying coldly, "A. puty, Bernes, vour dispatch camne ton laie t" At these word's bis bride recoill, shuildere, shrliksaae>'ram him, and cries ui hyseriall"Oh I I kuen' ibis woîid ho the nd.Îfpho voe.gniliy 1 oould net be bis vite. If b. vers innocent lic would nover forgive tue. Hc's goiug tk break nay beant. Ses, bie létoks like ho did n'hen, lie condemned the criminel ln Egypi." "Edvin, m~y brother. Remember boy you love bier!*' begs Enid. "Anstruthier t" says Bannes steruly, coin- iug teimt-Your wife eau bearnon more sgony te-nigbt." "Mýv wite, who on evidence such as thia thougfit ber husband an assassin. That's whai yau caîied mue!" ' sivs Edwin iu a very sateru terne, canfnonting Marina, wha looka et hi. vilh a paie, scered face, but dom nnet for c moment ansver. "Do vout suppose I n'ouid bave believeal van c murderesa on the word of ailiers?1 13ut dans I doubi youn varda te me taita- migt you taok a dagger lu youn band ta kill me-vaun bunbend burrying to youn arma, vith al thé affection, love sud trust 1man ever gave te vein. Telnme I didn't ,bean yen. Tel me you lied te me. Tel me yen are dliioju-bui don't lu mere>' te me let me tbluk ibai my bride vould ta- igthave assasinaed me I' Edwin begium 291tb a neproaae but suds vith a supplica- tion. Getting ne denial ho turne gloomul>' ave>', sinka inta a chair, cavera bie face viib bis handesud leoke et ber uo more. "'I vas crai>' thon-as I viil o acc &gain," gas Marine, giving hi. a8 yeern. *u gaco that vould mol int. if hie sa v I. (iuoning, ho daire uatl ok et ber for tsar hoe yul fergive ; tho girl becames braver, and, takiug nesolutien ta fight tor ber hp piuse, vaîks up le hi., a siigbi tremble in ber step, pute eut a baud ta la>' il upan bis an., thon wtbdrevs ih, shuddering, lest ho nepulse ber ; sud maya lu a voice unnatu rai. 1>' eam-"'Edwin, my buobeni, yen liston- ed o e ocriminel ila Egypl-do the smre te yaur vite." 66S8, yen vaut justice 1" Ansînuthor maya eoldiy, nos lookimg at ber. N ô R - , 'l UttmaiWoW ORD" â«r sud Auitr" wh, b" 48Maei t e in ion" h orrèr4 breb aks lae a hus4 laagh Ma al etÈal >Thies uthe um'a vo* vcnshipéeoi Dos1t telt.i that the won"c 1 hd tk»ute bo the etDci i ffetion vould bayse s1a n auold bocda vounde4d man.itH.las ou er o,'tannahon beuti face tewada 1am9,loi" vildlyite her dePsaIrmg MR s&04 Olb..tunttera, 6"By m#3 1h. saluts, I voct beevy ou, if yau del» "Sol »e!I1 entered t hospital oui y lu discover-net te k 11; I uldu't bave douet Ibat,'" soreamo Marina. "ÂAak the. dyiug1 men Who lut paugs made easy; eak tbose h nnned teiife an seo if hI vunBot butter than rny vow. X u«bt my ouomy; but h pitled, 1 Iended, I tbed the net- tbey ioved me. Nover di tevered suffener ccli fanwater sud 1 ce mou. Nover did man dis of pestilence c flee tram hlm. Yau were ôeeoa!thbn ,y bnabead-voa- knon!-Haw smyyouv ethe bauds Chat bovered oven you enc Fypt Lb. bande ot bato or the handmetfI1vs. "The bauds of an ange -Al Mercy, al cbar-iîy," ansvers FEdwin 'th teans in bis eyes aud lu bis voice, - I bear you npeak of deliberats murden I S M l mad, on v re von V "bu3it I bad repented o' that. For love, of v'ou I bail îenouîtcedi y van'. until thial dii"Marina buiats for h, pointing ta the cuirttinq hehin<i wbicb 'Danella's body, "îî lgli ne ii-le, back the 1habits and. traditioîie of uîty nati ve Idto h e jeer and scof of nu y îighbo cause I torgave. To ho%,îny heed iunsameon titis, me' bridai day, at tennis s obildhaod s frienda because 1 did n île>. Thon La- iiglit, wlitn association made me a6g iii a Cornican and a savage ella sud Tom. asso proved ta ume that a, imy bumband, htad kilied the brother t I I loved. They torcud a dagger inoamyid, aud for a ton' moments 1Iw n'acd I t'a aiU1--Forgivt mo-I vas Mad.'51 As Marin&a stpopat with voakuesa and miser>' a d gzmg e hem witb eyes pleadirmg ter synîpaty, ~ho other tbree ok at eacît otber,eu awf ttougbt in eacb i t heirîiiuds that noue@ f iheir Langues irc uiter.i *\ntrutber faiters a mcânent ; then des- perately eamides up te bis bride iu a fright- vîied wey, aud, pointiiig te the curteins t, iat ecreen Danella's coise, eaawith lipa tbat are pale and tWemblîng, "Who kil d bim ?"1 As ho asked ibis, Mari 4starns as if he bad &truck ber, aud gapa in returu, "Net I t-Betors God, flot I !It vas Tomasso!" But as ber huabamal nIess, "lThank Hec- yen f' viib a greet sigh et reliet, ah. la bu- fore hi., vitb oyezs fismgunuttorable ro- procc, cryiug, "lLook me in the face if you yen dans, atter %bat qsti*oe. I-your vite -your bride-youean e-d bd waited lu ambnsb ta aIe>'y on, sud bail mistaken Don- elle ton yon. Tbat'a vbat iny buabani thinka of me. -Whou h board the comimg ntep I rsmembored, net My vav of the ven- detta, but my vow te ho your wifs. Tho daggen Tomassa bai piâeoin lumy banda, 1 Iurnod eainat him..Eebold I the bruisse of bis cluîcb upon my' Ibroat wben I vas fighting for youn life !-Look on ibem 1 Mbycngy ebeme on yen J"' As she saya tii lait, scerom-nmngles vitb the sofi roproot of hon voice. The iivid mark@ aet Tosnaio'a cruel band imite Edwin vitb resons. and make bim veny tender te this g*rl vbo lu ber hei1 lesanoasbas foult or him. Hosobe ltort "Forgive me! Fongiveo mi! Forgile !" But ah. beeda hlm meot, o g on vildi>', "And yen thougbu I vouïadbave murdeneal yon ? I plead no mert. igm tee weak t. ploàd. Whon yen ver. teible, h suceenei yen ; vhen yo ewrm eteeed, I detended you;sand nov, in myoxtruýnity atter thc agon>' otfthia igt--Ihe bort that sheuli boat agalnat mine la bnrnedtfnom me.-My bridegnooni bas derted we-h lave yen, Edwvin !-Thai'a cruel-cruel uns yeunr, h love yot-h-feorgive bu r And beaming ineffable obanitv sud di- vine tendonnes on tbis maé whi made ber suifer, Marina sirandveudfal, but Ântrntbor's aruTse round ber. Ly- in pon bis heurthaeoglue him one hapT 1mi1: aud ono libtie .1gb, "My husamil' sud becomes unouolons a deaih. As for hlm, ho àa like e Viid man, show- ering kisses upen lips tbat do ual nelurn thesu, beggimg orgivens ers onhie cnulty sud mumbling caresse intc eane ihat i0, mt boan him.. Bcing ho camnot animate ber, ho cadis ta Bannes, "Quiok 1 Toll me sho's net dsad. Have I broken the tendon- est haut on eath ?", Beorterhe Amonlom asa anavon, Enii in b>' hon brothen'a aide, and, vaman-liko, gives hlm tuvcevfui stahe ; for @he maya lu a cnlting veice, "4Tbatle igbt. Cry shame on yourself cf tcr jour cnueîty bai made yorbride teint. That'.a the way mon si- vasdo ou mrssaLd ha-do- - prsak4f oubees Zaid aur- I asl~ ieImg~s Dornea. u-~a ~Tv w doeior.oh entas. ami te bher ~De wbt y.. M n> aye"h«nfermea. Thwau 1il Bv brfor me 1-" sAa stintmo,, ping a be bau lune Tbere'Il bu ccarniago fer voabo shent t h. deor. Yen thlmk otting but mi g Foar wiféow tiayon're alié andal evi hsuiîvand1uilio the rot, won've title girl?7" maya arnes ver>' tendely te bis svootheai,as bo bocks aI Edwin hoer- inq bis bride out oft the épartment, and thinks, "Wbat avuli ho .y despain if S>' love vas lu snob aIraitsa iiL" Sonmting lu bis face alarme aid ; sho cames ta hlm, places ber baud upan his ersu sud vhispor, Yeoa r i7 "6Ncuh eeplie., eonsiderngly. ««I bave : ehopes shbe bl he te ddegthe na uever. But not a vend oet halte yeur brother. Hers hie sweetbent asteihes hum by i ing l a look of admiration sud ne- liv king " W al a doctr jeu are!1 W at anafficen you would make!I \ou give yoti rommandi as if yen were lu action ?" "Yes a sick-room àl the doctar's quarter- deck !'I said Baes.. "But te business !" end ho gives Euh nosemehast> directions abous the articles ah. bad best take n'itb bon ton Marluaas use and bers. As for t'aein baggege il eu folow after, he'il coud bis servantfoto u The greet tling la tegeL hlm patient out et Censica and an'ay frntm the associations sud nocoliectiona oft Iis nigbî. "«If I couli but ke.p Marina, sales until thon, it voubi bu a great î.hing frn boi. What voli I mot give torn a reaic !" As te »aY& Ibis. the seumi et hoe'&s ootses ire avenue tainrout et the house.cames ta Mma, and he bear. lbe cîanking ot a sabre emd a martial treai n on the pontico. "De Belloc 1" h. crie.. «"II aee what lbe enu do, for me," aud ctepe out te meet ibsi officer. As Miss Ansinuther gaes off ta do the commission lie bas charg2d bier witb, as mecs te Ainuican in eager conversation with a Inilitary figure on the balcon>'. Mn. Bernes hiastiîy ex plaine the situation te de Belloc, and Ibai officer vho la prompt- ne om inaeîflal mations of duty, issues snders te s fov et bis mon te foliov up ani ernent Tonasso. "Afler cammittimîg au ai- baosination, a Carsican geuaraîly flues to the mountainsansd bucemes a bandit.," lie r.- marks grimi>'. "We'Ul capture ibis gentle- man befare ho develepes mb to ul-fiedged Fra Diavolo." By ibis timue lbe membors af Lb. Couui'a househuîd are araused. Tbey husar of their mastor'e fte vitb honror, mingled vith rago, sud, wveo h i4ot for de Belloc's troopen, Iere mght be antien tragedy that 9ib ; for Danelîs bad been a kind master ta his servants, vho mutter seme ver>' ugi>' ireats agairnsi Ibese foreiguena as the>' look upas tfhe deed bod>' oftihoin lord. But Bernes does 1net gi. lb.. much lime ta ibink et plot ; soma lho sots te work cennyiug eut thoeiu1 s.a thet muet go vitb lb.. ; tbe reat be e. moff te the stables te put harnses te a cerrisge vhicb, asiaici b>' a couple et cavaIt>' mon baudy wniih ntncp and buche, heosen made ready on tb. part>'. Meantime, liecng tram à servent that tbe priest lu the village acteasa a gem- oral praesitiener ton tise pensant& about, and bas a simple stock et mediclues, thé Amorican rides off an eue of (le Beliac's hose, udvsiutelr gooi old tiau f romn bis slumbera, tola hlmval.basbefailen the bride ho bies.ed lu is e utilechapel ihat day, sud obisins tram hum the nercotie b. désinrs. Retnnniug,he lacos tbic in Enid's bande vib these worZa: "Wbeti Marina coms.teronseuses, it she seems huappy aîud confident thatliber buibandinla itiu ber and alave, giv. ber Ibis, in eu* duse ; if nat, @top te carniage til I oertahre yen. " "%B u encame vils us 7" maya Raid. "i'Y.., juct bubtnd y«en shcrcebmck vitb de Bsoc."- "You've bai ne rtstfon day. ; you'Il kL yourself. For my ako laoa e a atinlu ur ca-rnage," enîreseshis&vtheanir. "Thons'. ne room. Your brother sud bis vile, yen and youn mai vil l ili."I "ILeave Thomupeon bebirni. Do yen sup- peo I am heples vithoui ber 7" "'Net et al; but alono witb these Canai- sa ttr vbst bas happedo, your maid, vbo ilae green Emglish girl, vouli diset tngt," neuBane.. "rgBuýrton !Ir yen ik af every lg * oepi yourself ." cries Euid, and gives hlm a look thet iiekes hlm feel very happy. A minute or Ivo afienvards, Austruibon cannies bis brido, salibi insibie, ta the car- riago. Afton seolng bis patient la as com- tentable as possilefon the jounney, and luckiag su extra rug about bis cyetheant, Banne. givca the signal le tb. driver, sud aa elb>'go; Edvim, vlib Marina lu bis arma, on the back seat, sud Euh sand ber maid eittlxug oppait. to themu. De BelIec sud ihese of bis lnoopenc vbo are not lu pursuit ef Tomasse, tollov altern; mai the vbol* part>' havl dovu lbe ille>'ofethébo raveme, vîe.white tor- heur ti*mkurdolb ~t&4a~ 441jr'q je*bâ& b i»f ' mbliiPOMP we m»v m ui 1 dm Brl KEtl4li&- Il».. t t .îÏ omsfor out 5<i307g but us stick ta th~e 0,,Q j$ l$. * f or noisd 8agar fior $1.00. 25 it~ lomb. hepound. Good R1o ao of -l ot uve been partng 20 per cent. # *ustWb. or F&U Stock ila rrivlug and w. -Iu ttsubt Ibé w. bave ever donc bof ors. s111 msntiemaker and milliner. Give us Your lis Ou thlng ve vould »my vo are determined to givo m uf f itIm o 1h.grest1a m i a" Thanking yon for our iai.,» mm oping tebeb.favored wfth fidurlng 61alan reeaL Yom aU eusV017t"y, E. Z, VEREX. USE McooI's Lardine Machine 0O1 The champion Gold-Modal 011 for ail maciiinery. McColl'a Cylinder Oil is the beit in the cou ntiry. Try iii. McCOLL BROSe &.CO., Toronto. For asae by jogSEPH Ha l RD, Foeson Fala, and J. P. RYLEY, Lindsay. -~ One pound ln every package. Belore - Rain or shine it won t hurt anV anim al. After (OýNDI TIUN_-POWD ER. A. HIGINBOTHAM, Lruggist, Lindsav. BUTTER WANTED We want a quantity of GOOD DAJRY BUTTER, and during the hot weather wifl furnish Tubs and Crocks to pack in, and pay highest market prices oither in cash. or trade. HOGG BROS, cA61LW MC:>Crn] August l8th, 1892-1598. City Harness Shop, Lindsay, JAMES LITTLEt m PROPRiETOFW Havit .xte.ded my bminse, theélaitu"n belag to psirciie rom MIL.JAMES LO'LL hier.iros Mud thé giood vil af his buoiness, who nov rretiree, I amn prepared te gve au MY OJ a ç,astmmr, and a@ mal »oW M« as layone me with their patouagembUaloton lua&Ui swith whIoh I mai b. entruated. MIy Stock of Harns, Cai&, Whipe, Trunks and Vaioeu 116 12210, WvuE sletd. wuteed a"d irI hespIttbm plae Intowv u sdade colars a epectAiy eumboe tbatanl my vck ljnaIye tub" m.osd â worbna=eunothor employod. "à . lamaoy val Iyis.Anl I ut la &à. hispectiaim steock mQmd youMi ii ouoed that fItla the largest ta caui 1bQ@ U ét vokmmblp, and prilon cbUBPt hemp àu y placela town. My expenses being Iowar tharsiao1I gve my mobours tbe neli. Qoatlam-nplace la vour ordeosetionce and don't =methis - pportinty. Espahekg proimptlydonc. Don% ot the ~plae.Gire me a cal. JAMES LI-T.L-E. FARMVERS, ATTENTION, HeSVtae"MMrjot h. £oy mI Viot" Rond for the. KAMSETand HARRIS Oompouea. 1 am rn ePiUM 10 sUMPlI mmnswih 1h. bet FaimImpImema t PMmeandi Trn i vilh CGaut be Beatol <ut là * ompenie.. 1asWasent fSsdsthésbah uerb évwd'g5nfts ud u bdrope.shain ac ehmno. jeu* v. STAPLUS. Victerit RoBi. vietSàrat& 19"No. 4 hissL -I 26 Oh.x IJRNITTJRE IQO~To A~N1DE1WBNNIJG ENT, C ou 3mbinet Makerl. -, ~ jo show il. s- --.. a T,&000 Pl 1 1

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