CHRIST IS ÂLL IN TIAI.MAGI'S HOSANNA 0F GRATtE TO CH RIST ON MIS RETURN I4Ot'-- jLJ aiof e , ybyu Wa, te et~~on die isio t&KYq mI4 grab.tsd IiiaoSginereUîob auà ge agri 1n4il" o wloO55to-day by a -vast congaDso:ý a whicli asoembled to hoar bhla pa G wh0 000W It . init ne rdiuary pleaure that no firet sermon after-his *turx 1nMi hue iu YeuIte a 0* filIthe daty vicolih"au oom 4sid nenrahiunlr. ,H.esutoed_4u 1 ickup ]b:tePrograumeConumittes <of theAM n "lc Md 1ettohu~u~~ es th" »fae. au preuldeul ofthé.uooutivemcemmla-: lucrnn Russie, lu ho oft live Md îý thisla " inapeli5uInbl oft e eodingeof th.et9M -_ 4r slghi ~the Bible e h eomes a Brltiaii Mu- Genêts!9 ig re famw a Herald, the *3U,000 Worthi of fient orjht Th ema.hon mehé feot Whonandbet ig iii th flominio eavîn .The subjeot ws, «AUhn'einr ohe. h Sd hing o saa ho. wl ayoha tie ail ext, Colomalaa 3, Il; "Christ. la61an the Bible but tFA trý ,W4 if ye ouan, Préenas te a the spetale of a aid .nai.'t71 fiu* in th>, k Prbesia Chutrik, net spâtito Mief-1 Reiunod tte themoat~ M itithmaddbuld. lmagfr &ad ments,, but fairy unted, sud lroslng of my lite, I muet shortly, sud sesoou nie alu n uiha. u atrn ylgesi ih ne-huafrigaso thé ses-r yagethgivoa- s sdseet peatral,andlustruotivenuative sundasuexample, if miot hhsî iv ii.*axte, IÇ&e rocovor froM asd devotional pslm ; thoughta exproamoJbuke, te mm oaderoburches iu other lend&. account of ouxmnisio re& to famiue. in a style more solema titan that of Mont- Andi la very agresablo, I tan ure, te us truck rft.gsas, and of rny preaching tour Samory, more bold than tiat of Milien, a&U thaM vo meti lu thébeuilful aud pros- through (.ermany. . ngland, bcotlaud, sud Mme .terrible than that i o-Des, mr omenyo Ttot,.oiyvi hjeaol! Irelsud : but my irst mermon on reaohing mtrii hto Wrsotmr i rmdut of rot lo,&cteentb ein w 7 bore must b. of a hosanna of gratitude te aua hnta fWrsotmr h rdco h imet mww Christ, and from the texi 1 havet chose», I lmpe.sioaed tiéatn hai of Poflock, monrensd thercby well fitted te show Whatt undér tendet thes ihat et C r9mae v h e ii.blesing of Qed, cea b. effeoisdb7 tha have folîîd that the greateot names in the tîsu thai of' Spenser. Te great peen combinsîjon et intelligence, ansd acehl-IIipig. ntifro LverooltO brinaIl the gel"s of aicBarthitoteia itegrit ,Of which vens PawffV1ý iw Nlosco,%. ilud from Moecow to London sud coro=e, "&a it veaves the.laum of Judg- Churobi iesdoubtiqea oentibuted h.5h.e Edinbui-cli snd Belfet sud Dublin, in ment ln iLs gprlsnd, and pour. eternal har- 1 thlck, ico,: Iu"yoougrÏa sàe in-, o j esus. monies inii ta rhythm. Evertig this its belng the sent cf 1,hi, Afth dc50 e,,~e~ Fvry tige ef the world bas mad it.hMor book touohes fi mekea besutittl, irons the cause ýhst vili aoi4i.!i emarne!st lans, ia Ithilosephers, is artiots, ié thiuk- plain atones et the.*auimer threshe foete1ot 1h thv ise e, aud its toachera. Wore tiare . stes- and the daughters ot Nabot filiaM_ *hi ln the.history ofet ton-viihEdiz* __ je, te bc Writtenl, there hau alwsys been c trough for the camoe, sud the. flsh-p"ofe Philadelphie,, Bllast sd Lmonu-4ùdf1M moses, oir a Hoerodotus, or a Xenophenl or Hoolibout, up te the Pasimiat praising Qe)d show on the ote i iiyea a Jephulls ta write tliem. Wore îhere witli d&&"so of storm suod vhirl*ind, sud churehes ho*-ahweh is ~lbà i 7 me to b. oemaructed, there lia aiwuys Job ltodI.orth Orlon, Arcturus, aid the. lu the puit, aud 'wbât -e~alta ! i- eàaJob or a Hner ta construot tbbm. Plein". '- in a wonderful posai; sud a vce vieutevt,"I m liete ue-JW41os'h Wero thrones, lustrons sud powerful, ta b. rTat may peoleread iai-se thede address botore Pan-Presbyterlsu<n fra e.. 1ftd, there lias slways been a D)avid or a Tornes Moore s îýl Rooki," aud Wai- Cmear Le raesethem. Were tb ore teaciers ter Scot'. "Ladyfetthe ILake," and Tenny- Tme Vanek ant, à demnuded for thé jntellect and the hearts, susmal@ ge et he Liglit Brifsde." Fliey Hwplyn.a aif gta F1 ihere han beon a Socraies, and a ZoÛpe, d ait de"~, sdare se sbeorhed nm looklug s îsetyou 'la iae#~~*g i a Cleanthea, sud a Matuns Antonius oomiug the shelas on the abr that tii.y terget ta banjo. uthe vllow trs h. r forth on the grand sud glorieue missOn. look off on ilie great coema of Giodae meoy iu-ts u, hmgc-pui. Thes Evety agéefrhe vend hlias liteisaudm alvation. îigit ai.rsof.the Ins*ruet e Ion g old triumplis of roeasuad mralit. There Thon -ibère are OthonsWho cerne ta thissored to the negro ane forgtton lthe lia net beon a alugloa ge uftlie vend book ef seeptios. They masal passag deeper aud more dignifiod noies oft he whioli liasnet had oine dided ast.m ef sgslnst p a nsd tty te get Mati ith ir.W upo ua i oeaaePB rejgo~ TePlatonusi, Orhetaia, su d Là -ain - arrel, sud vould have aBibilities&of thteibapbave mu o ado with stom, Bi inum udBddiudjorpnobetveen vitat Paul snd James tiisrevive! eit hat àaient instrument. A cuider*n'the âges lu vilci they were may about taiti sud varkse; sud uiey iry àapl a protey îling. A curiously cerved saabise lcMg 5lingemu.t * on t on.onc&igii rec- cabinet fhem enice et an oddly tealion. ity and terce. Nov, il ti fine etboeu.- tian by- modem doisions of science, sud ed table r Fac cannai be mhore ficnt intitutions sud et noble men, reselve ihatin luai queugtions beiveen thlie efeijve lu a draving-room. The itarp iliere appeared a Personage more won- uelentifio explorer suid thc inspired writer bas e ueble sucesiry. Sillin bring1u4 derful t an Bay predecossor. Reocame îhey vjlIgiva proferencé e t te geologi8ak forth musi foi t i chorde von p tnai from a famiiy' vithout aiy royal or cris- Thense men-iliese spiders, I vill say-s-uci hoor lu thc day et Kiug DaviZ. Kinga tecratio pretonzion. He becanamesGelieu Poison oui of 4h. uveeteat floyers. They sud aueous have en>oyed is mua*othraui mechanio. Hoeliad ne sdvantage frdneinii. atienithair infidelity aupon thtrutis which huifreds of yaarg. Is saddition toe ichools. Thone vote people beside Hint hava led thousanda te heaven, sudlu thofr orchestra, liovever, doms net date back day after day who bail ne ides uhat Re distorted viien pie phet soa ta var with ma" yey.a. A Chicago musiclisa made vas going te ho snytbingremà,rksbio, or do prepiet, sudev eat v'ih evangeliei, sud a eiudy et the instrument aud ho Beyasis ényth ing remet kable.Y et, uotwithstaad- spoatle vlth apoetle; sud if they can fiuid posaîbilities are net yet tully undertood; ing ail this, aud vitiaut any titb, or semne bad trait ot charsoter lun a aeto God iliat the .emai-tenuaof the iarp cou ho scholarly profession, or fleming rieorie, moutionad lu ihat Blbla, theso cerrion creva reguisted viii a nlcety beretofeou- lie start e4 Ithe venld viiiilie strangeat ccv sud fiap their vinga over the car as-. kuev. No douhi Tannhsuser sud Orpieus announcemeuts, rmn lu collision viti sol- Becsuse they cannet undersiand iov ilie would net recopnia. tic iarp if iiey ver. enin prient snd preud raien, sud viii a wisia *vallowed Jonsh, tiey atiempt the te sec it, viih the Cicago modifications, voie@ that rang trougli temple sud palaee,, more voudertul fotstfetwailowing the standing inuacwhiitesud igold parler and sud over Ship's deck, sud mountain top, ex- menster vicie et modern aiepticisnî. TieY rempondtiug to tho gracefuil touci et a laimed, 'I amx the Ligit o e i.World " do not heliovo it Possible ihat thé Bible Michigan avenue belle'% sieuder flnue.- Mien were aIl taken aback ait the ides iliat @tory siouid ho truc whjch msys tiat Indianapolis News. that lidîd, yet liard trom the uae et thé tic dumb ans apoke, whie they themselvess___________ axes, the' saw, sud adze, an.Ilihatoliet prove thé thlug possible by their own utter- Charnoier oft he photograph. thould wave the soeptre et autierhty, âantisces. I amn smused beyoud boundusae that up ci that brov, trom iwhieh thoy had 1 hastoeeoe these mon talking about a A gentleman vie blobng made s atudy me fte sen Hm vpe ie vea o taifuture ite. Just amias man wio rejeots et amateur phoo . yasn ta i thers would yat ome the erewn etunuparal- tisi Bible vici heaven I., sud hear hlm bc- ehief interest te him les mu the unconscies leled afletîdor sud of universal dominion. tog your seut. Hoeil tîlyeftataee .esiue irco uapiigele We i ktow iov difflieulti t i. ta thin inlamoreby the developutent et the interna if a mnhv..ynbeo ma ri blhat anybody wvi.wva t ochoel viii us lu resources af s man ; it la ai efflorescence O ett"ifnshmenhavueamy nole to tean trait boyhooà hsd get ta ho anything greas or the dynsmie forces into a taté of ethareal ltn uisntrukont i ed fsrneua ; anid ne Wonder tisitiose vie had sud transcendenial lucubratiln, lincloseh0orne doulu b ha i ioatograpi traits beuboys viii Christ lu tie sireeta et Naz- .x os#iou oteieverpreseni "vas," athene ecs r ta dmant feame iytraita arati sud seen Hlm lu sitar years in, the sud ti re sti "te bc'"1 d-tlio overlaatilu u ieesavr avy eeldu h deys oet i. complet» abscurity, houd ."No." Cnsiderlug tiemeelves vise, they suu-dr e Vispleain ta etieglofîlie have heen very Blow te aoklnovlodgoeare fools for urne, kola for eternitv lh e ovsbeo i élfcse h Chis'swecirfl isio.Thon ihero lsaua rclamaY e I a iters. Chrat' wn(lrfu m»iOLvho oome o i.he Bible u mvr à&PétliS Tiesa assertions, if correct, only illua. From ibis humble Point tibe strearnOfettrlite tBibleh as i matrovesralahais.t fioved eut. At i rai vas just a faint rill, Ticy are onoimous Proobytorians, o rai rt bc ua l smmid hardy ai. e Sd la vydoa tc rckforce Baptiste, or violent ýMttidisteiliat as years go h7 thé character etef e bu h é ' bto n ts veeping C hrssdedrotk, They ont the. Bible te suit their creed, iino vritez tlif dolibly upon hus face. Not C iat volue ; sud f lovad en hritun ddtil yhc oad tuttiug iheïr . creel to e~u thc enly thé action, viethermen or noble,I PSau-vo ud en; nees floeth.b ni, y te Bie. Iof g o ripu think as they4ut, but tic secret tieugits wiich are nover Dut mb»" e i eu tcoyila a ei fsi,.qmoité es o h ie odeed-tie seusual imagination, liche va.takug.On ud n, iliuh~*m aSoriptur«e. X ibl* la mereiy the viiel-u elpr~e oe e! v -eh%'ugatdowg »sd washed aitheit a ton vhio!tÎr;: sharpen tie,àigfol.. u~lt00 ienivsuo i leprsysudticdeadver litedlutahie~lu-~eof ch~Il*.TJiy ~ festures, or ai seme unexpeoted moment veten tuai uhoy. mlgbb bave lite, and peerla e s ovmmet isthe e e ons epoic ii el1ranbhn Etj*yand promise@vera gatbered-tram tie .te armories Or assenais 'M veapon ma d*Ye. ______ rrimi-, sud innuniersle ohuroies gtiered munitions. Tliey have delared ave-asiing, a leemerin' Vol.1 on eiher bank, mcuthtAie iowsevaon d .~fvuas ginsi> a11 other nota, sud t iiiy il t usaiSirignm oh de magoi r or, aud mronger, sud 'wder, until i relaZ r yhodaodeomu ukt, D cla lie bre; lat ti rivr lon u horaie4hreneo Gda jse mauy hovit4m oru emsuy columblad, se But hemh Lu de câai cr neber a bros zingliug 1illow vitii hlllov, sud brigihese muci grépe aMd ceniater, se msny fied.-ATe fan f ebotbras u tde vith brigîtaoe, sud joy viii ici, sdpMe hi bo t aehebde -d Dt bimon Se bei wbere Sb@ lie, hoan vt osnaIpute ; for tubUy msste gethe vlcteory, Au@be l iammy tink 0, Me e ma'p lS I vas loh osgaionene p hougi the heavens be dà;ikeued vii t te Ob degWwléeasUW afta Se uy. eti rLOO mr.Kno a eeamoke sid ith.e rth rou iviticthethunder. Hvsegwn éwako at iomnn'PU othre a tiat vo.a juat t Ini auilusmm Witdo thoy csre about tcrlo ttic Wlêtieom tva luee tumblu' taebe sioue soch e yen vusd eioluinî Lord ens Christ? D@ e Isevin' 'd blev ber n ke de chef branchesoetiroes sd Do trunk ; nd in Tics. only gel luteticha oQO' WIhlee*tUOu oneheand%. eneuher mcase is uni adn u r" h truah ho coa i cing Christ. WOboomO tW. i.teeont e1 edrsdl~ OLe aid not bish"he ii on. Ih veuld &Il suai! 1Th itt vii d Hlm omndn wy obavSd atnSin' d«e have taien hlmi asdm entisperiapefr<>m hehlud the 01tain oph e un- as' te have compicied 16. Woll, My Inonda, lu til lia stands, l. icn , il'Fn aerS Seit asoun' vro de bebbenly t'rosgf qàiài w i v le M 4y Ttic fsintent eutlte Testamnent discosure, Jesu ffiah S12onf qee» sek fer do muaddrbreackfaoe.! et hetCii~ile h iiitae al.eîeni$ Qd,-icS.vieur of he ic ed- Tiey vil! wl0ci' rmemy o'uSJeet go slong t.S u i pcuc-e ivuaaem , u Hmeie.1caabe.d ua î 1IId bb afuedt e ln Jeaus alLie vab boteeoiencale ni à 'mi ciyail. Lité boe i Batflma "ol* <;> r6Zdo't nention vL ,I gale. Le.rauie- Malachi. Tien Z tutu over to tie Nevw naisuior; fa15 esuheiing a - . ~It 1itis, et Umm,5ow 05 &5mett eto Testament, sud lu la Christ li bte PIrbl% 6 t 10t îe in lu s oldie tes tti on b tfYO M r e t th a d it ia Christ ini thé miracle, iis Chi aPetm,& sia i n a1 5b&yoot oirge 0111n; but Il OfiirterA t iquri theeevangelisi s mury, it je Christ -inthé tAie e ve aonsu d v9 u e u ca tteApsiso &poties' epitie., sud it la Christ iluthedrWe on MiihOoi jl d.éP 0'1 Y iaSdts taiif1 uP05 I tlumpet peul of the Apocalypse.. I k*,vru rvo Trouble hlsiasvtukbd osdIftisi la sot ai8gl ot te Birc a t 1any pee wvi deaoMsd ,ithimisbfouted oted.onievials" fin Crit n heBboý,oeé la& rlvgltisbattlle OfUtê, Mte o inWhte who tudje% tie Bible as à histor"a. oxwx tbl eu w4u «r '~ The weno sn lru WîIke. tu ~tld ieved aamoehut-miaoo e ~ r crrspndnt&U aldoti.d over vith gins if Y o e u a h is to rie n , y O u 'w l!H iM A cà1 1 b e i,, 0e s o n e t , i inhei o-w hwte thiu laces, m v sonov,à uesenq b r ienlu 'bLt' i' orii..white leilu gliOt vogue on tic biwtlSes e d nc es, i l acliet, bVeté- WlI - Î -' Of - odot e gnoi m, ailleP qUstoa~dtie vtidtmaoliggi" b@ lafla n 17ndIonhýM has, ha es ni a t wu 1116 vàffdl of en Wih-t ge at" agoni faa' t h fiS n fl pi an t sd datue&Ii ,' « - snL,~moecAu~'¶~ ~ - a j t . Mu STREAIGHTWAY RE'TUSNS KIM WRENOU lm CAME. Crazed b y tihe1 t a big home pingd tbrougi théean ded atreets ye.teaby aterneen sud pl ngcd ieadloatg jute tho Chicago river, d ngafei n auArnrican ]Cprems Cempanyla aggen. tie ive tri ghlt- netu occupants _ iely esspiug viiithoînei 1"V i& "n'y satý r ellmu.ooking bubbles maried the spot a herti maddeued beait weet dovu, as it etade no efflort te got eut. The horse, wii wuvas atached te a vag- eUm contained tvd mon, aaned ta run on Nlcth Market strit sd ieaded suraight for t"~ river titane Davîduon'. .ioneyard. Ti driver soon SUt ilcesirel ofthelie mIn dated animal sud wvhb is companlea ol=&g be4,lculy t. thce âat. As thcens. udasheà trougi tie mienoyard headiuq suraight te- Yard thé river-ban it wvasgeutg ai break- îeck apeod, sud ton the firât un. uthe two mon in 4bi aggon reallzed uheir porpl. Witk a bouli r tWy hurled thon- ici«o bua*iyrlUM su ad scram- Mhjg¶ >ilithest îofthuvIci.dro pod te iil*iUd ati. big hors. vitite bra rsajunade tfinafus!plipge, Lying ai bie; -dock Vuas s cov parily loaded Îvut itote Âdoses icaborerasasevthe lorse ýý bw fthmeoa& Thebhors rm Scrosmtth e tftfie scow and apraus fer ont lia th e Iiuddy outment, dragging thevwagga iafmer lu. In a ninlâte al vue over, sud tic frlgitesosi group et mes »v uetingp but a liv ripples sud buLbblcs, vhxih oon diaappeared. Laterta the day the dead harst sud battared vaggou von. lifted eut oethte vater by mmat et a doirok. Tien. vas ne inquesi, but it vas cleasly c asem ofsuicide. -Ohicage Tlmée. Tie-agricùltumsi sud mauutcturn u dusties et Norttiern France plainiy utdi- cci. tie peculiarcharacteristic persovemaoe aid paitaiughabts tihe French, novieme equaled ureugieut thie world. Tie- Buglish vonld neyer have mado tic beet-sugar luduaiiy a success under thie manifold discouragemenia inpeding evcry tepeoftioludust! Item tie becrin~nite tie présenttihme- Tha Frenchlihavë-e ait e grand succema, sud se ludeéd liave ibm .Gernans, but, notable, euly these tva ustienaliuies. The ver1Id ai large eau lests & vauable besson Item ithe great manufactut- ing establisimeutt ot Notmandy. Novhere ais ame the opoaiives boiter paid, boiter ted boterhoued or mere iuiuasely osrcd lot bytihe ntbt torainuNotmandy- lu eeyagriculture!asd menutactut- ing indut, Bave ioNormandy eau b. ludc , asa vruy emplar. Tiie ivo dietilvé once are tle vine sud eider j îaking. Tii most commen metieda lu IAmerlos, et eider and wute msiing, are Irnwd y LtiLpero. Th icder sd The. :l etrac ane hcery , i ICesOd ho te iert mtls w4daobesvuhjf7mess, indativ, ofa aiddl> dd m naiur. deosv T' ic Tsi61 eoklleih Vil ., -r sdREohi The Gnadian tofce & Sohool! Pl;BRUSom, 04TÀLBI ouooeua ta W. Utehlsohum à&o., Nanufaceu0 0012tues uChuteS, MW Lod Tbo 'Pum«o AvrONÂTio" Sohool Derni IM latMitand hbst. Awrdt the CGiS Ndal ai t t. Jamais. Kj4mmiIem the Sa«la'm Sen Lm âOWAZO STEAflOT CoOVPA!T DÂILY FOR ROCISTER MagiSontNew steamer NORTH KING WDI »&me .Cobomgaist &a.nd prest 9.45 &j... on rrvai of O.TR.L ra rtk Nai sud Wést. V.RUBill4-LaVO5 Oharlot4= i 115 pm. * ex &Poamuze a i>utr wt sl risfor m&U pointe ou New York Central Md .RU difelng UMs..CiLl st Butghtou en Monday sud Veduda OaTnomLgefor Poohusteansd Wodneaday Nornlng sud USrday Ev.ntng cfr orhoster. Coibomno on m Wes5 and Frlday at 4.00 &mn. TUROUGE TICKETSAMD BAGGÂGE CHEOKB from Agents or on boordA TRas OSTII KING la one of the larget, ,W4tt sud most powerful steamers on the lakts. Lghted by Elootriclty sud modern throughout. 0. a. NICHOLSON, O. Pl GILDEESLEEVE, P POSu FT .At. GJoua" M5on XNUM OU Trent VaIiey Navgationl com-e 1892. TINE[i TABLE. 1892. Comrnotcing on Thurmday, Juno lad, the EST URION. plyingr betweesn Lindsay and Bobosygeon, IOalngleoch.-y ai BZ'UZGEON POINT WIJI rua m fblwo until furiher notice: Leeve Ebale & iOSU am. and 3.10 pm. àrrVe Dobosygeon 1.4 p. ."LOS" dfiw,»pia n g aturdar% whsn th ii. ;f Tý ldmyAt S,l0o>m. <Intea b145 P...) upon A>- cf Toroto trata.4 tickets beivesu Lindsay and BobcaWo. 75 onte, return tickets P aWngle ticket« beiveen Llduy sd Sturgeon Peli 85 cents, futurn tickets 50 cents. gi&gîs tickets beiveen Bob mwon sud Sturgeon point do0@e»t, rotorn ticket cenmte. atemuy ik sstroue mfube rooured &rrgagamft5 cm bW made on y àvobleeb tom fer EXOUR8IOBS 0ftfaon 100 ta Parsons on~ ~ ~e re' rp fthe boa". INr terme appir bY bitr ddemedta e oetary .V.N. Co. Eobcygeen. J. W. DLAMENT, N.LAE OAMADIAN PAOIFIO RAILWAYI Lcse anree .. .10 .*8 7pM. "~~8 Pias~L0. M. iLOOp. O Stu fsilu .8 .. .0 .. l=5.m. 41 - in m Arr Osteton l . 6 .87 . ' 6.25 -414i.53p. et 481P.mM a .1&.41a 42u THOM. 0. MÂTOHETT, prJe Zr Stas Lis& s? asut GR~AND TRUNK RAILWAY. mm s owam. lrad4%k &mm1fe Ioas ta 5nomep.via Usmau, ILU a.m. elsisete1 epba Eh Nikhdi whb W Mmm tb. ~mbli. tht eh. bas rsturue~l mr< w the PsU Milliuewy Opsu issu fa uuptM4h usus fl ais d VMulueest o iùmiAtoy tram il "ud %Witoeto tb, i)tqêt , *,ielu ~Piti@ &rxd NevwYcirk sel?] b, ftlly pmopaed to â«tos s au lmaspw»w go %#w 1 assoio, haylzag sa i oies.uinuo. steet esty ~$n a d~S a masis mkt. Wteectl ati .tiou wIll ho given toaaILPersme t~m s 4*se neud upon o. 8aturdsys. caa 8 e. ÂAU areinvited. EOOMB-Ova rm&,k CeDry Goodea SnDohimy Blok, aidoor te A. Rawabotlism'a Ding Stor Sewingachines. I ell the bet in the market, and the cheapet aooording to qnality. W. W. LOGÂN, Generai Agent, Lindsay prl]as M erchaut s, Mechanios, and Everybody ini need should eall on TEE m Grocers, of sny Printing, VICTORIA WARDER and get the Latest Styles in Large Posters, Hangers, Dodgers, etc. Bill Headst, Statemnents, Letter'Heads, Note Heads, etc. Blank Reoeipts, Notes, Cheques, Orders, etc. Catalogues, Prize Lists1 , Labels, Pamphlets, or anytfitng in the printing lim~e Cail snd see.Samples. Farmers and &uotioneers, get yonr SAL At TE WABDER. BsILLs Leave yotir order and have your Bills boome witb you the saine day. Advertîsers MuE W&zvB as the largest circulation among the mon eyed end pumkhasiig PeOPle3 of eny paler btweein Toronto and montrevl. BenjemInl& Iio when considering where IoIL wilut7, aerisI 01 o si ildo yon the &<.dop of P*Mtrs Ink maks millions in. SAMI4HUGHES, S~1csud PI'pr*e 1 -