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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 28 Oct 1892, p. 2

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T le di s' su 'i y 51 s t] p mi s Il a t TU»J VICTORIA WACIR 9 jLj4»o#ýT 9IM1DAl OOTOSER 280,&Oulu I SHILOH'S qwNS.UM.PTION CURE-m iMaVismcf this Grent ChCOU e laà e&ail5jlOithe hiteryO!isdC t~qsmîea tet that no ther cm Scm Me5 Tht t iy beceme havai,* 'ietS, at amienorwoluà expenfte,ai SM l Botle ree into eferY OUhi ..Coqgh, Soie Thi eR.ror Il r*.n(:hitis, Ume ilot lvii cre YO. If your child haite COP qCýhooiIig Cou -h,u-. ' jvîd-Lla nd rII5 SIf ou read t',t i -ýidious diseesO us it. Asic your DrUgglstfix lrn".0Ï'S èURE.i-O o1t <o l.su etioL If your L3l.,CO r lckl5 I& mnSbioh's Porous vlaslr, Prc 5cE $cam Am ~~uOkmn lI lf~irc8? sd * te Na i 'nil 1 Si BRADWA lu Âerlcs I Iaken mut by in~rUbto~ e ;Lblic bys ànotnice <Ivinee oz0chinl 'vr leuddti i- alo oltelle mman bud be vlbout IL. eel,1 <0 ra; siOux m nthi. Addr5M>2 iV. PULbUan=31 ira.v. NoeYok QLE TT~ PURRS?, srmOuomsT e sc? MW Aoa e ui punt,, Sd "w 4by AnU 0,0<'amsudget" -vv IV BXs.EPX'uN'M'nen &Yfâ, OOTOBER 28, 1892. Our eohoes. C r niuOaf@ned sari but hUrt Et mr truni îphoie w aphere; F ,. ..iesoh with other blendlng, R ,r;ig uwithout au endlng. Lip wtitrr,, outI ln the cosu, Swaveletm tu appear, Evýr r d ~ eiMors dllating, Tii) the r thest shore thoui; 8-ur d deduon Mle ,vidé ocit, Alli the UiVOSSI lMotion. «Wh.th.' bitter wordll or plumaint, si. seu i) ht. amrO Tale, 9Wl'"th-r ureas, whther bléesini A 1rp cho wfthout fafi. E ver mah tu e.oh replging, Noyver csam1g, noyer dytmg. Totr aitisud fosi luoblivion, Thr,ih ihé ave aybe cootingned;, Bu - ruw edupait Itu svalley, £th u' -iV o4o0 webavabeind Gieio« j@y or grief taofelra, M .xiug fou of mon ar brothsme. 4k. an Apine traveller, pe.dng Thrütgh a e dk sud deep ravine, ID 'nun boscin 0f thé monttni, Sper.kîog si ho walha theretu. Ancia ene th. oue aueeudng, Stijl i viiihastthé ounda repealng ?r' Who enter the ana, Af ter wvive béen borne aid, Mayv, a aie If w like aoward, 0(rlhku, aléimt beromedied; But îhey au.'ertheleâi ivii know 1 Fur the deeda performed viii h.w Etehnopp thrnugh long bYv.gone8ag04 Qî -he dci- a of noble amen, Trt:%ible with a pesaiul Wulau?. l , ar moull 1k.Goda amen. I4'gdîuig nus t blgo More noble, Te-àchlng nea Su aa ur trouble. 't .t ilit Our .!icoriomt @soes, Mtîr ïrw morstsud more unIque, seh' from esilli te Mon, G,ý( rs, i liut us ta apsal. Tii the laut suet Immouy, diud.ylsions symphcny t S. Y. GiLisaT. Forland, oct. 5th, 1892. It hi. been s pregnaul lwentymutes! Dearly ba@ glory boom purobsed. The 186.1 Ligiht Dragoons muAter ouly leu mou!1 Examimsllon shows liat vi havi lout 118 11used; 184 wounded; 15 unu wounded prioera. and liaI 475 borse ver. kllld and 42 vouuded. W. havi lest many offiona. Ad 'nîsI have va gaiaed ? Ah i1 à vas splendid!1 "Yoe," s l h maeFehs gineral, Boequel, "Il is saplendid; but It la mot var t1' "Whst di yon ma, air," a"Fi Lord Raglan, "Iby attaking a battein in fronti oontrary 10 ail tSusages cf van, aud tlb cuitoas cf 5h. servife.?" IlMy Lord," repliai Cardigan, 1«I Ia yeu vil motlêimo me, for I received the ordor Sa att&ok tramaml auperiar offlo. lau front outhe .troope." Lsd uo the Charge of thé LicIt Brigade -brougît about by a mail deplorable blunder-hu beceme. b> neason of the bravity cf thé affleie sud mou engaged, enabited in histori, Sa simd lustre ou Britisi armesud So live aisanezxmple ai inan sd dovotion ta dut>; vile, Bot wllhosading hie untortunatoe vonuee from his e m-vbiohnon@e mure renttai ta ha.-Lord Gardiulaeomoaded te f ully deserve blé oommaudiaig offieo's hîgI ensouilua "Hava aMbav a sIbW t ThanilaglviflR Leoatlons. A. Tbankmgivlug Dair la resally a ort af harvebt testival, vasesa ilId viSIh s aie, os sud gracetilgrases0Eare qut. sp. prupnîste, sud eau be mad0 verv efeeotive if tu lefllys au sndays EbenE.Rezfcrd in tl. Noveabr Ladies' Home Journal. Neyer erovd them; s.oeecila Ind used te dieplau aidviduallty. Scarlil noie. havi, un h@ crimasca lusters outh@ iber- berry. oea be mnlzd vlththé ,v@Uov à -.- t~ à. . .. MARlPOO&.4. gr*in, sud uaimode .'%0 U.e 5GW te ffle CorNIL PROCRDINS. -00U011 Mt r1it osa"0b. Made to take Ibm vise. of Cnv'UILPuouEJiNOS - ounilet owirms s àdéorawtion for the table wth tbhBl1b(Jayolt osber. 1892. Memberaehsbrmlng olor. feeta. Grasolumleri e tu1 ;pri-gont. Minutes of lait meeting réaid mounntu-ath birris sean b. made to anci apjàvoved. isrve sa là fouadaSlan. Work la asmong T,., lurk a.a slatter from B. Boue. thea heada of beitrred wbest, end yoliov ders, icisoentof-ob* heCaskda Landed & rie or oats. Upon thèse foandation lia1 L nal ItLpealmi ft.'JLUIpSLJy, asovuers colore dtaPlay Toua purpis sud white Qî 'hf. r Ort' hkal lot 114. au,.,12. refeveluig grapea snd ruddy uppl.8 a dplaao. teh.wrfirî'i dAi( '.. i -US lO>us b. added for the ake -of erqtai 0r .» a l ets erIrt'w Musweirn ouloi, but &h.y .111 hardly b. ouuidoreod &Ade.ril, barristers, rréiernîug tu the worth eatixig ou Tuasnkegiving Day. d roit 0tluà the m%étie of Pchool gstion One ThsSkogivine dinner table, lait So 18 yesr, h.'id se a ogvter pl5e a greai pump- M -~rh Wv . Webster, aec(nudod by lAu uewitl1ng aong sutuma lbaves. Atter Mki. mg:(rnuiolâ, h..î IL.reeou give hié the, subélauttal diamhsomfuttbe fa sbadt ortfr8 ri ..t bi> treAuar-r a.. favlir of Wilson justise g4one thow, the upper half of the Mloq.PrIiAj< soet, $87 00; C. D. Bar, Panipkin wum remoevd, showang a 'Obeart" Soer. fur advertiotîng, 08 5O.-0arrloid. of luxeioti traoteansd dalnty osndlei. Meo'sd by i. Woemer, meoondbd by Bir. MuOlmmon, that tbe tressurer be PrPatîcaîHomne 'llflgiL. .Lîrnoted ti puy Dr. Vruoman, eyve, *idurîî~~J os $5OO;E ark afemir, Wb«c manuel training wfth ls domea. &IC l o ~j oror, $5 00 -Oarried. i e N10owy dpstoeent of oooking end M'avA n Mr. Lownitbrougbâ, ueaouded uewlng vàbl q red Ias s iEuffl ti Mr. W. bmter, st b . hreeve givre his par 11ut Ubl '0olêaalnts Sa der-' on tîLetreasurer lu favor utftibe and visocmnbrought forward 5h. *ag -fnll.~ .imgpmnofor wnrk on roégsi - meut,"Test ibi. laam umneetin fem is Jchidiey, voil où loti1,0 eu. 8 MM o0 460bu. bu@hee"0"ng," wrtu a &M ' 1.Neslou, vok On lotoà à 6, son- Id# Dode inacsefmllyli.prd IPj UM *61 00; M K oalas vesMOSlosiil# eus5hbemixmlîmemt ml ti'J. ,S.lfmWU M.beon wekos0e8£,0,ldis'nom joute a.Vreu OTOIM 4n, 14, 035.00; J. Obidie molo lt e o,h sive,, "m*cfmAb' MOe 129 eau, $ 1#2 -754là@@esd. W ,mu lloved hi Mr. BSheve,,g dei nr ftou sa Webster, tbl ese " 14, as . 7 vésukoi,, Mtb4 nPP ~ ~,UiI'5 ~S* ù tofud Be bt t 09 S lu r ar i. o E ma- Iwo' bon? hm t50ma U 0. -M bloti giad Dot àmtasd R*gas girlsof 8Su.s sixwt emib- &Bd oves id", Who have nefe! en sd de ot 0kaow wbWber a tWm. boUld go on thol! tbumb gr foteier st kW ofutwIVei sd anoiers sre m "du 1 0 haaeot the rUEbl arma" (Oum" »»M$,a v pu&), eui Go vonde? bey the bata i réfg IvilI. Talle,, s"dto e eady to auvégr à. rewt6s B3ut.wli ébshuo »o40»M 1we1)00D1ail MMu POomible ta svreflm of thé Ma brigde thet hsa jualesppeerd lu rondor ballonS MOIsaceViii ovinMa". ael Ir4 baek ? Eves If *07 Wbrea ma frmthe Ruasian Mesyboy es hop$ ta u the gsult t oir sud iru btes? Th kmofet boeravi*l anied aason the Vanes? Hlegbte Md ounhayed 13kie 1Uist "nm hmp3usbtiIbs miithlucmau mrvive snob betorm ci tires. But Jsbrcknltsky li. nul Sa ha permitted je c3aupkolu the vzrk etf iluughter tram. th. Fediona iHlls. par op th. yulle'y that bravaePnanB-h ras, (louraimonevisIbhie magulloent Chabmafnd'Afrique, lok§ doma Ou tho advsee f the Llght Brigade. QOIOUn admirationfl chane ta h0orriéuhacsMm ilsi ne traigbt devu belvees 5h. Bu- &tan batteries. Re penoeivai Ibéé a terri- ble blonder bas booumade; ha vul do vIat ho oun te amis. lfa emiaI. Se ia a mms of prompt decimion. Jabrokrit aky's batterius, doing snob deadiv .eeu. tion, muaetb.lie aomed; sud h. vili silence tb... Eo ondin. the galbant D'Adlai. ville sud 1he. TraveIlens" toasttsok. Briaging for yard the nlght ahouide the rogimeut moves off li a quiol poo, wioéla te the nigît and iveepa doci ; n oué tIcli ol tbe eart battaVy. 'ylotans an sbire. The Ruelan arill erymon quiekly limben up snd dsmh off vbile Jabrolrl±sky hirnaîltlesdi up i §troug foreta prevent D'Allonville trou earylfng off 5hiqgunae. But D'Ailonvilli'i work la doue.; Ihs reomail la oundid, smi ha retirée.Asd, Ibsuko te the seau Fronooehia w eli tlmsd attal, tIbmau dorons batteris ef theFedionhitio Hum wimh li tiotud so muah lijoqr on ou osaysîin a heIr sdwsaoe, are allont dunini their srs Lsd sncb a retreat!1 Lance thriuleug @&abre strokes mav b. pamnied or imded nut a0 th. pluuging io, the. bail C mnaket balle sd the whurrlng fragment cf sheil. AndeiS b.efiontiset Liprondi' gunna are t0 morne extent a cover fa tbm retresting eavalr'y, protsetiug Sbît lroux puranîl by the Ruauisu aquadrona But lb. brave boys bave sors ebua Badlv tbiy ride over bodies of dead sou rades. Meuated mon, moraly woundai oding te thoir horem, sud othen nemo fortunati .Srugule &long ou fout or, si hsnmled and weal frua lais cf blood. i dayv u b. apearod te destiii sud strippe by the impluabbe oceaseka. Btsi felloioeg gve op their moanîs Su veundt oumnades sud yl boude tIsa.hA ail %ho lime Liprandi'. <unairs onulà: Oausewsy Heights do their vont. Wou] tbitt Lord Lucan lbed had Germerai Marri tceight. But, 'harki a Brîtisb abesi And ont -oftheiii auke of tb. frsy, Loi Pagel, brigling up ths rear of the. mtrag [ers, emorgete b. varazi> gresed i Lord Cardigan sud follow munvivonu. 9 t Va lie r,v pié wI a il 1~ s e le 'r The tollovinir mainers of the Importai eabinet who si% lu the 1Hou@e cf OcaMUc are supporters of th. Direc Veto :-Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Asquitb, Mr. Camepbell Bnuerman, Bis W. E[aroourt, Ur. Johni îMorla> Bir G. O. Trevelyan, Ur. Moni della, ikr. H. B. Fovber, Ur. A. Morley, Mrt. Aland, Prof. Brye,sud Mr. G. J. Shaw. Lefevre. Âw.rdlug tsu th. latent Goveaumeml Raturc repeting the work boufte.of the United KingÙdom, nlsd'a workhoeu exponditure vurhold of Imnates upon skite e 2 ir mat.inuexoasu cf thaSoc £ugismd sn Wslee, sud 115 r>r meut. a'boya tsat u of laud. Irelsad a expen- diture ou vine for ber wokhonme ltomates I -E .. -dobl laSetU-à al -A t' i f a - - dbeTm, hefl - dùwn or eror BIMM M5 ad "dsoe ~r..They bave & ,rFcWo ÂCTON on estorlflg LOST VMOC ,$!)(1corectng &U E~ E ANviud hismental ao -PO in R. ab', mould aeMs PILj nhtw rstoei tories5, botb ç&yERYWSnImenal. ïsoula take theni entail sicknee when negi te L% Ulb+ae thoe m u TO~II! IEN Try will cure the Te lIbad habj8, and aength l sahstWOm I uould tae to 5&l mreguuta. These ËPIà wu jpor maie by ail drugglflt. or yuil b. ment p rooslpt o! price (soc. per l;;x%, by ftddremilfl IRE B . WIrJJ4Ams' MED. 00a -. BrokUZ&Ow for Ibis. Vocra from 1,vmna.Wius of the Stomaci. Dy@ a ait sud ulatioii uulil My heaith vu gar.1I adbhein doctor- lugte angtintly tih n rlief. 1 bongbt one boulle cf South AmeriBBn Nervine. gpblch did me more gccd t any $60 vorth ot doctorice 1 I@ver did in0~y lits. 1 vould ad- vis e7veakly perd t>2ute m rii»valuable md .lav-e-- -ee.à 'I. ,W44 i '-, n GUIS? GUN8 ~DttL <OX~. >~< non saie -~.,obîe mmd alugi, brsecb sud musais leaders »1. D. mooRE.ALX. JACKBOM. 1082-ly A. P. DEYLIIÇ, Barristes. bc.. Oounty Orown Attorney, lerk of Ibe PeceOunyfVicoria. Officereges 'mbloek, ove *sss toe.Lindami. The Plebisot. The Propoeeta uin h e asquestion ut prohibitin al>0sPOPuLar Vota la naidi! grovlug je faver. Ilttue lIat thé ide& et a plebiscto la mot s uev oses but Of lat@ 15 bai appeanid bofoni lb. Public 1 suvlight, As long o OS 1875 tha flrt roai convention cf probibitioDiats ila Canada dslared ton s Probtbitery 'av "soubjeot go ratification by popUlin Vote." The DominionAlîliance, vhleh vas tha ontooe of thlaI gathorlflg vwuforaed by the very mou vhe bad demsudod i splebis- cite. But 51.> veres oid lIaI thonvwue no provision lu thé constiutionf or the 1t"ekftmuts poplai vote span auY quis- lion, sud iu feutthsIil tvas aeuIrry ~to S 5h goulue cof British institutionis. l'homo us aeoeed lamsrmunntAbl. =rengnittod Ibai the constitution dtd nos moe the meedsocf the peopio in this respect, buI a momets refleelsos woold hava 5ogd &ayonsi ÎleS Brid* i i- stitutions more nîsdllv sdjout Ihoeasli t0 th. nequirelofte of tb. houea uaan; cîher Inovu institutions under the sun. The plebieite was, howver. for the lime onul0 uthe question. Many vise persons î h nught Iltapossible to subanit s Domi- nion or provincial question Su s vote tili Manitoba did ILThecnstitution voa 1 nt 'nreoked by th. Manitoba vote, sud .Britimh institntionsaaima la have aur- vived the. @bock. An lthe ?noof uf tha puddinig iin 1.the.estlng, en 5h. prormf uthe1 power Sa ubmit a plehiaets Sontats in the faot lIaS it bas beau doue. Thor@ vas a lime viien sm o£oOd peuple 1 proved tSa sd saouallation %baS irn aipa e voold aewer dont, but th. tacto have bien 1more eoeclusive thon thu logis. It suited : the purpose f 5h. oppninta of prohibi- t ion la ms lb.hepublic believW th&%t heu 1banda vers lied by lb. .oaititutiofl- The "delinsien ban di.sppesred. Thonrs a> 1 tliib. smre via hold tle tbe explodeEt àtImon>, buS 1h.? conatllute mn insignifi saucet imnorltv. Tva yesrs sage tha Do. VmWnoo W.O-T.U. placed itseif on record se lu avon of asaquare vote by thé people Uponthe liquor troffio. The Grand Lodge o t OfCana1da, .O.G.T., baus aken 1h. mame Il gr.und. The. Provincial sud Dominiot 12 Alliances bave asked for s pleisolle 6 Trimas represontative bodies kmev vhsi -' the an. The. enom su f prohibition, * sud porbapo ame misanidied trien.i5, vil: 'I &ts o lblocik e a f teomng ogflve '0 ment. But it is gatheniin. asvength, su' .iilmve.p *Il belon 11t.-Oaa ada Cilie Fa&= t. RnBaidon. one bundsi sues, heur. the *&Pt hiNf 0o! leven, inteFourlh, sud the We bel! of 7 en in the luthi ()on o ng siOptM the ia division. Tvo mllen lrom Argyle. Appiy on té p emies u MALCOLM NORBISON. - -FaiM for sale. 109 are, ue Mlse noilih ! ofXnil.à. lires sud a hall multa from Cahengtnh* on lesding rcnd; about 9ô ac tiean sd lungcl utivaton. EzasIleili migni boue; bard and sont ater couveinent f air outbulllgm, s.sme frit trous; soli ieut quailty 0f Clay icam. Appij ontIge Proestuu1 48 1! vas ORO. JOHL48ON. Faim fer smie lu eps, ' 50 acres f Lot 20. 0Co. 9. 36actes cleared. -Newbarn.lu ia go- a tilecf cultlvatlcu. Omsemmd a halt miles metl cf Lidsy. Mao vomihbut cf Lot 16, Cou. 9, 100 mena, 75 cleareu. la s o dastue i cultvation. Hou», ban md othîr Buldlags. Llndmay, Sept. 7, IL-1-13I ]rem forSal.. va lotu3,Con . 5, omus le, about 96aoMMs usa- ly ailolMmisd fisromstumpe. Son b.avy loa. Lcg~ ~ a"ç bosbanaU tMg umfl eo, gS oisoo on bm emmsessudoburoh mai pot -,oostffcea ltIe 05ila n ldan lvy haif a mie trom Ibe promses. Apply t 10,,n l Suret Rie .0. or t100. H. HOPIXfS. -60-te.Llndiay. Walu, ud îsnp furaimlas f Farm for Sle tu the Towuablp Wale, »c Déaly furet Opte 5Eeotlud. -fefoIvmgiial eupout en i The ttemint liai 90 ta10 per teuit uf moui u ared Wcf l uthlale M ou. cf OP&. -théiesnae due ta aSlcoI u ba n btaro' ai iisn. avealcnodnthlum a <ca assved I.te unqualid ondoniulà o fm- ai-~dvelbg beusa, a fnau anau.ea udge Doua, the KotroslPoliemagla. _ 1 i m cmtorinvil oier ril tsone lisSe. Thisie viny important, vîem W* hol alagoai te obaygm L iionslasà çci miamider îlsbis Iconliteby Do meeMia s:"0 t» go" élîs Md £T a tempeasumamn. Tihi rod nos crIme eubu"ocvoalst. For fsutmer pvemriuLply clown te îwo lasea-SO to90 (or for pur- te JAS. o&MOIO, Rings., "ml wwd fY. poeu ut coaparion vo vill gay 80) parIn 10 cent, la du. te lbto:ioatiug llquom, Mmd FIm for sale la ManpOSU. SI.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~b neulie1 i eS aohns h ubseiworoffers ton fie 1h51 veil kuownua Nov boy arevoaproveulerine i As> cotang Macrs, boiligthenorth baissa!f Lofa logoal man vil repi>, "BSop lth ne OU 61 I tud ae imet, oaIosuon ef Mariposu; <ed ut orimesud iou willi stop aime." If 85 vb.salland, il éesoavuThfe bulldlu rnoiUt et a pOin mOf u boié d sO oolnattid FM -onm» fouUtttu, 'nttb <Cci st&bUàlnMaianevor. prîvented, la 15 mol reasnabla ta supposebing SUPPly F tals-A pcorobavi cf 1 w Shal~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~oe Caaa vt erpoet 0 st f l eon"ie to Dm.csvmen ont1 $ba caad, wthberpresâ lo rte 1 our Mdâcool. forais Tor turtienr. crimnels, woold »M oo iorne ou@ i * 50 ieularaa y te10thbmovuer, cn the premusea. or by Mo@% prosperous sd hippy coIMu a .lette!' 0 to lilBium npost office.U.W TI tié variA. Martecea, JUI ut41, OU>.W. S01 Faim md OmwSor Bale. W Et fie ul mauxaaiNMot 1le.ou. Il. Manvere, lu O C Iletvood fviii * ou I oabout 97J &me, lu goodutate cf ru t¶vatie 0orobard, good bu- Little Britaini aMi ciunci, mo ero. r.¶om te %OMM e. i GREAT OIIEAP CASH STORE. plu fgcic'niiP"=%»ial i The viedu. of paeing cash sud bohy gîos eme lh _ mutioo< P. héasp besoineapllmer every dey. A ëi&idy onupa ore poor sud prier s loy, la buylng làtw I 2tli av«., 1O-50 1l& cour ali toel vo hav. macle a speolal *&.a F*=mfor 9&1e &t 1artier. effort lu place curselv ia u s eion le give a big sout fl0 o & «M o ouamy - -f ch rb M!iirk e s -Se. o r ncas Uay bau " mi lu R' .eg u..v...a- --mrd vertib. BOOTS AND SHOES, Our »oV fmi laifliand %eoffed la a fav de"qanae po l>m n.5-j" - vva gpoests cfgoc v à" sDo50 pllod visa de m iiib. lsa Poughimw ais vii.uvem aWe barveatmd fhuWipusseOM iOn la Ihrch mut. I For feuuhb iarlc u m 01nac puobum &e uil tote zme ag~* immae t mol ~ - usu reikg bue àlMb. .1. Up. MONEY TO.LOhIN. McSweyn à& ndermon are nov prepaTed tW ba b.t. private and comuany tunde aI the lowest cur- runt rates on good securiy. 1858.Iy. gsSWEYN & ANiDERSON. MONEY TO LOAN. 1 unagt Lo«»sutl I»mvetplowestour. rouI rate. à large afount of Trust Funds for lu, enn, pay- able on terme 10 suit the borrower. le" 0G. H. HOPLINS. Barrister. Llndsav. M.,OD..,ONT., DBNTIST,' LIEDbAY aee. .. ....$26%7 Besuliful ...................... £8262c la he lueforÉra-I, dntitry BeutitlSurpius -(Omnidian Standard)... 7,819.0w00 Is ie lac fo IrI-cne .ntslr. olcie la terce .................. 97.371,3441 <Cld sud porcelain oeOn5 lUml5d. Newbusineus for 1887..-.- --. ..1430,4- à. Nesiandss udied the go&, vtuei airW nimis? Dr. V.11cm of Nov York, thé originalor of gis forEnw etPadtLing ol> eztractimgr teiti. vio viles Mr. oeulands tht up ao etsPit Lvg oly co July lat, heoisd <lys.lhe gai 10 177 628 patienta. IHolders vithout an accident. Mn. Nesiadà hemgiven this canada for thée Yomra18582--4- intash. <mi untSiflil5ilyfor over 26 yU oarlemy lion- ad fpoisonsit lpalm or lnjury,wvitle ha- y l.80..- - 4ta tmg leeti «oxtacsisl il telade n al n BrtishC.'s nom- ArlIolai105h la.rtei trou 810 10 3Wb for a aiu..- .- .. u,* ParUs vii e me an lie ai plce 0 ue ppe?-I up5ior nionset May ra aie 'nsa tl1h a"u Seont Reporte, pa M,6 68, 868 andMIi iealm. ensns uaia insevii plieBsaia nUasu Eudowment in the Atne cari ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J u mDiisun a mp4tusb.OfIC -e DB. W. KENNY, y" Sureon.oeuaeu clatton. 08cM sd reidéeo .ae .«, of MothNus, kwo, adVest o U"mdv. NM"ré la 151U' DB. BBOAD, lus of ftppetl, VzIUMnoe SUE»ng ON aduste Ontario o t- UiKu3 , Soir stoeach, - strout, ferrelaM"% Ilahru. " te. ad-. to e tgladbV o lien wd amue lome No Éees. Enclose gm: Sugîntgee <garb0. JOHN BVRN, teuer cf Marriage Licosuses. Jansetl. MEER MITCHELL, Lenes Aomntant, inOWafcll et, eto., e. Onm-hudmeu liiLaw 0Offc, <Up stali.) 1"847 T. A. MIDDLETON, th.e Fire iclde m tran 4nAet for Llle tioM tua LfeArano OfelColorr'a oclentKmInsI, Third Door lait cf0h1cti ffice ytlu-76 MOfflhour frm 9t lt .m., and fom 1te ip.m VICTORIALUNR legs t0 Iioru Ib people of Llndiay tbMhao b"à "Mm asa"anuosaI» &"»ve adreu.Wherm mu crier. v ilb.pmptly a tod1. Parcel e&od mfor anddo4vRmed. Yamilv vaibnfa p a u ty.-1.U. 1611,ENa UITAiN Sash and Door Faotory XMPIDER la lie Suai mi Dccv Factcryla lUle Daan, A1'n carryncti. buinosu am la thepit, ami hope bysatrict attention te huilasse 10 menta cire of publ i ptnomWge Righest Price paid for (*oodl Shingle Boita. Inteailamg te= bul d »nIDd vRte Seniitm and ne v a -dtrhem lli e WVy pilous hsao àpuncbaslag leovere, t)ILIBBMARI. »9%alaSlut Dem. 13S-lO-1 INs-U R A N CE las CORNEIL A. Prompt elmet alieurton la 'ihu a rvinlathis distrîot a a IS THE CLiEAPEST. A ohubanlg paeufte .huatmn, Imsotmm ami hh shoia. It le &My luh*p nVZfOlns amin na beautlful 11111e vibge pooela a rallway, Do not. beimis-led by those house. I.lsgraph ollicem,sand &U l Ib.aovmmlsmcms cf modern v o ta lit*.-. Charge .-e* aderatm. The vsry piuesclemners who i ytellyo , â 10 « aed somHoineTe roorGlue and Whitiug, Hapsychhy" h iZPdet"O? la Kalorin ~~ is just as gocd us the g' iiuixie AËZN99e A L A B A STIrUN E H. HART. L. D. S., Oifice over lMairweahher & Co'.store, opposite the post office. Kent et. Charges oderate -1828-17 W. H»GROSSO L. . .Dentiot, Lindsay. Al branches of denUtl ineluding the beautifu mnd durable Crown aud BdI e wurk, »ud the Por- celaln fiuIug Umyi, uceuWuly practlsed, b, lÉr. Grogs. Au upber or under net of good teeth for 810. Pure gS and ,ilaflmed air for painlesa extraction. rm e finhsilcial 1.5h are required. Ove? 5U yearm experlence Ecoms oves lenneds store, op- posite Donmion loaKlent St -1620. JaNEELANDS W.A.Goodwin's Room Paper sud PiCtUre Stori. Opposite Veitch's, Hotel, Lindsray 1082-17 JOHN MÂKINS BWILLIIAM SRL9ÂG MIN S&. Yv Orleur MUi, Stemm Engin.b!. and Stearn Pumps Bave à large assortoxent of Qeneral Pefr--t ic the above lescriplîon of wori. [iflv/ Norland Mills' Norland1 Ontar~io. Tii. uuden =s hvn laiui Ibmabove mml palci Ohoplnrdouefor aor toUaci aesisslned Market prle al f Iiel.Seur and ieed hept ccatUtLy ou aud m frslela latgeor imail A sbire cf publie satrouagse isi. IL -. P. OPKUMS Go J. HOYLE, orqdoGa à"NetON. w Wby iua u uuio fUoae -'I I ' gel. mc- ~ ~% -, !nsect Stinge Sore Eyes Eruption s Sore-Feet s- i. '~- t j!1 r E] r il ~- <u e- sal 5 ule ad "I's- dul 7U0. 1*8m. eSmVelgsairetIm ay eoi i. ora m~d~ er le cf vailons grades. Breeci k 10. Uniny. IonIdaigemnbudgmIil. .eyotlni double h0% g<unsof lie best quslity. aSîgle UureemalwTS u tlPm.e ga ~ ga, j 4 tebarrels lageboe.Mare th"n~ î eLPINE qroas bsmate 9choe tnôm. vWe have Juuî compl.td DE. K , g>~J~ 1ngMa&"$n of tie latet împroved prln,ýc7k "Bu le> Md ea Pr 10 bore <uns 6 fmet down ho «W f. ~ampk5~5UiUUatiOU ai smà*sted in a vormanlike manne? on raa5.rrb ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ty e rmE Ammuaition cf &il grades lormie. À. a. ILSONLUKEEROBINSON & 8019b cLm$ bet le" ai InIr.naay, IEim b Over tam W hla me l nd MW pm~"jZaetreeO&Siymi ede -p.ATIIE' oTEL, lmff me«JHouai Lune. U'alham a m m m eur a ffl C is m ym lI i , i !0 i aid , 8 P.P LM EE BU B OW S, M. D. 0- M , guis n br*A R R IEDvthth b OaaSsi. oRMiSSOsSmg, NomnallUiwliyullan Fgare 0.04stsu resiemueppolt Oar eaassiiracl& . P ~ E.t~~LADIES On-I y, DR. SIMPSON dM. hi -, wwho b b rmg IUL0OSTRATED CATÂLOGujp 00 « M d reiience IM a b*@%rmt, econd d mciveut IMPrev M d tuam a v M W&f it "i or Ib" e-F R E E . s cf Ton street . oâee bours- 9 10 1030 au.; 1.1 u t»ltha WW Aidre@ r Mdpu.a dIepU1 . fa i s, geaiitsia mi d tentive i 0 G0eradut flmvriy tTIlyCnicot;bThrsvamnatmam..io.eONL, ~e Parlalan Modiîcal Appliance Co. mumabmr c09 O.0 f ae p m iMdSarg.ens, Ont.; r Toronto, one- phiaicby to Ij ovoci IN OU T H UB , MnTorobinto,.21l! Grand Tnunk Zly Surgeon LlndsayINVN OUE tDiatrIet.-ly - ,rs.dseu baemrenyheu lUeaistyl Lade iFor Sale. 9. ' 'h* orlnt o tmol,*sud ie puNieea, b, m urod > ____________o____ f te boit accouudai tlfl a ry reaicusilera«.Te e enderilguid have a f ew cholce rABbi iii La neoWYN&ADRS b bar i mIsuî,lei vili a83 tâs te "br"0d9 lquors om eauable TOWN l'ROPERTIELl.for Sale' 0.Burt151 "0, Linday. Offie m modlut.ly opposite hsi.saiuaiaossda tety symli G. H. HOPIINs, JOHN Mes EY. DONALD E. ANDERON. THE BNOWDEN BOUSE,LadIoSle M G. H. HOPKIN, oewlu.sves .v.ov. IaudFr a Seerl choie Lots of Farmn<, Grazlng, and i~ (succeesc 10 M atin à Hopis) T hslasamev bouse. ad lbons f lhé b ut equippai Isn el one.m i- eflî oi-mie A rpIt "D i e - BmnIter Sollctor, etc. OfElm -WWim St., U -la- pSIOboro. Il je conveient 10 both 0.T.R. and . 9UDDABY Burlit îler. -a- v. tno - My, Ont.-1514. .PR. stations Mai ffl aiMarmmae rVkBat. uthI_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______________ roonl% Qan aluaieu nvenlmnces. Trc,1 L agmuu*mIL s. s e0je zy-80-7g L c 0R W.CT. U. 'Fonr M sd Home 1 1 glat.48l7.OFFICES Nev Domiioin Bak luhldIp, Willia mInet, Lindsay. (*1,0eG"ÀLPp@ttt$. Wlcflmy 10lan n mMortgoagm, c Promisory Sîn,-I think your Valumbls mediins ca-' e.5 oet ae. -ssi nt b. opmaed, aaoudiflg tle beneafit I RJ.MLALUGHi-dN& kM. H. McL&UOfHL1N re wce d no m il. IWat a sfm ing frein head . uvt" .et.. ah enBlck, Lndsay . ont. ache sud lau cf sppelib for neari> four yea w. are"0nOvW olndg moun num a. lare or «Ua te1 I tried B. R B. vitI Ibé greseut auces, Sund- 1uvi borrover, on beatl rmadstaIvirv leveel m g 1 a e m ea g rn a t r e le f s d g o o d p p t i t e . 1 r a t e s o ! j t e r a i . I"nov enjoy good healtir vhich I ove le vour R. J. IIoLAUGMLIN. . R. cLIVQHLIN. vaisable medialus. irs MiNmî BRows, .iti London, Ont.-67 2. PRESTON & CURRY,, tSoea r oCurrya Suli>, l arristes. soicitors, No athor Emniicnu el&sisIlbum'a Ccd Notaai."10.Offic-Voci & 1.11black, 1MIII- Livr 01 Eulacu u >easut amI. nurlh.brook, OnI.., mai uBali on Monisys. Money 10 Live 011IgmuIsio in lessnt tate.nouiah lssua %%loveet rates. lmg povor un curative efect.-55-.IJ A. V. PauoN, A, LB lm0-IV J. WMM uaa ir. l.A. Frer Sal, or If Bet.m The aubcribs er onfor m"iercrent liaIcom ,J4I De ious brick bomme on 'edohie treet, mow ceupimi by lUseI f or prticlui appty le tie one. MONEY TO LOAN. Augual 11h, 1S99I48Uo. S a lent n M pr e.nt. otfl .nrtse 1 it -1309 rotýNDBR- FACTU&M or 1 1 9 momar

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