si PUA .4 '. k 'J ~LL-.Wé 1q ,. ~., r' t. Yo CL a»e i1oe 14a Loy PWOO&e Dur stock IS, EouMI To Go. There la noiing 11e0 a UM m a pot jàtla moton This lu probably *the lutiXmu ww virii e yubargain lan our preseni place of businessona we are doeimned to relire m mmooMis v oSUaa Ire hw ià, émmMd 4" ,o evrpkcd b b.à@ Unmy pub yme 111 touem Draa.Good a ud"lty dooigns Idan U ain la lbul ppro nd dmom àmi" mdry MeI .W. amedeboeia.d tb make "hide .FOU OSanU to i*0b.pladW ilh ouri WeBuy OheapOLTH mvv*0 L0 TH l Nov 18 the lime b buy DOW goodeat Tovry cloue le turon pnices. Our lothlng Deportm.ntu offer the. grostet posaibfi7'ndmom buyorm, fua url.y, quâlty, and pries. Our Broys' ( 0 = îýt fua" eul Gent. el snd usure one-of orNé ~ rezu Thsy are uuling rapidly. MANTIEIB Vommexing rigLi now we re pgait. 1* give bargains le an e lutmd oIolug ou th.eba"nueof Our Ladip,ies' L mle Mdou. corm nertmu the g8od(hare gono. Ol uysi d sémusbru- ,Where do 70u corne in on lihis big chace:.- M. J. OARTER, Io it a 1mai p rouent in D'urs-Oome te us. Sigzi of the Golden Lion In it a 811k Dress-Bave your rnonoy 1,y buy. 40 'Kenh Bt., Linduay, Ont._ ing hors. Probably it in a suit cf olothos or an over- coat. Our going out of buuiness prios wll suit What would plesiebttu tban a bandsome ait of lm .Ourtansd Ourtain ?oie Omp10*S. Dressing Cases. - Shaving Cases. Hair Brushes. BER OUR HAN DSOII3ÂP- adMros LovlyLamps ÂNESE IK HÂDKEE-Chce Perfumnery CHIEFS 1 Wha f moe e ota1etan.e.gaê~Irolfli ioeu e t.Drug Store, L "V'a Carpets, Curtainas, ,Jnsa A ~ nsi Drap«eU~&~ *~...nom- 1 r* - SmP" n emme - bm UL.w q .4 'v Xviii soU s e'Z PianoB, Organe Lt 1~. Z- M OI ____ ___ ___ and Sewing me For Oie next 60 days, from 10 IAEUE~ ~ to 15 pur cea les, (accord. ~~ ~~ ing tu quahly), i1an snyohr ne ImpoeSw uuMW, Bmuw Mnagont or dealer inIi Lnduay or 1tq"Ij mm m Lot Oount]y of Vioioeia. JOHN H.LLlm Wr W. LOQANO Vmmbflb M ;.o &*0Oe, va. Generli Ageni, brokm, " t»o«e * ~~JOHN HÉHEMN FAiM for ba".. Tilu Uaripem Teiulp, 1io1 cediulel tiS m M"l. at Weadlile villam md lm? hm ui. dnole.U@g0m &U bu lest 106114 em. ersokrung mme tb. ou a&tbm. mm e InoerfuIg Wolis. 4000 beb«isamu rt md.vogsMab Îugrdon. hum. O. F. GLASAN. ~ ~s ~. WomtwflIa P.0. Vident. O. Oui, I SHINGLE TIM BERJ Wednesdayq umee d,1892, Mue MIer bert@e vthbma m mbi S0, as ealsmg largo quuanIet c Dry Fine, Lying Pin,, Cedar, etc., suitable for Shingle and Bill Stoif, i a well as Hemlock and other , ood. M»e bw* e t de.tumtel icU»Tovuhlpi Umvue homm, 4 eUmoulh andauvoy. maec. or 10 MXun. WIoIlKW&TO~ Netit (prsd1toru. Ila go. s«Uat.of FUiNK B4854NO, t goA T.uqmAip 0 NOl Da,,i.s 94Cournéyiof ru<ri% toe.ewr, *uaZimS Iol N b la <1cm lIai *4aaboe moudtu- auetb« mmdc au slgaeniunrlm e lmavIuoeu ~~4Si14uà t Taronl LINIDSÂT FURRIES. The MLB;M. sernr. mimes, S ot.t., lu% ,tumsn bathe mer ci the n1 eanus Jkmd fLlu'méO. fears Cetuméi rslItIL M-Ml iloeo.h Ri, KENNEDY. Lumbor, Wood, Shinglos, Lath. Lime, etc. wühea t. ,emId hi cuee that e bà» mn baud t* e zisl t o*k d DRY HARD WOOD n tomn. OFFICE UID YÂ5&D-Mro. 8, WUMeLLlG TON! STREET. Telephone Comimuallon. Wood «. Goal Order your Wood and Coal OSý»bt. *êsd1Ub s alast peamk tor E~~rl±JIipsêIwollbpromplly o4inmidd b. JOB KILLABY. Asissimi *1"~" j; 1e 0obà% xesvesiua bg i *a tous. hvm msd bowels Iuwtat M mn. etu car entêt- .1 s dftbe King, h t t. ombh 1:» AHI DRo aB C-( w, moli uneap. Il miLLIN: tuiie int a 1131lrA. W lubeM buetm i 1 7.0&-tma s~. ad n deltsd nov..0.77 4.L No. 1254,On' -ak. meule on the *à Tu u ojf er, meatla Ibête iodgs voeu. ver q tMore. à ope"laimeet- ing for euhferdg thé. B A. P. degroo .111 be bold"28th imot, The.follovlne M the euwneè=for the mmuîng vear :- Ashbe ILeXI. W M; AIeL HEMsD M; hus, Be.Scv;Gao Lak% ,Fim.Scec; Sgloma Trust, Ohap; Daid Johostou. Tros; l'a fraIsLeu; Ji@Weéver, 1D of C; lHenr '316, MJu Jrde%, Oro RauseaU committes. At the ragi1. moeting of Hom" Cirle, -No. 84 ça Uuadsp vub.gthc foljoWlg mêm. wu. îvmi sloludsfim ferthe iii, rg vpar: Sa"r lin. Tie. L; ialira malins, V YL; Bm. SIU,]MoL.BU.U, m. en~md Tftan; Sm0 a à, ther8,14 in-seoy,-Sister Jin Ste. O.p;Bro Jos IU*akby. Maeas; C HM B 'ad, Osaurd' Bré-j Oh, Sentinui; DSrJ IL lixte., W. éUbcb.hJohn KOfl.. Twtus; W H Onak, àMD, Nêdiomi examiner. on lm" mevcu lut lat asconvoction cf IL& P. No. 262, Blak Knlgbteof Irelond. enosaped at Ltlnday, the. foloilu brethron wuel.iot.d efficera fer thé esaiag juar: Sb Kmlgiite. John Killey. P. n.celeoted; W. Huadermn D P; J L 'Winters, Ohap; W G Woods, R; Joseph Brown, T; Joahua Scott sud Jobsi Lyons, L'a; R 9 Bell and W Mo- lishon, C; W Poe sud H Vallon, a gi Wrn Galbraith. P1; Thos Murtseh, R Nugeint, Wm Mdain, Wm Woods, Jas Beatty, W Mlen- dry. C Hmenderson. cammittie., Westmlniter lodge, No. 20, Sons cf Eng. land, deled the. follovlng officer. for the en- sung peur on Wedrxesday. Dzo. 7th :-Mout Worthy Punt Piuent, Eia Thos Bryant; W P, Bo J D Graham, re.eleted; VP. Bro B G Harde: Soe'y, 'Bm Henry Miler; Treas, Bmo Sam. Pawons; Chap, Bra John Brimmeil; Coàmmte.*, J a Geach. Gao Coombe. H Chambar, A C Allen, A Hoadley. J Perrin; 1 G, W Wlngrove; O G, ThaS Higga;-, uriteon, Dr. W H Clark; Truteca, Bros John Haore$ G H N Baker; Auditor., Bras W J Hallali. G RM Baker. T MeicConnell; FinoCoin, Brou JEB Gtàcb, Tho* Bryat P P. R GHarris; Grand Lodgs dèlegate, Bro W.-P. J D Graham Glenann, hsld in iheir hall on Tueeday aveu- .136 Cii bat.. thc following officeis vée etd fart h.eomagy.r snd duly lnstafled la the. voulons offic.:-W. IL Bic Marshal Koynes; D., Bm Thom laue; obaplain, 1kra Douald J Speno. re-leted; Reo.Sacy, Bro Colin N Meoua»ld re.elected; Flu.Beoy, Bmo Wm Thozury r. elucted; Tresurer. Bro Bonald Fudyen; D of 0. Bmo Donald lage;lact, Bo mrbsld Fergueon ne. ee ted.Commitse-Alez Mean, Boderick Rioolaons John JI B"ac, Kennetti Camt>bsl, I~saW S. a. our. M.Thoo. H. MoQuade, MU@. Endicottsnd Mr. John Elloit have each latelypaprchaged planas fom W. W. Logau of Tour town. &i oi& - The. frends of lMr@. lamai Maishal vil,4 te heur that saie s in a tair cay of nScvery. After an illne.. of four vulre, durini th.e soter ivart of that Urne Dr&. Numith of Jaaetville and àlcAlIpine of Llndsmy had Utie if auj hope. af ber xscorery; but under thoir judiolous iremiment thore is ereryprospect ihat aho dil be psicé s littie vile jauser lu ber familv. A 0uuaT AiuçAc.-The Star Aimanac of Moutrel à just out. Itla a splendid t.hiug. Everybody shoaiid have it hey cau poseîbly qat it. Itla .belng sent abroad in large num- DaWn's ftBimTÂTION PART vii open in the. town hall on Monday nigbt the 19&h met. PrWL.Doauxmlàuaistod by a comnyany of select supead lisp gi a long, refined sud hlbl muaing perfor ace nigbtly, and carr a collection of pictureeque and historie Iai .cenery. On. buadîed handsome and eeutly pressase advertioed as given away Dlgitly. riamauas ood vanted eai uWÂBrnD OMMs Il.