H3LI~. "v M ~ There are some things a feow sB't d4 vftho.ut, other hhinga ho woa't .isd wlt ouI-if ho eau bolp ftbà' Oas o! Britton Brother. "ldIaad" 01 "Viotoria" vatohes ooasI vllA . ter calegory. They areounr apeolal vatichea. Wi'haie bwie many othor varieties, aIl *9-most deairable. «rades snd kh* ia fae« Whether your ides ofut spi utâblo fi a vatch ia an extravagant 'or 'a modesi one, whether your purs. b. long or shor*% va can suit you. 1. You eau have efither key or atom-wing, huntinq or open, vith GolId, Gold Pilleds silver or Nickle cases lunstylos sMd Primo no varied tirat il you-roëlly va&Wa a t* ab ali tuera ns no reasonable excuse vil yau ahould be vithout one, aud i goia one, tao. Youshoiuld sec aur stock of Ladies' gold, and gold filled watohes. It would b. dfil. cuit to imagine anything ln this lino pre. tieror more tasteful. The styles sam in moat *cases nov and unique. We have nat said muoh iately &bout ib but cur optical business is recoiving ita full share ot attention as heretof ore. W. SE9LL spectacles, snyone ean do tuat, but the main point, the thing that concerna the parchaser mout, is that vo FIT 4pec- tacles. Fit thern to your eapeolsl neoda, Fit them tu your particular eye complaint en to speak. If thora in anything about which you oughb tu b. particular suroly the. care of your cyca i. one of thora. Ncgloob ia liis hsabeen the rule in the puansd la oniy too common at presaut. Most people dan't use as muoh cars in getting specta- cles as tb.y du in buying jloves sud viii purchase frnm any smooth.tongued ped- dlor who, ignorant of everythlng reIating tu the matter but the vrice of hia gooda, la utterly indifferent us to the lnjury he may infliat upon his cuslomer's cyci. That thora vas a real need for botter methoda than used te prevail bore hau been ftlly provod by the public approcla- tion of aur off 'rtu in Ihia d1rection. Thoughtfui people wbo find their slght defeotive corne 10 us for sdvlce. In ail euasait la givon froc. BRITTON BROS. Foot of Keut-St., Lindsay. à naion o! heurts lad ac uniof baud à union nateaosan .vor;. À Catn ofehomue Md c union o!fLmis Ad tiif1h. Baiun axUnion. fonySUL" UL TRAîrON TA Nd OMNIZSM. The warld advancea If Le Monde doa not. The day hua aIlait rrilon, vo hope, union ai church sud tate in Canada &all cese. Among roman cstbo. lic. ai ail races, tangues sud nalloamitiée tuer. ba inlurecenl years bemn gpoil grovlh of indopeadence. Tii.poople viii flot b. longer oufeîtered lu thought. No, for iu taxation. Le Monde, su ullramontan oqureala Monînesi, hover, ropruents hhat clmu fouud linail commumllles Who grapt l6 vauîshling shadowaansu uperstiitilons o! s put, chicfly brillant for au abum eof ligit sud intelligence I lImout .«Mw issue of Le Monde Rosi. *N. C. WdalaS ittacicsd iu mont bit or teima, wvi n the noxî coluxun il mdi> calleon "P17s"- moa" sud "roman caîbohiea" ta domani Ibeir igits. Suciaravinaes.samcb*diab. Le Monde va bopo la rlbht in «M- * 9n tiaI Clark Walac im *Wtend Brmly b> bis priuciplea chether la or out of tke Cabinet. We ble,. Le Moude viiiMBa liaI not only Clark WslIec.blt lthégv~' hoart o!flthe Cmnad ian peuple va» bafoid truc lu the piotpi of o! betr qwiâd bave rodesaci lthe world. àAmai ny Cabinet amuanla ta little or ntSg Whero are tie mn ho la pali s> hsve occupled 50515 uin e Cbit luiA foraotten. But cheosavnli telp10 for whihtohelis ubier mes hrI toughi They arelivig tô4.d Imus amillon&. vsso al otmkIsi LeMomiefor bu: attacis on Ce; Il morely 0m O -90 muoh fre@ adverlung. Tfi'etOS- Monde make. lainle paper article devM ol r ou Prejudico sumgo but Lde Monde volehaft e Mdc j ustice, sMd pud vorli movos Unvag4 Sai bousain ibert 4s" Moud«s la *A I I i b 'Qg~~sCandied Peels âOm -ro uIi laUd t Ihe os asatisfy your kLWOBDUAOUT iJBTE Sarsa Our.soth.rS,'VIII ow'* y~ma Il laeaSny afew Im mino. TOto proabytewmmiStdlao~ym epl the tsars, siialiuuiland prosoDIa of the ladIes ber, ospturod the.thon, popular pealor of St.ÂAudrov'a ý church. No doubt, Toronto beimg a vory wlokod place, hm. greater need of eloquent clergy- Mon th"Un usq viii.thos vioano good an "1very, vety cood," vile those vbo are bai lane fot unly "bôrrd" but conflrmed ilu heu vays. Preshyterisus cf Toronto are agla looklug lu Lindsiy for a clergyma, This time as on othhr occasions thoy airs te R.,. R. Jobuston.. TiSa far Mr. Johasto>n bhm deollned & alala; but it la uncortain what the.astrsotonsansd mluromenasof City lie Maccompiuh. In il Dot atrange hov the. Lord "*.a11s" s min tlupruaeb The Word on a certain field, but viion a fat aùansd aritocratie sumruadluga- p roen t tuemcelvos He very conventonlly drcs"ais ovu anonlusi"ho dest the *humble valk l in e? tIl aimoat leada Ordlnauninspirci mortala bc vonder1 vbethe or fDot Clergymen aée Dot juat about théesémc as oaer people1 lov- ever, il la a gréal itavantagetu have as su explanation tIbal "The Lord Cilled." But, Lindsay abould b. able lu gel on thé rigit aide ot theo Almlghty jutasuwon .as Toronto. Truo botb places are largi to du osat lf or religlén bût for emarches; but Lindsay micht aubail a plsa, vo lhink, vblch financlally vouldiImpreas the Di'vine Arohiteel favorably. Suppose. on the expiraton of theterma.oft hopros- ontpoptu out ofCambrelge «»et metuodial cburch tuaI th. Ivo congrogi. lions St. Audre's -pmebyterlnsad Cambridge alreel methiodiat ves luth te booome<Chrsti»ansd retain the Movio cf Mr. Johialo1 It in generally belleved liaI tuere la nul much difference belvee the gemeral rua of protestant churchea an4 Christ'. lsacbng, though nomeout hora art fait folo romamlam *back to hoathon ldolshry. Tua vould b. a stop1 lu advance. W. trust t1h. praying publéo vill take the question lato their serions1 coualderation, sud 1hât they may be suc- oualtai in lnflaeonlnthe Lord teoeil"n Rev. Mr. Johuston te romain lu Lindsay If il vers lsarly explslued liait *2500or *3,000 frcm a 0cogrogallca of Chrlstle iu L.indsay ahould b. ai worthy as $3.50 cr*4000 (rom suau41emoofpreabyterlans lu Toronta surely justice vould prevaiL. 1 TmU WABDas vil» have gmet plsasure lu trYlng tO advmncetue muvement, but1 vo cinnot promise tuat Our luenceinla 1 aI direction le apo"ily poverzii How.- oser, vo shalh gladiy slip in a word vine possible, vinici onuthb, 4ulot might catcha the Mof thde GradGeometemaor ltho stus au l e m »1. JNnslM y., remain S ladaWIUY,'tor hic.'influence la oeuitadiyfor tho upbuildlag of biscteov Uon. And whon msuab a egman Jafori ho ahould, le jwoervd. Dà&Tn 07 Ma. Joëzm ?lha-Ou stimes1.. wWM haribsd beyeaire cm - riday eo,.1 1lm osîb b uNop deatb cf IMi.l asIt te S Os o l esoce t dm. »AdS miate h m kwi teoi wvby jm baveour Ismt~ i t end moeSu 5 u PMlthé foot -mI tm ue (Tho clave lutte aSMM ow bmpu a me et the but 0008100ud mm e ssg. . sns Sm vioe"la om"t.Tb.ugb va dosem upu VUt mll. v use liyt $bu »M vrb"u put cf sur P l o.zxpsot evo» ute be d Our0 on. 9lcu et body; f&u"uo thcm4ht; hrudea tor Mmisss baewu bt a our estobvard. Thurefo. s " lrosl sc. e d album thé,amsprMlog.o a chls, i.ýt Selotie pabâes& .On ueWfrls.d vii wu hope, kiay paidt e srot molh.,or at lamaI t. repty tao ese* t bis remar& ia. Our friead kludly point onetcorahite John TI ompoosbau mors ccm v Iam Mh.for. Sons uaI bmmi te bis uutiewgus.,sud dmnc Confidrsat orsnover Vurs se say truojprotoasuta lanlb. Giveraat.Tura mlon. ILSOW41, pu mmaiamm siU Son, N. 0. Wmah susmlntgisalmaster et th@ ormgsaufste o! l cvii sbie s H.. lb Hsggar Ras.J. O. ?&UmmaonWho fraely &put hlm lime Md bi Mu«ste a*sMW Sm retming W. R. mK&1ih Premier Sm On- tarin, Boa. liqohwCulng Mmd son. Jobs y. Wood éli frein Ontmdo. h t mQuel. à aom. Mr. Ives; from 1Newc Dhuslsio. Géo.. E. Foulsi, cas ofthe uhym eh*o ergis. &Il? votaI for Orango lnoorpolem tr Nova Shalle son C. H. Tapper, virils thm Ksnltobsileflz. T IL Dly a&oprotoucm1 Of thème ieurs.DaoIl, Hsgmwl Patermo, curlis Wood, md buor bve% aieas ,bues havnaumd prove. %métr sreg protslanla. WblleUneb. rMIsiorum ruam the grand 4atttici fruie, W. m i "GlairaOranuem" srum vu tu 8Mess opposing lOb Jobs Tii.,.. bu muas Sa roman oci. Diaeobjeon icis la lir inba m a mil. .»,, chuins an asi1 poésSdomi eofli. tfactes Usbllmbtmg Se lobs a 1imtîva usore un btetmudoqpioa .11 b. mach mors dotermlsoi lbom evus his ILa Our aperlssé osuonvu'le juilte lb. ssoy. md asae sprat wue in t embnlaglb. rucoite officilly. 8Mr J"lotau a o vue ga* but ntte lt1maI hua tef hoain.bta Remod ciherby ramas caodUeor protu> tut cburcho. Ho6mande te lb Une of mus gaivrrmena. ne cas Kinistur et Justio vhm Rillwuabaugsd ; h.bu bevaie.i. tent t fQoobea tb. lugal =te :romtiiia tie lsuuhV Estates Aos bu Maniai bougi tisa off; ho pursaul l*9uas suao. lmm "amtolelohoal Ad as ho offuri te4do t- wris thé laauts' ZulatueAm ifnQembea. Hol a taforal ins Govsmmsst shows evey dusre tu oavino. the ivlssêmate Ibat b. wacte sireubout mdtS-i&ueus vIIb hlmx. Wàt mon'ould hodo 1 Neomu HIeve ticS lame Ub i gu.. op à* iéecf dttagq the lb. voud mmcoaibu huir Ramne barder tisathb udite et Tm Wa hast IM th s? tmi. lis zmiemd mmdb fmfamied aminns vcmlshou. Tiss mosly b. dine lofye hp trust it tu" ah ouosyof làce e.of tlb maJorfloc toibkn. Wuw muer oqPpos roaeseclodbum ame lq v»M lr Oet hat shunt. "T i relaybv. but th@ lit s y be timenihuuEbutÏg Vo bailm 81v Tboapm lm ua ,l vulut lie dçema mli theommth. éhhi s id MHo. Jobs SusoiUosa If h a Moêbe uhbemje vommlÎ-s -s ovm u-l o me Ibu st si IàUslma it bva y l" ra W. na s. il eu m s n et ibe 11u10i fhs ~fIfts lx À Aume SkcSm, 1 OWAilG. store. J, Edwards, mpuur.d Ded.1l.i Sm iu Md En lEgs of iboAm&I Doo.lbss, lu% , hà. .W. ML. Cash, a4 Ni. Xe. 'oumb au Cyu. Wl& - I. .bq o miy d4mm Wosu,-lm1Ma us fomsy"Uste bu,~~~ IS 8%~ bosdsaso BmadTamt1* . gsi*fom dIl 101h, 189% nart. Ly. ieNMM S7 yun lroaa...Os EsAm et it n. bslevei mli. cf AI... 8&yous [FausseS ~kiltetbe~ s ~ ~, OMt!~ b t i ntc t lhsding puices, and w. n.ed not say more iow thas elti.iù presont, cou!- -- gaul Onr popular brande, 50 weiI ada &con hroghuttii he lcouaty A BNÂNA ICHNA, 'CROCKERY ND GLASS WÂRD> TbuudpM rtmnluiie w tb a wSied .d detensive auortment of Fancy and Staple Goadu. Ou Vmusy~a Ch omsdGmus aU nml ew and beautiful desigus, and at uuch low prices' as were neyer cif. foeed ini Lindsay before. A.-CA MFBL - badUby DoMumbow 11h,1891. NIL MoPHADEN@ 106 Kent SirGOtu LINDSAY. opposite the post O020c. OlearîngSale. Au average sving of 80 per cent. eCM b. had Clearing Saie, by tskig advantage of our 81 will bay S1.80 worth of <3oode in any department in our store. As we intend being out of business about the First of January mn ImmedStcM iwillb. none too'soon to secure the best bargains. Specia eutions luMillinery, Manties. and Ready-Made (Ilothîng5. Ou Stock je wa & Srtd with the. Best and Newest Goods the market aflords. 106 Kent St.. Opposite the Post Offlo., Lindsay. T«ob tictly Cmii, and no Goods sent out on approbation ~ma~,Doc. 8&hl4 lm-18Ofl-1y. Many eading Familles Whofoms37bought thefr Inj other HOUSIES have disoovered $ iu"iey cmn get Bet * Qu&ty,B1etterýDeg!n,, Better Fit, Better Prices 7 ~ ard Beerisraoiàtion 5y ds4.g* hLD ND ULIABLE fOUE r. r. - CNI(o 8) W eles (qPposite Foot office) , 1 s SPEOIALTY. 1-partfoe, LOI18 % ÀONm