Grand" Y offer every'dol>*p woi4k'f-IP*t 001* 3?J~ ~S~ ~ay ofl ýimoe outmi, aoïmt .jb . -w. i -n Our istock lu very Ip u e3 sgbri wý *emne O ffeorptos o4 is Ne offer y ou spoimlm 8 sWhile yuudte~oe o f~ liihw 01 *notajt Of te tgaonwh4 re I af i a 9Str ybuge1ytu Every .Every Every Every Every Family wants bsometbing ln Purs., her Ladies' or Moe'sCostsRobes, ColS ,mus, Oappe, Boas, or Sc Family wants Mou", - Yiîtahs' or BCWs«ooato. An immense assortmmet Mat whôleau oocost. Fatmi1y wants BIua.h #hi d Grey BIaukets at leus than. Manufaoturer'a Prica F'amily wants sometliing in Druset*oods. Thousands of pieces to select from Rvery piece a bugain at i Family wants Sealettes, Kantie Cloths, or Beady. Made Manthl, OICildren's Reefers or Ulaters. -We 'shou prîoe. Remember wfi are noesotolipennysadvertisers. What we advperbine wB psrform. We are determined te clear these Goode always go finui.. Corne oftoen, W. hâve stacks of bargains for aMl14 o matter how ismall your purchase, a goo1 The Great Slaughter Sale of Winter Goods now going on at ~otFafand Witr Goods ~&uIesand MWantle* O1oth, and Sealettes'at stragh ýdm msom for? our mmaeSpuing Stock now on the road, vi! Mte ia fumoe la the. retail trade in tuis part of Ontario. ~hé sesaon je o ver, and the best of the stock sold; but no w hoioe, and at auoh puces as wil interest every oustomer Oollarg, Your choie of our Alstock at straiglit oost prioe. 9-ulr PlOS, but a perfect bonauza at our Clearing Sale prices. ai big assortment bouglit at 43 oents on the dollar. These go in witLi the rest at Straight (JosI; ines ont ana have put the pri, es to suoh a poiut that will surprisa yen. saBviflg ean be made by oomizig direct te corne eauly. Besfù WN~EzR. & CO'8,9 THE GREAT BA.NKRUPT STOCK MEN. I A -- A -= B r--m A -= r $250YO00 TO FLOIN ON lortgoigesouîii iPPR6YEo INOORSED om11 Aàt.Reaaeuabl* Hae t terui.t NOIES :Odl i ie nM«e" CA.SH AUVAN01 ON FAEERB' BILE NOTES& CASH PAIB Ton MORTOAGES k & INIIJIIS On trlaht Lnîa i e tu Fermer. Mde!otheu who are d irons of obanin their mort- gages and hiving Ibsir lteem rédiSe. tu lteé very Inwest rate. The ocet of oheng IlMO oras:7 s ernmIiilu couarlon te the sarvg effecti b te raduotion eftlu. NWTUÂAT x0NNm la033*1 YOD have the opporounlty le bonwv Il pou vaut i the redue.! rates.Dont prooretiatse. but make tour apln. lion promptly, Real Estate Bonght anMlsol on Commission. GENERAL IN8URANOE AGENTs i. Hl SOOTI'ERANI. Baakbr sua Brter, 91 KENT ST., LIN D8AIl ONT@ 014as Oa Nb, IU-4. _ We bave a wauz heutrt ovade oui numéruo« ustomeus Ton bave made ua happy by pour patronage drlg lhe yean. W. Dov want te h.lp pou le mai. en, trien.!. happy. The boliday seseon la now heé.. Noelhn l gti viii maie a lady or Sogeue a happy se a beaullful §bo or llppe.. Zila thesfcuduton0t oomtowl Md happlim. OE W show thébe ntieslimportl8130 sud BLlPPERS ever ebovu la lovu. The boat goode lie but primeo ezlumely Iowa W. goli t u cm, dey BOOTS OVER$HOE8 & RUBB ERS be éloi tthis mon*.l. vMrbody wbo ha»e brou hm .know w.e m te ebeapeet Place intowm tor LUMBER. MEX'B BUBSERB OVEREHUES sud YLrT èODbe. Ses oun TRUNIS s&" VALISES. JOHNSTON & SISSIONI 2W, oe. el= 31W luidue, Esi d Sign of the Mill Saw, soum au-mm 023 MoLennan do Co... Boltom P!l'lie mcl d lQmasEO. n ulalie Oow Ohain. 'Hiors, Laut"ra P.nning h» v Mdeuc#neWin-' tir Katte. Axe%. Axe sïup, Oe,"ORt swBue Usm.e ISORATO.N OOAL Ami b-'. Z "' - ic -ýe04ý m Zs- bu a pouv -,»e à AEB ma u cpeu &O ,0a u Po W.. Looix rucetly soi . E. Bnna boo b@.a.-.9. àacabinet -Grand piano, anid le en of the ?ra, DâTE., vu, Oraagoe, Lmoza, et LOUIS IIItovu, A.B. Trry'.-04 2. LxTrrPOL"158 Ocam.- mg -déar lhUE. àAM s oeeon.bud pisaofora mt..Apply (rUad.-! bave got an far Nonal ntow et a. Boiatf'e&hop lent atmet.-à.tL sud vi i n Llndoay about 20th. 1 have nv Myfor Chrtmusmil Vou hal@e tI ohaiIià;&Co. àalotmraon eealbuma, me the beautifi holIagonds et PortWPua IUItoods, ohins veeme atmuee booktors-OS 1n.! ave ne 1. nirot0 nte NoUMUuoLrmu -J. Eutbto(f t h all ihé e iharge bdmler«whc ame bua of Britton Bri, JavelleU nd smp) ot My agents. Write to t m and! teonthe. ineà u ieaome for $saM un. luit what pou vaut and!1 v trp and! attend Of ent Ulafflae 00. Le t b Ilcome. Af y TOuMe dOuz nos.%gêei genq t fer theéBinaBUA Ck&U -.11 SaUe gMachine Co., le ready teou- Tmu WAnrn.-por the Ivo or tire ente luail11unrepreeoIe!d ltrft..Oce. weehm Tas WÀlaa hem ofot otu..! =de'à block lent Lfndm.-N4'g1, muaseh sold remaa ï -Lteee Mn. lBu'a Uyanmu » a.-The dos. ecaume belng Vis lrgo 1 uoeha. fret of the unpubhehed materlalby Huury to et . <Iranl 4verielagteounay Word Donoher, rcetly pahm by Thé . merate, whO reogniseA bunadte. Ladis' Bue ournl, vii p ~ m% menrnT»a WA1I>Epaye. Tour nimur. a menrp imeeoftthet masine, d m etsevmi!eu ramrk ir mou oter hbe. he re-Wvrwo ndlnverdlr digest thae advertimeemnte, an.!d amenaorthesr ited, o inin o o viiàk be9 a mlty repoid for pour trouble, hieheonl ed WI ul>7.c" proli ded os .su -od b. lug ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~g onNYewue.- ubst ore ofered fa the edwetlmmt. of bel.! s etGepehotelon &Ba the I.lth Coxmr.-The onsud ne, l.euj>ce lu"ib 2t "clo p.M.. Enap VZ ii l o~ f MnIL" lodge No. 105. O.OFI.,o'hue surnm Ili fterthl10h luit. WIx . A. Modey 691h, vus vell ttended. lu addition te LE, ~ s. ol tcomiprlelnq 1Mamerri, Mime elod MisbuELH.Coiud"teé Manl Coxu TO TME Colleglte a Ect9Hall c heo ccmmuttesprooured the service cf on 'Deember 101h. Grand tablane r. * . IMoGaiIIOand Misé DaGeu oflJi. Tennysn-TIte peselng of Afllail y"" bridge. uu4rmg à larlonit epo au.!the hebqp mlu aie latter s soprano. mim" Genesln £av@ a f h lb. "rlaces" Eiedlng-The Eortitg» oea Cobbler, Kr. . . tier iewtaton-The .iecitatlen, MXmaJackson 1*o solo% r. D yioîan, ise . i nsu'N Moweyn tIvooansd a quartette ly th» VIOt,14KIMB. md»ad; dllg- Idy ilse al e.., ýKlnR sud Mossle. KNolp ClIMe ID L g an.!d- Mlerganvu l*e ontribution of the Lia.. CawE» OowOT.-& a f m m ofe. thle may coatiget. The UIMerro. Glendean fou< h«litS -Weu'a ruMOei i tmd; i& C6024 a" te V ie XI "aohduimPgav Mêm'à ol.Une.!ovemàoep et $1 Lumbe, f-eciosS elmletions. Wu reoretlItiowlug mulef'. gt noh rublertil. kâ.c.ui, Iteabsees ho. houe va coul.! pot attend, feit bo"teMd.! houeteq«Ul lm plo uie, ' ' dpupee olg Bey quickly. Ioi amlnb ie,1mm lotdon e d ap» dfg et of Dely Berne, LIdmy.-S itf. Prapur.fa«, hoia.- To Eaxt-A so-e = I houq, fLECA1LINE88,.. e . corla olth Woui Intoha, Paerana tted optatudm remarouet ensimai olurs.d >e ppi te M mD. (OlUvm Z h oysmplcl event,.e 1.14 lu ie »Osli "-eAuembly leaVthépy but - eueqgamet or MWl% ou Déeeber lOt6i. uwmets nmp«Yosher pi&mui-O& gueit-The Pol" a en, u -hleSe.Xa à& N Lce__ nmm IL Pes;ougi-The Bre. ,Mn 81v.,; e hugefNome lihe broUgit hWludeul id,= 19 M os"p. z C.elmte . ar dua Kou& X. .-BreEut, tssrut tel àleW, $W #1. t% OP% eOlm WSua asEnu8avm.»IeCus tonmdAbeidooen, vie l e htyoe.vaue ».b uIM, i-i.0 la u home sin Ooami, sudfrle ideete le as. me vou e lum rnai Mm lm i uteders h$eW e.4. 001» oleseette a mohloset théerrnt 1 amiae.,lItalli lhdet «MW t uS -arn&dà awe fr euse <, T. ii belsh m, eeeid at*Mel sa",a seivauta' ico cords-4 ft.-b" md al éuei, a-to ..U~4fIe~70ocords-ft.-buc" m a*cor* cdm'. ~IBI.SUn~.m ê.U, . imb ~awee ut7 S JOHIN DOBSON I Wholesale and ]Retail Deal1er in Wînes, Lîiuors, Aies man Cigars, and General Groceries. Gooderham & Worts' Celebrated Old Bye,_3_years' old; 6 years' old (ini bond). «uaranteedî Baxter's Barley Bree the ffnest of aIl Scotch Whiskies. Guinness' Stout, Bass' Pale Aie; Dow's, Labitt's, Davis", fine Canadian Aies. Hennessy's, Sazerac, and Germeriez, ftne old Frenchi Brandies. Geo. Boe's, Bushmiil & Burk's choice old Irish Whiskies. - vii Ag. IMPORT ORDERS THIIS WEEKB PROM LONDON, per S.S. Rosarian, 16 -packages Huntley & Palmer's9 world renowned READING BISCUITS, PIROM doGLASGOW, per S.S. Indram, a consignmentocf BÂXTER'& "BARLBY BREE," the finest of ail Sootoh whiskies. Corner Of Kent and William Streets, Lindsay. Lnlud, Oct. 12,189?. IIA~JDWAlk# The people's popWms 4 and. 5 gaugeX Oi48Sawagain to thefront. Ulmtia .o *I~DMr Md lPi;mS i~ Vruugo YII)AT, DDOE5oeER é. AUN >r~ ~ IA)OÂL JO1VTiIG&. Tois or Oglos Cu beu B.Torrm. -04 2 Qutax NSTEUTMmraWHOg thoir BSuadar sohool Xus Mna,20th lta. lUT GUs U Taye Ieuiumîgold sud pulau Teeh p4imiuspeeag,.ia - rie UiSaU Md tre ri lIlmil room& wh o ma AmoguaoWUkiifl WshingMschinan am Fmras'Bwavu at ppsii&t»ami 44a,«et SavtàLndb Well«Mlm osMe Ue :& Cwdr -e and k Ï-,--i 77i---!ý i --- ý -,L ý7l= Z-Mi 1 Ir . U, - F- 1 t