IETE. thé nota cf MoMne we» i 0 a plotore thu îont V" W= balm ed W viè " t th b e Id m%» Im mi admire bh. .l Y.t ah vus ot vit Mt - bmoéee Whll. à$.vus ummbne «mi puchlng th bIemuome, 2.pUUI0< the venid, a Young gentlemain , m e«un of the. aveln eof thé,,Park, "M l 1 d opposite te that beh. lied qemW and paueed upc. tho bual, gulg hêu et the largerlIslando09thé a»om> eveet wnu oîe.: '.1 ty p.hie eu 1le atarted and turned hlm apu c.1h. MM conactou Maidou. For a moment beltood entranc.d. HEtvwu a noble-looklng 70011, vlh a tarin Istnt vth uanly vigor, M.d vith a face indicative of inteetuel pover, oouplod vlth woméaly refinmet. XMe complexion wuanaadarh an that ofm anl- lan, but it wuvaa an md ttngod wth f beantiful crimmon. Hie eysver. almoet black, and .xpreealv. of a Ira"gtrutlstul and chlvairoue nature. In age ho apenired tu ho acout two.nd.twenty. f"Truly tua le E]de," ho mormures "mad thît la a second Eve, -twloém 10lv17. ui thieorigina Cu aa 11h-" - X Ifdd nt compl@et. lb. men e,U [Idle falry boat bad appmmoabd qut. ama to hlm, andIlido hereoli, lifting ber gavés iad behold hlm, and ittered a orY 0<1m00> prie. "Oh, Gay 1t h. crled, ber vola. tremul. ous with joy, ,in té ycu-rmdly you 1'and à bcod ci acarlot uurgod op l ierubelote paie face. "la t Il de Date, thon f' saath the youth, hie la ce ruflottng ber dllght. 111 though no, but ycu have chànged in four yeam. Permit me ta dtalu you a Le, minute." *Ho roaoheo ut hi& baud, canght ho boy ofth ti.boat and drew 1h vit it Iteoccupant upun the. bank, undor thé uhadeofa a troo. The yaung couple thon ahooli hindi, and the. youtlisaetd himseif opon the. hov of thé. 6oV, lu acordanoe vlth the mald«e invitation. l'This la really anu uuxpm3ted ploaur," ho aatd. 11Ihad begau te thlnk vweu d nover meut agail." 1"Wiiy no, dy-thst 14 Lard Tramlllal» Inqulred lido, lu charmlng confueion. "lYoù are familir vlth tii. vay to Edoncourt, and 1aailways abhobmre." "But not ta me," rturnod hie lordiip. 11I have callod sevoral times ah Edoaurt aince My returu from the continent, a montb ina., and have bien Informod every tim. by Sr Allyn that you vere ongagod. 'Yu o e the firet triond I aaught ater my return, Mism Dar@." Ilde's oyom oxprommmd hoeriatonieiiment at this déclara on, and athe mad, alrnply s III know you hid roturnod Wo thé Hall, Lord Tromilllan, and 1 fanaied tuèt you badl qut. forgotton me. 1 vua mt aware thît yen iiîd viited u. Papa mut bave forgotten ta infnrm me." Lord Tromilian7a face brlghtened ab thia aiurane., "Sir Alyn muet hiave forgotten ta tell yau V" ho eohced. "Ho memod W b.odo- flghted tose me, and urged metW repuat my visitltot, o 1Iamiquit. mure ho oai. not objoat ta the oontinuancoe0aiouaum. qualutance, Mise Dan. began, nu1hvaswu chldhood." As thé. reader knowe, Sir Alyn Dar#e b,. ed wlih a father's affectian thé young Vie. count Tressmllilan, and yoîra belote ciierlmh. ed tiie hop@ thît tiironghIilîde, the. tva farnillesm ight abhnmre future trne b. Since tii. ycung lord'. rturn home hoe bad provented thor meeting, leant thoir chuldimit affection for eaeii other ébould deepon itt a lita.long lave. .4s wo have mad, the. Dre vere the. great lamily of the noighbaniiod,.and tiie pride of the villagerm at EdenvIl. he prestige of tise barnot'. famiiy had mt boon lu tihe lent wouk.nod wion, yarahb.. tore, tii. adjolning estate iiad beon purches. ed lhy a noble vloonnh-a dbvoted frlusd af the proet Sir Allyn, lu hie yjouthh. Tue nobloman, Lord Tremillan, had oiiertton. md hita n itton Treemllian Hall, and hâd p.nt rnnciiof hie time nm nmy lm. provlug and beau tfylng itt. .realded there three moutha out ai .v.ry yma, but hie visite iiid beors too brief ta permit hi. ta acquire any klnd af tii. populartty vhlch "NO, hi. dtem i lamtalmopheo" replied Ilde, ber deire for the il.î nympatby aud ocuneeloetthi ed ber ohidhood lndueimg lier W apemh frely. Lard TremiUL ioul.hd W u d "Ciii me 06 m n jc Md t. 4oo"h gd% faSI emb ltteaiq btsa bdi obeehi, M m dmehp dio .d heu »greiq4e ,. hma Sill 44 ta - "yandbytimme ~te uiopofflm9 ~'q de w ve t aol bb W*hhI1 impuent 4eL.out âm eLouZqis -16 wulasposible e mmammd i lMieU, iMd asi, how mddro 1 "hon bis noIemqces ad lePov = ah* "Idl d m onf , ai %o. , oab~ wU béeava, balla. ge bisam t . poui "Y@,tat e M le Mone, < ilium m lad enouhld hlm oo tehoeaurber., of1Sia thrlll0<deoielthb ile provmpet . 111 loem-MI hamie loerMy-My eher. Ife chobir itan a.d pil ou of hm aoe hâ en md, uah 1.11 au inacdverehom hadls@ y ar contant, ev nt e mml o bAr mennoisf Se ir laa, Igonmgrave thI ihon Ld stc, ta b flnd Imm tAt e@ .,"endeold bpoung lofa cat. " loe hom n If net vete m fther. Ifm hiean diibontai, vbymhohW &Umd@ your in cl.tlma?1ton ho aeI yon e'ald 1ea arcntn devehiho on ta gaum a At rentlon i Sir@ thy" ho ourvgave mmthougiacitu ii. iea hmue.tePap b ttodm voii. Lad T1mihae mhoulbien l tatemi guiseàad Iha"epolld yenn bntit anash ierlhtrtdut. IfWe l l im. portant uean t rn a vislin yenafluded for hard mut nk yen cot Uldthemi papa, écone,"r abs ni. "Titrt -Iel o "Wh in . ccflenoIthn in .l rue "Àu, ir.borllm X oe wa genlranda gratue dooaletmo.y-nria i a m hildi m nhoth, wIbaon ly b.en abde cort Xemw a lbh ae Wld ymm, bth $'ua, b. noi the&me," If vo l de. courtianovst b. vraglutolngy ta tn aendmutonov ,vlaii ii.v:d aaur frer." hveottipe h "Wbo Il bla e etaSir dm 1" i " MP n. rveli.a H vII, nd rand. b fahr .reoetaln r sm tobl"n "iInem0 eomidahlm. ]utdiW mee cour th. vn is p largsutymanlthoan e'IIal ee pamos hie rpooodIle. "No ett pota l us,"al g.d 114.. "H.r tov vatl nd nnpapa1." eclim Ld Treoilian rdnefl. td fr a nll minu utehas ovd th e xcptoidfa:o &"Ytou fer mi he aurpp.dtii tiniYo, ldIeileryo ve m Br llta 4 wairnye ram hmmd iteimd t t h@a bnOV1dYld"tac ongaven mI orne ten t mmalinet or ty fporibleut tIf you are rtgh idoand our fathSiretnedw vlths tiaimet aiv hie Poprty,$ ho MIannnli b. ou or,"inpceed lid pr"h omt ao, vibeailtht Tmulint d3&"yIof&'»Y#ut himmd inoence 1" ecllm detigb metnt li excepto ai abue adentllu uut. vihc iib Lae oyte, 'iD oben ae oateboitt Ofvmnrhdiram br ltrlndhaî tate. n coehic 1 h nmed. "wvf, éaIndo t man bi alo.jur beuty ah preditovtthl Thn, mme nt g hi e paprt."h M'ying thnout vyundl»U tei.milen Hall l taWiaa hhie eo .-à vul IMvre = nM - - g-i. ~ b~i ~vu&,IV*bs w IV r, W'Whahd-lé a , w du r hAIIM4 I.blu hua "Ah s .114. bu ~nooolma.01 Mienaln, Dide moii *0 Vd 4. wlgpaMAis nV Mdi liu I. là=Vi" .irait a"li b. rus, ma" at = *0 Xlb Itaieurubbur Md apgrebdglb.prIis dmc,01 ha Ithéels chatir, &alàam a »w«narrbol lhm u opmaedVide the glmui 4or sud vle tho us ien vl UUth o lm aupocbar ia At h.un » d of be isbmdaimmcdlvolas tbm drommy, plemd .xpmemfi"edrlic l&,@ tfac%, houoontefaaobeemme grave, Mmd ber demeaor mlrncmt hanghty, au ahe bovod quietly, and pnilmg hlienomt.rad 1h. tudy. Thervelireimarlod bermcalduom vilia "amils., aa mie.vhlehis8rAllyo, vho kmev him no vell, olumrveci vlth a ahud. derng tuai.' " ICame bore, smy darllug,» nid thebu.ha cnet, puttag oit oeue mm, au il ta alilel The o uggirl eb.yed, mppnemabbienhl, but ber buart mso u ah* anxlouly aruti. mid lia palew, v su md deepmnng oomu. ".Deairpapa," ah@ vhtapon.d, appnoitm- atrely, "bave lou Dot yot aettlod his man' claii. upc.n ut» / Sir AUyn aeol hie hoad-he aould mot tnuit lis vola o emk.OS Ilde becarno pale and grave au ah. mirk- id hie agitation, and ae haelltly nevleed la bar cvi mind ber nocent aupposltions vith regard W liitheetret bond vblah united ber tather Wo hie umougenl guest Sho bid convlaod bersai! thal Sir Afyn vws roquired tW mal, smre terribleamrifie t. Thenveli, mmd tthe ii mdo ieoxacted cornâpromtaod paeatbiy W mil be lator'pou- "Il bolleve vben 1 vent ont," ah. Ihougît, "ltut papa had tcrm.d the idem, of giving op Edenourt, Perimpi hie Courage bau falled hlm. Penhapo be lheugbt thât I vould mot r«U o gi gve snob a @top, aims it wu U tWbe mige. Paon pioia, I mut enourage and tnguhen hum."I The tandonr glov mmd fluai that liedwe, soontly nadlabed bhomlaegave place oa look of quiet nescattenanmd .elf-devotlea. 8h. gontly vlhhdre brsait Iro. lbhema of ber father, and taod beaide hvi i the. air cf a Thon. vwu eomettlng of deflao ncearo tao »md manner ai hah. md.dThervei, sing: "IYen muet au for joarmoitMn. Then. MUl,lthahpapa inanot abli. oeein ua muntant exoitement and trouble. Tour pr«oab Xl déneourt, nadir preiant ci. oumtanc, ta thoere.unduirble." "ldo 1-Ilde 1" crled lhé baoroe. "HEuâb, papa, doar,"r.turmid tho malden, putting one arm reaelungly &roundi m. "'Thismm haCamse bore a" leur onemy. Hie pnoon talliag yeu nmd ltben bo on vo mut loivo Edeneount 'Inde, yau knowv mal vhat jeu my," groaned Sir Allyo. "1Lot ber amy visat obe viii" nid Thon. veli, blmmdly, fllglng hlmWdf oirleay latoan aarm-cair, "'litain rlly nef mhtnq, miter long lnt.roourm. vithth ii enrd l méat wlh euh aunenhuelaie yoing, lady. Ton vire .sln«, MiéeDoue,-ltaI elbe you or I muet have Edenomt." A finèh of indignation ah his umditaurbod calmeusand uommmtrly ttugod. flde's cisela, but it, SAd.dlevg tiiom palen théà beonèe. "Oh, papi--dur Papa," 1h. gi rai.d, piuédimgly, I"confido la me!1 Tel me vbat bald lta mm bau upo you.Tell me lteé secret bebveen ylm Barely, if jeu Canho sitar iith bhen, jeu cen &ars Il viti me-yean evn dauglili. Arn 1 mot your but friemd, papa 1" "My but friend-my oaly ameM mun. rnured the baronet,ma" darng W bl oib and almait emah.dunde hie lundi. ci mmlin. "I-Icun"l ta11yesn 14 Me ený terriuble--" 41A amanteos ita dedi îe1»o«. papa. itis - l 9 tima oYus homtd pas e, moas. 1 bc ut b... tfl Intha swMe, sMd I au.s tererlIaI jFout lits." 8h. uple aiehesrhuy, Mai, tsbu ber ronws' ffis» th@liethrcug iob -clah esauha ofci sod troua madovlm the uMaila, hbesvu »met h* feltma abaiof "ro ioregw n latvhec lire. turueito him. "114.," «cri ion *alion passlanat la svp"1 i.vo u dn anmd have us befflua aildornanded et me, i cosld do lh. Ietisd do l, but the "moa l.that, herveil aileis cctlmgS "OGreatr glvtag up Edoomnl, tber 1"' ex 11de, la vondonin aiutmemt 6 "Wbàt cms 1hbei" "81w ADyln a pnayen ai look at hie, thl o ovnd hie face vith hie bad tor imoofnI, as if ol0100taU the strouglh idemmou. thon vltbdn.v lm a, leoking op aI ber vith a fusemo01)a, a"dai ho aime tisse nom " 8prcmhng d eonofal ibi tb. yeung girl exporlon a sisdde nd mmu- controliable A mlm "114de," ho nid, I have never t1.4y«u am caue ofMy yu gleem. Yen have narmod imeteoi nlyla My ita f et duas dency, vishout ever iaring«tise es 0of them. Cma youbeionhli l evr "Tuipi , "0ah. Wen.d4nogwdlm hlm wit grpave mmdM donejs, fanlut tructini light."IInayen nover vllfly commltled. a vrong o i criumeani any- thlng el.ié 1amboan. e&sIL" The bao»elend«a W pek, but it vas sororal momet. b.hould afSoi- emtly eamrnad hie e tic. ta bigla ii promts aednraton. And il hIai lime 1Dé oothid hlm gent- ly by ber uinlg toaué poabie hot and foend toeed, umoasoc hbat ber buauty vasmon. liai radianlla ien eil. forp.Uuinmo' a iildovotian, Mmd 1h01 Therveil wv avtcutng lierndy, yet vith an ippérently oarale Samue "fdboa SrAllyn atinla chol. img voles, I"I cmnol expaia vrytlslng I. you. Tb.e n a myse nlmy lif, as yo bave surmisod, and tiC myotery lI omet lay ban. even ta eu. But i1h lima a lrl upoc. yenn lite. I-I1vas fonod loto a compact repugnaut Wo my every feeling as a fatben manua gmtlemin, and 1traSol- .4 ivay jour happino. la onder te0 bours Wo you aid me an unstalasi nmre, md- mmd contiaued eeums.ldo, bave pity upc. me 1» III do pitly you. papa," n»d lis youag girl, viti a vomdernmg loch. I"I do neot unaentami vbat yen have snid, mer loy yau oam troffia ivay my bappinema, but yon lmov tuat I love and plty jeu." "Tyon wvii oen loveme loua,ldo rb.o plomded. "Noéver, P 6Nov tel1 me lhe rut lr Andahbe k.4 upc. hlm u a youuq motter 4miibave looled upoc. ber aorrov- ing child-Sa 0 ofineffable pity la ber "O)h, 1i4., east 1 WhM on onl ae me 111e that yuibd 41.4 jeayns go- bitons I baid tW brnmMc!y upc. you. Icmasatell Yer TiieOr "eU q <y êanse inca hie chair and camefl forvad iuingnemi the islater ami dangbter, an ecstornpklitiglie,vithI hie armets! ae croms hlm bramai "MKy dur 1jeDan.,"h. mmd, blandly, ias 8fSr AU icasuel commasi himamb ouàletlytc vWb"t yen»as mur&Uly désire to Ina vl! permit me o do noi<m@eq 7 7 Alk0, lttedocver the maid- t'a fi«s jet ae quick1y but th"1 h. vho wumthe ce téIlrémsnldILt.But 44 u'v as msuBos, Mies Dore, by eomWllg lZbaI viMeIl . denoin ah this lie ontr* q« eyur as- "Z vasjour Willia Da.'mil un jeanta*MW& b"sri4ho aitle vAmb te Wb kW KiUimpvth ML îsm éI~ bla th" t t mi loto a l mobX4 si wudycal M too yaq o;.. e ieandhougM.lIa mé *a aa pt mmm vho usImM W the lb iml Iu 'my rousmeue mlet sAthon 0" chtaonmu se lmpr me apofocad didâo e 4llle, " 4ibiu, 4fmlnlly. -TM e fluâe t4ub, mid quit&.orh a1 th* danghtemetof sr Afyn Daue,"mm Thorvi mIl ernlgu* umoved; "but jas MM ble ha youlock if YOn thinli jeun pmtubmmi cm . onlfuenome. For- utely, I 14 ualmot.«pecttht yen voeu lau la love vitia me abtflnetuigbt. 1aM quit*.wlliug tatheli.go"tieamd lag euiatiam aloi oiilov, Pi peeo due marriago omn.mony." "Do mot doeeloourueif, Mr. Thervolit" exclamumithe malent411 yen thiba I u@moa naver marry jas.. Ppa ôould nover ove audouely promiaod yen Buak a strage, cruel, Mdonuheard af thîng. Au appuaitW the lav, if other moins Sali, viiifr.. bath My fathon Mmd mymoit tram yonr poisson. "dAn appui lb thelav ?" amked Thervel vltli pretouedd norance asiW bor miau- lut. "Who shallAppal tothe lav, yoo Thon. vua singular aiguifiaince in bis tonu, %Bdlde tolt ber fatber's hand ciutch ber anm vith a muddmm and piafui force, sa if b. von. expenionoing deadIy am. "I viEi s be.remponded, haughttly. <It @hall b.otaoverod if my poor tather abaii b. frightened into a monbid state of mim simply c. aeccatoai mre boyieh fauit, the knovledge of vitich yau happe t W bave ho.. oum s aed. Hie hult in ta lflrm, and, dnmshb cannot b. my protacton, I wili potiot hlm Mmd Uji I do Dotftsar yen, Mr, Titerweli, mor amy barmn that jo« cou do ns r, "Inldd t"aad Thoeil, qui.ty. 114'a oyen f"ebd indignantly, the céoa kindsd lanlier'chooha, and lier lhp curved la aora for hie mmm vlo vaald nmebere him umwilling bride.> "C4heor up, pipa," ed. sald, asSir Allys meusi Wtremble in him chair. "tyou are mot veiI mev, and Mr. 1hervell shaH mot b. perMittWd W disturb yon auj 41Wdn »,Mim Dre nsid the,.- aecrtaryb*ady, "%ut ;oeu n o Whb liboring undor uoms mtapprmhmaeion. Yen tbinl ltaI ycun latter bamdose nothiag ta merit censure, and ltat if ho wore mot inia morbld ude. of mind h. voaid ruent nMY vordssud bid me bemoe. Yenthinthas vhat bas boom nid la tue interview ta toa Incredible tW b. acted. loe me immune jou tht my resalvo W makl ou yenrnif. tan. sqild.u wbim, ne idi. rusolve, but the cherilbled purpabe cf Jomis, and jeu bmd better brave the deadliemt iger ilu ttcnatuve Jungle than W attemnpt tW bravo and defy Thougi b ho l. eaffably, theo.uva a limaI moment a tigeniah in hic usuaDy duil eyei4 mmd a oruil, dotermined exprea- aies about hie snauhii, hst causod 1h. toaderly nurturod mmdc. Wo quail momea- tuily ln tuar. But thse mort intat mho wvasn neslute as b. "dI do br"avend du7 yau 9" @ml* viti a " flas irpit, "tOh,ldo, yen 1mev mot vhat yau amy,"O nid lier fath.n,wmovully. "8fr Ally a n ight, Mina Ede ; yeu noir mot vhat you say. Rofumo Wo mary me, mmd perti t laht rotumm, and you vill vieli thM jeu bad nover beom bonis. Hua it mot oaurrod W you tbhthere inmm- tlslng terrible undon .&H this talcf a 'coin- paot'and a 'bond ?l "m d Tierveil'.tou &MWv earneml for tle. fretlime. "1h tanla my paver, 114.De, t cruel yeu and yoir fatter anden i burdencof shame, t. bang hlm liguer han Ranima,tW bunt you through'tise wved, vbene mot a bamid vii h. llfted la yeur detena. vion yen declans tht yo ire the. daugbter ai 81w Auj. Dame ni Edeomut6 And I %vear thati I bouth ad ornah jou if--" "411de, I do mot mal yeho u crifice o urn unb for me," cr1,4 Sir Allyn, lna angue"i- e4 vole.. "I cm bear amythubut1 ba g yen to, bave pity 'upon, yeoul, npcsjeun twhammo*l~l mii 8, ' PTTIYI ? Ikg md Witte titi%~ v. ality, aeections Ut7ev.rything in Me oe bave the fluet * 13140H1& CHAMIS, rde if nSu.osry. the Iaoesm in Linduv. Plumas ir 1z1imbles The Jeweler, 84 Erni sWoo, N.zl &Mo10*sbu.Daley Houg.. FREE TRA DE WITH THE MARU FACTURER se @@MW 1ui o>~,s0 a1 mi» S Sommbmhu t. le OMidmi Wthe Pr"aif bul =,ouMWtma& T"erefe jvoîn"y daim lia We CEn give botter valu( lu al kdo of WOOLENS thm tcmn b. h"d awhsre. OuOb ulof aILANKETSle ocunpet-40 pou «hani and vsansrestili maoi Woen pse olaqmlvmipisWAlGsu d Oheol. Union and Ail- Wo 1holgeul m obawiham ag ami velimseorted utool of 1.101.1, weedo4Ob@*l ShirtAnge, Fias *rsy a»d Faney Flanneli. Gueroupu =c=a (1k oe Our YAEN ioa forIf; malihoe Whoe ue il. It leoquaul,. mi goai mi Ebe.MnsdO, sud v= i lfor bliai lb.heprie.etfinlenlor Yera Oarding. Spiuning and Wesving aï Specialty. &A O ustou Work wMi receive our most carefai attention. Do net le deluiei by Sicidi' Goodae albed Rouat Gooa trhmnme aI WiolesaoPuiem& .Linaay, Nov. 28. 1892.-34.f BOOTS AND Bmrpt Stol ven yeosa aut HORN BROS., Lindsiy Wooleu àilke RUBBERS& W. have jMt receivsd a shiponert of BOOTS, RUJB3ERti and OVEEt- BilOES making Our F'aR sud Winter stock complete. bKEN'S AND BOY'4' LONG BOOTS, Peit and Lesther, Man's Lu-,. Volt Boots, and a full stock of fine Vo.r for mon and boys. LADIES'm BOOTS in fine Kid, Batton and Luce, and stronger quality in Cal! Sainan sd Bait Thro special Unes. of lined fine Fait~ Boots fW Ladies in Batton, Lace and Gaiters at $1 .25 pair. OB1LDRZN'S BOOT 3 saitable for wet weather, in ail sizes andi qualitius. RUBBE.US sand OVERSIIOES. amueu for àMon, Ladies sud Childroen,. HOGG BROSI, c: EL b."woe r m Nov. 2nd, 189L2.-159S. City Harness Shop, Lindsay. JAMES LITTLES M1PREOPRIETOBt mmi ~ ~ ~ é wu -gU i ua~ ommaU. 1 te 611 mlirv lii cmoto,.aMd m hl Stock of HaRunems, Colause Whips, Trunks and ValIus w" fr4wduohgaguu..iéoabeoe m istu bissu. SudMM@noe cUM fs &AR MW in h&-7w b MM s -otbt employei. 1 MMI.O0Wu =b«4 mi. rk . eIy10bqm»m y psUo ii mmily « Se bmil ba S IbusaZ i ut Mo2 =4lmo,pIsatae o oe. "a c a tm l M asp@nlaly. fhIaww mg iup une.Dmron t h e Ils i," n-e. JAMES LITTLE. *FARMERS, ATTENTION@ Havgume ~ Aeao ~Vl.I RaTi*" %M tS.d»KAMICY md HA1118 OmpanMh.3 ffl" laemW. Uugi emu te b«ti Faim mpbm 0 riom ml ToriswhIoIlCaus bo e o" à toa eof Ep"e aWM m b" I vl " ah.hp om bUdOmgau, S.wla Kouux fftwe t mml <u. a mm 1 -11a-- b" mai"grant. ~E ' -- e,. ehwbm& - ]P C> r. GOTO AN N, NIJENTLGo LINDSAYO Oiuet m&ker5. UV" twobhbhow in. B~~~ pIEaCOUP ,Ward or. qý&I Il"