Ayer'sHairVý .Uakestheoiiasofmidl mey. I b ave used Ajrc Haito - ncarly five ears. andi My hait 19a Vnin an exce>lnt staM Ilaoe I amn forry saok llc riddcen the plains fr tenï I y _Wm. Henry Ott, al'* ala Newcastle, Wyo.- Ayer'sHairVigor rrevents liair from faDing ut. "A ~nuniber of yea *p.by ftcO&. aut-ndaticon of a Mrende I begau to use Ayers lair Vigor to &top tii. hair froa fai out and prevent tu turn. gy. Tlhe lrst effecta were morne safcMr. Occasional applications since have kqept iny hair thick and of a natural colfr."- If. . Baý,lim, McKinney, Te.nas. Ayer's HairVigor flestores hair aftor féyers. 11Over. si earsago 1 ad asevref,r and whenI recovered mny hair began to fal out, andi what tile remalaed turr.cd gray. I trieti varions remedi es, but witbout mccess, tili at lust I began to use Ayer's Hair Vigor, andi now my hait is growing raPidly andi Is restoreti to ,îs original color.-mrs. A. Colas. Dighiton, Mais. Ayer's HairVigor Prevents hair from turnùg psy. -Mxybairwasrapidly turning rgray sud falling ou; one bottie cof Ayees Hair Vigor bas reniedied the trouble, andmy hit is now iti originsalcalot andi NUI. iiess. "-I. OnkrupaCleveland, O. a solci ty Druggios and Parfumer.. PURE POWDERED~~ PIJREST,SRNCS' gT =odi for upe lu anr7uantity. Iot su op @Md by Al O'..,m m anld meu Ie w 43r9ODS Nrway Pin ,Syrup. proptleoof « a M bpci aMi urMi A PERMICT CURE FOR NOUQ*NOO D LU GDISH8SObiabcebulca reiliother reemna apl 5ii ms06*0. ANDiS000. PM SOnLE 00160 eV AILSu.lSYS.w V'tIflAV. DEOEMBER 28 1892 gpo"eto e Te VW di. S.sooL-OUr sahool abal b etm a lo asihl. *, cher à coins ta lesve.ab@.bs RIVAU flod siefaction. Oux marchant in ïcoing a large buslnou on Id %il) figest, and msl laseobs.E -Ili skisiont a largo amrnut of vood aud savlogfP, ati bas on a aiîoag gang 01 Wood cit.srd. Ma. T. BstiIey au.! Pet. (olcer bave V a large amouct ai vooti by Ibis ueo ve éP-c Toi Gibbs Hormitage bas latly becs lmpruvtd bv a large hous uhlab ln amool eowpieted for lfft. BamIa andi bis iutssded. W. ulih io moud lnck aslhe la a fine lad. Ta tiireshlug mabîne la ail hum. mala n i hle part. Tic gran ba turmed out n.II A 1n10blea tIen la oxpoe.! for fieoeau log ) est fia lhe iovnshlp af Boley. Slai * ush, 1< Mr. Hem.. som iItf. -ià ot m ' mâ Couiwau ~ ~ IP.0040e-ibm.Toisée, hb at e lIsD" Xiamot: i samention tuaMAa ruà" L nd.! tous..uld foces=.1"Und OMlleoo. Itlé, cf M inr ave1, O ed 1 i. haveb roëd, usar NrlUti t. John Wilsoem 6100 epoa Ma li 1006hv gras i on 8î cancesion lMu., lot 19; . rb.sII a.sai A.ubon:è, te ae et imber su rovil bagua, su t" Pr "--lion Mo '»abV'@ aiowaae, se ,e"publé s rgs w«n i i eti a--esA laaeeati l!opu bWdgo; 8. dday, »e sîpelirs *ethlapération la Jiluols sows i t h. C iro, o aro" oppoue b is , o prhibiion *MMaetf PaU*a., oiba popu- gdl« bidge ortesUnionmot.. latio Of @hai ead, goto m&WU IÉoui b? Ma.r- eb1fall, msoouiiai by &do * vtlha poifore etfbut Ivo Mrt. Hlole, %bât by.lew 'No.-, a by 1mw coostableo sil. Tb@. Dakota Fuatos i. OP». a atae la the vilageo f I5j .@75-$&Notwitlmdwmdiaith. seu o f Mount* ruaulugfromUMMlsagréetsaMI,,$0 'h. lIlqUOIr lsoslo.tiis eutra,drube 1h. river. aorth of lot 8, b. urend ud noes ba booeaéimat wlpied ontui-ra. pmsso-.Oauisi.forermmoderato dilker bu asqit the Bv.labw r»ac antiPaused aordiugîy. habbt, aud, aboie ail, a bout Ut Tone Koveti by Mr. Enrobai, .ouonded by mon have etauteti ou aschoer sud indus. Mr. Wilson, tbat B. J.oglo's offer for pur« bbtrooe one. mlrtbu e urs' hi Ili.ta chaus.of lot 41, Fgint range b. sceepteti. DéleC&@ dropped off sevesty Ver cent. the -Oarried.srsdb » goin Moisit bplMe. Boule,, maodi by Mr. "q 7Onst Yasdbshs rv Monion.ths 3 Wae6s4 bll s miso- UtorialIv leu avoerdines, Md Dot me 'Mrul ter T E. as au'bi as messen s- boss made the. Po orrthereby but thé aesunt et dliphtbiei, b. ,frdte it g salooxu..kepers, brevets an.!d ditilleua." hourd cf bsaluh,-Oarrlo. ,-- 0111J1001 Moviil by Mr. Wilson, - ra ~OOl 05 ]Burchali, thal 12 b. retoudmdîîow. 8. Lo mzu.- Nmu ofaith.thne Scott, thé »me ae ving boss peicifor BvLE commuaion of statut. Jlabot vhtob bai pupils via setoid hjgbeut lau hoir rompe. hein peformsd.-Oarnl. . livé classsfer tho month of November: Noved by Mr. H'uie, soeonded 1y Mr. Fîfil olas-04ilyIe Mehiulhac. Fourbi Morrison, $bas aureus oftaxes eiargsd cla-N KtRng, A Bsid, B moorimmou. &gains& loi vaut. hall 2, cou 7, bh siruet r S3rd-O WheMir,'rF Long, IR MoLeau. off, th samne baviluabeau ochar lag e r ud-B o]utler. P Reid, A Whetter. outdr-Osrrlod. o o - onye rhm ed Maie.! by Mr. J. Wilson, osceau.!.hy -8. 2od -K apellt , TMUrh, B Unir. Mr. Enrobait, thas bv. lav No-, aby. «'2u- apclTlat n 1mw la provide for the holding of tb. motter son si municipal éleutions be soes.! snu ase! -Uurist. 'Inalautuma vbéeu r motiierdoin Bi 1mw cfad ed-medcal hmfflîhèYs lla !scheameslied, Tût report o -oia »t ifoVWhem u eu md garlautis vitheon vas rocivo. sud! fyls. &od vmepng wedu oi ha iu., Moto.! by Mr. John Wilson, usiauded Tvurmaina hose melaach@liydupe by B. Buetuail, $bat Dr. J. J. Broadoa The oaquerar e1184lia.! cOui' f.11 for manieumd attendanos ta J. Andi laid hi. abilIling iesth.oold had, Rarton litpald.-Oarrl*d. UpoU Our îoVIng homo. Moved b'q KMr.hlorson, moonded bypimrt .ne ohé sleptsa nbeamthlu111eueo lit. Wilson,skiaime .fllovlag aocoucte li Cthé; Moraine dawlro' e- puld ;-Thoe. Byrn., vork an 91hson. &ndthonbs a volas vibGoda Oui Pmac 1ne #7; James Wilson, express chargés, Dl.! speek ln accmetsstOli 60 25; Jautes Wilonse»leoonijurons, Gldesvie h vua NeouCr,",llSt a 82; Oonoolloesto foatilums, 014 15; la actmata i fi sud citar; Dr. J. J. Sroati, medical health otlioor'a h toi.! bar %bat ber life vas brlet maitry, $10; John Wilson. .ouuc'llor's Andt ilhsjwuvadrwinuser~5. foie@sui mni in ge, 116 O5; B. B arebali,Fo0,4ln aiem &Osfpn $i1 90; J. Mlouls, $14 95; A. Moténso, Ont lovlng Ma va varobati, 018.2b; 8 ldaddmby, attsnding hoart.!of And! hope.! that va by G.,'a awnaaid ieliSb, $2.265; James Wilson, neye@. do. Some moins af rust might fetch. 81 25;-4.F.It Eaq., dtub, 12 25; S. Buai, mmi, lbe cloqis e1 1000M. , iidby, belane. of salary sud Puotag, 8waet raye of hop@ @be bore, 886.25; S. OSaddaby, balanes for bridge at Lila ataou Sist &hine lua ume d40111 Union oremk »mauti utinuroatiaaons, V'Wàhm the dan lte epréamtila ai. 4 17; Wm. 'Tiplng, use af plis drivar, cMpfs, 61., #5; S. Saddaby, selatine Ai bue rog nlev, vu alriy heught *23. O. Argus; ~i1W#UT1WOU? ZaLt OseIM oustk.si fda p uoia) 88; ps tle 0 A Pug Andi tremblili uof 'me, moutè) $0; P*t«0 44 0', -t"ilsons Are signets frnt the baud cf deoth COUCOUl room, #10; Jaibm WlIaon, vork 1,Vishmamnea ampliscone .,n concessilon une, 69 50; W. Tlplng, To berthéi lotirgand asthi hg orne ciletar's ulary asd ti t. 45-- To hotteor -happy bome.. Move.! by lUr. avie, secoondi! iby lit. Au elwatoheti ber bnathi lov iIres l Morison, liat tie abaiemmntî ouloâtWords of nonifort abé dîtri tle, luig #891.29 s par atement aubulîtet The aorag of Dàvi. ,Polmtu ively.hm ha llowed Wm. Tipilog, eolloeior fer thé Fluidbotr@nl wih love sud Pmredlith. yea 181, ltappst th@* Ume00114Afcmu a 9pausene »»al o1stueuu Dot bc891, sedIl a eIbu. sm 1a.!ITo Paul# lut vordtiehsh bd a: vmvaut, mot ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h b.aletd-Oii t oie are la paraphrase ilty sad i ve, Moed by Mr. harrison, aeeonded by Whlah tolae of a lite e mlibulttWs spent Mr. Wiltotson tii t e a ortaxes charge against Thomas Argue, Wesley Asu mcii as lmopet13i l a mthers ushiso Woodoook sti Mu. Win. Mogan b. Te patake ai ber parua tivic aae, 1abaied, tlesme b aviug beau oisuged tu on «oscl u. ,ber lbicg baud dl. ises uta. -OtriedeAnti proyedti v 03d Gai m o»h on.b bin Mats! byNa. urebU, eeoadd ~ Wluh ech ab*e emtedt urougla grace divine il' oriata eeeragl10Whou Our vola.. thon nluh oueaccord copie@ of idl allstemeteopeinted, for Each othor Wne ail .1griot. dI stribtl..-OuflW- - Ohéalnayse vtohet for lhe mang iawna, vove.! by Mr. Boni»asoonde.! by à abai t lbrought to ber vwhv, Mr. Wllsou, #bat the saunas!adjout.- Au.! th.@eming sa, aumia riaeati tiava Corati.. The sain.ebehru dld tenon. &AX. BUI>DABY, township eourl. Bat, eh 1 A uoraien ou..bright Md £ lad# I. F WB are glad tu heur af the $sadis dIm borne o1 Mis. Puffit, vifse ofBo.. 8W. Paffer, of NewnBButon Il iahohall boss vliling ber parse t. as Mge. Baker. sut other tMonde as Ingoldmby. lie uM parte bovin£ a ploasst journeal abth uay tbtough vitb, herU tble bol, whete vo haie us tiaubi thep matisounlti huant M lotiti. WB nostce th. huaib tis plies oem. .îlo houe fori nneor qîïitera. nmuea P. nouser &ail B. H. NIus ,Who bove boom lu h. Nrtiveidurlug thé past summor baieve eums., lo.klag wlL Tb-y thiala s man eau d0o s!*li Hehbrton oonîp s l u ltobaulSbt. ont a icood pcek lofaîaihie meotful biOcO aîeîgtiîugas pressa I ibo ous are tluging menuilit. Tb@ bopi fre 55 ,olIng thl, good om.!a by bsvà.tbodr boitsigls out. TB'a sesacon cralsi la tenu M Ouaioheii.entratement gvos thes M lUgea m undt1b of the 8ns o? Englanid , a naît7 cabal01 et bou* arsasu*BA tlýe (or a reDeiion f e$ i ap TRs vite a t .Fnsi of the Banuner, Isaves th bub raslde lai Toronto ddul g he -bý Wll b. mhmu lig@d by botghemSM TUADISIlImi'nîanal ,W", ahov. i. Pi q b Ohtks, Dow truc stor,iu =$irehaut§ af toua nom W muer*pe ,01 Mie dao W.C.TU sud ative L.' rGood Bomwu4 MO PO ulsa are Morsto no u h v~al for Ctke USDaOWeM#4, or ci etabot sxp.u fiésali.IWO@' sof @m ta«les, th"sh B£ T&ceýjaWMo York. lcuoai ut eli bits Union gi, v 1laoeaglpl th* lollowbe etiiOtO of vhîeh la von. wothh o bss .01.t "Af to euip* 4wlt eue auaosr thé mejol ,of l.Wn1 al -ta" tei. hno.e~m*,** f4~M Ber quieto@lecloWst-ahe ha. Anohiipmom tiantar l'hom@mahrytuat ab@ dl. iupmrt, Shah im iRtemkjad ths boust Arocai lIs ael'Ini. Ou mothor do'i, oui ls1. rnivas rn, par tke ZmrtIavus place.! iieve £and caîlalooti op Cie sloPiagme Tié doir ose et #ur l1«& But lot ur nlaig tiougiits go forth Anti pray hat ne aHl uapmess Ont xpa"ssgObns, *10,Idq *al boy h @Mid«ianou? bren, Our nulis uap b. bocidehéisu Wbe la boston la bihofu r»V. 061. Azmr armze. BEoy 10 Bave YTcmw Iouq'. i la Dnauoo&. eombbssd vuthothur0 LiRB] omnffC i~aul3~ a 409 wwàim aie - tkfo valua ira Plat 8 tbe eff«Mc 0 ms00%14 001&d arImmetuhe W ý8 the 0 Uia4msuam mabie ladi nalmimpuiy glumailau i e 08 Narbie Table Topeos ai Top, Mar"alPLe =4 ~'iacsîeaierkm ina l gd alsiu"d lompare pilea baforspu& WOEE-In nmofmtheimarktiCimb oppoiue Nalimvs putlgum. ROBT.Ul0iAMBE mi.. hlm de. IL. MORTGAGE SA'-E -01V*UALE Town Pro e ty UnIder Sud b P t a Il a Pw t lae tainei Il . certain Nrtao.mae BR B LION BAKER au Othe». whlb vol roaa a b at Lladaay, ab the 110S 1 HU on Thursd&Y, elauawY StIi, 1893, ai 12 oloeh, nUmm. b, Oe, 0eNo h. AUatlonee the fole% loir demsrabTo r la the Townuof Liadmav, la the Orau of Vio e lag ]MuOa8ed f: Fiar1.: Tova [a No , la fNoth of Rumei treet E-.l, Inathbm mld Tvaof! dafaMd UOIL:-Towva Loiot , S1Lwvaib Street cooataing rbv aad oumaitonuthound elght Lunded sud niuety a v 1mai. b. ihe saine more or lemu a11s urva;ei laid out by John Kua'cbbul Ïo;che, P.L.U., on a haof Lot% Yom. 20 sud 2t, la 1thé Slzih Oonoimthe iiTownmhip of -- tu othemald Oounly oVI %l tpiml' la rituated la bei sri of the Towvt, bela amithe Nartb.Eamt os«Imml aMd st Lauremas Siusis, Ma tie proporir la a ouimodious aud voell d i 4brioit veamarmi dirlng boum. eaw* lolased, nlagood repar. TEOUS -Ten per ceai of th parahame moa.y to b. cash ai ibm tume of mai, a»dthe balance vithia tllydbja, vîthont lawim, or i the option of the inunama aportion cd! the pitrcham amm ay rémala on mangageforAtvite ., vtîh laleraci a dar pe.t aa aale bal yimtij. lurtlmar-paielulam vi be made Inova ai;turne of aie, or eau be obialud o application t0 mRuon. BUaTOW4 à BRUCs, N'eaora' Sollaitors, RamBics. MOCTION .SALE, 0f &Valuabl lIbthTwmablpa ef e ew4. cursrLiGOODB. W ~~ Mois jW.* bu* rocoiol a sls amSotèmost of go..!. leeted speciaDy for the hliuy SItnâ& TboIW. a io s alarge wwlty of useffl and ornamentui articles rangiug ~u i -- frmi Qo m t.~ W. re sure to have juat what vil!suit you, and top ks~ mias. ~n ce puOMS =vohawed tii... gooM. ab a vory amali advance on cool. STOVES. STOVEEU mèmeum#Ourmsock of thme..fou complet.eau b. found ln thi. county. la wood Cook $ b,-" t.VU vo havt e orly everyuhzag voeth cfforiag. Ând tb reduo the. oum ber we M Wds t », &M mg .o for the. met mosh-at vry loy pria.. and on the mont favorable term. Befote SU i r «O tu'. hslzy dociding ta buy iii. steve your wif. vants, snd should have thia laU. comm as a. viat va are prepared te do fer you. L &. 04 P., se., M Imu vgmby q .'a« s =r miS l 8dhum'block *Na John short. 5AMOUR oïm in -vwmml, sNe. M ,maue c :belaS ad M d MWdoo iay etsubmoiti robor"*WdzoIoMesb m MdtbaflW*&m Smus~!~ramlpaCam1,Io. 40, sWed. Us Md lié agi oit h, tSu~ I5HD rWodvS mers.. p. p ! Nn~u o. 101 mm.n b mciid1. ov-W la e W.odtIL ,i No.. Ualr<sa m Sna the 4 n1oeumd1mai hW oomopndfla ou. te 10 p.m. Yong Mes alewajeloome C. K. CaioUD un ame W. 0 T.U. mel foint niof very month ta Tua-o pavmuo fLcmir irameammela tbo mem'HalE&U trcalemnale 8saurday, ai 7.80 o'ahah p... A NoAsIur, Saoeiav. Eaovmmuooo et Loocoom memausmm la Sosa' HU, oornrof lent Mmd Cambaldge btât i8 o0bo .John KoUdabon, Ohief Sgluem 4. NID., rait Amat n lr. Bao'ruaMOon07oR uaoaa TRAnMMM, meat Sm TmiaBiuee Mal, corner 1mni ami Willia sèreetm, on ihe mconi aMd founh sua"78 et Voloku.m OaJPUMm. natter; W. AMou. TE CVICTOII&WàRDEr., &Uqes&T, ONT*EZO. A WmmkI Joural bâtohed, mvery FPM"amoralug by &ua..Jughma. (cne, Warder PriatlgRue Comubtdga BStret.out of the muatL Bokmd lurilig dont la modem a eylas eai odenai pmnlom "Ir orADVEITI8IN . lucide OuBie Pactea. PaM-. nullo9=n4 17 th yeur...010 8120 o 4 4.. 6 8W " muih 25 80 math vait....... a il sucI ouib,. 14 le w«% ....... 9 le CONNEECIAND MI>LWbAL liOTICU. Tm aoewfUe for bInsluerion, nosparmil meagrefaMi amuine for machlusertton aller. PEOTKSOIolt&L 0*105. SI U. u.Mer, PeM jas......... ... .u TRMNIEB ADVETK5EUISMqE Six linsuManundmr, àfl ineoutOlL..........050 Each aubasqumt ui lamc.l......... -- 0 U ftou dm x 1ton au ilu Olri m b.........015 Each mubmqum aurdmi..............3 Ovestoln m.o li Insertion, petrfUe.... - Bob maflaqai»lUMar..............OS6 nhe number c inlamtelb. reakoamd by Ibmeam ocophm. mamrr4bya motaflendmolinouparmil. <12 PLOCAL AND OSPUIL vNOTIU Tên a Ue umfen rai rot ion ,, 4iLe usfoW Dhack fue looamis Noteb$1 paermine.No local tuobe lem thai Si te buctm m Onaho aue Bot raular aiv«m m uua. 17 apclalarngsmui Udvalmmte lhm lbonl vaIUm tluauoiboe* lD utWed lail Slforbls d ., ai bara moorlal. Ordtra for diutanlnug advrmmmmnts mOaibe imilvarmi at th@ c000 Ibem mcnlg pnmvoto u pbil AU advertimmmmml. frc o4a edmu P--on o ctgra. mua . t frla dvauaca, oraa aSoient --é eoa a1 m auter mme ou inu m m, luths Couy of vicorina. L Tkers vii bé offered for sale by Public Anaibeu ILIMMRE <ind ovrale omlniinla a 90a elg r la th uim asle "Putov. ihps Nomi WOO»VILLE, ONT.«3»M ZM Ik 450su 001mai by P. B9 olîhigz i Sbe 4suio à oi a OI ltia ebt:odcd iBreeer of purebred Berkshires of ilmema euxlsb18W3OLtheSAT ATliE . straîns. ][9'rwPIgal a»" for Umaie;uvillandgrus.Boir oSauuiuIY, 7th day of January, 83 tii o mns Pritonfor poMW g sico1w At Ibm bou t!Tua 'cnck Sl.a the aecm. *AU mairt fffr 'I Si.galarthe follovblm mdoud prmmim duznib- L loi No0. 12. Cou 18 la the Tsmmalp dMi oly.I la th»Coqntrai ViARtaO SUSIIESt»SbCOLLECII . ffm eumai"0No' elulate orluim ina of ihé Tevahip a eeica oontuatagmgbpW c moreor lma,,dus abid -àasf jUb: 1= 1=om OéBELIIL NT, aI aitfl oncoargjls414 ld L.iljlng betw ibm hà celi.by odtrev cfber@moa0bhit 00 ~~.r.y~Tu&A. mou~ ~ bo 10hmdigltHgeamaerms,4h.s lI Win stid tgeaamv b4 ans, y îm la thé lfIPOVEU *6 TTU HAVE BanE Iaat'Ofossr th- aIe Ciuair ef Via 1la, ae3~rpeolia haIoaialub mai~ ~ ~ ~~~~h ecp rmsomadabalunm byJoh- the Mims iwiiilp attenddSula*-a 00o10110 àgoPbu"tao l# i.brao othur iluy UaP in lam«elas.Bîdenite rm 5evfOumilandp the WatMmhdi ot iuaal,-oae acresieVÉbmai lhl abdmg ,Tallisi azdi Gea smon luastai the muminI, tlaRome .% 149N. go sud the West bailcf8 o.«1"BeOr ta IaidUiS la *0 etmTnOOuOluiiIo 8thiTom Ipep0f«m. HoBINsoW *&JOHINSON, 4*b.eotlIrth'ehuadnmacremoM or t1OutaRdo Bumam Colage 4the Vmt këauf aLot No 26la thm th Dou. elvi§on camlIon of the T»Wmbp of Ope.am i oie hkm-.ne 2M anh trnt l Ju P U -(sb lct imra maramor et12 plglI &d orI 5., Los ieN. 9U iu be Nihub omuls*45 lTovà. o 2 ie) idIn aup of ope. omolluag S» hWimi m ueon Xsah Ooois«Of *lu SImM0 VICTORIA LAU NDRI .Te uve propuma cadla6013 .nbOl lgbrtc huait.. maMWi goboma!wlb~ou ur 5.aSSsf m o gwi Vwu*, ami kg J *oeg~wN m ils EAWI TOUR FACE~ *64 t e he, Lm li mI0kOG i. '-t- Tii.. are golng off rapidly. The. style snd qualij$y of the. gpods, and car close pri. suit everjon.who wants to boy. It vill pay yotrto step into our show rootn and seS- the go"&a our best manufacturera are turning out. Resuembsr vo bave everythin< in tiavare and granite vware, both plain and fsrxcy goode, and con supply auythiag you vaut la paint., paint où, machine oïl, coal Oil. tar paper, glats, putty, hinges, sava. axes, nails, etc., at very close pricen. Wiabaur you aIl the. compliments of theitsson. WM. A. McIR&E. KihllDec. l3th, 1892-654 E. WOODS' Stove uEmfporiumi -BEST- PURTLAD $290 per E NT barrel. E.'WOODSO &pt. 28b, 1892.-1889-"V. Florai Perfumes. Nearly 100 new sty les of ont sud decorated bottles, ooIognP j tigi;,'eto., fil led with triple perfiimes, put rip in haudisoue sattin lined boxes and fdnoy paper boxes ànd at priners raîiging from 10 cents up Also a. full lino ci bulk perfunies and sachets to ohoose fra~m at fH RIST MASCoODS Dressing Cases. Shaving Cases. Hair Brutshes. Hand Mirrors. Lovely Lamps Choice Perfumery a1t HIIGINBG THÂAM'S Drug Store, Lindsav. StUR Leadig. Little Britain'si GREAT OI'EAP CASH STORE. We wihl to inform, our inu eust.omers thit our stock is. yeour .attention, and. price aw.ay dowu to mit the close Wint.r Boots in ail the p sjtyles. QOw Win are r*pidl creasinluthis departmei WARMUSWAR TO irlue Ibis veek. chc rui~,Peaul xi rortby, b% are limeî6 Advertise. in The Wardw- Kowlson Bros. Ral Estate, Ina3lrance and Financial Agen"~. $5750 wilI buy two btOrOy ofl bolet Ire tenement ti630ra],aiiu om pr aunuan», aituated i l uaa tova. Â goot i nw«oemnt, OPUIS? ~ ~ ~ ~ th i a eiscs unraw.vm l;y in.1 m oeesf "a eut. 1 $1700 will buy li storey brick ltiwflig ala adlions, coaely à%-ci. 1aleinuNorli Wu&d .$12P0 viiibuy eéther of two brck dveili. Ags, rgu.!eolaSouth Waud. I 85 vi buy brick Cettage I&. b&» or sud ta dwings a. vsana.. ktueparleof the lova, at pfiumav& .. t8 th l s0i"ltéarmasof a"Y Int.adig pu- i IXSURANCE. A.ii u Ma t lsob VX. i * ONe - adma lio ad'a 34v, ilflsep. et.., îflcy, puh. ,nd I 'Ei&. AgmBi. DiS