fact tht coKuZO 1NW»3DY 4th DZCZMBEB a Grand Olearing Siaugliter Bal olfEa1 and Wnte od and offer every doIIM's Wortih of FPurs, Overcoats, B1lpokets,. Dress oods, Ma1ntles an2d Mantie Cloths', andSeetea srgh COU piioei and4la mmycasets under coct, in or4er t effs<*W laran n maté room for, oir immense Spri.ng Stock nowa te od Cur stock je very large, fland wyoD assorhedo and vo are dotorminod to offer our patrons goode a suoh prie s WJe offer y ou these spécial prioes -while you need the goods, not aft r1 il the heigit, f tieuaon while the stock la funl and freali, you get yo Every Family wants something ln Funs. Zither Ladies' or àteu's Comt, Bobos, Caps, Mufle, Capes, Boas, 0. Bvery Fawiy walit*s mens', yotithe' or Boys' Overoob. An immense ssortment at whoIessI'e oost. B % ry bl4411ily watits ilIlakets. (125 pairs ci White sud Grey Blanketis t lois than Manufaoturor'a Puices. B very FFtniy waùîs something iu Dress Goocis. Thontsande of pieces to select frouli Every piece a béugs.in at Every Fimily wa.ts Sealettes, Mande C lotho, or Beady.Made MantIles, hildren'a Beefers or. Ulsters. We sho price. .R-4inember wfi are no oatohponny advertisero. What wo advertise w. perform. W. are dotermined to, clear thes Goode al ways go fliot. Corneoften. W. have sbacks of bargains for ael No matter how amall your parchase, ago« The Great Slaughter Sale of Winter Goods now going on at Win croate a faroro ciiith retail trade. in tliis part of Ontarlo. Lhe season is over, and the besli of the stock Sold; but Znow choe, sand et auoh prices as wiJ1 interest evqàry Otlstomer Sm Collar. Your choiceocf our Ai stock at straigiat cost prioe. egular pria 3. but a perfect bonanza at our Clenrng Sale pries. ra big assortment boaght at, 43 cents on the dollar, These go in with the reE't ai Straight 0est i nes out ana have put the pri es to such. a point that will surprise' you. . Corne early. d saving can be m>ade by ooming direct to Beeý THE. GREAT BANKIRUPT STOCK MEN. $ 250OO0 TO LOAN on atatSOba M atais etIaltesl. NOTES lD&manil'waj oii" (Z CASHI AUVA IE Oi axiMUISSAIS TES. CABIH 'PAnaIS xft?GoHI ilzà iNlEiiS 'Ou tuatbt Lmar a nids tu laccai. aud othui vbo are uI'inum nt obianglng Ibelu mort. gge sd bovinq tli it ntasot odool te lia tsv st rata. The aout ofobangloil es moivgegte filveoticmiii luaoiuuea l théesvtngsfiotesd by the vadatlou a9ibl 110W TUIT XONmw a &1 Yen have lb. opportutl tolabouov aIl you vwanl astLie edaaed rtea&Dount procraslaste. but malle peu soplIWa thou prompîl?. 1- . inair - 0- lm - AWA±IJYL..B B We bave a wavm beart 1o.aîdaoui auw.u'ous ccétomem .You bat@ nmade ne b'ppy by ydor patronage doriait b. ye. We Dow WBD, 10 h.Jp YOD tb moa . oui friende happy. The. holiday s.amon la cow bore. Notbriglt sféviimacea lady or gentlmen mc bappy a. a beaudilu chée or ilippor. I& ma be tonudatimof e oomfoe1 sud happmue We abo. tbe pieWub Slmpoitod SORS and OLIPPERS mavehova in lown. Tho bois goode t, sbl ut pri.z«rely le. W. am lad la omy der Memy Unes mubul a&»Y dGand mut b. lm ontataioi 11.mt>al. Eerybody wbo bave bebe a kow w.e rb. obeappal pluin la ovefor LUMBleR MEN'B RUBDERS, OVEUS13UES sud .PfsLT GOODI. Bée ar TRUFNES and VALIMES JOHNSTON & SisfON. uult mmà 1= rom Wdoe MMiof Bign Of the Minl Baws ]Bottom !ou EngRIbh and Âfm.Maa Cut "Mas$uwa, .nu, lBamo, àhtor Oow Chaus,&teuLntrs F"nn in Mw*. Md u m im i- séai# book kwM& SORANTON O^ILl, Lad ai n' g i U A L ±Beai Botsateuo OUUUi api on Commission. nm GENERAL INSURANCEAMENT, Yë a J. He 8OOTHERAN, noma BaLikr and Broker, wmPui. ' bn 91 KENT ST., LIND8AYONT. a Unuh 0 wk îtunt, . 7. Mulair C(ffazmxâa id.a Hippy Nov Yu.. To Oux MmX Cuwrexm -W. vlmb you musa anitumu tusOU &S aip~&oe«Oh and aaia ety Oh, maiad a vrax book @tmO« Happy Ns, Yea. John" & I theLb ILMaaxÂan iuu. - _LrittIcu(of thegfett&ho@ mon of Lindsay. 42. lim O ai lon m iselevla% ,Lindosy.b AoiDET.-On Wednsmd ofiltmair buan«&amarnlge olq ai pwo&D& ":2 Arthnr W. licDonid, the slavon yut .14 of" Lutmot.-îrboau. son aiJohn R. Moflomald. uth vaid, white JO»ISO16 uer Mnstu m lin plmylmg vith acoumpainloa and broa ici Uevlmg lMchins Ob. b vedj lae Jupooteyke agenIsla ail uoreprtatod dlmLilutms.., A LK>NnS, IIL3ETS, W Lufu l. Vlis "'aoblook. Kent Ludan-Oly d horidsOranges, Oh. kxmud Ondr Cow C (opo.-* uévmortsmof t he and other linm. fer a Mèr Chriatmu anda followvn<lots t- Wom.' tsboit20 ats9 ; ' app Nov Yser, iL W. . Lbe.on' va "eaum ool 11usd ovrsose, et $1 -Limber: amnd vooey.-1642. 1 mmmu ls biacile rabie til. Màom..A. Tmusu ci oIe,&bnn Tenpsuaoe toit boots and @houet aiequli loy iles.. 5BI»1y OSAi hold 1h01, mshiv meeting Ma y. & sa....,àî81@m, ltdnst Paulé hool szoo m n .dmp e vums eu j SUhII j &hlait., at So'oleok,' visaL IL . ravl,l To Ea".-A elmtmvutheolb.sslbrated tenipeavSme Isturer, viII ad. voit lialuthe, mila». a agood piogiamusof i alI.Apply te Mia Dé 0Ol Ail bmof i Lldui id moi mdtrut-Il sL; lu»ay mmna OT.OSA».eau- A uu«J ia4wutle Cuis for.t Mt" et ti sUN, o, IImtý o tbs. meLni'po.si.h se ~rmwal m MM ;Wd réaia 1,vdllg amyLlu.icallomea s ian a m vhe mud mo aubeliai 9 lalMuuo lvdoapmon hs itusd. e the Plght" uehpose. he ImmdiOell ailb. w p mao. T t l utat tale ofima e liti81o;_ pir, as.111;., d alita., am81; u uIauà IL i oamago frhilmml l I Et. iMo ulxy b. HtuiuBadalthé A r uemXA u v o.lis addss0dte ateoersanledllaUCWuof l I om admi t tu piba.03;i I "m lfoou. il ovlan. irosd r. p;e nm pbpmu atloo Uulke o m ou0' na tilu Mof y@mgpph m feg lmW-"oth o olasule elotmalspme trt inouTélp ocal t, i out. WlIlim. r. mo Ml.., lg#d on u&Mpla t dla «* Muma* . im Ilier. Zr.itlai houm. ia Msggl GNon. À11 lOile. xà Twrf bc" dU t heaiemuintheu alm, whiteMimu ai. »et m obeainprua Viey.md ve. me D.lé »d eoi.t b ions r l i volA. Ti gisu auiot m.x ru rhm waythe uI.msp i eneWed.my io H.li* voe peaoi Pls Unlalao. Le to tm ogistog of the Y4 mou Poo talaspu @ ono die" foLieolr mni viiile nisîl, vbu-eu TuaM flwtumao Wsvifa NOK@%~ Mdsim le. Ihtmla alo ne o b dem iSud Ma Mos ailt imsl. Mndxa"Iéail 1 $1i7 *tu Portea.%mimai la.i UlesdosdU . livMi.UnMoiuvin a ns bim Xmpla lis jaes ., amve& au tm # ck b t.,luTh mdta ohnmila pid *e~là@ enla ie vhl& Ieohoi i b o udibel by M - éek a ie Ibm li nm .arndbmvllm brut iMi ip. vii blaui th e oies Iue )Mmeplvss y imumsun1 vWi fo U dmcldmlu li bcaim . A mKumpila v.Mava.E. M.ofmib odoaEdmi surUolo ii b lobs. 1vc.m Mby»«W«semu.meAie o edéy aio, ll* M Lhe L. nrammu lsllsv .1.1on De. I ReOiMru. Hadebu nsamidi la. 00e l a espms, ail@ bmii tyu uiss . ste ooille. »d. miofo vummalaW" vaof g IR e mo, aivaThe0 U 0fmiv aéléd Mles . evlmm, ýWd*8 .h&i*, émIewiu, %;."e nee aofl, i. Mise.vhmos mki.M Xia% md te bm om ém. liq , vii estimeivulll baé,v ut à& vi bd ili i diuai painamrdéee lu er aée dreluedli5iI e ltll eopi*my. k odLm IIi n t" Rn Mr lAaWn ci udvitN r %> I&v190M00 m39 0" mm stlio il iohmu;*wi e letsl m -!luUet ..Os Lhet Lmon 8" agu of iIa4o% ne " Dam"" m "«%« ~, WUcoI V. eewu sg"a uoI.Mdaue e6Igm ni mlem*01 MMMM à"** oemist ii.MM. joie m"lMari- Mm, Wu" " WN@uMr 1. - 5~IAmOs'vb. am -w. XMAS -1892. Seasonable Goods for the Holiday Trade. Hufmtley & Paluer'. Cboice English B!ftcits. Crosse & Blackwell'a Jame, Jollie's, Pottd i Yeats, Pickles and R~ances. Canned Goodu Peau, Beans, Tûmatos, Cern, etc, Lobster', Salmon, Mackerel and FinDan Haddie. Dried Fruîte-Oboice Sultanes, Valencia Raisins, Fige Apricot,ý, Curranta, etc. l'able Fruitq-Layer De-hepa, Buncheui. Cueaters, Bl>-tk-Ba& kete, London Layeors, Dates, TableFige, (Cry4 tallimed Fige, 8Shelied Âlmoeds., Nuts'-Filberu., Walnuts,Alod. Preeves-MrrmaIade, Damtons, Plums, Black Cartante, Raspberry, Strawberry, Table Jellies. Ifeatm--Fermae' HamiUt'a <Scar» Brand Breakfast Bacon, RoIled Bacon, Hame. Worcester Sans., French Capere, 8paniak Olives, French Olives, Mashroom Oatsup. Harvev's Sauoe. BOTTLED, ALYà 111D PORTER-Guiýnness & Oe Dublin Stout, Basa & Oops Pale Ale, Labatt's IMw!j- don. Davies., Toronto, Mie and Porter;. Dew'ès Nontreal Aie in pintS and quarts, Gooderhaiu & Worts' fine Old Rye and Malt Whiskien. Baer'a <"Brley Bree," the finest of Seotelk.. Whiskies. Roe'%, Jamen's. BashmillUi, Burk%>i Ola Irti-h Whie4ips Heaneasy's, Sa2erac, Qermier, ôiâe French Brandies, Oboice Porte, Sherries,.Qicm, Rais. AUl of the Fuunest Brade procurble. JOHEIN DO»BSN Corner of Kent and William Streets,9 Lindsay, The people's popular4-1 and 5 gaug. X Out Saw &gain to th.o«t. .~ li. Ap.a wiiycf Mesau Haer.. nwIbukand 'Americab Cow Chain&. Wathing Mciîm ami uiuges'A f.!! took cf BuIld.i<and Paumis' ýBadvar st - ~-rni WOÇ3J&LJOTTIU& lIT OumDLIIIUTIT?, nulle Rt old lied PMWlM a. l'exana pthémlysioIsy~. ment in &bu Qum a i tsbsatb lau WMoh CthIludamUI MéYL loi M mmu letue.Win nov b. -4«bw ne èk kwc no~seà= l -1a . t Ti aamivi i@Nbi mte, I .uWsreb'. M M S1 - NEVI YEAR 8 1893- 1 4' 1