buhfiou. 1 huow yon woold VMot u in@ te sacrifice syseIt Io your enemy wtb onlt a fearni rommo, but thst ems, whM* las t?1 Yen bave not-hav e nt-" III have neoier commtted a crime, 114. If that bo what yen, alit. Icannot toitlme iiiy secret, but, if you refuse té mar Vin. cent Therwell, I muet <die à sh8mufai death, and you--Ilde, I am.neflt unworthy of yen, love, savo for the miserable woaknéeus t" hau hein the bane af my Ille. Do with me as Yeu wiIi. If you MOI1 that death woold b. preferabie te a lite with Therw@U, wt wlil die together. If you dling te Ille, as la but natural, and yet liste te mar> hlm, we wlll "my no more-"o 4"But one tblng, MnIlido," sad th.e «. sécretary, in a tons of terrible slgnlfioaase, "'Ranember that your lathsr's lite la ab atake." l'Yo, my Ilite in et stake,"l fee'uly whla- pured the barouet. lie loaked ut. hie dangliter as thé drown- ing man regards thé paaaing sali lido'& painful indeuision vanished, and ber cou" touance lighted up with selt.dovotlon se ah. "HRave no fée«e, father. I wlll save yon. Tu avert the-the @vil," and bier vol.@tMi- tered, III will rnarry Mr. TherwelL" The face ofthte ex-secrotary glawed wltb deilit. 111e eyes burnod wlth aupreme satisfaction, his lips qulvered with a eitle, and ho lnvoientarliy rabbed hie bande to- gether. I'Allow me to msaure you, Misa Dare, that yen have deied well,"1 ho aald. "Of two evils yen have chosen the louser, ai- though I flatter inysoif that a marriago with me la alter mllot uo much to bc dreaded. You wil l ot have ta beave Eden- court, and yon wlll have the pleasuro of knowlng that yen have aaved your lather'a life. I dcsirc that aur mrriage tako place Ini nue mouti." "In ciee îoth ?"P «'Yes, and as soon as yon bave become ny wlfe I will bumn the written bond-"$ ,'Have yuu it with yen 1" interrupted Sir Allyn, eagorly. "No. I amn toon ary for that. I kftit Lehlud me. This matter may thon lie con- sidured settled, and Miss lido ia, with ber own consent, my ietrothed îlf ." The maildeat assented with a countouanco si) full of aufferirag that it muet have touch- ed a heat not of stone, and Thorweli ap.d proachel lier, tool. ler baud, sud pressed it galiaîîtly te hiât lips. ,lu Oise mnnlth, Miss Ilido, I *ShaU dcaim yen as My wife. Meantime I shall romain t bo~re tu watch over you and guard you." t "Ilde drew ber had tram hlm, thon a turnod and embraoed ber tather pasuioitate- ly, h l iernkiig train lber caressessasoe eun- t warthy ai thean ; then sihe hastonod into lier c boucier, and flung hersof upan a couch, calliag agaîn and again ln ber anguish upon E the niameofet,'&y Trenssîlilan, as if thern were âi mnagie- in the aound te mothe tho sching of ber heart. g CHAPTER y a IC1R Itfiro18 Xc nLEXE». I "If solil liapplueas wa prIze, .P Witbin aur breaut thia jevel les, a And wo orefotalswbo resus; The world bai îaothing te befiqtow; From aur owaseouls Joy muet Low, f And that dear hut-our home." l'h.' spartinenta nf Sir Iftgh Chellas, at 1 hie ancestral home at Hawk'o Neat, coin- priserA a suite of ohambers at the eaatemn extreînity of tho mansion, Miss Dorothy hàavisàg appropriated to ber own useýthe . roams froting tho wost.y Tho chiambera oi the young baronot vor ie euinnutly lUXUrirJLIs ia ail thels' appoint.C meunts, but every article in thees testIffe unmieitak&tlly to the bachelor habita of tlueir pruprietar. Costiy uilpes, ornamentod Î with rare carving, littored the lnlaid tables; lit a favorite silver-mounted fowing.ploce.mi. citinbered the white miarbie mantoi.shlf; f pictures of celebratoci actressea and prima- I douas adorned the walla;- and bouta ofeo i biuidunu< Aippera, watch.me, and tdbtmoci potiches-the gif<s t8 ftewn triends-Iay laI ctrelems profusion at evory availabie spoot. 8ir Hlugli sighed as ho entereil bis drees i, iag-roomt, foi it had the aime lokofet i cluéoiato gradeur hu had lately observed iu bis tawn chambers. The windows haci hen i opelned, however, and the warm, auina> air ,r PiaYed with the lace curtainsanmd dlapefledod the ~ ~ ~ &à. -lyamopeet at.-ad -eign --1er 1 rocke la whkteaheeîp, ad lr . like Clouds of spryta qmdu sverm desert-llke latisaIs v iihn te 6s kwed 4â md. V a"buyen, ýâ lent timé e thé lrsving.,euo" ",Ais, Irbal forgoten II$ tiniorruplel tise yoa unghso6me1 "am very sonry te have kept you valllngTeflmya&ut ilhjie beu lumediately.11 'Mut If you plus., Bis'r ogq' siIdthe boler, bi.sttlngly, "Miss leieii net pisl ai eyas smu>' d liaspeeta bW ovu recuis. Uhesaja if peu vaut teau- ber yen muai ooete ber. " l'Voary eli, 1 wW go tlober," roplied *0b h.aronot, remmnsig boy punotioua, la regard te exsollg du. respect sud attetion@ trom telbo, vas bisa sidenb>' reltive, and rudaiîug t.iat liemuaI bave deepl>' ofiealel ber- by bis forgeîtluinet e relurs tu ber. Porreoùs asitel bis position unesaly>',bui did nat aike a ifiovement tewaid tIse dean. Evidoatly ho baWasotig, apen bis mind, wviito i lbel, jet hescat4el, te declare. 11Woll, vat la lt, Perrooka t"1 Inquired bie mastr, kid. "If-it you pleamo, 8ir Hagm, I vould likte »Ys> semnetblng te yen,vu thé buti- tatlng respoas. "Spaak treiy thon, Porrocka," saId Sir Hugis, viti au eacaurmglug amile. "What cau 1 do fon yen?1 aise jour saary, on petitiau Miss Obellis teO relié' onsohet b neceséîty of ewanimig tIsat oublandi cos- tume ned te provîdo jon vith aomethlng modern t "1Outiaadlab cstume !" ejaoalated 1h.e bI bu tien, iavalmatanily, in a toue expressive aiment oi hsorrar. "O0utlandièh, Sir Hngbf' And ho gbaacod wlth comupiacent prideaa ie busebreochas, buokldchoies,silb stock-i Inge, aund the qucor spencer, that made bis bulky fonm look atili largor. "Oh, no, air, I don%~ waab anythiîîg modern. Ia my humble va> I resemblo Miss Chollis, air. She profers ths good aid sensible tashieus, andl se do I, air.' Couaidorably amuaI Lisat tiesa suswhat, thoatrical coutume bofore hlm sisol hc cusidonil senîsible, tic jouag banostet sairA: "lThon what, do'jeu svant etfuse, Par. The butier glaned tovaîl lise cloedi doer, drow a little nearer hus master, and si in a low tons: 11,S'oastllii g trange and asystonîons bas liamppenod, Sir Huga. I haven't daned ta «ail Miss (isi, for mie's nervous-like ut times, andl ne voudor, paonly, it bart aga. If jen hada't corne hoeeo-day, air,1 1 ahouid bave maie bold te write to pou, thotîgh, aiter ail, yeou ayay Ibat l'u mi>' an aid fuel la b. worried abuut it." "About what, Porrocks 1" îaquired Sir IHugh, comsiderably Inteneated by tho mua- mer amnd vomIs et bis attendant "You kaov, Si raHgh, that more*n once 1 sbrangers, have asko leeame Hivk'àSuet,1 and l'y. ahown, 'earound ta thoehout oh mj ablhIty, for the Sut isl a place worth sie-. Lug, and showiti', tee, fer that, matter, r 'Taint allen 'il eu ois e a hanse at once se anciont and la sucit fiue repair," said the geel tan, unoonsciausiy quoting a sentence from 1he speoch i vth whiui ho usuali>' on. tertinmid viiora-"Ia bouse 'at'e beea tise abode, for bundneda of yena, ot anaecithti inost anclemî familles la the kiagdom--" "Yoc, jeos, Porocks-but *bat ai your Isysterp i"1 "'m ea ming to iL, Bir hlugit. It vas .ail alang et re2eivlag visitons. Day hofare yestcrda', .whîiie 1uins a bth nsekeepcn's roota giving an ondes' Ior aOmething Mis Obellis vanted particulan, oesof tho cer- vante %%ildsa acarniage vas caming np tihe drive as taut as ever the hanses couid lrav ît. Tiinkîng tisat you migbt bave came house et s suldini, sir, ald bsea obligeA ta t'sit up vIls ane' oi thou bInrd vihbis frein tho 'Village, I vént 'te lie gnet ihl aud opeué, thlb.front doo* vil., go uas m.ne cive yen, air, witA propr erispect Tho saiage drave up and steppsl, hul s lady and hier marA got ont-,' "A lady andIbhrn muid r' crie tihe haro- net, turning paie, visilebis teint ths'obbod tumultmouul. "Yeu, SBir ugi,anaverol the butien, failbng te oberve bis nsaae sauddea agi. taion. "0Orn cfu a a lady, fi thora even was que, though toh.evasdroasel lu plafin black silli. Site vers a black sibkr biba, toa, tha4 nni>' cavered hon lieu. @ha e s p the asps, bolowsd hy tho mai, and naithat @hose u&astoaepnvin a usj 1s 1;?i> Kyt =bà4e tb ih enilW9 b.> dr* nti . i t belue u. .4nd ho's a bosi ibmtha ime 0 h. vIUmp." 3j It " mme u Mongh PFmvwwmu te)dyo ëflte guh ther *6 M* mesP. t.eb ymsaine" a 'oio" veU u 4h11 fi4 péenuto ho.t. wsbe sI o u gV o P MI VOy " 4 41 01 ws 1la us pu*PM"eavnoâ h t it vas véo *ha,1iolW let a, aieab*-a<y ltai I a bu- oré bride who bad visîe ita bomrnee. M Ei*ýwol vé uiptmaibabd IImU 'ilithin t1h.. iya, md 1 ish d bave o do ri t t irM &blewui %*Sb Me a toosdib Rue" r4cuehe lads .i b h e oui> h Ie 1 uhae h vértt> bltier. "TiuIli*tai the 11dY eiuuidd urci Inb' la ltte"r. tain" Ud*ht b. ene who vas usuretly sgtloe" vth ab â br gmd"WTué, usY Iadj; but surely yen are yéc, 1 dat4ruslnod te Land out- who thé vas; tîohlir voie. wau quite plumd th" yM~r huaband la a gonil. so,suswon um 1 cold, 1 rode alttr thom, on dPUffl 1» yens' hal buse, ml> oob net holug bivoly oa re 1*nidu 'o your lathar.thm a1 'Hus, NolUié edo Dut addrest me by eaough totfollow the carag.They bad si j oà4o to thatt itie. Itodà as if I biad x» rigbt le IL, outsde ibtArts for the dea > of you191- lelàan becoSeai pet d out i> * serve& tu, retsind me of bovin' them dldt cour to mue bill lhey bad oý lgan ooeaqitw t&scrfeofmduydlcc 1bv hein gono near a~~~~ heur, fr.i~~ ~~ ~ f~ oetty gentiO a e bmyour faiher Wu,I btasçtlee saol eis>Ih a possible, aud gaI to the village jusI aller -wlIgt o ia e aehbon abhorrente ns, u ad h.i the lady and hen maid bad Iofb is th e ~*ex-aayhe g .ao.wIu tbout ti .i»m ulborren 10 qle. proestrain. Isaw th.e mwshtsaisMdaho hange ry wil! m - As yen are se riais esaqid wam abut the tsond ma"çl tuld o tht th lad hadcoin oui. anb adopne t i.n=won'taie for My>vtnbrqlkei csgîl.sadmd tol m t&&th ldy âd omém f ntm o muey. iut'intérupt mse. Did I undsi- by tIse pmruine cab, ianvisicit Sir Huei train anid engaged him diiecl>' lae b ber stad yon to &y that you wsne Soing ho wu fédéviwng hls bride. With an exclama- to the Nest, and thab ah. liad net hein &o t he t,-tio 9terr', s"çelooked 1ount rom, the vin- stoppixtg ab the village at ail. That made Z<0P ai lime Nos :" me think that &he had couse a purpose la Sir Rugh rep M n the. affirmative. d1ow loed:n igl, ie1I W vîsit the lieut, and 1 bogma ta hoafraid î'd IHow long? USLI yen bave won m "hoineso .tia rg', ns I a dons wrong la showlng ber aven ILffeeition, or i a1ietjour nlsim?!'"os un>SrRuh1"' dth rie And tIse 1iLL lady aout hMMkeeny.'l 'e i ui "si iebie "#Su yeu geltoouélaie te the station 1'" ss.d 111 cannot r Lthe rur,'said Sir qusot>."Ihomght ho wonld 1011ow use time barnet, ila atouesexpressIve ef dlaap- lUgb.* "61 usenue with the intention Ih h but maturai ho shanld. Tehllthe driver polntmrnn l.'Its a pi>y ou did net id ef nomaîning your pesso et ath e toélude p uasan d be shali have double ont where she boob ber ticket te," Neat made bu 11111. differonce le usy re- . 8h. b.d a retura ticket, Bit R tgh, se 1 suives, eitheng oetcouses i ili"veme The mald obeyed tIse.comnaand, and the wua toIleA thon.. But I toaand out tram one pleasuro e t a>m oui> living rois- vehiole proeeeod aIetsu increased rate et et tIsas. teliows liaI are always hanglng tîve.' pee &round thei stations thtthlie lady tld tle. "Hump sth Lb laeienusthb day, 1 "Mine lboomseau a trange bridaI 1" mur guard, vhoa lio aked toi ber destination, tIslni<." .mured the lady, aorrowfnlly. 6"la us> Ibat the.wu sgoing te West Horton." "'But botter lat@ ban ual at ail, Aunt vaklng, girîjut dreima I sometirnes thoughî "W,..at Hexton b" n.poated Sir Rush, as 1)orothy. 8hi1, if y bave ne faith in as> of marriago, but I nover, neyer pictnred an if committlag tli omainetemory. IlWest alcerity, or' if my pr ave bo displ.mslag occurrence 11km Ibis ! 1: never imfiad Haxtoal1 Let me s@e-I have hoard the te you, jeu shali Det troubbel hy Me. IltaI I ebseuld fie, trontathe aiar purud by noms omevlisre. viilkéop le mn> oea of eteLb.ohane, and a inaband of viionsI should know notbing "Il looked it ont on tho mmup, sir, and a&habl net, orget thal hy my grandtathen's but bis usms. 1 hopso I ahail nover soi fournd <bat it vas a veny amall village ai ii bssut tro l ju o h hm again. 1 could. nover heboa'e meet bis tie South ot England. Penhapa you know wiHt jo uritafraol e" j P fr hesu. who the lady vas Sir llmgh terziakyu aurelgh ua. ourploonc "îhsnt loo n the bniglil aide, miss? "lY.., I knov wio ah. la," saId theIse isual dittastetul le e," saIdbis eldeni l I bsysfotoat.1t utu baronot, lhoughlfully. "That la, I tbink I relative. I'I 11k. tote uîy pep You ntisa btye ioù doue agsain d geiodi do, though Ite ver> littie I know concerniag bave ehmnged gr.astly ce I sav yenouay ulynhaeaueta ufilu ber. You're a good, faithtul teibow, Par. tojasao b a apnl reasan t4r your actios. If Si r ugs Chellis rocks, <o look ai ton uuy intoreatis a jan tkuiew eurtniîbi, Wehobud espectmmi ml bave doue, and I kuaw the bout reward I "Oh, I have awakon -Lhaî's ail." And aire jes." oaa oSier jeu la tb. assurance et My InienA. SirRugsh langhed bit rny. l'have tried TIsç lady made a gesuus'.of impatience *hip and confidonce." IMy townatrienda,and înadtbaîl1bayaeDot "At lemat, mise, iaink of your unele, sud Tii oye. of theolad sorviten glistenid chosin thoea veIL Ane I hav e termlned bo y yenhave outwittel bita 1',exclaiol Lbirough gratetul tours, and ho leeked t.o î>egin igua" 11 Nl. 1' You ar jour own mistreas nov, ward Sir Rush with an expression madeo o Miss Cheblis scrutin! eAdbhi face vory andIo ne amar mtolist jon. IL la fur' ot affection, teademnese, sud respect. narrawly, and à scarcoiy pereptale '.uok yen le dictaI., sud for thealthera te 11 amn happy ta desorve jour confidence, af satisfaction aperd ubin rgll"ic Sir Rugh," ho salI, his voice trembliag. OOejes. "Inbe bigt lk .,4think heave, the heur et my. tri- "lYen do desorvo Il, Ponrooka," repliadII"I am ladA leboas' i9,"1 ah. sid. I uItnmpbbua. casea e t t1" oxelaimed tise bis yaung master, vits eostnosa. "Yon la lime Kw anow) But yen art bria., vîith s long Inspiratio, us il roahi. art a geod-hearted. teilow, and oeeoetmy yongRugs, aan e joiss n$~for the flmt ime tha ah. vasbueat.- bout rionde. Thse liest vould net bberem good sud Une a genleoman a our balIsr ii bsaru roos tlsu A wltbont pou. But, tliseoItiern. i" b. vas. 1 feur, thongh, UIbiyen ill soo500 lut !11 c ofl.bab etlguo addedghatly ;,as ue teo'andace hgan le tire cai yuL yen usaito eau a buadruas ber, drewbersit upright, snd ciaspmi ber wut or k nov ograedy 1 saIgo sud vta Y coumstry existence. Afteto lvagayeties banda ia lbankfal prayertuluesé. mut vo knwor siil doer,. er dis- six usouthsa a jesin tb. country' viii drag Il vas noticoable that lbe loueah. oue. t'O *nrose" ot i bndwhosrc. evily. I kaeewlihat yojets sl gbpîaod luapeaklag vire very difforent brous ±i.amue, oldontbisIsmrA iîhgrao- botter than yen baow yourseit-,yo aa t. i a se ucnean att fl kindaeaa l e i albful servitorsand as vit." Hngm-&hoy worm aern deeer, ai iheSr thon tunnel let a pion-glass, Oslnaib>' te SirHugis. n4e.'$ baok out aoflise sm-e. ehtywo prdee,&" icr irtouci seMO Portion o et atatire, but Iight, MdlyIIP> ae iisblaa nt' 'llstIasfeeb Isreel i reaIly to give Porouksa achance te recover fan. fce robe un'à 44trelon 1am vitbiMjo he "e er hi on ht f. "a ea ccmlabd IYez, yen vaut aàn-ieé, Rusi. The lot. I pIeuse-fiee te cous and go-to raieavis' WhouIba obeot al einaccoplihsl ton wblch Porrocka deliverel to yon u smy>'househoid.-tac eveard yen, ta> tai tai hie tuned round, vitih a gay reinark, sud a roquost for yju tamin 1ivantai le oNeDy>, us>'true-hiarted toater-sister f' And atten enjoining the boîter to ay nothlug tof urge yeu te, marj. If 1 couldme o u &a pressai theb.and et ber mail wilh auj oeeof the visit efthtIe uysterloas, voilai settle dowu, viti s a nsily grovlug &round grahefal affection. lady, he quittel lthe rom mnd seughg bis you, I abould ho content about yens' future "II bavo m> roward la assisting te séocun aunC.s apantmseuta. bite." joeur hiappines, mia, vaas the ropi> et As liasuinsaid, tIse>'vetaitualed et "But 1 lon'tvant a vite."Niffsa.vplho jsudrI. ii the opposite extremity oet he bouse, adn e Yud on' 1evvha ju anyYo " u he w e rarevo e t" uIsber di, a vroi thes Hhalas criomo d< r- muat mot ho tooliis, Hugs." And liase the vohicle ps'oeoeded More siovi>'. 'ant 'ers s.'voabll sdh o ridors. ubcwlkd Chelbia' vole. grev isamsiset th. Onrt asenSir Rugsih.oovorakm>g " &Is suppoe,"M lidetbsagbtas hd ocvled iofopposition tu a plan ah. bal hum nchue. Agaiu leoklmg tram lise windov, ahe. 1h- aioug,~~~~~~~~ "ts s rd a aklrcni ishiag for vebs. "INov, nepbov, I1sta lco*ered tth bm> vre ilu&s ciovd dstrii ehere 1 amn walking nov. -Oh. lt I bib make yau spputo.I e iibi iai h.& sig a vs o asei viul>' hen a estI I voheda hyoe home a vits e <bcteeat, lIlbain u>' ilà ]Bohashtenel te intorubar mitres Of vlaled l. NeI? I vaslb a ter ou inla lvai ett ibeArioa 0mIiou." b marriage Ihal the came, and heforeaohe paid Btver hùiLa ieàm- <ls e amn es4onhe"sl me tie promisod moue>'. Wu berhonbject -cIaised tIse ba tout, 'wlis a frouI laamgh, tjie lady, quiok> ."Belon.iBisqgima te moa be esobffamilier vith un>' haracter "iytbr*epei'e slalynghv unltiecre eaiUbv b mailhisor> Di Si vont t10 bina ladies, I stiptiat. titai jor vifs uson bu esaedw." wbetiser bar linahoulbore an honorabls véil-hovu sud vel-brel. If jy en le. ta The.driver vu sgma4ed, lte rahîisý meutatien, or liai a@h.somo toar I clainscd enter itito a. meWazc, Isisould nevec bpselte tare bastllyý-attlsl, al li*e à Dsame I bal no nigitteb boni? Yus, tiatt or ile. rlolbratedn sts'dts 4 oust havo bomstise reon." SrHgl bebnYoole. pit =iceisud ap, aenan t lise vi l Îbe ti h B> the time bic bail silainol Ibis doisioon nfSi ush10 l¶r m Lise t hs>'e phin ert a as soptoll8ru hé wi, dLepaet riiar- ho bas noachel thse corridor from vlcîhi^ke mai cniage, bt. JIr tesl ve ofnds *15.1ir lb suit.pli 4.~.usuus skWg md v1uble oe the.;mi l. m etnV*ià tav#on *luarnerou pitioas te. t tal el * m'.a drms mdmd a mai n.& #MW* oumawted upon o« Satanime 8e& it 2 invited. 4fshtab DuaIl M tew LITTLEBRITAIN. One stock lina»w complet*,ina very department. Good ranges &04 bordti1« poeein ) ouoda Mmmii. Gooda, Itillinery, Tweeds an Qvemaotimp." Dresse.suMd Mandies made ini the besi of style, asud ut w»M.abls ptî. .PiMsesmake iuquiries as to who ktwas wanted to ad. vance coal oil to 20. e i alon aid the hard times. Try our Bolier N'our ait 1.95 per' hu .me and aese our sugars and te&&, extv& velue. Doê't give BVe., youruxoney. W. dor't want to extort $200 ot of y inlua few years. -(hve ne a cai and compare prices is ail1 » ask. Yours traly, sUis ob.. ar& , ium-w Ea Z. VEREX. FREE TRADE WITH TH E MAN UFACT URER X4uef' aoie tmansIe a mutes o n.omsslonu k h. added to tise pice etof Goode van bey trou us. Therefone vw~e usty aIm Ihat We can give botter valu( in al kînds of WOO 0LEN3- than cun be had elsewhàere. ur stoet ceh BLANKET8 ia eomplet.-400 ptis'.on baud mana ve are scliimahaur. W. eau plemses nin qnality and prie. White, Grey' sud Check. Union aund Ail- Wol Sbeetlngs, sincle and tdouble vidîbi; alto a largoealdveli anteA stock orf Poil Olotis, Tu»ees, CheaiShirtioge, Fine une>' and Face>' F1anaoig Gutaeemfl. Bo"oN. 04, t. Our Y&BN @Peak@ for llaohf; ask Ibose Who Bse il. IL ilq equsui as gonl me Home-macle, and vo »Il i lftos'lus Lham tho prico of iafenior Yarn. Oardung. Spianing and Weaving a Specialty. id Custora Work will receive ont' mont carefu! attention. Do »et b. deludel by Shadl>' Goodseimllel Baubrupt Steak vitn onju oaD gt Erouaod Gol rou useaà Whise aPrim&s Lindea>' Nov. 28, 1892.-34.t BOOTS AND HORN BROS.. Liadeal Wooleu MiIW. 1{UBBERse W. have jns receiv.cI a shipment of BOOTS, RUB BE [1 and OVER- HEORS tnking our Fatl and Winter stock complets. REN'8 AND SOY'LOSG BOOTS, FeIt and Leather, Men's Lace Polt Boots, and a ful stock of fine wear for men and boys. LADIMI. BOOTS in fine Kid, Batton aud Lace, and stronger quality in Ouïf Si and Bull. Three specisi uine. of lined fine Fait Boots for Ludies iniBatton, Lace and Gaitors at $1 .25 pair. CRILDRIN'S BOOT3s amtable for wvol weather, in a&U sizes asud BRUBES sud OVE RSJIOB83, sMm for Mien, Ladies sud Chidrct, Dow complote. HOGG BROS, Nov. 2ad. 189!-1598. City Harness Shop, Lindsay. 1 Am ME8LLE %P.ROPRIETOB; «at«WWý m. bw- Im6 1 tbs u. mm aMmg hm M& EUMLO'-a4ùL kW m M OIII5S4 d I b bc=IUbUw»Vue iteEu prui &U mi o'i cgstom% ad -m Obole ta&R 0rsmowM bwixeb 1 mi b. e Uuiai Iky êoo olHams. oI1atu Whips, Trnnks and Valina I1eUI5I~PB ~eoaviuedsdt àai the larg.ile M f ~lPaOphs.ium,~ tu t Oaa.Myex aid d'S Sa qp.la rown.stMon .zpm m b l" lb. plies. Let". aéu. JAMES LITT.LE. FA1ikijfS, ATTENTION. ~~~B '*«*M* RUAeai eeIMKABEY sdma RRls Oopuim y ~~ I'twffu& aermowuili Caus be Beaien kd- m o ac Orgau&M eL aimats' ~ EaiIshoompn1es-I -.aisà,"a 'l '40, ST A PI61 M V itoria IgoaL 'UR~ t'Y *OENTGo met Maker5i 11 show iDe N& cou' il ý