0Ol PJ~JLL~ ?ihere are mre thIng a foliow oufmt dof m oî withot4 t,,oohr thinge ho won'à do Wkh 1ý = .r lo1 à*wFtM« MOiUSO U ount-if ho c«0 helpit. no* 0". or BrittOn Broth.es"MIdIei' Or :mee rns Iya"re vu "V'ictora ' w>tahem omsa wiIâIà*iel. oW h mau vis), simd ns 'ute S ter catogory. tf om ore u . r .64eI, yer'sPil -t" They are ourespeolal watohs. W. hae sisrefe*9 eb sà tha. Kv bealdea muy other variatiun, a&U dmemoit you OV"U tÉl@th"tim Pf dIuirabe. grade. s kud ilU hà" Whother yourM Ies of vhat laesultable in a watoh le an extravagant or as modest Ji3 ers P ulis, ou on@, whother your purge. b.long or shot, rpgerd by D.:.or »d twm.x.u Vo can suit yoii. h Tou oan have ether k.y or te..wndLg, Eefty Do". Effo«tive huntinq or open, with <Gold, Gold lilh, am Silver or Nioki.acsin s tyle& M dPres go varled that il yuu ually vwant a W"t at alilthere is no reasonabis ozLoUes vhy bis ieprsdeomoia bU tollé oblgud t yon should b. vithout one,,sud a poil condemà that grand wal*V1. ItlaI. iemIly t,é une tue. a splendid adsrtlm.esnot for thé aid or- vaun, You*ehould ses oui etook cf Ladies' gold, ganisation wbleh dates Ibm oniia tau bock D and gald gOued watohee. le wuuld b. dAM.j m01 b inytt» tesmof TUhe k cuit ta tmaRlne aiiythinl u tàà In'sPob Temple and ThePyramida. astu ter 'or more tautoful. Th@ stylos. tan M tà ndrcosiértinto ésSàbighs" Y P. moat cases nov and unique. Weý have flot saici mach iat.iy &bout it a 1ew Orange Icigés in Roue sud througb.ý but aur.qpl.acd bumintimala reooeivng là té ubI41tu ol innaforuirly good pw full ehareot attention as heretofore. W. ébu<ren or the "church," WAing at laut ou BELL speotacleu, anyone cau do that, bUt treeme. The udet tventy yanm vill day th*s main point, th" thlng that concernéne flgat triomphe fth@ cpnln l and i the purohaser rnumt, le that vs FIT oe>s.cio orangobm. Whoever "gov efunu I tacles. Fit thorn ta yiur especial needm. by, tbruugh snd. for th. eo1pie" lte Ldou M Fit them to lour partiaular eye@ tnçlalit thora are triumphant it. pnlci'piLsa.Ny lucre go to Spak. they flourieb; sud may ersu thilir potensu: ,.» Il there. le anything about vhich you Inil uence roeob theheurte sud couIc sues oaght ta be partiouisir euîely th* cave o1flnot oniy of th9 roman cthello pespis uo pour eyem la one of thein. Neglot in thia but a&ho of dma pnese, th@ hierarchy, &y ae been the rule in thepuatnd le only even the Pope himmeit. ts boa common at prement. Most peaple What a&grand triumph for freedom and a id don't u» e s.muoh care iu getting specta. voold b. à» hes i.Pope taktag the Boys) oîo cles au they do In buying gloves and viii Arch Purpls Dsgrs. slo purchame frnrn sny smaoth.tongued ped- - -*io dier who, ignorant ofeaverything relstiug ooley iobes. trisil bc the matter but the pric ofaishi«cocde, -Bra le utterly indifferont ne ta Lb. Injury ho RwUI.I mutinaof HmohtîTrué Bloclue l g ,G may 1ufliat upin hie cutomer'a 5yU. No. 88 un mcudayelua eu. 20an. Od. g That thore ase a reai need far botter Paitifaul Buuihem Lodge No. 71, A P. k repms rehode than used to prevail hers hbaA. M. rhi folm isthe offce,.oftthiasi îVti een f ullv proved by the public apprecia. 1jfor the »ale« vur, vhiok vers lo- lie au, tiono u oeff rtt in thia direction. tal edon mar evmelng -Bro. 0, ILR. o rhouhtfl poplewhofin thor sghtBabev* . ;W. Ire.8.Arment. a W.; tém 'hoghtul eaps vo fnd hei aihtW. e,. W. . aRliaen, J W;-,Bto..Rev. W. .leotive corne ta un for advioe. In ail J.lanigi, Chai: . r. G. 8. p&tircku . e; ti oUSIc it ia given ire. Ba- C(1bu. Beltan, Tiesa.; Due. Thon. Beau' Whoi s . D.; Bi%. Jnhe BuiSSon J. D. -,Iro. Omoe. 5h55M ,RTtBOSotiit, S1.; Bue john iHiolutj.8;..Ma od . Foot af Kent.St.. LindaV. 0.0. 0530m! 9'RIDAY, DEOEMBER 80, 1899. A union of heauts and à muon5ot hadga A union àon useorma; Aunaion ofihomma and e union et Tamis And thu fISR, DBKiTias uriw.oy, oeru." 4PBuwrP@ROU8 GO UNTa 7. The flioiag is cipp.i tram thé Chi. cago Times and in aniy anc t urnyoet It kind: "120 deaerted Kanou tere. Full of fine buildings but net ou@isa. There are 20 weiI.buit towne u nea. without a single inhabitant to vakin tbe eoho of theit desoeted treets. Bartoqa hue a 830,000 opera boume, a large brick hotai, a $2,000 chooihouse and a largo nunher of fine butinent bouses, yet there in nnbody ta dlaim even a plac, te aiccp. At Farsro a $20,000 acholhouse stanu on the aide oftheb bill, s monument te the booming crazs. -Ohicaga Time.] Mi. W. Weese, Lindesy'a populanbori dealer, veli and favorably kuown to Cs- nadis f rorn Quebe to Baruiôbu heu . centiy returned irm s tan tirougi New York, Michiqan sud other UnaitedStato satui. Kindy ssk hlm nit Li m o meet hlm how h. ud Lbé Yankee fim. tri; ho, the prion ai s*the formes LU their çasi ubuket. thon compare viti hg ý9pTces quotesinla hein blg oW papers; snd, in general, boy bus. oos&. tion et the Yankee fermern hie bard yçer9 caiepares with the CanadIan. lé le bai 'enougia here; iL ls eranois tisu TEI POPE GOND 1135 PR" "Oui.. a' thon vithb ecoUm av; *But, pnthe.e paro tby bleeilmg. SThe modern hiet«of tpsoph.c le lia aUiirar rdualiy roeouulg te i d popuisu 8el-goviruing torce cmmq Midle*i. setyrannies. Nâmmb »4 Western Europe nom iIghly Pb Umm~ dovu; but Southera Europe bu greansi b.uesth despotlo euh i« hinds. Roman catollO eum peope sue iapidly beomlsga. mm Mnt tbînking as their 20milbmib tant&; sud the grand .14 velius &maept on a spuft tor bfno. la nom#, thé f pee,. - .LIl t Mmd bàqwwwIu bdi moummesate Dh.» Mot frEql e' Thé rogltn uonthiy meeting et the Board of Diriotora mil bb oid (thie) Fnldsy aenlu et à p .u...Tna ueeetlonbarrsnsd te, holda Nov Yuas rooption on Monday ateu- zoom mst fIonm 2to 5 ootéook. Gamesud 402nodry t treonma ylà b. provIdod. An informlSIcgumeî cfvocsami adltiumunal mule viii hé rendormi. The Ladie'Cbo mituserveuafr.simte. A cordial la. vlmtaou l te udei te aIl tie Tonnemgmla covn té 4a11oM liaI cee'elou.A verT Ploie. Mt sftemom lmetei..Th yougcoulé meeting on. Sundoam t I4 15 p.m., vIl bu addresodby Omeeral SeoUstsq albe, on thé teple "Tbemghte for lth evwy.r." AU mm s m urthly inied. MoiLUarovom nr lu o ecfllrg a.. OUS IIM mvua .llsud blviaietore. Dr. 0. IL lteoybeiuToronto wua.mlie iel"u st hieni ehm- aloc hie bye brothèe.Noma. W. J. 0" ey ââ 8BT. Stmey, t besuerers aie home.... .£Marri sud vue tru Hesi Lase, ou* aime la the vileo s u r oeis a l e " W.n e the sobool et the et"ckGrméea. nsesOMMs veil r.commemdud Ma, Jsma Morrow bui bau t thumo or tour eau Iwofetpettou emfr ahpmsut. ne le paving geci puces DDZLEY. Mvu. Jams Pesuvibeeok bar deportore in the jeF t 88 ooflmMtié Iluully et oMrfite the, s. W. bsgoua, bu' isturswom »m a vieillsud blode unem. m oofor the mut. mont"o &@ 10111 epmbavot M I.Su le Jsi bSa Mds. amighe. et 14d. mr mmvor h *o dmurW~Am f?~Mm.S OMM n g #at laeboli iSb ut 1.4 l wàm] p od lila e« Vélèoe wm mbut A"ope "fflà a bu lat thé ol*rs tir.. mr diAmIt tm . . ms, lie" à* dsorà.tab Secgre &Molm ha. sa ome to.si , Wus MoAulmyoftWood" mW suMe *id o e< vau vtPrenait md tmieao las. apemuhusumffu.l b ehidtiou& »eut. vark sMd "Mo hl nsTik eifn v lE soe u tiet Tmudatet Sm bee ii lit lb. u piestelb N Promât. Tichelmdesgsrasn eug MO"@oni mpessd eliIy by the se vire rusved viti aiêomie Iclibl be Wsoe.,aeioge sd ruel. SO ver91011ta u & MaMnr tl Nd lb. mm eut feea sd sUfa bgo vhîhthe di log"sae «"-RudlpbBEkm" etsspassea 'Godfroy," Geore Bosdvy »r. un 6BenIc" sMd ErseelAdsa1 MistnNr. 'Gcovsr."vasu promeus. bü sua duarnaite repisisuàstion tisa odiombed to tbeeobombe me. al efforti eft be hoy&.1Bc# perispe cas loeprsiiivo partoi t bce #à.@rts wuae otsrpd e im e ticSmer là vsu snned by l» a . au (ie Mets Wcod.oekviabesitOetgie Jing proparci hi tbm pupille, ait Ibo tians requsmlsa;MeGibert to iYPet prsparcid for ber by a table à pisâf um. Au lie puem*lon «va@ bel« Wros imb l M no psit a boestl sudoectlv vus.i pon tcble aga#a"del. rad le r8tais lu a moment bosuls iome piuabdrmu mgoe vblo spousi elvsut isvaeso.Tic le vpo xpuive o et cdop rere»t îbal.b the popili bal Icmol et esuisire departuus admie. Ba 'ild be bleus i ipoaos Msd me te ber m»w lidelaees la im Ont»le, Vis GlIbesltboigb overous Villa emollemai. à in veluooséeMd itoyduate The il. madlcg r altemma mot sud Tdailman llvs.ci Mi w sud vu mua snroes. SOIR o7 Tuaouu.-Nhs GlIbeirs Wcoduboek tor 8le u d usures Of ""Mie, A e t Nies, »s, enmeesssb hW fkM sd Ligbly uoomamsded ...... WuaIls. 01 XiOdon, mueo.ls a M.s Baibmek i Lobs, ami Ma . Nos t s.. l'in loS" aiSEesd Ltke. uu.-NXr A. I.L uo, suMd mm. Gemil bsec uctum" ImtrouSi prwee ose enend lisvister ai Tby bolt look volE»d. epeak A« ofi t".ue cg. *o. usr, Ius Bher do noSteni immal g. Ee5 bave ilusa lleb e. O. &erMu of Robsas le,',et 1tm M bd lc is suss"lm oes la i M st olu ba rolu.Ie =m Mom tcSIb umtop?# s. -O, oukaterpu er dzvile . iosm, iim *I et VImm wn luslhi auiB. MO be- aMd af pair 01 a. hanc ah. de addrse tbsîr t a@ w' hapei Wsmlsî ievmniol a arge Narh)o ait But itoo, U Rzn bouaehi ltg lorng Kr. Wrn for a ha Joleluga taud yg .4ib Ib ONsesc "'T. çiwùt+$ -fERs a end York#, md Poobet Inter. R.Id Ioulai £Swcr Shafo Gmmes Prioge Vey Low. Je G. Ecl'wards. impmeoesud Dz uà laIawsd m om Sau etthé A»&,. WOILD VD&&iu Broode f purobredBerksim of ouj' - WIm 1 im'i~gUé1v ma .Table cuti Bp".a Bote Kla. UA po *90W Uooumy A, WORtD ABOUT OUR TEAS. w. ~.,.MM TéaSrouk8ditcle«*at leadimg prices, and we oued flot 5My more nov tii. tht ub *u ea bott.r ugoQ tman etpreset, coznpriung ilontpopular brands, me weil and froenbly kuowa throughout tii. whol. county tCandlied. Peels1 A -BONÂANZA IN OHINà altOOKERy AND GLÂSS WÂARH> Tbid..~t>..t i eplt.wIt avarI.d snd enve assortmnt Of Faacy and Staple Goodo. ou Faacy Chas astiGIa~w 0 a m a nwd beautifful desigus, and at sucit 1ev prices as were neyer ci. (.rsd in Linsday befomo NIL McPHADEN, Au, OAMPBL 106 Koeit Street, LIND SAY. Before Finally Olosing Our. Business ilu Linidsay we~ ~ Mae Se l Bargains, and we extend a hearty invitation to aU who w"a to partake.o! th:em to cati early, as our Stock is faat disappearing. io per yard wiii buy Plain, Stripe er Che.ck Druas Good a, regular prioea being 10c., 121c'. and 15c. M* per yard ViII buy Druss Trimmingal ai hades, regular prices being 10a., 12je. and 15e. ,26 per yard wM iboy DFees Corda Plain and FAmy., roular pries. b4in 4a., 5é., Se. and- 7c. à& er stYard Vii buy pur. choice d th. 1.ading color and wid ths,r egular price. being 8.,'10c. and l2je 84M.« buiby an AlIW o01 Suit, Mon'. sizes, regulr pricu b.ing $5 and $6. $8.00 vil bay a Lady'. Kantile, regular prime. being 85 and $6. The balance of our Millinery at hail price. Mals Rate, Cas andi Fansab lms.tita wholesale price Our Stock cf Henriettas and Serges, Oolored an&~ Black, i.a tili well aorted sud at prie.. that vii surprise you. 106 Kent St.. Opposite the Post Office, Lindsay. Terme s sictly Cash, and no Goods ment ot on approbatim. N~MUy ec. B2d, 189li-180m..1y. Many Lading Familleès Who formoely bOuIght thefr FUR$ in other HOU8S hiave discovereL- thwai they can got Bitter QuaiJity, Better Desiùn, BettLer Fit, Better Prices Bdeslinvuththe 0W A»iD ELIBLE ROUE$ a >Iier & Oo~ I~G skIO B ar anm- MleehlsM 9t uebed ln td as. 111 - - .P - mi I~OKS(opposite post office) CIALTY. ýNG, di 1 Hai~war4Store. 1 ,t'el Pl i lt r 1 . --, ýA JW&AMUMY. the nardoi pli '0 1 Uodit'y, Doomber 17th, oppositethe Post ofrice. v