Tactthat y - i. 00kM2~OE ON eDstE8 Grand Oearing Slaughter. Bali and offer every dollÙr", wortb of Purs, Overoets, Blankets-, Dres cost prices au& lu many ceues under coat, in ordeir to effeotaeiycern Cur stock is very large, tull md veli asasorled, and w. are determined to offer Oui patrons goods at suoli priees1 WVe offer y ou tihese special pioeWhite you need the goode, not afte in te hight0f ue seamon whIle the stock la fr21 an§ freah. pou get yo1rI Every Every E very Every, Every. Farnily wants something in fun is.Ejher Ladies' or Men's Coats, Robes, Capa, Muffs, Capes, Boas, or St Famlly wante Mens',Youthsi' or Boys' Overoats. Au immensemuort-ment et wholeli oo2t. b.âudly wants Bliankets. (125 paire of White sud Grey Blankets at Jefs than Manufacturers Prices j Fatxiiy wants something inDrese Gooda. Thousanda ofpieoes to seleot froi Every pimos a bmgain ati Family wants Bsalettes, Mantie Clotho, or Ready- Made Maulles, Children'a Reefers or Ulsters. We shol Remember we are no catohpenny Goodio always go first. corne often. advertlsers. What we advertise we1 W. ihave stacks- of bargains for sai. perform. We are determained to clear thea INo matter how srnall your purohase, a, go The Great Slaughter Sale of Winter Goods now going on at A-IrAnA ETr E r F MONEVY 1Iz c, :>IT Ms $250YOOO TO LOAN ON IlorIgasev ooiy, ton on APPROYEU NÀE ~E tsemo»ablo ea soe N OIES ~ " CASH LIVINCED 0O lumza11'S- L ErNOTE. CASH MI)D FOR MORTO AIS & DEIENTIJIS SPZCIAL PIZE~ V1PT1~ 01n ittight Loar a made taloYie îsuoabers Who are d4 girûof cfhaeging ibeir mori gage@ancd bavtnll thsdr Intoer .duoed to the very lnwui rate. The ocet of ohînglt a mnrtaitO fa very mmii a oa 0medi@i ta the saing .ffooted by h reduotlcu of in- tecet NOW TEAT MOUE EM 1" A Ton have lbe opportounly 10bourovil ro!à waut at tbe redcWedrat«. Dont6 prorîstinate. but make Tour applisa. tion proWply. Rosi Estate Bought and soja "on Commission. GENERAL INSURANe AGENT. JH. SOOTIIERANI Bank6r and Broker, 91 KENT ST., LINDSAY1 T the Ifictorix gmeav LOCAL JOTTI14Q& Eeuvfi od and 1IIYa Wichu te, avueliee Bousil . 9-,àtqn..., faii.8'0 pirtio t >Vàaa ea.. -67 1., Tue k1ALH 07 loasoX Boyn ou limite on W'daod. =a iueà Canrd Gcdpilies risi l sud balanos eue about 01,1% dcg. Ln 114 Oot. fwfO uAt edonce h At Le» is ila Tes& 111481li1rm. lSUEo ItiM * A.W IXILFAIT -OR- ffowtoae gappy We bave a warm bout tovards Our numeicus ousiomors. Ton have made ce hîkppp by pour patronage dornig h. ar. We o ua wsui behlp pan go Mako pou rInondabapp7. The holiday oeson la nov bore. NaIbîng lu a glitvili moka a lady or gentlemen 80 happy as a beaniifel §ho@ or oippur. 18 a the foouadtisaoo W.ocuforl smd happiseai. Weshow th eties I apcrted SEOES sud BLIPPEBRSoevor shovu Elavawn The. boat gaido tuc, but pilas. ozromoly 1ev. W. 5am 1bar u n O y m omU 80 Vt. 9 1LGw ulE LI may Ilimsesmawbed 5WSY 4,vn sud muet be eleared oam ibis montb. Uverlbodi who have beembore bmaw w. ar e h obeappai plae u nlovufor LUMBEB. 1911141 UBIBERS. OVEESHUIES sud PELT GOODS. Su. our TRUNKB amé VAMLS JOHNSTON & SISP ON. Bign of the Mfilsaws soUOESIEKmE!TMhm M.oLennan & Co., Bottom Pjrioese Engliaeh and Âoericau Outlery, soimsrs, Oarveiu ssorsn, Butoher Cow (Jhainu, Hilteon, Lanterns, ]Pauzing Mi» qýirê and sinc, Win. ter Kittu. Axes, Axe Hmdin, Cro.g Cut Bmw., Buck Bmw. à " *h l iW = . u e a m we. BORA NTON OOAL MoLENNAN & =f. Tm a u vL"Mu fS. l5e@"'Il M W. il Moiteas,0Nmi sot, Ilss.-2&d bM u' uobpudaliuh O..Oh lk rS»is, api. Wmlou% -U imthm e MMK* W et LiduM.Md'es - lae.umrt bm "»«oi W ibees *ub,.g.ebooq, pubi. o.m«-fl.et biUw . icUO. lU 2«00«.DoIu&l p bYNU q.~us uàppy Ne Yffe è ariilt ivlaiof Tan 1 EAoKBevan OLT -10 mu. Frut Wm>an. Iand ahode tre. RmuLinomdore Cothurne U. à xaRaUOI uomm u on 9.00si Porhes 1 D fazaj-6 book store,-2.tf. Ta OuaMANzY CuaiToxanuWe club you Il iau.Liommuu-3. Brittoui (of Cetehé àL auldait às KerQChf saand avery am of Brittan Bros., 1.eolsY% Llndeay,> Hipy Nv Y... Johuato & Suoucsthe iloue a maige licornes for 0i ,tel m 2ga ea uaa lney .I Of£ t bt.-li70-t . . l=Mý w vatJ Joas 10Rà gênr84 M t fo thé i su adFloride Oranges. Oholos ilîx.d Cindy. SOwlng Machine Co., le reualy te omploy sud other laet for a Mamvrtyat... ad a *ue la &Il uarepre. nted dlahicas. 1Offc, Rap p y 10evYseret W. M. bau'., vea Admai'. block. Rae;t Llsay.-98.ly. sud roory.-Oo.1 CoEAP Coxoz*. fmonoM m mof theé 10mw suncalzama to Balil sephono Co., faUowtz« lofti -Women'a rubb.r.. et 25 et-@; la Linda'y ;-I H. Oliver. 8 dia, William Men%. yol. lled oveueicu, et $1 - Lumber. eSi-B. F R.ruor, Residene., i.' Paul Set-. rms.higli buokie nibbéet ili 0. oeeesimB.IIk. Reéur, BEsctie oLighi et ties, William Hunt Vle botsea«d abosasequll; 1ev prie..& St.: pather L'Aureat, Vioea G.0oenl, RUmoIWI 307 qut.kly. ,hnituàkSitoson, lot door et. 1 n. Herriota,.Csmbrldge treet. ICross 0sa cDaly Bouse, Li.dsy.-65.ti. 1mw FLOURA» eFun» UTa -Thendir. ()Msm F To RzYT.-..goed elgit.roomed boume% gdoouhm pem.d a doatn sd f tore et 17 yoD flased, pap«d d i tted op la tut IWîi'iau siresiLind"ay, virebe ho113 k..@ DuO cmes style, Apply te lira. D. G. O liver. ou bMu4as six k of e*Ilsde 4f BourtneriTabiq corner cf Liadosy sudi Glènelg e5ut&- t5.. Lfued, elibua f.d, etc., whvoIt ha sbo îal ze W.C~.. u.~uam-1'uiutoio ote st* etet the UA Priloufor cosai. -LuwýA RLois "a Pe....Thé regulan meeting of théie *f- Nuts. IUnion vilibe heId on Jan., t 8 8 30 p M.. DEfvmo a C rE» àN ADà,-Bmosii u la thé Y.lI.C.L. rogme. L C. àteWbîte Aimmd 'oeulxbumatl Cou r f an ieus 1 AibbOner4 cf C&amada bave cims n. Ye..- ud nu*i,&uÀIgle a dioaly cure la 1 te 8 lay#. Ka Mms' blrtiday, Jas. 3rd, se thilu aruade Iha amoe pn Che systein la remeniable eMd dey. s briof aocoet cf the original Womaa's mysteiana.le removes etioceothe causs d Wor< (>«4id@. vili be resd i ttié meeting os Wed. te.diseuse bimmdi&tsy -uipsr TIi. ISut »141. jeu. th. Aime sappaeron "Our dome psly beneluas. 7 o Uts must Unies» w11 b. rM&. . ILGremey igis.4*v Soxyn a PEIuETEEANLADIES gev. a ester. Ta EAiLWATo aBuauair.-Ths dise "aimont on Monday evenfg lui Wbl.i vwulmreof the railvey oonnsoding Dobosygee sudsiBOT' 9adoided, ucosusta ainicet vi respect. Liadaé w vl théb0.CP Rat or ser BsIL81tsndon. Di TIiel lwys do tingp prly ibu. Tifs I met os Wodîesday afterua.. lut Mad asiile Viroeeltiesn Rq sud la KeSeevuIidcci tu sOthve ork, Xievwu dededlIoesk ftra idmy, beeldesa part Penvichoir. faor yModerato bous. trou ta. mualupo. Roi. Mr. Macoald tie now popelet ycusgg ue9iieete t eptih=gue thé iVéry poster of larnevmle Md Eldcu ebuoha &lse lavutposble t$0ud C.il id sd thon IGood févored hi. cl coleége friand Bmw. Mr. Mc. poaslgt aiORviii th.eoostilon. Lctive~ sk Léod viti hi. preamo. Ths public wllib. ainvees vill bigla ei anas, smda poratics te. hsg lad to eemu hai Mn. MaLeodausrocov.r4d varde Ch.eosmffetimau upidte b. iFrench : u Mareasst i UsesGood medicine aud ugder v, ely ilute.imun. Tels .1 h good oua hbave hiii th* effacC.Tih ev ewaam Ch fonthé seoph. slmg thé lis, fen ohurci viii sýot b. neady for service Ciliinazi e viiiaSc ord n kfer mes Mud Ceme. I oprlng; humeer It à ezpeothCe bésemeut .111 b. 1Ustd op esawy day sud siaven à vuE? QUci wEDI2<G oo»1u Cie e h the purpas. meantime. reuidemo. of lira Clark, oorner ot NeZ1 PLIAUU Evuiro ~ Md OabridÀp stmetos Weamdalu PLU46 EEM M Qum TRM Tie nolu g psu - Mn.t OimRacs- Tho SuaIs4 ashool Chrfsemnu B aussn of Mepoma. ouaidmt. eoei mt in atieQusesSi, mtiodisi EL4yRoèr s. sd *L L301 e Tsob f Ï ver m& -s oooo*dau¶glte of the litelsmemted Dr. Thé rchof= r atrce he stat Md f out#Ovig te Cie recn osai delee- 3u Ché oburci FIG Ulu" di v Pi I gtl 01<' ld sud esmedfrism Cie veddlèv al desoiptions for thé ohildres loc.id buil.pilvot*. caslyii elfmmdiste relatives b sla fol. The prc sm very latumdth ~esndinoeNi. Heny Rogea.bouet S Li nd chllîres squt:tiCiU5lvm5w@eZi 1th5i Cthu groom, endinasJe"sie Sodant of Wood. = dmia C aidrotalons vilciImpfl & aMtlai reammm WlMd bUm palme £àdbosn taela IRtéi rieisn. Thé tival.U",d M s.Tuc&A" an quartete usdsred bv&Wfouing ms uethe a es vue prs" .TIi bosutoi re . *0<ama dui'vu esinees r p- e loft fe avis é gresely appreoisuelby Cie laugoaudiaeu«did u eters Isai..Tm, Waui>a êV sl mel uxeuuted by a nimber et ymot mmsudl v0on, A ver, ici etg ua" ofset 0d eme mvu Cie prusaitioset sàg.a.iW- l N. J,- HULlRi e~m o »s y -flï teh*i.peste. Up Cie ,ous mées of blé -on PrUaplutm W. J. Ballait Ifs.. emgn& tm& &Z uof m-,#by teCie yen.ou ih9 publie eshool agset.1 tlav Wults.svu peossta viialettide h' àbim apo*0 o*um d 'I h ei 'baitéA MW We91é msbm et lits ommul.du s lm le the f. be a fcS suesaadu vue pmomted i tii emmule.'eb viiiOIU*IW" sa «*pi tir Xn»n. O m-l * was l m i w tjiar*iC us* opteuvid»c, Camu tu dla 'M. katum *aarlo uf» ssmp1 ne Mp lfor ho vu 6s -"y eqao 04 *MM m Web. Sam ims - Vues un h, effs siel vog bmgft b ebir UN i , foâMM»ees ____ h bat M 1h& f ol Eall and Wînter Gooda., aoos, Mantles and Mantle C1oth8, and Sealettes at straigkt and mk room for our immense Spri±ig Stock now on the roade Iii~ vill croate a furoro in the rotaf! trade in this part of Ontarjo. the season je o ver, and the. best of the stock sold; but now ohoice, and at suoh prices as will interest every customner rrn Collais. Your choice of aur Al stock at straiglit cost price, egular prios, but a perfect bonanza at aur Clestring Sale prioeo.- ra big assortment bouglit at 43 cents on the dollar. These go in ýwith the reet at Straight Ont; i nes ont ana have Put the Dri s o s u h a point tht will surprise you. d saving eau be made by corning direct to THE GREAT 18921 Corne eariy. BANKRUPTr STOCK 'M-PM-* Buts - aad.* * NEW YEAR'S 893 Seasonab1e Qoods for the Holiday Trade, bley & Palmer'a Choice English Biscuits. me & Biackvell'a Jsme, JeIlies, Potted Yeats, Pickles and Sauces. ird Goode Peau, Boans, Tomatos, Corn, etc., Lobstenf, Salmon, Mackerel and Finnan Haddie. ,x Fruits-Ohoice Suitanas, Valencia Raisins, Fige, Âpricot.&, Clurrants, etc. le Fruits-Layer Deheea, Bunches. Clsaters, Blhîck Ba- kets, London Loyers, Dates, Table Fige, ?rym. d Fige, Bhul.d'Almide, s-Filberts, Walnute. Almonda. *rve-Mrrmaiade, Dambons, Plums, Black Currants, Raspberry, Strawberry, Table Jeolies. s-Ferman's Hamilton "Star" Brand Breakfast Bacon, Bolled Bacon, Ramne. tester Sauce, Frenchi Capers, Spaniaih Olives, French Olives, Mushroom OCataup. Harvey's Sauee. 7TLED ALE AND PORTER-Guinness & Ode Dublin Stout, Base & Co's Pale Aie,. Labatt'à LLom..ý mvies, Toronto, ale and Porteri Do w'Montreal Aie in pints and quarts. terhàm & Worts' fine OId Rye uand Malt Whiskies. Baxter'. <'Barley Bre.," the finest cf Scetél. ie. Rooe's, Jaineson's, Bushmill's, Burk't; Olci Iribh Whiaekies. Hennessey's, Sazerac, Germier, aUi Brandies, Choice Porta, Sherries, Gias, Ruins, Ai of the Fmnest Brande procuirable. JOHN D OBSON, Corner of Kent and William Streets, Lindsay. luy, Dec. 22,1892 The people's popular 4 and 5 gauge X Cut Bmw &gain to the front. 1. bqft 8" th h tisa VW oft flic s.uw; every one warnted; almo Bmw JointenS, SBmw Set% gsgo §u rMt vsai4.et A xes sMd Helýves. lEnlish and Amenican COW Chaina. W&ehmlg Xih &ad W.ringen..A full stock of Biiildea and lrarmera' Hardware at à La.rger Displav tha~n Ever. I« mm isme dof aun hiadee oppo" Psu ion, am srne.,'Abdu>~ I it tgb tAeSel~eà LO".= U .s.titg i.. oru. m ouai$*^ Ara t?. o.. rou -" - -- taiIm ta 4 * q à, à à 6 1 .1, 1