cOEKîtY PBcTOML la prlpto asare to CMr. A dose taboudu en ie§0 uynPtOffiUofCrUDrou cblr juit.her progm of t<Im. it uoftens 0 fe pbl. nî2 o *à ~ glamed nmemb bIeWU%~ As a remedy' for coéds, CMbu voice, la pripUpne mumls m .cona tiOf, an iti BMAY «04a11 AY ERS8 Cherry Pootoral. "<xiieIs &Il simnilar ppaya*l.qo. Iit .eMorsedby leadingphyU0i8UbI8gVUW able to the tatel domuuot intoefooe w" digestion, and nemiu 10 b. takmoss0ly în amnailidoses. ~From repatedtet lan ov aqyM ~ e' = Pectomal has proVOl( avî= ;Wdot r y for cold, cugmadUn varosda irdoe of the thrat a"d Wig.-A.W.Estlit*, 1'ittaficld, N. H. - Forthelaat à? =1 bIave boaus tsldnAYe' i Cherry Pectoral or truls arnam surs that its use han Saved My Life 1 ha', e recommended st to hundreda. 1 lid the moet effective way of takiaig thia medidie li sMtI'and froquent douua.-T. M. Matdhow, P. M., 1-hernxan. Ohio. l;My Wif e ufft rcd from a cold; nothiàWhoPed hie btAyer's Cherry Pectoral whien aietd a. cure."-R. Amera, Pîjimpton. N. S. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepatred by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Cc.. LoWdaun Prompt to aotY, sure to Ouro GllasE TT .PURE P0WDERED~j~ PoURES?«, S3NCS, N? Norway Piae lc Syrup. proportionaof other petor¶hrb u br A PRWXEWO UREFOR1 cOUGMO AND OOLD Noanosu, B"M'éu A EUVGndlsASR8. Obin*Miuto be roulaI othor r -_dimy"kMprom. b Iebis pliossant PlaY y roI 6016 av A sMo u e . 5@WE WIRDhY. JANUARY 18 1898 k'urt ilope Guide. PONTYP OL, D!c. 3lat, 1892. ro oAs ditor ofTA Wed DzAn R -lu latte1auo ritthé Part Hope Wtiekê'v <3ad- disted Dec. 3Oîh, w, noctios aà lutver fiotta l&Puoowyuaol correspondent, shiola la ohàrbe lut tie of the writer, col flèttrito t thé poper, tlut oicvatlig te the ordimsry rOader, and ex r..mulI diagiuuting te th. morts outuMe intellect Nenwatpapersm aiud b. our most poteul oCIVilizilig bgolitu. ulitimefur the .pread of *Itueonaiansd sxprenatonu *oel nobltia and rrfiaed, îlot fur gjral si aprto of the * eaustions frum ithe cemupolof etbamadegré. Elitore sud ni ban Maay et? t People wl Mot kan. Who là refartsed tn or chat te meebt b, the Putyp~oi artiolu If the Iterattur f a pàpmr uig bu hoecharattarit A. nhy Bol me& -as à bak shoot. Y.Ur. eto.. Ciii af thatiae ,te e leotors of tbu tocnebici of El ilan :- LanirsisA14D UKTLEMEZN,-I tisi Ibis izyetrilea t pariatàiyto thisiibm MADy gooa frneode sud célie larei I hove li Eider, Whoe ge ranflah fltnd tprue an Mouday, .TaOeat207u 1898,ad rne lecoied me for as uei tenuaa# ce pntr' prqenlaîave at tL.-eouîtel Loutrd vieu sachu ai or»essitiél. il edoarli aow bocu thîe sauais I psnsr during tb. past peau cas smcodisi 10 1 Viv ofa et olise rmiy et # tetieorap, the tttacuebîp. I tback lbo poli. trie. de ch BU ilop srd fW*at haInefuo e u au Me. 15 W$lý wu wm'olibet lu lb. bud p -met Sommé Wso9«e. Abani telisesy Itm - *ae t mi. sf~ ami tri- s? aIa io4~ We miali os* ipftmboew- I m-i.. -r I W.. o~IIsbm Ue..u o4 l ml AÀTTV'TTf11 MfAlrm ému etlb.sf Parosmind teydsd aid i. .o M d té et bisemare coe »tsmI e telle- fti.e nelsof blalmeus. àA mmliot oUmA" from lb. Meont eomilm oré cué 'k Mt épsk i s h labo at d im mèvemeulad é b. luhiesI of km armer la goeua htIh p.o thé mosé latetfit <puet the~ meeting. Afteî a unésnmou dmeloù bai boom arrtVmd at feo ogmimtto& thé,m following saume oseru worm ésly .leol.i for e oes:-)ougdalOeaon, GilIïaierai, triea; *Ulai M yes, emallsl; Norman Oaulpbel, goide; J. a. Uody», è» KiaoigAlez. ULot, trustera; JohbslicEt e.M lclm d, àrIbtàa, auditors. Atter the elaeti of cfoé.r, h vus romolved 1h.isfraI meeting h- hold un Gilamde 'e hool boume,COustr Eueo., on Jaso. llab, 1898. The. meeting eMioséby smtlie& God Bavethe Queuen. 4006189 te lh U~ TUA -The rinonde ofthle mothodiet ehoreis of ibis place bold their anai tes meeting ou lbe, fitihof Jauraul chieb va a grand aenocse, Aiter a sumptflofl toastal ira* apreparmi by the ladies, B. 0. Garest waa csled tolb. echair. a Posiilaisho *led 10 ibe satifaction of Il Prese,; &fiter a 1evvery osppVobtiétbe i maeîeba bthé .obarman the pro ame vrai gene shrosh euh lba good ha.3re, vbiob coesied of dialotuoe., reoiallune, aud speeches by the rosIdent leg men. W. mie epecil mention et the aute rendored bp the Mdindan choir ta anub étrand style, eepetalilp a VsgbyYi@se Young, wbieh vas beartili encored, brngog the Vonrsg lady te thse front tb. .eoomud urne. Proseeda efthîe eung ovor tbiriy dollar@. CnAPon oirTiuSaOHUE.-ThS Iogoldaby pchao' bsa ohaued îeschée. Mime Duver goes te Halibuton, Ibo as@istant SU th. vilage sobcoo. Mios Mauie Furgamou hbis tabou charge of ibe secool boe. Bend VlgilQW4e .84caBiisv ll a~ ~ ~ ~ SN taubogl vli m boIsMise îmas b Wb* ossplas paa Prme a màgu. e ;bs bis m&WOU. WT10"tOfle e*lb.Parl V luai thé. mater la bast&aMd Pr@PU" -1 tee, attes' wblis a phasbl vouta Vue, oikreJ.' uC". Du" y«"-USiIbi. oB u O for Ibie = aud s@goo alu avp perlormlcg pour part viii a cheuaem thît lent a oham t loeur soateu. --For Fatilà ibould b.eoorful amiTrait abouli o be d; Anid icslime sud dmime.ut oyàryofam, maie ne &ad." la Ithedteesrglmg Of pour Volunéary ervîo,lu lb. oanto of theb ter mu Rood Lai beau dirosllp aeeumpliaei la touehing the heurte sud calmag lbe mmndiefthons ou.rdened wvt thlblabors sud esa@ f lité; thus the beotfliluog ibem ta proS& by the bind t*ordo et vie. dom sué ecooraigement Ihat bave fallen trom the lips of cour bsolovd palior. Asi a eligLI biken ocibhefuiyot you bave von ln tise b @arts of the coagregallona Md eMoie, sud Me a inmeailo to resA aMit. ld tas future yean the very- manp hippY sud profitable heurs udtgotbir in the noble vork cf seieglltS uule sud others op ta appromoh Inlu honght, d and wu ord, se rasosiienoe, chat God lntended us tase b, pou ciii bidly accei auNwvYosr'agifi tUie gold vatob szsd "obsaia. Permit us ta hope ihal il Mav lu somlnturseattoneurembié pou oftoucol t'at a bes will bu nu aI) olh ti uay s"10e paibusp I On bebo dion cei te n. Vardar. un.mi Anderson of Tarotot, bave boena llyiiIlfi..a an ville du,,nnith,, Xaas helida a . .. 1TèN Mn. J. B. Imgam, eober o etIm aTo2 Argyle public sqhoal, retusasi trou bit holidays on Moodesud ita orn saouer MM ff ialt te1h loft bye suonTae"u. p su kus o mrnng train asdd li résume tiLe. lm bier tescblng na1i Himsd ookeiimedi. pava, mai itoul alter ber arrivaI, lMr@ Ivii Tas pètroonaofthlbeoeoo factorp Viti cf Cau be plaiseo c eareuthaéthtie beardof di fotny a raclons ha". soeurai Ibmhe rvices of a lourtenax Oint et&&@i ohesemaker lathe Le nrson <of fina brnci Uri A. D. Hall ai Belleville. The board ntbit have alec destded te baud Ba faetory cblobpmàb tor size sud aioammodalion viii b.eose. t lmarrie oui te noun lthe ceni? tlfVictorta. aIemmluo Thoy dli sparnomPallae 1a bave 1th à ac etl tory voltt, qlepped ct thb eelsu homn s ln proed imachi nr. Thsy saolh1pee m auxi h li a bprmie, stiefeetery retorse t ete .am( tLe patrons, vlan, lu tomain ciib. stu>g in ,OlIth %bibm:'ocu inereale if thep elt rody -ta sgt gond lime, se Ibai ihene mai b. ne deisy (vîlb tb. vhen the sotory la oposied. Io vug @pl - iome fina lama tefis ~eiv.tu lthe r..fS >'i Aar.: the osture DzAI Taàoua-It te vith aingled .d tegot foelinsset j au sud sorrce vaebhallcor roof, .ad Xa@ sboUida, , îLs. teloagiof delot b Xmaedu as grestly marsi ch.voe réamise. ibat weuhéw we -te te tope a if od'sud living t tasher panted b' aui taltblal tnlond. Blaeyonusame te, àddnomse cs pou baye wa.thb.Ilave and reipeet et DEAI ove:y popil, Wc are ulli avare of &H happy te lise annovance «a coup sOur many alt more. arc sud misemesoaos have osauad Vyen, Lut pou lui pou voeicd patieuli euh ue, pour, vhole adoption. ambition boing *forcour aoocoe, bat roef tLe èet asseétUs ar ouiat'aitude &hall nover muoh ploi fade. la relava ce sek yenscept litea brslu i viliedesi né i migbat loien cf tho IraS Ume frtendashsue:istiug boet nenu; vo in- ourteea oerolp bope Il Smyonot Le louge e vo ed fui là velcaîme pou baietmucar Macher; a5140 ne durniaa assepl dearesmasher sur carmhsi .lmbu mîtting a toi pour ltlte applusmuéeneo , brchep si and nov c. viii eouelofe by vibinq Ion the m.e a moet bapp-Xoua anti c Yesî. putel t Sigmol te bobsi f e b.poollm Ly . r o FI.oUNOU UKi~ brana.,i Lucy BUSEs. thbt 7oc YIOTOAU ZOID. tozOY. 1 Truîs are tainlp lUvell bore nov; bumime nemi qu somWiln, ie »0 lte; onsed ou rTrie bmmtbu art bard sai erkM.uiMdt oe o eaoight."d lot, r ba oêohStut iwa WuâdIo 'q4m a oc*biampe. inhu Vbcpu"etla uilu bisM" sba ul*U'. Wa T m T - 4":luumm su e tV 3. tue te "r' pain te» a plur lime on oatbla dtacilg lei 01ea. chou pont lis. semeis umboned, tba$lIoula e memrtem lende sud happy pouthfüut iape i eti l icding brghtnoesla oDîo tbrongb tlie "e'I06Vaut.l' àal o et bchoir sud congteca. cieL pou a uery HOPPy New WILL. GRtAHAM, Bau WKIGET, req Yemri,'>1893. mfrnIoN vAN»DDEESS-A Véry bd pilagesuent bei plflas. rsieos.of Me. Jse. lmcm, Ne. su., on Chrstmas dore litead pin ver. ionmerlp cli veelotsk îray, Ont, Lavst< pent over barao ethoiLr lite ibéeo.About peana mgOthe tautmincdrietcVU tou by ticofetiheir ciidren besv-. b oe r ibe Sf eai. tAsFpens t oeer on bcer ct tbe iamilp Piddmi tarbei otu l a lt or e li i Ibut lhne hail loft ith. te rofsd @Motls ev on ta noc MaNsitobs. Mv. moi rlrinu doau se bpmnd Ibeir temalsllog nong tiiir obtiren, sud bLving lold, homiesteainlutle ouet a o i flle, mousé 10 Manitoba eruai of Iheis'tamill) lu tL. fol- Prie«. Alter, lcckiug sround for ne Mr. Jr #a i .aei e Lu ild là hb!. tèdehomo aii motIe demn bwO et Neepaca, Ou Xmcs dey sg famil, et aine tehic atber. sur oo.p more coder Iboir Etibmtu àatter ding )uatloe le a gond lascer, preemaudsi beit parents 0haudmomoe *spsi omire cooem. )s a ouru. FoUecimg tathe pe.zu,-We, pour eblidrea are 0 ne ai permiu tu o et 08111 oumd thm tmmily siroesudAle bave Mr miii. ls Ibis lbe landilet Our àas ou Lave loftpour home la to liveM titioombly. is Imahi Jouesfer ce te mee tb îLpou bie )Our Dowhosemeaneillte th. le ve bave 611 met logesber i 1poars. Wf. an Vérythaniful te bis kiné and ossceeul msie ovu ig booeurtbet) Mamd ipet. na «00e more b mw* Ic Ome . droie. -We a" n o tovwglet «y saorIfigea , @U. bas. u»W te brg toer ubi%. ýMoséml ho et UI I~s au .lv bot ý a Is aàe led mot uer orlèlve -o et tor éveyai ap WMs f leu bu ùM eJsqoc » ".. ',Mmwe% w A# *0 liste u iea*. In tbb- @hors biter *te. I vii expueac S thuka for lb. meteasud *66, lsu.itd ' 'm, om bjp u, and chou vebaue grown oltr've Wa11.à sedma seet roimembuanob the dali ma tisa ed't0 b. , adtpou, cvire a one etlb. proial iadore on the otage ofa urar te.X2,Aspougo trom ne W* cou buts v o ev000u0eisla chat *ver apisete of lifé,pour lotiup oy eosai, .and mer the Godli iase on rant tisat tre uap eue daby muetla Ibm o re of the blemt 'c1,hwpparslug cheR b. nomore." Sigusi on houAi of sahool, MN» O ULLON, MAO.uE J'îuabiuToN, IB eaa Cod Pt Fah. Agentlemen cho tvas gîvp D opp wdie with ohêuuptlon bap.ued ltarUceVe s visit froui a frtead, choreoa'sra.ded 0'MiJIer'sE mlmoo of OuiÀLirOi.0 Altisougoi htvlug iale f.jtb be bonditI s boit[*e.sud bctuî*hb. so throuab îaking Lt. touai ho esc gelit 6tf1-1h Hos coutinurd tablig t.eEmalsion outil ho regatuied uanlyIqrfittv padi HoSe lathé. beartteil usm lu toca to dey. T o omoseainr. mte hle realoration to beaitbhob bas issi a besutiful golden cod flob cancasoured, cblch he ceai@ e ahamsropon hie catch obsin. ehba isl pret good teatiec'av for 'Ile' Ioauls-ou of 0ýo4.Liven Qil.' Evmsbody lu sonding lDs bie hottlisO. end, 81.00.,siaitUDing b 8avPM-69 1. EcheocaWilhtueon, ci ilrocuavalley, lad., masya: IIbai heen lu a distnemd Condition fon ibrueveau trou Nr.nmo, Wesbu of the Stomaoh. Dîcaiepua mm&d Indigeton oatil my ahealL as goas. I hai býeodootoir Icit oonatantly wltb no rolief 1 bonght on@ bottle et South Americn Narvîne, whicb, i me more good tiassuln $60 vortb of doolorina 1 *ver did lan.p Ite. 1 could ai. l"i"se trr ealy penontaosoe tibievaiable sud lovelp remeiy.. A tria)boulle euhi cou VarIable epetite sud ttolslug at the nos. are *tnîe ofwaaroa. 'De, Loi'. Worm 811111 ta thbs boul w.....4. ThmesPractimal hats. Thi es riicapoints: lut Budoclk Blood Bitters cure@ dyspepseaby sotsug promptlp ou tbe atoaobhvor s»d bowele. Bcd Bu'l dock Blooi Bilteos curte badblooi by thé.smme aveciho action ooaublnod clîb its alterativo and purtfylug posrera. SAd nrcooikBlood Bitters oures aIl dises« aarlalag from Ite Ir ait named, msneosatpato, hefÉdche, bilios. apai, disslaeemrofule, ete., by remorang their cauese aa soc sdproved lu lhouaad cet ladimputably recorde u&m-68 2. ,Wild cherryasd bypaaphoopbislt ae ou btu.d veh Cod Liver OaA la Ntlburua Bmul-~ siou, thboabt Lau remàedy.-68.4. A Cure toi Dvsplnea. la atueiing thbosou". ofthl'a"pueant nomplat lil te bond te rout pdinip&ly in erougg action cf thé, stomeb sud Impunriyof the blood. Tuus exstt.% eauesameemlli roemevd by the regaloalla purttytug toute and digeetive effuotset oi odock itlood Bittersi, beo tbe suossueofiB BB. la udenlg dyi. popoe.inaay terni. me mtter of owhon eg standing or hec aevm eit aisy . w-U2. Wood Il Goal Order your Woodi fromn and Coal Joli. ItiUaby Who, bas on hand, the very but qua.ity. Ordemu left st J. ~leys l.rwa. tom item 1~q i ru 4JLUUIING SALE, -fvig iecided upon msling alt«Msions in the prouies uow occupied Pt" "-m = jvme, sud A1 beiug neeuuay to clear ont the stock to get rooo. 1 au" lMfor the. C NEXT TKIRTY DAYS set e some awsepiing riductiona in ~ F urniture, (Jrockery, Glassware, ~~mda IOut-lery, Looking-Glasses. Tinware, Cook Stioves and Goal Staves. MARB LE WO RKS.# R, CHAMBERS lu pu.,km USb..Id hW a.. opo"littov PILnar boe SOlu LuarbiealeTo.,Wae ope. Maulelle.ei ReiT. im, ec. Wîjho to remind hua cfltomerm that h. is Duou >ad tiho larRemi astock of goc<t Br<iah m pt4noa; Ivavrio2a . >fturaiwg' AI oimi Pop>laiumed at Loweut laie Promapt t =1 U telib u Omo L0ii Iiof aiLia& A«dd.I* na. C& cfAm.iaea. Aâ id e ladao odea,& Po Ici., aaaued Travoller. EAILWAT&mmd TBMIHIP 11CR9T78aM Lovei KM.. te alsio&avaay pt uaiaisoh. P. 0. TAIL<)R agent, laprem <'Sec Lindrst, amd lUtiegumt ter Liadmar, OusIl. M91 QUTARIO BUSINESS COL1EGi, a TVINO U AD STASESa RAV£e s"I po ai ibIs Ila ymoue ludtatiloa, lu umaurlu. Stodeuteo frae lwadlad. IROINBiq& JOHNSON, Onlt" BuUMes obge, a .oui r» 11 taalmirul r lb :ouipublluboa(sboo ai ln4 pope). Sdfor st. VICTORIA LAUNDR, bu ÎIRm FÀOefli lu&*eih, î 1 arn doing juat what I advertise ta do. . THEAUCTION MA.RT, 1 «*Opposite- the Benson Btouse, Iindsav, D-c. 14îh, 1892-65 4. Aistonîshîng r8 the word y'ou wiiI use when you read the folIowing prices for soni ot our goods. dufing tht' ncxt two weeks ONLY :- Solid gold rings as low as Goc. W. shGw the 1argest stock in tow . Dimond rings for $2. We are away ahend in dia- moud rin;i L34ies' kmericara Watch $4 50. Solid Silver Wtch 85 75 American wtchs in 21 year guarante, $17. bOLID (lfLJ wtatch $16 Niekle clocks as Jow as $1, Oak or Wa~l ut --lok a ar 3. Our at a great bargair. EvearN îhana n our lino equ-dly cheap. Remernber the above is BONA FIDE and only to the end of the year. Withing you the complimenta of thte approaching holiday seasqar. EWOODS. Spt. 28%, 1892.-18394r. Floral Perfumes. Nearly 100 new styles of ont and deoorated botties, cologne juge, etc., fllled with triple perfumes, put rip in handsomesatin Iined boxes and fan6y paper boxes -and at prier, ranging from 10 cents up. Also af1111 lino of bulk pefu.mes and sachets to choose from at Ow es DrgBe rlRITMSeOUS 'Dressing. Cases. Sia ' #eg Ogses. d".ir ruohs.. Prfumery i iudea~ T bouge.-. Sthat, aine , bility t Q I, ~SAY .hlhely se uier55 N 0151W Poltq meuL e'HAIS Ku,1u sud 11.1 UT. JAS. H. ILENNONAr J. PETTYI The Jeweler, 84 Kent street, Neit door to the Daley House. WOODS' Stove Enurium -BEST- PUTLAND $290per CE ME, N Te barrel. mym m 1 DRY HARO WOOD UFFICE ANtD YVA til)N. 8 Z JI( TON STREET. Telephovetr.Inacai5 Liad@iv. Nov. ?S, INtSU RArtOE) ira, Li!#a" Aijmdu. AmursnOO las force m 455,1 "mueailboose,. 1,a.olà yearc pr laiqbedivinl In .