tiiKF1ELD% GOODS $age viseul hW av 0",M h &%vereUnies.. re But ho.wuva elved DM*ait ngeh "uk*0 bope. th&# mode Ide dear f*,, l& u* * àad eomrntnlated vitisth#. ualM&qAn 9I Umif bs hoéa.,8Ouir aubW 1G ,Ibes you seot te ne f lde t..dap Ob* ham .uough l ber--po«o ol 1d I Th bau la... lready a- evetnifl d du forlbée fear .I "Say no mort, Sir Allyn," lal«erpled the viocount, rialng. 111viii mot-mse ber to-day, but afterward I sabbld myseoil free te eall upon her. 8h. understands my feelings toward ber; she viill ave tallh in me anv iii la ber. 1 shall respet yeur confidence, but 1 amn sure tisat "eve« vii »ever perynt Ibis proposed marriage te bc eeesomated." - Seheid eut hie hand ln reapeelfl pty for the baronet, and thon terned and loft th. roorm, going ilte .corridor. At he very tbreshold ho rau agaiual. Therweil, vhose attitude vas Ibal of au eaveedrapper., The rivalse ohanged glances.,and Ther. oeil, cool and s.lf.aaaured as 'le ueuaily vas, momentarlly quailid before the flash. ing eyes et Lonrd Treuiliu; he then enter> ed th. etudjy, white the Young viscount passed on through the. hall and out at the front door ot the mansion. On gainlug a little distance he pauvaid and looked back with an exresslca of lue. fable love upon bis face. 'Olve Ilde up 1" hoe nid, hall alenti, t"Neverl-aever 1 1 viii fathom ttea i7. ery. 1 wiii unmaak the design» of that mcônudrel,fIee Sir Allyn frein hie cilthes, and thon claituusy noble darlii for my vife4 W. sahUsée. wbich &hall triumph- Therveli or Treseili.n-viiliéay or love in CHAPTER XIV. "Tou Z N ULEVE WMyIEoVssiINDIUM.- «"W bat cao we laot endure When pains are leaeened by the hfpe or curern -NAIS. Tih. mysterlous bride ef Sir Hugh Cheli». sood before ber baffied guardian, her face lighted up with th. ttîitiph et ber deliver. aies, and ber eyes luiinous with a grand and soiemn jey. Mr. IN limer turned hit lace train ber, but the ix-geverneas, pale and C...ine ..atnkad In. am0.. V&ýf h 1: k k 1~~~ 'I * I t; Il r 1 : eou aWêstub& N*g? Wb@stiuIapnuh1 N.Uy. e M sIuava'ai Wi at th"aI41 qW ey ieabekoud e1r vise, terelmy Itiseta lovod 1er-bave beau twdmlsu e oeid, 17, »daUi 8m Imade Wba" tisaI my family friende baaebeut in alhisoir msnpls t. e memo bo@erni avay vith, belis. ory asgbt, et strue p feosvomit!but My meady t Wbaî of théfmm y«utb, hp s bop bghted, and ml beafuiit ftorture last ead of 1 (iod besas! Can o eu m Wl And ber voie rang viti the el* aluto tibrougi lite long saloon.1 tbat th* question dld nos pels Y àiyrlà%oal IMPge. Mr. Wilmer sbrank alilgbted1 outisurat et rlghteoue indignat mevet! retiemaiy, glanced frein t fao o et b.Young Miy tu lb.es.y onontenance of ber mald, snd the meugbt the feature. et Mms Bar, ho *ere desirou et ber aid suddco But Mm .Bérat wu' as fril bimeeit. She isatretreated a lit one et the brides aijythe-iike gi appelaret!nov undecidet! ohetbes or romain. Rooeiving ne enmouragement contoderate, Mr. Wiimer save aelt.pcsaeed sadnd:d 41"Âd, .y pour neloe, do y tisai your pçeseat excitensent, go contir. aiU liai I have ever anid tise state etfypur mental health atralîger w v o e e you nov, blame me for beiioving vour miné bingod ? Porbapi I bave be Y My tesa,» aid bis taie expreo critical griet. "Perbape my ai vented me trous jnJging fuurly. tuiken-if My love for you buaua S ur Hug is'.Young bride drevA a - i a e b e ee 1*If you bave bea mistaken,' oiplmoo, ber voieS »seun.g 4tlbw e1 "~ accSumed augel. "Yeu bave mitken, Mi. Wiimer. Yen hai as oeilsas I bave tisai My Immd 1 for one instant waveret! frein lis suce. If jeu hast tanclet! mei wouldjeu sot bave piouured fti attenimnceoM a physicin?1Wq hôt bav-Bat ohy do I pas jeta? Ltune omse te tise peint Your wicked designes agitinat une li amsitet! iy the tact tisat durnîg tev mentiset bis lite my poor ta net the comsmand etfail hi& aculi bave given outI te .orlet that bonntet!. is ialady, Wou nyou w tbat bis infirmty vas the reult sudt SetcoatîtutlonaLl'ouenà lende t% ~tt I have been for je sud delicate. Do I lok se Y" Sic svaited a reply. Sise dittliook delicate tram lie long confinement, but that her healtis b.d bten seriously impaired, no one vie leoked la heu dlean, bright eyes,.ai. heu nov ilusiet cheeka, and t! iber rounds.! ligure, couit! for an instant believe Mr. Wilmncn nsaintaiaed silen.e, aMd lise bride'aontiuued. ln ber saeileuy accuslug laies : "No, I am nont sickiy, aid I have neyer be. My mt! is not impêired, and neyer bas been. To - carry eut jour viciset icbemem il vas necesrv tiat jeu should sot as jeu bave daus. It owu jeu, James Wmlmei, vise îended my faîher during tise taut mentis of bisIlite. It vas yen Whoes- tabliebet! a paramount influence over hlm. il vas yen ise persaaded hlm te makte ai Unjuat vii, acting tapon bis Weit 5mev. preference for early marriagos. It vas jeu vise dictahie th e terinsofethat Avil, hy ohiol I vws le marry before saabing lte mgo e1t lvuiy.oue,.or forleil ts lis te* obole et my fortune. My poor faliser aenld net bave knevi viai ise vasdoing vise ho signet! is nae le thai fatal tomeas --a domeat wo.bu bsrecked bisdugi- 'ber' bapplamme." Ber volce. vas levand! »adias eh.*Utde UV?055 1he, o if aMy' t'.twm6esBh, die ooalim& emoela»g hb. USMMY = rbdwt,. lq epeeliel me.Tou klid acOMM&"tau olita S or Mr tut t lâ fwss. romse eloua #lad abadw the WU*d bave melImm y sqbeafeha a à* etaOum th . e Swk e u rey, aid h vçl thh"v. or e bblI Mi . tiefre bisfo.rupfottieriadasfn ofgt 4, p SOb.tO h raSd .Bhreyti, Mdbs Visé hi bs ga. d osdniy arklmd'!% is saogl 641, a, !e b d e a etow4ttbe Ae sesb. yur nas drupd t d 4ed ut. berA". 68ebore i l Up o t rief. ie nd uie Hnes u fahe eunned labis isslf.homie MdJme te pati Wbdiwe, em boustelà aidr, lqsed bi waffairal he ank«d he und avety lm hie a dor anth h vas Ins tensdble telMd mrt a i ruistrationa e tobdagnrm ts cu rhteéd seationa M he trie H. o va e u knovr yiol utelugbiefaiy h be i atr laes, tandt nevbohad osa bis orte evi ders upo r t earnghiesbi, abitt hmnîf land»nu"bi ? affbyare ntlis cand.gsMer"d geves, d iro vas nd varemoaidthohoiu Isnsibule ito t tle apr m tise ven ofeyend aidteerp rt heaou.Aai If Iis I beamthe cha isre t Jame wuinesî. ouedarie. wer ar beins adtec e l e sîb ai regais bit hi umitfotues had eto o eil.abuti, ? If & n'y y chld. a cfor t e oe a aode bewetUp fhautvorte u ice. ise bave oine.! of aédh. e. A iegsoytr ber odm h olead br a i et isen e aent@ ngbrai bei em akmbie e-an 0e01ov tenione.Asfruelvst h.r bora neyer or Topoait ai vu hohabern neeasf à*hi 41» . dyrviss umber e admh, udba- r ctme the titutlg baaerauiof He faesrsihr ould nouv iii, mae&U bris atiser ieoe .1tise rley vi lis jengur brother, iso»vver, powet!a' ,at once. stigister paub telte possmcion etlise lave beau beWrsisaare ofsiUme esitetifortunes,.aid Il Sthe luit huome thse cae plan ci James WIlowes atiier bad ezi,~Melte prevaulh$aloeVs mrriq l b. les. Yon fi» à* . qmeild perled. I had in. He esgaged for ber a gov«îees-Mra 9011 knev Barat-upos wvise acoutd depond te If dlisaaae second hlis uboe., aid from tise moment bave PrO* et bis brolb.r's deatisestered upc. a cour»e mue sickil ttonfve« a lculatdgoebrilaabout the very event h. "desrt. HoeletaiLUisins. tiossol thése eot tisai Adais lad inherited egeqta et ber fathoisr'predlsposklon te iéaniy ; Le ternwmd ber grief aI ber bereavemenis "4vio- lent,»" "ungovernabl," ait! lisais." Wh.nahe sdge of.ber aowv at!v off, ai!d labc»a bassie goy ait! frellaSae, ho mgbed aven berunequsi spirité. Wisen iabowvuadei y hermeinltise park, as ber ceunîny home, ho orderet! Mms. BarraIt toiow ber, lest mieosisoult! do horseIf aiy iujuu-y. 0f course tise iigb- apirited girl rebellet! gslost the restrictions placed upon beî-movemetm, sot!npbraded ber relaiv, bat h. proMmuedt abelieve the milady, agaînst theenoAaobments ef oblats he beat melong guardet! ber, bat! ovecome ber mimdciet , and h.ocodeun- et! ber thel. srict.e.î o""mu. Thore vas ne eue tooulbas bis decismo Tise ervantés béeee! tsatheir y«ung uistreme bad t! uauasbei t. ber tblon milady, aid lb. hi"e ofewM h e c ots&P- phSut!d ber muale for th tsn<ru.t deveti- eic mreofbma iom Th. tct h"at âtmlWl! ad bo lemme duwlmg t.et yar of m -Pm vamitmydoubta of thse ofe thé!1.>ade.a15 a texoo.wuwmr cé ba- thé Mbe and M15005IMdh1bofb marriage vouldi l .rtv"etas9Mit"eo" eto M erseuf ad ber N6i3ge Wiuaw mualgapepe. T. petisal i mmt. gola pOVsty vMd Mal. fod h t 8es go g emust b. seam yv t. spustibis 4itl tlY, aid eh* vouit! .11v bi"a MM& ii y stipoat!. o "t iolm ekeep bis tomvant, boa oeiy la cousderagolof cidmenaine io bore, and of the tao tis& aIbr fat.ber once loveddt! remmd bia. 8h. toit Wus.of -ber décision, aid ber words vere fun ofet gil-like bitternesefor lb. prend, t!isomftedmani visebad Iomenuat! tesesber heritage. "«But if I go te-day," ho expostutated,, '4poe wil i itais.Youi suddeu restera. tien te Smaah Wini excite attetion-"- "Be It se 1". M aAdals, "I1cou endure it, ince t.bey viiinet poes tise trti." -But I cannol go se mecs, Ad"s.Give me iest a vmS.j" Pirn lntise coneclotueesthat mise bat! peeset! beyoud bis pewer, and th"t his pues. ence couit! net injure ber,.tise yotag bride yjidt mt ho bis prayer, and graited isi. a mmeS in obie teoie"another bomne. -And I10 nid Mim.Barrat, besitating le, cMRiattention upea berseff, yet feariag "a e.u oaahtela mut forth vith ber yesrs lu service camaqutted. "'Mr. WUM« u, qcaa eto marry me. Mypiaoolavlwtb bins May 1 motsai, NiasWiI-Lady ~ ve l, ihav 4 seiy puffl brmitrs' tov, i -sae ik mo nu.av m Indy, if tliu riper le- "mm id Bal. It d!a"t med Naehl'suggestion le "&o eLady a01.111e.Si. ad reoet tha theb vldtàv lsd lanabut am inutirmm in tise ba do a matusfl,mst! iois e m C for ber esly smms, contenspé,and indigne,- tien,sb&W dî ot biase ber seosevereiy es #h. dld Me. Wîlme. Bise therefere re- pliet! thé£ dmhe ouid give ber setr outl the nsorrov, but liÉat abe muet thon go. I miai allov Mr. Wilmer a isuadret! poundeaa ear," dmedechla. That vili land hlm food! be, and oeltblng in mou distant spot. As for yen, 1 de mot cissge myéeif vits y.ur fulere" Thse vidov vop ait! pleaded, and appeai- ad tec Mr. WIlmer, but Admis', decision vas <'Nov tisaI Iis matter l la t," énid Lady ChoUis, 111.iii aseme tise cmmand ofMy evn boume. Fo« the pesent, 1 I vi taiks poeeelaM isd avinig.roeSm" Mms. reuet ie nfler ait! sauk gracotuily lt. an easy clair, . nd the dligused. Kelly follovet! ber andi sioM iby ber aide. Uuderelasadimg ltse bunt eonvoed b!- ber word., tise deposel sonter imovedt! ovard aise door. AIt .the taolt!h. pausai "Adab," h. nid&, "jon viiiexplala le thse servants tt"yon.sme married, anth"se 1 bave illi.teated ye«-"! 1111dedilaete my visaI i sha1oralsali nol d»,ýe,"mi.repisti. "Yes nii! lhuaI- ad oeil viit ué slybut I vooit! atvise fart roam l ~ ql, 4,eho. voter». "ta" fre un 4puawréIMeoiued by bisest.tiutni 1%«i MW,.~~u leur'. 4 ftc th .erbdb g" * e«:# 'bt" dà èb WM igt - " mid n Ibalsav tbis maimsi p alse ; wt e 4M s" dresse lIaIextra Imlimfor 440,4Mnê lefer smnti, a"t t. vïs ierig my re 1 a ie. 1 beeap- *pas, &M lthU adubeliive4 ber nuetrea t be reailyimussm . maut t1 e blague. Mise Wilmr buaeenmquiet of late Mat lb.W eleeti"isà". besiome rsgned te ber fat. Yen »w ber yourwdf yenterday, and tolti m~e aise *ne perfecy apatlet" , Idid »Y m 1Ireally iioqgltsem We bave hem oleveriy lmposed upon. Ob,, if 1 W. osiy suspeted tha" ber apatby vas mosmed 1 If 1 bai Only imaglnd' th&- ber maid v treneherou tale 1New ovau "It wouid se so,"said thse ex.governe.s, ber tones appesrlng calin by eomurasa it> ber employera impetnuu manner. "Seesasn !» repeated Mr. Ivihner, vils eavage irony. 11 houid think it vould sen se. 1 amn a beggss-dependmn.t mai upon the wveini1Ibave injured-indebted te ber fer a paltry pittance, scarcely eufli. cdent ta keep seul and body together. I muet vegétate lu sein. distant country village, ebut eut frein ail the enjaym«el t. whicis I bave looked forward for yearm 1 have piained to posseas ber weah-I bave reveled in anticipations et the time vben ber estatea woold becomne mine- wbenaltbelu2uties," sud he gave arapid, comprehentive glanoe around the. awe iy apartinent, "vwould b. my on. I have dreamed etftthe lime ohen I should plunge ite 1h.e gayeties et bociety. and Loar my pan among the preudest and vealtiiseoe the laid. Aid this ie thse end et &Il my echemiug 1 This le the fruit for ohtci I have verked aid vaited e patientiy. it vas for taie hat I stifled al bememe, per. jured unyselt, and vas mercilese te 1lu trous visons nov expeot mery.» HM vole. died sony la ai angr, dempmlr. * S laj, wdieu ommer*0 b e. ployer. *'You believe ber etory, thon, of ber mar- rbgrt»" e vbiepered. *You-believthbat a4i bas beoue, legally and troly, the vile of Sir Hugis Chelileas she deelares ber- 'Il believe mie e i mrried tae somebody," replied Mr. Wilme., "but her huabaadI may lave mssumed tise naineetofSir ugb. 1% dem mot soeem probable tha" the barone& vold marry awaveni viebasu msbp pad for yeanstobeoinsane. Yet the cer- tilicate le aùuine." "*That mamy b., but ther. le - semethlng wonog about the. iaage. Did you notice 5ev te blushed vinyoq questioned hber abot ber huèbausd? It osa a biusb of shasse aid confusion, if I read any expres,- sics arlght, and net a biuahof umodest em- barasumet. Thon he did net ome witi ber. Evldently ahe doms ot intend t go it ber batties, or te take possessuion heme The trutis is, James Wime," and the ez- geveriema lowered ber veice, and spoke fia erisN lipreeve obleper, %"teis ea mys- Iery about tuis suddon marriag%, ad lI lisini 1 bave pieated il." "Itl iido usne good if yen bave." "nha& remais te b. seenm" iuterruspted lb. vouitiiau air of smdt.oonfldenee "Bflut, béfèe I expiain, heU me sooetbing about Sirff ugh Cheiie. Mr. Wiiuer vae about to relui ai fia- patient refusaio t is roquent, bat the et- preesionthe vidov'm face liduis con- Sirw Hug in l about threaid tventy, I believ%, he nid. t"R. ia gay aid vild, fond! ofoompany, and kuova boy te throw avay ",aY. '[Let yewr h.o ot movral thousapoonde ahttise Deuby races, aid I hboa rdt tish it! dMotcure hlm frnt 1ta.R. bas a Vor7gooti estaha la bu ayprodues u " about be Ibemui ~yer.Wben hie au &Wliiho 1K #W*r letipuele "'We'l~*N 1uv~ b mat!;"at ha s<edelecW d pecially tor the ois &" IS Isiornamental article& siii *1 u. i.have juet what viii suit ,ou, an oé Obi m dpeàab a verymail adystice ou oA m fibl inthe coonty. inndmacze-,hjt And to reduce the nusisber w, vin la au otheb.most favorable terme. ey atove yout uowanb4mdshould have this full, cou* vIaI ve pu"edto do for yOu. ~~kdquayIftheMb.gonds, aud our i(oep. e's~~~*h te b OUI41Pa y on t. @tep into our show r-om and s the focde our buit mamuacturera are turning onut. Bouember vobae evwqîhin ini tinvére and granite vare, bo)th plain an& fâe 4 eMd bu mipply aithing 7« Vsain la pints, paint col, machine oil, .coal cil lie $" eIU pitl inlg*4,ttvu, 1««, nails, etc., st very close prices. Wwshî, youuitb. .mplimiente of thi esseOn. WM. A, McRAE LITTLsEBRITAIN. 'Our stoooplils a"iev..ry depaittient. Good rrýenfàt3 &ni tinj. Iu l !russGos, lastie Uoods, MilIinprv, Twe-,d, and Overcoatingu. Dressesand Masnties madeq ini the b4,ei ol tS'e, ' e(j at reasonable * ieu. plese make inquiriet4ia'. t4o who it was w-flta.d tn a'). vance oWo o to $Oc. per gallon wêmid the hard titiies. Tr-v 'ur R ]Ier Flour et 8*1.85 per hundred Corne and mAe our t.uenrs arid te *'xrrg val«.. DS%'a give sway your iiioney. We dotî't warit to ix r'.rt 32oUo ont: of you in a few y.ar. Gieè us a cail anîd comp;trt'. rit... i-i ali we asIr. Yours truly, ,~ E. Z. VEREX. FREE TRADE WITH THE MMNUF4TUR ER No aguefa' lne, kaefer rates or sominionestoe b. ddpd to the ptice of the Goode Von buy tram ne. Tberefore we luée417 cI.im thikt We cat giýve bottervaIu( lu al kinds of'WOOLEN S than can b8 Lad elsewhere. Our eteel of BLANKETS la oornpete-400 lptire on band and wfb are m';ii m %knz. W. ea pieus you in qialitr aud priae. Waite, Grev aud Cu..ck. U,ý n Sit 11A- WeOl eheetince, single and 'otible wdb; &aieaaa 1.rge and1 w..l 46nertel s800k of Pull Oiotb, T.ee.Obeek 8'iirtingg, Fia. tIOV#&ait Fi1niv F1iioocIl. Gm.onqeey, Books. Ritte, et@. Our YIBN speaks for ittsof; tek those wbo ne'm it. I,,i.- qiàily m £ood au Rome-made, and vre«Il it for lm & bac the prioe of interi-gr Yt. a Oarding, Spinning and Weaving a Specia&ty. £il Custom Work vil! receive our most careful attention. Do not li. deladed by Shodai Good alledl Baubruot 9to.k when yen ein go Rtouffl Gooft from «nabSWholeule Prieo.. SOIRN I3ROS, Llndes, Nov. 23, 1892.-34.tf Lindsb W olh." Mille. BOOTS AND RUBBERS0. i W. have juqt recoiveil a shipaent ot BOO)TS, RUBBgERi an l OVSgR- SEORS making our Failaud Wtater stock completi. MENS &AND8OYï' LONG BCOTrS. Patt and Leathtc-, Niam's LacU Polt Boot, and a fulstock of fine wear for men and boys. LADIES' BOOTS in fine Kid, Biittoi and Lvice, an-1 stronge3- quelity -in Osi Sxia and B.If. Throe speciat linos of Iined fine FaIL Bauts for Ladies in Button, Lame aid Gaiters at $1.25 pair. OffILDRZBN'S BOOTS saitable for wet weather, in ail sizes and qualitieis. RUBBEBS and OVELLSI±OES, size for Men, Ladies %ad Children, nov complete. HOGG BIROS., Nov. 2nd. 189&.-1598. City Harness Shop, Lindsay, 1JAMES LITTLE, luPROPRIETOR, -aitqmmaie m mv b.. lut m noe bdul a o es. lion U.J&MUS LO'ouL hfrr te ma gl.un md .w[1 bQtba...Wbe » v t is.j« . 1 M e StflyD i l ' t ,tomers. sde ma 141 S of gàmea%, VoilaisWhips, Tranks and Valises b k vargoui iaSe, guieiMdaff.plaa M Mp tul loa. 5nmade i.ooflas a~U o~ ~ eu h~S¶7 spiuomiVfb.~.OQ« mploed. 1Th Islm= i a* m ~eBbs. v isei ma peuvims.d "hat lth ae largesi 10 obeous b"n aiW"k* m r. p«i eouthas m WpkS lu a. Ey s i pec~ eboiuglever huhll i «wae ieS@mhacoe. 1once ad doult min Ibis JAMES LITTLE. FURNITURE GO TO SON, NIGENT,4&(Co. Te LIN DSAYO kbinet.makers5 bumtI.toah". IL oo; ;- if tnainated by the ("bang'. lu the laisgl sk aiebd ssisted te oroisg sud oppremu. Lady Chellia' usait! could net avoit! castin.g fréquent look& nf exultation eItishe dispoa. ied enemies et ber young nietrèe, ait! alse drew nearer te the latter, ai iftot cati attention te the tact tiat but ton ber tise position et affairs ab the Wimer manalon vussd have been very different aI Ibis moment For some moments there vwu a profount! silence, ohicis vas broken at lait by the young bride. oho cad, qu:etiy:- "«Uncie James-Mr. Wiier-I have proveil ta Yeu that I amn iegaily a vît., snd dbat jour guardlauship over mne bas coset entireiy. I am nnov ty evu mistresa You will flnd, me able te défend myseItsud te tale peemion et my fortune, oblats no mevpase lto 'ny owu band." Mn. Wiimer started, sud naid, huekily: "1It is true, Adah, Liat I bave nomeeiyui marriage certificat., but yen May bave torged i-' "Yo>caa consult the cbuncb regfleter, Mr. Wlt"ahoe aiil pîisdi*v. Ser lits guardian inovet! ueaily lanbIs chair, but did net lift bis gaie te ber tacs Ia trnth, he hat! no doubt etflt.eaithen. t.lclty oethéii.marlage certifloe- but b a wu îmld atuhned, and stupîflet! by tise auddeniy acquired tue idoinoetLis hnjured "lIt cant bhotue," L'e ejacutated. "HRow ouid yeu find a husbând au quikiji1 You oould net have aucesîed a gentleman in Ihé étroet and requesîed hlm te marry yen You have spiriL euoujgh lu jeu fur Itht% Ibehieve; but youwou Id have bien repuiset »a alunatia or vorse.How dit! jeu eb- laits our husband ?»" A quick flushi bat ot no thueeksit oet1h. young bride-a fluish et maidenty "mes sàd contusion-but ber gau s slea, and ber manner ai cemposeil as before, aid &he repied : "Tisai is my secret, Mr. Witusor. Il le eneug t IaImn stiafle&!. "I don"t believo jour . bombant! ii Air Hugh Chellia at ail," deelaret! Mn. WilMe. "'The Chellis' arte of thlie pedu familles lu tie kiugdom. 'Mimn Doroâiy Cisell4la lameoaey rich, said I bive h ê' tisa IA'beisel n «rousety fou4 ! er,110 vi roung depbew but elle vw«14 bave .v penny te atrangere if amiseobut tu"et la he omit! dcotractas. matlanoe." «'"A maniage with Admis Wilmier wothi »et be a mésallianc en fer Sic Kigis ollils," niîd the young brid, butsiy "Mima Chellis beimelif orne. Iepul tStW - rui, $inîtlly. Ï rme "Tcue Murabs il wut<~àIt~m~ lu nuelo" sil hoi. Wlt , M' of Curselfho.i id '4, ~1* 4 t Ma lqm -a M.- -e XhUoid, Dm 1M,