OAM Obene Who PlYle P 43.U.truOtOd I<eus a Cmi ukad 8paiWOV WM Oufliod about &4T"o» bib;or, God5 atoiIrouonaOfetMO oacuK0 n the* Bible ; or, (iad Arnoq tie, &oxi vwu, batthevo 1seW: low15 ai the air.,, l'bore ls silene ov Wla al U iome, exompt.as te. isaIiMesI. ghe bar. branches.-OurNot.' are deserted concert. halle. 'lie Jaftte i u the.temple Of nature are 1yau lji... which worme fuliof o sMd 9.i- anad chant are now wait'lug for theii.tm lack of rioh plumes and vrblinge Oý Soluâ, duots, quartota, atatas snd l Douille. But the bible le funt of bir*. 00 lseasunus, sud prophels sud patare and aposties snd evaugellate sud (JirMi Raimult empluy themu for moral m,& religions purpusos. My tex& slu an*trA'us iaomin th Sei-mon ou the Mount, aud perhapa it wasa t a moment viien s Dlock ci birds flew past thut Christ wiaved ils lhand towardt item, and sad: 'Behold tii fowlsa ofUre air." And so, in this caurse of sermons o on(d Eegbvu4 to you tieisthird sermon éoaumeàÎ~ Ornathology af tie Bible, or (od 6among te Birde. Most of the ather sciences yon May study «mrot stLdy asyot please. Useyour-ovu Wugment, exorcise your ovn tante. But about this science af ornithol<gy vo bave m. option. l'ho divine caminaud àa posi. &ive when it "sys in my tors, "Iehaid the. Lavis oi the air 1" That is, study thiol babits. Examine their calais.Nattes their epeod. Ses ithe band ai Gad ln thoir conatruction. bt, is easy fur nme th abey the camtamuîd of the textl or I was brought U aaiang ibis faoe af vingsa sdtram boyhoa bsard their matins at. sanrise, and thelt vespers at. mnsaet. Thoir fiesta have bern tei me fascinationl, sud my satisfaction il <b&t 1 nover robbed une ar them, suy mare than I woul d steal a alrfld front a cradis, for a bird is the ahild af the sky, and ita mesti t tho cradie. They are almast human for they have their loves anddlistes, allia. ties, and antipacGhies, undorstand ja*v sud grief, have conjugal and material instinct, wag. ware, and entorthin jealauuies, have a language af thoir awn, and paoes af association. Thank God for bird.sud akiez full ai them. t is useleas to oxpet to undoratand the Bible unleas vs sîudy natural hstory. Five hundred sud nluety- three titues doos the Bible allude to the ' tactsaof natural hietory, sud 1 do hot wander that It nakes su many allusions enithological. Tho skies and the caverne ci Paiestie are friendl'y ta the winged creatures, and su many DIy sud roast, and test sud hatch ln that regian that inspired iteru do flot hiave tar ta go ta gt omnit ha. lagioal illutration aiflDivine truth. There are over fort.%, epeciesai birds recognised in tho Soriptures. Oh, what. a varioty of eings in Palestine 1 The day., the robin, the agie, the cormnorsut, or piumiug bird, lburling itseif front sky to wave and wîîh1 long beak clutohing its prey; the. thrush,1 which especially dialikes a crowd, the par- trldge, the hawk, bold sud rutiles., haver. ing head ta vindward, while watchiug for po the avan, home among the niarshes adwith beet sa conuîrnoted it ea walk an1 the leaves of vater plante; the. raven, the lapwing, malodorous sud ini the Bible de. moutnced as inedîblo, though it has oxtraor- dinarv head.dreu; the stark, te asifrage, that aways had a habit af drapping an a1 atone the turtld ih had liiitd sneao kllliug4 it for food, an<l an one occasion miitaak the ibald head of AýeohyIuu, the Ureek peet, for1 a white atone, sud dropped a turtlo upan lt,i &Lling the famons Grek. the ouokoo, withi ereaated hoad and crimson throat ud winga sinowtipo.d, but tao lazy ta .bud ia avun test, sud eo having thé habit ai dopoltingi its ege in u.s.a belonging to ather1 birde ; the. blue jay, the grouse, thei vloer, the mals, the klugfilh% 1 4ht poicn which is -the caictur ef ail the feathered creation ; the owl, the 1 oldfitteh, the bttera, the harlier, the. bal- bni, the osproy, the vulture, that king ofi licavengers, wîth ueak oovorod viii repul- &ive down instead of aýttrative teathers; the i quarrelsomne sterling, the swalow flyitig ai inlie a minute, sud mometimes ton hours ta succession; the beron, the quail, the peu- wock, the. ostrlch, the lark, the. crow, aie kite, the bat, the bl*okblrd sud msuy c4ke14 vi il colora, aIl saundo, alilstyle01 &lgt Il habits, aIl architecture ni ete, !eavlng nathing watiîng la ugugtîveneas. Maos, the sgretslawydr orf&a lths and à great iman torfacte, had emough ment sud potry sud mulo u as éml "Oo he illumlusd viopga dM»e yoes divlneiy drillled itta We .sê4t:0 % Genou.. Boy ehould Noui, 4lOie 14 ril arpouter, six hundred e ai t s "d- out whsu the. varid vus 1s6, tu k s sesdenoe aîttr theii. mveesaeshe b" wd ill telsud uothing oie-«&a mm scmasuoooe dovu from g»lb. .b f invite Noah and i. fbuy a te &ims, tor the moua".vow As a bird tinst healdedgm bhmmàr iii. vorlai, uov a bird viiibdp1, «sSe back tethle variai tbra .Ï au sia vheimedeerhîblm «n 8mday uaornlng s 0 aia"No, nMy i1à1 ee Ia loîv alone on a iouwo," Xs8kli, lais lie ~ .4 lmsslp-ls1ni h -W tom" 1 " 'b'o iti dnoS. sleep ulgislàaUl g bosuul iy eylmgî t a l a .<pbiion la fuvie. leti ca 9M -'ic de&slOfatba». oobd î r owsncv sad bittmmsuai àcoratt on# a' clly' ruine.Jereai'a. desoribing lie, orusity ci pareuts lovrd obilairon, compares theni lt.o estrici, via lee tae nticesaai unoareai for, cry7- fevI."Thiroe"in 8", la l Mnsar9"0 Iicid ofmins sud #bey biti .- qus for breakfast, quaelefor aunr, qafor suprand they ded of ~élehe .Bible rerfl tothe igmaS7 bte f the bird, and smys -. "Tic atari inovetib er appoint- ad liise, mm the lurle, s«M lie urins, sud Mc svejlov the Urneeoft heir-gelug, but ~5eP eknow uo% lie juaigmeothlé MI» Wanld tbe propier, illusale the fate ofibad, he points te a taiunre ofiAn. balisn, snd me: "As a partridigesielet osld mmd bie*tkleto,iW*-btthotî gtli" nessd ulbby nlghsoka"tleave îiemqIM hmidst-oftbit day.&W ab hsis sudsa4le a bèol.' Ticpàreamge, the. sf muset, building I ou the gifasnd antd âmx a reqenarisasligiit ~mmoa& -eS 6éaths, ar a o41-.~~e ind I.iL 51$4 ys l.t ropict, seA eau viktgaber.s der hr hdboneet dlIwsi balai out cet t e pesa., no maistac&ilesno happAsme, Do secuily. Butlhrs esa mon, te04ysp sJob, itr liévas .obbed hy OSatansicveryshng but bis bell. yet, snddculy, te*morrwvhi -in a rihusam..Tiare lamee coouuttng for hi& sucdeus aflnuoe. Ho bau mot yet f"I. ed allen onougi to botume vealtiy. No ane p .retoeuais .10aooub for bis prinosly varairabe, or lie ahasedailirt, or thé mil. curbsd etode thati roar snd ueigh like Bu. cephalus lu lie grasp. a iels oachuisu. Diai ho came to a suaideu inheritance? No. âdia ho mete a fortune ou ptirosas sud me 1 No. Everybody saïs wnvere diai liaI par. triaige haici?1 The devil snddsniy lirov ha up an sd the. devil wiii suddenly lot hlm came cowu. That hiddon scimme God »w frot thi e t canception ai the. plat. That parbridg, «* cdéa "e jehoil clon, The. propiel ev, asu an d I have ois seon, tie awful miase .1ofparlridges. But tram lie top ofaà BibleOtiresIc.hme tie sirid i ry ai the stork. Job, Esoii, Jsremlah, speak oaiIt Davidi arisasons: ",As for thes at, th.eOr trou le ber boue." Tie largewvito Bible bird le muppesea Vlthout atigiuing sanie tintes te van g lie way train tie reciom ai the Rime ta Afros As vinter camtes ail ths staris fly tevarun. or dîimes, end tic lusteue ofai enumuber tias arrives ab the &pot ta wia b ti naigrate ta killeai by Lieu. What bavc il vanai maite l u aspocies if tiose mon vire kilied. vie am~ always behdit. lu oritai allies, theetsork Ie domestlosteai sud valki about au lie streel, sud vill follov ls kesper. lu tiecity ofaiEpiesu I MW a long row of pillis, on liii top of saab pilli e mrk's nest. But the word distorik" orilly meas merci sud alfea- lion, tram tis tact that ibis bird vas dia tingulubsa ritrels 751love to ils prents. Lt usver torustie, sud .... al ter they boôine féoil., proteua sud. ptovides Wor lieu la udgrtiug, lis aid storks issu thoir necks on the Young aborks, sud vien the olaiooses give ont the. Young onecarry tien uthiirbaok.Gai forWa t& a disub mork iegk idmore bearta5ve Blioqd le îhst a b id liaS sitar nt wvich su aid fatier sud mother kuqeL. What it le te havs a mather tlesT kuov biut vho bve lost ber. Uod culy kuevatisisgauy ais sulerei for us, the. limes abe vept qver ont rarellesud the. mixions sigis lber botm haveai as ve lay upon sic &aeloi nigfita vh hcs W=aoha 5 long aller .voryeme vas tired out but *CWd dhersait floi lits. bloci bata ber bqwt and ber lanéeIlvos là ont fao.. Thas puàa le 8rueeleaa 1s a cadnhbal vi II Sieste hi. e s suad k e ebue liem dally 1 aI ué glatthi m bu i camt.-1 heaWsiemm one..a. " mcV bave mi.1ou .loe on M .a mda. Te snie ycu v4 iiifoai t. Tour un e er- s biLrd, Os iti s pouie b" l *1 u a l. a *l,.Iu 1 5 *1*a. !asfomI i ,;Ld h" pu b gav aoti or serie, or h#Mta hava s ,~W eli M ceo neyer viii leara tioa ly'l ial"oufrtabt. os. LiiesuensgI.,UChrist busoarreduM osn isai.At "et vo have besasimien off, aid vies vo vere aboutt t bd Ut .pue~4sa dea~l wiqg 90 ont 01 Itve u sg*bu.sded 'vli ecilar md beau over aL u yg#Ms. ia v But vh"t a soute"e passage af Sorlp. lart thalle, uiill you iuo* i athe«vilci aya:. *ýThé, pwnnr'vbath Etau" ahoues said the. aW va rose for boise! o M4 ma u¶eaa itars Whst àas lie svallav te do witfte lsiars ai thp temple ai Jernealcm? Ai 1 you iuov liaI evaova iseail tic variaiover ver lme sMd inummm«tlnme tiey assai Z4- lintolie. Windows aid anrs ai lb. tlppl MiJ, usland ae4 but a nesIou lieseevi. tii i4u re.i*brin% Mud stOcks * m uias ilesta on *4 alser thé tiasé Jn5andua itcbed 7ea "eetnýW S tais .»r "-n îel7t"y ont id4 acoseinathqo ýerple '-00cruel ýj édlsînnb eithsklýhç iq li slova, ortbley"ug .waUoI@wsiDvi Mrst ont tna bqdyueylg: tesi vdàgw bath tounai aéss for .brneg ere ", #»Ysv o ber yeevm nie 0 q O"lord iet bosta, àýr ansd my <Oe l Y.., lu thisit lhoiogy ai lie Bible 1 fluai liaS (ted le dotermimsita impe.. upa as the architecture ai a bird's.uoot and tic snatomy aI a bird'a-ving. Tventy timon doua tii Bible refer to a brds*-mesS: $"Wiurs lie bitais maie liu mt." *'As a bird liaI vanderti front ber n*ul" ",Thongi lion seso îiy mesî smng lie stars" "Tbeie aof lie air have theur neate,»msd no au. Nette u inte tlic, niais au the rocks, meau eou the itars. Wiy dom. Oca cati us e frequllày te con- aider lie bird" net ? Because it s oeeof lie mont voudrons of ail styles ai arahi. tectur., anai a tesson ai Pravidential cmr variai un usy une con-revu. -wny, jase tuas ai th.bbi nmut, suai usewhat ' i r. puot tisai isgleing btataie car. of len Hurela e i bInrhis niaiunder tic ers e 1ticheboum..Bere i. the brovu. ire-ier'- mutSilua bugh. Here i.ticbie. jay>s a n thle orciard. HBoi lie giae biais ueBl osnaàti'-branoh ianieug over lic vuter se as la be frees trous et taci Ciictadcea saIu t iih snmnp 01 au oid Iras.Ob, the gacaimetci0"4 lu siovlng ticbitais boy te ui hiei met. Wiat carpentins, vhat masoas, vat' wver, viat spinoorstic bird. are1 OuS ofet a il rosonreos îiey mako nex. g uleite t aime, curveai, tillareai, vastheai. Ot ai tuces, out of sticis, oQt of licohens, ont of iaruebair, ont oa ieW wi' eb, out of tiroada swept train the, dcci iy lhe bousevafe, oui aithie vool'ol tbe sheep la thc paatmi-Bld. (Jpbclstorod by leave aetnmliy seea togethir by its owu sbar# bil Onsiloed i vthfeathese froutA île ovu breasat. Morwtaiihigtier vità the ra ofttousud the. milva of ils ovns ly- IL Uh iymumtry, suhi adaptation suqi. couvenleuce, sncb geoometry of- alru Suret v these mel ve. haUt by mous Tia bcy aid not Itiat bpei'.Wbh. dragibteai tic plsasfor liaiebItaisuB GeW iAndi do yen net thini liaS if X. plansesncb s bouse fer saeMafiche or m loi j« p~a boboliti, for aàhs' o, k vit sec tel > *0 you alwq. have berne? 'Yile are et more sl., im n cmn bave bsi ths Bibleasule "lie ahp of lie Alidglgiiy." Just Ibini ofas mesSU liai, lie vrth of Il, lie sfafl..ait lb. ofts il.the *sf0tqs fUs i migiIr" Np fwh<na1 ofionl ; q Of pluen n til .êbea leuci of. ti inov osn = -Sea uOQiiIe4, suai sp% - se ve inte htis lteu' UÈMo Mut*0o boklg-"tis o'rsb "Wluge 10dvM,"'«y« 1 of Use Imm;4 -, O~~ihbibu - 502 TOWSIP OpDAM« 5 1 1810 S 1 1la 12à TOWNSIP07 ELDOZ site,, 1100 450 OwNBIP07 EMILI 10 7 touà pt otbc 14 6 il ~t1r~8t, E8 ~ 25 MOb 1/8 yang 1/14 44 lm 11 44 0418 44 1 à "112 1/ a 44, g114 1 44 170114 1 44 lie171114 1 164 G 1 7 0 1 41 44 1741.1/4 1 44 172 . 1/4 1 44 44 174 1/4 1 84 d 175 1/4 44 1 7 911/4 190 1/4 <G " 188 1/4 1 lie 114 j < G 19, 1/4 9 66 los 114 44 t 4 44 et 14 4 s si 4 W«4 W"# *0U W~i~.1 1/4 9 1/4 9 98 14 77 1 4 77 1.1/477 1/4 77 ~77 1 .7777 /4 77 M. 114 77 T%wiifîI# O? LAXTON. af 4 D it e S 7 la 8 lis1 1496 s m n'WP ' I Pet M$ . la 116 U l 06 116 .180 13 140 2118Ua i ji i I~ lis il& 1'15 115 15 115 lis5 115 lis 115 lis5 115 lis lis1 iM1 1 16 i 15 .21 lis 11 1 9D '2 S 180 144 1171 127 lis 190 Wed mt Pat4 B'Oee1 18t 40 pa'd st S7 pal'd ose pat'4 1280 pst' lil lug 192 192 lu 210 2 10 2 10 177 2 10 192 1-a l'os 12 1 2 10 210 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 102 192 1 a 192 ion 192 les los 192 102 102 102 1 a 112 193 1370 m il 977 11-1Il 1ais 7182 3706 28 » 3647 1654 1595 1170 Il 4 2003 173 %723 15 575 I 2 I "-t -d 0i -'ai gut'd pst'd pah'd pst'd psl'd psh'd pst" pat'd pst'd pst'd -'ai pat'd pat'd pat'd pat'4 -ai pal~d pah'd -'ai nat'd paa pstb'd pst'd 1 psld -'ai pstd -a pat'd :-a su ianfc urs ttet câbL tew1yrecetiy bee n tredues qM l* ocbe«&awn by' a te,'of the mont lea.rned physicians, wt»,mvepu* !», Memeri, ý»d alueto heknowledge o h Ths veidneaq. pmpletely soled the problem of the cure of indi- geà«aý d#pý"é4 d dwases of the ig encrai nervous system. Il in ofe t",gm *vte ntecure of e lforumof failing health from *ha«Wrr1 ý It pot*wm s ISby the grpat'nervine tonlo qualities *Moh- ltjxmses, &"u by !tes gmt curative powers upon the digestive otgme, the stoimàcl, lb. liversa& tihe bowda. No remedy compare ,,ithtlus wouiden*gy vaIjable Nervine Tonle as a builder and strength- hmer of tu liN e fo f the human body, and as a great renewer of a bok.-d.ucosttiiton.It la also of more real permanent value in âh. tetimit and cure cf diseases of thee mags han any consumption reniedy lever used on thus eontinent. Il h a marvelous cure for nerv- ousam s f females of all ages. , Ladies who are appro4ching the critical periéd kuovu as change in lite, should not fail to une tuis great Nervine I micmoot couwisnty, for the. space, of, two or three years. 1h vil carry thein safely over the danger. This great strenghhener and cura-. tive le of Inestimable value to the aged an&i ifirmn, because its great 'a zngpÏopert1le vill give them a ne*' hold on lire.Ith will add ten or oef eny ste b lives of mJy of. thoseewho will use a hall dozen bottS. of the rimai!> «eh yeaI. IT IS A GREAT REmEDY FOR THE CURE 0F NervoïmSsBroken Constitution, Nervous Prostration, ~ Debiity of Old Âge, Nervonu H dache,. Indigestion and Dyspepsia, Slck Neamdwahe, eartburn, and Sour Stomnaci, Femtal WeaI$aesaWelght and Tendernesa in Stomach, Nemouà hilloIs of Appetite, Nervouks Cils,7igtfDreams, Nervous ëaroxysme èid I>azn sd Ringing in the Ears, Nermeu ChokingY Weakness of Extremities and Hot Plisbes, Faitiflg Puipibtion of -the Heut~ Impure ind Inmpo'eriahed Blood, M.ut 1)epos4ncyBoils mand Carbuiiclee, t. Vfus' Da4nceScrofmalous Swellings mand Ulcers, Nervousness of Females, Consoumption of the Lungs, Nerrouans of Old Age% Catarrh ofthle Lungs, . Neurslia, Brenchitis and Chronic Cough, Pai» nhe i.Heart, Liver Complaint, - Pains lu the Back, Chronic Dîarnhoea, Falling Health, Delicate and Sorofulous Childrei, Bummer Complaint ot Infants. AU. thcse and many other compiints cured by this vonderfal Nervmne Tonic. TIEBVOUS DISEASES. As a cure for every clam et Nervous Dises-es, no remedy hms been able lu compae iti the, Nervine Tonie, which in very pleuanat and i....1.- i.. l i itQct upon the youngest child or the oldest aud most délicate undividuaL. Nine-tenthha etal lie ailments 10 which the. human family in heir are dependent on nervous exhaustion snd impaired diges.. tics. Whou Ihere le au insufficient supply of nerve food in the blood, a general ste of debility of lie brain, spinal marrow, and nerves is the resuit. Starved nerves, like starved muscles, become strong viien tie rlght khnd of food le supplied; and a hhousand weakuesses and ailmenta disappear as lhe nerves recover. As lhe nervous system muet supply al the. powcer by whichlthe vital forces of lhe body are carried on, 111e lthe Aret 10 suifer for, vant of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not con- tain a sumfclent quanlity oftheii kind of nutriment necessary to repair lie wear oar present mode et living and labor imposes upon the. nerves. For tues reason il becomes necessary liaI a nerve food- be supplied. Thle South American Nervine has been fonud by analysis ho contain tie ess.ntial elements out of whlch nerve tissue la formned. This accounits for its uriversal adaplability to lhe cure ot ail forma ot nervous de- raWgment. Cmavous1LE,!ws, ug M M. mmmcci WrUMxN,so f BrawnsvsDy. mnd.. l~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~" "f ~gSut w.te e~~ .: ay:'I had been tu a diutreu.ed condition for Bnis Gsr:-I dewm e Mr aytau, tatà"i bavesuanehfrmay yburwituha fwvomias 1100S ff&m Norvoanems.Weaknessof lte mwhàdnuvm tridevry tomarh. Dy.fpesia. and indigestion, until my u.dne cotdhem et. but noti2tg dou e ealth wrs gone. I1iiad been doctortng cou- MWy yem Gres Wodt& mra vas dtoic tantII'. u'tb nDo1011ff. I bougbt ane bottle or stoae sud iver Cuamsud aiMesu"ff B5(utb Ainreeu Nervne. whlcb doue me mare suvuraibattis. ceitil1 muet 157thaï i a-nsur- gond than any su worth et doctortng 1Imetu prWd ils ~ef1poveseta cmue i. ta.- 414 lu my e1h Iwouid adylue every wsakly pus'. ssiLdM1'DOOS t.Ifee"n so et s. Mvaluable and Ioveiy ree".a b»w tiiavsort» m as do you waodni ffl e abe te tbelew battaift ol b aseured me completely. 1 J. A. ' xxa RaTisaXns. aommr C.oolw t the111.graudeot medicim n the workL-. CEAwFoEDSVaiml»U ., June 22, 1887. 19 damihter, eleven ycsrs old, vas eeverely affliclea i wth St. Vitue' Dance or e&~e. W. gave her thre and eue-hal! betto. of South American Ner- vine aiae encompstely reetoreai. 1 belleveil viicure evercaeo t VISn'Ilece Ihav kpI l a y lhmly for Ivo yesrs, and artsreI l the. vSuetot àedla b.ved for ld en snd Dyspepsia, sud for ail fe t ofNrV"OM ËiodossdFatn eslh, fram viatever cause. ~ } as:JoxN T. Miamw. &Îùb"riid'ad worn «o betore me tlii.Jane 22, 1887. Ozus. W. Wm<GRnT, Notary Public. ZNDII-TON AND DYSPEPSIA. Ua *nt Bkuth Ameriosa Nerymne Tonie W" we vu ao cer yoc4, the i.omnly abadtely un1&iing reme4ýy ever dlpwmoed fr lthe cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and lie vast tirin of IYMPMm8"b.srm wvici are lhe resai et dISeuse and debility et tbe uoUXatnCb. Y* pornos cau mird lu pas by tus jewel of imcal- 3tùbh vttueyb la bWcted'by disesaofuthle stomach, because thse ex-- perehue m.d teslmomy et. Mauy go pov latIthi s tis te exaand anaora eu cue u b.ven fr0 hlunversal destroyer. Tien. to »eu me ruamaligWa"dials-c f liestommci which cuitreas thle wme*sl surhlve overs c f lb. Soti American Nervine Tonic. &0 v s~~me: MK Bu.&A. laiT.o, <New 80.5.Indana. à" e 01 o*.- -"1em ol ePs oymahl wetote Nu v~Tale. 1Y sytem vus eomp.teIy aBat- ton& loepu'tson.em e cughing and apuibcm u ybicod&amauMMe1I vasla the fi* l tagS. àa lbastm anded ddots enerattona.Ibogzm takiDt abbda. umtiis Md sm entlroly ctiyd.Sit for w eo6stommeachn mm~ia fattii.lierves.Naoet~ et àm -»,t0 mta icliipred~o. boom ; ftaom yr« t a mtIsL oiS Amuems ]bc ju au lu Tourchas . IA 81.. 1 y tpd t tr aà] - lu' ail U RE' elceo .1 i11 mais an and à A soosi 'Onenae I. oqi. on saun gs -Mulii.. iLoIot4fo es au&,~ 3hildra, ] 'y. aMt"5 ad m M 0on=- --À=LLL- 'd'O lie ý 1 yýlj 4= ke4 1 4114