-«- -lud ls îbeoi iê11ý be SMhu m o Wdre tmèu e bers <urne " 10 £be imguamte. géo.i aooeing. Ohd voie, e* 01vbad l uel un m ea i iy. Ai l pst FFoiMARRIE LOYA ft ~LADIES OnIy. smp.~u uvalou bu LLOSTRTE»CATALOGUE maum"!«!' d- V"FREE. B 'i i. 's i, ~ieoU e AunA-m iei. iis &WPCLioepha'O' MN 0"ua 5W.OULUTT T f" S IPBIDAI J"IiU ART 21. Ù98. Tue concert givéo botni mJeu. led, ude 11mît ci the k"ma vr ogilîmu te thevig Xm £ va 0O- MmV, ou* of ToaomtVebute»W aucloniate diiihberiaut«logipateion mchý .udfts miter. Net isIeclea VOm -à ma i endored sa coul oly be domts%7- atzr bond . luassi submui«Mt ppS--B08 *ftieatohmvAbeiwu nil &et&ad d &ertily muoed. W. hope te h" mies Mal gqueetusaeu vmulinuESl en tIrne Sihe uIil b. ours of sm udinc Theémuie appled by lite. Rebelle. ud thmelaoie bY ]&Mr@. Pety Md Mcavmyu vum 411cff à1gb mider sud trol eppmeclted. Psu, briage tova the boum ertie? Ume. ThéeOcirl vu ably ocouped by W. L. Bove.. Bo etormy ""sthl Ight th&%a a mmliboue vuaepeolmi bat oonirry te mp.oistilonUnIbboume vu à ORWND. Tasa ANNuAL MEETIGeftho eLauton t ticnitural Society mtaise ldon Jan. 12. e ptfàaiqtoc lauté h.oar. The ifrst biainêasu of tbmmeeting v-1 pasine the *-assurer'& report for théenmtent VeaT, wbîoh wai tounal orset, vièh a hud s0=e surplus o! #46 41. At ter olisi ion Une btielnsuu wmstramsmotedtlisfollow log officere vote eléele for 1898:i-Pisi dotem, A. B. I. Oml; Vlcs.P:em., J. C. 13ophia s; Dlreoteis, James Cammpbll ..John Beîley, Benaminl Barohilil, Jambe Ray, Woe. Waîd, son., Owen Wemmel, 2tirt Staplea; J. T. Ruselel, se-trou. 'The re!lriong preudmnt vms teudeel ià ,vote o& îhanks for Ibe iable mue n whlch ha ful ied hoffice. à OR7TE MAirs1IR. p.etI e TA. Word«r. À Pintuono eompmny bat boulti Uryge pertof Mr. Ooultsr's .wamp, »cl muimber of m-ore i eady &4 vok eutb ine. Mr. Jouées vii *hoîliyeémat hii 1Urge conta mci of haullag lhé limber tc lu@. Bocang. PsESONAL - Mr. and Mre. Mlleo J34mples of Mealtoba art vlmlIlng frleud bare on thei wsddlag tour. Thuy weîn b@th f orely résidentsetiDuibau. MUn imple, le a oom imeso Mese. . md 'W alinson and R. hume. Severmi scelà 4gbtlh-rings have tek.. placéet tble home et fhtlu Irisend e thae, milval hmu mil Itshows lbthé h appréciation f whlch bhey art bll. Mi. sud lMa Bîmspi.. bave ytito Vii frinde lu Oava fMisay and otbeî imesM( sanonuofanituoba, bv.tbi tet brubi Ili .lIo0bbte ît la thl Iis Omit OWKNUa -M. Laeille or., hb b .uMrifrtou a deimungem of th *tommb, but blsémdicalattendant e«W lasgooÏ hope t hlmis peedy iseovm e vrasmml01 i#& ls etmulaS The ptflteethi 1llqet mi 400 I 44 h"-lm yefe muett e d,$mêla~er ica.e lesu1 os ie liamue bavh~eIu oeegI ais dlssetientU e~ a <ows a. l 4s1 l ldhae m ai ausie liii.th vmvewBb i boua e maeobuOLi tême oma le hta theinoaet d M& TlxpFod put-W teoensciat.se. swm b P.eey eilveib ma md rimdes oles i muI4 h uL v«puwk &buy Gt au * Luet.. so mm est oesIet (sd t liste lie bleu kiaboue aekl Ud te du R lesosime évula Ihe iii.1 i o eiMy thé%isium li pmovemi W macceedel. Est b elslihel fmsssbm 111 glia w Oma.&a maml oubi MOO aeb.ou e " iley, 14 blaes me% &Ci&ud'e$E100,saet &U Dmge WTb jj ýo f hfl141 I>. m ;brio. gdlbU Ib.B'coSQOTGl>4 ko 1> Thom50v I EM Dh 81 »M ir j Jms1106lti, 1898.V» <*eît Liole,3sq., Réev.; W. AI. lom$, ~. osmom ée u o Baill,»md b HumeOoumeIlio*bagimg s1 he delaiouS modkgleotut», the ipeaitol liethéir., Minutéeset Préisese l rued and approveda 1%vmwu ooed yMf.Humet asioodel by Mr. BelleliaI Mi U. J. G. Moerde le eppintel eudsor te auditlse. omIets f1M9. Thi e éeeppoM"Iba Mr. P. lors ne. Josep Teebel« a ppolmttiUm @or toi 9Wmet a lary et .486, BIaw no. M.0lmas lieu Pussoa mj peebiuesis.604dboe* of hemlîh. M ouea b? Mr. Alton, semoed hy Mr Ourmegie. Ibal the liée foroci lluells ptaxées ho xtesdéd tt hilOth et Mèent su d lias no ar extemsion homd.- Vovéd y 1<1. Home, iMed lby Mr Alcôèýthé,% thé'oSuneil edjouus mai Upou reeseubluilà vau mou bi Mr. cm$*ti. meomdel by Mr. Altop tlat a b-la, be passl mhd th I tom 5 m eAsmruertle bome, 91000.- Byp.law No..267 te limI oest elvmsthb] Mevel by Mr. Altoen. ms.ded by Mi ICeiou e, e tlIe use emoi o quemi te ammeme Ibmones umidnt lande et th full velue peumItImiby ie.-Oaiis. Mevée bivMr. Hu metuoonded by KM Allen, thal tî lomilreport mli osund proemedlugs tle T». WAIDEand PS Kouel by NM, Hume, aseesilby là 1 Ah.., Ibet Goâe Mathevm be hoi la d 4dys ioad work on hio yiel'list.- 0 The eppllctes of M. Morris fc $10 28 foi goode auppilelsln Dr. Juhmetoi bavii bets board Il vmu moued hy Mi ReHme, secodd by Mr. Aléota a b * The applieion et Dr. Wood, te nrem aider tbe question of makiag hlm le u ber ehfi, lrdmgeo e hoires 18vmurecolued te %&kt se tuîthei stop$ 1.bte molter. 1- Mevel by Mr. ReHo,noded by M a Allen. the% Ibis îo3ueil adjouru tb mio àou h Ibe 0ofetMarcI tu the Oddlalloi Hal, oebosk.-Omriild. Meetinge ofBOo.f Hemtiho ormesf liecol ps«e. Membeus mil pieus a vil, G. Leldlaw, W. Allia, Aie:. -Hou, s AM-8Bell and leul. M_ ovel by Mr. Allen, s.souded1 isM. Laidlamv, Ihai Aloi. Hume be eh, tomma-Oanld. o Moted y r ell»" ld b v N au Âte, thst D. Mb e OJ h o dlal RHi de O oi ri89çi.-o«Mr. r. 4AZOS. U o116 ai OoilNoiL Peiuus-eni Acthie l1Midey ef JmmmrA D., 189. 'T refellvina getlsucu bisu ulmulbc là the deelaratlen et ofie and qumiulsalt *a eoolg thotalute :-A. E. Vueimi *,MD, reeve; Wm. Lovmsbwomsb. BE o. deplyievp; P.. Shdver, Bhq.,2 ed5qmiOPve; W. H. MiOrimmenSe soulior; IL D. Webster, Esq., 001 en e4Uhr. Minut est m msliaÎ eSa à$ alppioved. OI ouml by Mr. MoOmmem, mesond l euhaer, li b .eove glu. il eiders osnihie uierlute verofe follovimi erme:-Haig Bue., poeu seti for lm.2,018 8% G. W. Be sltmimairy mee'1,#18 OlI; Wu. Dili M.n@eg Mis. Morlus bouise$8 40 MoUwM by . .ebuter. emm lut, Ur. Lemibr.h, tlie Iîeréeeg vos bu-ise M ithe M eie lav feu buhimalem loi m. -.18,1la omis ef W. asolwmo.-Oaulmd. V& Moed by Mr. Z aiwmgh, seet 914 ,upeumib ueh ,Z c MkVV* 1fli 1" l1etI o _- , lWs tMàà r m I1 s lmu Agesozebas Grand Suo- Theugi mmnliwumulem smeuse sm fe*qsuatip molleusd eV"elbmsa@i. auso. TII. b pwdlcleul tu et Diamod Dyus Thm e, b» olb-iuia o emb teuh W"him lgls s4bu h md-resst% , mmd eu be t.»'us#MdeS 'wçü. 11,qUsm nouez à J4CKSOM wSROPEI«W%&LOBISHOLE mlle duli or futIingor j Wl1USeSoeum t"e ,bmG RLYLTb*mimmm00 SUm oul a 5m PiU& lbyvii aura Ibm te- ummem*UWUtU hoffl tais lIu. lo uiev ilirglle s viib. et upea Z*ospi o1 price (DG. per box) by addreaain 22M DZ.L lIxzAM93" NIECG.C ârccwtU& Fer Snue or t e n. nie asb"etrOumta Wro"eor rosithai omumo- âtom . bho omialde càOU$iMW,'Nov«scpiui by MML à puuwuqappty %0 the ownet. by UGER WO&KNAN.- T. ell Uor T. lent. À oue wm d hat or op en M land, on ani avtfs e i..?, yvil h amoii or r eta'bar"aa ror prulim applV 10 Jffl UofflbiVS, Mom pelStes kh, mwe. et'b% oal i-etbam gIeaimlump a yreat me e ~siau &W ff" m D . 4L OLIVM. Vam fkwBSala tbe TOWuShZP "m. tonfls gval"* hefam .ptope'iy blgt * am*-"emquolcdt ai ltu *à M. *8 * sa aOp&. Ibis fara ouairnaes m, au *eV" d tu ia goa asie Of oWUlIvasto.TIers aMatlb. ruaMtu& e.nhrtah. iulUq gbernsm à ubtn as smo aOb$& Th* hm Ila voa ,esoaib railteria nhe M dry agaimw four iles ftmLtyo u sr.tua o i ffl md W"aj. i .,h= woolh»on ga» beeoerned0fbat, vI elmbura omvuemrt. For tuther umb apitg e. JAS. U01150N. Kinmt., feUS unim»y Smalil Dm ter am. & "Eartiey. of itl"s 6 0 maemurMworle. ilsar mi dla roed oatÏo4-tuatn la& Tb* 10OM 18»Durp» regars vedà. sohools ohureoe.marbet &o. lotI bom cla7 1,.m. Iber reagbtau ai " d ellaIg howe md b geai vo mu sbe poaem1..une "iluaisbupur-thuas rucse bo reqft" rm , &uaPsd unme et t ai Ses sgmed. Th tlaies ou tla Dace.b*at vImesmisslli ho lvum.Pleuogh my.yul begivo ~frbarvea" un lApa.eaaob oulesi atch met. Fer furIb qpadeulaMeQuafemi pwscal.&POT %o %Mnu peL JOEN EOARTUi. Muera. MUWETN A 111580N m es t , Nid. La~~po gbairee ag. Ul.be ~ ~~ob Ws ua-s te Ffe 95, ma I , §mosaN ae. Olten--* villset. tain?, OMS. CL IL HOPRIL .D. IH. OHIHoli. -U"' JORN A. BARON, Q-0 Isalolr for Ils Danlnlo Book> OOICE JeuDonemima " liaa Wha ate S, Llndytu E.J.KLAUQIL Ili B . SicLaUIIILIN ebiw ouerm0,aon but germa mut 8S val iVeal nbueq of laI.'..'. MONEY Tu LOAN. E, mlust o. iforga,.ud mi oeqvogod"le ilU.iyaman à &JACKUO MONEX TO LOLN. Nveyu &l à nder e Dar ow prepareol m bib =rvsaoa"OMOM ms wa isaSthe Journal or- USSI'. caWETN à ANDEE8ON MOET TO LOAN. rffl ramu A largmm our0fTrU ond»&or Imreusipe% a- m t turn e.sut be borroua. VOIIEY TO LàOAN. Kamejaso). Mest4 usI.luadiubc-. (MW pIsaiarrMgm & e utb 5h. noocyiilttuOa Mmd prlvate omplIsI lata Te-als, peteboro &ad Lladamj. a"dla nov P'*Pmued to reOdli ppoaom t lo.n,O Iup ,or anlamouta, amd o« AMI or Th% bvaryIet tl JOBS BJRN,. louerof Marilme Uconmu jansttf M dAmmse.' Kbuium à tU. Agout for OOBe-D3onf lo e. ami t eeb, TIbri Door mm e éPu oko u, ,oalr-1755-I7 oea. hourg tran 9t12 ailà.. sni trou 1îe 4 puM Sash and Door Factory vu eu" o or FusIom la *LiPt.i loti, i m u o bm b e m the aS "'a mf aBUs sS Mfghest Price paid for (*ood Shingle Boita. endambldo surtbm t uegpvu aPM ,NSURAN (CE lé, CORNEIL Ib lujIlM ilr et,$ &m'Oiu safulUte u e t . iw o w à o t . m é 0 4 y * *é bIlu U -a u - ulumihal 11* b ~1 .KINNOUIT BOUSE, h, e umfle d ta1w un ».âf qur I»oroem .ha *bmb"tuw TOIS BOWDEN BOUSE, oinnb me oelo.T., Sul.Ro te l uhou a riailuaShie distriat am a su resrtor lbailles,aii la buutfutluta à ehrnlag plsefor lhe hualumua te sorn MIb eheo mman. 15la mvmy lu th.e litlvfreol Mdnis au >eMutwlifu e 515Village pas-70a alvy lelgrshous md il 111emmvla o0f nra lits Ch rge .uprIaia gratauM . h v m yPlace te <5pesd a Raf 9 Méehopreprisior l. sxoate o.m " aeamilaseosa. med Partie. oau- luge.'0 m u ia" amm o 10 oouict bypostor vire. IM. l irilfica Toronto. The wadtîk"t? S f,!r**Eaasomdifi stateion zlffàim urleto.-1815 B. HART. L. D. B., DENTIEr. Omo@s over rirwamth.r à cesStoieoppooittO 2the W. H, GROSSO . D. &.. VODUlS.Lindaaj'- M' brmnchet0fdenti4r, tucludlng the. beutttti ani dursble Grown md Braro vork, md tbe PoG1 ostin la ng tyatezt, ueeednlly prantl.ad bv Ur. Pur en ai lezd air for paintea extrmocO. RPre uben artildal luth amre rquIred. Oier Sà iaft exoMrence Dooma over fteonad> alore, OP- padeaDomiion Efm KMaS ULt-lAin J. NEELANDS Ici*. s. SL.OD..,ONT., DESTIST, LLmDIÂY la *0 puacefée r Ira-cdmetuair. Bamfu goi md porc.Nan oruwna lnoured. j. Nmesaosdied the gas, vitallzed air unier Dr. Corseof Neu Tnrk, the orIgiaor et g.. for ezlrt*gte"l. Wovia li .. saslande thât up &o Juiy let. he 2&d given lb. gmeat1177 623 patients. wiitoat un odeni t ]KIfelanda bau cventhala «»a mnts. rupls»'ly for <vr 26 eais te mairtho- .anua et permna utlbout pain or injry, uhile he- log teeth extraoi. £ZlaIclatse h lnarted front 810 te065S for au Uppr runder set, Mny poraoua ame vsaaingteetb aaiad Y!t. Neelanda. for ogber 20 yemio, vithaut repsa. Persoua from amdi.tancs vil p'ee ami s aSti *bd oeur. an apl>umt. OFFIC-lent sIveet aiodat. omarly opposIte the SIMPOM s Hou. DR. W. KEllY, VTuertfly m vreos. Or"muta osto. Rg __eaimebr olon- daloft. 0«e Two Dooro WAsoza 0000. RasAdamo.laWuYas Teirmos, opposite Wàha OUa0180 D&. BROAD, TMTESIA TSIUONM.q.graduwate trio Vte- e CuOolIgO Toronto' rigiéterei nouber ofOn- Oum -Nva. -9.oui SOuest. bmetea the Cam- bR iowebodiai ohuroland th. Vootas Uile AàL ll bîualor suqh w ,Proa "»",da44 e5. Charges ida'aS 'N orland, Ont ,ar o. Mub. u *Wegsi avig lm b bi Is " 1 *,eu P=àf ba.leuaibih - - ý- -.&-. lx HOPINS 5OUmr~f, 0.- Mastcs hia mme.-2lty. Toronto, Ont liands For Sale. !o simgsibv la hWchoto. AeU 0. ]EL R.O. H.s Land Fror Sale. lovwera coes Lot@ of imrmlng. Grailng* id Tim. ber lm& nd Somaerile for amie. AF Pl st m"ylime.. BAIE. SUDDABY Dornt Rive -41-Iv Wood'& Goal from whc bas on band the very best qnality. Orders Ieft at J. P. Ryley's Hardwar'e Store will bc promptly attendLd to. JOSé KILLABYmm Lindsay, 2.1bb AnRaut. 1862.-49-îf JOHIN MAKINbl aWILLAMdSiRUgi. INDSMAYhu plour Mill, Stemma Engine. and ShamnPumps. Rave à àru5seoe'tmens of General Patterai b teaboie descrptio f vçrks. Ltad.am.Juii 111h lut-lmI. LIII IISURINCI COUP'! incarne................ .. 48,61L = , and*an*ta *ard) « 1,19*00"* iforce ............. ... 9.7,1 4 new buaine..for 187........ . 1,-0, 1O mndowments Pull to Living PoliCy Holderu onada for th.evcmra188.34-" i4 Uluu. th le Ata......... - .. p4 :77 m&H th. CaM nadiamdBnt" hCo.a",~ se, Govrummt Reporta, pagi e 5.63 su Sd M71 seour anEldowmentik the Rtlf ,j6 Goberai Agent Lna I & 8 88.-26-tf Lmof e~AppoUt8, Iig468"1 Sour St@muhl MWCùtlv.M$14 U " MWâ 4 IU Inseet StingS: Sore Eyes Eruptions Sore &*Feet Sorenessà Chagfingf A i l e s " "' Fe male rf Qomplàints MOoquit-o Bites Sun&un' £"D UIfWSuFl0UT ES s. v. .rns Couvecu.PmuaNe.-COm5ellmet Jmuawp lh lot1s9, pensant l statute. Atte te membffl bel madee .deelmu- atin if oeua qumlfestion the Beeva tool h lb hir, mil thé Minules et the leut *méesa voe re-a-à' d omiueSd. Mr. Thee. Whlllp vwu hoe 1lie to sitemis ettueu' os8ýrlomi?7 a. 3, ma "e wsquemhimg te bave -a roai maie ou the Sr doolse k c he ieKlsOut Md t e bm eae, sud à eoeslm"etaIdmb.ail. vmY. Laid oéiffotlsem deMlion. The tellovlug IIy.lmws ie pasomi lau *0b uM" nâev...- 1.-A 1,.lmv ho appoint a mnîdfi.2 A by-lav le appoint liemI board et hemtI. 8. Te appoint moed bealtb eBomi. 4. Topernt asumm of mossy inSUml9ethéb.pou ohool .eq. am te the township. Mr Hevie me eoadeliv Ne. Bos,10he*&th I e OWIBCg meonalabe paid:Tb«.Bobsua, alone hoemer, #11 PàHD.Rodjriatimg la% bilse, eleosti mu»ties sMd lots, 12 i0; Jos. Hnota, Ihammere, pick. oe., #10.27; Oralg & Austin, plssi, 92.08; E Wabmn. attend- mecs ai T. Bobea, 811.S0; Jobus uagett, D.1LU -., $40P; A.IH.Cieil.unieof roome for poiln, 42 00- , L .Wald. D B 0., $8.25; Ose. Tasin, for L.O.L. 1109. hall Ior 'Une' g#29.00; a. A. Smddt'y, for L O..41, ball for poliuE, 42; Jame Qua. vol os Moud ioMd, $22 3<5; J. Mm8eyn lssl euvces hiasc, 812. -Oarried. Movel by Mi. O&mWe, »moded 1, Mr. Rummya.he tu mson lot Ne. 2, sou. 8, le mielsi tae e ollecor. the same te le utuel ho coosy tremuimi. On molts iontése uaidjosuel le muet saekon thé 101h doy ef Febiuau as I*W B St ation .1eet 10 o'l"kul a. ymrlsle appetel'Msd iclm tbhe ame m alps. ci VUM& Dr. Le.Wý,glorm 8,wnp te lIe bes ut m-O 4. 'j i t .5,. v~ t, "t 4, s" i.' .4 .5 a.' 'i 't. c; "t a & <t '1 Norland Mils ( 1 1 -4»3 IFOU»zz- nomme or 1 VIAOM »114 ML-" 1 - àk ami,