It je neu vl e>~ V"ll Chesp tmOUI bc blOod.purlfA b perlor BloodRUfli invite loge ofUre Il you am flIi catàrrh, lhuaim or &Dy otherblaod l&mas*%,hbe sued tht t Pays tG e ,A! ERS sxmpillmi U .only. AYER'8 Baespsrla cou, ai- wayir be depeuded upon. It "oisM isr.It la always the mimein- supenor on tiou,_Lrpo0kn <igâe i and nain. It sattrohi ou% ail impuritiol;in tneli mo a u«e. pela theinby lthe naturel ohlu.d& AY*R'S Sarsaparilla Cures oth.rawiliIcure you GWjjL E TT PURE L.YE "UTES? TROMOf', M0er. 0 mm i m An a Osmua mrJkuolia FPEIDAT. J&NUARY 27 1898. The Mnden EieotIon. )&IrNIE.-[11118010h hé 010000làeui lindeon township luovo', snd the mati roforel te in Mr. Moomev'm lettew au plout it la deemed mas lait o, tebr~io£ &hem up ln Ibie lsue. Loila hop@ Dow Ithebthéletion Se over &bat ait vill uuoite b look &fier the loleresté ai the bovmsbip, tk wbere a people are dividid Ithon Se mot moh obsa iseo progrea. Minden bu grest po.peols for %be futures md shoulë unit@ for thboateSI ntersute of Ibomomua- olplit No une, va believe, wviiibc more deirous of %bis thon Mr. Moom. for b.h haît large interoieat e t"Be. Provincial Grand Urange Lodge oc ulro aut. The bouai Meeting of tbe Provincol *Grand Orange Lodite of Ontarlo Bust vi bc b.ld ln the Vilige of Tweed, on Tamé day, Maioh 7&b, 1898, a 2 'oioh p.@ &id folovîng day.. Arangement$ bési been made wviî h e Grand Tmmni RAUl sud Caadien Péeillo Rawsy 10te ou»: delegates over their rail asys snd branche at reduoed rates fortheb double joutai Delregatel muet purobale finiel19 ols Laie one.vaj tickt vhile iisiveliamt tbm meeting, and ibtalu a PReoi Bbandard oritioate for porobate e of l tram Agent si .tartiog point vitbie tlb, day. of date of meei ie ommiI'o 'meetingS prifir le eneral meeti (Bauds! ut ioeluded.) eoriofomi veutiofl or moesle« viii thon properly f in $amoe,and sertlfy te the uumber alli iosghe Ibm eeting ubo bave poid oseva tlrat.oimUi fulltaulif railvay large s v lroîellng tb it, and hoid ,laadéra. m*il estesreceule"sherto&Msud hObast f 8IXhiyMmtakea Tue F ceiau Pallis Géamel09 et I18ebiSal gIl §net., tinoo'nouentimg ona s patafiapbilu bise,l Tueana uîot ibm previonaivmk r.. itgéue vms opeutîibetf bm bri lea am" oa ital, ep eavam"Toobidaaiobep- ph @-IMM %0 bs lo isp opotenei la ailou" N'ow, 1I .oni # If l 'i Ibm g m t ie boie d 5 et nela89& 1.11. al t e... cvoe « sd do«%t m..aibn$ OeM& the raiwây brdge thee ieiitsu beaWe tram vOMng Itbroullth m0Isebe w1W' stea mer* are sot pvieleifou slag c4 Ibrouihts bmte by sua. uli1 4" ý'm "mot biil" tnt Sp ibe6»ne li df %" «doieu.oir vme' ne *wâ -ab i)» be PFille, este W? 11166e the obiairme i...i. reeM Ibm bridm bpce, ase f saniu ,5 deveevb *61imi o rtb £ol~ir s"i epau fS eer165 pei vuldilhe Ib U.1 t tDOIUs* 101:1 vvaes o mi b a»ver dismieS0ImSi da__ m, id North asie4IvertMr eliNivilstar beaut. s »4 . "V « tOsiI A rni l ýb a b e n isk in g n y p n d 6 * tè . i c. i u t o' M 6 lb F l W Maulé.Mr bu 1 Im.ever lfouni 8gCea'pi s Mdtd,4 te toSte de eloooou9 jaoae êi m mi 4thépremaUre itedl.mtt ta l et b sopb proessme y7" kloffe X. Udt', théit I*0 a be m mxi KIMorle.te. . .oîruy e frmemi NotbVietsIs l4 5whd %Ib*5«55twIu l-be e earaetimfli m imia.,sa mivlio ldibtt iiu'n. a'e si, ~ "md bat Metius $bas Ve ael ea haaf»e w d »es idlie iDbah go, aval ontamd pouccd of butbioriiiWb q, . Dotmm1.yiad, ambid lb.' neî4111Are unm P.eUIDIF 40 Vîthosl, &Id bim mbezithmp 4tne my ti, a ie mjrl i 4mIO*t qaiuMlg, 'ub$»e oumve ollie env Imetius feU O.ilWmom d.me0e o o su l » ail o but P"-»e? 1 tb@eu ie vbetb.i <cet@or tortesu hé vmldus t" 0 ze~tofmiTeresa oIf tboenghiioragsed, ho" dopa my mmd ~ ~ m ~$i.euh e oevam" en" buses anIIbtir ree@O amoi t. al bm ttudc liovhai» e ae bm Pastia* at% Oohomit log :gzva =onrnmonlbhr..ngh %0 pasIil.; ah, pehlitw 015 td'i& thé sountrylanti Va tomemt leloikld, luoe r e Mrs ilt. ad trîe a", a l Lormeville s"da itlia rrive ab L adiel. to y ili ho rl bavel bau 144ot lis~ ' s Thé»e va aligbI mth oue basketpaio, tô1 1111. ebae hwer ie bm Ibm s mohs, nr ubatever vea mol bave.and e 00 tier elteaiaye une t quirevhmr ihemarbt imben e ..t e udispute. Oue lb -8beeauul&s. aà qia I e, fre ite ret h îpeuiya etIlbrboras, vt.b ailbis miime »dud*b Walk tle m marbt, sud imidel lre:o'bo b5 b5 w 10r< ha& Vllj as be eamuliosof ueprise vea *Dhast tem ta,,itw , bilirt, puemefil bus, lame hum; vaut la book. ladtsPe ta iêiklult 'bs e.LIlir . vhbmbve muver m, vitb ibauka, sud ,mo,,«., ihe iraers &and t. h arm ibon pied slong go th. market. 6anib7lBarr.partypoka.;atud*b ~e thé lime ve gel tbere ve oretilred ono t audtv; les govtuum.atnl .v bail so ud rdy able te offer Dur produce 0for vausid ihatt. ab11 e gted. sale, sud by tibmtiaie ve get borne1103 ngofin v S»e m0 nie sud oefndvîlli haviug 10 Foelon Bailla patronso u arri our produme n seie, %bat vo milai cueiry. weil, ilbthstle theibutbei imomModatio m Lindsay e aloi rte tbe peuple 01 Ua.ib A publie amupiigof tbm Pattois 01 pVisIns sud smrunding eonaniv, vv iii Isdau9rt am huld ai p on, Up61l8on haie e 5mi leont orne nermanl %hamp Ib Bss., vbaob vas .ery iàt*ie.0adm baepo i tiele hi 1 oe erto Ibe BOP t»ho firtmlacommnuo. t A àgoodcon- via meté lut pur lb. for buter, tvaoîrber et tarmurs bttax present. Ts &ba ophree leu par damée, for oasisMsd ispea rSmessnE otlle sud ahovua< vbh ton %0 If am e lse eufor poutrv. larmea stoUld unt, be union018vas Nov. E dtis, va bave tak«et-md rengb; snd ,bailbs.oUnDt,lva$m 0oen' m vait"*e ol the free busni eerai ulm",et dby obnes ai the supema. of forclore, j bul IounmS. avare afrlm h u s bSt sud th botials spknove te igb ~ y miemzpete eaine ai Ibsir boule. hbm ai s wlîh ibâIr pois VeapoBOAsÂi, 7o-'u ataua a g ave irledi lu l. sappolating o sut eam, 1fr. Irvic g 1t va, mid iheretter.ydoa'i vaustoteviali.,voideadimeIg ms le "u m l a obligiotu he m Obel seillua orib 1hs1 ibm Pelions <'t Iaduany ir keopera; mmd éaitf bmy bine #abacawor mOmeS ar dr,0lBotvcrsant£ ,t %hat tlugeher îllb Ibslr taré on trains fied w u rs et im osu t hon su t o 80g9n m j $b@$ thé proit off tlbstr protiumctvo iommirahe i ole or A We vould 11km jout bares1 ate moa iermmeigvr om soi ka suggemtion, mmd one vhimb II blnb VOuld youn< amen, puie"lsli aint lbom sou ý4 prove very beusîsimi t tos.dsun elmi ethealiteOPb tai<prt l I. glo mibe. Wetblk that if there the dobaMe lb.' are brOnilupio 80 va0 ot Wm$e meigylioser aut ntlimge %0 lime. Wbem a Mm lit Ivrete = 40lme mmd bay h ts, lpest mcu Muvespe' htliuo leme h irqt >days for Ivo o be iulsi imof himiba doVa, but îhvougb puUeeverei from Ilsu 10vu m!l# hveuld mean a lbe noM m «u banei ltII'U greal deaile ofarmera Vifi sd dab u nsa ood, smi v th*bemm vltb Dr on Im oi s d limore boutiilî te ihe lovu. Diseil, Md .ibew sîteoae.Osi W venu ld tiiB1k* le eome le Linday je aomevbaieppreumd *agi Devi lbut tue matket t it Vas a.11111e mone mvealbni Isment@ wi Ptm ai -m %0 ilvi. leader, Me, rose, Up te b lit Nov; Mv. Edilor, as ',ou are the tarai-Mdami ulg th ue emlurva aliaes. et rin"aiVa o he.te hierat bIethi t on vsu fumd, sud a.ou ailbail gie favorable trou en e ubemiglatne. evu te eme U afournitepolaontu I.,Y Or& reepuelnliî,or Joad the Ver Io botter limes CeaVI 4111 NqoaTu Vxoraau pàixum'm ýWuu. obite'"ths qui0kl tIt eaulie demit my~l -jes Ibmeme of 1. <0001dvbe moie S atrons ot Iaduetiy. veaiiîhbumierdiailtePOr 8seppree *y tbm pour, mIe., aMoi thémembera 01 oOM mO 1Despite Ibm exteMioly kaon vinler bineît0sapao.ultitinfl îoati 1dq j. veaiëhet et Tblnday linnry lltb, a tram lb:'had eampofa thae IavmM40su mli ooip ombi t rpîeeottlim formers ibe but Vowau lemee t I m l e forc ta ot Opa inoms, Eutly, Paumion moi mmordlnale Iodg.a of Patroom n da an o Vopem, M lon iMaur Othoiteru..SUilover the Domimn, amsd le uit' viil on ad le ibm v f o be mgnlturate omir aud eOanty viaam loglb Proioli lel &adl o tharOsaa simiilbe Pasiama Of Indnatry. TI. neit oeebe mes Uoncell Obamber Lindsay, la profit by vsulMv. levy vbe peavr tu airasses freai tbmgrand i e fathébm ddreem mbO' pp@ei mai lemsth' De 1. . .John 8. OaOr oi 0 am umn on. Pauideut et ibi s mieeios = mo hiy, hob.maialliiag treai. DeW& glil ooupimi ibm shar. àAS ter s1 ovfIltsmlim e touorceorgéseisabrof Pâtrelà id. iieloalreamaba Ipl the subjoesila of luduelrV Mmd Il vwu prolSi bird vert ar hami. bse mlmiupon Mr. Doeld&oulig The fumera&ba11&d ipo1»«uon o County Treiurer, vbo responded vimb nploolpted mu; or s@ u ofbovin Li. bims 0084006q eloen of tlbougbl est balloe est@ st. abotoispieOvtb Ibme e f oer tgth ot #.sprlm sud illusratio. pestion ig seIlln< btheproduis ta Ou à Mi Ur. Boull , Who miMsu ezpswlmueed Muai- prios maie' an agreemeu eth ec the«. l imip fflsahowed tavlbiibaè 0 «t ie rOM îbom iba Made Ibe ie%'Ps ué t em# opeoplesud expl mm V mut etpublie bxbe vuamotte be totii v5vents lrs officaile pgani theai ibei deaies unie.. sd tbeybai te do tbhe beb mou00 rut %bel aie isiormpi situ those deirsi. Ht vib Ibeir halbis Oâe. Egyp9mai Ib mon argued thetthe ttarmee ad »merDo a vWou anht aI a bu preu. til bonx repr l oymsked ou fi 0go1iko~znls for ubat .so isvai prdmoflvm. Tb h bmaWhv rip.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __v 2-d2-dbtlb à-eeos mv svms irsorfu bast tu. ~ I ~q2ei; Ci lt ea Mr md b In au Ilb t lm bp me I" Po, k. ~~j 'W Q4~MI &Sew-ing Machines lnF.f l mpm t. im . a tu i aaiîtyv thau ny, t aubes. eiU'p~ls. 'e';: ~ tmep"l woka oiS fr w ttw. maragi oulid uemm& ioyn le *ur, konmcýmsadffflbYâ t.abp Oad iAo teooowe w,> tjMd ile umit bibâ lg b o h es 1 blepi 0 ibsa 0et'Four hboa .ariso Kv Woti emillnUed bis pe w' d o Sppremiale bis dleotis ,imueh; the gendeleu bavibu<la ion citou die e"e e .metig Wse b»ouhtto Sla bstaflor a 11111. dIs e *Muls b lm he abm s e m od obaL i2 main. Tber. pmisrsd tI. b. dilfformai opu lotte onstIbm, malte«?ofel emptilulem m toaity f moieeta psllalt. &. IN ?lqL.BWE.-1 have a htie boy ef 5. vhw bs. ateitro tuble la *bm oop, ami tacme t ahpublie. a.ka . BÂswn$, Wild chwerrsmd bnpoopte re Mmd wib Codt LiverOit 18 Mibarmt mai. s'ern. hIaitLama reidy.-68 4. GwmmmN-Ihave marnaiB B&I. m rxoslicena ,seedy. bath as a bleni p",m e&"i1 jOuewstfemiy Medicine. 1 was for a lieag dl.s ttoubhed wth a"ebheodmoeu b dhot- han., sud tnted a beille.wbîob gave me snc perfect mtadsfaoàttnhIbaie ine. ben uWe tg as aur fmilly medhole. X. Dinar. North DaY. 0.t.-70 9. a PDIZE REDUS ut tmfor DUriO*edjarng iMi $100 IN CASH. Jac ai GI ct opthe U agel a Paul o f - , - .i< owu e i n 11 rom i la »e above eut <3akuil-Tenbthr or (Mr TOMi i"6 P .,B* Wll h' 1 @ C ah to th;, ersof who fil cm ii the word "W B1steý Z.b V g iC U O Ta t eO Sm i efine "od w.mb. Totid fê olek WaIdL To the four f0 lde enu VS 0<110 iliver TeeseUal le. '0e1<1 u11iot A~ eei f Ce=Sm t aaemwets. À 1 teebe tiL Ii eInvlted frolaithei.PU id M avarin of prj.000,tct.tllitotottbeltebuandmakeI crocow ih 1'5L1P6ncilîon tbeIwi .letters (Water lalae « Inele ba 'ri o rb e a 1 Ih o nt ve r a& ul<besa returnMa j«an eie=send tto .on efOoinuibo& ywl lahO u'iO ebsuce or utf Voua Iteaiepie.I rere . a Ot wmfemI Bo a"*i a ent m mtery Wyiwbatber er Z W,14 Qjaneau bXreyo,g Pey " l".,nhome for the inn ngoe tte a rs&I 01 f ns. . v.i simtl 4 - e donm1vUl MRaLE WO R KS.D R. "CHAMBERS lu ~ ~ * inqni 0 uwmbmb.lm 4w de»à"m u p dff, ln l biaisetene M""' b' uwb.s i RikENNEDY. Lumbur, Wood) Shingles, Lath. Limne, etc. Wuw aat. remid bàs catuwet h"t h à& « had th* Iar<mt atu~k et g£Md DRY HARO WOOD oFiOE Âi4D A )Y A D--No. 8, WELL1NqG. TON STRURT. NSU RANO El C]ArADA ELITE.I iMuinS la lt, npolutl Liea. e1 IMaOR & GZa la: iopu uard<a*m; BrWA lMimi; IlUa.orsIi" 1"hwmma elui m dritaga a.tll adte48% la mi t nsA m otio. oIfU iiimp bii i oin POe o O RavuDat ànalbe ci àiea aipàieriavou Iradail. OctUL 1 IIJ.LITU7dWNI. !IEIrot t.YoflTUAI "t @ end a"«bla 1'u0'ias<IiUtaa'e. Bm aitei. 1am t«st VIOTORIA LAU 'NOM , Emm at ne am-A gowdWO W« =w mm n e"b e m *" t IOUR FACE Tan &1reckletaoti 9 aie" sud u .Dcut W. We. LOGAN$ General Agent, Lindsay, Ont. HROBSES, OÂTTLEF SHIEEF, Etc- nid EcliBh Coiition Pow1I erâa 250. zaUosE. Einglish condition Powders, 25c. For Horses, Cattie, Slxeep, etc. at IDRUG STORE, iINIDSÂY, oe; w z w I e I OC te Po E. WOODS' Stove Emporium PORTLAND 12.90 per barrel. Eu, WOODS. &sPt. mt, . -13. Floral P erfumes. Nearly 100 new ty les of out and decorated botties, cologne juge, eto., filled with triple perfumes, put npin l handsome satin lined- boxes and fanoy pe.per boxes aud at prifler ranging from 10 cents up. Also a fail lino of bulk perfumes aud sachets. to choose from at Iaeg.vy's Daug Utoie al'au. Advertise in The Wardor ~e lui. Ibm jeenmis.. <f île ,u'eoeih~i, luilsu I _____________________________ - e ONU HUIVSL.miut 11,0. u..a~ Cobocini ,.a~a cli 'ibm ove osa O~54ai Mii tuhs jesus! iii,, lUS - EZ.sutoeS ~i ?.wu w lb ,ates*d ta i@Ie protOii To Rezat. lher au. . I J* H CAREOIL. 1tFrbit a s msd 4, veal 'IAiberi traet .Lbmdiy O.bocoub matum d ni..a earea. Will bu rame! ciao lot _M4 %rm 0# Yoms, it itcoai!y. oktam uble> VaW I ui. t*.apply t et £m4sS. IApdil 7, i1'i9l80Slif tb pto plp ainta Pmrflam t.U ame. tba nibb a1w, . beiaebv gtven tst o ppIcatlou WMbgba *àvuDfà. io'v*M q. " th iba iu 4 heouct 01 Peterbo.'- iwrpw t 64 "0 ,ub to* . hb i io aalitan. w ofthci Pmoo<el ilt ae oA aaMh*y as.da the i 6%hbibioe fffl*ttee »dm"reigo bapered 7% by provlmuugr *f- ffl eturftd .habolhave he Wight at aun i Me mter îe% ain et àso % . -aILbb.%av te ahmadon il. m i lm 511U11 i e n. r.btp 4 F.MIiy. coran a- thm Pigo rEqz l.ui j àd b1,di froRisMd 01%mmthe t..î-ne b. f'v ne onatY -JPetarboeough à _______ ' i".M.'i'.f Vt.tft* àbabi tberualtr wleaiger la I ai. b. 'e pai.. mal irnanoi t nruatuatl s l.e.ssmbrds*. f 5!RIY 1 -16AI up-tu kdiMQ very Ai ai store, d to. 3v. '<a 'Y mtmer "TE& M,60 5os~ Ponecy CE MENT -BEST- ivemmp 1 powde»