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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 27 Jan 1893, p. 6

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LES., *~ .111v1 WILLALID P. V IiITWOK, UUsbOIb. Tas A<.ADIÀN EAmw*Swmam TEZus uN10 BANK O HALU'AL MACMASTER à MoGINDO, Kostici *Tbe Directors, wbo mre ov ll. owneO f Ibe entare Caplisi &M.okg, docited a the request ul îxuweroil5frieulilSof the OortnpaxîaY îbrotuuit canada# la efflaWge the piuprluitP ut uilia stock, and to ofler formawi. ai. par. teu ithOutmi % harca of one buaîdred duiars oentb fuily pud and nona Payannte Sare tebebomode #sW lollovi t Fit. per mcuta. en &P lOBtlWi *tot.iper là one, Lava. <brec ami leJou r nt.b5frosa 1b.IaWfSlOLlI'l~Applicantm bave ho rigbt tw pay ta toit e<n u-IMiant. AiPPI&QMSIUSU IA h AlIOSViii bel vo. gàuyr et te *eeet ut»s Cumim »MU et tv.mgeroe, etmo. .uoe.s llor the union IM0uIL if MaALOM, 4 at ta* ebm0aw se . - PM84%t. T. Formse .applicattlinfer ubare May b. obtaiuàLfll ny os <be asuvo 'aoc 0 tlaev wil bp W by "àl on roqueMm" s flboald no alloument, of s4ockbe mode ta erajaplicusrit for aliarel', tbea*iuOltPBId wi1bu aturned luiansd il> lb.vent of thne Dirucuara daadlux iL Iu.apocmblc to llo thec full aulubr ti ham a pplIed for lte Ouirpiuo 91 abu deaoit wii i eoredi4& to. vard the aroumit. payable on alIlmeut. Tue nighbL ltreaêrVed u01wltbd ravnSlte coier ln wbule or part et "aUjLme bible ullioment., su.d ol aliontU.tG5-117 Bppl cant auy 1*4 nummr eofsrc wa lu @Umberappictt f.» As thbe dîvideulidu01fthe Company are yabie quaai.erly, beginsaing wlit tLb.tirei ofiàr- teîaixt alluteu of atocIt vii buentltied Io rcculv. a proportion ot the fulrlurly div idend asdeelaff, correpond- Mg te thc umout puid upou iher uubaorlp- lion. Et ta uvopoued to apply tael b. Stock Ex- siaungesset aMntroal and Ibrocto -fur oni- oiitqutoUor thceLiiiafflcetfthie Cam.- Peny.1 The onaurnera Crd Company waser- gsnIaed InJ1r116 Isou. w tb aCaital eone mllion doulais, luope rate suturai et the M ergett>àrduge sd Buder Twlne Factorel t' a aa. lu ai. a. opcratcd Umesunden lecases butli<ts opeiatloliu baving blic out.u aufu. tho CapIital Mek vas ,wb.equeflt.l? iuoreu»ct Lo (brio Million Dolars, andllteé lessed properties voe purchasadà. »0 CempmaUIm mmsertumae Iav endes ul klb st w» s amo.P t« 4mae eiosab. eremus tt ibut be emenUiet gw.e-ObAWIet 4»lb ab lbeiat-s, ..premasitOd s Io .Uug fle51M ti* 100pavpoost. 'fteOoanpen3p bus placelSU lS» "a or lia Bera:- (a Ftti statuietits, cf liaaSns, coreeis ta bynommcàidvea,Tait a WUX14, cbuterci aoO(iitont& (b) Tii. folkii',là« ht frima Meure Alascita. (omapbelà awbueentce% Montret uff Mit ft ioeils a xcopor- constiumera Cerdao .. LtLi. ouireal: Gium.xoxi.-We bote exsmtood tbe bocks and documnft# ooaneoted vîit t-be Organisation of lte Consumera Corduge CoMPuny. Ulold. sam of 0O PIrIS tbat it bas bien properly imoroted ad u ibatil&tscapitlistoeck of <3,000,00,AS la oued. sn fuIIy pald up sun neamsublOt according te lbo provimtOnIS Of tle., "O* punies At." (e.Areport fron Mes.mmater - sdiMcOib oa, Sazlcitlrocfggte Voaua lbat the tties te ite TmillIs bave bosedl exainlred.uand t-lai nouenoumbraines exiat. A pplilcanifilut abaris Mayjexamine<the»e document», copies of wvihclamur bc sema et teC.mJauy'w offces, sud aitUthe vari" 'oacs etthe aibi meatosietaboya. 1110 onsaumera Corduge tbmpsmy lat Pro- bablY t1je aus-orna larguai Ma&nuaetlrer of Cordage, ud Bliîdc-r Ivinlin lte vorld, snd claimrâ <ho foiovlxg very masterlal ad- tauta tc- u l-a cupeil <cal-- jet, Aumple capit4d te conduet is buël- meas wlib onabie it >-- (a) To bly lta nov joatrlai l langer -quantitkusdatilover prices. (b) Tou meo iuuy tl it"t 0sni Most lut- rrovni macblaiezaf. thonua ltlia utile n the bîilet tate or ecffc-ecy. '&ad. l-c'iuamy lai elUnUfmddtidsnbtlng SiL, muuacturaid Produe lrd. The. b-loemss corera mc vide a terri- tory (lt-a aîuinzîaexture'aigoda go tealamet ,evry ivlizd euuatrjr Mn tho vÇrnld) th"1 it caniot beserto a nurcalby local 1 rota- bicsn; ania lsnuazutunliag entablt,'iaoota, arn o sattered Ibat <tue-iagelr of »Vire Imm by dire la very aligbt. 4t. lover cosl of produtionà. (a. By maimtaioiaxg fLb. lo ttoi nbetweeO n ie ac',tfic.,=a te inraosInmai'. the but matodoafunad la eucb. (bi. l8y opreding Its comomercill«,x Bi Dyplacimi lma on. baud lb. Pareblas- <ne cf the 115v Itonaand uauaulIdlt- laqsu les tit bth e V" MOUl, ltas m- mu Wr iol spplIas The uOi bas aheffl i Ilo2ne. <Iertuil 0, :9 Production a" ldistibution *1utIl sicmer. sud sinco ta es tc59! sumreas, upon be sveias, iQ, article ailvenu l bms The Corué cu lm t - tatleu t bam btzco't rmatra aS uifes5A a vanigea5b e m .fis hlpolwbmShl'd ý.uW ' îvaudeî dla" detcie m dm*lq.nbm -na adjinisi s*"OMM'% lookMg cv«« etfuls et UM1 IMsM stolc bout b. greuIda, bsis moveints exbbllugs acl. aecd fuature preprlie»tàdp ibald moi Lauta provoke comment "Cd dimcnssom lie îook bis disnet aie5 bos ee'min bat, noviMWtw4lt ialbncly 'aid doe- ie. if bo vei. obqrlaed aibiboaboooec of is bocla *bd lb.posaglaies, ho cane. f ull, conoueld ibis feeling fInca the atten- tive asraots, sMd politail catQured if Ste Aflyns head5be *ve.botter s&M if hie Maugbtel WO.il& atteudaacelapa bit. Re mte bist disser u*dlstorbed4 lxqerl over',hig vine for su bour, sud thonsi assoies id o«i upos the lava, te arnoke & cigar smcrng <to plessP dova of aM Apnil "eRather dull bers," be muiieOrd, us ho sîrock a maeh sud applied a cigan te Iaà suddea fiety slov. "Rathen cool, tee- ibis utieni of ume by Sir Allyn sudbis datugien. But I1uaderst&nd k it .&Tbmy veald rathcr bave taksu Lord Triulilsu loto ibefaanily than Vincent TisrveL. muarnuing <ovan My Pretty ladys basughii- oeue, but, perbape, t viii b. es vel i. eat until the beoomu my vif. h vil ho a, rare pluabtte oue berh« WU -opinA by suad by.u ~ J 'ti~ uI b ---q did w mot oben tel afaolat a teoo thon. moog Ww buhute e ouw, % ho % m o u s e b o n b o n f o r à T a 1I . t ahrubbéry, ina specailc( U e"0 U A everhman bat val nid vithiax Ure r*qm,4' her design favoed by ie fot th"i a, the panes of qéesawu vas einjDe t ~froux a à* t *aftdom ~ ~nPl* e 4"8u14e bis guet, sudthonasedbrai apI Unc latter. "Yo'v~a cmfolsbe tcutbore, Il£"-' loy," naid Therveil, as tb. other <lAd pot speak. "1muabi4ay ibet 8lr.Allý&bsé; âome vWOUby poY om . 8 du isosiaýa bad o.hange frpap bolng vallettate ho u baronet io bulug lankoqofr poureqLIf 14WOU ues,#Opp 74103'«o"lfIyo, e aavo« mg* eintgog 4sesbis rubicond hm e. "Tht. is a good business, sud I bave mmd.dernouey by i. 1 dont dony tbu." - Wby,ithon, did Ion visb tueo" msof Tom laid me lest nih bat I ceuld depend upeùn etos booere. 448o pou cau, Therwell-co pon cmn,",lu ierruptsd the luakosper, âastily, *t" la&la îf yeu will de a wie.The tntuini,I1 belleos talu~ia'A wbgong to, " tmach leogr. IWO a Umems sadev nov. If ho oburald die, il. vesld bho lup ciii uofea bis dangbien vcudat stan" sy noc 1 u asure pou.She la oue ofthe upnlgbt ansd downrigbt sont, net ab ail ahilllphIlY likeithe barimet.Wberebho invea he ill strong. she la bond ai Edenouni, .ai4 bu 'been foryper.' "Bai vbW, iuaaW4 teo ose "Agtoer eo. âr ealza , indut lk 4f 4mi i. Undortlb.cincumsongomm, I mi heruj Smnt qulakly or notet ai IL. c "Wbat vould pou dot' t The lnnkeepon beaitabcd, directed a fe>, t egiae ai the lsplsivé fac Mlb.- Wa OU, bis ova slalsier ouatensnce.xlt 14in lansxpreMion of doubt and aliety, wM kO thon. ho said, boldly :11. e --The rutb in. Tborwl, rteOa f~de- >Y pendent on me, sud I muai de vhah I u ft wbite l'un the cbanoe. Ih bas oocairred. ti M se si aanmpmlsorneilg thai t, M11a il vould puy haadaemny fer, bukdd bWqi 't ne go sort Irce.» He paused, bail- frlghed ab hmaOMM Y- temority, sud loobsd t hi ie 'dduapmlcu SThervol vus regarding hb isa lib à ol Of §znulebis faco meot havlng leut li lmps niveaeu&.But thon. vas sornetbln' )nh ho eyea te causo Hcadley te s&brick bckfth Wl fur. 114o mca," nid the couin lhlp bhed U.L *îly toasa. --or s"i Itismb lbheéu"4 Tonu1 Yen vauto make à so"dlngi de You pins lu trsdc core ne atoosl*p of sas Iion. Yom zn. réady Io mabo téam id with vhoswipay Ien but. 'M wil i h bo futbfiae fI eu Spois bai iv The iaokeeper motutered ltboeithê@Mb> been ststed lua anut-obeiLl ,,, Well, Hcadlep, i"%sail mu .onon 1 don'i blame pen. Every oeo fr, bla --tb&Vi m op. to.i aMo"ubM*il- m Lb* bave enly bai %bisplaeereatfree. RM «. vculd peu lihc to cvii Iis inn, eIb Sd lev acres attarhedPf BcSdlsyey4s sparkled grWely bis "Thai ,ould uitMou outiqe L. " & 44#yoï, & t~o, ;à.tbî'4, y owa hivc k ,lase ,igabwfriitp44 derd«MTbrvell. 4119!lmpeplay 4 os- 'y.î so t ueiouelp Injure me, led I b. tho anoUhe vîluens 46 bekme. Tc lot, would ho en the oSe baud ta7 ié del- ho disgr.oed, ki"%,d o i, dprq ibu pie»laso n Uc iicbli Ste. l"ulmycuipu ieu. " e-ono boé te y"i.*gl ona wu ouei. , a seP , *I 141. MUd . Dam wu Sivi -0 lOMM;adAah 'a -vag abere a.hW eh. vohi espsiw* cotI bdig tita e bytierc' ervêou JUMI ,.blob, Vithoet buisg damercus, domied &iU tbe pare and attention bis <laugtonE could beaiov., Dmo Iis lime MWsaAma- dais h* ep oows aprtmecti, not wvtsing - t et *milb. sueome peusiof tb. fSUYnl, »àd Thweilvawu te obis o%% r.omucc.o 19e éob bis nMui"aie., ent oves 1h. a atats uaaMsd ataia, vioited tbe adjolanjg fatiesand, ndes ooverd isrkam ef sç1gt aOu interviev vith Uthe lundiord cf ito j DamroaouuItle .searosiy neoose % my t c liai the Mngo sosaztrel, tsm m Ary, i hepi a vigiant vstoh spot 11 ais n oveî à Monte, *ith cut bdfngu seno , sud 1vitllacut encdangenhag ber pealtim aai É4teaoOA'1 On lb. morning of lie fout day Unb bsreeiwvas ffiocnulp n.coveedtoame bu* dreîSÉlaggan sd toeat blmmolf ai one of the, winws, Irons vblob h. eould lok ol < evauc b. loa, river, sud vood- la id, wu a obsrmlmg niorning, venu sud bth4t, eh e. entai sanobine of the IdeolisMMg moili The frie hmdnover ho. fat ore! e . i. sogengosMsd abondant la he hieai é %dthe lava bed nover bo- fea s aoeabom e MMhud vvop., ne LI*09 . e14 dmbogh, a in b e0" beou%, hat aL knet heau fée Ibis pdd puucyborlthW bsdaeghloe ulgbtlbave ba.e mos te ed vbeu ab0"veau, sd bu &Iorad*&gbavbuheu fuir md d l &a I "Neoî1had boeu a peosie omur- usteite""soversoelag bis 4cpi.Mdami i fmwes haru un vig wlU ene.. "l»«te« De lad bM .bors a p.ummla ohmli. bae Mi*b tbea bave beeauisppW. -h atEove te budetaits ieby scos ai oee -eu 4 doeu Mos a lIe d«opcusoe AmI Ne islaghle' ualoed, bauwlgàa"rn la walads.sie"h witlm udoaca. Ib Th7uniSg irNs Mme vu gravebotliWU Wihi »d ouoie.Be' âsrhmmgme cpu h at~dclr es age o Of rief, 4 OP"t le' <lu la- moss rsplalg, butlila 0- o ibeagl*m id ý costluad atios. Bbc ia hamom-suliqd" u b.1op etftn.enbot b bIbi'" a m û hm Ic the batefulbauds iobrave o e êcpit hcmt neSlu to eft ,6 - ao*4 tdsvq detenunailo o0rouli %gavh à abWher movsais, Ma" prevbad. là* buu*ry ut bbeailuhivasru ~ i b~runi~sdaXlOtl5 b.d fjis ma a m cih ,dý4 st f unune Iste, i * be bt it ima*as cawsfol àsaugci b.~uo ila hq*ion a" lie pdsl»ud ase r va e.lIM.eaibe I4 Mdsi b ersla lu bugl nlo Ibisad mcgl a - ilon foti'havsslion bis lbo, ~d èd, h W uimi gb's gPt.lUlUt ppe oi me * -.emaç maus* è beshv à î ll Mo'fi cbiyr i tf »-~a I»OM &*ua 1b meil ido-a pua cab" ho th0 of @6 w m bybtsceaMtiov fàd e. a 1 >la u ami bat. bod anac-incMie Nia vIRohedaces cassi bu curssu 011 m Mpà puh bHiqlt at uing bfsr le hoyesrs l ho« aMbeu ge theo coepie ts ef bis . c 641 tainios *pcI ie1rny,"'md r lly ud 44Yi1 dlj.i St do Mmiber. t Mtba 1 e. 15 sopt, fats i hui cehe to mt ga lae u in aglaieringbs .hor 'at weos ave n f ormen ofls that vold ..&.j of, blept," coad t aiotesd "Ilo lgi ho bu versomc) e ao, miou ombuel hlm ioselixauh obidea "t embW. Buto d net cflennuigauy- haeï" ho added. The Ume Iltiak Of il, thé morelimprobable lmeflil. Ho la cold and ea*rlou-not at aSUtbe font Of a mmn to b. betrapoal inoa rong-dolng." Ildea coniernance feu alightly, but hor compoauno wu net serionsly diaturbeal.. -i baveoaaaiderod ail ihat," ahe aaid. "4But &hese ooId sud cautious nature. corne- Uimmaoverremacbiamcve Ibaegiven , 'op .1 e pc of urveling bis hiet-nry, unleas < I gala omne ue by au adventisomentl ln & Loodo. popr. Bm w ould [t, do mc advcr- ai tieab , cy, sd ofer a bamre rovad tw s»Ic bo oouldpro"e a merlos charge 94mut aiVincent Thervoi f, Tb. banosetashelài Li "Ho vould knov cho publiahed sncb su &dvertlsuet and is would but hriag dovo a fcunfal fate uposi me." "I bave a beotrides," caid Ide, nefilling hbu talherocap. 4"Be bas Ivo a-comhc la bis loque spinal Yom u.sOre= ode, t tbe Da Arma, 1know uhat, ho is--l groés, avaricloo an. ccres ouly for gain. I do cotbeliove be ODObO wOD f bis fldelity tb Thorvdll, aevertbOloss Isao' t47 it, a&"M&s» "411àVUIido 0o goed te ne bina.1 have plesded sud promised, but bis bosut lu bojdWt ibs atoe. fHo belleves ik ta o nore te bis lueresi.to vork against Me." "8till, 1 IU u ohlm,>' aid 118e, qulely. «s' in lprobsble ihat 1 I y al itb bina, bot 1 ebsilhav e s atisfactioa cf knoving th" 1 bave riedto soaued. Do yau knov aoylbixg about ihe cîher vitneca, Shaw- sdetbiag, exospi ibat he usoal i.live in Bdeviev it bibs farnuly. Ho lad a vile ail ohlld Tley carne boe.freinWOUs - goxle., hen bis ehild, wuquite young. *18 wu y fatbores nurse labis ltaiiIloeàs A@ 1 tcdyou theothèr dey, be hadaé, ov- ing dispostion, sud, us I paid hlm s alerg mm Of ,amaey, bher. sir Auraueoloed sud b@Maiid, 'lao pet hi&a p$ uto .exceuilo sud vent %DI~zow mot ar. "1)18 ho take bis faIniy" --No; -bhodernbd bis vife, leavlng hcn ýpeunilua. 8h. vent back te ber pramts wSt W.aloxto, suwd Ibave blord 1h51 aho ..dermaido »ma. Sbcsmon aflor ,Ïhat becautof ber chul?" -,S.bvawuiakeataliU'vitb a yeanglady vho alabecsber fostr-sIsAc." o osus abotracod.sudi beugblful. 6"y o slbly basathe nmm tahen by thocetod t i'Ott., pc.Yenveiasu He. iang avay the bslf-burned match, amd placod ihe cigar boiveo bis lips, puff. lmg aeditaiilp abit[isho vuibsi up amd <ova th. avenue, bis bandaeclepei bobind hlm. Re looed sud fait perfectlp ub cames but ivas quit, possible ibat bis socm- posure veuld bave tuaiebeod bhobut glaaced upwand sud eaught- slghi cf a fae ai anu atile vloo-uface full of bitter- sa,, bainci, snd revengefu longlag. Tb@&tufae belouged to à ew <xvsmmulreu Thervel ovd lol about umior the treec, but noter boyod eai»&»onetf ibi glowing eyistheeler sp tihe end cd bis olgar paling and roddenlg vitb the coeing sud going of bis brcsth, sud thb glimmer of ihe slarltgbt outllolag bis alout figure. Thoecigar lad noany bnrned léel ouig sMd ho vus >a Oflg ou sgvithie <sema v-aalac Lesti o sdmsoud as iflnoe one vblalling almoci ai bis .lbcv. RH started, tunnod, sud bebol svillage bou plodding up Utcesavrnue tovard tUic <li lng.' The lad lad just obacrved the <guit et Thsnveil, and the whlintlag lad becso biiolcfort at sslf.eaouragomninlaan st lenipite oPuashlm. "1Wbat do peu asan by stontling suy body la Ibis fuion 1»cxclamodE& rAI lyns euey, tbnoetng avay bis elsmp o cigar, sud nenging ilaie biler vlev. 411 didn't go for te do 1, air.» vwu th vbinpipnug rusponse. a"I vus inored 'lv agbis, sir.» Ii'scof seoomque»nd«WTherwsi "TYou eau go on." Bai the lad sboved ne inlinotiloto d se. H.esunveyed ibhesample proportime c Thenaill, looked oarnestly ai bits face, an emd t bcengagad ln ldentitphag hii vib soma ponoecivcd Mmrdea tacrlptioz Apparorntly usafied utthat, ho dre, nearor, uni said a "Bo pou Mr. Thervoll, air, thai'. a viai ing bor@e f Thenvel epled inathe affrmative. "'Thercho a note féryouasir, fIoteM- oudlep, oflb. Dam. Ânm'sa," sld ithelw la a toue of relief, me ho produced Item tt Mainng of bis cap a Iolded wrp of pape "Mr. .Houdlsy nid I vus te bc careful sa Siva Il tepyou vithout bin' meu." Ho deliier.d the moto, recivd theb of iter Baeng to bina, sud thon disappe ad <ova lie avenue, vîtheul voltiag for Therwill mew a lIttls box fo iteispc bol, struck a tapon matich, uni. oud t moto lip ils fickering ight. Il ewu "a and vaitteâ la a porernptory style,d =sdiLe aummeiate interview asi %-M va s aImg <lovales" ho sad bu , s h ilibeeateip hmai thcn ",o& er g d<o*a -le <ho village mcv, ea *XaY as Sire A4in sud i. augber viii .mailnlibleati mornsng." e*Mdosien lIibieSstops ven bibim Md 08& - b aw0, M& êL-A lAdy and ber Compante. No. YO.--OnN or more of Ou Bos" fIt Iae Magazinb f 32 Pages and là devo<tj to ON 4r Eh.Ila l mtter win b.eofthe boet-levatlng bath irà tb .= tti.Oai embclishmnnt and excellene « sm I 0 a b pI donfie. héavy, caiendeng jmna pefty fair andlegitiniatepremiumi n in ordir 10 qieikly plae It and ita master a6i Palt of circulation.'hie mui at "godfalh ho toa Magsineof Canad, "Par excellence. ',Noe snchbua G Ie~uaftLnt É rice-!5 cents pcv yar. Everby d girl wl B VBNSSO enbcf iLWho vl îUsd w faclrat club and secure abole le lmvas mou a is., ltit nusrk fucea laà in fui or piensu. cululrerli mitent t Airnvadta i bbo LÂu'051Awt0N. m IOmm, -ieKà 0I WeDim, TereAla We waut ever1&ayyln Uthe lnd teamImOeeuts forabalf-ysri'àU ouoecrlp" e .LA DiErs At Ho» aMd etth *bm e Uâmewbllc thus memevlmg voaderful va» neo cre e.ofthefollWiuvulubb @=pnu&IU Fo« tbe irat orrect id WdIt. tpizz No. 2. ve clU havarni à 0.14 Wa.th;,for the i e as beuufful 8î1* DaNs rPATMM - tbhd, a fine SîILVu WAT-cn ;foi0. a music Box - *SOaGos.»Djo M; .txtiaan l- Ulmlave fdlwiug. a CRAYON it PORITRAIT oAcI.To lb mi * mr moerd. à SaLvES WATCH; te r *e i ve fdllwt»n1. a CRAYONq * PORtTRAàIT. To luit corret a savm aflipe eleMarr 99 laI BCxl. a GOLD WATCE, sd< a*S ivIe pwcedlng, cach a &ICRAXres POuTRAIT, vakui ati 5] b n I. r- B, t. 1mb or pencil. rut advrz-Ile mut eut sudiforvard te un witb on eents for six montbe' ubscrip- doan Io <le LADiEs AT HouFa. m d. B" fLADIES AT HOM e" 06King Street lYsaI, TOMRI.cEd& puzzle NO. 3, ciii lac irez & boyia or girls Gold Wntck: to the Second,.a $10 GveyýnCoin; tO thae tbrd. aSBILvr.R VATSe ollhe fOUrtb, R 15 GOLD COTE; lue laslthi, a full-sized ClÂRcuO PoRtTRAiT ; to ibe aixtlt, a giufi' SaLvEWATCH ; 10 cch cftte next ten, a GOL» BROtu. 'Te the Mitddle sonder a SaLvES WATCE ;&Ja t e ie epreeei- f ng* euch a bandacaae ToiýLE CAfz; aMdite tuhe efollewint the micddle tacb a GOLD BIRooc. To lIna lait nailed previcaa b> liarcllat net, viii be gimna Swxss music Box, aad te lb. ton prcceding due lait, A GOL]b BaloocU esch. Condiions t--Ea<'b contes- t&nt muast mark faces mn puzzle ln Iaak or peflei. eut adrvertis- îment out and forward te lis cla 3o cents foir *ne year's submorip. tion <0011R BOYS AND' Giîs,.. jAddreas. "'OVEBOYS ANtI GIRLS. 166 Kfig Street WeS4 Toronto, Canada. N.-Da uà md itle aidrm npW vl i a ;=irnt Province «s tato *CLUB RATUI.-Ifles7 DBO9Wr oieela e isfin&streeeir« eml nfntos 10 yeszl .*Smbm 416eMM ose *1vo iigAve a fne caynPortivaluai ai . Raclaclub aubstrlbe sMo as n egrnsUUlJ f ealumg ao f O eoe mmuon dvulsable premiua. Kise Mitcell visbe su jInérasthe public that ah. hu med a large and valuable stock il Winter Kili1urnrv et. 4 b4rain. vhich se@ li oel a% rcdueed priceua ue the. latuut noveltios iParla sud New York atyli,, snd ia fally prcparod to wait on ÉLer nmmen patrons te thé uiafactmoliting a lirei clmen illiner. Iateai clitystyles ln drèss and mautle making. opli sttmtio viII be givta tal. Persans froan a diatance wsited upon on Saturdals, Call and see. AU are invited. £00KE-Oves Wama à& OuaDy Gooda StoreDoheoy Block, noxt door i. A. glb.haa' D &amtre BOOTS AND RU BBERSO We have juqt ruSivea a shîprunt ot BOOTS, RUBBER3 and OV'ER. 8EIOgg sn'aîg Our Fait and Winter stock cotnplete. MEN'S &ND W)'L<'I IOTS, Fait and Leather, Man's Lac* IFelt Boos, and & full stock of fine wear for men and boys. LADIES' BOOTS in ânae IKi, Batton andi Lace, and stronger quality - in Céif Stin anti Bufi Tht.'. speciail linos of lineti fine Fait Boota for Ladies in Buttoti, Lace and Gaitersa at $1.25 pair. CEILDRSIi'8 BOOTS isaitabte for wet weather, in ail sizes and qualitiee. RU BBIRS and EStOS sizes for Men, Ladies tnd Childres, nov comploe. HO1GGT BROS., NOV. lad, 189L.-15,98. City Harness -Shop, Lindsay, .Ufllip n, Im brnovelela te u"sotne go ibnmy 14s L'»berandir- Wb vU - wb.me. otaco, mn- " l v.ail t mi bt'ur. »t-"n ~y 80*Of smoee, Ooli.rs, Whips, Trunks and ValiisM> wd olsmiu.aOXi eesu IbauL,,j 5se otva. Hmai mde;1%9tsmme ~yc~ai- &s i u ~Zu., am aid ye viii i uvled "h i ta the lagwtoi e flt dm g ob a Ib OSf lae u o v. Ky expoum a lw Oum. -- .yha Loer aidera aI oùo nce d Sdont m» JAMES LITTLE. lec GOTO IO, UGENT,&GI Cbinet Maker5i ne tmo ble 0 bow iL. ftek os i f £4 l' a Ir " PROPRIETOBli JAMS LITTLE9 LINDSAY8.

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