é .ik ' * - «'r -I ~4 - , I I batte 4»wuIu bmviilI utbane. DiL CLL WWAt ont. 00ubM*«' 1wd' 9lb Wt4nIalâmm WEIDAT 1EE MW wom2 %M»S -DUM*» mest ihurosi va i d e on udai, a]b- lii, asu vr@ eosous cf01gusat lust, 'Jlhe servies ati10.30 86..Vu fai* yveli tleuded sud lion posent bai l*. piea- dure ot litsteulmg e o-Bi. 1D. y. teCamus et 'Fenalon rails, Who prosa@W Ms aiseptli trocs . COu. 1. 9. la Iba aveu- dm8 at 6.30 télb.auril vas erovici sud cv. Thon. Snowdon ot Esbaigê, de- lvèed an .loqueul sud ftoiblosemon huaiKing iio. lil1-. Flue veseici Mdod moch telitshe oa oethte sumulver- affl and th. trues boourin m e «stWaed viii lie resul luclal. ML. -Josph Blplas ami tamlp bus amoyed teuiperally t la riad ..,... Mr. IPhilip àMaia' buasovsd on Eloimomu etret visi, No.,, lataly ocopliedby Josephla itapies. m. B. A dN LltD~E - g4yfu -n hoe m rlmiile 1 oga htgh peine. Miss Keu esali busroaveeI hm Ma. Waller lapaiet ofmurim Ia lesrulainlb.hestalteonveai vii bise roli., ...2illip àlave,. uRz. .0. L Y es 4o .& y vbiaggbis tMsud st Bouleis lav" Mnusas- hrgaansd Shieldsa w4 je inlu;out a largo stock cf loge# veod, a a ni postes. WEAT blb e 01 oplolikluste 11mv: -Hou 'l'e mjoed bis cutter rida lasiý -Sauday aturaseet...,.iiov KaR&M mada -mot lust ri day ulahteaitih Point? .4AW e t2U.Vss OwiNQ to a laal tecimloaiy, Mr. Jas. -7K. Wilson, lW es eyaetf Sb*township ..adUanrm, e Ché,Elut minmiipl éection, tmsresiguci ils se an d auclutàotoC -*&,t ha véoamq viii he o ld on Fra eb. 28rd. Taie eue ci Ht. Wilscn mai 4*pt1y be hrmed a isrds4lo "neg k *'ow aseesmeul ha vau iaquailed, SI. tboogi ho bi ever #M 1out u&MD $h f aiere of lia township aitlbheaM. se M&Uesebavaemisas basu eraugd ai c .Xe. Wilono ahea u ltsédAM viii .e1s.y»woupeot et aeass. 1ia ma a li -aoa.iy eounol darlmg lia Jaaurp sWon aPd saldsnosb a favorable bao.mlo 4 m cuai et bis Ibovlsdp "ad stliy tb vho as plwuoonimou etorne lamut 110portant sornatea mi Sook a Isilm ent lu .11 the dellbaratimn&Mi.H.le ont c<tlb. hact ktovu and tetépromlsut (garmer anaisplouser lue lhe tmutic et thoroughbboumrssla bis dhsSio aud Sears a ukaaotet boyon rcproaab, 13 dcé pahlng as u siaprkblg .ad la lu the kind of a monte Irui uIih b. poil. 410of ot re6*, seho ticogblpade. ,An oommuhtg. a" -bo '-êwo«rm"t- rOMM ami coufimac. TA c' au 4aimmanimalc LmtSm9 Xe etbtula loab«et lut Îboa ddle eé Mve juaal,- mase »tlahua vmth ud.n f t.A .mesýzt ofs em u IGid osm Med mainl*s o hBr a.- sd at li a ieli ia Woedr ible u euie dys4 aCnd t adnoe tWodAith aptI amuuat1o. o iilauut o f t. Aurle op be UihlloSt.,me sOi elo b. leeei a aiw ae.11 1 Pour 2 . ate élIbe * to Bmslu.5IAt b' moou ofthé mouiaes Beib mms a edo awylo s bud imsuli*em ve rp ailsuto the aubjeOft cf lb.morulu; aifs uwnIs vu fsainlU.t*ou"Wobna sp e l og. "e as a odie eme. alog, th riuoftlrsaod oif sils, 1 te tUarp oplc." IPel a 9 l i t evsOulmg lia pesebwu tck feri Ioer., :ePtu d, oteb peos Pie ur I. mooed Du e&eumdA îEeemvr Ou-Amotbai aid sud r.poalei sel- lirn tuehb. »Y o auitub. Mr. Tho&. Leldiay, m., lvices deulse W l&«pli ou Btrduv lbe 111h lust., et lb. ripa as@ 09178 yoaai.Tbî. fuserai, vili hvas large, ob place trou ils@at reudeas Lot 12, cou. 15,Mauvers, ou Ulonday lha lSib, {atle cmemorlal sarvi",cou duebed by the Div. B. J. Faille, vb'oh esumeumai a 10 80 Pmr.) te Beliel abutai bulmu agrm=de wbcra liaesol amm ai bsautltlhuai srvlaaet ofmie mthdilet "obhuiitei by Bey. Mr. lallh. EM4oMd vu posas la Pouce lot me nainguMypbreali And lbty avatlon sas. m yi cAm iservce tmnal desih E ut haeofldwaifoi me. Gm'x. Bma-Tie vite ot Mr. Jamet RHabe vb d beau tabeu dovu ulîli - erysplasud lmuvasbrogit7P eh@mit lal a fair val of réoovery. BzmÂL.-Tia 1ev. R J. Faille t. helgravivai servie« a uth.e.Tamteli suan sd lbe vorb 10 proapuilu; thiu iela lstru,»enteliy. I VisiTw*.~Manninmg trou Os- va, la lie guest of Mr. sud Mr@. Hobbs etlthe préenta lim. Thie GUme A01 Dii BzU-U der tbc aboya sapion lhe Bobtemgcu Imi.pmdeulofethle li luiInforme bis reaier" he b.Omtir Lagiisture viii aeoubc omll edlel eud tzvli le opsrtumoim be dostitas hîit ens Véry lmtansm.mpaolally viti ratai amas tte spraseut gaus sot. Tour correspondent lea ver rïady tc iy éîansue redit for o"mltamoy, sua lis grsi sacbam ofthé i. mth oorlslmlj iaaerveIl for the above esption. Had hi -uife iglathe Aebof lm 2b, the uaseo0 lav« 1 aboula surely bave tabsu him tc tubk, for lau uin aada 14 suggestiveo c j csmelhfée te iboutâ o e ia it »4ury miase t vlit m éa vorlny e tje ahould Dot lie o.Ued au. Tho Bfob. uin. promouaes the sel mpi le ms a thougit preumptlon le dife fro tra b.vievets oe at au authorilî but prIvaI, parsons as vol am journalles, g sma législsler bave- Lattu es betfonu It »4 lhiI dm17lés lu gtvlmg ote publg * le trst, aau oppoun umruli vbereva1 à* smartbu okm. The Sae esotth, :0 pr taîIa mm oaees"ry -mst Il Se u ~ icli uumeremmrp fo lierea.ou the - ls de' re otdlmsui abh lisp yare ai , pesatu h bi aonl s lavu an boa amy ueUsi mi, 0u»euevoeha ~losthalbsisi w -uàuolul thaipel bru u@ Iis est CIt 197t isBas svpé ovei th le usuthus of e f o ositet aburic iwu'gm a d asé efls&MM i duilmu . l . . . . ly. . s. . . ucu i-s"---. Ic~Wb51~ e *Pb w beu nom Wmanu '-e1.19 V ilamo** lot bing ,ietiu isutse s -clale S tope, suasasg bu"a pof sriousav* ,Wood% n'ormep il o*oie bae afstld4 sud »meeaffoleg -bs -44-2 àUïbuWo 8@44#« Md Wta.-I4. s8 um uudulumaql eitras, are sMi of My hur'a Setb ra miie,-#ta. a&i abl $« dyspeîa. me- me osaiea mhsit palve ferocabose a ir et amy lajulkieuâ tugrudlenut.8l., for Ur "m hoyFe pmia, cmM sd thé 8w.m o h. siopdamcilaer, ie sudt boid.-44-S. rli. bgb A- beslaieSoth AmiemvN ervcibasa Estis1aW istaMet iàvnlleld ad ssys*VI baibelu s diteuM i is udtice vlàM TmteM NervcuLaam., dm&-a es- thO ase i Thé, 101y6 fflcih MJ*ci bas 0o1 boselaithat bis bouse, wu bils eags, but va tu W95lied 6o0i"lias bave bectsliv- jeu la à fuuleit pasila,&privais bhoms oruther buitlite ha destin cf the psci Wiibont verms tor Iutoricaion 9Laps- t'Y Wsrd*U la8ernpeveed I» stop haséci mon on h aigmèr.q eMs ie bon e-.1 or pUreL 'Bis»poemeeisla la alt iu1 tumait se muii M d il requits sau *0i moral sauma etthe ecobasieulta pre- net the iot-tloodem tu iimg tisa "Dceus Tbée Bôbeaygeu Iadepeuut voli iketomate bis resduis liite *0Sh'*Io eé vas ao.epaa te$0b.0peeleg, e0 pagiaheo OMIPW14u, bave beau allai pot hara er auofiofs ud cs casMiP vbisuil eomni eu. TaIJournal mu km.. $basi ha lea along vaY f rom iii. iroti Whou ho makes %bum artile. il bho ilabko *0trouble te luforin hlm se l l ind liai viiitlb. azeptioU 0, the employce et tic Ontario G .vsr» meut, haoepsuotl lui ê*.tp pOpi;hl ilis touute oft ràllburton Who vl ay %bey apÈ!Ovcol lb.0 aisd su 1bavi mose ofkuovisa 1 ea» ponahfor Bau té%act thC.e sma omdttaiuamauti thrmilubt bebo" eoulry Itous thi -Ota.. bebthésiit eBts matie. Theii.blpoeist may Igore théc eit eus of the H0u iarai TuappaetPro sautive Aquollou formeatsonc n 2th D-cs. uit. But il t1haeame ile iss sud bramoe u squlsély Invete.Ç lu th remote partee oflte provinm V«letsvWU t. isard ft aby petulloo wheu th, Lellafiaurc laosua, bcss»bly aahhuý fer viat tbsy. se Britlai ubjects have i rwht ta descend. W. s mselliers, 10e! upas the gaM* sot mas a UUer aY sid oalemvely lforlths prttom ofetgari inl, sa"lli forà a uasal ssumirpri Thie rais et1the soi iselàhave foressi the difficulties te ha e «muoterd vhs lisp maieet. ssubtuer for oetou their emtere Tb"y mut have 1mev, *Mat% lvasImpossible forr mmy oet h but. .oodsellirste ebo béi mole est la. luhe coumbri. Taicy mw Ibu finsu vould b. tortiiomli, vould à wmong tom lie »Sciasam iai de te lihélreay evrpal ilfiiis et eh govermmel-60ù70 yer toititle- vos meut se he"quel buprovmd, &cdile are suppmeaite suaimit %o -liosa coud Stoue vilioct a muimur. Wua Il motoa 0Soosmt et ce. eome vsung a @&lad@i 0ofie liIa heOntario Fiai snd Gsu C ommission vu orgaulued, a nev depar meut under lb. goverumaul- m uac tary oua brougil lteoe etuoe ?'Ti he vbat Islokhs 1111e .to bo htry 1 s bobai lb.esorasu. Tbo grist iapoist et coelale @&cae thé sot bas pii opinion bsbidIt. lagreev ilh inali ~partiuler. I u I l i thc pteplc fisC foud ont viat At v lit 11 amipblie opinion hlla gta rié [o Mald tésveay dey sud soovill bo b e sii.TcGovuermmmlvit l lq Mm uabmgboutit Il h1isiter. astier 1 nr- ogd ai etmytimi lhmy do afier Ci leg s atobeg0cPmiMtWsaek il t oe lie t. vny tu aey avapla. o spie overus mder sud 07iAte mol a loyal people ? Ara vs mot ly patrilolle a aies se apother tes lh.pi I1 insP Weald vs netbe ausSfmotti of Blute in cama ef su Invasion by a foroil to enusmy 1W. are lapayere; vis a of votera. W.buov hou ta nu lb.Fia la aies b ont adventiste sud ara deti tg miai te do »fontoui rgbbaareumot n le pestai ami hsrbyamure ont mat lp téias Brilo e ov er, Dm151 yul Ralbuto, F u 41,Ia ai le f * te toul'ue'assud t Poetioet.aïs & esai tme t tidosgbeore aiaoil TtM 1 aua emal. Ts e ,thu lurestbisot& k b. ale hm i fast!. .ttalc.l th. Farmers Vico ons, of Nortbh Jae Haai ait a - 8. lu w dat.-*ua mmimd l d. aIeevm i& aacm aumi u IaPlm Deamb mmd ruida .~I ~ MoS WEYN h AIDE MON, atrlminehs., Z&sdmop~. Offises baasilslslyeppsils l~d~ Esue Esos strumi. EscW'1Yi. DONALD E. ANDINION. IàOUSU h J £01801 tSu e Badg.e" à Ja*Maswdis. Ssa- diseoi. u, em kWLUada .1 m1o. H ON.ALUZ. JACKSO. swow«, . onyD»»VLbn, Mr oU Wusno num àEau.h otms) abul, moncbluet, icb. oses&-& Wilm Si6 iUmus.Ont. &. IL BOUMI .D. EL OHIZHOLN. Doaluinu Uaah ildIgsQ.0 Nh Offlou M DOMWUPtmakbduutg LJ.&ULAUGULIN& IX H. iL&UOHLIN a nbswet oc.. EBu'. Dlock. Llamra. Oui. IWe ame W hmlu ac.ep la suaslarge seormeail te «U imbo.one,0ebesi lma.ud ab voev lovm* rogiesof aes. 85KoLAUOIti. IL.IL NorilUORIn. MONET TO LOAN. MONET TO LOAN. Ighn à h pdsu -ma». msaaudte tomm 10bbpive mal oassai lu*ndi a i movM oui nom"' TO LOAN. suIB Lmmaau vSr eV wl A larg neUai 0*Vr TiembaisLvtaerni, pop. ah" m q lits in mdibmoou. nu muu & Ef@lMSAI60ne, 7bràn. MUIET TO 10*1. et Tubt sud leni tesli. LUaMWW. bau c amd povaisca ase t Tin al o, Peletiros ne s mfavomble mmm-UA.L JORN BUBNU oae f Nanisme l emam smwl. . A. IUDIfer etf Ibm 11 08cuslt-11St-ly 0Cm bourh 9fai 12eaIML., sd fam1le 4 p:M Suh and Door Faotory sa% ~ >t5155Itaiet M& im5m11 blala, t ii an me "&"bm ftM la UMal *» etfpubliepammgs. Highest Price paid for (.ood Shingie Boita. Form t alltm i ee u b o vii ou i ca li me sais.. ubaa tamdeor ts a *0su Vy et pli .CAL»R EARN.. BL»a, . UM Dm WKUS-1- FNSURA&UE Se CORNEIL A. Pomp astl Sc"t lb.101. h Ay bo 1* maIsE o u elisi a i KINOUET ILUTS, itami. wo epl Dk»m» usa babe boimi, sd is ulcmn b. aThe but =mm smdemdslo a vjreeo ing »do rdmms 1bar t tenieiml lebe ib&mimof Iqits sud igu.bteais Mdme sbe cm ls e uli le y eso1acr.M thTbr mpfl IOUDE1¶ bou SE.Ilà TIM eSNWoe. eBOUSgE T~hés l.a nvhoeau usfMW u qup tu at2eboo. eil h co.mSta abt GTB u .P.R. otmsume M OU mu h uaiImmret. Bath., vubzoomse, aujal Modem omelmosesITeme, $LOO Par dv-Pl QUEBE'S HOTEL ohmle1 ta tevihoul arival lin " dllutie M à muuu esiffm li mmauissonentbe lsttutalsa Md tea sbamuum 111e Village puml a raliv, Oeuts~m, Mmd ail the Zoc.umnmg o1 Modeffi W=piulymoale. oThe voyPlame te eUpeadaHappp' Baolera."- M propietor le auxou t à es rn ol e l e so a p a o .. 15 ea tls, daje armrequ.Utsd ommuialoae by p t m vv. Pive bousrailitouaTaato. Thu olila euWliedwlb eety ammdallu, aMd a geel Ible km ag.lueumto Md trm ortais Offce over Tstrweiher à& oas store, oppootto the P-.u e entmietiChargea modern"is l1Siy Wu He GROSSe L. D. &.. Dmat, ýLtnuy. AI b&Mubs cf ddntl*'v tncldthe b.beaot.t sud duaaie Crowa sud id<t.e Vork, &Pd the Pai- en" i limq msém, tr.ud mfu7practt.md bs Mr. au sprea or ader u. tgood t.eth 1-3r 810. Pure gS md vlalimi air tor pabaiea extractoa. P'rosvhs. uttidal 150b Ste tqwtiS.Ower lu yemn e -1, u eeue-Boomeover Leu.e7m store, op- Po"e Domtnou Eaah £0K1ntt-1620 J. NEELANDS M.E.C.D.B., ONT., DENTIST, L1NDbAY Jge mplace for Irsi-clasidenilsir.Besautfui gol sd paoeIsâan orovnsinpusl.a K. ]Re«"«e sudtsd lteegtu, vlts4lod air coder Dr. 0.110. aofINew York, the arlglnator af gaifor xiamg teti. vbo vrlis Mr.i. jelds that op so July lai, ho a a iro te b.gata 177 18 patiente, vithaul su socidmal lMr Neelande bas givon thui «MS untstArupmIy foi r et 15 e ta meuyt hou- amnda of Personas gluant paor tsjuiy, ulebar- [cg isethextracted. aruiAAd I lech tna.rt6d trom 810 10 *OU for am appar ai under mmi Mauly perons ame werm testh msde by Mr. Nqmetards. foromer 20 7mars, uibout topaIt.- Poauroa sdistanos vW pies. senad a cari sud ssoure manappaitnent. uFVIC-gent sut. tLiodm?. 5i17 ayppauite the Slmp.->a u..me. jktofoionai Lars., DR. W. KENNY, vemStnsiSuigeon. Giaduase OO toVeitaeiy Collage, lot- ~~oont. llosit"d Mnebofain- colslc. Offce Ta'. foots 0ofce. Rssdm.oe 1 la lys Toraue, opposite Wa» mo* 0. DB. BROÂD, TMTOA su»B 5I5 Onlada Vot- mml 0U oono uMZber of On- 02.u-No. 17. fBond stiemi. boison the Can- bWs s. anthadilsichurcb sud teIbm e WI A abby mailor bsitgxappoompuy i slled l. - %Wmoder"i Uêvjsat2y fil iU.-1lI. Norlaind Mils Norlands Ontario. nbe umisuasi bsvtmg msd Ibmabove aMMslh smou piepm" d la alliIw1be vaute a of e p gemmayl. Wlaes e«an" md au iml ia. y cs paIch. Gbomplagdo» s km b e or tMWme dtel ceusap bad lfert" a lu ageutw I qA=dsum plls up tm.agsmLd &-. aD OPIS sa" 4obom 40V,4g = -le & sM dbae - oubleg mwla obore gu»se8 fesl bus todmi M = =V=t»good mhotng. oîj v,, 'bo = U r "la l y . I aî w ="i Ee mgtlgradeefor msl. - UBMNIONàh ONS, Wlliam siresi liais web tisMiàus1. Imagm, For MARRIEDi LADIES OnIy. I ILLO9TRTEID CATALOGUI: FREE. Mdru nthePariim MedIcaApp>utae en.. NemIon ibispur-1-y a. Landsa ForSae I h mesgaed h iea uchai.ceAU 0. HL HOPRMN, Serrieter Limdu,7 lavera cbolce.LaMeoai Trmlng, Grezln<. ad i. be« Lans in lu merlle for a. &F AplyKtstuijtba, SAN. BUDDABT urf tver I-v. Wood -9 Goal Order your Wood and Coal from Jas. xitllaby wbc, bas on hand the very best quality. Ordei-s Ieft st J. P. Rvleyv's Hiard ware Store wil be promptly attended to. JOSé KIILLABY@ Ioday 25th Angaut, 1862-49-tf C JOHN MAKINLI WILLI -4» STRUET.LINSA 'WILLAM SIRBUT aiXDA @&wu annd Shingle MilI aohlnsl7 Plour Mill Steam ngines and Stemm Pli-Po. Sae à . Jnly 111h 1 et831 ne- l PIS. rs M bv caiu.on or wo.) Lnree........................4, ,E1Ci Srpls,=andiStandard)... 9OOû) O Ple tntrs........97.72,8té4 New buaineme for 887- -14,64ci IEndowments Paîd to .!v-nig Pollcy Holdera Canada lort1h. veste 188244--e4 lu csh. theIb Atm ...............-. 4 U t almadlan sd Britiah Co.se coan- Sogovmanmmai Reports, pages M,68, 68 and 72.1 secur an Endowment in the Stne ' ý*. JOUXB. macIIUCUX, Goeueral Agont FOR Unseet Stings Sore Eyes Erupti'ons Sore »,, Feet Sorenessk C haf1 00~ %emale è'om p lài n ts ~osito Bites ï '. 't .0 âý RoUSTHEKM FOR IM pay lu* mer* Neasy te uacku ,à nira fimDe hm M «von, MsssDmlli Mt Lome Tigu. vu -teslý o u 0bWilh la lu& a me maiteu wae XL UDW4mw uAoe bah%~ 1B1»d14 w Iwn am x It boDsmdWJ*A asRma e ila . O5 a Evere lom.um o8wutb«PW PipeToises., Foil su" D>ielCipam*ue M vabavasMli. Hoby oisaVolcctpedee Musical Imbua- ola ibudahdu cfu ardeatoue masmu te meuc. 41" mut f« t héo detls AmutisUDW: omp»,V. Xmouias. sMd J.RIGGS LINDSAY COOOONK cglUer 'Iogurill1s- PAUVU» or