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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 24 Feb 1893, p. 4

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7!U8i'ry ATTRACTIVE toyquafity of gOde«àj THE "MIOLANO" rWo) IOM. ANO'VITORA"seqaeuoe b ARE THE BE8T xus au their cost; for su the Io#g run as customers' intereitS are &. tical!iwith aur own. We gea- antee ail goods as repremsfted' at the time of sale. W. show a Most comjliete variety in ail and any clan a! goods in aur lise. Our 'Jap. anese and Chinese curioïitios kuitable for prements, have THE BESI met with'mark. WEDDING ed favor from RINGS pçople of taste.1 Just now we wish ta draw your attention ta our large stock of gem and engagement rings, lace and hair pinqï and brooches. The styles are new and very attractive and the values unusually good. r NEWOEIN ENGAGEMENT RINGS Foot, of Kent Street..' Note the place and when yon are in towu corne in and sec our store. Remember that visitors are always welcome and need flot feel the slightest obligation to buy. VISITORS ARE BRqITTON WELCOME BOtOSe Jewelers, etc., Lindsay. Ikt îcttuwta ttubg IRDT EBRUARY 2d 1898 A union of heurts a m miset bans à uMn ousmemmer à UnIofmi oummanàmlem et Zauia "di 1h.ot t fla, D mUnon, tosuur. Z1DSIYS CEA NO&N, OU TE PIC. Repoatdly ha. TEE Wàa»au shown wiii the adiantaget ho Victoria coanty woald be ff having minlng imveloped lu her bordera. The ors t. bore, Cie timber charcoal is hore, water pover la ahuniant, uni, nov that Lindsay la Wo have a branch ofe Colnudian PacIfia Ruilway, tie buat rail uay faciîles vill ho tortbcomlng. Riaidspgta oftht, touna ni cosniy eau resdily review the vorks accomplisimi ubici have been piniistly tougil. oui b7 Ua WaxDnu. The coloigte masti- tut*, thi Grand Trunk siopothem redg- ing and dei"pening o! the Scugo rivai, tie tormtI-)u o! Lindsay Beau o! Traie, the. coanpleilotoutFenlouPuliiede, uni many osier ýorksand mué bnof milport. uai nov oýipltai or about ta o faSà"- ed voesfirst aidvocted uni precei per- slstetly lun uWàaaui. Poremut, however,among' oui unoomp0lo obese as oui niadora knov,auire Ci (>nudta Puchflc Railvuay\i iis tovu, tie ioelop- mont of Sorth1ioot misera vemti, tis sztesao it Grand Truàk Rail. wuy t a Mailaa, rallva ao theb. <ulI river vailey puai Ideu, ami ithe."b. limiment o! aimeliufrumms ictiooria conuty. TieCaOuadilunPado c Rmdtlv ni. "ay, inan aimait am o Ilibsi tctMdu Ita ixtenoo W Sa i uelyaqàus. tion of atlewyeans Siàsitlng marks i lu iotpnl re miré t vithis &boni range. Tbeoiuaey wven be d4obly aivuntaigus. hu"Àide Velop, ih' mine. bisa glving emplcoiea aunually so la" rge mbepeË$ umsMd 1 ibrt.inaîng great smas omose,; aM 1* woul i au t.thfêmrsf4oe Vimd&S. au ila4umtnlu tie uomaw* tot. eoal.* lu a* mâbisso tu I fog u *WAo ý 4ue ton 4h S00,00 t.80AaIN L.ngTrouble AVERS Cherry .Pectoral prompt te aeotsur* to Ouro Tho nae ivo factors playtng an lu. portant put i the immigration pecpse for lu&8 one im dhe &," uà" tfar c9 ehoiera, the other la the Coihabian Ex. hibition at Ohicago. In cmn choéra bscore. spidemia lu Europe k ifl; completsiy Paralysé aIl *migration movements. Not CUIT wil tislg .mWgants ho unumfllg to rua ib@ rlsk of danger trou infection in porta uand on shlgbosrd, but the dreaé of a long quarantine wM l ffectualy provent many trou seseklughomes iu Canada in 1893. Furtiier, eo if cholera b. checkod, à". ateadmapfor thi. s"Mon, will Dot entourage sheeragoéssngeru. They know dt a0c" np.annerawill wliîgly par higher rates ln order ho ho mors tree trou contaion; and a great Europan rush in sxpsoted for the.World's FuPaie Chicago. On the other band, the. grsab agricul tarai depression lu Gmet Brltain and other Etiopoan centres. togtethr ulti 'the agitation over Home Ruie lu Ireland wiilundoubtedy encourage omigratlon. Wer itnotforth dresd of choiera, Ca. nada should csrtaluly ushe suergetio effort& t"symarbtosocure a gpeut portion of the emiçiatlon ot Britiuh uni Nortibern. lmuroen intendlng Memi4atu  vigoous Fa atfaImmigraton poiioy il what Canaa now requinsi. lJRDSIT 0518TIB.A' On Mondal lut lndauy canisi a bonus o!f MO f or ths Canaian Pacifie Ratlvy tothis town. The roai wufpro. bébly run trou Burkcton, viii traverse mla nd Verulustoe obcaygen. Hovever, once completed tW Lindsay the -lc vii cirtaluy hi tuken as part cf 6". greai ibrougi route finum Torenho, Suapenalon Bridge and Nov York Wteth. Paellai, via Sudbury. The next, agitation,MfndaetfVictoria oui Uniuy viii ho, tie extension oethCe lino front Lindsay to Sudbury. Thst vii muke ths junotîon lu Cartwright a veny important contre, bhmuslulng bh al nIci townaip and Dolingion. North Miniers and Opa vii lao roup rh ir.- tuins trou the compsilon 0o! ho lise te Linday. O! courasea&U ibis de ponds ou ths contruotion etfithe roui We Lmdoiy. Howvvr, Llndsay havig et a gnod ex- ample, Ope Munvins mué Carbrlgit as vell, es Venalam mandBoboaygeon ii surely folow suat sud not imponil the great deielopmeni ot lhs inte district. The By-law tram Lindsay ia a h.ip; but ht by no mia. guarantses thse ompietîon et tbm ine. Tii. turmena af 0po, Venu- lau, Manver anad Cartwuigt know the vaue mach a road vouli ho te hou, snd vc hvi confisence vill do hili daiy. The monthly meeting oi the Boad o Dleo. SoreutiU beitbisAindaévilas8p. tor the tnamumofairéguler bantâtes. Ta@ ladies oualîtes mot os Monder &4 à.80 p.. A ambes otaeumembêts bave beu nestied. Thé moule meeting lit Scsiay vwu ai. énesuby Ry Lv E ohiea vwhs spokesnu &41ii.gopel mvfttmm...Evil dellee amoCher addés e ut ummy t &4.18 e h tapis "'The nasllai vWevofmtsie,"Al mei nse ooWnéliitevsd te tbt. suiteos. 1C9l ie tpesesithai Kw. W.. Hloums. 11.A. ToisaIslulailbtr" etthe Onail Logielaume vii dahueroa.lecue aTensay, MohId ct, mm. h.auiet theoI. 1.. C.A , o« Pna.). al- = - -etofutemt 1 Canadise& Thiesho"I vo i h b luesgMdi .deity progsltiiheue Thoravua lvily edmehe a imoitumof *bm ooagswo. m fh Pabial. Prsbytesl. an Cbureh odihlmi vek te décide os a »w minus te foh. Aurai. la iii houréman, hers ibietma féraes uetiig t r e 1"3 ia vus d"M#sah* 11=,l une by o» *e *5vm.1 OnIe d« bti» i"utd a~ thiens« M -qesit h 94 d p lk «« m e«M ho de la hés- yW emc W ri, b u m ual f11 oUrlaib b asas mejoriin C"Vi tu iVi, thesumamaorfyel*ég-ttTh@ iouovlsg àla e amies utisiospalti - Fée Wàns. D.NO. 1i.... 0. i 44* ..... 74 17 SODTE VAu». DIV. No.l1 ..... te U~* 9 8 No= w&lo. Div. No. 1 ... 1 28 ..... l 87 374 208 Nuertyoby.lav ...Il floua. of (lOMMOu, Omewa. Tb@ wook bbanssvsy quiet. A hobbym oM Wotnay lulameuery et smuebloomiag- salt. eopu Mstil t hé h.unau e let, uhataverar atuas sM lokh buisou 1bnraiu, but aàmlta lnai op"frntt Hon.John agant x2 Of rmliaysaMd e.iak%, ontibmBudge; MdIii lie a l 1usld iluthsetUmm Trio speeoh et Mr. Haggaui vua rtaieil tue moui iualm S h boum sur p. 1,1k. ti hhe tro hat orihy géatieumas. ne bua ls oommaadts fiZe aldmars sivI romdmibue vathal asermota bsugh u sud Ina"sy ai. Usvoies le rolag but bi$ xuoUu te edibet No lmN. lu t t esh. tasea hlm a Msiroi dCartwright. pur %bai amrhs ousadm siBr 2w"arlove!1oa WhoaU polaienlovesair Mllbard 1 la .. qumi. hemororn, and she an g e, Clo -seabrou mii a oumgHom. Un. Haggint revies Sir ,lWeho sutism ofm by soue disa onquestions et mumma.ise abc» o us ot laomeas, poeoUly a d -resue sbould b. look"b rin ts h.populo"tthu1ee oldsrprovinces; ietro auionsetstbe kblgbt of %1»biseu*,' la1881, at vus shoun balth.. islarsé the sysisu uaw ih hhtha" esu èèa ru g ina ahe.à t orerm ame laCmaadamicht be osuteiea v et bomc. This Um., 1891. thas limite voesavodi and a tinen. mslo! thes aoeuali living la Ceioda veu tes. The roustI osur"se t Cshobwmaih lmesimsrsau thi Woald hvbaonh..ldoaiui bai t»s clé and Impropes ulon bes'oa etd. Th. saving if about Chus. quarter. ofia uilisaonsqly la ebe Managmnt et the lutercoionui el P lvw as explatned, brUrM. lhgoort. iMd gresty Impreessi dmcHos. lndesi ho stads te-day ai the heu ci a stromat liméiate tollng la dh. Reus. Hms. Kr. Poster. aud h. oak asthéo Ira lieuats of eObiJohn Thouapeo. kw gganl' speschecîtaumaimouiaad valtable data. son. ân. Dii repliai te Kn. PattersS mf Brant,aie li rt budgetspeech a aminie- ternw aa veny vo~[rth ort. 19vasthr oughly Cmemiin 4 oyaltat1 Urs.mla *toquât iignsg beho ingué e. onthe gumuti aCI developuaue miof aaaNorth WeSt, cave stitisilceilllistratlng hie ï%fasnd miio oiudod a mastenly efrt amid tibm appléu csif the H[ouis, mma.Notbup, teeéloquent and bond. some young member rou Elut ilmage, and Bennett. lb. o sîhlmg déoîter trou Ktaimi. 'te. hope and idol aofaMTvenueglad"eslu (Jttaa ad oher parts et Cueda, for h. làas bacholor, ostinvi ahe débatseon ftlMoy. Eth maie tslllng pooitsudmm reve bu. vlth te)inlg effiet Ibeingr "ute.Th.y vèe oommtalihd sai aides. Mnasy Major R. IL MoLemau if(liée.. gér* vie vua ommmor&a iverslalest ues k's Wànmaa tosibia mimai on thé Budget aMi ioe moow a [voortvel thai bushvo bai gon» t.ah. ev Lglsié mStatus vers la duoui tbithe s hemmmtonlsa. Ou&" aboli enourage more fatoa u iii bistn. tain ber uniSais Tho. timers lemvimg home ver mouver, rlgitlitl atignlahe Norti Mn. Onit of lest Durhamos peke on ibo Budget mmd vas highly osuplirneà ieO l Do-e of atsJsg~auO. Dr. Ioa e oit, Wla. Saiitof Boati 0*" a dm a sersi othere seutsusi the deboteslb tov miautes lu the. HuP&mus. A.a aeatg &v, but .14 se mai, h. sasibu de* voeie l aimes teparseamat. M douê» tels sesios, ga Neéhum o .te 1er uaustue *shes giamue-t907svsls DUitY sP -I Otave Ju.Dal iy 1 vSmea Md ee Curtia von lanrula. Ou Priday aigu e.minq home b.avu. lit vwu Our pesuste bd theb L 0. G. T.-At the regular meetingof thla order, on the l7th h wus decdd to hold aKpbllc- entertaintuent on Friday vlt6d tW attend. 'd u ~ orilyli àNNIvmRsÂRT EmviCES-The anfrer. mayserMvice. ln conn4ion wlth the meèthodiat church of thi, place were held on Sund"y ISth lmt. Rov. Mr. MoJumu of Fenelon Falla preached ln lthe mornlng and Rev. 1Mr. Snowrdon o! Bobesygeon in the. eveuing tolargeandattentivecongrega- tions. AcoznnM.-Wea undertand that our friend 1fr. John Gow met with au ac- cident whlch reaulted in lnuruy tW bis ankies, tins preveutlng hlm front walking for smre, time ws hope, howeverthit 1fr. Gow muy have a speedy recovery. PEnsoW?ç.-1r. Robt. Thurston la home fromn the North Weuit visiting -bis relatives and Menéso. He bobshale and hearty showhng8uth" theN. W. climat. agrees wlth hulm......fr. John P. Hay of Emily %Met SUnday at home. He report* hie sehool increasinig t th usual average ogain ufier the. Dlthorta sa.. Tana toua bu bom qalet flite. but aise th ibmulbtlassbs s ua» svny thisg te a boucsmore* M2e . "a d:oBm' lo tb"k Marsbus b.. Mey lame for uetIsbut undir e.motll trestmeiof Dr. limeiser ibMljoeameSsm X& W.Shiuda ubo kesPé thl lr emporiumnn siM f amoibsi dey 1ke sitariy omms h 1havsseue teo UM @Isk. Go *hond William glad te fImif&a Ur. Ranlthe ropiof tefleming propired tte ut N.l1Iouruitbasy ml tht aide of Téremti. Xm. Tbom",aousur ««W aalbtoher, bas bom doinggà nuabiug busu &Inesltl. mai sale If tht, v.vhr oboneuuabvtlMt looeany meat vlthfilw& Tzin limé kilo bau once monsstar teom Md te .propuiston la Dow abls to uppITly i ondure promptly andmi a"hep e.my ln Ch@ marbe EN'rnTÂIUwsmn.- Boti prgrammes af ihe contuat wvuns al u redsandiatteadié b? thé ttm hees a i nyo! teeh.pnaa.AU vers Unma us te the diollonsaIl Cak&H lmg part did vol>. Upo. reeouil MnSoua.d' suggeation ChaC It wouid bue vii to put te. besut f tâtt programma. together mnd glas san emtetnenet i sc f tMraMark sud thèeby show Chst no uakiniy feelicg exlted besusen te.oosteaéle artitesast vuil gimg tlb.. anoppbntumtvta do good, tmli bemnlly umpodend mi sthé ooteasvu, soi" .4Pridsi, aftermu, iteaUi evécog th" gave au extesilent penaume vbhcb wusWOU atudeds by parecte, tumsu s ato risss. The tint for begoiona btg arrised Mr. H. J. Lytîs, after isieninua ma#ut pb preuléei ais têh. messin«. Tb* kiadirgamIe. ONNe Che proerbe, obirie, dialouas, reoltatioas. tablueux, soage. ett, qerttu Md mines Celé cs th. pregracme um inss lex. cellance. hotuha a lidtlooeand4la »miutig. d t » weh it w«14; po«oma able mmeonlu ubisi nât4 isuon but »m, *Mh tmort, -Qvig4te e te uh.i la ibe Mai in &abo.rat..Tkh mortoq te hie tuesaÀs dWmo* auvet c! omabre .....Mn3ams" Bok ihn tmoi- à«g IeAb mew houemie ueWle,.. 8. Chmbomtes moving te sur vùlag e.e viiiét &M aub oit",lue PIMAa. U lus -iaUtemou m py aig '1* %0 lot Timelon.il Mu4 s *,Le Hai am *u ei mtehbugleme te elâtne ia MWIO, Pd* Omr0r.ya iila t. iae boa&, en in àC *lbw m 1 bel, We av ISUN 11»ia drive ln BteamMa1 for pifows and Lokat our Window of these Goode. 38, inches wide for only 20e a yards W. are showiganu ubloached Cotton st 7c., wbih o mnot b. surpassed for eveness of of thread and smoothnoes of finish. Speojal Drives ini Ootfonades at 20c. W. claim our 8, 10 and 12o. Shirtings cannot b.exeld Lindsay's Leader of Low Cash Priceis Dry Goods noms. E.E. w McGafley. The. peopl.'s popular 4 and 5 gaug. X Ont Saw again te the. front. W. have a larger stock than ever of Uic.. saws; oey one wumrated; alco Bau Jointers, Saw Sets, guage aMd FIMes.À gmt varnety of Axes and Helves. Buglish and American Cow Chains. Washing Machine. and Wriageum ÂfeU stock of Builde an ad larme,.' hardware at c~rwc~crn Humo Leu. upd at hvtW .esboN u .dmy ciauaboebt $hWles eptum«. Terneou piaUs ibiuAà«. U*h U-9 laiIutho newslotsh ltakag tOplaeethd.., ~'wcooklng bftter,'e- . c4hrsud luesaly-' dwby anyone. AALL GROCERS. -« unu anmd Anmte, GANASIÂN PAO WIO BAJLWAY. ~h~e md Ouatas Mutai... Oppasit. Peut Offios. lent Street. Li.Lsap~ What Kind of Writing Paper do YOU like P W'rnld you objeot to p'aying 5c. a quire for lova- ly Writing Paper Or 3c. for 5c. Lead Penoils. Watchmak-er.,Jewelona, md deaerain Fancy Goodla and Toya, 45 Kent Street, Linduy. ihat's what we sell them for. Zizi o, GeoDAà PROF. DORENWEND, The wli.knovs amu rolialîe manufactura o! Lad' su d Gat's BHd Gooda wil b. a; Lindaay, Senson House, on Thunday, Maroh 2ad, 1893, vlth a Sempios tokecf Ladie'su d Gante' Wig% Toupoe, B4ngu, Waves, Suitches, ete. Theaeok b mtiry nom, sud manufsued apocaliy for thoeomaon'a trade. At Lindsay, Benson House, on Thursday, Marcb 2nd. floosier Steel Frame Grain-Dru« 1%«e-e »more mer Drile et our manufacture in une m Cam"& Iba et ail otiier lritde combaneil. eare Fil Teeth tae liefl Drul mail. o ept &ofet Honslu kinds et soi]. TU13 OXLY itbomSuh eluipment o! our faclcry with the latest bllr i noeaeed Output ema 1-8 ns to offor theb .1~ ~~~a ou uirr prices bower than ever b.4àre aui Imma agonis uhrcugheut thie coustry, o odt ub 0'GcO. 'V D . IaGE RSOL L. ON T. Wardor.- I t SPEUWJIUN ~ OftASE WATC#EIp .4 3- --q oppwt* Pont Ufflol% lent Otreet. und"F. c:ý GoDe :J>.ý . F15) Z-M XT ci- Z-Z «ÊX INT db Thè

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