2! PLE. rdeoi ded on. Yebruarr lu me month o01~ j p Gub al spring.ts %4do oer 18bu has aSrWtbn av. priceof wheat "an d it wheat goPu1odwr -wgo e for 1893- and stwar ont to olear off the siate for er. Go *ughs hsve out~ their prides to meeLt the low Inot be undersold by tohe fariner or see the farmer - - - ~ ~ - ~ ~ M ~ am- nký do - - ý & . - A - OLEARINO . UP TML WFQUIS ruu<thbPKINU. MSk Taklng JA over. A lot of odd Iotas remmn The msog.Guh il lotgvehmaa t la.Crei n run thirmnUhthe co nosodueyouroprufy OLOTHIGI ~IBOATS, OYS' BITStrDEROLOHING, ÂTS &CAPS, are al lnoludedinhegerlarfce &M3OIÂTED STORME 5...Peboto. OÈz18 3t*6Bsleve, 1anfra oronto, 3»SG G3ooc(3cEIIE8R081 KENT STREETs LINDSAY@ irlui. - h- .A Vtoa Et. uph . i. " i Vaau bl hEuo . w.maltht .5E Metade# est i uy-M vo. ff &Ï. o.mxiqPMU is.. im«CE. Mdu t.,.lai O.'e.F 16é., awM V" théam hm ~mum et thlatHe l"lie iay.,.fiam mt la thé Qum..aBtmoi»,e Omuieof8 m W. ;. omi loiué on=e I$àmtMv N«. Amui I .~ ~O i fgai"1 i, goin-um fâ. duo **fatal ffube5 e..t'lw......,..m. t a. h, mu**e~~#4 UIIC-I ......... ........ ... p... ~ SS,..f = M meis jouwj®r 1 D'ami adlim L ITTLU 3mTAIZÇ. have DOMINIONI DOHERTY .-XRRTi(r.W iw A & Coli TTA1M LIN ORQÂNS on hand, ad wiii 891 them fi=m 10 to 15 ver ceint. leu', according to quality, a. ay other afflh or dealer in LÀiday or Ooanty -of Victoria; aleo, auy aiake od Piano, Oa"dan or &merican. 'These ame facta." W« W. LOGAN, '(We"eafl etLidsayoont* P. S.-Kindly contTBst the above with the lies and effluvia an k4g tron the foui moutha cf unécrupuloum agents. *SA P.ma zb -J rtb. ~by k.. Ps' -L Niai Par Iots1 ad4, wed ci Aibut omt ie~ndmy, mttatug al» i.m b. Obe etd âcl 1r à t«M14"a aw to Jons DOUGLAI, ApdI I27,lUM.-SO-If Oonatbl. Port Bop&. AN j 11W TO AITAIN IT. E 0 A Xedical Work tbat Tells the Causes, S Describes the Xffects, Points the Remedy. jS,ýent ficall the most vaiable . nrtist!rralb - most leautiful medical book ever published;: ?9 pýages, everypage bearing ahaif-tone iIUston: j Nervous Débiflty, limpote±tcy, . terility, Develoifment, :Vaticoceéle, The Huaband, j ?oe Itending Karriage, etc. : jEv" ~man ebo wruld lcnow the Grand Tiiiis' 'the PMain Farzs, the OldSecrets and Nevp Di-' : et-es cf Medical Science as applied to Mr~ :Lfwho would atone for p.st fo ies and. aodfuttnre ptfall, shotild write for t.3: :Wo?,()DERF LLITTLEiBOOK~. j It wiIl be sent retdrel hl h doi -lam itsddress the pubIlshers, ERIE MEDICAL CO., Bfao ., - Pk'51&able as creaui. 1.z.'Yiu taste like others. In big bottSs ro0o. and 81.00. 'Y F *' ' O v am m O BI e s e j' s *1 *1 'J .3 v f 4 A t'>, I i 1